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BEWARE OF THE QUACK! Democrats in congress crafting plans for a "lame duck" session to allow losing congressional candidates to pass more of an ultra-leftist Obama agenda... Janet Napolitano of Homeland Security hatching a plot to use executive power to grant amnesty to illegals without any such legislation being passed by elected representatives. It all makes clear the macro-goal of Obama, Pelosi and Co.: abolish government of, by and for the people and replace it with an elitist socialist dictatorship. * * * * * Elections have consequences long after the beneficiaries have served their terms. Witness Federal Judge Susan Bolton's effort to block the anti-illegal immigration bill passed with the overwhelming support of Arizona voters, backed by a huge nationwide majority. How did she get in the position to subvert the will of the voters? She was put there by Bill Clinton, whose pernicious influence lives on thru such appointees. * * * * * The very best pledge any Republican candidate could make going into November's election would be something like this: "If I find a fellow Republican behaving like, say, Charley Rangel, I will do everything in my power to (A) unseat him/her and (B) destroy that person's political career--permanently." Protecting crooked fellow party members is a recipe for disaster, and it's far past time pols of every stripe learn that lesson. The hammer should come down hard on violators of public trust. * * * * * When the Arizona illegal immigration case inevitably reaches the U.S. Supreme Court, one wonders how many of the five-member conservative majority will remember how Obama hosed them in his state-of-the-union speech-- and react accordingly? * * * * * The decline of ABC's Sunday talking-head show, "This Week", continues. After years of Democrat shill Boy George Stephanopolous, the host role now goes to pro-Muslim advocacy "journalist", Christiane Amanpour. * * * * * Don't be deluded by liberals' effort to shift their identity to "progressive." In the real world, the working definition of "progressive" is..."socialist"--or worse. * * * * * Proposed epitaph for the United States of America: "Born 1776...died 20-? ... victim of 'diversity', tolerance for its enemies and unwillingness to defend itself against them." * * * * * White unemployment is bad enough. The unemployment situation among black Americans is even worse. Yet Obama retains massive black support. Are we really expected to believe that support is motivated by anything more than racial ties? * * * * * Note to readers in Southern California. Please advise the national media folk in New York who've spent July whining about hot weather that you've had record LOW temperatures for the past month, and that the world does NOT end at the Hudson River. * * * * * Can all the Democrats who endlessly complained about Halliburton contracts during the Iraq war spare a little venom for General Electric? The corporate giant that's been in deeply bed with the Obama regime has agreed to pay $23 1/2 million in fines following a $50 million payoff last year for involvement in a kickback scheme involving the United Nothing's "Oil for Food" program. * * * * * Words to live by. There are some things ONLY government can do, but never overestimate the ability of government to do those things well. * * * * * Is "American Idol" on the skids? The current flap over the departure of Ellen Degeneres from the judging panel after the previously-announced end of the Simon Cowell reign suggests this latter-day incarnation of one of the oldest formats in broadcasting has about finished its run in the sun. History lesson: Major Bowes' :Amateur Hour" ... Ted Mack's "Original (?) Amateur Hour"...Arthur Godfrey's "Talent Scouts"...Ed McMahon's "Star Search" ... all came and went. And now... A POLITICAL POTPOURRI . BON APPETIT! What does it tell you about America's major media that they openly cheer for foreign criminal violators of the immigration laws our own corrupt, evil, leftist government refuses to enforce? If that isn't a clear sign of a nation in decline.... ***** When a publication as serious as Investors Business Daily publishes an opinion piece suggesting that the Obama regime is moving toward tyranny over dissenting public opinion at such a dangerous pace that a second American Revolution may be called for, alarm bells about our Marxist/Muslim/Kenyan would-be dictator should be sounding--loudly. He has wrecked our economy and weakened the nation in the face of a determined enemy. How much more operating room will he be given by a treacherous Democrat congress? ***** Guaranteed flop in the automobile market: Government Motors' scamobile called "The Volt". Forty-one grand for this taxpayer subsidized electric-auto monument to environmentalist stupidity? It's an easy prediction that its only market will be among a few posturing rich greenies. And yes, Mr. Soetoro, it WOULD have been better to let GM go bankrupt and renegotiate labor contracts rather than continue to subsidize $28-an-hour assembly-line jobs with yet another taxpayer burden. Of course, if you're in the business of buying union votes with other people's money, it does make political sense even though it's an exercise in economic idiocy. Mussolini would applaud. It is, after all, his brand of economics. If you doubt it, read some history. ***** Congressman Charley Rangel's defense against charges of ethical violations can be summarized as, "The others do it, too." He's doubtless largely correct; an indictment of the cesspool that congress has become. A House subcommittee recommends only a "reprimand" for Rangel. And what kind of "punishment" can we expect for the vile Maxine Waters, also facing ethics charges? Really drained that swamp, didn't you, Pelosi? ***** The Enquirer reports that the reunion/engagement of Sarah Palin's daughter Bristol and the father of her baby is in jeopardy because Levi Johnston knocked up another girl during the estrangement. Expect the big liberal media to run with the story as another way of trying to discredit Bristol's mother. Mom would be well-advised to strongly suggest to Bristol, "Never open your mouth in public again." ***** The political machine that provided Barack Obama's education in economics is in bad trouble. My one-time colleague Fran Spielman reports in the Chicago Sun Times that Mayor Daley is more than $654 million short in his new budget. Considering that more than half of Chicago's municipal expenditures go to one of the worst school systems in the nation, turning out battalions of illiterates, one can only wonder how much difference a cut in spending on that item would make. Not that it'll happen; there are unions to be given succor...paid for by suckers. ***** As an Arizonan, let me advise you of this: you can't imagine how furious most people here are over Obama and his (Clinton-appointed) stooge-judge and her ruling on the immigration law case. Even refined ladies use language to describe the Kenyan that you'd normally expect from, say, angry stevedores. ***** Has Andy Griffith gone senile in his 84th year? Here's an icon of American television taking taxpayer dollars to tell us what a wonderful thing this gigantic fraud called "Obamacare" is going to be. Back to Mayberry, con-man. ***** How hard is it going to be for any other Republican contender for the 2012 presidential nomination to hang around Mitt Romney's neck his leading role in installing an early version of Obamacare in Massachusetts during his time as governor there? Yes, he's a smart businessman; an investment company he founded provided the financing for one of the big "consolidators" responsible for putting American radio on its deathbed. But what does it say about his governing philosophy that he participated--no, LED-- the Massachusetts Medical Mess that's already a clear failure? ***** So Britain's Prince Charles believes he was put on this earth to--his words--"Save the world." Chuck... chill. THE LATEST FROM THE LOONIES Please! Let's have more hysterical hyenas from south of the border interrupting baseball games to run around waving Mexican flags! Every time they do it, another million or so Americans decide it's way past time to send these criminals back where they came from. * * * * * What can you say about a government--ours--that claims to be defending us with troops in Afghanistan, but can't bring itself to defend us on our border with Mexico? * * * * * Barack and his leftist Attorney General/stooge continue to delay trial of the Muslim 9/11 plotters being held at Gitmo. Why? The question answers itself. * * * * * BO might well ask himself, "Just how much longer can I override the clear will of the American people before the lid blows off in a VERY unpleasant way?" * * * * * So Chelsea's wedding cake cost $11,000. How much extra for a scoop of ice cream? Does the Clinton family behavior define what used to be disdainfully called "nouveau riche"? Gee... wonder how a poor hillbilly acquired so much money without inventing anything or breaking new ground in the investment field. Perhaps Charley Rangel and Maxine Waters would like to find out the Clinton formula for acquiring a fortune without arousing any interest on the part of congressional investigators. Talk about a presidency displaying a "for sale" sign... * * * * * Every person facing criminal charges must wish for the kind of treatment Al Gore got from the Oregon prosecutor who decided not to charge him in the sexual misconduct allegations. He only had to answer fourteen pre-arranged questions presented to him in writing, in advance. Of course, two other women have also made similar charges. It'll be interesting to see what other prosecutors (one case was in Japan) decide to do about the (alleged) Tennessee horndog. Perhaps Al could prevail upon his old boss to introduce him to some of HIS bimbos to relieve his...tensions...and minimize Fat Albert's contribution to...global warming. * * * * * People are literally freezing to death in Peru. Big Al, why don't you go down and explain to THEM the hazards of global warming? * * * * * Does the Congressional Black Caucus have any purpose other than charging "racism" every time one of its members gets caught with a hand in the cookie jar? Of course, if voters continue to elect and re-elect people of no character and criminal tendencies, what should be expected? * * * * * Hey, Pelosi! How's your war on Washington's "culture of corruption"going? * * * * * Senator Ben Nelson, Nebraska Democrat, has announced his intention to vote against confirmation of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Sen. Nelson, Democrat, meet Sen. Lindsey Graham, Republican (?). * * * * * First Lady Michelle Obama, we hear, is in demand as a campaigner for some Democrats running in the November election. This is the woman who stated that she was never proud of her country until it elected her husband president. Republican opponents would do well to remind voters of Mrs. Obama's rather...tenuous...ties to a homeland that now affords her a life of luxury. * * * * * Remember Bill Clinton's limp-wristed salute to the military personnel who flew him around on Air Force One and Marine One? His performances were a monument to patriotism compared to Obama's embarkation and disembarkation salute, which is so obviously contemptuous of those military folk that he might as well flip them a middle finger. * * * * * Here is a useful mantra to repeat daily until election time--EVERY election time. "Never fall in love with a politician. They'll break your heart every time." "HOPE
Those thundering hoofbeats you hear in the distance aren't re-runs of "Bonanza". They're Democrat politicians facing an election in November running as hard as they can AWAY from President Obama, who's accurately assumed to be the Kiss of Death. * * * * * Why should anyone be surprised by the revelation of hitherto secret memos circulating in Obama's administration showing the hatching of a plot to bypass congress--and the law--to permit de facto amnesty for illegal aliens? After all, the bossman has made it clear that affirmation of his own citizenship is so unimportant that he's spent millions (of other people's money) to avoid proving it. Devaluing U. S. citizenship is obviously a prime Obama objective. And the Democratic party colludes. The pot boils, and the pressure builds... * * * * * The "race card" may finally be losing its utility as a tactic for evading legitimate responsibility. When it seems every black criminal, from street thug to congressman, cries "racism" upon being caught, who can take them seriously? * * * * * There's increasing speculation out of Washington that an attack on Iran's nuclear weapons facilities may be inevitable. Please! Does anyone really expect Obama to attack fellow Muslims? He's more likely to order a hit on Tel Aviv. Then the question would become, "Will the military obey him?" Unlikely as it seems, this may be the divisive presidency that prompts a constitutional crisis. * * * * * Tax warning. Beware of Democrats pushing a VAT--value-added tax--which is nothing more than a disguised national sales tax. Once in place, it's a virtual certainty that it will never be repealed by EITHER party, because politicians will rapidly become addicted to the hugely increased funds it will make available to them. * * * * * Message for ignorant Democrats who are eager to raise taxes on "the rich". Did you fools learn nothing from the tax-cutting by you hero, JFK? Try reading your own party history. * * * * * If Mexicans on both sides of the border assume they have the right to tell us what our laws should be, why do we not have the right to point out the blindingly obvious fact that, based upon the (feckless or corrupt--your choice) governments they have consistently elected to power, they are clearly incapable of self-government. * * * * * How did the world's superpower so quickly turned into a failing, directionless, pitiful giant...object of contempt by its enemies? Simple. Too many politicians, largely but not exclusively Democrat, promising things they couldn't possibly do...too many voters, largely but not exclusively Democrat, who chose to believe those promises. * * * * * Is Lindsay Lohan really out of jail? Why? THE MEAN GREEN MACHINE STRIKES AGAIN The little Hitlers who cloak themselves in environmentalism are determined to force all of us to abandon our incandescent lights in favor of the CFL--the compact fluorescent lights with a built-in dose of dangerous mercury. Quick true story. A neighbor just had one break. Total bill for an environmentally-correct cleanup--$2,200. This for the pleasure of annoying yourself with a visually uncomfortable, undimmable light whose ultimate disposal, even without any breakage, raises real questions about mercury inevitably