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Is it too far-fetched to suspect that Charlie Sheen's bizarre behavior is simply preparation to run for office. In California, of course. As a Democrat, of course. - - - - -
Obama is so sensitive to the feelings of public employees ("don't vilify, etc.") one wonders just how much time he's ever spent standing in line at the DMV. - - - - -
How the Obama administration looks from abroad. This from a major British paper, the Telegraph: Just a few years ago the United States was genuinely feared on the world stage, and dictatorial regimes, strategic adversaries and state sponsors of terror trod carefully in the face of the world’s most powerful nation. Now Washington appears weak, rudderless and frequently confused in its approach. - - - - -
Go easy on the optimism and expectations of flourishing Democracies in the middle-east. It IS possible to leap out of frying pans into fires. - - - - -
If the government/ruling family falls in Saudi Arabia, which would you expect: Obama to act boldly--and militarily--to secure the world's richest oil fields ... or to wait for events to run their course, which would doubtless mean Iranian control of the region. - - - - - Briefly summarizing Consumer Reports' review of the Chevy Volt: it's a smash flop. - - - - -
From the "take it for what it's worth" department: The National Enquirer is reporting that Chelsea Clinton's husband, Mark Mezvinsky, has been so hassled by his in-laws he may be headed for a mental institution. - - - - -
Don't get cute about Hitler in Germany. A thirty-year-old Canadian tourist thought it'd be fun to get a photo of himself doing the "Heil Hitler" extended-arm salute. Mistake. Such gestures are illegal in Germany, and cops immediately swooped in, arrested him and confiscated the memory card from his camera. THE GOO-GOOS ARE KILLING US
As of the hour of this writing, oil prices are up 26% just since the lid blew off in Libya. How much must individual Americans and our economy suffer before enough of our political establishment in Washington develops a backbone and tells the environmental fanatics we're ignoring them and proceeding to develop our own energy resources so we don't have to care what happens in some medieval middle-eastern dictatorship? The day will come when grown-up children of these pests will be ashamed to admit "my father/mother stopped oil drilling off the Arctic coast of Alaska!" Meantime, the pests should be treated with the contempt they richly deserve. I know, Ms. Pelosi, I know: the price of fuel to haul your scrawny butt around doesn't matter to you, because the taxpayers are picking up the tab. - - - - -
There's an obvious trend in the news stories surrounding Obama's activity (or inactivity) regarding Libya. It is, "He doesn't know what to do." To clarify your thinking, that encapsulates his entire presidency. What kind of fools ever thought a man who's never been on a non-government payroll (directly or indirectly) and never so much as run a doughnut shop was prepared for the hardest administrative job in the world. It's no wonder the international scoundrels laugh at him as they're eating him alive. On the plus side, the Motown show at the White House was excellent. And that, of course, is our major national priority - - - - -
Media absurdities, cont'd: You're watching TV. A house appears, with a temptingly low price tag emblazoned across it. A voice, fraught with portent (thank you, OV) announces (get THIS!) "This is a PUBLIC announcement!" Really? Since it's on national television, I would've assumed it's a PRIVATE message. Then, as the 800-number flashes, you're told that "renters may call today, all others call tomorrow." Wanna bet they'll refuse your call if you tell them you're not a renter? More media absurdities, as you realize you depend on these people for information: "Begs the question" is a phrase turned inside out by the media ignorami. It does NOT mean, as it's used by them, this-or-that SUGGESTS the following question. "Begs the question" refers to EVADING a question. If you doubt me, check with the Wordman, Richard Lederer at RICHARDLEDERER@POBOX.COM. Of course, the same media people use "media" as a singular. It is a plural. TV is a MEDIUM. TV, radio, newspapers, magazines collectively are the media. As Groucho Marx once observed, TV is called a medium because it's so rarely well-done. - - - - -
Anyone surprised that the hideous exploiter of ignorant blacks, Louis Farrakhan, is a friend and admirer of Muammar Gaddafi? - - - - -
After being launched in a flurry of (free) publicity, the Oprah Winfrey cable-TV network is a flop, drawing even fewer viewers than the health channel it replaced. Even Oprah can't win 'em all. - - - - -
Please note that nowhere today have we mentioned anyone named Char ...... NO GOOD DEED GOES UNPUNISHED
There has long been a disconnect between U.S. foreign aid to some countries and their consistent votes against us in the U.N. Many liberals have succeeded in deluding themselves that continued support of nations that clearly are not our friends is a virtue, showing what "good sports" we are. A more rational argument would be that it's self-destructive masochism. How sure is anyone that the billions of aid we've poured into Egypt over many years will be reflected in their ultimate choice of government? Egypt's okay for Iranian warships to pass thru the Suez Canal was an ominous sign. Despite massive American aid, Afghanistan votes anti-U.S. more often than not. We expended U.S. blood and treasure to defend the Kosovo Muslims against Serb Christians. We got a partial repayment this week at Frankfurt Airport. The great exception is Israel, which our demented president treats with the contempt one would only expect from an anti-Semite. A history professor of my acquaintance, unpopular with his liberal colleagues, used to give his students a dose of realism with this observation: "The way the real world works is, if you're on my gravy train, you do what I tell you to do. That applies to nations as well as individuals." A lesson we might be well-advised to re-learn, cold-blooded as it sounds. -- - - -
Here's one clear-cut illustration of what years of profligate spending, mostly but not exclusively by Democrats, has done to the value of the U.S. dollar. I was working with the U.S. Olympic Committee at the Sapporo Winter Games in 1972 when the slide of the dollar versus the Japanese yen began. At that time, one U.S. dollar purchased 315 yen. This morning, that same dollar would exchange for only 82 yen. Our leaders have betrayed us. - - - - -
Re the small church given the okay by the Supreme Court to perpetrate outrages at the funerals of our war dead ... I would not be at all surprised if a group of veterans and serving military personnel take care of the matter in a way the Court couldn't. - - - - -
Comforting words? CNS News reports that, when asked if it was necessary to seal the southwest border to combat transnational drug gangs, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Director John Morton did not directly answer but said the border is more secure now than in the last 20 years and that crime is part of life in the United States. In other words...just get used to it? - - - - -
Note to Joan Collins: okay, you're still glamorous at 77, but no need to squeeze yourself into an evening gown so tight it causes you to faint at a post-Oscars party. Relax, lady, and let your meat...loaf. - - - - -
Can you believe it? Yet another day without a mention of anyone named Char... THEY'RE SERIOUS, WE'RE NOT
The Mexican drug and people-smuggling gangs, that is. Observe how our Border Patrol agents were under orders from the inept and foolish Janet Napolitano to defend themselves from murderous Mexicans. Border Patrol agents shot beanbags...BEANBAGS! ... at a group of suspected bandits before the men returned fire during a confrontation in a remote canyon, killing agent Brian Terry with a single gunshot. - - - - -
Smallest surprise of the month: Barack Obama, A/K/A Barry Soetoro, playing the race card in accusing Tea Partiers, whose clear objective is to reduce government spending and therefore government itself, of being racist. Could it be because he's looked at the percentages of people who'd rather collect welfare than a paycheck for working? - - - - -
