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DOUBLE-STANDARD, ANYONE? New York is the nation's major media center. Thus, in a rational world, it would seem odd that the networks and the big liberal NYC papers have given little or no notice to this item, straight from the city's Department of Homeless Services. (Yes, there IS such a department.) Here's the news: the number of homeless people on the streets of New York has DOUBLED in the past year. We know very well that if a Bush or Reagan were in the White House, this would be trumpeted endlessly on TV newscasts and newspaper front pages. * * * * * The source(s) of money behind the triumphal mosque Muslims wish to build in New York become ever more interesting, as does the highly questionable legal and financial record of the front-man on the project, Sharif El-Gamal. All of which suggests the goofy mayor of New York and other supporters of this despicable project have made themselves some VERY strange bedfellows. A lot of egg is already sticking to "tolerant" liberal faces. * * * * * The Hill newspaper reports that Senator John ("Why the long face?") Kerry is the richest member of Congress with a minimum of $188.6 million. Without his wife's money...what? $1.98? * * * * * The Big O, obviously annoyed that questions about his birthplace won't go quietly away, told one of his media suckups that the skeptics apparently want him to go around with his birth certificate plastered to his forehead. You know--that birth certificate he has never made public, and has gone to great lengths to conceal. And no, that "certificate of live birth" that his stooges on MSNBC blather about is NOT a birth certificate. It has no more standing in reality than the birth announcement anyone can have printed in the local newspaper. * * * * * Always remember and never forget: once Obamacare is in place, it will spawn such a huge, unionized government burocracy that it will be nearly impossible to get rid of it, no matter how badly it performs. * * * * * British news reports advise that Britain and France plan to share the cost--and use--of a new aircraft carrier. London Dave checks in with the observation that, if they flip a coin to determine responsibilities, the worst outcome would be... the Brits in charge of the cooking and the French in charge of the fighting. * * * * * Arrogance defines former baseball pitching great Roger Clemens, who's charged with lying to congress about taking banned substances to improve his performance on the mound. Yet, isn't there a touch of irony in a guy-- any guy--facing trouble for lying to a body largely made up of some of the biggest liars this side of a prison wall? As for their irritation that, after a perfunctory appearance, he flew off to play golf. Hey, congresscum, have you lately taken a took at Wonder Boy in (or out) of the White House? * * * * * Talking about a major storm is doubtless a refreshing break from the usual mundane duties of weathercasters. Nevertheless, actual human beings, especially those who've been thru a hurricane, could be forgiven for being annoyed at the obvious glee shown by many TV weather-types over a threatening hurricane. One, almost orgasmic with delight, described the latest one, (My Name is--) Earl as being "a great-looking storm." Say what??? * * * * * Now that one American in every six who could/should be employed...isn't ... notice how few people give a damn anymore about the hyperbolic bullfeathers over "global warming", the biggest fraud of the decade? That one-in-six is the REAL unemployment figure, including not only those on the official government list, but those who've given up even looking for work. * * * * * Reader Angela provides us with a Will Rogers quote that might serve our amateur president well if he weren't too self-obsessed to consider it. The great humorist and political sage once observed, "If you're riding ahead of the herd, take a look back every now and then to make sure it's still there." TELL IT LIKE IT IS, BRO'! Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf, the man whose middle-east tour is being paid for with your tax dollars, tells a group of fellow Muslims that the dispute over the 9/11 Ground Zero mosque "has expanded beyond a piece of real estate and expanded to Islam in America and what it means for America." At last! Candor from the pro-mosque side! The obvious translation and interpretation is... will America, a country founded on individual liberty, allow itself to be subsumed by an ideology that hates freedom in all its manifestations and insists on rigid adherence to a repressive medieval law from a thousand years ago? * * * * * Dare I admit it? Glancing at Maureen Dowd's New York Times column (because it was linked on LUCIANNE.COM) I found myself in agreement with her description of Obama's redecorated White House office: "The Oval Office, the classiest, most powerful place on earth, is now suffused with browns and beiges and leather and resembles an upscale hotel conference room." Nice to see the Dowdy one give herself some separation from the coterie of big-media political commentators who, if they were covering sports, would have long since earned themselves the disdainful designation, "jock sniffers." If that reference eludes you, ask any sports fan. * * * * * Two years ago, the anti-American Marxist who now occupies the White House said the increased U.S. military buildup in Iraq would fail. Now he claims victory because of that very "surge". Who are the remaining dregs of the Democrat party who can't admit to themselves that this dope doesn't know his butt from third-base? Or would they rather admit that his goal IS to undermine and destroy the America we know? * * * * * If another stunning Tea Party candidate's victory in Alaska doesn't scare the daylights out of country-club Republicans as well as the decadent Democrats, it certainly should. Look out, you spineless sell-outs, your time has come! Either get out of the way, or just plain...get out. One
reason why there was an insurgency win in Alaska but not in Arizona,
where Republicans returned the treacherous flip-flopper, McCain as
their Senate candidate: the Tea Party in Alaska put forward a very
credible candidate. In Arizona, they didn't. Plus, McCain was
supported--however illogically--by Sarah Palin.
* * * * * A note on the "plastic vs paper" shopping bag issue: while paper is widely assumed to recycle itself in nature's chain of events, the fact is newspapers have been exhumed from dumps where they were buried decades ago and found to be not only intact, but perfectly readable.
* * * * * Dan Sorkin reminds us of an Albert Einstein quote that is as applicable today as at any time in our history: The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. AL GORE, INSPIRATIONAL FIGURE The nut-job who held employees hostage at the Discovery Channel headquarters, threatening to kill them if his agenda of "saving the planet" by eliminating humans was not promoted by the cable-TV operation, had his own agenda terminated with a police sniper bullet to the head. Now, let's see what the enviro-nuts do with this: He said he was inspired by seeing Al Gore's bogus documentary, "An Inconvenient Truth". Come on, greenies! You're always looking for some nebulous link between conservative figures and anything unpleasant that happens. This crackpot SAID it! Al Gore made him do it! You ready to dump on Crazy Al? I didn't think so... Footnote: Southern California has recorded all-time record low temperatures this week. Any comment, Al? * * * * * How the western world endangers itself with plain stupidity. The two Arabs from Yemen who were first held on suspicion of terror-related activities after a transatlantic flight to Amsterdam were released by Dutch authorities who pronounced them innocent of any illegal behavior. Sure. Don't we all travel with luggage containing a cell phone taped to a small bottle, multiple cell phones and watches taped together, a knife and box cutter? Not all the whores in Amsterdam are confined to the (in)famous red-light district. * * * * * What an impressive moral stand! Obama actually found it within himself to say a critical word about the Palestinian Arabs who murdered four Israeli civilians. Cherish the moment, and don't expect it to be often repeated. Unless, of course, he can find a way to blame any future such events on... who else? ...Bush. Meantime, Hamas, the real power in the Gaza Strip, has already denounced the latest round of "peace talks" with Israel and proclaimed their refusal to be bound by any agreement that might be reached. Who could possibly be surprised? Be clear: Arabs are not interested in any conclusion that doesn't involve the extermination of Israel. All else is fantasy, promoted by the likes of Obama, seeking to achieve that end by salami tactics--one slice at a time. * * * * * If you believe the Pew Hispanic Center statement that the pace of illegal immigration has slowed, come visit my neighborhood a half-hour from the Arizona-Mexico border and repeat that nonsense. That is, if you don't mind being loudly ridiculed. The coyotes and their unfortunate human cargo avoid the little town where I live because they've evidently long since gotten the word that it is (A) heavily populated by military retirees who are (B) armed to the teeth. And liberals are so rare here as to be regarded as Endangered Species. Therefore, there is no need to bite one's tongue before uttering any criticism of the devious moron in the White House. After years of living in San Francisco, it is relief beyond compare. * * * * * Bill Gertz of the Washington Times reports that our military has tracked a significant space achievement by China. The rendezvous of two satellites. If they can bring one of their satellites in close proximity to one of their other satellites, that's clear proof they could bring one of theirs close to one of ours. A communications satellite, for example. One that carries all kinds of vital information links, right down to your financial information. It's not difficult, therefore, to envision a "boom!" in space that would suddenly erase all those electronic records of everything you own. Many far-seeing experts have long said that the next war would likely involve creating economic havoc by just such means. * * * * * Care to launch an interesting wagering pool? How about this for a concept: wagers taken on the exact date the Obamas will move out of the U.S. Of course, that would mean giving up a future of lucrative speeches to the unrepentant losers of the loony left, but still... * * * * * Must-read: the latest column by the invaluable Victor Davis Hanson, posted 9/2 on NATIONALREVIEW.COM, called "The New Old World Order." It's a realistic antidote to congenital mushheadedness. * * * * * Regarding the now-deceased hostage-taker at the Discovery Channel, James Lee, reader Tim offers this: "The way I see it, Mr. Lee, late (& I do mean LATE) of Silver Springs, achieved one of his goals/demands: over-population. He decreased the population of the world by exactly ONE. Good job, man! REPUBLICAN SUICIDE-NOTE The charismatic (ha!) Mitch McConnell, Republican Senate leader, is already talking about "working WITH Obama" after the election. Anyone detect the scent of RINO in the air? If McConnell and Boehner continue to be the Republican congressional leaders, it does not bode well. The new wave of Republican voters doesn't want to cooperate with Obama, they want to beat him at every turn. Senator Jim DeMint is one Republican who DOES get it. He says of the rising new breed of Republican candidates who are terrifying the old bulls... in an interview with National Review Online.... “They understand that if we get the majority, and we don’t do what we said we would, then we’re dead as a party — and should be.” A good move would be McConnell out as Republican Senate leader... DeMint in. * * * * * Irony abounds. The U.S. government, by fair means or foul, is keeping afloat many banks in THIS country. Now it is being asked by the corrupt Karzai regime in Afghanistan to prop up--financially--the biggest bank in that country, partially owned by Karzai's brother, who lives a life of luxury on bank money. Our worldwide reputation as "Uncle Sucker" is being tested again. * * * * * That quiet sound in the background is the sound of worms turning. Even TIME magazine, a once-respectable publication that's long since been turned into yet another leftist propaganda outlet, now does a cover article with the previously-unthinkable title, "How Barack Obama Became Mr. Unpopular." * * * * * Will the missing "recovery summer" lead to more Obama voters having a "sanity recovery?" * * * * * A big investor in the 9/11 triumphal mosque project, born in Egypt and lives in New Jersey, turns out to have also contributed serious money to the Holy Land