seeping into the water table. My local hardware store can't keep up with customer demand for normal incandescent bulbs, and the owner--like many of us--is stocking up on them as part of the widespread movement to thwart the power-mad greenies. A few more nuclear power plants will cover our power demands for decades. You know--the kind of plants that supply most of the power in countries like Japan and France. Does anyone really believe most Americans are going to go to the trouble and expense to dispose of broken CFLs in an environmentally correct manner? Puh-leeze! By the way: check the source of most CFLs. You'll find that buying them funnels yet more money to...China. * * * * * Washington Republicans, largely and obviously out-of-touch with their constituents, worry far too much about being "the party of no." When confronting policies of monumental stupidity--an Obama hallmark--the response should be not only "no", but "hell no!" * * * * * One of the more shameful elements of the Bush legacy: Defense Secretary Robert Gates, now a boot-licking Obama acolyte. Why did GWB ever appoint this unprincipled lackey? * * * * * An observation from the invaluable Thomas Sowell (townhall.com): Even though some people say we are living in a "knowledge economy," we are living in a political atmosphere in which ignorance has more power than ever. Washington politicians who have never run any business are telling all kinds of businesses-- from automobile companies and banks to hospitals and insurance companies-- how they have to run their businesses. This is the golden age of ignorance in power. * * * * * A prime candidate for "if only" status at some future date: "If only we'd put an end to Iran's nuclear weapons program before...." * * * * * The decline and decay of an old-line TV network continues. Consider the sad evolution of ABC's "This Week." From founder David Brinkley...thru Clinton shill Stephanopolous...and finally to the plumy Christiane Amanpour, who seems far more comfortable having a friendly chat with some middle-eastern tyrant. * * * * * Who gives a flying ...flea...what a showbiz freak calling herself “Lady Gaga” thinks about Arizona's immigration law—or anything else? * * * * * Freight car loadings are a historical measure of the state of the economy. Goods have to be shipped from producer to consumer. Thus the Gallup Poll provides an opportunity to revive a golden oldie joke. While the recession has taken its toll on rail traffic, Gallup finds alcohol consumption by Americans has hit a fifteen-year high. Thus it appears that more people than freight cars are getting loaded. Remember, you didn't pay for this high-quality entertainment. SPINELESS AMERICA FOLDS AGAIN In another celebration of "diversity", melded with a suicide complex, a city government panel controlled by New York's Mayor Bloomberg effectively approved the building of a mosque near the site of the 9/11 mass murders. Just so there's no misunderstanding, the building of a mosque means, to Muslims, staking a claim on an area. The fools on Bloomberg's panel acted in the name of religious freedom--laughable from liberals who try to remove every vestige of Christianity, including Christmas itself. The despicable Ibrahim Hooper of CAIR, the Conference on American Islamic Relations, asks, "How big is the Muslim-free zone around ground zero?" An appropriate response would be, "About 3,000 miles." * * * * * The Muslim push for a mosque at that location is clearly intended as a slap in the face. Of course, they push their views to gullible Americans in the name of "tolerance." Tolerance, of course, is not reciprocal in the Islamic world. Therefore, a rational riposte would be, "We'll talk about your mosque in New York after Mecca is well-populated with Catholic churches... Baptist churches... synagogues, etc., etc. Meantime, shut the hell up, and if you feel tolerance is lacking here, avail yourself of the freedom to move to a Muslim-dominated country." We're being played for suckers by a snickering enemy and our awakening may be coming too late. * * * * * Missouri has a well-deserved reputation as a political bellwether state. More often than not, the Missouri vote reflects the national vote, balanced as it is between two legendarily corrupt big-city Democrat machines in St. Louis and Kansas City, with largely rational people in between. So, if the Obamunists had any sense, they'd pay close attention to the Tuesday vote for a proposition rejecting a key part of Obamacare: the requirement to buy health insurance. It wasn't even close. More than 70% of voters said, "Hell, no--we won't do it!" To further insult taxpayers, Obama hired the elderly Andy Griffith to go on TV and shill for his socialized medical plan--and is spending $700,000 of your tax dollars to peddle his lies. * * * * * Thanks to Dan Sorkin for forwarding the following piece of common sense circulating on the internet. I'm a legal American citizen and I must show my ID when: 1--Pulled over by the police. 2--Making purchases on my department store credit card. 3--When I show up for a doctor's appointment. 4--When filling out a credit card or loan application. 5--When applying for or renewing a passport or driver's license. 6--When applying for any kind of insurance. 7--When filling out college applications. 8--When donating blood. 9--When obtaining certain prescription drugs. 10--When collecting a boarding pass for airline or train travel. Why should people in this country illegally be exempt? *
* * * * We've
had many egomaniacs in the White House. It isn't a job for shrinking
violets. But have we ever had a president so afflicted with the
screaming "Me-me's" as the Kenyan-Marxist-Muslim?
* * * * * Question for Republicans. Knowing that the Democrats' congressional leadership consists of the contemptible charlatans Reid and Pelosi...nevertheless, are you suffused with confidence when you see/hear their Republican counterparts, Mitch McConnell and John Boehner? * * * * * Business news: Cong. Jane Harman's 91-year-old husband is the new owner of failed Democrat propaganda outlet Newsweek magazine. He bought it for one dollar. He overpaid. * * * * * Re Bristol Palin's recurring Levi Johnston problem: sweetheart, there's a cure for what afflicts you. It's a dime. Held firmly between the knees. A DECAYED ICON Have you lately seen anything as embarrassing as Andy Griffith's TV recitation of the fantasyland benefits of Obama's socialized medicine? Hard to believe an American legend would throw away his legacy promoting a pack of outright lies. Maybe his great performance as a TV demagogue in the movie classic, "A Face in the Crowd" wasn't much of an acting stretch, after all. * * * * * Democrat congresscum Jerrold Nadler of New York, A/K/A Jabba the Hutt, has made as blatant a partisan pitch for blue-state votes imaginable. Reduced to essentials, he wants legislation that would allow people in those Democrat-dominated states to pay less in federal income taxes (for the same income!) than taxpayers in predominantly Republican states. I am not making this up. * * * * * How many Californians are wondering just what's the point in voting if one gay judge (appointed by George W. Bush) can allow his biases to overcome millions of voters on the gay marriage issue? * * * * * We heard it after the Exxon Valdez oil spill...we hear it now, with BP as the target: "boycott their stations." One can sympathize with the sentiment, but the real world of oil marketing doesn't work that way. While avoiding the retail outlets carrying the brand name will hurt the sales figures of individual stations, many owned by small businesspeople, it will make no dent in the sales of the big oil company. Here's why. The gasoline that isn't sold under the company's own brand will be sold by the station across the street or down the road with a different sign out-front. Gasoline is a fungible product. Except for different octane ratings, gasoline is...gasoline. Individual companies may add their own...additives...but the basic product is indistinguishable from that sold under a dozen different names. Oil companies routinely exchange product, anyway. Company "A" is a little short in one region...Company "B" has a surplus there. It would be foolish for "A" to transport fuel a long distance. Better to simply do a swap. Happens all the time. The gasoline WILL be sold, and the producing company WILL profit. * * * * * If you employed an accountant to handle your money, and that person made as big a botch of the job as badly as the political leadership of the Democrat-run states on both coasts, plus a few in the middle--like Illinois--would you or would you not prosecute that individual for fraud? And yet the multitude of fools in those states continue to elect them! It's all of a piece with the well-intentioned idiots who voted in millions for their utopian vision of "tolerance", and placed in Washington the most oppressive, racist, intolerant government seen in our lifetimes. A leftist government clearly determined to impose its will, whether most slow-awakening Americans want it or not. * * * * * Given Haiti's history of corrupt leadership, it appears that hip-hop "music" star Wyclef Jean has established his qualifications for running as president of his native land. He's facing IRS liens for failure to pay more than two million dollars in U. S. income taxes. * * * * * The death of seven puppies on American Airlines should be sufficient warning. Do NOT ship pets as airline cargo. Airlines have a wretched record of taking care of animals transported in that fashion. If your pet can't fly in the cabin with you, make other plans. * * * * * The Washington Post reports that the new British government is cutting funding for the arts. Has no one ever reminded the grant-obsessed "arts community" that the great art--painting, sculpture, drama and literature--so revered by so many was created without any government involvement at all? * * * * * Are there still people so dumb they believe they're getting unbiased news from ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN? P.T. Barnum's ancient axiom--"There's a sucker born every minute"--is obviously still relevant. The old Big Three alphabet networks studiously ignored the total butt-kicking Obamacare was handed in Missouri, favoring instead "news" about the Marxist Kenyan's birthday. You think that's by accident or coincidence? There is no greater hatchery for young, ill-informed socialists who think they DO know everything than America's "journalism" schools. Show me a J-school grad and I'll show you a committed leftist, and do so with 90% confidence. * * * * * I love football, but... have we heard quite enough about Bret Favre's play/don't play vacillations? Play, or don't, but please--SHUT UP! * * * * * Feel free to forward this column to a friend. Or, better yet, a liberal who could benefit from a reality-check. * * * * * The Lee Rodgers Congenial Conservatives cruise sails in April. Twelve days around the Mediterranean with port calls in Monaco, Italy (several), Greece (several), Dubrovnik and Venice. For details, call Jackie at Holiday Travel, 650-342-7292. HIROSHIMA, UP CLOSE The passing of the 65th anniversary of the nuclear bombing of Hiroshima brings to mind one--well, two--of the larger surprises I've encountered in a lifetime of extensive travels. Two visits to Hiroshima, to the very spot where A-bomb #1 exploded and the Peace Museum. The museum, on both occasions, was crowded with Japanese from all over the country. I wondered whether there would be overt expressions of hostility to an American, or at least some unwelcoming looks. There were none. In fact, during hours spent in the museum there were several Japanese--mostly younger adults--who approached with genuine, serious questions about the motivation for the attack and most agreed that, had the war continued, there would have been far greater slaughter among Japanese by an invasion. On the second visit a few years later, I was surprised to see that the placards explaining each exhibit, written in both Japanese and English, had been altered to point out that the Japanese government was not guilt-free in the bringing about of the nuclear raid. This in a country where Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 was never taught in the schools; indeed, I know Japanese who never heard of Pearl Harbor and had always been taught that the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the earlier fire-bombings of Tokyo were unprovoked American aggression. One never-to-be-forgotten exhibit in the Peace Museum is the entryway to a bank near Ground Zero. It is one piece of carved granite steps, not concrete. There is a clearly discernible outline of a woman in the stone. She had been sitting on the steps when the bomb exploded, and was literally burned into the stone. In a long career as a broadcast interviewer, I have had the odd, if minor, distinction of interviewing Paul Tibbetts, pilot of the Enola Gay, the plane that dropped the bomb... and the Japanese woman who was the closest surviving human being after the explosion. She professes no ill-will toward the Americans. I have also talked with the father of the next step-upward in nuclear weapons, Dr. Edward Teller, father of the H-bomb. By the way, listeners to my longtime program on ABC may recall the young Japanese women humorously chanting, "Uncle Lee kicks butt!" That was recorded, with no advance planning, by a few young Japanese secretaries spontaneously assembled at the very spot where A-bomb #1 exploded. Travel tip: if circumstances ever permit you to visit Japan, do it. It's one of the most fascinating countries in the world, and I've visited about eighty others. And Hiroshima is one of Japan's most beautiful cities. However, don't plan on visiting the old part of the city. There IS no old part. It all vanished in one second in 1945. * * * * * Passing signs of a decaying nation; decaying under the misguidance of a corrupt, power-mad, spendthrift, evil government: Social Security will pay out more this year than it gets in payroll taxes, the first time since the program will be in the red since it was overhauled in 1983 by the Reagan administration. The U.S. Postal Service reported a quarterly net loss of $3.5 billion. In THREE MONTHS. The system faces a liquidity crisis (out of money!) in 2011 when the agency must make a $5.5 billion payment to fund retiree health benefits. Fannie Mae, the government's mortgage-finance company, is asking for $1.5 billion from the U.S. Treasury Department after a 12th straight quarterly loss. Fannie Mae, bastard stepchild of Barney Frank, has accrued more than $148 billion in consecutive losses since 2007. All of this leads one to conclude that we're in for yet another replay of a political drama we've seen before. Irresponsible Democrats, whoring for votes from the "gimme" crowd, go on a wild spending spree and run up unsustainable debt and deficits. Some Republicans--not all, but some--then win elections and are compelled to try...TRY... to reduce the irresponsible spending. Whereupon demagogue Democrats resume their battle cry: "those heartless Republicans are inflicting pain upon the poor folks who depend upon the government to survive." It never changes. * * * * * Thanks to John B. for forwarding the following: The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver, opposes AZ's new immigration laws. Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law: "What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into Arizona Sun's basketball games without paying? What if they had a good idea who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected. Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink? And what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured, the Suns had to provide free medical care and shelter?" - HAVE WE A LOVE SONG FOR THIS? How much this says about a larger mindset regarding gay marriage is open to question. What it DOES say about leftist nutjob Rosie O'Donnell and HER "marriage"...well, you decide. Thanks to Brian Maloney's Radio Equalizer website, here's a verbatim quote from Rosie on her satellite radio show: Rosie-- "George Bush, in the middle of a war, had an all-station news conference to announce how horrible it was for the safety of America that gay people were getting married in San Francisco, which pissed me off enough to get on a plane and go get married." All together... "Isn't it romantic..." * * * * * The official unemployment rate stands at 9.5%. Add those in the government's own defined U-6 group--people who are long out of work and have given up even trying to get a job and you get...16 1/2%! One in every SIX should-be-working Americans. When are the suckers who elected this bunch of Obama socialist bunglers going to admit that their chosen leaders have no idea what they're doing, unless it is their intention to wreck the U.S. economy beyond repair? If that IS the goal, they're getting close! * * * * * Nominees for the Republican Hall of Shame: Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, Dick Lugar of Indiana, , Olympia Snowe & Susan Collins of Maine and Judd Gregg, New Hampshire. They are the five Republicans who voted for Obama's left-wing nominee for the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan, whose decisions will haunt the nation for years to come. * * * * * Gov. Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota may ultimately prove to be the best-qualified presidential nominee for the Republican Party. But may not some folk harbor a bit of suspicion about a politician who's a product of the culture that sent alleged comedian Al Franken to the U.S. Senate? * * * * * Note to the sillies who fantasize about "a world without nuclear weapons." Grow up! Nothing that has ever been invented has ever been UN-invented and it is a totally perverted understanding of human nature to believe that (A) villains are ever going to dispose of their own nukes or (B) that sane people are going to eliminate their necessary defense & retaliatory capability. Face it: you suffer from a rectal-cranial inversion. Get over it. * * * * * Please! Somebody get Big Al out of that massage parlor and give him the News! Argentina is having its coldest winter in forty years! And while about it, explain to the dope that he is full of male bovine excrement! * * * * * Big mass wedding in Gaza. Hundreds of Palestinian men, mostly in their mid-to-late twenties, taking their brides, mostly under ten. And this so-called "religion" demands our respect! * * * * * The teachers' union in Milwaukee is demanding Viagra be included in their health plan coverage. What they're already doing to the taxpayers isn't enough?? * * * * * So Obama had to commandeer a military helicopter to travel SIX miles in Washington D. C. to make a political speech. Between Michele's vacations and Barack's endless, frivolous use of aircraft, their record as the biggest freeloading leeches in American political history is already secure. LYING MEDIA: DYING, BUT UNCHANGING The big old newspapers are dying...the old alphabet TV networks continue to bleed viewers...CNN is a spent force. One wonders if the people entrusted with managing these media factories ever question their inability or unwillingness to require even a modicum of honesty and balance from their so-called "reporters." Just to start, how about asking them, "Why have you chosen to either minimize, or ignore entirely, the intimidation of white voters by black thugs in the Obama election, and Obama's unwillingness to prosecute? You know very well, from your own history, that if the racial roles were reversed there would be non-stop coverage." But the lies and coverups continue, and the American majority public continues to lose confidence and get their news from other sources. And the "mainstream media" -- starting with newspapers -- now want the taxpayers to be forced to subsidize them so they can continue to deliver distorted "news." I have worked among media people for decades and I know for a certainty that most are dedicated propagandists for the left. Their mindset is incapable of even considering any other reality; in fact, most believe that anyone who doesn't buy into their "progressive" thinking is somehow subversive. They fail, for another example, to understand why some Americans are unwilling to hand to militant Muslims the knife to be used on their own throats. * * * * * It should be no surprise that the Obamunists are engineering a bailout "to save teachers' jobs." The oldest trick in the liberal free-spending book is the threatened loss of vital public services like police, firefighters and--yes--teachers. First, there's the very legitimate question, "How much worse could our education system be with the absence of 300,000 more teachers nationwide, given the results we're getting from the full quota?" The years of union crusading for more teachers (and dues-payers) handling smaller classes has resulted in no discernible improvement. Then, there's the larger question, "Why is it always people in these 'vital' jobs who are at risk of budget cuts? Are there no slothful, unnecessary burocrats?" It's an amusing irony that this all takes place with another teachers' union story generating news in Milwaukee, where the union demands that tax-payer-paid Viagra be included in their health plan. Some might argue that schools were more effective when the "wood" a teacher was packin' was more likely be a paddle. * * * * * Definition: "moderate Muslim." One who's willing to wait a little longer than his fanatical brother for the forced conversion, enslavement or killing of all non-Muslims, but shares the same ultimate goal. Also...a figment of the imagination of suicidal "tolerant" liberals. * * * * * One wonders how long New Yorkers will continue to tolerate the (two-faced or treacherous, take your choice) pile of silliness that IS Mayor Bloomberg. His support for the mosque to be built near the 9/11 site is illustrative of everything wrong with "tolerant" liberalism. As one realist observed, "It's possible to be so open-minded, your brain falls out." * * * * * If might be recalled that Iraq War #2, run under Bush #2, would've been unnecessary if Bush #1 and the ridiculously overrated Colin Powell had finished the job after running Saddam's forces out of Kuwait. If you recall, they had his army bottled up in a shooting gallery and could have destroyed it had not GHWB and Powell decided to show their "humanity" and let them out. That left Saddam's army intact and able to go to war again. Do we yet have a constitutional amendment forbidding ANYBODY named Bush, Clinton, Kennedy or Obama from EVER running for president again? If not, we should. Fortunately, the unlikely Amy is the only prospective Carter left to sabotage the country. Re Iraq and Afghanistan: you cannot build a government built on democratic choice in a culture where the all-pervasive religion tells everyone, "There IS no choice. The Quran is the ONLY guide to government and your entire life." * * * * * Here's a question to ask when your friendly neighborhood stockbroker suggests that this is a good time to buy. Ask, "When was the last time you told someone it was a BAD time to buy?" * * * * * I had a birthday recently. How old am I? I'm soooo old...I can remember when Tiger Woods could play golf! A LURE FOR THE LEECHES The Obamunists want to try another typical liberal voter-bribery tactic. They want to reward irresponsible behavior by cancelling the debt of people who bought houses they couldn't afford with mortgages guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, quasi-government agencies. This says to people whose mortgages were obtained thru private lenders, "Screw you. Not only do YOU not get a break, you pay the taxes to subsidize the FM & FM freeloaders." It sends the same message to every other taxpayer. At what point does such blatantly stupid behavior become criminal? * * * * * Honestly, now. How much of the overwhelming support for Obama among black Americans is motivated by nothing more than a "screw whitey" mentality? * * * * * Congress, like the Obamas, is spending money at a record rate for trips overseas by members and people chosen to accompany them. Given the Democrat majorities in both houses, and the polls showing that many will get voted out of office in November, this appears to be a "get the freebies while the getting is good" philosophy at work. * * * * * My own view of the activities of homosexual folk was best expressed by Beatrice Stella Tanner Campbell, British actress, the first to play "Eliza Doolittle", in George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion, which became "My Fair Lady." She said she didn't mind what a gay couple did in private, "...so long as they don’t do it in the streets and frighten the horses!" It's a long stretch from that position to a gay federal judge deciding that his obviously-less-than-unbiased opinion and vague, twisted interpretation of the constitution should outweigh the votes of seven million California voters. Given the "logic" of Judge Walker's ruling, why should polygamy be prohibited? * * * * * News reports say VP Joe Biden spent the weekend lying on the beach. Now, if he'd only tell the truth elsewhere... * * * * * Wondering out-loud. Does Fox hire people like Kirsten Powers to demonstrate just how empty-headed liberals can be? Eye-candy, yes, but.... * * * * * Must-read: Jewish World Review website...Arnold Ahlert... entitled "It's ONLY one dead nun." * * * * * One of the great voices from the movies, gone. Patricia Neal. * * * * * It happened in West Virginia. A man caught in a public park with his pants down around his ankles, committing what police describe as "a lewd act" with a department store-window mannequin. Initially, police were puzzled because both Tiger Woods and John Edwards could account for their whereabouts at the time. * * * * * The Obamas are next off to a vacation in Maine. We can expect some liberal media outlets, stung by indignation over their extravagance, to report that they're staying at a Motel 6. * * * * * Great orators of the Democratic Party (thanks, Mike): "It depends what your definition of 'Sex' is?'' - Bill Clinton "That Obama ... I would like to cut his nuts off." - Jesse Jackson "Those rumors are false ... I believe in the sanctity of marriage." - John Edwards "I invented the Internet." - Al Gore "The next person that tells me I'm not religious, I'm going to shove my rosary beads up their ass." - Joe Biden " America is - is no longer, uh, what it - it, uh, could be, uh, what it was once was - uh, and I say to myself, uh, I don't want that future, uh, for my children." - Barack Obama "I have campaigned in all 57 states." - Barack Obama (2008) "You don't need God anymore, you have us Democrats." - Nancy Pelosi (2006) "Paying taxes is voluntary." - Sen. Harry Reid "Bill is the greatest husband and father I know. No one is more faithful, true, and honest than he." - Hillary Clinton (1998) And the most recent gem of wisdom from the "Mother Moron": "We just have to pass the Healthcare Bill to see what's in it." - Nancy Pelosi (March, 2010) ...and these are the idiots chosen by Democrats to be our "leaders"! MUST WE REWARD STUPIDITY AND INCOMPETENCE? It's hard to picture a more vivid example of dysfunctional politics at both the state and national level than Washington telling the taxpayers of other states who've had the good sense to elect responsible officials that they must pay for grants to states that have elected idiots and demagogues, almost invariably liberals, to executive and/or legislative offices. Starting with such lunatic states as California and New York, Illinois and Michigan, where they elect such charlatans as Fortney Stark, Maxine Waters, governors who go to prison, Charley Rangel and, yes, Arnold Schwarzenegger. Message from the rest of America: you want these scum, YOU pay for them and the depredations they've encouraged! * * * * * What is wrong with this picture? A Heritage Foundation study finds that the average federal worker (excluding military personnel) makes $78,901 a year in wages and salary compared to $50,111 for the average non-government worker. Add the health and pension benefits and the average total pay of federal workers adds up to $111,015 a year versus $60,078 the worker in the private sector. How long will taxpayers tolerate this outrageous imbalance? How did it happen? Simple. Politicians whoring for government-worker unions. * * * * * Tone-deaf Democrats have somehow convinced themselves that having the arrogant, wild-spending Michele Obama on the campaign trail will improve the prospects for their candidates in November. Pleeeze, Dems... DO continue this kind of delusional strategizing! * * * * * Since Muslims are proudly insensitive toward the building of a mosque adjacent to the site of the 9/11 mass murder, let us applaud Greg Gutfeld's plan to open a gay bar next door to it, catering to gay Muslim men. Too bad there isn't room for a pig farm on the other side. That's from the playbook, "Bleep me?? No...bleep YOU!" The idea of a mosque there is clearly intended as a slap in the face, which should be responded to accordingly. * * * * * Unless their faith is based solely on "hate whitey," can someone explain why so many blacks have embraced Islam, since it is so deeply involved--now as well has historically--in the African slave trade? *