Not a wish, but a prediction. Sarah Palin won't run for president. And Huckabee, although leading in the polls, is on thin ice. Romney can't unshackle himself from Romneycare in Massachusetts. If I had to bet right now, I'd predict that none of the Republicans topping the polls now will ultimately be on the ballot. - - - - -
If Barack Obama is not an anti-Semite, how would he behave differently vis a vis Israel and the Islamic world if he were? (And no, I'm not Jewish.) - - - - -
As the ever-astute Krauthammer observes, many of the same voices that now call upon us to help overthrow Gaddafi condemned us as imperialists for whacking Saddam Hussein. Of all mankind's incurable diseases, hypocrisy may be the most prevalent. - - - - -
Recent large gatherings of conservatives in Washington have been notable for, among other things, cleaning up after themselves and leaving the mall in A-1 condition. By contrast, WITI-TV reports that the estimate for repairing Wisconsin's capital building after the 17-day occupation by the Bolsheviks is $7 1/2 million. - - - - -
Simple-minded goo-goos like to believe that the weapons behind all those murders in Mexico came from the United States. The fact is, the world-wide arms market is a ready source for anyone with the money to buy. The Russian Kalashnikov is the most-widely used weapon in the world by terrorists and criminal gangs, as well as legitimately constituted armies. Despite the anti-gun propaganda, anyone with an ounce of imagination can obtain a weapon within an hour in any city in the world, regardless of "gun control" laws. - - - - -
Separated at birth? Chas. Sheen and Muammar Gaddafi. BAD HABITS ARE HARD TO BREAK
Take the Bush family habit of consorting with (some might call it sucking up to) their political adversaries. The old man GHW couldn't resist cuddling up to the man who defeated him, Bill Clinton. His son continued the contemptible habit by doing a TV campaign with the ol' hillbilly whorehopper. And now Jeb does a photo op with Obama, the same kind of Obama kissy-face that got former RINO governor Charlie Crist's butt kicked in the Senate race. I regard this as bottom-line proof that Bush's are congenitally politically stupid, and hope fervently that Jebbie doesn't run or doesn't get the nomination. The Bushes are poison to the Republican party. - - - - -
We learned from the Italians to appreciate pasta (I know, the Chinese invented it) and it's time we learned another lesson from them. Immigrants who hope to remain in Italy must prove their language skills in Italian to obtain a work permit or citizenship. Naturally, Muslims from the middle-east and North Africa are the loudest protesters. Unwillingness to learn the dominant native language is prima facie evidence of a lack of commitment to a country. - - - - -
As revolution sweeps the mid-east, a large question looms over Saudi Arabia. Will the royal (?) family, having loot and estates all over the world, decide exile is the better option, or stay and fight it out with whatever rebellious movement might come? - - - - -
Fred Grandy was "Gopher" on the old "Love Boat" TV show, later a Republican congressman from Iowa. Then he pursued a career in broadcasting as co-host of the key morning drivetime show on WMAL in Washington. He just got forced out of the job by the owner of Citadel/ABC Radio for remarks made in opposition to militant Islam. Sound familiar? I have reason to believe that was also one of two factors behind my contract-breaking abrupt dismissal as morning host of KSFO in San Francisco a year ago, the other being they thought I was making too much money. I got my pound of flesh from them via the courts. Fred suspects CAIR, Media Matters and other Muslim groups are behind the pressure on him. I KNOW they pressured Citadel to get rid of me. Citadel CEO Farid Suleman might have given them a sympathetic ear in both cases. The sheer gutlessness of broadcast management is staggering. Personally, I'm glad to be out of it. - - - - -
I don't watch basketball on TV, except for the brief period beginning two weekends away. Yes! March Madness...the NCAA tournament. The fun is in the very first round, when the powerhouse teams are spoon-fed poor little schools from small conferences, and usually at least one of the underdogs jumps up out of the weeds and bites a big boy on the butt. Sheer joy! - - - - -
For years American television has borrowed, rented or plagiarized foreign TV shows. "American Idol" is a copy of the same show in Britain, for example. It's the old "Amateur Hour" dressed up in flashy lighting and tarted-up like a hooker attending a fancy-dress ball. All that aside, is American television truly so bereft of talent or imagination that hours of cable-network time are devoted to watching gluttons EAT? - - - - -
From Jay Leno: "Mexico's president arrived in Washington. He's here to do the work that American presidents won't do." WHEN SOMEONE SAYS, "IT'S NOT ABOUT THE
...It's about the money. The largest newspaper in Wisconsin, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel, reports that the average Milwaukee teacher gets an annual compensation of $101,091. That's $59,500 in salary and benefits (health, pension, etc.) worth $41,591. But the important thing is... Michael Moore (and where's HE been lately?) reads from a script that finds them a potentially oppressed bunch of slaves to capitalists. - - - - -
Barack Obama, a de facto anti-Semite who can nevertheless smell a campaign contribution a mile away, went to Miami to speak to Jewish donors to his campaign. He told them that the protesters who forced the ol' Hoser out of power "should be naturally aligned with (wait for it!).... Israel!" Can any Jew who has any real interest in the survival of Israel possibly believe this duplicitous buffoon? - - - - -
The fantasists who largely make up the renewable energy/global warming cabal accept their ongoing failures with full confidence that they're right, regardless. The Chevy Volt is, as was easily predicted, a smash flop in the marketplace. And then there's the Los Angeles Community College District, whose solons saw themselves as leaders in the clean energy movement by supplying all the district's electricity needs with solar, wind and geothermal power, even producing an excess to sell. Implementing their fantasies cost $5.7 billion of taxpayer money. It didn't work. E.g., the one windmill actually built doesn't produce enough electricity to light one bulb. The total wasted sum of taxpayer money is approaching $10 million, and climbing. - - - - -
On TV, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has all the charisma of Calvin Coolidge---and Coolidge was long pre-TV. When he talks, though, he makes sense. He also has a track record as governor of Indiana to back up his words. As we approach a serious presidential campaign year, Republicans may face a dilemma. The three front-runners, Huckabee, Romney and Palin, all have accumulated political damage, even if their staunchest supporters refuse to acknowledge it. So the decision might (much can happen twixt now and then!) come down to choosing among the better-known--and personable--threesome, or rest their hopes on a short, balding man with a burocrat's appearance and a record of getting things done. - - - - -
Years before my enforced departure from ABC Radio because my presence somehow offended Farid Suleman, the CEO, I had quit taking listener calls on the grounds that most were repetitive and had nothing original to say. I also had a deep suspicion, bordering on certainty, that I was being "sandbagged" by organized callers. I was right. Premiere Radio Networks, a subsidiary of Clear Channel Communications which syndicates, among others, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, and Sean Hannity, has gone into a new business. Providing to paying interest groups CALLERS to talk shows. It's called "Premiere On Call." You want to get your pitch across via free advertising on talk shows, you tell them what demographic you want to represent--male, female, young, old--and they'll supply you with callers who can sound like regular folks with an interest in the topic. In other words, playing listeners for suckers. By the way, when I dropped callers on the rational assumption that, as a well-paid host I shouldn't depend on callers to do the show FOR me, the ratings shortly doubled. - - - - -
I like some of Bill O'Reilly's work, but as an interviewer of considerable experience, I feel compelled to ask, is the man constitutionally incapable of allowing a guest to finish a sentence without interrupting? IS THIS A REAL EMERGENCY?