Foundation, which was found to have funneled money to Hamas, the Muslim terrorist group. He also defrauded Medicaid. Nice friends you have, Barack--and Bloomberg. Re the mosque: the very location may be the proximate cause and justification for objecting to it, but if you're making a principled argument, you might support a ban on all mosques, anywhere, given their track record of functioning as recruiting centers and assembly halls for terrorist-supporters. Of course, to reach that position, you have to abandon the fairytale that Islam is a religion of peace. * * * * * Having seen the ever-worsening unemployment numbers, Hilda Solis, another nonentity appointed to Obama's cabinet as Secretary of Labor, says there are jobs out there. Wonder if she'd consider the possibility that the fact that The Regime has made it possible to get paid for NOT working for two years might account for the lack of eager job-pursuit by some of the unemployed? * * * * * The prez is spending the weekend relaxing at Camp David in the Maryland mountains. Good thing. It's been almost a week since his vacation at Martha's Vineyard. I tell you, this poor workaholic is just a glutton for punishment. * * * * * Fox News quotes an actress named Michelle Rodriguez (whoever she is) as saying the alpha male... the macho man ... the warrior ... is becoming extinct in Hollywood. Could be. He's already a vanishing species in the White House. LABOR WITHOUT LAMAZE There is no doubt that, in many companies in many industries, unions are absolutely vital for the defense of workers' rights and a decent standard of living. There is equally no doubt that unions of government employees are largely responsible for running cities and states into financial ruin. There is also no doubt that, for one example, union greed drove General Motors into disaster, with the union-running thugs always demanding "more-more-more" even as the industry was committing economic suicide. The same thugs, of course, will be saturating the media all this weekend with more demands for government "gimme" programs. They should be ignored or, better yet, ridiculed. * * * * * Only liberal airheads could believe it a good thing that taxes increasing--by the largest margin in history!--at the end of this year will be a good thing for a sick economy. Libs, go read up on your hero, JFK, and the motivation for HIS tax-cuts---and the result. * * * * * Speaking of airheads, who could possibly be so dumb as to believe Hillary Clinton is somehow qualified to be president? Oh--the same sort who believed Obama was! * * * * * A reminder that it's not wise to grasp for new heroes too soon. Gov. Jan Brewer of Arizona, justifiably garnering admiration for her stance against Obama's unwillingness to enforce immigration laws, was an utter embarrassment in her televised debate against her Democrat opponent. She'll win the election, but one cringes to think how she'd perform in a presidential campaign--which some want her to undertake. * * * * * Communism at work--again. Hugo Chavez, darling of the Hollywood left, has made such a total botch of the economy in Venezuela, the country is moving toward food rationing, with a person's ability to buy food depending on a (disguised) ration-card from the government. Which, by the way, also determines WHO gets to eat. Food is in short supply in Venezuela because of government manipulation of the market, which has made it unprofitable to produce. With typical communist deviousness, they're calling the ration card "The Good Life Card." Too bad the Tinseltown liberals don't get to live under the same system. * * * * * Rich irony. While race-hustler Jesse Jackson was in Detroit pushing some green-jobs scam, his big ol' Cadillac Escalade was stolen and stripped. Same thing happened to the mayor's SUV. I hear, by the way, that you can buy a house in Motown real cheap. Please! Don't everybody rush in all at once! * * * * * Are we shedding tears for the TV weather-people who are obviously sooo dismayed that Hurricane Earl turned out to be... well, not much. "We have a live report," they shout... and show some poor dope on a sunny shore in New England announcing that, well, the wind blew and it rained. Big deal! * * * * * PC overkill in action once again, this time in Des Moines, Iowa. A mob of blacks attacked white people at the state fair...police heard them referring to "beat whitey night"...a police department spokeswoman had the audacity to actually mention that as a possible factor/motivation and... got fired for doing so. Once again, cowardice in the face of barbarity carries the day. * * * * * Just asking: is Chris Matthews' leg still tingling? DEMOCRATS: LEFT...AND FURTHER LEFT Speculation about a Democrat opponent taking on the Obamster for the nomination in 2012 seems to largely revolve around someone representing the ultra-left-wing of the party, upset because the Dear Leader hasn't progressed fast enough in transforming the U.S. into the Soviet Socialist Republic of America. One might think, given every poll showing most Americans think Obama/Soetoro is already too far left, that whatever tattered remnants of common sense that might remain within the Democratic Party would look for a more centrist candidate to run against the Community Organizer. But maybe there ARE no remnants of common sense in a party gone crazy. * * * * * Obama and his coterie of Marxists promised a "summer of recovery." Summer's gone. Who still believes these dopes, led by a Whozzis who's never even run a lemonade stand, have any idea what it takes to revive business? * * * * * As they contemplate their prospects in November, Democrats are (re)learning the meaning of the old expression, "Whistling past the graveyard." Is it not time to revive the ancient Esquire Magazine Nixon photo caption, “Why is this man laughing?" and re-apply it to Crazy Joe Biden? * * * * * Wonder why none of the congressional Democrats running for re-election are boasting that they voted FOR Obama's socialized medical plan? * * * * * The New York Post reports that the family that owned the Manhattan property where the triumphal mosque is to be built turned down an offer from a developer who was ready to pay four times more for it than the price being paid by the Muslim group. Should this not raise serious questions? Questions about, say, the possibility of large sums going into an offshore bank account? Any other explanations seem plausible? * * * * * The following states have filed with the Ninth Circuit Court briefs in support of Arizona's position on immigration law enforcement: Texas, Michigan, Alabama, Florida, Idaho, Louisiana, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota and Virginia. And to think, the pompous fool in the White House was supposed to end "divisiveness." * * * * * The media used to provide a guide for use of the language. Now, they are the worst contributors to the undermining of both the spoken and written word. Examples abound, but a weekend of football-watching turned up multiple uses of the Spanish-language expression, "mano a mano." The sportscasters clearly thought that adding an "o" to the end of "man" made it "man-to-man" in Spanish. No. "Mano" is the Spanish word for hand. So "mano a mano" means, literally, "hand-to-hand." One fired-up sportscaster even used "mano E mano", literally "hand AND hand." Teach your children and grandchildren that it's best to learn what a foreign language expression means before using it. Otherwise, you can come off as both pretentious AND stupid. My friend Richard Lederer, the Word Man, is smiling somewhere. * * * * * Dan Sorkin forwards this quote from the estimable Ben Stein: "Fathom the odd hypocrisy that Obama wants every citizen to prove they are insured, but people don't have to prove they are citizens." LABOR DAY'S OVER. BACK TO WORK--IF YOU CAN FIND A JOB Some advice for the increasingly feckless Associated Press. It is NOT "news" to report that another of Obama's flunkies, Labor Secretary Hilda Solis, announces that her boss is doing "a good job." Real news would be if she candidly admitted the whole administration's economic policy package is what is obvious: a total disaster. So now the crazed communist in the White House wants to blow more money on another "stimulus" program. Too bad there are no Democrats in Washington with the guts--or sense--to tell him, "Stop the insanity! It doesn't work, and the public isn't buying it anymore!" And why ARE we paying for the building of mosques in foreign countries? Tell us, Mr. I'm-A-Christian. * * * * * Maybe those congressional Democrats will get a clue from the latest Nancy Pelosi brainstorm. In order to try to save her own cushy job as Speaker of the House, with all the attendant perks--the private airliner, etc.--she's telling them flat-out that she'll throw any party weaklings under the bus in order to spend all campaign funds on those Dem incumbents who might have a better chance. Should anyone have been so naive as to expect otherwise? * * * * * Craven cowardice among politicians is not exclusive to the American species. Now there's an outcry among the German variety against a banker who wrote a best-selling book pointing out some obvious facts about the inflow of Muslims into that country. The controversial Thilo Sarrazin says Germany's economy, largest in Europe, is under internal attack by "poorly educated, fast-breeding, badly integrated and unproductive Muslim immigrants and their offspring." The French news agency quotes him as saying, "If I want to hear the muezzin's call to prayer, then I'll go to the Orient," and that allowing in millions of "guest workers" in the 1960s and 1970s was a "gigantic error." * * * * * If you want to perform a humanitarian service, suggest to a Democrat friend/acquaintance that, if they want to know the guiding hand of their party, do some internet research on George Soros and his personal history. Some may be shocked at what they learn; ALL should be shocked. * * * * * As a reminder that human stupidity is available in abundance, even among the famous and almost-famous, reader Joan reminds us of a few quotes... "Whenever I watch TV and see those poor starving kids all over the world, I can't help but cry. I mean I'd love to be skinny like that, but not with all those flies and death and stuff." --Mariah Carey
"Smoking kills. If you're killed, you've lost a very important part of your life." -- Brooke Shields "Outside of the killings, Washington has one of the lowest crime rates in the country." --Former longtime Mayor Marion Barry, Washington , DC . "It isn't pollution that's harming the environment. It's the impurities in our air and water that are doing it.." --Al Gore WANT TO SEE THE FUTURE OF YOUR COUNTRY? Take a long look at the news from Europe if you want to see your future as it will inevitably develop if Obamism isn't stopped in its tracks. The lazy French unions are striking in response to a government proposal to raise the retirement age from 60 (!) to 62. There's also labor chaos in Britain because the government there is trying to reduce payroll-padding, another a creation of unions of government employees. Look at our own situation, where those unions of government employees demand ever-more from a public treasury that already pays them far more for the same work done in the private sector. You know--that private sector that has to pay the taxes to support those unions. It's all a consequence of aggressive, greedy unions preying on a supine public, made so by gutless politicians. Maybe it's time to revisit the days when President Truman forced railroad workers back to work under threat of being drafted into the military and President Reagan told air traffic controllers, “You want to strike? Guess what—you're fired!” * * * * * Obama's (again) bypassing the 9/11 memorial service at Ground Zero in New York. Draw your own (obvious) conclusion. He wouldn't want to muddy the waters for the America-hating Imam behind the building of the triumphal mosque, now that the Muslim preacher has returned from his tour of the middle-east, which Obama made YOU pay for. *
* * * *