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Certified genius Stephen Hawking, theoretical physicist, says human beings must prepare to leave planet Earth, and soon, if the species is to survive. Recommended listening: search audio archives for the Matt Dennis classic, "Show me the way to get out of this world ('cause that's where everything is)." * * * * * If you want to leave serious money to your family, don't forget to die by December 31. After that, the Obamunists are determined to let the hideous "death tax" resume at rates of as much as 55% on your estate. That's the Democrats' policy of theft-by-government at its finest. * * * * * Smallest surprise of the year: Democrats putting fake "Tea Party" candidates into Republican primaries to confuse voters. Confront! Expose! * * * * * Here's a must read for this week. Go to TOWNHALL.COM and read Thomas Sowell's column entitled "Cheering Immaturity." A clearer indictment of our so-called "education system" would be hard to find. * * * * * NBC has dumped ultra-left-wing Keith Olberman from their Sunday Night Football telecasts, where he was an embarrassment for one season. Oh, how can we live?! *
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Tilting at windmills department-- There was a time when the media, both print and electronic, promoted literacy by example. People wrote and spoke in correct English. No more. Herewith, a few examples of language butchery that have become routine. "Begs the question" has had its meaning reversed by media illiterates. The real meaning is... to EVADE a question, not prompt a question. "An historic whatever" is simply wrong. "Historic", or any word beginning with an "h" which is sounded, should be preceded by "a", not "an." Thank you, America's "teachers." And the most blatant example of language-destruction by media people is exemplified by the fact that they obviously don't know that the industry that employs them is a PLURAL word. Yes, however often misused, "media" IS plural. The singular is "medium". When you hear or read, "the media IS," you can be sure the communicator is an illiterate. Offered with a bow to my friend, The Wordman, Dr. Richard Lederer. TAXPAYER,
Your tax dollars are going to be spent paying for a tour around the middle-east--Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai and Abu Dhabi--by Feisal Abdul Rauf, the Muslim Imam who's behind the push to desecrate the 9/11 site by building a mosque nearby. The ostensible purpose of the trip is to tell Muslims in the sewer that IS the middle-east how nicely Americans treat Muslims. Who, besides our ill-disguised Muslim president, could possibly think this is a good idea? Oh--the brain-dead mayor of New York, of course... One wonders how many Israelis have figured out by now that their greatest support comes from American Christians and the least comes from secular Jews like Bloomberg. * * * * * Despicable racist quote of the week: "I don't know how anyone of Hispanic heritage could be a Republican." Spoken to a largely Hispanic audience by the piece of dung clinging to the heel of the U.S. Senate, Harry Reid. * * * * * Iran tells us they've already dug mass graves for all the Americans they intend to kill. If you think they're arrogant now, wait'll they test-fire their first nuke. And what do you think B. Hussein Obama/Soetoro will do about it? * * * * * Muslims now want to regulate world time with a clock in Mecca, superseding the Greenwich Mean Time on which the world has operated without mass confusion since 1884. Expect B. Hussein Obama/Soetoro to be one of the first to cave in. * * * * * Gibbon's "The History of the Decline & Fall of the Roman Empire" was written 234 years ago. It is virtually interchangeable with today's news about our own nation. * * * * * There is available on the internet an exam for graduating the 8th grade in Salina, Kansas, in 1895. How many of today's teachers, who apparently exist to pay union dues for the support of Democrats, could pass the test? Any search engine should find it quickly. Just enter "eighth grade test 1895 Salina"... and forward it to any teacher of your acquaintance. (FYI: Snopes tries to undercut the test. Be aware that Snopes is nothing more than a man-wife team imposing their own values on controversial questions and not to be trusted as the last word on anything.) * * * * * How can people allow themselves to be so deluded and misled by "leaders" that they can believe money from the federal government is somehow unrelated to confiscation from taxpayers down the street or two thousand miles away? Only people "educated" by the ignorance factories we call schools could be so dumb. We are, at an ever-increasing rate, becoming one of the planet's truly stupid nations. * * * * * Thomas Jefferson is heralded as the father of the Democratic Party. Wonder how the socialist thugs who now run it would interpret these quotes by Jefferson: The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not. It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. A principle which if acted on would save one-half the wars of the world. I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them. No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government. My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government. (Thanks for the reminder, Mike.) * * * * * Notes from a broadcaster's scrapbook: thirty years ago I worked on a major Chicago station. The program department was headed by a nice young woman who, alas, had fallen under the spell of Saul Alinsky, the leftist Chicago icon whose guidance gave us Obama. She tried to guide the station accordingly, but had little success with me. (Surprise!) Eventually I left for greener pastures...the station failed...and the Alinsky acolyte wound up--some years and much real-world education later--as editor of .....Rush Limbaugh's newsletter. (She is no longer in that position, but was for some years.) WE'RE BROKE--AND BEYOND The case is made from the cold statistics of the International Monetary Fund that this nation is... bankrupt. Why would anyone expect otherwise when a foolish majority of Americans elected a Marxist ideologue whose goal becomes more evident every day: to destroy the economy and build a ramshackle socialist government on the ruins as desperate people grasp at straws just to survive. It's been done before, in nations more civilized than this one. Never in American history has there been such a mass outbreak of idiocy as was seen in the 2008 election, abetted by a brain-dead Republican party that put forth a two-faced phony like John McCain, utterly lacking in charisma and personality. If you don't fear for your future in this land, you haven't been paying attention. * * * * * One of the painful awakening moments for a liberal is when he learns, often thru painful experience, that the world does not work even approximately like he was told by his liberal teachers and professors. Of course, some ignore life's lessons and become that most contemptible of figures, the doddering liberal marching toward the graveyard as ignorant as the day he/she was born. * * * * * Unemployment levels up to the numbers of six months ago, in what was then supposed to be "mid-recession." And the real numbers, including people who've just given-up on the job search, are even worse. Quick, Dems: how confident are you that Wonder Boy can "fix" things? * * * * * Recommended reading: following my own previous remarks on these pages regarding the resemblance between Obama economic policies and the disastrous history of similar policies in Argentina, valuable elaboration is to the found on THE AMERICAN THINKER website. Go to the article by Scott Strzelezyk entitled “An Argentina-like Economic Crisis.” * * * * * Newt Gingrich is a smart guy, but before Republicans become enchanted with his presidential prospects, they'd better take a long look at his personal history of affairs and messy divorces, most notably when he gave the "d" word to one wife while she was in the hospital with cancer. The guy's a creep--a clever creep, but a creep nonetheless-- and it's guaranteed that if Republicans are willing to overlook the baggage he's accumulated, come campaign time, Democrats won't. * * * * * Nominating Newt would be as silly as Democrats believing that replacing Crazy Joe with HIllary in the VP slot would save their anti-American Marxist-Muslim-Kenyan in the 2012 election. Looking at BO's dismal re-election prospects, the Hildabeast is far more likely to try to beat him (for the nomination) than join him. Caution note: when it comes to leftward leanings, she's little or no different from The Won. * * * * * What does it tell you when Florida has politicians of both parties falling over themselves to out-tough Arizona on immigration laws? One could make an argument that our worst immigration failure was allowing Obama's deranged mother to bring her son into the country to advance the cause of the leftist craziness in which he's been immersed since infancy. * * * * * Typical of our lying leftist media. Dan Rostenkowski, one of the biggest crooks ever to disgrace even as corrupt a body as the U.S. Congress, died this week at age 82. Thanks to Newsbusters for pointing out that, as usual, the big network newscasts on ABC and NBC somehow failed to mention that he was a Democrat from the sewer of Chicago politics whose crimes were so blatant he went from Congress to join a better class of people--in prison. FYI, those wildly overpaid officials of the downscale town of Bell, California...also Democrats. Did you hear that on the TV news? It's a sorry commentary on American politics that, for decades, we've had our tax laws, which originate in the House Ways & Means Committee, written by the likes of Dan Rostenkowski and Charley Rangel. No wonder we live in a sick, troubled country. *
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Washington DC hit by floods, storms, power outages-- weather unforeseen by the forecasters until it struck. And these "experts" want to tell us what the climate will be in fifty or a hundred years?! * * * * * Cautionary note: when a politician prefaces a point by saying, "The fact of the matter is..." it's wise to prepare yourself for a gigantic whopping lie. You will seldom be disappointed. * * * * * Past their "use by" date: Jennifer Anniston, Jennifer Lopez. LONG past it: Britney Spears. * * * * * Distressing news from Disney World in Florida. April Magolon, age 27, from Upper Darby, Pennsylvania, has filed a lawsuit charging that Donald Duck groped and sexually molested her. Any would-be poets are cautioned to restrain themselves. BEWARE OF LAME DUCKS! In an unprecedented piece of legislative treachery, Democrat leaders have proudly announced they intend to call a lame duck session of congress after the November election in which they expect to lose control of (at least) the House. They plan to use the votes of their members, many of whom will have already demonstrably lost the confidence of the public, to pass more of Obama's ultra-left-wing agenda. There is a simple way to stop such chicanery. Hold the election one day...swear in the newly-elected members the next. Make an exception for close, undecided races. Simply leave those seats vacant until the matter is resolved. It's common sense, it's fair, it would reflect the will of the people. Which is why it won't even be considered. * * * * * From B. Hussein Soetoro/Obama: "Ramadan is a celebration of a faith known for great diversity and racial equality ... a reminder that Islam has always been part of America and that American Muslims have made extraordinary contributions to our country." NAME ONE, DUDE. Does he really expect us to believe such unadulterated male bovine excrement? * * * * * The endless Obama vacation saga continues! Shortly the Obamas begin a ten-day vacation at the Massachusetts island playground for the liberal elite, plutocrats and political prostitutes, Martha's Vineyard. Let's hope her recent trip to visit the (utterly powerless) King of Spain hasn't left our very own Marie Antoinette too tired to enjoy this latest round of freeloading. Ah, but de po' folks with whom they so strongly identify must take a vicarious delight in this constant scamming of the taxpayers. Or not. Now, even the lagging Gallup poll shows him below 50% for the first time among people earning less than $24,000 a year. * * * * * It is political opportunism, but Florida's Republican Attorney General, Bill McCollum was trailing in the race for the gubernatorial nomination. No more. It can hardly be coincidence that he had a sudden rise in the polls immediately after he announced plans for an illegal immigration law even tougher than Arizona's. * * * * * Russia's now preparing to supply the fuel to start Iran's first nuclear plant. That stupid "reach out" and "re-set" strategy's really worked out, hasn't it? * * * * * We have written and talked before about how the absurd economic policies of The Regime have put us on a path already trod by a large, once-wealthy country--Argentina. For a further, detailed exposition on this theme, I strongly recommend Scott Strzelczyk's piece called "An Argentine-Like Economic Crisis" posted on THE AMERICAN THINKER website on 8/13. * * * * * Dictionary Day. Today's definition: "progressive". Liberals' latest attempt to re-label their socialist agenda. What it really means is, "We'll expropriate money from those who earned it to buy votes from those who didn't." In short, a policy of legalized government theft. * * * * * One conservative's view of military spending. While opposed to government waste, in a dangerous world it's better to have overwhelming military power and not need it...than to need it and not have it. * * * * * With the anniversary of the end of World War Two, the shrinking cadre of veterans of the conflict may well reflect upon how America's role in the world has changed. That was the last war that we clearly and conclusively won. It ended in the unconditional..UNCONDITIONAL..surrender of both Germany and Japan. We were benign victors, but unquestioned victors we were. Since then, we settled for a tie in Korea, after 37,000 Americans died and many more maimed for life. Doing so has led to endless trouble and threats since. We lost in Vietnam, thanks to an idiot named Lyndon Johnson in the White House mismanaging a war that we probably should never have entered into in the first place. That choice was made by John Kennedy. We are far from having conclusive evidence of success in Iraq. Afghanistan has already been conceded in advance with Obama's announced timetable of withdrawal. All this serves as a reminder of Rule One about war: don't get in it if you don't intend to win it. Victory. All-out. One wonders what men like MacArthur, Eisenhower, Bradley, Patton, Nimitz and many others would think of the evolution of America's military strategies. * * * * * The American Psychological Association finds a growing number of college students afflicted with mental illness. There might be a connection to