The Obama administration is considering tapping into the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in response to the rise in gasoline prices. Mistake. When it's been done on a few previous occasions, oil prices have shot upward even higher because it was taken as a sign of panic in Washington. There's also a principle involved. Suppose we found ourselves under attack and the reserve was needed by the military? Unlikely, perhaps, but doesn't the very name STRATEGIC Petroleum Reserve suggest its use only in extreme circumstances? - - - - -
Everybody knows we...us... U.S. ...are deeply in debt to China. Among the ramifications of this burden that should be considered: while we're cutting our defense budget, China is upping its military spending by 12.7% this year... the latest in a string of double-digit increases. And Washington continues to slumber... - - - - -
I've had my share of hate-mail for calling Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, a racist. But what else might one conclude after his comment about the case involving the New Black Panther members threatening voters in Philadelphia with these words: "That's nothing compared to what's been done to MY PEOPLE." I don't believe he was talking about Norwegians. - - - - -
Interesting quotes from a classmate of Obama at Occidental, who says young Barry was a committed communist who talked often about a forthcoming revolution in America. - - - - -
The goo-goos strike again! Britain, which is already enforcing the use of low-energy light bulbs soon coming to American households, has an unanticipated problem. Since such bulbs, once broken, are regarded as hazardous, and since most homeowners do what they've always done and put them in the trash, trash/garbage collectors are refusing to pick-up at many homes because of the health risk. Think THAT over, EPA! - - - - -
Don't be surprised if there are more unsavory stories emerging about Bill Clinton and Britain's Prince Andrew regarding their friendship and travels with the rich Florida pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, whose fondness for underage girls may have extended to providing youthful flesh to his friends. Be sure: if further seedy reports are unveiled, you'll find them in places other than the Big Media. - - - - -
It is an ongoing scandal and outrage that PBS and National Public Radio continue to be subsidized with taxpayer dollars, especially given their blatant political bias. They get plenty of support from contributors who like their product, and its unconscionable that the U.S. government finance any media outlet, anyway. Remember: "He who eats my bread, sings my song." NPR is using the lame argument that rural and small town listeners will be deprived of service if NPR isn't allowed to continue slurping at the public trough. Truth is, most NPR listeners are concentrated in liberal urban areas. San Francisco has the highest-rated public radio station in the nation. - - - - -
Today's recommended reading. On THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR website, Jay Hornick's column, from which, these quotes about the Obamster: "We hear so much about what a new breed of politician he is that it drives home the reality of his dreary oldness. Beneath the dashing façade, the insouciant wink, the casual wave, beats the heart of the dreariest old political hack imaginable. He is a card-carrying member of the cliché clique, the bromide brigade, the platitude attitude and the banal cabal. Uggh! Case in point, his latest contribution to the national conversation, quoted in a new book by Kenneth Walsh. Obama says that the Tea Party movement is inspired by race." A SIGN OF THE TIMES?
The White House is concerned because of a shortage of high school applicants to have Pres. Obama speak at their graduation ceremonies. - - - - -
Obama seems finally to have hit the stone wall of reality in dealing with the hardcore terrorists incarcerated at Guantanamo Bay. He's done a total 180-degree turnaround on (a) closing the facility and (b) military trials for the murderous scum. - - - - -
The Muslim response to the prospect of deeper investigation into radical jihadist indoctrination in this country is as lame as it was predictable. "Discrimination!", they cry, as if terrorist incidents involving the cold-blooded murder of Americans were equally divided among Muslims, Methodists and Buddhists. If they want to complain about discrimination, why not start with inquiries of Pakistani Muslims as to why Christian politicians and those willing to be tolerant of Christianity in that hell-hole are being shot down in the streets. - - - - -
Today's language lesson: when a liberal politician talks about the need for taxpayer dollars to be "invested" in this or that, he means he wants to take more of YOUR money to give to HIS friends. - - - - -
Question for those who advocate U.S. military intervention in Libya. Just how many wars do you think we can fight simultaneously? - - - - -
The wily OPECers, who have a genius for knowing just how tightly they can squeeze the western world on oil prices before suffering painful consequences, now say they're prepared to pump more oil to ease the prices. - - - - -
Recognize the source of this quote? “Currently, the formation of a new world order is of prime importance and it is upon the independent countries to prevent the same old oppressive order from insinuating itself into a new form.” That's from the the website of Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadenijad. Sounds like echoes of the words of George Herbert Walker Bush, does it not? THE LIBERAL MENTALITY AT ITS APEX
Harry Reid, the Democrats' Senate leader, objects to government spending cuts because, among other tragedies that would ensue, would be eliminating the subsidy for the annual "cowboy poetry festival." Oh, lord, could we survive such a tragedy?! - - - - -
Feet of clay department. Remember Scott Ritter, the former UN weapons inspector who inveighed loudly against the invasion of Iraq in 2003 by disputing claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction? (Even Republicans seem to have forgotten that Saddam used such weapons---specifically, poison gas--to murder thousands of his own people.) Ritter became a hero to the left. Now, he has a problem. He's facing trial in Pennsylvania on charges that he was contacting what he believed was a 15-year-old girl in an internet chatroom and wanted to play hide-the-weenie with her. The girl turned out to be a very adult male cop. - - - - -
Here's the burden that's breaking taxpayer backs and is one of the roots of the loud debate in Wisconsin, Ohio and other states. According to a study of numbers from the Bureau of Economic Analysis, government handouts now make up a third of the total amount of wages and salaries in the U.S. That's Social Security, Medicare and the ever-lengthening unemployment payouts, not to even mention government employee salaries and benefits. (Is there anything more absurd than the liberal argument that all those people collecting welfare and unemployment checks would rather be working?) - - - - -
Liberals want us to spend more money to "create" government jobs. You might want to take note of the problem another government has in trying to cut 500,000 "created" jobs because of a weak economy, and is hearing the usual protests. Protests limited in scope because the government has the guns. The government is ... Cuba. Wasn't communism supposed to solve all that? Will someone ask Michael Moore, or Sean Penn? - - - - -
"Here we go again" department: Obama says we need to spend more money (translated, that means ever-higher salaries for members of the teachers' union) to reform education. Reality check: the more we've spent, the worse the results in actual achievement. And the states that spend the most get the worst results. Then there's Washington, D.C., which spends more than $24,600 per year, per student, to turn out masses of illiterates. New York and New Jersey have even higher outlays. The blunt fact is, the Democratic Party is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the teachers' union, as well as other government employee unions. Obama whores for them, just as did his lib predecessors. - - - - -
We certainly don't all agree on the pros and cons of legalized abortion, but how about a little truth in labelling? Is Planned Parenthood about preventing pregnancy, or simply a taxpayer supported abortion mill? According to their own website, their clinics performed 332,278 abortions in 2009. - - - - -
If Republicans don't use the hammer they obviously have in their hands in the 2012 presidential campaign, they deserve to lose again. The weapon can be expressed in one undeniable sentence, with plenty of evidence to back it up: OBAMA IS SOFT ON ISLAMIC TERRORISM. - - - - -
All my working life I've heard that the IRS 800-number "helpers" are useless. I never had occasion to use the service until this week. I had two simple questions. I got answers to neither. And Obama is EXPANDING this parasite agency?! - - - - -
Attention, sportscasters: The New York Giants BASEBALL team moved to San Francisco 53 years ago. It is no longer necessary, as most of you do, to specify that a sports item is about the New York FOOTBALL Giants. Face it, the baseball team is never going back! WHEN CHICAGO THUG POLITICS RUNS THE
Is anyone surprised that turning the leadership of the country over to a leftist product of Chicago's political sewer, a man whose experience consists of being a "community organizer" (read, "rabble rouser") has resulted in a rapid decline of the nation on virtually every front? The economy remains a shambles, despite the doling-out of hundreds of billions to political favorites ... government unions are whimpering about prospectively losing their favored place in the economy ... the Justice Department is run on a blatantly racist basis ... and Obama "foreign policy" has made us the laughingstock of the world. If this is the end result of universal suffrage, it was a bad idea. Far too many suckers and idiots vote. - - - - -
We have become accustomed to believing that the "good guys", however defined, always win in uprisings against a tyrannical regime. Muammar Gaddafi seems, at least for the moment, to be proving that a determined dictator with superior arms at his command CAN overcome the oppressed. - - - - -
A Saudi prince of high rank now wants women in his country to be allowed to drive cars, the justification being to unburden the kingdom of hundreds of thousands of foreign workers whose job it is to drive the locals around. But can we be sure they won't be texting while they drive? - - - - -
Cable television, free of most FCC strictures, long ago resorted to "shock" programming to attract an audience. Now, over-the-air networks, clearly bereft of creative talent--or unwilling to pay for it--are doing the same thing. How else to explain ABC's plans to air a show called (I kid you not!) "Good Christian Bitches." This is the network owned by the oh-so-family-friendly Disney Company, purveyor of overpriced products designed the get kids to nag their parents into spending the money. Never has there been a company whose actual practices were so at odds with their carefully cultivated public image. - - - - -
No surprise dep't: The ACLU is lining up on the side of Muslim groups who don't want indoctrination of American Muslims into jihadism (terrorism) investigated. It should never, EVER, be forgotten that the ACLU was founded to protect American communists in the days when they wanted to betray this nation to the murderous Soviet Union. - - - - -
Another obvious sign of media bias: The Washington Post headline that says, "GOP's shenanigans in Wisconsin ensure the fight will only escalate." Did they refer to the Democrat State Senators' cowardly flight to Illinois as "shenanigans?" And what say they about the mobs of union thugs who have taken over much of the state capitol? And... has anyone ever explained to government union goons the difference between "rights" and privileges? BTW, Wisconsin's Governor Walker writes in the Wall Street Journal that teacher Megan Sampson won an award as Outstanding First Year Teacher in his state--and just got her layoff notice. Why? Because the evil teachers' union layoffs be done strictly on a basis of seniority, not competence. If ever a union deserved to be busted... - - - - -
There is an especially uncomfortable corner of hell reserved for those political charlatans who maintain the transparent fiction that a "fee" is not a tax. - - - - -
Want Brtish-style socialized medicine? A major Brit paper, the Telegraph, reports that hospitals have cut back on operations---surgeries, that is---to save money. Obama, just where are you taking us, you incompetent fool?! - - - - -
Ed Schultz, one of the leftist dopes who populate MSNBC admits that he's used staged, i.e., set-up, fake callers to his show. Draw your own conclusions about this buffoon's credibility. NANCY REAGAN REDUX?