The news brings reports of a pitched battle between American military and Arab "militants" right in the city of Baghdad. You know--where the war is over and the 50,000 American troops are only there only in a "support" role. * * * * * Rahm “never let a good crisis go to waste” Emanuel being talked up to succeed the latest Daley as mayor of Chicago. Now, THERE'S the guy who'll clean up that sewer! * * * * * Again, we have the laughable phenomenon of leading Democrats warning Republicans that they could lose votes in November if insurgent conservatives take the lead on the R-party agenda. Once again: are we really supposed to believe that these Democrats want to HELP Republicans, and thus offer this free advice? * * * * * Irony, thy name is Gore. The LA Times reports that a new elementary school named for Crazy Al and the delusional Rachel Carson, turns out to have built on toxic ground contaminated by industrial waste. History reminder: it was Carson's book, "Silent Spring", that launched the campaign against the use of insecticides, notably DDT. The results, especially in mosquito-ridden Africa, were catastrophic. Millions died of mosquito-borne malaria, while environmentalists cheered the saving of insect lives and generated bogus stories about the eggs of flying creatures being spared degradation by manmade chemicals. It was all a crock, but the libs lapped it up. * * * * * Question for the charming Laura Bush. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! Making a joint appearance with Michelle Obama on 9/11! Do you not understand that this is nothing more than a Democrat campaign event for Mrs. Obama? Or did the acquisition of a Bush name render you incapable of distinguishing between friends and enemies? * * * * * What's the going price for used Obama bumper stickers? They seem to be disappearing from autos at an increasing rate. * * * * * Three—or more—cheers for the Boise State football team, the Little Engine that Could! * * * * * Thanks to reader Bart for passing along Murphy's Lesser Known Laws, which include: Those who live by the sword, get shot by those who don't. If you lined up all the cars in the world end to end, some fool would try to pass them... 5 or 6 at a time... on a hill... in the fog. A fine is a tax for doing wrong. A tax is a fine for doing well. DON'T BURN, BABY, DON'T BURN Gen. David Petraeus, Obama, Hillary... all are upset that a small Florida church plans a symbolic burning of copies of the Quran. Not to applaud book-burning, but in the interest of fair play, wouldn't it be interesting if the general tossed a few dozen bibles into a crowd of heathen "death to America" protesters, just to see how much tolerance they'd display? * * * * * Christina Romer was Pres. Obama's key economic advisor. After the utter and abject failure of the economic policies of The Regime, she has been kicked to the curb. Manifestly, she was one of the planners of the economic debacle we now endure. And what is her penalty for such misfeasance? She returns to U.C. Berkeley as a professor of economics, to sow her ignorance on another crop of gullible young minds. * * * * * Why are the liberal media absolutely manic in their insistence that Barry Obama/Soetoro is not a Muslim, while simultaneously haranguing us about how there's nothing wrong with being a Muslim because it is, after all, a religion of peace and brotherhood? Were the consequences of having this... whatever... in the White House not so serious, the media madness would actually be entertaining. * * * * * Environmental crazies report: Prince Chuck of Great Britain plans to tool around that nation promoting "living green". He'll do it on a private train at a cost of several hundred thousand dollars to British taxpayers. That's right. Preaching his warped version of environmentalism from a private train! And somewhere, Al Gore seethes with envy. * * * * * Question for Obama-dazzled liberals. Do you still believe you were the ones you've been waiting for? Any hot air yet been released from your over-inflated ego? * * * * * Just wondering out-loud... At what point do so many people tire of being abused and ripped-off by the government that there's a mass refusal to pay taxes? THEN what does the government do? How many millions COULD they put in prison? After all, it was the money-grubbing liberals who worshiped the concept of mass civil disobedience. I mean, if they don't have room in the jails for today's crop of illegal aliens... LET THERE BE (real) LIGHT! Stupidity in government... at it again. The last GE factory manufacturing safe, reliable eye-sensitive incandescent light bulbs will close by the end of the month. The first casualties are the workers who will lose their jobs. The larger victim cohort consists of ... well, every American who uses light bulbs... forced by a know-it-all government to resort to the compact fluorescent lights, CFL's, a hazmat problem when broken and hostile to human eyesight. Oh--and made almost entirely in China. Think maybe somebody, or some organization, got a major payoff to bring about this abomination? I have cabinets filled with REAL light bulbs of the incandescent variety, and I'm not the only one to foresee the result of this crime against the citizenry. Local store managers tell me they're selling all the incandescent bulbs they can get, as fast as they can find them. In a rational country, the people behind this scam would all find themselves behind bars. In the meantime, the best we can do to defend ourselves against yet another example of little-league tyranny is oppose and sabotage it any way we can and deliver a resounding message to the Washington thugocracy consisting of two words: a verb and a pronoun. * * * * * So our Marxist-in-charge wants to hurl another fifty billion dollars (that we don't have) into yet another "stimulus" program. Will we hear more nonsense about "shovel-ready" projects? Shovels are needed, all right. Needed to remove the mounting pile of bulldurham being created by the excresence in the White House. * * * * * Best comedy show around: all those Democrats in reelection campaigns shouting, "Don't blame me! I'm against all of Obama's insane spending!" And, "Oh, by the way. I'm FOR strong border control and enforcement of immigration laws!" Hey, dudes and dudesses, you put Pelosi in the Speaker's chair, and that's all we need to know about you. * * * * * Three cheers for Brenda Armes for displaying courage in the face of a world overdosed on PC. Ms. Armes owns a restaurant in Carolina Beach, North Carolina. Tired of customer complaints about screaming brats and sympathizing with them, she put up signs in her establishment that read, "Screaming children will not be tolerated." The signs have worked and business has improved, despite a few complaints from parents apparently incapable of civilizing their children. * * * * * A sure sign of the cultural decay of a nation can be found in its largest city and major media center. The subject is prostitution. The governor banging a whore. Result: the whore, Ashley Dupre, gets her own column in a major newspaper. The customer, the governor, gets his own cable TV show on CNN. Is further commentary necessary? * * * * * How dare Mr. Petulant President compare himself to my dog, Calvin! Calvin is loyal to a fault, prepared to defend his homeland against all enemies (he was once ready to take on a pack of wolves) and, unlike the pompous jerk in the White House, wouldn't think of biting the hand that feeds him. Their only similarity lies in the fact that Calvin is also part-black, part-white. Obama's whining about being discussed as if he were a dog is an insult to the entire canine species, and only a fool would ever think of the Community Organizer as "man's best friend." * * * * * Flashback on the stupidity of millions of American voters. They were willing to buy the argument by liberals that Sarah Palin, already with a solid record of accomplishment as governor of Alaska, lacked experience to quality her as president. But they WERE willing to believe that a political nonentity with zero executive experience WAS qualified for the job. Dumb, dumb, dumb... * * * * * How long after this gigantic fraud, Obama, is booted out of office before we can expect to see his spokesparrot, Robert Gibbs, shilling for some scam-product in an infomercial shown on cable at 3AM? * * * * * Always remember and never forget. THERE...IS...NO...SUCH...THING...AS...A...MODERATE...MUSLIM. There are only those who wear the facade because they are more patient in trying to realize the ultimate Islamic goal of total world domination. * * * * * Like millions of other sports fans, I tuned into the NFL season-opener in New Orleans, and witnessed one of the worst pre-game shows I have ever seen in what is already a sorry genre. First, how many times must we hear that the Saints' Super Bowl victory saved New Orleans after Katrina? Please!! Did chariot races save ancient Rome? Then, we were treated (?) to a concert featuring the waif-like Taylor Swift. I will state categorically that she is the worst singer I have ever heard who actually gets paid to inflict her toneless tunes upon an apparently tin-eared audience. To her, key is obviously a device to open a lock … pitch is something a baseball pitcher does … and rhythm is an unreliable form of birth control. Then came another poor creature mangling the national anthem just before kickoff. I suggest it is long past time that the people responsible for choosing anthem-singers at sports events—and NASCAR seems to pick the worst---be summarily jailed for gross violation of musical taste. I can only assume their choices are based on payoffs from record companies promoting dubious choices of talent, or somebody's getting laid. THE
On the 9th anniversary of 9/11, what issue in the endless Islam-versus-civilization confrontation most concerns the Muslim fraud in the White House? The possibility that the pastor of a small church might actually burn a Quran! How is a president not offended by the thinly-veiled threat posed by the Muslim preacher (who was just treated to a middle-east tour by American taxpayers) suggesting that such an event would cause the Muslim world to "explode." Explode?! Interesting choice of words, is it not? ... given the terrorists' proclivity for the indiscriminate use of bombs to commit mass murder. The Imam, by the way, attaches the same clear threat regarding opposition to the triumphal mosque he wants built near the 9/11 site in New York. And he insists that opponents of the mosque are a "tiny, loud minority." Hey, dope---read the polls! You suggest that more than 70% of Americans constitute a "tiny minority?" And again we must ask, if Islam is a religion of peace and being a Muslim is a wonderful thing, why do the liberal media hysterics get so upset when we suggest their hero in the White House IS a Muslim? Shouldn't he--and they-- be proud? Footnote: American liberals go berserk over the thought of a Quran being burned. Care to bet that they aren't largely the same people who've cheered the burning of the American flag? * * * * * News from Afghanistan includes a report that thousands protested against that much-discussed but little-league Quran-burning. Frankly, who gives a damn what a bunch of howling, ignorant hyenas in Afghanistan think about ANYTHING? Since our "commander-in-chief" has already given our enemies there a date when we quit and give up, it's now a race to see who can be the last American killed for nothing in that godforsaken hell-hole. * * * * * The self-pitying White House Marxist revisits a long ago quote from Rush Limbaugh in saying to a crowd of sycophants in Ohio that Republicans think, "if I fail, they win." Slight correction, Community Organizer. If you fail, the NATION wins. Even Fidel Castro---FIDEL CASTRO!--now admits that the communist economic system that you clearly admire...DOESN'T WORK! You can read the interview in Atlantic Monthly. *