some of the nutjobs who've found refuge on faculties. * * * * * Feel free to forward this column to a friend. Or acquaintance. Or, better yet, a liberal. * * * * * The annual Congenial Conservatives Cruise sails in April for a dozen days around the Mediterranean. The best cabins are going fast. For information, call Jackie at Holiday Travel, 650-342-7292. A SHORT FUSE IS ABOUT TO BE LIT IN THE MUDDLE EAST Former US ambassador to the UN, John Bolton says the time window is closing for Israel to stop Iran's march to nuclear weapons, because Russia, thumbing its nose at the ridiculous occupant of the White House, will be fueling Iran's nuclear plant this week. If Israel is to hit it, it has to be done--for many reasons--before those nuclear fuel rods are installed. Be clear: Iran, sitting on an ocean of oil, has no need for a nuclear power plant other than to produce the plutonium for weapons. Reminder: Mr. Bolton had short tenure as our UN ambassador because the cowardly Democrats in congress refused to confirm him. They were frightened by his propensity to tell the truth to and about our enemies at the Useless Nations. * * * * * Understand clearly: Obama's now-outspoken support for building a mosque adjacent to the 9/11 site has NOTHING to do with religious freedom. It has EVERYTHING to do with assisting his Muslim brothers' intent to spit in our faces. More pointedly, why do we owe any "freedom" to a religion whose central tenet calls for the destruction of our values and way of life? When will the spineless weenies in this nation wake up to reality and realize it's past time to fight back, instead of cave in. To support this latest example of Islamic insolence is doubly absurd when done under the rubric of "tolerance" for a political "religion" that tolerates no other religion. * * * * * If you think keeping interest rates at near-zero level will cure a sick economy, study the history of Japan's slump. They've kept interest rates at a ridiculously low rate for years, with no positive results. With a work-force far better educated and dedicated than our own, they are still floundering under ineffective government policies. * * * * * Mayday alert for the big media. Even the staid old Gallup poll finds that fewer than one-in-four Americans have confidence in the news they get from either newspapers or television. Face it, media drones: the public has caught onto the fact that most of you operate as political propagandists and they ain't buyin' what you're sellin'! * * * * * Message to CNN folk in New York... Good night, sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite! Oops, too late! The building that houses CNN and other Time Corp. units in the Big Apple is reportedly infested with the little devils. * * * * * Just asking. Is Sheryl Crow really nuts, or does she just act that way to get publicity? I mean, really--recycled toilet paper? Lady, I don't know you that well, and don't WANT to know you that well! My Arizona lawn grows several varieties of cactus. Could I interest you in using one of them, instead? No charge. * * * * * A few helpful household hints from the e-mail: AVOID CUTTING YOURSELF WHEN SLICING VEGETABLES BY GETTING SOMEONE ELSE TO HOLD THE VEGETABLES WHILE YOU CHOP. A MOUSE TRAP PLACED ON TOP OF YOUR ALARM CLOCK WILL PREVENT YOU FROM ROLLING OVER AND GOING BACK TO SLEEP AFTER YOU HIT THE SNOOZE BUTTON. IF YOU HAVE A BAD COUGH, TAKE A LARGE DOSE OF LAXATIVES. THEN YOU'LL BE AFRAID TO COUGH. ...and the classic... YOU ONLY NEED TWO TOOLS IN LIFE - WD-40 AND DUCT TAPE. IF IT DOESN'T MOVE AND SHOULD, USE THE WD-40. IF IT SHOULDN'T MOVE AND DOES, USE THE DUCT TAPE. (Thanks, Arthur) THE ILLEGAL ALIEN BABY SCAM One child of every twelve born in the U.S. today is the offspring of people in this country illegally. That gives them "birthright" citizenship, which means they can't be deported. As a practical matter, it also means the parents can't be deported, nor can brothers and sisters. A belatedly awakened nation is finally beginning a debate over the wisdom of granting citizenship to these so-called "anchor babies" who benefit from a law that was originally intended to protect the citizenship rights of former slaves after the Civil War. Both Obama and the terminally stupid Secretary of Homeland Security, Janet Napolitano, think it would be wrong to close the door on this illegal alien swindle. That, alone, should prove the wisdom of such a move. * * * * * In a less politically-correct time, the late Joe Pyne, the father of confrontational radio, once said, "The country got tilted and all the fruits and nuts rolled into California." If the Golden State's voters re-elect leftist thugettes like Pelosi and Boxer, and bring former governor Jerry Brown back from the crypt, we'll know the state is irretrievably insane. * * * * * Re Obama and the mosque in New York: still don't believe we have an anti-American Muslim in the White House? Remember, lying to infidels (non-Muslims) is perfectly acceptable, according to the Quran. If it serves the larger goal of world Islam, professing to be a Christian is entirely okay. A lot of gullible people are going to be in for a major surprise, sooner or later--probably sooner. * * * * * Cong. Jerrold Nadler, A/K/A Jabba the Hutt, in whose district the disputed mosque would be built, says there's no way of stopping it. How surprised would we be if some New Yorkers who lost loved ones on 9/11 DO find, shall we say, unorthodox ways of stopping it? * * * * * More Democrat insanity. Race huckster Cong. Maxine Waters gets caught with her fingers in the cookie jar... naturally, it's Bush's fault! * * * * * Speaking of Bush... wonder if he still believes Islam is a "religion of peace"? * * * * * TRUTHS FOR MATURE HUMANS: I think part of a best friend's job should be to immediately clear your computer history if you die. Nothing sucks more than that moment during an argument when you realize you're wrong. You never know when it will strike, but there comes a moment at work when you know that you just aren't going to do anything productive for the rest of the day. I disagree with Kay Jewelers. I would bet on any given Friday or Saturday night more kisses begin with Miller Lite than Kay. Map Quest really needs to start their directions on # 5. I'm pretty sure I know how to get out of my neighborhood. I wish Google Maps had an "Avoid Ghetto" routing option. (With thanks to The Sloop John B.) BE CAREFUL CROSSING THE STREET.... ... you might get run over by the thundering herd of Democrats running away from their Dear Leader as the election approaches. The coward in the White House is even running away from himself! First, he was all for the building of that poke-in-eye mosque in New York, then when it became obvious what a snail should have known--most Americans are furious at the very idea--he tries to backtrack by talking about the principle of "freedom of religion" rather than any support for the building of another terrorist-recruitment center. The principle that SHOULD apply is simple reciprocity. Muslims can build another mosque in this country the day after construction is completed on the first Baptist//Catholic/Methodist/Presbyterian/Episcopalian/Jewish/ Pentecostal/whatever house of worship next to the Kaaba in Mecca. Otherwise, shut the bleep up and if you don't like it here, get the hell out! * * * * * Even CBS News--yes, CBS!--has noticed the Obamster's promiscuous use of the term "top priority". They've cataloged more than a dozen issues that The Fantasist has identified as "top priority." Perhaps after November his next priority will be getting his Chicago house prepared for re-occupancy. Unless by then he has a palace in Saudi Arabia for his services to Islam. * * * * * Are Democrats so dumb--and desperate--that they can think of no more effective campaign crutch than their ages-old, worn-out and patently false charge that "Republicans want to kill Social Security?" The Republican leadership is capable of all kinds of idiotic behavior, but threatening SS is not one of them. * * * * * Hey, L.A.! Hope you enjoyed your monumental traffic jam, courtesy of Obama's fund-raising visit! Since three quarters of you loonies voted for him, rejoice in your, uh...dividend! Also...why did Babsie Streisand, a sponsor of the event, not show up? Could it be she's a little annoyed over Wonder Boy's support for that mosque? *
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Attendance at NASCAR races, a passion of millions of (largely) middle-class working Americans, is in obvious trouble, even if officials of the racing circuit don't want to talk about it and the TV cameras make an effort NOT to show all those thousands of empty seats. At Sunday's race at the Michigan Speedway, a gigantic facility in the heart of American car-country, there was no avoiding the acres of vacant seats. If you're looking for a clear and visible indicator of the state of the economy... there it is. * * * * * It's a fact that Muslims are taught by their Quran (formerly anglicized as "Koran") that lying to non-Muslims is a perfectly acceptable way to advance the cause of Islam. How much do they differ from our home-grown liberals? In some cases, not much. For several years, I engaged in weekly one-hour on-the-air debates with a self-described Lion of the Left, whose tactic was simple. When confronted with indisputable facts and logic, he would simply make up "facts" and quote them as if his voice alone made them true. If it served the purpose of his argument, there was no scruple violated by using bald-faced lies. * * * * * Here's a serious campaign point that Republicans must use relentlessly as we approach the November election. Even if one, for whatever reason, is reluctant to vote for the Republican candidate in a congressional race--and many times such reluctance will be understandable--it must be remembered that any vote for any Democrat is a vote to keep Queen Nancy Pelosi in power as Speaker of the House, and therefore in control of the legislative agenda. I'm not normally a proponent of a "lesser of two evils" strategy, but with so much at stake, this time it's essential. Crooks and sell-outs can be dumped later. * * * * * The trouble with buying at the bottom, be it stocks or housing, is that you never know for sure that there isn't another bottom under today's bottom. * * * * * More language corruption rampant in the media: the confusion and intermixing of the terms, "This-or-that PLAYED a ROLE" or "WAS a FACTOR." Thus we get the gibberish, "PLAYED a FACTOR." It appears with the greatest frequency in sports coverage. And then, of course, there are the semi-literate writers who will opine on the "roll" played by this or that individual. And the dumbing-down goes on and on.... * * * * * My old friend Jim Eason finds an oddity not noted by the media in coverage of the flight attendant who took sudden leave of his Jet Blue flight by swiping some beers and making his exit via the emergency slide. Jim wonders, "Why beer? Why not a nice chardonnay?" Spoken like a true connoisseur! LIVING ON LIES Just for the record... despite the media whores who keep referring to Obama as such, he was never a Professor of Law. He never held such a title. His official position was "Senior Lecturer", which is not even a full-time position. * * * * * Can you imagine a more thankless job than being a "moderate" Democrat put in a position of trying to defend the mounting pile of craziness perpetrated by the increasingly-obvious anti-American Muslim/Marxist/Kenyan at the top of your party? * * * * * Must-reading: Robert Spencer's JIHADWATCH website, which peels away the layer of lies in which Obama coats the truth about Islam and its goals. Read especially the exposition regarding Obama's pro-mosque Ramadan speech. * * * * * Rachel Maddow, left-wing propagandist who hosts one of the invective-laden "shows" on little-watched MSNBC (check the ratings if you doubt it) has been given the Walter Cronkite Faith & Freedom Award. It's only fitting that this harridan be given an award named for an earlier, better-camouflaged leftist. Ol' Walter's reign as "the most trusted man in America" should be a permanent reminder to be very damned careful where you place your trust. * * * * * Speaking of the cable talking-head weak sister, MSNBC... does anyone seriously believe that Joe Scarborough, who defines the term RINO, is a CONSERVATIVE??!! * * * * * Hey, greenies! Where are all those new jobs you promised. Let's see; the dangerous-light-bulb (compact fluorescents) are made in China...a few wildly overpriced electric cars are being turned out for limousine liberals... the Kennedys won't let windmills be built within sight of their family compound. Where ARE all those jobs?! Or were you just full of male bovine excrement--as usual? * * * * * Time to open an artery. The Hill, a serious Washington newsletter, reports on insider speculation that when Robert Gates departs as Secretary of Defense, his likely replacement is... HILLARY CLINTON??? Yes... the same Hillary Clinton who's on the record as having said once that she "loathes" the military. Meantime, China's military power continues to grow by leaps and bounds. Tom Lehrer, the scientist and satirist, once recorded a song that concluded with the words, "I'm learning Chinese, says Werner Von Braun." Prescient? Something to think about as you consider the near-daily flow of idiocy from Obama & Co. As sure as many--maybe most--politicians are corrupt or cowardly... a very safe assumption... it behooves any sensible person to make an escape or rescue plan for the inevitable time when the fools in Washington impose the usual leftist politicians' "cure" for the economic mess they've made. Its name is inflation, which means the devaluing of every dollar you have, in whatever form of investment. The mad criminals that we have foolishly given power will resort to the brutal but indirect form of government theft they've always preferred, going back to the practice of shaving the valuable metal from the edges coins in the earliest monetized civilizations. Inflation. Rampant and massive. It's happened in countries far smarter than this one. I'm not selling financial advice. I assume if you have been intelligent enough to accumulate some measure of wealth, you're also smart enough to plan your own destiny. Just remember: no broker or investment advisor ever succeeded by telling you not to buy whatever genre of financial product he may be selling. * * * * * Media silliness. Newsweek, the failed leftist magazine that just sold for $1 (one dollar!) has decreed that Finland is the best country in the world. With all respect to those Nordic folk whose entire existence is perpetually threatened by any momentary burst of political flatulence from neighboring Russia, let's see a show of hands from all those who are eager to