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OBAMA'S RACIST REGIME--"IF YOU'RE WHITE, YOU CAN'T BE RIGHT!" It's commonplace for any incident involving friction between a black person and a white person to be ascribed to racism; almost invariably, white racism. Why the obvious reluctance of the major media to characterize the actions of Obama's justice department, under ultra-leftist Eric Holder, as racist in the case involving voter intimidation in Philadelphia in the 2008 election? If memories need refreshing, three black thugs calling themselves "The New Black Panthers" -- two of them sporting the fashionable made-up Arab names -- stationed themselves outside a polling place armed with clubs and threatening white voters who tried to enter and vote. One was quoted as telling whites, "Now you're under the rule--RULE!--of a black man." Holder has made it a point to suppress any action against the goons on grounds that a skeptical person might find questionable--and blatantly racist. Welcome to the Pennsylvania Chapter of Zimbabwe in America. * * * * * Is this called "preemptive surrender"? The silliest of a battalion of silly Obama cabinet appointees, the laughable Janet Napolitano of the Department of Homeland Security, now tells us our southern border CAN'T be secured against illegal alien traffic. Did anyone ever tell this political hack that securing the border IS her job? * * * * * Recurring question: Among the many showbiz admirers of the murderous Castro brothers and the crackpot dictator Chavez in Venezuela, how come we've yet to hear from even one who's chosen to move to either Communist paradise and live under a regime they so admire? * * * * * The endless whoring for votes by supporting lawbreaking illegal aliens goes on, with Obama holding talks with the Congressional Hispanic Caucus. Ten years ago I found myself seated on a flight next to former senator Alan Simpson of Wyoming. As a senator, he had been co-sponsor of the 1986 Simpson-Mazzoli Act, the original attempt at so-called "immigration reform", which provided a "pathway" to citizenship for folk here illegally. At the same time, it was to be accompanied by strict border control to stop the flood of illegals. You know how it came out. Amnesty granted to illegals already here brought even more with the same expectations, and the border controls touted in the act were never effectively enforced. To summarize, Sen. Simpson said, "That was the single stupidest thing I ever did." But not only did Bush #2 want to try it again, so did John McCain--until he felt the heat in the current race to retain his senate seat. Republicans, both, too stupid to learn. And, of course, nobody should be surprised that Obama and his..."progressives"...are still pushing it. THE OBAMA SCOREBOARD Unemployment up...the stock market is dying...out-of-control government spending runs our debt to insane levels. Hey, Big O! The "blame it on Bush" mantra is losing steam. Isn't it about time to blame it on Herbert Hoover? * * * * * Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan supports so-called "partial birth" abortion. Let's at least call it what it is: the murder of a baby as it is being born. * * * * * Wonder if Larry King's pension will be sufficient to pay back all the people he ripped-off years ago in Miami? * * * * * Following the trial of former Illinois governor Blagojevich, including the testimony about the wheeling and dealing between Blago and Obama? Typical Chicago politics...the same sewer that coughed-up a president for the nation's gullible. * * * * * A Rabbi David Nesenoff, liberal supporter of Obama, says he's rethinking that position as he's come to realize that Obama's support for the very existence of Israel is...questionable. One wonders if this man never listened to Obama's litany of love and support for Islam, which is synonymous with ill will toward Israel. Rabbi, what did you expect? * * * * * What does it say about the so-called "mainstream" media that they hasten to disparage reporting by the National Enquirer on the Al Gore story? Could their vituperation be linked to the fact that the Enquirer broke the sex scandal stories on the ol' Hillbilly Whorehopper, Billy Jeff Clinton, and John Edwards' Big Secret? After all, the major media people regard the protection of Democrat politicians as a major responsibility. * * * * * Joke headline of the day: "Family spokesman says the Gores welcome the new investigation" into sex crime allegations against Big Al. More names to surface, now that his cover has been broken? * * * * * If, as reported, a VA hospital has exposed more than 1800 veterans to potentially life-threatening infections, shouldn't an example be made of the incompetent fools who created this nightmare? * * * * * Question for Tiger? Was it worth it? OBAMA: "AMERICA FOR....ILLEGAL ALIENS!" Our anti-American president is once again rabble-rousing for Latino votes by pitching for "comprehensive immigration reform", which means "let's reward criminal border-crossers by giving them citizenship." He's finding it impossible to acquire Republican support. With an election staring him in the face, even the biggest Republican RINO sellout in congress, Senator John McCain, refuses to climb aboard this time. * * * * * Meantime...in
news from the sewer called Mexico...a drug-gang shootout only twelve
miles from the Arizona border left twenty-one people dead and others
wounded. And our president plants his lips on the posterior of the
president of the country where this goes on and takes his advice on
border control issues! Serious people have to ask: CAN this nation
survive this (choose: "malignant" or "stupid")
occupant of the White House? Further, can the remnants of the
Republican Party survive the flaccid leadership now at its helm?
Boehner or McConnell as the inspiring party figureheads? Puh-leeeze!! *
* * * *
Nancy Pelosi says issuing more unemployment checks is the fastest way to create jobs??!! Those contending for the title "Dumbest Person in America" must face the reality that the title now rests in perpetuity with the Speaker of the House. Time to repeat Mantra #1, "We live in a land run by morons" and Mantra #2, "This nation may be too stupid to survive." I submit that the election and re-election and re-election.... of a Nancy Pelosi supports the latter argument. * * * * * The Chicago mayor at the head of the long-running Daley Machine, the most corrupt big-city political operation in a country full of such criminal enterprises, is into more anti-gun posturing. Mayor Daley, who sees the U. S. Supreme Court's certain overturn of Chicago's harsh and unconstitutional so-called "gun control" law is now retreating to his next holdout redoubt. His latest proposal would prohibit a gun-owning homeowner from so much as stepping outside his front door--onto his own porch--with a handgun. Apparently Mayor Daley has never looked at the murder and shooting statistics in his city during the 28 years it has had one of the most restrictive gun ownership laws in the nation. He's also evidently never figured out that the people most likely to use a gun for non-defensive purposes are the people least likely to be impressed by his silly laws. * * * * * Suggested mental exercise: #1...Look at the federal government's handling of the oil spill (non)-cleanup. #2... Imagine this bunch of bunglers running your health care. * * * * * Can anyone take seriously the MSNBC promotional line that Joe Scarborough is their in-house voice of conservatism? Only by comparison to the blonde Obama propagandist seated next to him. SECOND THOUGHTS FOR THE FOURTH The longer we wait to deal firmly with the crazies of the Islamic world, the higher the price will be. History has taught this lesson over and over, yet our "leaders" never seem to learn it. * * * * * So now we're considering awarding medals to military people who DON'T shoot? And we have commercials promoting the U.S. Navy as a "Force for Good"? Somehow, I suspect enemies are more deferential to the informal U.S. Marines' slogan, "We kill people and break things." * * * * * Again we ask: Considering the obviously incompetent, stumblebum way the Obamunists have handled the Gulf oil spill, what kind of fool would want these dopes in charge of his health care? * * * * * Let's say it together. Republican Party Chairman Michael Steele, whose latest foolish comment on Afghanistan is yet another embarrassment, is a moron. He looks more and more like an equal-opportunity hire, and we know how that works. You hire him, but you can't fire him. * * * * * This tells you all you need to know about the mentality--and morality--of too many power-greedy politicians. Speaking in tribute to the late Senator Robert Byrd, Bill Clinton said Byrd had a "fleeting association" with the Ku Klux Klan, and it was--get THIS!--entirely justifiable because, after all, he just wanted to get elected to office! That "fleeting association" enabled Byrd to get elected Kleagle (chief recruiter) and Exalted Cyclops, the leader of a chapter of the KKK. And, as the liberal Washington Post reported five years ago, Byrd collected $10 from every new member, and got a $3 cut from the sale of each robe and hood. But...he got elected! And to the Clintons of the world, that's all that matters. * * * * * The San Francisco Bay Area, which demonstrably harbors more traitors per square mile than any other metropolitan area in the nation, is once again an embarrassment. CalTrans, which runs what is laughably called the state of California's transportation "system", chose to celebrate the 4th of July by painting over a U.S. flag mural on I-680. At what point do administrative hacks who do such things (A) lose their jobs and (B) their pensions? * * * * * The provenance of the following is uncertain. The wisdom is not. Call it "Words to Live By". "The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency . It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama, who is, after all, merely a fool. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." OUR LATEST NATIONAL EMBARRASSMENT... ...thanks to America's so-called "educators". Please--let's hear the largest collection of leeches on the public treasury, the teachers, explain how they have no responsibility whatsoever for the following: The respected Marist poll finds that 26 percent of Americans don't know from which nation the United States declared its independence. That's more than one-in-four, for the mathematically challenged. The 26 percent includes 6 percent that don't know the United States fought any war of independence at all. Other respondents to the poll of over a thousand adult Americans across the nation gave such answers as France, China, Mexico, Spain and Japan, (Usual meaningless disclaimer: there are good teachers, blah, blah, blah...) We must ask again: is this nation too stupid to survive? Assuming readers of this screed know their history, we won't bother to reveal the piece of the American heritage that occasioned the poll. * * * * * American leftists, starting with the showbiz Fan Club for Dictators, apparently think armed robbery undertaken in leftist revolutionary guise is acceptable. Otherwise, why no complaints about Venezuela seizing American-owned oil drilling rigs that have worked for years under contract to that country? And you will note that the Obama administration has been utterly quiet about this law-breaking behavior. But...is anyone surprised? After all, as a Marxist Saul Alinsky acolyte, wouldn't we expect the Big O to be sympathetic to a communist dictator? * * * * * Legal note. A shrewd friend suggested a few years ago that a future profitable legal practice would be in the field of lesbian/gay domestic relations. After all, why wouldn't it be expected that many legalized gay marriages or domestic partner arrangements would collapse, with attendant financial disagreements? The latest showbiz breakup between singer/songwriter Melissa Etheridge and her erstwhile partner, Tammy Michaels, seems likely to prompt a legal confrontation, especially since Tammy had been artificially inseminated so they could have children--twins. And Tammy expresses bitterness that, like many a celebrity "spouse", she learned that their twosome was no longer coosome via the media. * * * * * Reminder. As of January, 2012, eighteen months away, you will no longer be able to buy the incandescent light bulbs you've used all your life. If you want to avoid the headache-inducing (in many people) fluorescent bulbs, the CFLs, stock up on incandescents NOW. Many stores and chains have already stopped selling them. Many others have put them on sale--cheap--so take advantage of the bargains and load up. A further reminder: this piece of stupidity was imposed upon us not by Obama, but by George W. Bush, who signed the legislation mandating CFLs. * * * * * Further, the fool Michael Steele, Republican Party Chairman, lies when he suggests that the Big Zero started the war in Afghanistan. That venture was begun by... George W. Bush. Bush campaigned originally by stating that the U.S. would be foolish to get involved in "nation building". He then proceeded to get us into Iraq (a good thing, if we'd simply overthrown Saddam Hussein and gotten the hell out) and then got us into the very kind of "nation-building" there that he'd ridiculed, the longterm outcome of which still remains very much in doubt. And it was Bush who got us into Afghanistan, a collection of tribal areas more than a nation, which no western power NOR Russia has ever conquered. If the Afghanistan war was and is stupid, as many of us have concluded, it belongs on Bush's resume. AFTER THE FIREWORKS AND FEASTING After celebrating the 4th and American values, does it not make you even more disgusted to consider the patently anti-American administration voters have foolishly put in charge of our government? What could have occasioned such suicidal stupidity other than an utter failure to educate successive generations of young Americans. One isolated example: an east-coast school system has decided to abandon the recitation of the pledge of allegiance at the beginning of the school day because--get THIS!--too many TEACHERS object to leading the pledge or reciting it, themselves. * * * * * Here's Democrat economics at work. The State of Illinois, effectively run by the Daley/Chicago machine that produced the incompetent occupant of the White House, has been so economically mismanaged it is now unable to pay its bills. Just...stopped...paying. And the legislature just...walked away. Went home. Take a look at your future under Obama, America! As the old joke goes, these people couldn't organize a one-car funeral. * * * * * Regarding Afghanistan, Gen. Petraeus says we're in it to win it. One question: win WHAT? What does victory look like in one of the most backward places on earth? Is it supposed to prevent some hate-crazed Muslim from bringing some sort of weapon of mass destruction (a term that doesn't necessarily mean nukes) across the Mexican border? Really? How? While it's vital once in a war to win it, it's also vital not to get into a war in the first place unless you know what you're trying to accomplish. The announced goal of trying to install a western-style democracy in some hell-hole may not be worth pursuing at the price of thousands more dead young Americans. I'll apologize for that view after I see a government more efficient and less corrupt than our own established in Kabul. * * * * * Even if, like most Americans, you couldn't care less about the sport, given his behavior before and during the World Cup soccer matches, wasn't it sheer pleasure to watch Argentina coach Diego Maradona get a total butt-kicking by Germany? * * * * * Byron York of the Washington Examiner reports that NASA administrator Charles Bolden says President Obama has ordered him to pursue three new objectives: to “re-inspire children” to study science and math, to “expand our international relationships,” and to “reach out to the Muslim world.” Let's see... NASA, our space program, is to "reach out to the Muslim world"? Help them build better rockets? For WHAT??? * * * * * * * * * * About the APRIL CRUISE... While it seems a long time away, you should be aware that, unlike the abundant Mexico/Alaska/Caribbean cruises in this hemisphere which draw a primarily U.S. and Canadian clientele. the Mediterranean cruises attract many Europeans. The practical result is...they sell out earlier. So if you want to assure yourself of a place on our annual cruise, better to act sooner than later by calling Jackie Vercelli at Holiday Travel, 650-342-7292. We'll be sailing on the brand new (just launched!) Holland America Nieuw Amsterdam IV out of Barcelona. The twelve-day cruise includes port calls at Monaco, three in Italy, three in Greece, plus Dubrovnik and ending in Venice. A survey of our previous cruisemates clearly indicated this was their preference, so... here it is! OBAMANOMICS AT WORK The latest on jobs is... they're so scarce, more than 600,000 Americans have quit trying to find work. By the absurd formula dreamed-up in government bureaucracy rat's nests, those unfortunates are removed--yes, removed!-- from the unemployment statistics. The result is Obama spokesparrots cheerfully announcing IMPROVED unemployment numbers. * * * * * An American geologist has been sentenced to prison by China on trumped-up espionage charges. The government of the People's Republic has ignored pleas on his behalf by Obama...as Iran ignored his pleas regarding the (stupid) Americans who went hiking along the Iranian border and were imprisoned...as Iran has repeatedly ignored his plaintive pleas about their nuclear program...as Russia has ignored his butt-kissing in their renewed aggression against its neighbors. Is Obama truly too stupid to realize that there are--and always have been--bullies who respond only to the threat, or even use, of the steel fist in the iron glove? But again, we wouldn't expect him to be harsh with his communist friends, would we? * * * * * More gullible westerners in the news. That's the western world, not the western U.S. The murderous Muslim who plotted the blowing-up of a Pan-Am jumbo jet over Lockerbie, Scotland, in 1988 killing 270 people was released from prison in Scotland last year because the Scots naively believed the doctor who said the terrorist would die from cancer within three months of his release. Ooops! Turns out his life expectancy now is...ten years or more. And they're laughing in Libya, where he now leads a pleasant life in his native land, as well as throughout the terror-supporting Muslim world. * * * * * Australia's Nine (TV) Network reports that a spokesman for international Islamist group Hizb Ut-Tahrir has said democracy is an illusion and that the government is forcing moderate Islam on Australian Muslims. Uthman Badar told the Australian TODAY show the illusion of secular democracy "short-sold the people". When Muslims, themselves, tell us the idea of "moderate" Islam is delusional nonsense, why should we find it so hard to believe? * * * * * Going up! Postal rates, yet again. One wonders what might happen if, say, a Fed-Ex manager were put in charge of the Postal Service for a couple of years, freed from as much government gobbledygook as possible. * * * * * Janet Napolitano is head of the Department of Homeland Security. Would you be comfortable depending upon her to protect you from an annoyed bunny? By the way, Obama says the (Mexican) border is more secure than ever because -- get THIS! -- we're now searching all freight trains headed...SOUTH!! * * * * * Language reminder. "Progressive" is the newly-recycled label chosen by the left, but it is just old wine in new bottles and means the same as always. Take from the productive and give to the slackers. ...and from the e-mail, a reminder of the need to point out that "expatriate" is not the same as "ex-patriot". There are plenty of Americans living and/or working abroad who are as patriotic as any American here. * * * * * My friend London Dave sends along this reminder of a passage of history that is...disheartening. He writes: Last week I walked past a local war memorial, and I couldn't help noticing the two dates inscribed on twin pillars... 1914-1918 ...and... 1939-1945.