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The latest scam by the crooks who've taken political power in so many towns and cities is charging for accident-calls by police and firefighters. That's right...you get hit in a car-wreck.. police and/or fire personnel show up.. and you get a bill for them coming to the scene! Disasters as a government profit-center! And to think... we foolishly always believed the taxes we paid covered such services as police and fire! * * * * * Here's a piece of liberal economics you should know about. They ARE hatching plans to either directly or indirectly relieve you of some of your savings in IRAs and 401K's. Leave them in power, and they WILL do it! * * * * * Speaking of the evil and corrupt, the liberal Washington Post, in a surprising piece of reportage (from them, anyway) have uncovered evidence that federal government employees across the country, sucking on the teat of the taxpayer, owe at least a billion dollars in unpaid income taxes. * * * * * A federal judge named Virginia Phillips in Riverside, California, has taken it upon herself to declare that the ban on openly-gay military personnel violates the rights of lesbians and gays and is therefore unconstitutional. Just what led some--any--power-grabbing judge to believe he/she has such authority? Cowardice among elected executives and legislators, that's what. Rather than take on controversial issues, they simply punted to... judges. One outstanding example: a nonentity in the Illinois state legislature who abstained from voting on any issue that might engender controversy. His name was Barack Obama. Pertinent historical fact: many liberals delude themselves that the "don't ask, don't tell" policy on gays in the military originated with Bush. It did not. It was first enunciated--and installed--by William Jefferson Clinton. * * * * * Question for lefties and enviro nuts. Where are all those "green" jobs you pathetic, sophomoric fools blathered about? * * * * * Here's an ego in need of no further nurturing. Susan Sarandon tells New York magazine that when she and her long-term shackup, Tim Robbins, split up...get THIS! "The nation mourned." Arrrrgghhhh.... (When can we stop wearing black?) * * * * * Apologies to those caught up in the Facebook fad, but researchers at Canada's York University, a big U with over 50,000 students, says use of that social network is the equivalent of staring at yourself in the mirror. An exercise in narcissism. They say of participants, "It allows them to thrive on shallow relationships while avoiding genuine warmth and empathy." * * * * * Tom Brady of the New England Patriots has a new four-year deal making him the highest-paid player in the NFL. At least, until Peyton Manning gets his new deal. Tom will make $18 million a year. He should be an inspiration to those who don't achieve success early. He was the 199th player chosen in the NFL draft's sixth round when he came out of college, where he was never first-string. In fact, he never started a single game at his alma mater, Michigan. * * * * * Reader Barbara contributes a classic from the collection of jokes that end with, "...and then the fight started." Here it is: "My wife sat down on the couch next to me as I was flipping thru the channels. She asked, 'What's on the TV?' I said, 'Dust.'" And then the fight started... REFLECTIONS ON 9/11 ANNIVERSARY OBSERVANCES With due regard for the good intentions, my reaction to Saturday's observances was, "too little, too late." I recognize the value of symbolism, but a bunch of lights shining straight up from the hole in the ground that was the World Trade Center is a pretty thin substitute for justice. I was especially repulsed by the appearance of New York's utterly confused (the kindest interpretation) Mayor Bloomberg and VP Joe Biden, whose every appearance and utterance is a caricature of political sleaziness. Of course, the original mistake was Bush's, who should've decapitated the Iranian government on 9/12, 2001. That, accompanied by a cryptic, "Anybody else want some?" might well have stunted militant Muslim terrorism in its tracks. If not, it would have at least provided some measure of satisfaction for Americans sickened by the televised sight of Muslims celebrating mass murder in the streets around the world--including many American cities. We learned all we needed to know about those "peace-loving" Muslims right then. * * * * * Obama leads a large chorus of delusional folk who may even believe it when they say that Muslim terrorists are "perverting" Islam. I dare anyone to read the Quran and still have the nerve to utter such nonsense. The "militants" are, in fact, carrying out the dictum of their guidebook. Anyone who says otherwise is either knowingly or unwittingly a liar. *
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Our Marxist-in-Chief seems much less enthusiastic about hyping "green jobs" as part of his latest proposed stimulus scam. Perhaps it's because of the revelation that some 80% of such jobs “created“ in his first gigantic stimulus boondoggle went overseas to China and other foreign countries. But the idea sold to stupid American liberals, so it served his purposes at the time. * * * * * What??? Obama not wearing his wedding ring at Friday's press conference? If I had less class, I might snidely remark that some think he's pro-Muslim because he'd like to put Michelle in a burka. But that would be mean... * * * * * Given their trend-line of presidential choices, how long before we can expect Lady Gaga as the Democrats' nominee? * * * * * A Tolstoy quote from Jonah Goldberg in National Review describes perfectly the liberals' role in government -- "I sit on a man's back, choking him and making him carry me, and yet assure myself and others that I am very sorry for him and wish to ease his lot by all possible means -- except by getting off his back." * * * * * Thanks to reader Darlene for this frightening insight into what passes for education in today's America. In a Purdue University classroom, they were discussing the qualifications to be President of the United States. Pretty simple. The candidate must be a natural born citizen of at least 35 years of age. However, one girl argued that the requirement to be a natural born citizen was unfair. Her opinion was that this requirement prevented many capable individuals from becoming president. She wrapped up her argument with, "What makes a natural born citizen any more qualified to lead this country than one born by C-section?" We are in DIRE peril. EXCUSE ME, MR. JIHADIST. CAN WE HELP YOU KILL US? Incredible. Just...incredible. I'm not for book-burning, but the mushhead idea that we should be afraid to burn a Muslim book because it might make them mad at us... so angry that they might join a terrorist group... is beyond absurd. Anybody notice that they were already angry enough to murder 3,000 innocent Americans, an event worse than Pearl Harbor? You think we're NOT at war with Islam? They suffer from no such delusion! They KNOW they're at war with us! And if you're waiting for so-called “moderate” Muslims to restrain their bloodthirsty brethren, you're in for a loooong wait! * * * * * If you are ever foolishly tempted to believe the Big Media, you might recall that, during the Reagan presidency, any wino on any street corner was in danger of being trampled by reporters eager to use him as an example of evil Republican economic policies. Expect far less attention to the forthcoming report from the Census Bureau showing a record increase in the rate of poverty in America. That's right--a record poverty increase under the administration of the silly socialist in the White House. Don't expect the Big Media to dwell on it at any great length--if they report it at all. Surprisingly, the Associated Press HAS reported it. * * * * * Here's another example of muddle-headed thinking by the Dear Leader. After the BP oil well explosion, he declared a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico. A shut-down of all UNITED STATES drilling. Now, the same presidential joke is allowing the U.S. Export-Import Bank to guarantee a billion-dollar loan to the Mexican government's oil company, Pemex, to drill in... THE GULF OF MEXICO! * * * * * Something President Reagan knew and liberals, starting with Obama, will never figure out. In an ideal world, we... us ... U.S. ... would be loved and admired for saving civilization in two world wars and always being first with aid when a disaster occurs, even in countries that revile us. But since love and admiration--and gratitude--will always be in short supply, we can at least hope to be respected. Even that commodity is unavailable from many quarters, however, so it is essential that, as a bottom-line necessity, we be feared. Feared not only for our power, but our willingness to use it, without tying the hands of military people who are asked to put their lives on the line. * * * * * A timeless lesson re-learned after two weeks into a new college football season. Pre-season polls are meaningless and just plain silly. Didn't take long for Boise State's razor-close win over Virginia Tech to be devalued when James Madison made short work of the Hokies. And what IS a Hokie, anyway? A piece of trivia good for bar-bets: what was the name of Va-Tech's sports teams before "Hokie" was invented? Answer ... the gobblers! Bring it back! * * * * * Longtime broadcasting colleague Jim Eason passes along a collection of random thoughts, including these: I asked God for a bike, but I know God doesn't work that way. So I stole a bike and asked for forgiveness. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on the list. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public. I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you. When tempted to fight fire with fire, remember that the Fire Department usually uses water. ...with a bow to Steven Wright. THE SELL-OUTS REFUSE TO LEARN Here we go again. The Republican leader in the House--and likely next Speaker--is John Boehner of Ohio. We haven't even had the election yet, and this posturing fool is already talking about a "compromise" with Obama on the extension of the Bush tax cuts. Another RINO, preemptively declaring a partial surrender! This is the kind of bogus country club Republicanism that brought about the Tea Party movement, and STILL they refuse to learn. Even after some Republican incumbents lost their jobs in the primaries, there are still those who can't bear the thought of not being cozy with the inner circle of Washington, including the socialists who masquerade as Democrats. To them, "compromise" means winning by salami tactics--one slice at a time. * * * * * Bare-knuckled Obamism is on view for all to see. A grim, forbidding Kathleen Sebelius, Obama's Secretary of Health and Human Services, has told the leading spokesperson for health insurance companies that open opposition to the administration's socialized medicine plan will NOT be tolerated! Her exact words: "There will be zero tolerance for this type of misinformation and unjustified rate increases." The fascist heel of the Obama boot is now there for all to see. "WE will tell you what you can and can't say, and WE will tell you how to run your business." What happened to Kansans' reputation for down-to-earth common sense that they ever made this harridan governor? * * * * * Congress is back in session. Women and children first!! * * * * * A British teenager had a few drinks and sent Obama an e-mail, calling him a ... well, male appendage. For that, he's banned from ever setting foot in the United States. Unlike illegal aliens, drug traffickers, assorted terrorists... and people from Kenya who aspire to the presidency. (Take a look on youtube..."truth matters...not natural born...” to hear it in Obama's own words.) * * * * * We've long since learned not to hold political figures responsible for the behavior of their adult children. Carter's son the doper and Reagan's Patty, who belatedly came to her senses, provide examples from recent history. But do you share the sneaking suspicion that when you hear the McCain daughter, Meghan, acting as a mouthpiece for the left in peddling her sophomoric ideas via liberal media that you ARE hearing the authentic dinner-table views of daddy? * * * * * Had an invitation to party at the White House this week? No? Too bad. The high-living Obamas will be spending millions of your tax dollars for a series of high-profile soirees, heavy on celebrities with ultra-leftist inclinations. After all this partying, the exhausted Obamas will no doubt need another vacation. * * * * * Word comes from Richmond, Texas, that Sheyla Hershey has had her gigantic breast implants removed. She had had them installed in her campaign to become famous for having the largest breasts (M-cup) in the world. This means that Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid have consolidated their title as biggest boobs on the planet. MARXISTS
Since they're incapable of learning from real-world experience, our home-grown leftists probably will infer nothing from news out of Cuba that the communist regime there will be laying off a half-million people who work the government, with plans to expand the private sector in hopes of employing them. This comes on the heels of Fidel Castro's announcement that "communism doesn't work." (He later said that was an "oopsie" moment; that what he meant to say was "capitalism doesn't work." Anyone can compare the Cuban standard of living versus its capitalist neighbors and know that the old commie was right the first time.) * * * * * Muslims in various countries are angered that President Obama hasn't had anyone executed who's even suggested burning a Quran. One wonders if the Dear Leader shares their frustration that he isn't able to do so. So far. * * * * * The financial news carries reports of gold hitting new record high prices. Be clear: what that REALLY means is that your dollar is worth less and less because millions of silly, childlike American voters turned the country over to the tender mercies of a crazed Marxist and his cronies. *