Liberals at the time were outraged by Nancy Reagan's supposedly extravagant tastes. What have they to say about Michelle Obama sporting a tote-bag that sells for nearly $1,000? - - - - -
Career advice. Never take a job as DNI, Director of National Intelligence. Or if you do, make a vow never to give an opinion in public. James Clapper, the present holder of that job is, on the face of it, a fool. Among his many gaffes, saying in a prepared statement that the Muslim Brotherhood was largely secular and compounding his woes yesterday with a prediction that Gaddafi would win the battle with insurrectionists. The timing of that statement was awful; the logic, however, indisputable. For several days, the news reports have made it clear that the dictator has the rebels on the run. It is a truth, or at least an honest opinion, that evidently must not be spoken. - - - - -
Going up on the Republican toteboard for 2012: Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels and former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty. At the same time, the weekly National Journal Insiders Poll finds former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin rapidly sliding downhill in acceptance. - - - - -
National Public Radio appears destined to have to do what it should have been doing all along. Support itself. Now surveillance tape has surfaced showing an NPR fundraiser talking to a man she believed to be representing a Muslim charity with links to the murderous Muslim Brotherhood. She was assuring him their donation to NPR could be concealed. Kept anonymous. These are the people liberals turn to for the truth? NPR persists in arguing that rural Americans would be deprived of their service without government funds, a transparent lie. First, you could probably find more NPR listeners in Berkeley than all the rural areas of Kansas, Nebraska and Oklahoma, combined. - - - - -
A racist Latino organization -- it's very name, "La Raza", "The Race" -- makes that clear ... advocates the award of much of the USA to Mexico, with open borders and illegal alien amnesty in the meantime. Where DON'T Democrats want to cut the federal budget? The annual grant of your tax dollars to this outfit to the tune of over $5 million. - - - - -
Muslim congressman Ellison of Minnesota brought tears to the eyes--primarily his own--with his tale before a congressional committee about the young Muslim man who died in the World Trade Center on 9/11 as he worked to save others. Not content with the poignancy of the true story, Ellison embellished with stories of scurrilous widespread rumors that the man was part of the terrorist plot. Matthew Shaffer of National Review checked. Didn't happen. The "rumors" were an Ellison fabrication. - - - - -
Elizabeth Hasselbeck of "The View" predicts big Republican losses in next year's election. She is entitled to her opinion, but she's the kind of lightweight conservative that liberals love to put on left-dominated talk shows to be used for target practice. - - - - -
Just what you'd expect of a man with deeply ingrained Marxism: Obama says, "The best revolutions are organic." Also what you'd expect of Chicago street-panderer who once expressed concern about the absence of arugula from grocery stores in Iowa. NUKE FUTURE: IS THERE ONE FOR
Never mind that Japan lies in the most earthquake-prone area in the world, or how well its safety precautions worked, the disaster there probably spells the end of efforts to revive nuclear power-plant construction in the United States. Making it, therefore, all the more essential that we get back to basics and drilling for our own energy sources in traditional fuels which we have in abundance. EPA, get out of the way! We have serious business to attend. - - - - -
The scariest item to remind us of the force of tons of water rushing in -- and out -- is the news from Japan that entire TRAINS are missing. - - - - -
Ironies of timing abound. Friends and authors, the Parkers ("The Best of our Lives"), were just in Sendai, Japan, epicenter of the disaster, and Susan and I had Sendai on our itinerary for our next visit to Japan. - - - - -
The resiliency of Japan was displayed to me personally on a visit to Kobe a few years ago. A friend, Mako Tanaka, runs the film office in Kobe, which is the Hollywood of Japan's TV and film industries, and gave us a thorough briefing, complete with newsfilm and tape. Their big quake happened in 1995. Kobe is on the ocean, surrounded on the other three sides by mountains. Road and railway access is therefore limited, slowing the arrival of relief supplies. With typical Japanese ingenuity, they took steps to prevent a repeat of that particular problem. And that is why the main, broad boulevard that runs thru Kobe is bordered by streetlight poles hinged to be placed in a horizontal position in short order and there are no obstacles -- power lines, etc. -- to prevent the street from being used as ... a runway for aircraft! - - - - -
The inevitable has happened again. People are warned of a tsunami on the way -- America's west coast had plenty of warning -- and yet there are fools who will go to the shore to watch it, and get swept away and drowned. Tragic though it may be, cynics will say it improves the gene-pool. - - - - -
It was inevitable that countries as diverse as those in the European Union couldn't and wouldn't make a single currency remain stable with no cheating. The inevitable has happened. The spendthrift beggar nations, starting with Greece, are unburdening their irresponsible behavior on disciplined economies like Germany. This house of cards, the EU, is destined to collapse and the Euro will someday be a collector-item curiosity. Of course, given the "leadership" we enjoy, the U.S. dollar may one day be on a par with the Greek drachma. - - - - -
The hold NFL football has on millions of sports fans -- and I'm one of them -- is unbelievable. A sport for which taxpayers have paid billions of dollars in stadium-building and innumerable concessions is caught up in a dispute between multi-millionaires and multi-billionaires. Does anyone really want to take sides in this charade? GEESE, GOLDEN EGGS, ETC.