That was it. Nothing else. Of course, it was erected at a time when no other explanation was needed for anyone alive. As we approach the start of the tenth year that US and "NATO" (i.e. mainly UK) troops have been in Afghanistan, the length is too apt not to note. 10 years. * * * * * Making the internet rounds...the report that the goalie for the defeated Nigerian team in World Cup soccer play has offered to refund all the money spent by his countrymen to attend the games in South Africa. All he needs is your bank account number and PIN. COMMON SENSE AND (immodestly) WISDOM Note to effete easterners: shut up and stop whining about the heat! It's SUMMER! Eastern media scum: are you so ignorant you don't realize that every summer brings heat waves? Between crime, corruption, governors hooking up with whores and other assorted political incompetence, can you find nothing to report beyond some poor devil sweating and complaining? Go ahead... do it! Fry that egg on the sidewalk! Somewhere, there has to be a five-year-old who hasn't yet seen that tired TV cliche. Better yet, come to 'zona and bask with us on a pleasant 110-degree day! Of course, it IS a...DRY heat... * * * * * Question for Democrats. How did Gen. David Petraeus rise from his ridiculed role--by you--as "General Betrayus" to leading man to save Obama's bacon in Afghanistan? Do we detect a whiff of typical liberal hypocrisy in the air? * * * * * Sen. John McCain is trying to straddle the illegal alien issue to a point where he's in danger of self-castration. He wants illegals--SOME illegals--deported...but-but-but... Typical McCain. The obvious fact is, the difficulty of deporting millions of border-jumpers is a smokescreen thrown up by people who want NO action. Only two actions are necessary to end illegal immigration. Number one, hard-hitting penalties for employers hiring illegals. A few serious jail sentences would stop most such hiring in its tracks. Number two, eliminate the other bait, which is government services. Stop all such services besides emergency medical care. Those two actions will lead to immediate self-deportation of illegals; no buses with bars on the windows will be needed. * * * * * I didn't realize until I ended a broadcasting career that included tens of thousands of interviews that it's largely become a lost art. The most egregious examples of incompetent interviewing seem to come on the morning TV shows, where it's routine for the...uh..."interviewer" to begin by telling the guest what he or she (the guest) has done, leaving the poor subject with little to say beyond, "That's right." Tip to aspiring young broadcasters: your job is to tell just enough about the guest to make listeners want to hear what the person has to say, BUT... let the guest tell the story. Otherwise, why is this person even on the program? The Fox News morning people, admirable in other areas, are absolutely the worst interviewers I have ever heard. * * * * * Herewith, a brief down-to-earth explanation of economic liberalism reduced to essentials. Once you cut thru the academic BS, it rests on the fantasy that you can create something out of nothing at no cost. Everything else is camouflage. INDIGNATION IS INSUFFICIENT The proposed building of a mosque (!) on the World Trade Center site is beyond absurd, destroyed as it was in the name of Allah. If we had a real president, instead of the Kenyan/Marxist/Muslim, one hopes this stupid idea would've been quashed when first mentioned. To Muslims the building of a mosque stakes a claim on any particular piece of territory. * * * * * A brief history lesson about unionized government workers. For many years, there was an understanding about government jobs versus similar or identical work in the private sector. It was understood that, job for job, the average private-industry worker would make a bit more money. The tradeoff was...the government worker enjoyed much greater job security. The Democrats' vote-buying scheme led them to promote the unionizing of government workers by awarding them both higher wages AND job security. The results were as predictable as they are now obvious. Those virtually untouchable government workers making far more, job-for-job, than the private sector workers whose taxes pay the salaries of the protected government employees. Thus we have governments at every level in financial trouble as a direct result of this politically-created imbalance. Try to redress this foolish state of affairs and you get...Greece. Government employees rioting in the streets, protesting the cutting of their goodies. Other countries face similar situations, because as every parent knows, there are few things harder than taking away candy already given a child. * * * * * Russia calling Sec. of State H. Clinton a liar? How's that re-set button working, Hillary? * * * * * Obama making nice with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. Wonder if this phony show put on by the Big Zero is mostly about fear that liberal American Jewish voters might finally be awakening to his real intentions? * * * * * An obscure news item says fans of "Twilight", the vampire series, turned out at a premiere of the new movie and registered to vote for Obama. Of course, a cynic might say they've already won, since we have a bloodsucker already in the White House. To anyone offended by that observation: thank you! Mission accomplished! * * * * * Note to effete easterners who've been complaining about the heat. Your weather is NOT universal. San Diego has been having record low temperatures. * * * * * Nominees for the title, "People we are Sickest of Hearing About": Lindsay Lohan...LeBron James. Now, if they'd only elope.... LIVE AND LEARN The gullible among lower-income taxpayers are about to get an education in Democrat deceit. After being repeatedly promised by Obama & Co. that tax increases would ONLY be imposed upon the evil rich, they face a reality check come January 1 because, among the many increased taxes, the largest increase percentage-wise will hit the lowest income tax bracket. That bracket goes up from 10% of taxable income to 15%--a fifty percent increase. This is called "an education purchased with the bitter coin of experience." * * * * * Marxism on the march, Obama style. Knowing that his chosen head of Medicare & Medicaid likely wouldn't survive scrutiny by the Senate, even though it's dominated by Democrats, Obama chose to use a devious device to appoint a Harvard leftist, Dr. Donald Berwick, to that post. In effect, it puts Berwick in the role of directing the health care of the largest component of the nation's recipients of that care. And what do we know about this latest appointee by the Dear Leader? We know that Berwick is on the record as saying that part of the plan is to "redistribute wealth" (anyone care for another injection of communism?), vastly admires the utterly failed British socialized medical system wherein people die waiting for care--sometimes in hospital parking lots--and, good leftist that he is, supports rationing of care so that government flunkies will decide whether you live or die. * * * * * The indispensable John Fund of the Wall Street Journal reports that former career Justice Department lawyer J. Christian Adams has further fleshed-out his charges of racist-guided policies in that department under Obama's left-wing Attorney General, Eric Holder. He testified before the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights that Associate Attorney General Thomas Perrelli, another Obama appointee, overruled a unanimous recommendation by six career Justice Department lawyers and thereby halted prosecution of those New Black Panthers who threatened white would-be voters at a polling place in Philadelphia. Mr. Adams also testified that AG Eric Holder's deputy, Julie Fernandes, said she wouldn't support any enforcement of a section of the federal "Motor Voter" law which requires states to periodically purge their voter rolls of dead people, felons, illegal voters and those who have moved out of state. She told department lawyers, "We're not interested in those kind of cases. What do they have to do with helping increase minority access and turnout?" * * * * * The end of an era. The car you either loved or hated passes into history. Yesterday, the last Chrysler PT Cruiser rolled off the assembly line. In Mexico. * * * * * The respected Pew Research poll finds that most voters over fifty support Republicans in November's congressional elections. Voters in their 30's and 40's are evenly split; those under 30 favor Democrats. It simply proves again that the longer you live--and observe how the real world works--your wisdom quotient is likely to increase. Or, as the greatest man of the twentieth century, Winston Churchill, put it, “If you're not a liberal at twenty you have no heart, if you're not a conservative at forty you have no brain.” * * * * * Democrats. Four months to go. Tick, tick, tick.... And Republicans: if your party can't win under the circumstances created by the most incompetent presidency in history and win sufficiently to reverse the foolishness committed by this despicable regime, you will richly deserve your place in history's junkyard. "HATE AMERICA" OBAMUNISM MARCHES ON Remember the San Francisco Bay Area's "Johnny Jihad"...John Walker Lindh...the American Taliban? His attorney, Tony West, who also represented terrorists at Guantanamo Bay prison, is now the Justice Department attorney in charge of pursuing the Obamunists' lawsuit against Arizona over the federal government's unwillingness to enforce its own illegal immigration laws. Rasmussen survey says...only 28% of Americans support Obama's action in the case. Having this bunch of thugs and traitors in Washington is the equivalent of letting the Al Capone gang run Chicago--an analogy they should understand, since Chi-town was the spawning ground for this administration. * * * * * One of media's leading apologists for the Dear Leader, Fareed Zakaria of Newsweek, now broken-heartedly reports that his conversations with several corporate executives, most of whom voted for Obama, he now finds that they all think that, deep down, the Big O is anti-business. Really? They supported him, showered him with campaign funds, and NOW they figure it out? What's a polite way of saying "stupid whores"? * * * * * General Petraeus making a speech to a meeting of media biggies at Sun Valley, Idaho? Excuse me, general, but don't you have a war to fight in Afghanistan? What have you to say to the vultures who gather annually to find new ways to debase the products spoon-fed to a gullible public in print, over the air and on cable? * * * * * This should be a required pledge from every Republican running for congress: "If elected, I will do everything in my power to make sure that not one Obama appointee is allowed to continue in office." If a candidate is unwilling to do that, he/she is a RINO not to be trusted. * * * * * Why does Obama still have the support of an overwhelming majority of black folks? Simple. Just think back to the O. J. Simpson trial jury, recall all the evidence that he did it, then recall the outcome. Reality had no chance against racial loyalty. I recall watching the verdict announcement in a conference room full of employees at ABC in San Francisco. Before the verdict was announced, a company executive called for a show of hands: "Who thinks he'll be found guilty...and who thinks the verdict will be 'not guilty'?" Mine was the only hand raised for the latter outcome. Aghast fellow employees asked, "Why?" "Simple," I said. "I just looked at the (all black) jury." * * * * * If this were the last column I ever planned to write (it isn't), I would want to leave you with this piece of core knowledge. After decades in major media in some of our biggest metropolitan areas--Chicago, Miami, St. Louis, Seattle, San Francisco--I can tell you that it's wise to assume that all news you read/hear from the big media is filtered thru a consciousness that evaluates it on the basis that it must make liberals look good and conservatives look bad. No one who has spent serious time in a big-city newsroom and heard the endless put-downs of anyone who doesn't support knee-jerk liberalism and exhibit determination to promote leftist causes could doubt it. Some of the dumbest people I have ever met in the media are the most dogmatic liberals you could possibly imagine. They revel in their ignorance, ridiculing common sense with slogans memorized from college days. Lenin would be proud of what passes for education in our journalism schools, staffed largely by wannabes who didn't make it in media, themselves, and think the United States is at fault for not recognizing their brilliance. * * * * * Herewith, a geography lesson for sportscasters. In the endless, repetitive, boring "analysis" of the NBA free-agent scramble, the Miami Heat franchise has been repeatedly referred to as being located in "South Beach." As a former longtime resident of the Miami area, allow me to clarify. South Beach refers to a small neighborhood at the south end of the elongated City of Miami BEACH. The City of Miami Beach is NOT part of Miami; they are entirely separate municipalities. Of course, we residents of Coral Gables (home of the University of Miami!) looked down upon both of them. A PARTY THAT'S TOTALLY LOST ITS WAY One of the major fund-raising events on the Democrats' calendar is the annual Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner. Want a vivid illustration of how far today's Democrats have wandered from the principles of one of those founding fathers? A reader, Angela, reminds us of two quotes from Thomas Jefferson:
democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are
willing to work and give to those who would not. AND...To compel a man
to subsidize with his taxes the propagation of ideas which he
disbelieves and abhors is sinful and tyrannical. *
* * * *
Sign of the times in Missouri. Obama's trip to the Show-Me state to raise campaign money for the Democrat running for the U.S. Senate was hardly a triumph. The theater where he spoke wasn't sold out, even though ticket prices were cut from $250 to $99 for seats up-front and $35 cheap-seats were cut to half that. It appears the market is down for racist demagoguery in a state that's usually a bellwether state, on the winning side in presidential elections. * * * * * The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. In the trial of former (impeached) Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich, prosecutors say that in his attempted sale of the U.S. Senate seat previously occupied by another Chicago machine politician, Barack Obama, an offer was made to raise $500,000 for Blago if he'd appoint to that seat... Cong. Jesse Jackson, Jr. * * * * * Basketball fans, many of whom must have voted for the crackpot Democrats who've driven New York into yet another financial swamp, might consider this possible--even likely--factor in LeBron James' choice to join the Miami franchise instead of the New York Knickerbockers. Twelve MILLION dollars. That's how much more he'd have paid in taxes if he worked in New York at the same league-maximum salary he'll receive in Miami. New York has a top-bracket tax rate of 12.85%, on top of the IRS bill. Kinda makes Miami a slam-dunk, doesn't it? Clevelanders, of course, are hugely upset that their hero chose to move to Miami. Let's see...Cleveland versus Miami... As a one-time very brief resident of that Ohio metropolis, I still recall that a common description by residents, themselves, was "the mistake on the lake." I was very happy to see it in my rear-view mirror. The best thing about my short stay there was working for Art Modell, former Browns' owner who, until LeBron's defection, was the most-hated man in the state. * * * * * If you like this column, please forward it to a friend. If you don't like it... start your own! THE THREAT GROWS Steve Emerson, who has well-established bonafides in reporting on Islamic terrorism goals and activities, has found that Hezbollah has set up operations just across the border in Mexico to use as bases for launching terrorist attacks within the U.S. We'd better hope that someone is aware and awake at the Pentagon, because we certainly can't expect the Obama administration to do anything to protect us, obsessed as they are with preventing Arizona from enforcing the federal government's own immigration laws. By the way, wouldn't one think it likely that the Obama/Holder attack on Arizona may suffer in the courts when evidence is presented showing Rhode Island has long had an identical state law? * * * * * Rumors are rife on the internet that Muslim terrorists have singled out seven U.S. targets for simultaneous nuclear attacks. Realizing that anybody can put anything on the web, nevertheless given the track record of this murderous movement, would you bet against it? When they catch terrorists in Norway, of all places, hatching plots for attacks in the United States--as happened only a few days ago--how far-fetched does it sound? * * * * * Charles Krauthammer's keen analysis is to be treasured, but does anyone else see the flaw in this observation about Obama's latest suck-up to his fellow Muslims using NASA, our space agency, as his vehicle? Here's the Krauthammer quote: "Obama's modesty about America would be more understandable if he treated himself with the same reserve. But it is odd to have a president so convinced of his own magnificence--yet not of his country's." Is it not a large piece of presumption to assume that Obama/Soetoro DOES regard the United States as "his own country"? * * * * * Considering what they've inflicted on the country, can we foresee a time when the very word "Democrat" is regarded as a synonym for "traitor"? * * * * * Sports fans wonder whether three giant egos can co-exist on the Miami Heat basketball team. Can LeBron James, Dwyane (that's the way he spells it) Wade and Chris Bosh hold together? Perhaps they can find inspiration in the co-existence of two of the planet's biggest egos, Barry Soetoro and Crazy Joe Biden. * * * * * Tempus fugit. Ringo Starr just celebrated his 70th birthday. THREATS, BOTH DOMESTIC AND FOREIGN Arizona has two words for Barack Hussein Obama--a verb and a personal pronoun. * * * * * General George Casey is the U. S. Army Chief of Staff. He has forty-plus years of military service behind him. He says we may still be in the Afghanistan and Iraq region for another ten years. TEN YEARS?! We've already been losing lives in Afghanistan since 2001, twice as long as it took to fight--and conclusively WIN--World War Two. And now the Army Chief of Staff says "ten more years"? For what??!! At the end, what will the regime in Washington say to Americans who have lost family members in this pointless conflict? At least survivors of World War Two fatal casualties could be comforted by the knowledge that their loved ones gave their lives to protect civilization--and won the war. Korea resolved nothing. Vietnam was lost in Washington. Have we really "fixed" Iraq? War after war, accomplishing...WHAT? * * * * * Lesson in basic economics, occasioned by news that many governors are asking the federal government for money for bailouts. Just where do these governors think WE believe the money ultimately comes from? If any sizable number of Americans don't know the answer to that, America's "educators" have something else to answer for. * * * * * Interesting quote from a black voter: "WE can criticize Obama, but YOU better not." Yes, indeed. Our affirmative-action president has certainly brought about racial harmony. * * * * * Why Obama is incapable of repairing the economy. It's because his basic mindset, expressed by both Obamas, is this. Only GOVERNMENT jobs are worthwhile. Jobs in the private sector are, at best, a (temporarily) necessary evil. That private sector is to be regarded as a teat to be milked on behalf of an ever-growing government. Business people who support this administration are participating in their own slow-motion hanging. Of course, some giant corporations will benefit, just as was the case under the fascist economies of Hitler and Mussolini in the 1930's and '40's. * * * * * The Journalistic Sleaze Award goes to ESPN for carrying the "sports special" program announcing LeBron James' decision to join the NBA's Miami Heat. Wonder why Jim Gray was the host/interviewer? Because he was hired and paid by LeBron's own company which packaged the program and sold it to ESPN. Gee, would THAT explain the utter lack of tough questions? * * * * * Thinking out-loud... What ever happened to Britney Spears? * * * * * Keynote speaker suggestion for National Brotherhood Week: Mel Gibson. CLIMATE REALITY INTRUDES Even Newsweek, the failing liberal-shill magazine published (in ever fewer numbers) by the liberal Washington Post newspaper, is now wising up to the reality that the male bovine excrement about global warming isn't selling anymore. From the latest issue: "Following two of the harshest winters on record in the Northern Hemisphere--not to mention an epic economic crisis--voters no longer consider global warming a priority" ...and.... "Americans rank climate change dead last of 21 problems that concern them most, according to a January Pew poll." What kind of arrogance led any puny human being to believe that we could determine the earth's climate? Have any of these people ever stood near a mountain and contemplated their own insignificance? Or considered what just one major volcanic eruption can do to the atmosphere, compared to the flimsy efforts of mankind? Yes, we should make every reasonable effort to keep air and water clean within our atmosphere, but the idea that we can have a massive effect on the climate is hubris of the highest order. And the "educators" who pump this nonsense into childrens' heads are symptomatic of the utter failure of that segment of society. Next: Given a likely forthcoming HUGE spike in gasoline prices, watch the objections to oil drilling, on-shore or off, evaporate in the face of reality as the price of that fad becomes evident at the pump. * * * * * Amid charges that the comedian Al Franken was elected to the U.S. Senate from Minnesota by the illegal votes of convicted felons comes a documentary claiming that Obama stole the Democratic primary from the Hildabeast. So...will she retaliate by introducing him to Monica? * * * * * Viewership of the Big Four over-the-air networks--ABC, CBS, NBC and Fox--have dropped to all-time record lows, with the cable networks increasing their audience lead. The most cursory examination of the junk product put on the air and the horrendous commercial overload should make the reason clear to all but the dumbest. Unfortunately, that latter cohort obviously includes network executives,whose only apparent interest is, "Do it cheap." * * * * * Just how deeply are major media figures in bed with Obama? Mort Zuckerman, owner of the New York Daily News and top man at U.S. News & World Report, as well, claims he wrote a speech for Obama as well as endorsing and voting for him. How's THAT for objectivity in news coverage? * * * * * Real wisdom endures. What we see happening to America today was predicted by, among others, Socrates, who observed that democracy would inevitably end in tyranny and among more recent scholars, Milton Friedman, who said democracies end in bankruptcy. After all, who should be surprised when voters learn that they can effectively vote themselves unlimited government money by the simple expedient of electing liberal demagogues. Historical reminder: the election that brought Adolph Hitler to power in Germany saw his party get a higher percentage of the popular vote than elected Bill Clinton. Worshippers of democracy per se might do well to remember that. However, as Winston Churchill said, "Democracy is the worst form of government--except for all the others." * * * * * Memories of bachelor days. How DOES one fold a fitted sheet? DEMOCRATS: TIME TO PAY THE PIPER Is it the dawning of realization, even among the terminally dumb? Democrats as high as the president's own spokesman, the endlessly supercilious Robert Gibbs, are admitting the likelihood that their wretched party is facing an election disaster in November. If they have the intelligence to reduce the cause of their catastrophe to essentials, they have two basic choices. First, admit that their sophomoric, utopian fantasies have failed to meet the test of the real world. That is the most benevolent analysis. Secondly--and a view held by a growing number of Americans--they have embarked upon a calculated anti-American