move to a land of snow and ice much of the year. This same silly list also describes Cuba as (hold on!) a "middle-income" country, obviously refusing to recognize that Castro and communism have turned it into one of the genuinely poor countries on the planet. * * * * * Thanks to reader Andy for passing along these examples of the proliferation of media illiteracy and the absence of proofreading in the diminishing numbers of printed periodicals. As witness such headlines as: "Man Kills Self Before Shooting Wife and Daughter" -- Say what?? "Something Went Wrong in Jet Crash, Expert Says" -- Gee, ya' think?? "Panda Mating Fails; Veterinarian Takes Over" -- Perv. "War Dims Hope for Peace" -- Profound. "Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges " -- New construction technique. ...and a classic... "Tornado Rips Through Cemetery; Hundreds Dead" -- Are we safe NOWHERE??!! SEE WHAT YOU GET WHEN DEMOCRATS HAVE POWER? So Nancy-the-Nutjob wants the government to investigate people who oppose the building of a terrorist recruiting center, a/k/a a mosque, next to 9/11 Ground Zero. Does or does not this woman have all the instincts of a Nazi? Heil Pelosi! Now, of course, she's trying to backtrack. Round Two of the Nancy Stupidity Marathon. * * * * * Ultra-lib Maureen Dowd of the New York Times makes an argument for the building of the mosque on the grounds that there is already a mosque four blocks away. Doesn't that render invalid the argument that the new place needs to be built to provide for the spiritual needs of Muslims in the neighborhood? The Dowdy one also suggests that George W. Bush should come to the rhetorical aid of Obama. Over eight years, Bush demonstrated he was so politically inept that he just might do it. He's always specialized in playing kissy-face with his enemies. I still cringe when I see him beside Clinton in whatever Good Cause ad it is that they do on TV. * * * * * Let us all try to share the understanding that Islam and its accompanying Sharia Law are utterly, totally incompatible with western democratic values. Utterly and totally. Anybody who believes we can peacefully coexist in the same society with Islam is a deluded fool. The ultimate goal of the religion/political movement is total and absolute dominance with all doubt or resistance quelled. Grasp it and get used to it, difficult as it is for a western mind to comprehend. It is NOT a "live-and-let-live" philosophy. *
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Dr. Laura is quitting radio when her contract is up at the end of the year. With the radio industry today being run largely by a bunch of spineless bean-counters with neither the will nor the intellect to stand up assorted leftist and Muslim pressure-groups, she may be joining the ranks of those who've decided it simply isn't worth the aggravation. Among them, count me. * * * * * The
CIA has always been the bete noire of the American left which takes
the coddling of sworn enemies as an article of faith. Serious
students of history can make a very real case that the nation was
stronger and threats at a much lower level when the Agency had the
support of Washington, regardless of which party was in power, to
solve problems before they mushroomed into major, nation-threatening
worries. Under such a regime today, Senor Chavez of Venezuela would
have long since been a minor footnote in the history of that
endlessly-troubled country. *
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A quote from the indispensable Thomas Sowell: There was a time when most Americans would have resented the suggestion that they wanted someone else to pay their bills. But now, envy and resentment have been cultivated to the point where even people who contribute nothing to society feel that they have a right to a "fair share" of what others have produced. * * * * * Musing about Blago's trial... As a former Chicago resident, I wonder: just how hard IS it to get to one juror and deadlock a trial? Not exactly unprecedented, I suspect. * * * * * Will somebody please tell Al Gore he is yesterday's newspaper, and nobody cares what he thinks? * * * * * I state unequivocally and without fear of rational contradiction that, in a long career covering tens of thousands of interviews with the well-known and virtually anonymous, I have interviewed a good many truly dumb people. Never have I had a discussion with any human being as dumb as Sen. Patty Murray, the Democrat from the state of Washington. Over the course of an hour, one hopes that some glimmer of intelligence might make an appearance. Never happened. * * * * * As an Arizonan, I'm proud to point out that my state allows anyone over the age of 21 and no criminal record to carry a gun. Ranchers a few miles from my house routinely carry a holstered pistol, rifle in scabbard or both. There are critters around that can and do kill livestock. But if you feel the need, you can carry your gun in places like the local Safeway, where armed folk in the aisles are no novelty. Has all this weaponry led to mayhem? Of course not, gun-grabbers! How does heavily-armed Arizona stack up with rigidly controlled (until recently) Washington, D.C.? Our disgraceful national capitol has a murder rate FIVE TIMES higher than us wild westerners in 'zona. * * * * * “American Idol”. Simon Cowell out. Steven Tyler in. Prediction: Ratings down. JUDGE BY DEEDS, NOT WORDS A poll by Time magazine, which is hardly anti-Obama, finds that a quarter of Americans think he's a Muslim. Question: what's wrong with the others, besides stupidity or an unwillingness to face reality? The media airheads reported the story as, "A quarter of Americans INCORRECTLY believe the president to be a Muslim." Just who are these silly propagandists to flatly declare such an assumption to be "incorrect?" Based on what? Obama's word? When the Quran makes it clear that lying about such things is not only accepted, but encouraged by Islam? * * * * * My old colleague Melanie Morgan passes along an inquiry from a (former) listener who wanted to know if she had recalled a quote from me correctly. I said--and I'm happy to repeat it--"If Obama ISN'T anti-American, what would he be doing differently if he WERE anti-American?" I daily become more pessimistic about the prospects for the nation to recover from the depredations of the Mad Muslim. * * * * * Sucker-bait department. There was a time when General Motors stock as as blue as blue-chips get. Then came a government takeover that would have made Stalin proud. GM stockholders and creditors saw their stake in the company vanish overnight. Now, the same government that seized the company plans to sell stock in it--again! A reminder of the wisdom of the old saying, "Fool me once...." You know the rest. * * * * * Obamas on vacation again? What's this? Number SIX this year -- with a third of the year still ahead. Even the liberal Boston Globe (owned by the New York Times) reports that t-shirts with Obama's photo and captioned, "I vacationed with Obama" are being outsold on Martha's Vineyard, his island vacation site, by shirts with a photo of Bush with the inscription, "Miss me yet?" * * * * * Democrat office-seekers to Obama: "Shut up, you moron!" * * * * * The local Martha's Vineyard newspaper asked school kids what they'd ask of President Obama if given the opportunity. The first youngster quoted, 13-year-old Taylor, said she'd ask him, "What's your favorite song?" Congratulations, Taylor! You are now qualified to be a reporter for ABC, CBS, NBC or the New York Times, whose "news" people ask similarly penetrating questions. * * * * * A friend points out the deepening quagmire developing around pension funds and the lack of real funding behind them--especially government employee pension funds. As Mr. Green says, "Hopefully current and future taxpayers and pension beneficiaries will understand that the money fund that should have been accumulating over past years from government entities paying into the retirement fund doesn't exist and never has. For this reason all the generous retirement benefits this group is relying on do not exist." What action can we expect from the government when substances start hitting the fan? Same answer as always--reduce benefits in real dollars by the simple expediency of inflating the currency. Say hello to the ten-dollar loaf of bread! * * * * * Can Americans really be so clueless and spineless as to let Muslims build their own monument to murder in New York? Make no mistake: this has nothing to do with sensitivity or bridge-building. It has everything to do with building an "in-your-face-we-kicked-your-ass" celebratory edifice. * * * * * I must admit to a certain measure of satisfaction while watching video of the bull invading the grandstand in Spain. I've always taken the attitude that, while the matador and the spectators are there by choice, nobody asked the bull if HE wanted to participate in his own murder. I do recall, however, that cheering for El Toro instead of the bullfighter on one occasion in Malaga, Spain, led to threats by fist-waving Spaniards who obviously did not share my viewpoint. CAN HE POINT THE WAY TO MECCA? Liberal media suckups are in a frenzy over the revelation (in polls) that Americans are finally awakening to the possibility that Obama is a poorly-disguised Muslim. Their "reporting" is replete with references to the "inaccuracy" of such assumptions. And their proof is... Obama SAYS it isn't so! Say what?? His actions and his words clearly say otherwise. He admitted it on TV to George Stephanopolous--the video is all over the internet showing his reference to "my Muslim faith." Go to YOUTUBE, search "Obama's Muslim Faith" and watch the revelations roll out. * * * * * A lesson most of us have to learn from time and experience: change is not always for the better. It IS possible to jump out of frying pans into fires. It's what a lot of Americans who--for good reason or bad--disliked George W. Bush are learning to their sorrow. The result: a narcissistic anti-American egomaniac doing everything in his power to dismantle a country he clearly detests, as does his wife. Having spent their entire lives in a sewer infested with communists and terrorists, who should be surprised? * * * * * Now the Great Deceiver wants Israel and the Palestinians to sit down together and work out a peace deal. Perhaps someone should first remind the Big O that the same thing was done by Bill Clinton, who got then-Prime Minister Ehud Barak together with the lovely and charming Yasser Arafat in 2000, forged an agreement between them...then saw Arafat go right back to the middle-east and torpedo it. Then there were the Oslo accords and the Bush-sponsored deal and on and on---broken every time by the Arabs. Is there a message in this slice of history? * * * * * A nation's financial health can be--and is--calculated on the basis of how much of the Gross National Product--the value of all goods and services produced--is spent by the government. Failure to balance that income/outgo was what dragged Greece into the gutter and nearly destroyed the European Union in the process. Germany saved them; for how long is an open question. Here's the bad news from the International Monetary Fund. On the same basis, we...us... U.S. ...are in worse shape than Greece. This is what happens when a nation of (too many) fools laps up a bunch of "hope-change" pie-in-the-sky bull durham. * * * * * First, let's stipulate that Democrat Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona is a goofy airhead. How she got into the House of Representatives from an often-sensible state like Arizona (no, I haven't forgotten Mr. RINO, McCain) can be explained by an incurable pimple on the body politic, the vote of the "academic community." To refresh memories... in June, Giffords asked Gen. David Petraeus one of the most utterly stupid questions ever posed to a military commander fighting a war. During a congressional hearing by the House Armed Services Committee hearing, Giffords wanted to know what General Petraeus was doing to REDUCE CARBON EMISSIONS WHILE FIGHTING TERRORISTS IN AFGHANISTAN! This piece of utter silliness allows me to exhume a classic turn of phrase written by William Safire for the then-VP, the repulsive Spiro Agnew. The phrase, fortunately, has long outlived Agnew. "Pusillanimous pussyfooters." A term that perfectly characterizes most voters to be found in any community where a giant educational institution has a population large enough to be capable of swinging elections. The great man of the 20th century, Winston Churchill, is variously quoted as having said, “Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has no heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains,” or, alternatively, “Any 20 year-old who isn't a liberal doesn't have a heart, and any 40 year-old who isn't a conservative doesn't have a brain.” Either way, it describes the bulk of the academic community. Coupled with the established fact that most of the faculty almost anywhere is liberal, you have those oh-so-sensitive youth who are enraptured by sophomoric nonsense like "hope and change," and really enjoy giving themselves the feel-goods by voting for liberals and their agenda, knowing that they won't be paying the taxes to pay for these Utopian visions. Congresswoman Giffords is a product of the vote coming out of the University of Arizona, numbering some 40,000 students plus thousands more faculty and staff, all heavily dependent on taxpayer funds. The student body is made up 28% of young people from other states, with California the largest followed by several states not so blessed with sunshine plus ski-slopes only a few miles from downtown Tucson. Even a cursory look at the politics and politicians produced in any area where a large university dominates will further illustrate the point. For starters I give you... Berkeley, California. * * * * * Agence France Presse, the French News agency, reports that the moon is shrinking. All together now: "It's Bush's fault!" ANTE-UP, KID! Are you a newborn U.S. citizen? Congratulations! Your share of the debt run up by the cretins in Washington now stands at $44,000. Will that be cash or check? * * * * * Does anyone believe the launch of an Iranian missile just before the fueling of its nuclear plant was coincidence? The world changed over the past weekend, and the price the world will pay for it remains to be seen--but there WILL be a price. And the Russians provided the nuclear fuel for Iran! Wonder just how upset the Muslim in the White House really is? *