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Seen the video from youtube that's burning up the internet? The video of Obama announcing to an audience that he IS from Kenya... and Michelle Obama referring to their visit to his homeland, Kenya? A lot of Big Media types who insist that he IS American are going to wind up with a lot of egg on their faces one of these days. * * * * * This week's primary elections delivered to treacherous establishment Republicans a clear message: tremble in fear, because your days are numbered. RINOs are at last becoming an endangered species. It's long overdue. * * * * * Sen. Mitch McConnell, Republican leader in the upper house, may be a little short in the charisma department, but at least he hasn't caught the RINO disease. At least, not to the extent it has possessed his counterpart in the House, John Boehner, who has offered a compromise with Obama on letting the Bush tax cuts lapse. He's vowed to stonewall the issue, which is the only way to deal with the Mad Marxist in the White House. * * * * * If an establishment "go along, get along" Republican of the "moderate" stripe wins an election, members of his party must ask themselves, "WHAT did we win?" * * * * * Just asking: why does the otherwise-admirable Charles Krauthammer hate Sarah Palin? He WANTS another unprincipled old-boy-network RINO occupying the Senate seat from New Jersey? * * * * * Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi's advice to young women that they should marry rich men is hardly original. In fact, an expanded version of that philosophy was enunciated long ago by the mother who advised her daughter, "If you want to have a happy, trouble-free life, marry a rich, sterile orphan." That advice was further amplified by this addendum: "Never do deep-fat frying in the nude." BASIC
If yet another reminder is needed... POOR PEOPLE DON'T HIRE WORKERS! Is anyone foolish enough to believe that higher-income people WON'T invest their money? Is anyone unaware that invested capital – stocks, bonds...even CDs – makes possible the funding of businesses that DO hire workers? Is envy-driven hatred of the successful a sufficient basis for economic policy? The White House dunce apparently thinks so. * * * * * A reader asks why there should be pessimism about the stock market, when ultra-rich Warren Buffett says "buy!" I make no claim to market wizardry, but I do know this: Buffett's wealth is in the stocks he owns. If people aren't buying stock in those companies, his wealth declines. Of COURSE he wants people buying! * * * * * Must reading: Wesley Pruden in the Washington Times (WASHTIMES.COM) ... "The Time to Fight is a Time to Flee." * * * * * The airline industry is--and always has been--largely run by some of the dumbest people on the planet. The current stupidity record-holder has to be the president of the Ireland-based discount carrier, Ryan Air. This Scrooge of the Sky not only wants to pack in more people flying in a semi-standing position, he also thought it was a good idea to eliminate the co-pilot. In the event of an illness (say, a heart attack; it's happened) overcoming the ONE pilot, this idiot thinks a flight attendant could land the plane! My friend Doris Day did it in a taut movie thriller called "Julie", but I'm sure she would agree that such fanciful nonsense is best left to the film factories. * * * * * It seems more and more (former) investors are rediscovering a fundamental fact about the stock market. Whether you, personally, make or lose money, the brokerage ALWAYS makes money. At the risk of redundancy, when was the last time someone in the investment field told you, "This is a BAD time to invest"? To further complicate choices, the Obama administration has rigged the game and manipulated interest rates so that (mostly older) savers who put their money in CD's are being mercilessly ripped-off. When the currency is being inflated at rates never before seen in this country, ordinary financial common sense would dictate higher--MUCH higher--levels of interest should prevail. As it is, bond and CD investors are seeing their savings shrink every day. * * * * * All you need to know about pols and environazis. They had a “Clean Energy” convention in Las Vegas. Rather than walk the hundred yards from his hotel to the meeting hall, Senator Harry Reid had himself and his entire entourage driven over in a fleet of SUVs. In a few weeks we'll find out if the stupidity flood among Nevada voters has receded. * * * * * The
president has a book of stories for children coming out. It's
obviously aimed at the age-appropriate market of his supporters. *
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Proud to Be a Taxpayer Moment: Your government spent close to a million of your tax dollars thru the National Institutes of Health on a program to—I kid you not!--teach African men to wash their penises after sex. An obvious joke connecting those organs to a certain prominent American politician suggests itself, but good taste prohibits. FROM HIS LIPS TO... "A lot of their candidates today, they make him look like a liberal." Bill Clinton, speaking of today's winning Republican candidates in the post-Bush era. And isn't that a GOOD thing? * * * * * Working definition of the term "extremist": word used by terrified Democrats and RINOs to describe the people fed up with their continual unprincipled betrayal of the public will. * * * * * Working definition of "establishment Republican": Karl Rove. Like all political operatives, his focus is on winning. Winning to what purpose? Not a concern. Why are he and other old-boy ops so convinced that independent and even Democrat voters aren't also fed-up with the bungling of the longtime Washington insiders? The insiders just can't imagine the stupid hoi polloi refusing to accept their wisdom. Even liberal columnist/talking head Howard Fineman acknowledges that the lash of frustrated voters is not likely to be limited to RINOs; Democrats have reason to be terrified, as well. Obama and company have plenty to fear in November. For the record, my disdain for Rove is not new. I have pointed out, accurately I believe, that his bungling of the 2000 campaign almost put Al Gore in the White House. In the last few days of the campaign, instead of consolidating Bush's lead in Florida, he pushed his resources into supporting a vain fantasy that Bush could win California. He couldn't, and any child in streets from Modesto to Mission Viejo could have told him so. The word that comes to mind is "hubris." In an homage to the treasonous pro-Japanese propagandist of World War Two, some wit has now coined, “Tokyo Rove.” * * * * * The Republican establishment, personified by their Senatorial Committee, has announced that it will not support Christine O'Donnell, winner of the R-party primary in Delaware. The old bulls are in a snit because their guy, another RINO sellout, got his aged butt kicked. They'd rather whore themselves out to the Democrats than see long overdue reform come to their train-wreck of a party. Look into the abyss, dudes; there lies your future. * * * * * One may quibble with a few minor details of Dinesh D'Souza's Forbes Magazine article about Barack Obama, but the most pertinent point seems entirely valid. In trying to live out the fantasies of his drunk, crazed leftist father, Obama is obviously committed to the fool's basic philosophy: financially successful people should be impoverished in order to facilitate socialist “re-distribution.” That's a one-word description of a policy of taking money away from people who earned it in order to give it to people who didn't. * * * * * A little Bush-bashing, if you don't mind. This time, Bush niece Lauren who speaks admiringly of Michele Obama's "sense of style." Of course, Lauren IS a model, which often indicates an IQ number smaller than one's shoe-size. *
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The candidate of the teachers' union won the Democrat mayoral race in Washington, D.C. That guarantees a general election win in the tribal village that IS the nation's capitol. * * * * * Anybody surprised that Senator Harry Reid, who will prostitute himself to any leftist cause in his effort to keep his tottering political career alive, now is pitching another amnesty deal for illegal aliens? Of course, since the collapse of the Las Vegas building boom, many—maybe most---Nevada illegals have fled southward across the border. * * * * * Have we--at LAST--heard the last of Rick Lazio, perennial loser? The New Yorker personified the sickness that defines country club Republicanism. * * * * * Heard enough about the slumlord Muslim preacher and the shady developer of the 9/11 mosque to convince you that politicians (starting with Little Mikey Bloomberg) who support them are morons? (Of course, we have to expect that Obama would support fellow Muslims.) * * * * * THE LOSER'S MANTRA: "Don't worry, the government will take care of it." CAUTION!
Yesterday I heard King RINO, John McCain, interviewed by Barry Young on KFYI, Phoenix. It was...stunning. The man who's been whoring for illegal alien amnesty for years now sounds like Tom Tancredo, or an acolyte of Sheriff Joe Arpaio, pitching for strong border control. He gives hypocrisy a bad name. * * * * * It's official. The poverty rate in America has hit its highest point in fifteen years. Answers, Wonder Boy and sycophants? ...meantime... Memo to Republicans moving toward regaining the upper-hand: You'd better have some answers of your own, or your rebound will be the shortest-lived in history. * * * * * The spineless media management types strike again! Veteran Washington, D.C. News anchorman Doug McKelway, fired for telling the truth about BP money given to Obama's campaign. Having had some first-hand experience with this kind of management, I am not remotely surprised. That's why most of what you get from the big media is unadulterated horse... feathers. * * * * * Before Democrats get too exercise over Delaware Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell's IRS history, they might recall that Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner also had a tax problem: failure to pay payroll taxes. For years. Of course, he only needed ONE vote to get the job---Obama's. By the way, it SCREAMS volumes that the losing RINO in Delaware, Mike Castle, got calls from well-wishers including... Barack Obama and Joe Biden. * * * * * Inevitably, some of the "new wave" congressional candidates supported by the Tea Party movement will be elected. Equally inevitably, some will disappoint. It is nevertheless far better that they be elected because, unlike the establishment congresspersons who have given free rein to evil, it will be far easier to remove any newly-elected member than the longtime incumbents who have consolidated their power and financial support. This election will be one of those rare opportunities to remove many of those power-crazed "old bulls", not all of whom are male. * * * * * A quick internet search will bring up the photo spread, “Hiroshima versus Detroit.” It's worth a look. I've been to Hiroshima twice in recent years, and the comeback of the first A-bombed city is amazing. The contrast with Detroit's evolution over the same postwar period is equally amazing. Of course, Hiroshima wasn't burdened with a bunch of Democrat leech politicians promising the suckers an endless menu of something-for-nothing social programs. * * * * * Why
is Joran van der Sloot still breathing? * * * * *
So Joaquin Phoenix's addled appearances were a put-on, after all. All those who care will meet in the phone booth at the bus station. * * * * * Words to live by. (Thanks, Barry) Gardening Rule: When weeding, the best way to make sure you are removing a weed and not a valuable plant is to pull on it. If it comes out of the ground easily, it is a valuable plant. * * * * * It's Jimmy Kimmel's line... Q: What's the difference between Obama and his dog, Bo? A: Bo has papers. * * * * * A few more cabins have become available for our April Congenial Conservatives Cruise of the Mediterranean, with port-calls in Monaco, Spain, Italy, Greece and Dubrovnik. It's twelve days of enjoyment with some of the most delightful people you'll ever meet. Details from Jackie at 650-342-7292. OBAMA'S
Barack Obama's practice of appointing left-wing zealots to positions of political power without having them undergo congressional scrutiny continues, even as he maintains (for now) majorities in both houses. The latest example is another Harvard leftist named Elizabeth Warren who has been put in charge of a new government burocracy called "The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau." Skeptics see this as another step toward taxing all financial transactions as part of Obama's endless effort to extract money from those who earned it in order to buy the votes of society's parasites. * * * * * As one of Sarah Palin's earliest admirers in the "Lower 48" (as Alaskans call it), I would like to offer a helpful hint. Get a voice coach, and take it down about two octaves. The voice will wear much better over a long campaign if you get rid of the occasional shrillness factor. More than one Sarah admirer has pointed out that, at times, her voice reaches a screech level that would, as the saying goes, "take paint off the walls." * * * * * One of the most detestable characteristics of the Republican Establishment is evidenced by two losing Republican primary candidates, Lisa Murkowski in Alaska and Mike Castle in Delaware, both defeated by candidates with Tea Party backing. Instead of accepting defeat with at least minimal grace, both are looking for ways to sabotage the winners. They would clearly prefer to see liberal Democrats win rather than see their own party's candidates continue on the road to Washington. They are scum... should be treated accordingly... and so should any other Republican pols who support them. *