course of action on many fronts with the ultimate goal of reducing the United States to a status inviting contempt and ridicule by our enemies. Either demands severe punishment at the polls. Or, of course, they could just blame all their problems on...Bush. * * * * * One might wonder what sort of vengeance Hillary's planning after she wins the 2012 Democratic primary, in light of the reports on how Obama stole the 2008 nomination. It must be remembered that she IS Hillary and she WILL take revenge! She must, however, remember NOT to do a Ted Kennedy. In his campaign to unseat President Jimmy Carter, the Monarch of Massachusetts couldn't think of an answer to Roger Mudd's question, "Why do you want to be president?" * * * * * Newt Gingrich is a clever guy, but presidential nominee? He is in danger of becoming the Republicans' next Harold Stassen, the man who couldn't stop running. NINE times. * * * * * This week's essential reading: Arnold Ahlert's column on the Jewish World Review site. Forward it to a liberal friend. Or acquaintance. Or colleague. Oh, hell--just ANY stupid, myopic leftist. * * * * * The Federal Communications Commission, the FCC, has no room to complain that their highly-subjective anti-indecency rule on broadcast material was overturned in the courts. No body (that's two words) has done more to damage the broadcasting product than the drones of the FCC. They allowed a handful of corporate octopi to take over most TV stations and virtually all of American radio leading to a degeneration of broadcast product never seen in the era when there were limitations on how many stations one entity could own. They are a plague upon the land. * * * * * Oh, isn't that cuuuute! Michelle Obama in the photograph modeling a black-spattered pattern on a white dress inspired by the oil spill on the Gulf coast. How shallow does a person have to be to try to turn a major disaster into a fashion statement, and laughing about it? P.S.--Think she paid for the dress? By the way, if the Obamas are so concerned about oil on the beaches hurting the Gulf Coast tourism industry, why aren't they vacationing there instead of taking another of their multitudinous sojourns on the coast of Maine? Footnote. We have never seen the kind of extravagant presidential personal spending demonstrated by the Obamas. Of course, it's only the taxpayers' money, so why should they care? THE SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR CRIMINALS Selective law enforcement has become the hallmark of the blatantly racist Obama regime. The Big O is suing Arizona for attempting to enforce the federal government's own immigration law, yet declines to pursue enforcement in leftist municipalities that declare themselves "sanctuary cities" and obstruct attempts by federal agents (increasingly rare) to enforce the law. In a sane country, every local official who ever supported "sanctuary" policies would be imprisoned. They are, of course, collaborators in the breaking of federal law. * * * * * The Las Vegas Review Journal carries an obituary with an unusual message. Charlotte McCourt, who passed away at age 84, had been instrumental in previous campaigns that secured Majority Leader Harry Reid's seat in the Senate. Her last words to the world asked people to vote against Reid's re-election in lieu of sending flowers. * * * * * Two weather-vane elections to watch in November take place in California. If longtime Senator Barbara ("don't call me ma'am") Boxer loses, it means the loony left that dominates the state is losing its grip. And if Speaker Nancy ("we have to pass the bill to see what's in it") Pelosi fails to retain her House seat, expect the San Francisco crackpots who elect her over and over to rush en masse off the cliffs and into the Pacific. * * * * * A cautionary note to Republicans who want to see Arizona Governor Jan Brewer run for the Republican nomination for president. While her popularity in both the state and the nation, where she was largely unknown, zoomed upward with the passage of the state law on illegal immigration, two factors demand consideration. She's a supporter of the quintessential RINO, John McCain, and she pushed thru a state sales tax increase with the usual dodge of lying about the magnitude of the move. Increasing the tax from 5.6% to 6.6% is not the "one percent" hike she called it. It's closer to an 18% jump. Governor Brewer, in calling the three-year increase a "temporary tax" also chose to ignore the time-honored dictum that there's nothing more permanent than a "temporary" tax increase. * * * * * The craziness continues. In another sign of liberal PC'ism run amok, an elementary school in mush-head dominated Portland, Oregon, has hired a....RECESS COACH! That's right. The assumption is that children don't know how to play. Taxpayer dollars at work. * * * * * An election checklist to consider come the next presidential election. Look very long and hard at any candidate who has (A) never met a payroll ... (B) never even been ON a payroll that wasn't taxpayer-funded... or (C) never fought and won a war. Those standards should winnow the field considerably. * * * * * This week's chutzpah award goes to (drum roll)--Ronald White of Camden, New Jersey. Arrested for forgery, his bail was set at $400. Which he paid. With counterfeit money. * * * * * A Russian spy working at Microsoft? Could that explain Windows Vista? A FINE LINE FOR SHOWBIZ TYPES Note to entertainers: unless political commentary IS your schtick, it can be hazardous to your career. Oprah, blatantly pro-Obama, just hit the lowest ratings of her career as a national figure. It would be difficult to avoid the conclusion that her overt politicking for a now-unpopular president is a likely a factor. The ideal role model for showbiz people is Johnny Carson. He occasionally interviewed political figures, but the viewer had no way of knowing his own political bent. * * * * * A liberal poll finds Obama losing to just about anyone wearing a Republican label in 2012. Question is, will a Republican president, even with a Republican congress, have the cojones to reverse ALL of Obama's Marxist legislation and get the nation back on track? * * * * * Karl Rove writes in the Wall Street Journal that his greatest mistake was not refuting the Democrats' charge that Pres. Bush "lied us into war" in Iraq. An associated error was his unwillingness to counterattack the "no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq" charge. It should have been relatively easy, since there was abundant evidence, photographic and otherwise, that Saddam Hussein murdered thousands of Iraqi citizens--the Kurds of northern Iraq--with poison gas, which IS a weapon of mass destruction. Rove's guidance of the 2000 campaign which originally elected George W. Bush was a masterpiece of malfeasance. Instead of expending time and resources to firmly lock up Florida, he went on a wheel-spinning campaign in California, where your average child could have told him Bush had no chance. The result was the chad-counting carnival in Florida that dragged on for weeks. (Full disclosure: my brother-in-law, a Miami attorney, prepared the legal case that ultimately won for Bush in the U.S. Supreme Court.) * * * * * A basic, never-to-be-forgotten tenet of liberalism is: ALL money belongs to the government. You should be grateful for whatever fraction of your earnings the government allows you to keep, but you have no legitimate claim to any of it, if Washington decides otherwise and chooses to--in Obama's words--"spread it around." Thus, for example, we even have laws that impose taxes retroactively. * * * * * Ethanol is a giant scam and political pork barrel. It requires more energy to make the stuff than it produces. Tell your congressperson to stop whoring for the midwest farm vote and stop this boondoggle. * * * * * Reagan won the Cold War with the communist powerhouse. Obama is obviously determined to reverse the victory. And the leeches and freeloaders cheer him on. * * * * * Hard-to-Believe Dep't: a middle-easterner convicted of running a Ponzi scheme to raise millions for Hillary's 2008 political campaign. Shouldn't she have kept with family tradition and simply gotten the money from the People's Republic of China? * * * * * What kind of people lead lives so empty that they give a (bleep) about Lindsay Lohan or Mel Gibson? A marriage might solve TWO problems. Go for it, kids! Hey, Mel...maybe she'd even (bleep) you! RINO ON THE LOOSE When Scott Brown, nominal Republican, won the Senate seat formerly occupied by limousine liberal Ted Kennedy, some addled conservatives immediately took up the chant, "Brown for President." Events have demonstrated that he's a fit with the Maine RINOs, Collins and Snowe. He proved it by breaking with "his" party to vote for the latest Obamanation, the so-called "Wall Street Reform Bill", which actually is a major gift to unions, just as the GM bailout was about the United Auto Workers, not GM as a company. Without Brown's vote for the enemy, Senate Republicans could have killed this absurdity with a filibuster. * * * * * Makes you proud to be a taxpayer. The Obamas' latest vacation--they average one every 2 1/2 months--provides another example of their endless extravagance. The presidential dog flew to Maine separately, on a taxpayer-paid private jet. By the way, the Obamas' vacation pace is picking up. Next month they'll be relaxing at Martha's Vineyard.
* * * * * More White House silliness. The First Dope has appointed yet another czar, whose task it will be to tell us what to eat. As the late Jack Paar often said, "I kid you not." The Obama's private chef, 29-year-old Sam Kass (from Chicago, naturally) now carries the title "Senior Policy Advisor" and will provide guidance on government policies regarding more government control over diet. I kid you not. Helpful suggestion. If the government has to have somebody telling us what to eat, how about Rachel Ray or the zoftig Giada De Laurentiis from the Food Channel? * * * * * Even the left-leaning California Field Poll finds more Californians support than oppose Arizona's immigration law. The numbers of registered voters show 49% favor, 45% oppose. * * * * * The Orange County Register reports that Irvine, California, business consultant Joe Vranich, who specializes in helping companies relocate to other states or countries has thus far this year found 84 such companies moving out. Out. Out of California with its leftist politics, high taxes and stultifying anti-business regulations. * * * * * A frightening poll by the Las Vegas Review-Journal shows Harry Reid now leading in the race to retain his Senate seat. Will somebody please tell Sharron Angle, the Republican nominee, to shut the hell up about such nonsense as giving massages to convicts? If the Republican Party can't beat the leech, Reid, it should shut down and go out of business. * * * * * Here's a civics lesson of the sort not taught in the ignorance mills we call schools. It has to do with the Democrats' constant lament that Obama "inherited" the budget mess from Bush. It should be remembered that ALL budgetary matters by law originate in the House of Representatives. Both the House and Senate have been controlled by the Democrats since January of 2007. That includes the last two years of the Bush presidency. Gee, you think a certain Senate Democrat from Illinois voted FOR those spending bills that started this economic mess? TYRANNY IN FAT CITY If you think the Obama regime doesn't have the instincts of a dictatorship, you haven't been paying attention. Obama's Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) under Kathleen Sebelius (former Kansas governor) has announced that by 2014 there must be a computerized profile of every American, including an arbitrary, bureaucratically-decided determination of obesity. The obvious purpose is to ultimately use that factor as a standard to decide who does--and does not--get medical care under the Obama socialized medicine system. * * * * * The fact that Cong. Michelle Bachman (R-Minnesota) is under attack by leftist columnist E. J. Dionne of the Washington Post for her plan to build a Tea Party Caucus among fellow members of the House is a pretty solid indication that it's an excellent idea. * * * * * Newt Gingrich is a man of ideas, some brilliant, others stupid. Like