Can the howling hyenas outside -- and inside -- the Wisconsin state capitol, organized by union thugs, really be so stupid and short-sighted as not to see what their efforts to break the backs of taxpayers portend for themselves? Are they unfamiliar with the concept of killing the goose that lays the golden eggs. Well, many of them ARE teachers, whose self-evident ignorance is on display in the products of their teaching, so perhaps they DON'T see the handwriting on the wall. Lenin would be proud of this motley assembly of goons and buffoons. - - - - -
Are there really people foolish enough to believe it's possible to achieve peaceful co-existence with the likes of the Palestinian terrorists who murdered five Israelis in their sleep? Parents and three children, including a baby, with throats cut in the middle of the night. And predictably, the Palestinians in Gaza took to the streets to celebrate this "victory", passing out candy to children, presumably to inspire them to similar heroic deeds. - - - - -
And speaking of middle-east madness... The Islamic maniacs who control Iran are reported by Britain's big liberal newspaper, the Guardian, to be using child soldiers to attack anti-government demonstrators. We're talking "troops" fourteen and even younger. One woman protester says she was beaten by a mob of pre-pubescent children. All this violates international law, as if the Muslim crazies care about any such civilized niceties. - - - - -
The dumbing-down of America continues in the holy name of political correctness. The police department in Dayton, Ohio, is lowering its test standards for recruiting new officers. Racist Eric Holder's Justice Department is forcing the move, because not enough black applicants are passing the test. - - - - -
Need a shot of good news, for a change? The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which keeps track of such matters, reports that cancer survivors in the U.S. are increasing by hundreds of thousands per year. About one in twenty American adults now claim such status. Clearly, a diagnosis of cancer is no longer the death-sentence it was once thought to be, and still is widely regarded as such. - - - - -
I have been able to blithely ignore the countless media reminders that Daylight Saving Time began today, because I live in a civilized state that doesn't observe this foolish man-made concoction. Arizona calmly remains on standard time year-around. One exception is the Navajo Nation, a large reservation in the northeastern part of the state, largely self-governing, which DOES go to DST. Keep it in mind if you ever sight-see in that very scenic part of the state where the vastness itself seems to make time meaningless. MEDIA HYSTERIA
Had enough of our overall media coverage of the Japanese disaster? Hysterical speculation seems to be the common element. - - - - -
A British reporter covering the tsunami disaster in Japan wonders why there is no looting. Simple. For the same reason a person who absent-mindedly leaves a purse or even a book of matches behind in a store will find him/herself pursued by a clerk returning it. It's just ... cultural. - - - - -
Newt Gingrich's mind is a whirlwind of ideas, the most successful of which was the "contract with America" that won the first Clinton mid-term congressional election. Later, however, Clinton outsmarted him at every turn, including sticking Republicans with the blame for "shutting down the government." He also largely co-opted Gingrich, to the point of having him sit beside him on the famous White House lawn press conference. Perhaps because Clinton knew that Newt was vulnerable to the same charges of tomcat behavior that had bedeviled him. Newt's personal history of sordid behavior and his dilettante attitude toward actually implementing ideas he'd presented would make him a poor presidential candidate in 2012. Eloquent speeches, yes. Performance, no. - - - - -
Can't win 'em all dep't. Warren Buffett, legendary investor, put major bucks into a Chinese automobile manufacturer. Their latest earning report: profits down 94%. - - - - -
Does anyone take MSNBC's Mika ("Government knows best") Brzezinski seriously? Her proper role would be as mistress of an S & M parlor and her colleague, "Morning Joe" defines the term RINO. - - - - -
The silly children who make up the Obama administration, including the child-in-chief, continue to babble and issue papers promoting wind and solar as the answer to our energy needs. When, oh when, will we get actual ADULTS in charge? - - - - -
The final chapter on the Libya revolution is yet to be written, but as things are going serious doubt is cast upon the premise that the good guys always win. If there ARE any good guys. - - - - -
After the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, totally unrelated to politics, the Democrats sounded a loud demand for greater civility in our discourse. Where is that civility in Wisconsin, where Democrats mobs are issuing death threats to legislators and the governor? WHAT LEADERSHIP DOESN'T LOOK LIKE
As if the mess he's made of his job weren't evidence enough of his incompetence already, the president spends his weekend radio speech babbling about "Women's History Week." The middle-east is ablaze, the economy is still in ruins, Japan's catastrophic earthquake has worldwide effects and gasoline is at $4 a gallon in many places, and this fool wants to talk about women's progress as if he made it happen! Can the nation survive one term of this lazy egomaniac? People who voted for him need to do one thing for their country. NEVER vote again. Your judgment is abysmal. And Republicans, forget your old "whose turn is it?" approach to nominations so you never again present us with the likes of Bob Dole or John McCain. Of course, Obama IS going to turn his keen analytical powers to the NCAA basketball brackets and pick the winners for us. It's hardly coincidence that the ABC/Washington Post poll, commissioned by the two big-media liberal voices, shows confidence in their government among Americans has reached a 35-year low. Meantime... HAVE A GOOD TIME IN RIO, SLACKER! They have some nice golf courses down there! - - - - -
The magic number to remember is --- 23. That's the number of Democrat-held U.S. Senate seats that will be up for election next year, versus only 10 Republican seats at risk. Now, if Republicans are just smart enough to select candidates who can keep their zippers closed and their fingers out of the cookie jar ... - - - - -
To the surprise of exactly no one, Cong. John Conyers, leftist from Michigan, cheerfully announces that Obamacare is just a stepping stone to a 'single-payer' health care system, i.e., socialized medicine. Envision a medical plan with one "gatekeeper" with the power to say yes or no on the medical care you get. I see this from a very personal perspective, having just undergone five months of hospitalization and five surgeries. My medical plan -- a good one, as such things go -- nevertheless has only certain doctors and procedures "in the plan." Go outside, and you pay, bigtime. The doctors "in the plan" were ready to give me up for dead. Fortunately, I am not impoverished and my wife hired specialists NOT "in the plan" and they saved my life. Under Obamacare, I would already be a minor footnote to history. Unless you are assured of immortality, or at least a lifetime of good health, you might want to think about that. - - - - -
This is only an amateur's analysis, but since Japan is selling U. S. bonds (i.e., debt) because of their crisis, the question becomes, who IS going to buy the IOU's of a faltering American economy? It seems only logical that selling such bonds will require a higher interest rate than the one kept artificially low in recent years. - - - - -
A few of life's immutable laws, passed along by my friend John Harris ... Law of Mechanical Repair - After your hands become coated with grease, your nose will begin to itch & you'll have to pee. Law of Probability - The probability of being watched is directly proportional to the stupidity of your act. Variation Law - If you change lines (or traffic lanes), the one you were in will always move faster than the one you are in now. Law of Close Encounters - The probability of meeting someone you know increases dramatically when you are with someone you don't want to be seen with. Law of Commercial Marketing Strategy - As soon as you find a product that you really like, they will stop making it. - - - - -
...and by the way: what DOES Charlie Sheen think about the Japan tsunami? DISCONNECTED FROM REALITY
Food prices skyrocket...gasoline prices sky-high...middle-east crises expand...Japan catastrophe widens---and the Obamas go to Brazil for a sightseeing trip! (Journalist: "Why do you want to be president?" Obama: "So we can fly around on Air Force One and have great parties at the White House.") He may not get much else in November 2012, but he can, of course, count on the racial solidarity vote, where skin color trumps all else. Since his record shows that, as an Illinois legislator, he usually chose to vote "present" -- i.e., not to decide -- why should anyone be surprised at his reluctance to take a stand on anything other than his own Marxist agenda? We have a hollow nothing in the White House. - - - - -
If... IF ... it is true that Sarah Palin's appeal, even among Republicans, is diminishing as some polls indicate, then it would be because she had had long-term and extensive scrutiny by the media. You know -- the kind of scrutiny to which Obama should have been exposed, but wasn't. - - - - -
The Head Start program that Democrats so vigorously defend is a gigantic make-work (for teachers) fraud. For years, tests have shown that any gains in education made in the program are gone after a couple of years of conventional (i.e., incompetent) schooling. - - - - -
Is there no end to the utter stupidity of Nancy Pelosi? The silly woman says cuts in government spending (she's against 'em all) should be based, not on cost but "morality". Try running your household budget on that basis, and see how it works out. - - - - -
Now Portugal has been added to the long list of nations in financial crisis for living beyond its means. Worldwide, the symptoms are the same. The lumpen proletariat has chosen to believe political demagogues who promise to deliver goodies, and make someone else pay for them. The U. S. is no exception, and the time of reckoning nears. - - - - -
There should be no surprise that the mayor of Miami-Dade County, Florida, got bounced out of office by 88% of voters. Having lived there for five years, I can say with conviction that there are few metro areas in the nation run by a cabal as corrupt as the developers and other insiders in that complex of cities. Civic-mindedness is an alien concept among most residents, replaced by an attitude like, "It's a nice day ... let's go to the beach and leave city business to City Hall." - - - - -
Developing any doubts yet about John Boehner's backbone in his role as Speaker of the House? HISTORICAL ANALOGY?