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Oprah, longtime queen of the daytime TV talk-show genre... isn't. Not any more. Judge Judy now roundly whips her in the ratings with far more viewers. One might conjecture that The Big O's decline seems to have been concurrent with her leap into political campaigning on behalf of Obama. * * * * * Stockholders have approved a merger of United and Continental airlines. Oh, goody! Now, instead of being poorly served by two big airlines, we can expect consumer abuse from one MONSTER airline. * * * * * If you're a football fan, you've doubtless seen the replays of the Philadelphia Eagles player whose concussion caused him to stagger and fall as he headed for the sidelines following the play. Four plays later, he was sent BACK into the game. Whichever coach--doubtless one of Head Coach Andy Reid's assistants--made the decision to return to the game a player with an obvious head injury should be summarily fired and banned from coaching for life. Football will always be a violent game, but it passes the boundaries of civilization to further endanger a player in such circumstances. * * * * * Just wondering.... How many people really care about that useless skank, Lindsay Lohan? * * * * * It's Conan O'Brien's line... Q: Have you heard about McDonald's' new Obama Value Meal? A: Order anything you like and the guy behind you has to pay for it. PROVERB: “WE GET TOO SOON OLD, AND TOO LATE SMART.” Irony. Fidel Castro had to live more than eighty years and wade thru gallons of blood of his victims before belatedly learning that communism doesn't work. It is, nevertheless, a lesson that still eludes the American (and European) political left. As a young broadcaster who'd read too much Hemingway, I was in Havana when Fidel came triumphantly into the city. One of his first actions was to close down the lavish bordellos that had been a trademark of the city for years. Yet in recent years, one of the few profitable ventures in Castro's Cuba has been the selling of sex in the segregated tourist resorts operated for tourists spending hard currency. It's one of the few ways a Cubano/Cubana can exceed the average Cuban wage of $20 a MONTH. * * * * * It has to be asked. Is Pres. Obama's obvious animus toward Republican congressional leader John Boehner based on racism? I mean, after all... just because Boehner's skin is darker than Obama's.... * * * * * “You work for us; we don't work for you. Stop the bailouts, the takeovers, the debt and dependence.” Senator Jim DeMint explaining the Tea Party position to Washington insiders in the Post. * * * * * Whatever faults or flaws are to be found in Delaware Republican Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell's background, perhaps the largest is the fact that she ever went on TV with alleged comedian Bill Maher. It was obvious that he only invited conservatives on his (now defunct) show to use as punching bags for himself and other crazed liberals on his “panel”. * * * * * Here's
hypothetical question deserving of serious consideration. If this
nation were hit with yet another terrorist attack a la 9/11, with
clear ties to an Islamic group, what do you think Barack Obama would
do about it? Really. What action would you expect him to take? And
if he failed to take action, what would, or should, be the reaction
within the country? And what would you expect from our military?
Does anyone think the very question is... “out of bounds?” *
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From Gordon...an ad that appeared in an Atlanta newspaper's “personals” column... SINGLE BLACK FEMALE seeks male companionship, ethnicity unimportant. I'm a very good girl who LOVES to play. I love long walks in the woods, riding in your pickup truck, hunting, camping and fishing trips, cozy winter nights lying by the fire. Candlelight dinners will have me eating out of your hand. I'll be at the front door when you get home from work, wearing only what nature gave me. Call (404) 875----- and ask for Annie; I'll be waiting. Over 150 men found themselves talking to the Atlanta Humane Society. THE GRAND DECEPTION CONTINUES The big media, still in their Obama campaign mode, are giving us yet another illustration of the, "Who are you gonna believe? Me, or your lying eyes?" philosophy. The weekend talking-head shows were chockablock with analysts (spelled S H I L L S) trying to sell the line that the economy is much better, improving, etc., despite all the real-world evidence to the contrary. California provides a fine example of where liberal idiocy can take us. Between the officially-acknowledged unemployment rate, plus people who've given up on even trying to find work and the under-employed (like highly skilled people now flipping burgers part-time) the REAL jobs-lost number is more like 25% of the work force. * * * * * Colin Powell has been, throughout his career, beneficiary of a relentless public relations campaign aimed at convincing us of his level-headed wisdom. On "Meet the Press", Powell gave an exhibition of fundamental silliness disguised as deep-thinking. Regarding the biggest terror-supporting regime on the planet, he tried to sell the position that even after they get the capability for processing uranium into the key component in nuclear weapons, Iran can be deterred from doing so by...get THIS! ... "sanctions"! … mutually agreed-upon by the U.S., China and Russia! As if (A) sanctions haven't already failed and (B) Russia and China, both doing big business with Iran, would be party to any such arrangement in the first place! Powell,
of course, back-stabbed his patron, George W. Bush, and jumped on the
Obama bandwagon in 2008 in yet another example of the former
president's talent for hooking up with people who ultimately declare
for the other side (c.f., Arlen Specter). Who would be foolish enough
to heed Powell's counsel now on anything? Once again, the "RINO"
word resonates * * * * *
Have you seen the photos or videos of Muslims blocking streets in New York City for Friday prayers? It's a weekly event, tolerated in a city--and country--where any Christmas display beyond "Happy Holidays" is forbidden. Are you getting a vision of your country going down the drain, led on that march by gutless liberals and their suicidal "tolerance"? In its practical application in today's world, that "tolerance" translates as, "The Muslim terrorist is going to kill me but I mustn't discourage him, for that would be disrespectful of his religion." * * * * * How to do an impression of an incumbent Democrat running for re-election: collar up, face largely concealed by hat or scarf... "Barack WHO? Nancy WHO? I don't KNOW these people!!" * * * * * The word on words. It's not "AN historic" anything. It's "A historic". Just correcting one of the most common writing and speaking errors in the English language. With a bow to my friend The Wordman, Richard Lederer. * * * * * Final insults... from a collection sent by Dan Sorkin: "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." Clarence Darrow "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain YOU WANT SPECIFICS, MR. PRESIDENT? In his question/answer meeting with carefully selected and supportive people in Washington Monday, the president resorted to a typical evasive political tactic in his oblique attack on the Tea Party movement. He posed his question about what, specifically, they would cut from government spending with a preface about "Medicare...veterans benefits...etc." No, Community Organizer. Let's begin with the enormously wasteful and unproductive "stimulus programs" which are really only a mask for giving taxpayer money to favored people and organizations that support you. The bailout of GM (which was really a bailout of the autoworkers union) leading to (now we learn) your plans to sell it to a foreign company. The creation of still more government burocracies headed by "czars" who have not been scrutinized by congress. The expanded hiring of taxpayer-paid employees, starting with the huge staff assembled by your wife. And on and on and on.... Also--and this applies to both parties--STOP this charade of dividing crazed spending by allocating some of it to this "off-budget" nonsense. If you spent it, you spent it. * * * * * A survey commissioned by the Bloomberg business news service is revelatory, in that it reflects the views of serious investors around the world; people who back their opinions with major amounts of money. The U.S. comes in behind Brazil, China and India as the preferred countries in which to invest. Why the decline of America? The huge budget deficits run up by Wonder Boy. In fact, survey says... a majority of those investors predict the fiscal insanity in Washington will lead to a crisis and a "dramatic rise" in long-term interest rates within two years. Pipers WILL be paid. Not entirely unrelated to the above: Sec. of State Hildabeast proudly announces that $50 million more of money we don't have will be given away to buy stoves in third-world countries. * * * * * Utter nonsense being peddled by the (still) Obama-suck-up media as the election approaches includes this specious story from some panel of hacks called "The National Bureau of Economic Research" stating that the recession is not only over, it ended in June of 2009! Oh, really? Isn't there some kind of law against spreading horse manure in public? * * * * * The "we give up" president is at it again. Obama plans to offer to "engage" with Iran during his visit--and Ahmadenijad's--to the Useless Nations in New York this week. * * * * * Thanks to Uncoverage.net for finding this widely unreported story about the Obamas first visit to church in months. At that particular church Sunday, there was a guest speaker. Dr. Ziad Asali, M.D., a Muslim, founder and president of the American Task Force on Palestine. Coincidence, I'm sure.... * * * * * Another country has discovered its socialist-trending economy doesn't work. The new budget for The Netherlands chops government jobs and programs for immigrants, among other austerity measures. The retirement age (for pension purposes) is also being gradually raised from 65 to 67. * * * * * "We may be entering a sort of period in politics that’s sort of fact free..." Bill Clinton on ABC. Oh--you mean like, "I did not have sex with that woman..." fact-free, Willie? * * * * * Look-alikes ... separated at birth? Christine O'Donnell and Rachel Ray. * * * * * International Business Times reports--Airbus to build planes with transparent fuselage in future. Won't that play hell with the Mile-High Club? Except for serious exhibitionists, of course. THE (very) RELUCTANT WARRIOR The new Bob Woodward book, "Obama's Wars", makes it clear that the president has no will to win his self-described "good war" in Afghanistan. His priority from the start was to develop an "exit strategy" that would mollify his left-wing supporters, while continuing the war he had endorsed. In other words, this ghoul was willing to get more American soldiers killed for no real purpose other than giving him political cover. Hardly surprising from this callous crypto-communist "community organizer". The Kenyan Marxist gives demagoguery a bad name. Obama also says, "We can absorb another terrorist attack". Absorb?! Sounds like an indication of an attitude we've suspected all along: no, he WON'T fight back against his Muslim brothers. And who doubts there WILL be other attacks--especially when no retribution need be expected? If there's hope to be found, it's in the quote from General David Petraeus. During a flight in May, Petraeus told his own staffers that the administration was "[bleeping] with the wrong guy." * * * * * So there's Iran's boastful little serpent, Ahmadenijad, blustering and making threats at the Useless Nations in New York. In a better time in America, the CIA would have long ago put him out of business. But now, of course, we live in the age of "tolerance". What ever happened to that useful term, "Terminated with extreme prejudice"? * * * * * Obama's illegal alien aunt from Kenya seems to speak for the family when she states her position that, if she can get into this country and stay--even illegally--we OWE her citizenship! And she continues to freeload off the taxpayers. * * * * * Hasta luego, Larry Summers. Summers is the triple-chinned academic pinhead from Harvard whose total lack of experience in real-world business contributed to the bungled economic policy in Obama's Childrens' Zoo. Now he, like Christina Romer (University of California), can go back to the cloistered academic world where he can do no harm--except in misinforming another generation of college students who already think they know everything. * * * * * Chicago, now the highest-taxing city in America after a long succession of crooks and political hacks in the mayor's office, now faces a choice of--heaven help them!