his latest brainstorm calling for a sit-down by the NAACP and Tea Party people. Does he seriously believe it would be beneficial for Tea Party activists to consort with people who start from the premise that TP-types are racist? The very definition of the term, "dialogue of the deaf." * * * * * The fruits of democracy: It's a back-handed tribute to the system that enables a total loony like Cong. Sheila Jackson Lee of Texas (Houston) manages to stay on the public payroll. It's impossible to think of her without recalling her camera-hogging performances at Bush State-of-the-Union speeches where, despite her opposition to everything he supported, she always managed to get a seat on the aisle where he made his entrance, so she could be seen in the TV coverage effusively greeting him. She always wore red, to make herself more visible. * * * * * One has to be an optimist of the first order to expect racial harmony to flower in an environment in which race-hustlers like Cong. Lee, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton depend on friction, real or manufactured, for their livelihood. * * * * * If you watched the British Open golf tournament and wondered how much it costs to play a round on the legendary Old Course at St. Andrews, the fee during the peak (summer) season is $200. * * * * * The French news agency reports that Paris Hilton was caught with the Evil Weed on the island of Corsica. Question: if she WERE under the influence...how would we KNOW? LOTTSA LUCK No surprise over former Senator Trent Lott's statement to the Washington Post that any true conservatives or newly-elected members of congress who won with Tea Party support should be, quote, "co-opted." Why should we expect otherwise from a RINO phony who helped block Senate conviction of Bill Clinton, who'd already been impeached by the House? So... another disciple of the "go along to get along" Republican mentality that rendered the party impotent reveals himself. * * * * * Why racial harmony remains an unattainable fantasy. Malik Shabazz, chairman of the New Black Panther Party, quote, "A black man really -- or a black leader -- cannot be a racist." * * * * * The Whopper of the Week comes from Alan Bersin, commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, who says, quote, "The border is more resourced and more secure than it's ever been." More RESOURCED? Is the fool talking in pig-latin, or what? * * * * * It'll be interesting to see how the easily-angered Muslim world reacts to this. They've been raising hell over the European movement to ban the face-covering veil worn by some Muslim women. The move to require faces to be uncovered has sparked charges of discrimination in France, as one example. So...notice which is the latest country to ban the veil? Syria. Arab and Muslim Syria. * * * * * A history quiz, courtesy of Dan Sorkin. To whom should we attribute the following quotes? 1) "We're going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good." A. Karl Marx B. Adolph Hitler C. Joseph Stalin D. None of the above 2) "It's time for a new beginning, for an end to government of the few, by the few, and for the few...... And to replace it with shared responsibility for shared prosperity." A. Lenin B. Mussolini C. Idi Amin D. None of the Above 3) "(We) ...can't just let business as usual go on, and that means something has to be taken away from some people." A. Nikita Khruschev B. Josef Goebbels C. Boris Yeltsin D. None of the above 4) "We have to build a political consensus and that requires people to give up a little bit of their own ... in order to create this common ground." A. Mao Tse Dung B. Hugo Chavez C. Kim Jong Il D. None of the above 5) "I certainly think the free-market has failed." A. Karl Marx B. Lenin C. Molotov D. None of the above 6) "I think it's time to send a clear message to what has become the most profitable sector in (the) entire economy that they are being watched." A. Pinochet B. Milosevic C. Saddam Hussein D. None of the above Answers-- (1) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/29/2004 (2) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 5/29/2007 (3) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007 (4) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007 (5) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 6/4/2007 (6) D. None of the above. Statement was made by Hillary Clinton 9/2/2005 Something to remember when, as 2012 approaches, many Democrats will try to convince you--and themselves--that they're switching to their "moderate" candidate. * * * * * Comforting thought when things look grim.... How happy would you be if you lost everything you have---then got it all back? SIGN OF THE TIMES Prime Minister Putin of Russia has committed a major sum of money to the building of a new spaceport in his country. This while our own Marxist president has decided that the major priority for our space program is to make his fellow Muslims feel good about their (non-existent) contributions. Has history ever seen a nation so bent on its own destruction as the U.S. under this administration? * * * * * A painful point that needs to be made. As long as the party elects people like McCain, Lindsay Graham, Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins--to name only four-- to office, the Republicans will never muster the will to reverse the damage being done to the country by the socialists now in power. And until conservatives become brazen enough to loudly confront liberal authority figures and their Republican sell-outs instead of following their normal instinct to be civil, they concede the war of the (TV) camera to the left, which has never felt such restraint. The Tea Party movement is a good start, and they should pay no attention to the fundraising-motivated complaints by the likes of the NAACP. * * * * * Obama provides a reminder of this timeless piece of wisdom: "Few things are more fun than spending other people's money. And that's what politicians and burocrats do all day, every day." * * * * * So the Kenyan is putting 1200 National Guard troops on the border as of the first of August. Expect them to be even less effective than the previous and larger National Guard commitment under Bush, which was a totally useless PR exercise. The troops had no authority to arrest illegals--or even pursue them. They were given flunky jobs, supposedly in"support" of the Border Patrol, some of whose members complained that the troops were only in the way. * * * * * The Obamunists are telling Republicans that the Arizona immigration law will cost the R-party votes in the election. And we do believe that it's the aim of the Democrats to offer helpful advice to their opponents--don't we? And yet the big-media types enthusiastically collaborate in this recurring charade. * * * * * The kind of permanent, or at least long-lasting, damage being inflicted upon the nation by the hysterical left is exemplified by the nomination of the obviously and blatantly biased Elena Kagan to the highest court in the land. And which Republican provides the Senate committee vote for her? Sen. Lindsay Graham—naturally. * * * * * Where do the smug liberal media types get off, attacking Sarah Palin for inadvertently blending the words "refute" and "repudiate"? These are the myopic hacks who defend the fool who referred to our "57 states", to say nothing of the endless refrain of stupidities from Crazy Joe Biden. ANOTHER AFFIRMATIVE-ACTION FAILURE The reign of Michael Steele as chairman of the Republican National Committee has been a catalog of disasters. Now comes another one. A charge that he failed to report more than $7 million in debt to the Federal Election Commission, raising the possibility that the party will have to pay a huge fine. The party treasurer says Steele and his top aide hid the debt from him. * * * * * Top national security reporter Bill Gertz brings the alarming news of a classified State Department report to Congress saying that potential Russian cheating on the new START (Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty) by the Russians would not be significant. They must be chortling in Moscow: "The stupid Americans EXPECT us to cheat, and will not even discourage it!" * * * * * Now our Marxist president is taxing the exchange of (increasingly worthless) paper dollars for gold. By the way... in years of hosting talk shows, one of the most memorable truly stupid calls I ever got was from a typical San Francisco twisted liberal who ridiculed gold ownership by saying, "You can't go to the store and buy a loaf of bread with gold!" * * * * * The polls keep coming, and even those who tilt liberal now report that ANY Republican candidate would beat Obama. Now, if the party would only purge itself of the sellout phonies like McCain and his designated butt-kisser, Lindsay Graham, something might be done to reverse the damage done by the Kenyan Muslim. There should be an enduring message for well-meaning white voters in this whole, stupid misadventure. They thought they could demonstrate their racial goodwill while bringing harmony to the nation. Instead, we got the most divisive, racially prejudiced administration since the Civil War. Or, as my southern friends still insist on calling it, "The War of Northern Aggression." * * * * * A woman identified as a producer at National Public Radio is on record as saying she would love the opportunity to laugh at a dying Rush Limbaugh. This again raises the question, why is it an obligation of taxpayers to support the liberal propaganda mill called National Public Radio? Among the priorities of the next Republican (or Tea Party) administration should be to shut off NPR's access to the public teat as well as shutting down that worse-than-useless money-pit, the Department of Education. * * * * * You will note that I do not call for NPR to be shut-down; only that it support itself without my tax dollars. Unlike the law professor (!) at UCLA who suggests that the FCC simply yank Fox News off the air. Memo to this pathetically ignorant professor. Networks (A) are not licensed by the FCC and (B) Fox News Channel is not ON-the-air. It is a CABLE channel and does not broadcast over the airwaves. This suggestion by the UCLA-hole, however, does again prove the tyrannical instincts of "liberals". * * * * * My daily reading regimen begins with the invaluable LUCIANNE.COM, which carries this column in its section of blogs. Another reader responded to an article about the stumbling war we're pursuing in Afghanistan. I quote his words of wisdom. He writes, "We leave out the effective parts: limit your objectives, kill them indiscriminately in large numbers, destroy everything they own, make any left alive bribe you to stay alive. Have them understand that their survival depends on not getting in your way or annoying you. Get what ever it was you came for and go home." A tip to that reader from one who knows: do NOT attempt to pursue employment with Citadel/ABC Radio. DANGER: VOTERS TALK ONE WAY, ACT ANOTHER The polls show that the Democrat-dominated congress has record-low ratings in public confidence--11% in the Gallup poll. This is even worse than public opinion of our Marxist president. This should be cause for cheering among Republicans going into mid-term elections only a few months away. One cautionary note, however. We've seen it over and over. Ask the average (whatever that means) American what he thinks of congress, and you'll hear scorn. Ask the same person about his/her own member and you'll get a variation on, "Oh, MY congressman is just fine!" And thus is the status quo maintained. Pogo Possum was right long ago when he said, "We have met the enemy, and he is us." * * * * * On a more heartening note... polls show that Obama has lost not only the little support he ever had from Republicans and most independents, he's even losing support from a growing minority of Democrats. Is it possible that the most gullible voters in America have finally figured out they made a horrible mistake in electing a Chicago machine politician with no experience in the real world...a political hack who's surrounded himself with ideologues of the far left and sycophants? * * * * * Since Obama's health plan permits the omission of HIV-positive status from a person's federally-mandated health record, but WILL require