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Wonder if the Republican Party is raffling-off the post-election privilege of delivering the word to Nancy Pelosi, "You don't get to fly around on a 757 at taxpayer expense anymore"? * * * * * How long before snake-oil salesman Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf shows up in an infomercial on late-night TV? * * * * * American military people learned in Vietnam that it is doubly-hard to fight a war when you can't tell friend from enemy. Playing the game of trying to separate "moderate" Muslims from those who have a deep-seated desire to destroy is equally an exercise in futility. * * * * * Big surprise. Obama's mortgage relief program is a mess, isn't working, and half the participants have dropped out of it already. But Marxists like Obama can never figure out that government meddling in the marketplace is almost always a guaranteed disaster. And now, even Barney Frank, patron saint (saint?) of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two gigantic government boondoggles in the bad-mortgage scam, says both should be abolished! * * * * * The same ultra-left George Soros-sponsored Media Matters pressure group that sandbagged Dr. Laura also pursued me for years. Their success in pressuring the gutless "managers" who run the radio companies that carried her program have become all too typical of the breed. In a time when people in those positions had some backbone, the answer to organized whiner-groups was, "If you don't like it, don't listen." There IS, after all, that choice. But that is insufficient for the purposes of these political assassins. Every narrow-minded twit who says-- or thinks--"Good, they shut up that annoying Dr. Laura" should be reminded that the consistent history of such groups shows that eventually they'll silence someone you DO like. It's all about control: first, media control, then thought control. Big Brother is very much alive and well. By the way... I heard a suck-up interview with the "caller" whose conversation with Dr. Laura set off the "n-word" furor and concluded that the whole thing sounded like a set-up. If this woman is so sensitive to what white folk might ask her, why would she call a white woman on the radio for advice? It reeks.... * * * * * Seen this? It's making the rounds on the internet. It's a list of reasons "Why I voted Democrat." I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would. I voted Democrat because Freedom of speech is fine as long as nobody is offended by it. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite The Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters. (Thanks Joan!) EUPHEMISM, I-PHEMISM, WE ALL-PHEMISM! One of the more blatant examples of mislabeling for purposes of political obfuscation took place when the Truman administration called the Korean war a “police action.” To the people who were there, it had a way of looking a whole lot like a real war. Now we have Obama ladling out the political pap by insisting that all our combat troops are being withdrawn from Iraq...BUT WE'RE LEAVING 50,000 AMERICAN GI'S THERE! Does anyone doubt for a moment that they will be targets of Muslim murderers?--and WILL engage in combat as a result? Count on this: there will be millions of gullible Americans who will believe this unadulterated horsepucky, encouraged by Obama's big-media shills who can't bring themselves to recognize—or admit--that this is a disastrously failed president. *
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Not even Obama is bragging about this. Our idiotic government has committed to giving away $7.2 billion in grants (no repayment expected) to countries deemed to have achieved good, representative government. In fact, our own State Department says many of them are shot thru with corruption. Whether they're good or bad, what does it take for the cretins in Washington to figure out that this nation is broke and can't afford to be the world's Sugar Daddy anymore? * * * * * One can only wonder at the liberal goo-goos who are so determined to demonstrate their own broad-minded tolerance for the building of a mosque near 9/11 Ground Zero if there's ever before been a nation populated by so many people eager to collude in their own destruction. One also wonders how many mosque-supporters are equally eager to abolish all public expressions of joy at Christmas. * * * * * Word from Wall Street is that small investors are fleeing the stock market. We've always been told that in the long run, stock investments pay off. Of course, that leaves unanswered the question, "How long IS the long run?" Economist John Maynard Keynes, who had some silly ideas that ultimately led to the kind of irresponsible behavior we see in Democrats today, was undoubtedly correct when he observed, "In the long run, we are all dead." * * * * * Tip to pollsters. When you ask people for their views on higher taxes, it would be useful to know the percentage of those in favor of the idea who pay no taxes, themselves. * * * * * One classic definition of a conservative is, "A liberal who got mugged last night." It'll be interesting to see if such a conversion is forthcoming in the case of Marleine Bastien, a Democrat running for Congress from Florida. It seems Ms. Bastien was robbed at gunpoint by a bandit as she was arriving for a campaign speech at a church in North Miami. * * * * * More gems from the "proofreading is dead" file. These are all for-real headlines from newspapers large and small. "Volunteers Search for old Civil War planes." ...wonder if a B-2 bomber might turn up? "Caskets found as workers demolish mausoleum." ...who would have expected such a discovery? "Utah poison control center reminds everyone not to take poison." ...some reminders can't be overdone. "Federal agents raid gun shop, find weapons." ...it's always the last place you look. "Statistics show teen pregnancy drops off significantly after age 25." ...and even more after age 60. "One-armed man applauds the kindness of strangers." ...the sound of one hand clapping. --- Thanks, Arthur! THE FLIM-FLAM MAN SURVIVES AGAIN J. D. Hayworth, John McCain's defeated opponent in the Arizona Republican primary, is a very likable guy. How he managed to convince himself that his videotaped infomercial pitching a scam to get "free money" from the government would escape notice in a bitter campaign eludes me. THIS is a conservative Republican?! Naturally, McCain-the-RINO, with virtually unlimited campaign money, lambasted him for that major indiscretion--and won. Easily. So the Republicans are saddled for another six years with the two-faced McCain playing his beloved "maverick" role, even after doing a total flip-flop in the campaign to appear--emphasis on "appear"-- to be more conservative. * * * * * The Muslim preacher we're paying to make a trip around the middle-east for vague purposes, Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, has been found to have said, on tape, "We tend to forget, in the West, that the United States has more Muslim blood on its hands than al-Qaeda has on its hands of innocent non Muslims." This is our payback for losing American lives to save Muslims in Bosnia-Herzegovina...in Kuwait when mass-murderer Saddam Hussein invaded...in Iraq itself, where the same Saddam and his sadistic sons amused themselves by feeding their victims into a giant woodchipper. To say nothing of all the aid delivered to Muslim nations struck by natural disasters--including Pakistan right now. It's one of the eternal verities: "No good deed goes unpunished." But we don't expect B. Hussein Obama/Soetoro to cut off the gravy train to the America-hating Imam, do we? * * * * * Full credit to the Washington Times for pointing out some revealing numbers calculated by the Congressional Budget Office. Here's the essential fact: Obama spent more on his failed stimulus program than the cost of the entire Iraq war. * * * * * How big a drag on Democrats is Obama? John Fund of the Wall St. Journal reports Illinois polling (by a liberal polling organization) showing that, by 40% to 26% voters there are inclined to vote AGAINST anyone Obama supports. In his home state! Democrat candidates almost everywhere are running away from the Dear Leader and doubtless realizing that putting him in the White House is the stupidest thing they've ever done. * * * * * Memo to all political persons named Bush: stop cuddling-up with your adversaries. It's disgusting enough when George W. appears alongside the ol' Hillbilly Whorehopper in that TV "public service" spot. Now Laura plans to do a side-by-side with Michelle Obama at a 9/11 observance. Mrs. Bush, do you, like your husband, not know when you're being used? Just...stop it!! Of course, if the conversation lags, perhaps Michelle could tell Laura about her visit to the mosque in Spain that was somehow overlooked by the big U.S. media. * * * * * It is one of the annoying vanities of liberals. Their love for the term, "Speaking truth to power." Wonder how many of them would actually do it if they knew that "Power" was likely to slap them into the middle of next week? DOES THIS MEAN WE'RE ENGAGED? The new Transportation Security Administration policy for airport searches allowing more "hands-on" exploration of "sensitive" areas of the passenger's body will doubtless soon be called the "cop-a-feel" policy. Why not go the rest of the way and re-name Janet Napolitano's TSA "The Airport Gestapo?" We're supposed to be reassured that the body searches will be conducted by agents of the same gender so nobody's getting a cheap thrill. Oh, really? Think Ms. Napolitano has ever heard of homosexuality? Hmmm... How long before punches are thrown? * * * * * The "tolerant" mushheads who expound on the beauties of a "living" constitution, i.e., one that evolves and bends with the political winds, now profess adherence to the rock-solid, unchangeable "freedom of religion" to support the rights of Muslims. They certainly wouldn't support the idea of a constitution that's evolved to recognize the danger from a religious/political ideology that threatens our very existence. * * * * * My now-and-forever answer to the sensitive folk who are unnerved when I criticize a president--this one or any of his predecessors--by saying, "You should at least respect the office": no. * * * * * Given the worsening state of an already-lame economy, how long before we begin seeing thousands of empty seats at NFL games, as is already the case at NASCAR races? A family of four can easily go thru enough money for tickets, parking and outrageously-priced food and drink at one game to pay for a nice family vacation for a week. And yet the multi-multi-millionaire owners and players still expect the taxpayers to either finance or subsidize their stadia. * * * * * A "what-if" for California Democrats: just think. Instead of resuscitating Jerry Brown, with better timing you could've imported Gov. Blagojevich, whose services are no longer needed in that Athenian model-democracy, Illinois. * * * * * In the extended-length version of "Avatar", it seems the Na'vi folk, uh...get it on. Don't know about you, but I fail to find inspiration in the idea of watching a couple of blue... people... having conjugal relations. I don't like blue food, either. I know. Bigot. *
* * * *
F. Scott Fitzgerald was right. The rich ARE different. In protesting increased child support for his baby by the lovely Ms. Gregorieva, Mel Gibson professes poverty. An accounting shows that he spends an average of $600,000 on himself... per MONTH. Six-hundred grand a MONTH! Why, I know people who don't spend that much in a YEAR! HOW'S THIS FOR ARROGANCE? Senator Max Baucus, Democrat from Montana, sprung this gem on an audience at a town meeting in his home state. A member of the audience asked Baucus, one of the authors of the Obamacare health bill, if he had actually read the bill that carries his name as a sponsor. Baucus proudly announced that he had NOT read it, and added, “I don’t think you want me to waste my time to read every page of the healthcare bill.” He made no effort to describe what better use of his time could be made rather than actually reading a bill whose leftist content would be imposed on every American. Be clear: Baucus is not the only member of Congress who supports and passes legislation with no real knowledge of the content. Could that be why the country is in such a colossal mess? * * * * * Sometimes truth-telling pays off in politics. Ben Quayle is the son of former Vice-President Dan Quayle. He won the Republican nomination for Congress in his Arizona district. Won it largely on the strength of one unequivocal statement in his campaign commercial. He said, "Barack Obama is the worst president in history." If he wins the seat in November, his presence might partly vitiate the return to the Senate of the treacherous, unprincipled RINO, McCain. * * * * * Tolerant, open-minded--and suicidal--Americans can take pride in the opening of the nation's first Muslim college, teaching Islamic law. Sharia. The law they wish to impose upon all people everywhere. The school, Zaytuna College, is run by supporters of jihad. No, that DOESN'T mean the namby-pamby soul-searching jihad they water down for the benefit of gullible non-Muslims. It means the real deal. This institution is located--where else?--in Berkeley, California. No word as to whether they'll have a football team, much less scantily-clad cheerleaders shaking their pom-poms. * * * * * El Universal of Caracas, one of the few newspapers raising a voice challenging the socialist regime of Hugo Chavez, points out that the Venezuelan capitol has become the most dangerous city in the world, with a higher murder rate than Baghdad or Kabul. Last year 7,676 people were murdered in greater Caracas, which works out to a killing every hour-and-a-half. Another socialist Utopia...failed. * * * * * Wise words about firearms, from a retired Marine Corps Major. "Human beings only have two ways to deal with one another: reason and force. If you want me to do something for you, you have a choice of either convincing me via argument, or force me to do your bidding under threat of force. When I carry a gun, you cannot deal with me by force. The gun is the only personal weapon that puts a 100-pound woman on equal footing with a 220-pound mugger, a 75-year old retiree on equal footing with a 19-year old gang banger, and a single guy on equal footing with a carload of drunk guys with baseball bats." --(Thanks, Peter)-- * * * * * U. S. government bonds have been historically regarded as "good as gold," the safest of all possible investments. But how safe is an investment in a country that's already beyond bankrupt? Morgan Stanley, the money-mill, says the government WILL default on some of its bonds. The only questions are when and how much. REPUBLICANS, PUT UP OR SHUT UP It is typical of the power-mad, largely but not exclusively liberals, that they have no concern for principles in their quest to get their own way. Violating either the letter or intent--or both--when it comes to the constitution or the law is no more than an expedient tactic in the endless quest to impose their agenda. Keeping that in mind, it should be no surprise that the liar in the White House, whose agenda is clearly to undermine the foundation of this nation, would resort to a tactic that's already being called "back-door amnesty" to evade our immigration laws. He's having Eric Holder, fellow Marxist and Attorney General, along with the goofy Janet Napolitano, head of the Department of Homeland (in)Security, simply dismiss charges against illegal aliens caught within our borders. It should be made clear to every Republican running for Congress this year: if you don't do everything in your power to stop the dismantling of our laws and constitution by this band of Lenin-loving thugs, we WILL destroy your political career. The Tea Party is doing its part. Now it remains to be seen if the brain-dead "go-along-to-get-along" Republican party establishment will wise up. If not, they should also be targeted for extinction. * * * * * Don't hold your breath waiting for the evil, corrupt family that runs Saudi Arabia to do something about the case of the poor woman from Sri Lanka who took a job as a maid for a Saudi family. When she complained of overwork, the Saudis, both husband and wife, drove 24 nails into her hands, legs and forehead. Amazingly, she survived. This is far from the first case of torture of domestic servants, many from the Philippines and Sri Lanka, by vicious Saudis. Of course, we can expect no comment from a president who actually bowed to the Saudi king. Since the king presides over Mecca, the holiest of Muslim sites, some have long interpreted that bow as yet another piece of proof that Obama IS a Muslim. Just for the record... U. S. presidents bow to no one--ever. That is, until B. Hussein Obama/Soetoro desecrated and disgraced the office. *