Nero fiddled while Rome burned. Obama played golf while... - - - - -
I bow to no one in my contempt for the teachers' union, and I won't even say Wisconsin teachers have struck a new low in their anti-Gov. Walker campaign; there is precedent for the incompetent sluggards who call themselves teachers manipulating young, unformed minds for their own benefit. But having students demonstrating and chanting slogans against the Wisconsin governor is as contemptible as anything done yet by these pseudo-professionals. - - - - -
Recommended reading: I have, on several occasions, pointed out the similarities between the disastrous history of Argentina and the evident path of governance chosen by the pompous fraud now occupying the White House. Therefore, I strongly urge you to acquaint yourself with the analogies by going to THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR website ... scrolling down to the Wednesday entries ... and read Peter Ferrara's excellent column on just what our phony-in-charge has in mind for us. - - - - -
Democrats argue vigorously against de-funding NPR. Of course they do! Wouldn't you argue against government subsidies being cut for a media giant that gave you billions of dollars worth of publicity/"news coverage" every year? - - - - -
"Awwwww" department. Joan Baez has lost faith in Obama. - - - - -
Democracy in action, Democrat-style. Washington, D.C., police are searching for suspects after someone shot-out windows at a Republican office in the District. Of course, it could've been those temperamental Whigs. - - - - -
Dictionaries should place photos of the fifty-plus Japanese employees of the nuclear power plants at Fukushima next to any definition of "brave." They volunteered to stay on and try to contain the radiation release, knowing it could cost them their lives. - - - - -
Suggested career alternative for the repulsive Ed Schultz: co-star with that glutton who demonstrates how much he can eat on the Travel Channel. - - - - -
While I understand the do-gooder motivation behind the current U.S. Navy recruiting commercials' slogan, "A worldwide force for good, " my Neanderthal memory is more attracted to the one-time unofficial Marines' slogan, "We break things and kill people." - - - - -
Wonder what San Francisco gays, with their "in your face" attitude, think of news reports out of England that a Gay Pride parade there has been cancelled by the organizers for fear of offending anti-gay Muslims. - - - - -
Criminals in Malaysia stole $1 1/2 million worth of condoms. I've stumbled into a few wild parties, but ... - - - - -
Readership of this modest little blog is growing weekly. Nevertheless, it'd be much appreciated if you'd forward the link to a friend or three. - - - - -
Happy St. Patrick's day. The Irish in me is small, but powerful. When I kissed the Blarney Stone, it kissed back! And if you believe THAT ... TWO KINDS OF LEADERSHIP
In Libya, Gaddafi continues to rule by the simple expedient of killing his opponents. In Saudi Arabia, the king continues to rule by simply bribing the populace. Both seem to work -- so far. - - - - -
An ancient metaphor refers to closing the barn door after the horse has been stolen. Is there a parallel in the UN resolution re Libya? Observation: there are only two ways to deal with a Gaddafi. Either kill him or leave him alone. - - - - -
Hillary says she won't stay on as Secretary of State for any Obama second term. Get your bets down that she won't even last out the first term. Not that anyone would notice; all she does is blather platitudes. - - - - -
We bought the freedom for a U.S. contractor in Pakistan who shot two men who were trying to rob him. He was covered by diplomatic immunity under international law, but we paid "blood money" under Sharia law. Sooner or later we are going to have to face the reality that Pakistan is NOT a reliable ally. Much better that we strengthen ties with India, the other nuclear power in the region. - - - - -
Quote of the week, from her interview in Playboy magazine. Helen Thomas: 'Israelis Want to Take Palestinian Homes and Land and Water and Kill Their Children'. - - - - -
An organization actively encourages vandalism and death threats to its self-identified "enemies" and flouts the law. In other circumstances, the people involved would be subject to prosecution under Organized Crime statutes. But this is the Democratic Party in Wisconsin (and other states) with its will being carried out by its goon/stooges in labor unions. - - - - -
Sen. John Cornyn of Texas says 663 individuals arrested along the southwest border in 2010 were from countries designated as “special interest” or from countries known to have ties with terrorism. Napolitano ... any comment? - - - - -
Irony. In Asbury Park, New York, the Barack H. Obama elementary school is being closed because of a lack of attendance. - - - - -
One of the delights of the NCAA basketball tournament is when a low-seeded small school knocks off a superpower in early-round play. So, while I have no rooting interest in either them, I was tickled to see little Morehead State eliminate powerhouse Louisville. - - - - -
Longtime haiku contributor Len submits this observation about the snake which bit the (artificially) bosomy model in Israel and died of silicone poisoning. The poor Boa dies. Thank God for the life warning. I'd bite those things too !!! LEADERSHIP, OBAMA STYLE
After it appears the internal Libya conflict has been all but settled in favor of Dictator Gaddafi, Obama gets his UN authorization for a no-fly zone. But it turns out no American planes will be in the air over Libya to enforce the resolution nor, under any circumstances, will there be American boots on the ground. It may be wise to avoid involvement in a third war in the hellish middle-east and it may offend conscience to watch more Libyan resisters die, but why the push for the U.N. resolution if we are planning to do so little to enforce it? France and Germany will provide the air power. It all reminds of the playground taunt, "Lets you and him go fight; I'll hold your coats!" - - - - -
So... with the world aflame on many fronts, Barack chooses to take Michelle and the kids on a sightseeing trip to Brazil (any trade-deal paper signing could have easily been done in Washington. Besides, it overlooks the fact that, thanks to our negligence, Brazil is already deeply in bed with China), further cementing Obama's reputation is the first to turn the presidency into a spectator sport. - - - - -
The most racist administration since the Civil War has passed yet another milestone in its search for inequality. Despite all the hand-wringing in the White House lately about bullying in schools, here's what the final product amounts to. Bullying is to be reported and addressed by authorities UNLESS the victim is a white male. Sorry, bro', you have no legal standing to complain! The silver lining is ... it just might teach you to get tough and handle your own problem as you find necessary! This will stand you in good stead in later life. - - - - -
Will HIllary run against the Obamster in 2012? It is a consummation devoutly to be hoped, since both have had -- and used -- ample time to prove their utter incompetence. - - - - -
Delaware is naming a railway station in honor of VP Joe Biden. As you might expect, the project came in $5.7 million over budget. - - - - -
A cry for help. As a longtime resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, I hold no recollection of a leather plant in Napa County. Every inch of arable land seems to be planted in grapes that produce the world's finest wines. And yet, dial-surfing, I come across a TV commercial for Dodge automobiles advertising interiors of "fine NAPA leather!" Say WHAT? Or are they buying it from NAPA Auto Parts, which seems unlikely. Confusion abounds... - - - - -
Without going into all the astronomical details, take a look at the moon tonight, sky conditions permitting. It's supposed to be very dramatic. - - - - -
Given the utter failure of the U.S. "education" system, I feel duty-bound to correct some of the more glaring errors that somehow make their way into our public media. Another example, heard on a cable news network within the past twelve hours: "We're going to HONE-IN on such-and such...." No, idiot, you are not going to HONE is, unless it is a knife or other similar instrument you are planning to sharpen. You may intend to HOME in on a matter of particular interest, an expression that has its origins in the transmission of electronic signals to guide aircraft to their destination. As the Wordman, Richard Lederer, has told me, I'm fighting a hopeless battle against ignorance. So why do it? Take a clue from "Man of La Mancha." WHEN IN DANGER, WHEN IN DOUBT...RUN IN