reporting based on a burocratically-determined obesity status, it's clear that political correctness dictates that AIDS is less of a health threat than even a few pounds of overweight. * * * * * One can only wonder how long before Mel Gibson's (former) main squeeze, Oksana Grigorieva, turns up on one of these terminally silly ABC dating shows. * * * * * Harry Reid, liar. States that bailout money saved Ford Motor Company. Ford didn't take any bailout money. * * * * * The Enquirer reports more charges that Al Gore sexually abused women, including showing an erect penis (dimensions unreported) to a massage therapist at a Beverly Hills hotel, demanding that she "take care of this." So maybe St. Albert DID learn something from his old boss, Billy Jeff Clinton. Doesn't do much for your global warming scam, does it, Al? * * * * * Why would anyone think it news that evidence has surfaced showing there IS a cabal of liberal media people who colluded to attack conservatives and promote the Kenyan Marxist? After years of working in and around media newsrooms, this reaches me as the "ho-hum, what's new?" story of the year. The enduring lesson: always assume that a reporter has an agenda superseding honest journalism. * * * * * More bogus journalism. The media clamor over the fact that the Bush administration, in its early days, fired a handful of U.S. Attorneys, a prerogative of any administration. The liberal propagandists, a/k/a reporters, totally overlooked the historical fact that in ITS early days, the Clinton administration fired EVERY U.S. Attorney. * * * * * Best comedy show on TV: the committed liberals on MSNBC tying themselves in knots trying to provide cover for Obama on the Sherrod story. No wonder this bunch of leftist losers rank #28 in the cable network ratings. I'd have taken it as an honor when failed sportscaster Olberman once honored me with the title "Worst Person in the World," except for the likelihood that I had more people in my bathroom than he had in his entire audience. * * * * * Feel free to forward this column to friends! * * * * * If you'd like to join the April Mediterranean cruise with congenial conservatives, call Jackie at Holiday Travel, 650-342-7292. FIGHT--BUT DON'T VOTE It has now been made evident that there has been a concerted effort by government burocrats to prevent thousands of U. S. military personnel from having their votes counted. It seems to have been largely forgotten that in the 2000 election, the obscene Al Gore and his Democrat thugs went to great lengths to prevent the counting of votes of overseas military personnel whose home bases were in Florida. A hypothetical: Cognizant of the fact that our military is under the direction of a civilian administration, if you were in uniform... how enthusiastically would you carry out orders from a Democrat president who would prevent your vote from counting? And be clear on the fact that military people tend, by a wide margin, to vote for the more conservative candidate. * * * * * All of us who've ever felt the unemployment axe can sympathize with those in similar straits. However, with the passage of an extension of unemployment benefits, we would do well to remember the unassailable fact that many, many people getting that regular government check do not make a serious effort to find work until faced with the end of the dole. Thus some European nations, drowning in debt, have applied a diminishing scale to payments. The longer you collect, the smaller the check becomes. Worth considering? * * * * * So Cong. Charley Rangel, head of the committee that writes our tax laws, faces charges of ethics violations. Quick, now! Who expects that ol' Chuck will spend any time in the Graybar Hotel? * * * * * Question for former Democrat governor of Iowa...now Secretary of Agriculture...Tom Vilsack: How does it feel to get thrown under the bus after whoring yourself out for a racist administration--dope? * * * * * Notice the tax hit coming January 1? Far from an increase only on people earning over $250,000, the biggest percentage-increase comes on the bottom IRS bracket, going up from 10% to 15%. For many, the choice comes down to (A) overthrow this confiscatory, racist regime at the ballot box in November or (B) look seriously at moving out of a country with a majority of voters stupid enough to put this Klown Kollege in charge. Tick... tick... tick... * * * * * Hypocrisy, thy name is... Democrat! Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, who never saw a tax (on other people) he didn't love, is reported by the Boston Herald to be keeping his new multi-million dollar yacht moored in... Rhode Island. Some suspect the reason to be a saving of some $437,000 in sales taxes plus about $70,000 a year in Massachusetts excise taxes. Whassamatta, John? Teresa not selling enough ketchup these days? (Old Kerry joke revisited. "As the bartender said to the horse who walked into the saloon, 'Why the long face?'") * * * * * Renewed lies and threats by North Korea make it advisable to again visit the history of that wretched dictatorship on the upper Korean peninsula. Gen. MacArthur wanted to finish the job and put it permanently out of business. Pres. Truman wouldn't allow him to do it. Given 20-20 hindsight, who was correct? It's another illustration that half-measures (settling for a tie in the Korean War) seldom work. * * * * * An unpleasant reality liberals just can't bring themselves to admit: Poor people don't hire employees. Thus the fatal flaw in their "tax the rich into poverty" inclinations. * * * * * After the revelations regarding the JournoList, the conspiracy of liberal media types to slander conservatives and make a concerted effort to elect Barry Soetoro, would it not be reasonable to treat their similarly-oriented colleagues with a bit less respect than is normally shown a $20 street-corner hooker? IS THERE HONOR AMONG THIEVES? Hillary's camp charges the Obamunists with stealing the 2008 presidential nomination. Hillary grew up in a near-northwest suburb of Chicago, Park Ridge. She had to know that Obama was a product of one of the most corrupt political machines in the nation, the Daley stranglehold on Chicago politics. Can we believe she's surprised that ethical rules might've been...uh...BENT? Does she really want reciprocal investigation of some of her own lapses? Sounds like groundwork being laid for a 2012 Democratic nomination challenge, and who could doubt that Obama & Co. have already figured that out? Has the Obamster hired (as Secretary of State) somebody he can't fire? * * * * * You see it in Oakland and other crime-ridden cities. Local pols, in self-created budget squeezes react by cutting public-safety personnel--police, firefighters. Are we to seriously believe that the hives of drones employed by virtually every city in various burocracies hold no expendable personnel? The unloading of beneficiaries of nepotism, alone, would likely balance many a municipal budget. * * * * * In just one belated response to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's inaugural promise to "drain the swamp" of unethical government behavior, two words: Charley Rangel. It should be remembered, by the way, that as Chairman of the House Ways & Means Committee which writes our tax laws, he infamously stated that he didn't understand those laws, himself, and relied on others to prepare his own tax return. * * * * * Reminder to anyone who pays attention to the liberal media coverage of the "Netroots" convention in Vegas over the weekend. This gathering of ultra-left activists would better be called "NUTroots". * * * * * Muslim activists worldwide complain that a ban on the full-face-covering veil by any Western nation is a violation of their "rights". Other considerations aside, as a matter of public safety, what's to prevent the wearing of this mask from being used by criminals--including MALE criminals. It's happened, and given the proclivities of Muslim terrorists, who could possibly believe it wouldn't happen again? * * * * * The morning hosts on fast-failing CNN seem to be advocating a government shutdown of internet blogs--like this one.The tyrannical instincts of liberals are never far from the surface. Especially when they see their own diminishing hold on public attention being nibbled away by bloggers who don't share their leftist PC convictions. * * * * * The gossip columns are abuzz over who is--and isn't--getting invited to the Chelsea Clinton wedding. Aren't we all secretly hoping that Monica crashes the reception? * * * * * Idle question: Are chickens allowed to vote in the poultry-intensive state of Delaware? What else could explain the political longevity of an utter crackpot like Joe Biden? THE BRITS QUIT ON A SYSTEM OBAMA WANTS Irony abounds. Just as our Marxist-in-Chief appoints a committed leftist, Donald Berwick, to run Medicare and Medicaid... a man who professes great admiration for the British system of socialized medicine...the New York Times reports that England had had enough of it, and is moving to de-centralize government run health care! Think our own lefties will learn from this? Don't bet on it. No real-world experience is ever sufficient to invalidate the biased fantasies of a left-wing loony. * * * * * Even the dumbest Obamunist should be able to figure out this analogy to what his hero is doing to the economy. Apply it to your own family. Picture it: You're already deep in debt, but somehow you manage to convince yourself that spending more and more borrowed money in a wild spree will somehow make you financially solvent again! Is or is not that a working definition of stupidity--and liberalism? * * * * * Prepare for a hogs-at-the-trough spectacle of incredible dimensions. You KNEW that when the government forced BP to ante-up $20 billion for payoffs connected to the oil spill, the scam artists would be circling like vultures. Many of them will score, big-time, while many real victims of the disaster will be left penniless. Count on it. * * * * * More on Senator John Kerry's new $7 million yacht. While thousands of boatyard employees in the northeast are out of work, the limousine liberal had his new toy built in...New Zealand. * * * * * It's indicative of the mentality of the knee-jerk liberals who infest the media that they call the passing of the disaster called Obamacare, hated by two-thirds of Americans, and the wasting of hundreds of billions of dollars in the failed effort to "stimulate" the economy... "accomplishments." I wonder what a leftist like Obama would have to do before they called it "failure." * * * * * Liberal policy on illegal immigration is the equivalent of inviting a burglar to stay in your house, giving him the keys and turning over your checkbook. How did so many Americans ever get so crazy as to advocate the amnesty disguised as "comprehensive reform"? Thank you again, America's teachers...uh...EDUCATORS. * * * * * Recollections of a career in radio and television. Recognize any of these names of former colleagues? Vince Tapler, WTJS. Wink Martindale, Dewey Phillips, WHBQ. Dick Buckley, John Dancy, WKDA. Bob Hicks, George Moore, KTHS/KTHV. Dan Henry, Walt Bodine, WDAF. Howard Miller, Perry Marshall, Dick Williamson, Bruce Lee, Jim Gannon, WIND. Grant Horton, KSD. Arnie Warren, Dale Reeves, WGBS. Ted Lux, WJW. Dave Baum, Clark Weber, Eddie Schwartz, Steve King, WIND. Dunbar & Wygant, Ronn Owens, Michael Krasny, Bernie Ward, Ray Taliaferro, KGO. Dave Ross, KIRO. CAT OUT OF THE BAG It must be doubly infuriating to the Obama regime that liberal media outlets were given the so-called "Wikileaks" of memos from inside our war effort in Afghanistan. Collectively the memos, whose authenticity is not questioned by the White House, paint a picture of a war not going well and "allies"of highly questionable dependability within both Afghanistan and Pakistan. In Pakistan--pardon me, "Pahk-ee-stahn"--we continue to pour money into support of a government that, as even Hillary says, knows where Osama Bin Laden is hiding; a government that also has elements assisting our Taliban enemies. When does stupidity end and reality take over? Under our Muslim president---don't hold your breath. (Ridicule the Muslim designation if you wish. Let's wait and allow history to judge.) * * * * * Afghanistan provides yet another sad example of the futility of