--Rahm Emanuel or Jesse Jackson, Jr., for the city's highest position. Talk about a Scylla and Charybdis situation, if I may be permitted an obscure literary reference. As a one-time--no, TWO-time--Chicago broadcaster, I recall one mayor who used to get seriously drunk and call the all-night talk-show and lament the vicissitudes of office. That mayor's daughter, by the way, was my producer--and a good one. * * * * * The price of gold is regularly hitting new highs. Which means every dollar you have is worth less and less... and headed toward...worthless. How much longer can the nation stand crazies like Obama, Pelosi and Reid? -- AND their (remaining) irresponsible sycophants in congress? My late longtime business partner could have explained to the largely ignorant American public where Obama's economic policies lead. As a CIA veteran and a Greek-American attached to the U.S. embassy in Athens during a period of hyperinflation there, he vividly recalled having to carry two suitcases full of the largest-denomination Greek drachmas just to buy a simple dinner in a local restaurant. Think it can't happen here? Pleasant dreams... *
* * * *
Global-warming freaks, are you in hiding? The Los Angeles Times reports that the summer just ended was the coldest on record at Los Angeles International Airport; records going back to 1944. * * * * * Winner of this month's Hyperbole Award: James Earl Carter, who peers thru his rheumy eyes and declares the country more divided than during the Civil War. Say WHAT??!! It is an enduring monument to periodic outbursts of silliness among American voters that this fool once occupied the White House. *
* * * *
Worth reviving the old anti-Nixon query, "Would you buy a used car from this man?" -- Obama spokesparrot Robert Gibbs. Combines clumsy lies with arrogance. * * * * * Kentucky Fried Chicken is advertising on the buns of college girls. Perhaps they should be more specific, and advertise the part of the chicken that goes thru the fence last. You know... the foot. (One of the all-time great "gotcha" quizzes!) CARE FOR A QUICKIE? ...OR TEN? How political money is recycled. GM (and its union) got a multi-billion-dollar bailout in taxpayer money. Now GM is making political contributions. Guess which corrupt party is getting the lion's share of that political money... * * * * * What does it tell you about Democrat confidence going into November's election when many of their candidates don't even mention their party affiliation in their advertising? And heaven forbid they should be caught saying a good word about the Kenyan Marxist or any of his works. * * * * * Non-news quote of the week ... comes from Jack Welch, former head of General Electric, which owns NBC, the #1 bend-over network for Obama. Mr. Welch opines that Obama & Co. have an "anti-business bias'. No kidddinggg.... * * * * * Missing in action... Obama supporters, who failed to fill a small hall in New York for a fundraiser, even after ticket prices were cut in half. "The party's over... it's time to call it a day...." * * * * * The Mad Marxist n the White House is babbling again about how he's going to bring peace to the Middle-East. His nonsensical ramblings will be deserving of attention when he explains exactly how you make peace when one side--the Arabs--insists there can BE no peace short of the extinction of Israel and Jews. And to think... there are still Americans so stupid they support this fool. * * * * * Unsolicited advice for incoming members of congress: READ every word of every line of every bill on which you vote, for the contents may come back to bite you on the butt! * * * * * The Succinct Dictionary...for people who don't have time to waste sorting thru minutiae. Bill Clinton's "Global Initiative" = bullbleep. You're welcome. *
* * * *
The Lazy Bastards Update: mobs, demonstrating in the streets in France objecting to a proposal to raise the retirement age (to quality for a government pension) all the way up to.... 62! * * * * * How to tell you're talking with (or listening to) a supercilious idiot. He/she uses the term "progressive". * * * * * From a San Francisco newspaper (figures!), thanks to Joan: "To all you humans who kill animals for food. Shame on you! You ought to go to the store and buy the meat that was made there, where no animals were harmed." DELUSIONAL DEMOCRATS, LOST IN THE WOOD(ward) How can Obama and his party delude themselves that Bob Woodward's book, "Obama's Wars", is somehow flattering to Wonder Boy? When a career liberal journalist like Woodward finds endless evidence of Obama's incompetence in trying to manipulate a war that he had previously called "necessary"--Afghanistan--and the clear lack of respect for him on the part of the military, how can that possibly be seen as flattering? This crowd has reached Carteresque levels of futility and detachment from reality. * * * * * Take it as an indication of Democrat desperation as they head into a train-wreck election in November that the weapon of choice for Pelosi's Parasites is the worn-out charge that a Republican victory will result in the streets being chockablock with starving poor and elderly. Making such charges represents a new high in political chutzpah, considering the wretched state of the economy and still-worsening unemployment numbers under Obama. It would require unprecedented ineptitude on the part of Republicans not to trash this old liberal refrain with ridicule. The last thing Democrats want is for this election to be "nationalized", i.e., have Obama hung around their necks like an anchor. Obviously, this is a point Republicans must emphasize, despite well-meaning (I'm sure) advice from media commentators advising against it. One wonders how even people as dumb as the Democrat rank-and-file can continue to deceive themselves with the myth that liberals are more generous than conservatives, when, year after year, actual charitable giving by Republicans far outstrips them. Democrats seem to have an extraordinary ability to lie not only to the public, but to themselves, as well. * * * * * It's another sorry commentary on our so-called "education" system that there are countless millions of Americans so ignorant of financial matters that they don't realize record-high (dollar) prices for gold and other previous metals is a direct indication of the declining value of the U.S. dollar. These people are easily identified; they are Obama supporters. * * * * * In their dealings with the terrorist-supporting government of Iran and their bellicosity on other matters, it is clear that neither Russia nor China (along with many lesser powers) don't care what we...us ... U.S. ... think--about anything. They know we have a government with no backbone and an inclination to cave in on any matter involving our national interest. In our contretemps with Iran, especially, we have become the playground punk who says to the bully, "I'm drawing a line and you'd better not cross it!" The bully DOES cross it, and our response is to back up and say, "Okay, I'm drawing ANOTHER line..." *
* * * *
Here is an antidote to possible Republican over-confidence about the November election. A reminder of the timelessness of the H. L. Mencken dictum, "Nobody ever went broke UNDERestimating the intelligence of the American public. * * * * * From the "If you're so rich, how come you ain't smart?" department: Warren Buffett, bemoaning public anger at the fools in Washington who got--and keep-- us in this economic mess, saying "...it is not helpful to have people as unhappy as they are about what’s going on in Washington.” We're supposed to be HELPFUL to Obama and his goons as they destroy the country?? Seeing his own Dear Leader making an utter fool of himself in the White House seems to be turning the Sage of Omaha into the Suckup of Omaha. * * * * * The wise and insightful Maxine sees Obamacare this way: We're going to be "gifted" with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that hasn't read it but exempts themselves from it, to be signed by a president who also smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese, and financed by a country that's broke. What the hell could possibly go wrong? (With thanks to Wes & Carlene) THE MOST DISGRACEFUL GOVERNMENT BODY IMAGINABLE The sheer gall is astonishing! Members of Congress, which itself shows up in survey after survey as the least respected, most despised institution in America, complain that the uprising of Tea Party candidates should not be taken seriously, while themselves inviting alleged comedian Stephen Colbert to testify before a congressional committee on illegal aliens and farm labor! No wonder most Americans hold a convention of used-car salesmen in higher regard than these pompous idiots. This is the same kind of "leadership" mentality that led an earlier Democrat-controlled congress to call upon actresses Sally Field, Jessica Lange, and Sissy Spacek to testify--believe it or not!--on farm issues. The ongoing stupidity is just... staggering. We need to know: just who are the stupid SOB's who perpetrate this kind of hoax as the nation suffers thru a wretched economic period? One name surfaces immediately. Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren of California, typical of the kind of mushheads the no-longer-so-Golden State elects. * * * * * We have, in the Obama administration, the most racist government the nation has seen since the Civil War. Insistence on observance of the law clearly depends upon one's skin color, as we know from the continuing flow of testimony about Eric Holder's Justice Department which obviously depended upon racial preferences in deciding not to prosecute the black thugs who intimidated white voters to prevent them from casting ballots in Philadelphia at the last presidential election. Brandishing clubs and telling any whites who attempted to vote "you're now under a black man's rule" apparently was not sufficient for ultra-leftist Holder to pursue prosecution. * * * * * It tells you all you need to know about the lunatic leftists running the state of California that state parks are expected to be without toilet paper starting next month. Feel free to construct your own crude jokes relating this crisis to the perpetrators in Sacramento who make up the Democrat legislative majority. * * * * * A few elections in widely separated parts of the country will provide a measuring stick of just how thoroughly Americans are fed up with stupidity and corruption as a way of government. Watch the New York governor's race, featuring the thuggish Democrat Andrew Cuomo, son of the most over-hyped Democrat nothingburger in recent history, the Hamlet of the Hudson, Mario Cuomo ... Harry Reid, leader of his own goon-squad in Nevada ... and the ridiculous Barbara Boxer in California. Take it for granted that Nancy Pelosi will be re-elected because her district is the world's largest outdoor lunatic asylum, San Francisco. However, she may find life far less pleasant when a Republican House majority strips her of the Speakership. * * * * * I doubt that many tears will be shed by victims of network hatchet-men Jeff Zucker at NBC and Jon Klein at CNN. There's grim justice served when, eventually, the fire-ers become the fire-ees. The time comes when you can't blame your failures on your underlings and then...CHOP. * * * * * A young reporter once asked Pablo Casals: "Mr. Casals, you are ninety-five and the greatest cellist who ever lived. Why do you still practice six hours a day?" The renowned musician answered: "Because I think I'm making progress." -- From Richard "Wordman" Lederer's new book, "The Gift of Age". It's amusing and inspiring and the perfect gift for anyone who has passed a milestone birthday usually described as "The Big __-oh!" Personally, I'm inspired by the timeless wisdom, "You're only young once...but you can be immature forever." Wordman's book is available at 1-800-888-4741. FIRST