Confusion? The president says Gaddafi must go. His military Chief of Staff, Admiral Mullen, says the objective of the intervention in Libya is NOT to remove the dictator. Some congressional Democrats are loudly opposed to intervention in Libya; there's even talk of bringing impeachment charges. By Democrats! Louis Farrakhan's message to Obama after the president asked Gaddafi to step down: "Who the hell do you think you are?" This must puzzle Obama. His arrival in Rio de Janeiro was greeted by angry LEFT-wing demonstrators demanding that he get out. What? His complexion alone was not enough to guarantee universal adoration? - - - - -
Contemplate: What would the reaction be if a Republican president had placed us in a third war? - - - - -
If, against the obvious present odds, the Libyan rebels prevail, do we have any real idea what to expect from any successor government? It IS possible to jump from frying pans into fires. - - - - -
We all know that in politics, truth is a dangerous thing. The latest case in point is the resignation of U.S. Ambassador to Mexico Carlos Pascual because a memo he had written was leaked. In the memo he complained of the Mexican government's shortcomings in trying to break the drug cartels that control Mexico. That is, he told the truth. Such things must not be allowed, lest the oh-so-sensitive Mexicans become annoyed. - - - - -
Steven Chu is Obama's Secretary of Energy. If you harbor any hopes that this administration will make a serious effort to bring down gasoline prices, remember this quote from Mr. Chu: "“We have to figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” That's around ten dollars a gallon. - - - - -
Wishful thinking department. Democrat Senate Leader Harry Reid declares the Tea Party movement is dead. Perhaps that's because a Tea Party candidate with questionable credentials ran against him in Nevada--and lost. - - - - -
Thanks to a couple of observant readers, I have learned that there is such a thing as Napa leather, also known as Nappa leather, using the skin of sheep. Has to do with some special tanning technique. WARS, DOLLARS AND CENTS
I have deep reservations about our involvement in Libya, since we have no real idea what kind of successor government would result if we do help unseat Gaddafi. I do know this, and it should be taken as a word of caution. When opponents of a military action, be they left or right, want to bring the cost into consideration, they invariably tell us that it will cost X-number of dollars per day or week or whatever. What they DON'T tell us is that they figure into that total the ongoing daily costs of the military, including paying and feeding the personnel involved and the operational costs of ships, planes, etc., whether or not they're fighting. Have a large grain of salt handy when the debate enters those precincts. - - - - -
If it is important that these hundreds -- even thousands -- of waivers exempting certain health plans from the strictures of Obamacare be given, who can possibly argue that the plan itself is a blessing? - - - - -
Obama obviously gave Hillary Clinton the job of Secretary of State under the old theory, "Keep your friends close and your enemies even closer." Equally obviously, the thin thread that holds them together is unraveling. Their mutual dislike is coming into the open over the Libya action, and one wonders how much longer their tattered ties will last. - - - - -
That photo of Obama at the Christ the Redeemer status in Rio ... I've been there, and it IS awesome ... but since he said his presidency would mark the time when -- among other wonders -- the oceans began to recede, shouldn't the photo have shown him looming OVER the statue? - - - - -
Every time Joe Biden opens his mouth he justifies his selection by Obama as VP. Those who cry "impeach" the loudest would have to think long and hard before handing the job to this walking joke. - - - - -
One might wonder how NBC's Andrea Mitchell is able to speak at all, with her lips glued as they are to Obama's buttocks. - - - - -
Florida State's elimination of Notre Dame from the NCAA basketball tournament last night recalls a story told to me some years ago by my friend Chuck Linster, who was Notre Dame thru-and-thru, and was an executive at the university's WNDU. In the early '80's, his duties included supervising the video team that not only taped the football games for the coach's highlight show, but taped pre-game activities for "atmosphere". Florida State (not too many years earlier, the Florida State Teachers' College for Women) had built a powerhouse football team which was visiting Notre Dame for the first time. Notre Dame did -- and does -- hold a certain amount of intimidation for visiting teams: the whole atmosphere, including "touchdown Jesus" with raised arms on the library wall beyond the north end-zone, and the band playing the ND fight song endlessly. Chuck was on the field with his camera crew during the pre-game warmups and overheard one giant Florida State lineman say to a teammate, as the nation's most famous college song was being rehearsed yet again by the ND band, "What's that song they keep playin'?" Chuck said he knew right then that this opponent couldn't be intimidated and that the Irish were therefore in trouble. They were. They lost. CHU
Steven Chu, Obama's Secretary of Energy, is a moron. In his love affair with battery powered cars, which have been around -- and failed to find a market -- since the 1890's, he still advocates higher gasoline prices to "force" development of this mode of automotive transportation. It would be useful if Mr. Chu, moron, were to spend a few hours standing next to a gas pump where drivers are spending $50 or more to fill up. Expressing his views in such a location just might be hazardous to his health. - - - - -
It's indicative of the consternation Obama is causing in liberal ranks that we have this from Richard Cohen, one of their favorite media figures, in the Washington Post: "In the Oval Office, President Obama keeps busts of his heroes — Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King Jr. He should add one of Milton Berle, the so-called Mr. Television of the 1950s. Berle used to signal his studio audience to both continue and stop applauding by holding up one hand to wave them on and another to quiet them. This is the president’s Libya policy in a nutshell." My, my ... what IS a good liberal to think? - - - - -
Irony. Obama holds up Chile's strong economy as a model for the world, but studiously ignores a key component, the privatizing of their Social Security system. - - - - -
Threat to the nation: Judge Richard Nielsen of Tampa, Florida, who has decided that a legal issue involving a dispute among Muslims is to be decided by Sharia (Islamic) law. The camel's nose is under the tent. - - - - -
An ominous "what if?": what if the American flyers who crashed in LIbya had been taken in by Gaddafi forces instead of rebels? - - - - -
Why does the Fox News Channel have a reporter on the Japan earthquake/tsuname/nuke crisis, all centered a hundred or more miles NORTH of Tokyo, checking in from Osaka, which is 250 miles SOUTH of Tokyo. Fox, buy a map! - - - - -
"Do as I say, not as I do" dept.: David Schubert is a Deputy DA in Las Vegas. He gained a measure of notoriety for prosecuting Paris Hilton on cocaine possession charges. Mr. Schubert has now been arrested for ... cocaine possession. - - - - -
Speaking of legal matters ... Keith Gruber of Swan Lake, NY, is in jail on charges of driving while intoxicated. It probably didn't help his case when he showed up late in court sucking on a can of beer and carrying four more in a paper bag. - - - - -
It's Jay Leno's line: "President Obama told Americans not to worry about the radiation from Japan — as he left for South America." EXTINCT
President Obama cancelled his visit to the Mayan ruins in El Salvador to return to the ruins of his administration in Washington. - - - - -
Stupid ... phony ... hypocritical. Pick your word for Obama loaning billions we don't have to Brazil for offshore oil drilling, while keeping the clamps on drilling in our own waters. - - - - -
Irony. The loudest call for impeachment of our White House empty suit are coming from the left. You wanted him, guys! Now you're stuck with him! -- and, alas, so are we. Any more fools you want to run? - - - - -