fighting a war with half-measures. As more than one veteran has said, "If you don't intend to win it, don't get in it." With Obama having already posted a timetable for withdrawal, i.e., giving up, a question that has to be in the minds of many of our troops is, "Do I want to be the last man killed in Afghanistan, in a failed war?" * * * * * Obama professed to be infuriated that the Scots released the Libyan terrorist who blew up the Pan Am flight over Lockerbie, Scotland. But Britain's liberal Guardian newspaper reports that the Obama White House sent a letter to the Scots eight days before the release, approving it on "compassionate" grounds. Abdelbaset al-Megrahi was released from prison because he was supposedly dying from inoperable prostate cancer. Instead, he is now living happily in his native Libya with prospects for a long life and adulation as a Muslim hero. The Obama administration has refused to allow the letter to be released. * * * * * The most dangerous creature in America for the last months of this year: the lame duck. * * * * * The charge of racism has been used so often and irresponsibly by the left against anyone opposed to their socialist agenda that it's losing it's bite as a political weapon. The only rational responses by a sane person to such hysterical barking is either to ignore it completely or to limit response to a simple, "Bleep you," and move on. * * * * * Suggestion for black folk who seriously believe conservatives are plotting a return to slavery. Might you not, therefore, be more comfortable in some nation in Africa, where you could call yourself "an American-African"? Perhaps that would get you preferential affirmative-action treatment. * * * * * With his endless vacations and golf obsession, does or does not B. H. Obama more and more resemble a potentate of a third-world country, blithely soaring above his country's decaying economy and culture? * * * * * Not to cast a pall over Chelsea's reported two million dollar nuptials, but isn't there some sort of rule-of-thumb that there's an inverse relationship between the cost of a wedding and the longevity of the marriage? * * * * * As it grows increasingly obvious that she plans to challenge Obama for nomination in 2012, a reminder: Hillary Clinton was also a Saul Alinsky acolyte. *
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How do liberals respond when one of their darlings, movie director Oliver Stone, says Hitler was an okay guy unjustifiably bad-mouthed by Jews? Oh, yes... and Iran's Ahmadinejad is similarly ill-treated by those awful Jews. Can we expect him next to tell us Jews flew the hijacked airliners on 9/11? * * * * * The London Daily Mail newspaper reports that millions of patients in Britain's socialized medical system hospitals are malnourished, many suffering with bedsores, because nurses don't bother to feed or check on them. What else would one expect when healthcare workers are effectively just another coterie of government burocrats? And THIS British system is the one so highly admired by Obama's latest czar in charge of Medicare & Medicaid. We truly live in a land run by crazy people. * * * * * Calling Al Gore! More than 400 deaths in Peru attributed to extreme cold. Any helpful tips, Al--after you finish your massage? * * * * * Wonder if the Madwoman of San Francisco, Ms. Pelosi, is having nightmares over losing her taxpayer-provided private airliner, a perk she demanded as Speaker of the House, when the votes are counted in November? BP--BARACK PETROLEUM? If you struggle to understand the endless delays in Obama's response to the BP oil spill in the Gulf, this reminder may help to clarify. BP and its employees have given millions of dollars in campaign contributions over the last five presidential campaigns, and the largest single recipient has been--Barack Obama. Timeless wisdom suggests that in questions involving either crime or politics--often synonymous--first, follow the money. It's the Occam's Razor test. * * * * * The invaluable "The Prowler" column in THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR informs that The Regime is sending more political operatives to Florida to put a better face on Obama's failures there. Just what's needed by the folk whose jobs and businesses are being destroyed: more Washington liars to tell them Big Daddy is taking care of it. * * * * * Always remember and never forget! Liberal Democrat economics (at least the visible part, for the gullible) rest on a simple principle. To wit, "We will take money away from the people who earned it, and give it to people who didn't." Extracting a sizable commission in the process, of course. * * * * * Do the recent wild vacillations in the stock market suggest that the pros are setting traps for the unwary amateur? Abetted by government policies that continue to keep returns artificially low on fixed-income investments? * * * * * Forbidden thoughts, but wondering out loud... if there are conversations in quiet corners of the Pentagon along the lines of, "How long can we let this craziness go on?" I know, I know. Unthinkable. * * * * * If you're compiling an "axis of evil" list of U.S. Senators, don't forget to include Max Baucus, the Montana Democrat. He clearly supports the recess appointment of yet another leftist ideologue to run Medicare and Medicaid; an appointee who is hugely admiring of the British socialized health care system that is now being partially dismantled in England because real-world experience has taught them it's a failure. * * * * * Quote to remember. Whenever you hear or read about ACLU involvement in a legal case, it should be recalled that Roger Baldwin, the founder of the organization, was quite open about its aims. He said--and the quote is easily verifiable--"Communism is the goal." * * * * * Okay... "The View". When can we expect Obama to show up with the Kardashians? FREELOADERS ASCENDING We've discussed it before and the threat looms ever larger. The threat that the U. S. will fall deeper into the grasp of a parasite population. People who pay no income taxes and thus have every incentive to vote for political demagogues who promise them ever-more freebies from the government, paid for by that shrinking part of the population that does pay those taxes. The latest numbers show that 47% of American households are already at the "no-tax" level. With Democrats leading the way in the march for more "gimmes" from government, and far too many congressional Republicans lacking the backbone to resist that growth, much less cut back on taxpayer largesse, is it already too late for America? * * * * * The well-documented exodus of illegal aliens from Arizona since the passage of the state's law to enforce the immigration laws that neither Bush nor Obama would enforce proves a point. The people--in BOTH parties--who prattle nonsense about "not being able to deport twelve million illegals" are fools, or at best, disingenuous. Take away the "bait"--illegal employment and social benefits--and they deport THEMSELVES. Illegals in Arizona got the message: you are not welcome here. Even the watering-down of the law by a (Clinton-appointed) federal judge is unlikely to change the mood of either fed-up Arizonans or illegals who sense which way the wind is blowing and find sucker-states like California more congenial. * * * * * If you wonder why liberals refuse to face the obvious fact that government spending has put us in an untenable fiscal condition, consider the possibility that many of them are motivated by envy, and don't care if the nation collapses if it destroys the successful and brings them to the level of the losers. * * * * * Here's an unpopular point to consider re the Bloomberg report that home ownership has dropped to its lowest level in the U.S. in ten years. Too many people have "owned" homes who shouldn't. They couldn't afford them, thus the bankruptcies. The liberal attitude that promoted the idea of universal home-ownership was exemplified by the spectacularly stupid comment from Sen. Chris Dodd, who voted against the very sane idea of requiring a larger down payment, saying, "That would mean homes would only be owned by PEOPLE WHO COULD AFFORD THEM!" * * * * * Jeb Bush deserves congratulations for declaring himself out of 2012 Republican presidential consideration. It may well be that he is the best-and-brightest of the Bush clan, but the brand is irretrievably tarnished by his father, who infamously broke his "read my lips...no new taxes" pledge and his well-intentioned but bungling brother who planted the seeds of the financial chaos Obama has brought to full fruition and beyond. Some of us knew that Bush #2 was on the road to self-destruction when he opened a state-of-the-union speech with an embarrassing tribute to Ted Kennedy. Kennedy, of course, repaid him with public ridicule and obstructionism. * * * * * Judge Judy is clobbering Oprah in the daytime TV ratings. Maybe there IS a downside to becoming a de facto lead campaigner for a left-wing politician whose public-opinion ratings are also in free-fall. * * * * * The First Lady with the largest, most expensive personnel staff in White House history will be vacationing in Spain with a daughter and "some friends", requiring thirty...THIRTY...rooms in a five-star hotel in Marbella. I hope you enjoy living vicariously, because you're paying for it. Assuming you're a taxpayer. No, this isn't envy; I've been there many times during my other career in the travel industry. Good choice...especially if you're spending taxpayer dollars, anyway. * * * * * Question for the Utah Supreme Court re springing cult-leader Warren Jeffs: are you people NUTS? PYRRHIC VICTORY When a Clinton-appointed judge blocked parts of the Arizona law dealing with enforcement of federal immigration laws, the myopic left adjudged it a victory. Typically, they have totally misjudged the longer-term effects of this misguided piece of partisan jurisprudence. Every public opinion survey shows that voters nationwide overwhelmingly--by a two-to-one margin--support Arizona and detest the Obama administration's ham-handed, pro-illegal meddling. The fact that the decision will be appealed--first to the idiotic most-overturned-court in the land, the 9th Circuit, based in San Francisco--Looneytown, U.S.A.--means it will further proceed to the U.S. Supreme Court. And all of this means the case will drag on to not only haunt the Democrats' already-dismal chances in the congressional elections in November, but will still be hanging over the Marxist-Muslim in 2012. If you can get a bet down that Barry Soetoro won't even be renominated in 2012...take it! * * * * * Arizonans being largely an ornery, independent lot, it should not be surprising if some illegal unpleasantness toward those who have no right to be in the country follows this misguided judicial opinion. In fact, there have already been incidents pointing in that direction. Some Arizonans recall the immortal line from the movie "Network": "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it anymore!" * * * * * The fact that the Obama thuggery pursued this specious case in the fact of overwhelming public sentiment to the contrary proves once again that this man with tyrannical ambitions can only be stopped by all the political force rational people can muster. Make no mistake: Obama's commitment to a radical leftist agenda is total. * * * * * Disappointment abounds following BO's visit to "The View". At no time was he asked, "What is your favorite color?" And given the presence of Baba Wawa, I know we were all awaiting her classic question, "If you were a tree, what kind of tree would you be?" * * * * * So Chelsea's new father-in-law is a convicted criminal--big-time fraud. As perfect a melding of families as you could imagine! Wonder if he'll be counseling Hillary on investments... *
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A survey released by UCLA researchers reveals that almost 5 million California adults say they could use help with a mental or emotional problem. After seeing the kind of people they elect to office, who could be surprised? * * * * * There's a chance our planet will be hit by a giant asteroid in 2182. Quick, Barack! Explain to us exactly how this is Bush's fault! |
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radiorodgers1@yahoo.com |