Velma Hart, the woman who told Obama she was exhausted from defending him, is still one step away from confronting her REAL problem. She needs to admit she made a foolish mistake in ever supporting Mr. Hopey-Changey and start working to dump him and his Marxist philosophy. * * * * * Governor Chris Christie, the Republican who upset the long-running Democrat apple-cart in New Jersey, is rapidly developing star status. Next year he will face a hard choice. He will either commit to staying on as CEO of his state and complete his program of making repairs necessitated by years of Democrat pandering, corruption and stupidity ... or answer what may be a developing call to try to move his effective form of governing to the White House. * * * * * Political leeches like Harry Reid (D-Nev), in their desperation, have begun all-out pandering to Latino voters by supporting illegal immigration. Hispanics might well ask themselves, "Did I come here to try and recreate the kind of country I LEFT?" * * * * * A reminder to (most) young Americans. The easy life you have enjoyed, filled with material goodies and not beset by hunger, cold or serious inconvenience, was made possible by the very system you so enthusiastically condemn, created by people far better than you. Destroy it at your peril. With the naivete and mindless confidence of inexperience, many of you have made yourselves susceptible to the blandishments of demagogues who tell you that you have the power to solve the world's problems. You don't. The natural condition of mankind is strife, friction and conflict. While this unpleasant reality may be ameliorated from time to time in various places, history reveals that it is persistent beyond all the best efforts of the (rarely seen) angelic side of human nature. It was Diogenes who went forth with his lantern in search of a honest man. The untold part of the story is... somebody stole his lantern. Sorry. * * * * * Sen. John F. Kerry blames what he calls "clueless voters with short attention spans" for the Democrats' coming election calamity. And just how does this pompous liar think HE got elected? * * * * * The view from afar: Toby Harnden in Britain's TELEGRAPH newspaper. "Obama's Democratic allies on Capitol Hill are either running away as fast as they can from the president or curling up in the fetal position by postponing a congressional vote on whether to extend the Bush tax cuts – a move that makes them look both weak and cowardly." * * * * * Reader Todd reminds us of the timeless but cynical wisdom of H. L. Mencken, who observed that “Giving every man a vote has no more made men wise and free than Christianity has made them good." * * * * * A senior citizen said to his eighty-year old buddy: 'So I hear you're getting married?' 'Yep!' 'Do I know her?' 'Nope!' 'This woman, is she good looking?' 'Not really.' 'Is she a good cook?' 'Naw, she can't cook too well.' 'Does she have lots of money?' 'Nope! Poor as a church mouse.' 'Well, then, is she good in bed?' 'I don't know.' 'Why in the world do you want to marry her then?' 'Because she can still drive!' (Thanks, Sheila!) CAN DEMOCRATS COME TO THEIR SENSES? If one assumes that two healthy parties are good for our political system (a debatable point), then it would seem reasonable to hope they would occasionally be seized by bouts of sanity and choose worthwhile candidates for the highest office in the land. One looks at the likely possibilities among Democrats and, well ... shudders. Obama is a demonstrated failure whose philosophy seems directed less by a desire to perform the forever ongoing repairs necessary in a large and complex nation than by a need to destroy its foundation, brick by brick. And who is the most-often-mentioned alternative? Hillary! A woman of no real accomplishment on her resume, who is reasonably regarded by those with a detached view as little more than an appendage of her husband, a man of no character. She is another Saul Alinsky acolyte whose real view of this nation and society varies little from that of Obama. In appointing her as his joke Secretary of State, he was only following the time-honored political advice: keep your friends close and your enemies closer. Is she REALLY the best the Democratic Party can offer? * * * * * How much better it would be for the world if the admirers of Castro, Chavez, et al, would simply go live under the communist system imposed by these thugs for a few years of actual experience before pronouncing that it should be emulated elsewhere. Perhaps even if living a sheltered, elitist life, living up-close to the mass of victims of these Utopian fantasies would give them some measure of awakening. * * * * * If any politician had the courage to confront a basic problem in the government's endless effort to "manage" the economy--an exercise in hallucinatory egotism, at best--it would be posed as this question: why do we think it wise to penalize thrift via taxes on savings and investment income, while rewarding the accumulation of debt by making much of it tax deductible? Anyone who advocates stability and common sense in economic matters must view this system as foolishness of a high order. * * * * * Your daily dictionary. Synonyms: Campaign manager ... pimp. And from Peter... Irresponsibility - No single raindrop believes it's to blame for the flood. * * * * * Puzzle. The age of colonial exploitation is long over, yet the African continent ... richest on the planet in natural resources ... continues to wallow in poverty, crime and genocide. Why? * * * * * Surest clue a Democrat politician is faking it with outright lies: any reference to "jobs saved or created". Such made-up numbers constitute a tissue of lies constructed by a party desperate to save its hold on political power. * * * * * Must-read recommendation … on the NATIONAL REVIEW website: Victor Davis Hanson--”A Nation of Peasants? * * * * * I have now seen everything. A TV commercial offering two $2 bills...for TEN dollars. P. T. Barnum was right... A DANGER ALREADY INSIDE THE HOUSE Three words that should bring terror to the hearts of Republicans and those who align with the Tea Party: Speaker ... John ... Boehner. The Ohio congressman and party leader in the House is openly advertising his eagerness to compromise with Barack Obama on matters involving Obama's own agenda -- a no-win declaration if ever there was one. The evasive, unprincipled Tan-Man (from Ohio, yet!) is a caricature of the kind of RINO who is a menace to everything Obama opponents stand for. * * * * * Travel tip. Friends just had the portion of their vacation scheduled for France totally ruined because... Thanks to a strike of transportation workers, it took them four hours to get from the airport to their Paris hotel. They were unable to visit the Eiffel Tower because a mob of Arabs surrounded the edifice and harangued visitors to the point of intimidation. Their visit to a wine-producing region was canceled. They and others were supposed to meet the pick-up bus at a specific location near their hotel. They walked there to find another Muslim mob had closed off the street, making it inaccessible for the bus. They fled in fear into a restaurant while the goons chanted in Arabic outside. The tour company canceled the trip. Heavily-armed police were in evidence, but showed no inclination to use their weapons; the thugocracy prevailed. It remains to be seen when, if ever, a French nation not noted for courage in the face of uncivilized behavior will regain the will to put a stop to the behavior of the Mad Muslims. It obviously will take more than a debate over women wearing facial covering to resolve their problem. Meantime, travel to France—especially Paris and Marseille—at your own risk. * * * * * Here is a message to financial planners and authors of "do-it-yourself" retirement planning guides and tests. Most base their calculations on assumptions of 6% or even 8% returns on invested savings. Stop it! For most people struggling to get ahead in today's disastrous Obama economy such assumptions are totally unrealistic. Checked on CD rates lately? Bonds? The simple reality is ... when/if interest rates go up, your bonds will lose value. The stock market? If you're not a pro in that game, a pair of dice will probably serve you better. BTW, paying five dollars for a cup of coffee? You might want to reconsider your priorities. * * * * * Lindsay Lohan must've played a lot of games of Monopoly. I mean, all those “Get out of jail free” cards... INVITING SNAKES INTO YOUR HOME One of the many reasons why it is foolishness of a high order to have this nation and even a left-wing city like New York continue to host the UN is that makes that corner of the country the gathering-place for the world's political scum. It also makes it convenient for America-hating tyrants to conspire with our own homegrown variety of undesirables. For example, during his stay in New York, Iran's murderous President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad met with ... Louis Farrakhan. Hear about that in the big media? * * * * * It
was no coincidence that Obama chose Madison, Wisconsin, as the
location for his attempt to rally the ultra-left-wing of his party.
Madison, home of the University of Wisconsin, is known as the
Berkeley of the midwest. *
* * * *
If I were a friend of the Democratic Party, I would advise them to re-learn about the mortality of geese who lay golden eggs. It IS possible to kill them. The analogy, of course, is the American taxpayer, working in the real world of the free (somewhat) market. There is a point at which that productive taxpayer is so burdened by the government leeches that he simply says, "Why bother?" That's when productivity goes down, unemployment rises, the economy suffers ... Oh---we're already THERE, aren't we?! * * * * * The
time: the present. The place: Pakistan. Video is in circulation
showing Islamic justice. A woman who was seen in the company of a man
not a member of her family was buried up to her neck, then her
neighbors threw rocks at her head until she was dead. Try to
remember this the next time you hear some PC bullfeathers from a
“moderate” Muslim … like the Imam pushing for the Triumphal
Mosque at the 9/11 site in New York. * * * * * Big surprise for everyone EXCEPT the weenies who run TV news. Ratings for ABC's "This Week" talking-head show have tanked since they foolishly gave the hosting job to the plumy-sounding Christiane Amanpour. They never learn the lesson that most of America does not buy into leftist journalists who are oh-so-comfy interviewing anti-American dictators. What a sad evolution "This Week" has undergone; from David Brinkley, a REAL journalist ... to longtime Clinton apologist Boy George ... to this middle-eastern hack. But liberal insiders in the New York-Washington circuit just LOVE her, so she is inflicted upon the rest of the nation. * * * * * So the artist whose "Hope" poster of Obama was a mainstay of the 2008 campaign has become disillusioned with his hero. More bad news, dude: your poster was never anything more than a rip-off of Andy Warhol's rendering of Marilyn Monroe. * * * * * Some regular fed-up citizens in Houston began their own investigation of blatant voter fraud -- and found it aplenty. Thousands voting illegally, manipulated vote-counts, all present at a level that would make the crooks of Chicago or New York's old Tammany Hall proud. Not surprisingly, there are serious allegations of involvement in the scandal by the SEIU, the Service Employees International Union, one of the largest government-employee unions. You can make a strong argument -- and I do -- that one of the biggest continuing threats to the economy was hatched when government employees at any level were first allowed to unionize. For many years there was a tacit, if unspoken, agreement that the relationship between employment by the government versus private enterprise was as follows: for the same or comparable work, the government employee was paid a bit less but had greater job security (and probably a more generous pension plan) than the worker in the market-based economy. Thanks to the unions, that's been turned upside down, placing an ever-growing burden on the private wage-earner to pay more and more taxes to support the government worker. And that is a major contributing factor in the worsening economic crisis facing governments from local municipalities to the federal level. * * * * * Today's dictionary. Schizophrenia. Moderate democrat candidates across country stressing their OPPOSITION to Obama and Pelosi. * * * * * Must-read recommendation: NATIONAL REVIEW ONLINE...Victor Davis Hanson... “Carly Fiorina: Robber Baron, Traitor—and Outsourcer!” * * * * * Reader Kent reminds us of another timeless quote from H. L. Mencken … “The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear - fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety.” |
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radiorodgers1@yahoo.com |