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You know Democrats are worried when a smug leftist punk like E. J. Dionne of the Washington Post presumes to lecture Republicans about the harm being done to their party by a conservative turn in the electorate. Can any Republican seriously believe a left-wing stooge like Dionne wants to give them HELPFUL advice? * * * * * The perennially corrupt and/or incompetent government of Mexico persists in criticizing our enforcement of immigration laws, however feeble the effort may be. That same government, however, was clearly unable to prevent or prosecute in the mass-murder immigrants from countries south of Mexico. Seventy-two people, massacred by the drug gangs that run Mexico. Senor Calderon, shut the hell up about our immigration situation until you can fix your own. * * * * * These are good days for the Quayle family. Dan's son Ben is the Republican nominee for Congress in an Arizona district that leans heavily Republican. And Joe Biden says so many utterly crazy things, Dan himself is no longer in danger of going down in history as the (unfairly labeled) stupidest man ever to hold the vice-presidency. * * * * * Memo to quasi-conservative media commentators who persist in saying/writing, "Of course, we know that Obama is a Christian": No, you DON'T know that! And your persistence in pushing that view suggests strongly that you are concerned primarily with enjoying the favorable opinion of the media elite that still support Obama. * * * * * Major loss for Fox News, Major win for National Journal. Major Garrett, that is. The ace political reporter is bailing out of TV to return to the written word for National Journal. * * * * * Media rumors abound that Katie Couric, who has fulfilled the prediction by many of us that she'd be a smash flop as anchor of the CBS Evening News, is headed back to the NBC Today Show when her CBS contract is up at the end of the year. Her propaganda-fest just hit the lowest rating ever for the prime evening newscast on any network. Take the money and run, Katie! You really ripped-off those CBS dopes! Maybe it's time for another on-air colonoscopy. * * * * * It's a well-regarded barometer of trends in national political attitudes that when the late-night TV comedians start taking shots at a president, he's in serious trouble. Now, even staunch Obama supporter David Letterman is joking that he'll be a one-term president. Say goodnight, Skippy. MORE UTOPIAN FANTASIES The dissonance is... jarring. Obama preparing a speech declaring victory in a war he opposed--Iraq. He does so just as the pace of slaughter, mostly by terror bombings, increases in that country. Most nonsensical piece of optimistic analysis in the media: Geraldo Rivera on Fox News says he has a lower level of concern about continuing strife in Iraq because, after the Americans leave--and 50,000 AREN'T leaving!--the Iraqis will get tired of killing each other. They haven't gotten tired of it in a thousand years, so who expects them to suddenly change now? * * * * * By every measure, the wild-spending Obama stimulus program has been an utter and total failure. So... what does he propose? More of the same! From a treasury that, by any realistic standard, is already beyond broke! There are several words that describe an inability to learn from experience. Stupid, idiotic... and eventually, extinct. * * * * * Remember the Al Qaeda suicide attack on the U.S. warship, the Cole, while it was docked in Yemen in 2000? Seventeen American sailors died and dozens more were injured, some maimed for life. American intelligence determined that the man behind the attack was Abd al-Rahim al Nashiri. He was caught and taken prisoner two years later. He was...WAS...to be tried by the military commission at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. Now, the prosecution of the case has been ordered halted by Barack Obama. How long before we hear a muezzin issuing the Muslim call to prayer from the tower of the capitol building? Anybody checked the Oval Office for prayer rugs? * * * * * Gallup poll finds that Muslims give Obama higher approval ratings than any other religious group. Gee... wonder why... * * * * * Further proof that being rich doesn't necessarily mean you're smart. The devious pretend-Republican (he had to pretend in order to get on the ballot) Mayor of New York, little Mikey Bloomberg, went on TV and confidently announced that 100% (!) of the family members who had someone killed in the Twin Towers on 9/11... 100%!...are in favor of building that mosque nearby. Is he a liar...a moron...or both? *
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If you count yourself among the 72% of Americans who think it a bad idea that a (triumphal) mosque be built near the 9/11 terror site, how do you like being called a bigot by the brain-dead liberals and the mutual-masturbation society that makes up the big media? In a better time in America, such an accusation would've gotten the fool who made it a swift punch in the nose--a real learning experience and attitude adjustment. * * * * * The continuing train-wreck that IS the U. S. economy recalls one of the memorable quotes from the 2008 presidential campaign when millions of delusional fools were lapping up that "hope and change/change we can believe" sophomoric drivel. A young woman in Florida, when asked why she was so euphoric in her support for Wonder Boy, said, "He's gonna make my car payment and pay my rent." When asked where the money would come from, she didn't know and didn't care. But she, by damn, was gonna get them freebies! That is precisely the non-thinking that's run the nation into the ditch, and rewarding more of such idiocy is exactly the wrong thing to do. *
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The latest drive by the EPA, unable to ban guns, has decided to do the next-best thing by making ammunition too expensive for most people. They hope to do this by banning the lead used in ammo. This is the Environmental Protection Agency in action, under B. Hussein Soetoro/Obama. It should not be forgotten, however, that this evil, bullying agency was created and foisted upon the public by Richard Nixon. "The evil that men do..." WHAT
Crazed Democrats who spent the Bush years fantasizing about putting Dick Cheney in jail and hounding other Republicans with legal threats are being reminded--again--that the pendulum swings both ways--and it DOES swing. Now they nervously contemplate the prospect of the R-party reclaiming control of the House and launching a wave of investigations into the activities of the Marxist Obama regime exercising power it does not hold under the constitution. Ironically, much of their Bush-era complaints revolved around the Iraq war, which Senator Obama opposed, but for which he now claims victorious credit! *
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Smallest surprise of the decade: the revelation by the Center for Responsive Politics, which studied the numbers and found that 88% of money contributed by self-identified employees of the Big Three--but shrinking--TV networks, ABC, CBS and NBC, went to the Democrats. We're talking about network executives, reporters and writers--the people who determine which news is reported and HOW it's reported. Yes, we're stunned, aren't we? * * * * * An interesting revelation has been uncovered by Accuracy in Media; one that you will NOT hear about from the big media. In a concerted effort to suppress any discussion of Obama's religion, more than seventy Christian leaders and heads of various denominations have signed a letter saying that any such questions should be ignored or censored. AIM reports that the apparent initiator of the letter is Obama associate Jim Wallis of the Sojourners group, a group funded by George Soros... atheist. * * * * * The U.S. birthrate is down. The decline is attributed to the recession; more people deciding they can't afford children, or more children, as the case may be. It's a demographic irony that the people who can most afford to have children have the fewest... and the people who can least afford them have the most. Mr. Malthus would doubtless have had an explanation. * * * * * The U.S. dollar has been battered into a weakened worldwide position, thanks to utterly irresponsible government. So it's not surprising that the highly serious Financial Times newspaper reports that major international banks are moving toward the use of China's currency, the renminbi, to replace dollars in transactions involving what is now the world's second-largest economy, the People's Republic of China. *
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Felt the heat...saw the light. The most likely explanation for the burocratic thugs at the EPA deciding that trying to ban lead for bullets was...uh... “impractical”. * * * * * Jerry Springer, TV's #1 sleaze merchant, thinks Obama is a fine president. Speaks for itself. * * * * * Does anyone else find this a little...jarring? Preface: according to automotive writers who are supposed to know about such things report that now, and for the past several years, Buick has turned out a quality product. Does it not then seem a little ... odd ... that their commercials proudly announce that the car is "German engineered"? FIGHT... OR FOLD? Americans will win the war against an aggressive internal Islamist pressure campaign (pressure for the triumphal mosque in New York, insistence on medieval Sharia law overlaying the constitution) when they get over their fear of the word "bigot" and replace it with a clear understanding of the basic law of nature, self-preservation. Until then, they will see their own freedoms nibbled away by an ideology that ultimately demands total surrender. * * * * * Another reminder to Democrats of the immutability of the law of nature that says, "What goes around, comes around." Remember how much you detested Bush? Conservatives despise your failed Wonder Boy at least as passionately. Prepare to mourn in November. * * * * * The ultimate oxymoron: Barack Obama ... and ... "commander-in-chief." Why do the Democrats, in a troubled era with the nation threatened by evil forces from all directions, persist in putting up anti-military weenies for president? More importantly, what is there in the character of a (sometimes) majority of American voters that chooses to respond to potentially fatal threats with ostrich-like behavior---burying their heads in sand? * * * * * Most predictable media event of the week: the big media grossly and obviously wildly underestimating attendance at the Beck rally in Washington. Why, one would think their "news" stories were written before the event even took place. But they wouldn't do THAT...would they? * * * * * The Associated Press and other news media reported that the crowd for the Beck rally was "predominantly white." Bulletin: AMERICA is predominantly white, much as liberals are offended by the very idea. That ... is ... a ... fact. *
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The (unintentionally) funniest news coverage of the big rally came from--naturally--the uber-leftist New York Times, which clearly was struggling with itself in an effort to present "fair" reporting and analysis of a phenomenon it clearly did not understand. Ultimately, in the clash between fairness and the visceral commitment to liberalism, fairness lost in a flurry of "howevers" and "but-but-but." * * * * * Please share this with any acquaintance who thinks Obamacare, government-run health care modeled on the National Health Service (NHS) of Great Britain, is an advance in medical care. This report comes from a major newspaper, The Scotsman, of Edinburgh. (For unfortunate products of the U.S. "education" system... yes, Scotland IS part of Great Britain a/k/a the United Kingdom.) ELDERLY patients are at risk of malnutrition in hospitals because they are being left to go hungry by NHS. Those who enter hospitals malnourished can get worse during their stay or become malnourished. Margaret Watt, chairwoman of the Scotland Patients Association, said: "We would ask the health minister to have a look and do an independent inquiry and find out how many are dying from malnutrition. Ms Watt said she witnessed an elderly woman in a wheelchair slumped into a sick bowl while being ignored by two technicians.” * * * * * At the risk of (again) annoying the education establishment, one can make a strong argument that the reason so many Americans are unfortunately susceptible to the blandishments of snake-oil salesmen peddling "hope and change" is because they have failed to learn from history. And that failure rests on the reality that most aren't really TAUGHT any history. Other than, "There were once slaves in America, which is therefore an evil country." * * * * * What a shame that the occasional demands of the presidency take so much time away from BO's golf game. |
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radiorodgers1@yahoo.com |