Dumb diehard department: While some familiar names, e.g. Barbra Streisand, have expressed disappointment with Obama, one determined butt-kisser can't let go of his infatuation. Garth Brooks. - - - - -
It's a good thing for Bush-2's image that he was followed in office by such a boob. We're reminded that part of GWB's legacy will hit us January 1. I refer to that stupid piece of legislation he signed mandating the elimination of the 100-watt incandescent light bulbs that have served us so well with a warm light in favor of the hideous compact fluorescent bulbs with built-in health and environmental hazards. The manufacturers love it, of course, because the idiotic new product sells for many times the cost of traditional bulbs. To country-club Republicans like Bush, this is called "progress". Many of us, of course, have prepared by filling our garages with a lifetime supply of REAL light bulbs. - - - - -
The CEO of Starbucks, originally a supporter of Obamacare, has turned against it. Amazing that a man smart enough to lure dumb people into paying more for a cup of coffee than for a gallon of gas, even at today's oil prices, took so long to figure out this Obama scam. - - - - -
Sen. Claire McCaskill, Democrat from Missouri, was a sponsor of a bill mandating the firing of federal employees who failed to pay their taxes. Sen. McCaskill, it is now revealed, owes her state over $287,000 in four years of property taxes on an airplane she apparently had forgotten she owned and used for campaigning. - - - - -
Families murdered ... endless rocket attacks ... another bus-bombing in Jerusalem ... a Jewish cemetery desecrated. When is the world going to face the reality that Islam is nothing more than a murderous mental disorder? (No, CAIR, I'm NOT Jewish. By the way, CAIR, ever get that money you begged from Ghadafy, while acclaiming him as a great leader?) - - - - -
Detroit continues to lose population at an astonishing rate; it's smaller now than anytime since 1910. It's a textbook example of what happens when a city is run by a coalition of Democrat politicians and labor unions. - - - - - Is there anyone who DIDN'T cheer for the Australian youngster who, fed up with a bully, picked up his tormentor and body-slammed him? That's why children need to learn to take care of themselves when the authorities turn away from a problem. My wise father taught me, "Don't ever start a fight, but if someone else starts one with you ... WIN IT!" Among my earliest gifts: boxing gloves. - - - - -
Tufts Medical Center research finds that people are 2.7 times more likely to have a heart attack during or shortly after having sex. If our parents had known this, how many of us wouldn't be here? ANTICS WITH SEMANTICS
A semantical debate proceeds over whether we're in a war in Libya. Here's a historical reminder. Truman insisted on calling the Korean War a "police action." To the Americans getting shot at in that conflict, it had a way of looking a whole lot like a war. But, more than 33,000 dead Americans later, Truman still insisted on calling it a "police action." (Long before a South Korean car company made the KIA, it had a far deadlier definition: killed in action.) Relevance to present-day action in Libya? If you're shooting at them, even from the air, and they're shooting back at you, it's a war. - - - - -
Why should Muammar Khadafy/Gaddafi/Qaddifi tremble in fear of the U.S. when Obama's regime tells him every day that ours is a limited commitment and we absolutely WON'T use force on the ground? Whatever one plans to do or not do to an enemy, at least have the common sense to shut up about it! - - - - -
So Warren Buffett thinks the Euro, the European currency, might collapse because so many countries in the European Union are freeloading off other members rather than getting their financial affairs in order. It isn't often one can claim to have beaten Mr. Buffett on economic prognostications, but regular readers of this column saw the same prediction a few weeks ago. Of course, with a squadron of incompetent fools running our own government into the ground, we have little reason to feel superior. - - - - -
Elizabeth Taylor was the last real MOVIE STAR. With their diminished place in world culture, the movies can never again produce such a magnetic actress/personality with the widespread notice she got. - - - - -
Believe what you wish about Barack Obama's origins, but his backers who insist that a Hawaiian "Certificate of Live Birth" is a birth certificate are wrong. It is not. The state, sensitive to the questions about the former document, has only recently changed its law to state that it is the SAME as a birth certificate. That was not the state's position before the questioning began about Obama's birthplace. - - - - -
Why should anyone pay any attention to Obama's endless gasbag pronouncements about "winning the future" when the Empty Suit is determinedly losing the present? - - - - -
Prediction. Above and beyond any and all other baggage he may carry as a candidate, Mitt Romney, despite being a brilliant businessman, will never be the Republican nominee because he'll never shake himself free of his attachment to the Massachusetts health plan he installed as governor. To most people, Republicans especially, regardless of differences it still looks like the hated Obamacare. - - - - -
The Arab proclivity for replacing reality with fantasy is evident once again in maps produced by Egypt Air which simply eliminate Israel. Evidently, in what they use for brains, this removes the "Zionist entity". Now -- about those 73 virgins, or whatever number their feverish little minds have conceived ... A CHAOTIC MESS
Let's see now. Thanks to our war-averse president, command of the Libyan "coalition" forces has been transferred from U.S. hands to NATO ... where the military forces overall are commanded by -- TA-TA! -- an American officer, Admiral James Savridis, although the Libya operation will be run by a Canadian. Smoke and mirrors ... - - - - -
The power in Egypt has evolved into domination of the political structure by the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood. If this continues, it will prove again that this replacement of Mubarak illustrates another instance of jumping out of the frying pan into the fire. It also leads to this question: evil as Gaddafi is, are we going to see a similar outcome in Libya. Sometimes it IS better to deal with the devil you know. - - - - -
Liberal confusion is rampant. Eugene Robinson, ultra-lib on the Washington Post: "Is it just me? Am I the only one who's utterly confused about the rationale, goals, tactics and strategy of the U.S.-led military intervention in Libya?" - - - - -
White House doubletalk: "Time-limited, scope-limited military action." Say WHAT??? - - - - - Ravings of a crazy person. Janet Napolitano, the eminently unqualified head of Obama's Department of Homeland Security, says the security situation along the US-Mexico border is, "better than it's ever been." I live thirty miles from that border. Napolitano is either stupid, a liar--or, more likely--both. - - - - -
The government tells us that inflation isn't so bad if you don't count the cost of food and gasoline. What kind of stupid, burocratic mentality can possibly think in such detached, unrealistic terms? - - - - -
It's a question, not a comment. Is Sarah Palin suffering from over-exposure (not all of her own making) since the 2008 campaign, thereby jeopardizing her 2012 chances? Follow-up question. Is Cong. Michelle Bachman the new Palin? - - - - -
The road to hell, it is said, is paved with good intentions. Pop star Madonna has just learned that lesson the hard -- and expensive -- way. She gave $11 million to a do-gooder project to build a girls' school in the poor African nation of Malawi. The entire project has now disintegrated, with millions blown by the administrators on such goodies as expensive golf club memberships and chauffeurs. - - - - -
Another sign of our overly-PC times. An Iowa county is planning to run drills mandated by the federal government; drills on how to deal with terrorism perpetrated by -- get THIS -- bands of white supremacists! MOMMY, DON'T TAKE MY TOYS AWAY!
Want to see why politicians fear cutting government spending? Look at the news from Britain, where hundreds of thousands mobbed the streets protesting such cuts in their government's budget . There's nothing more politically difficult than taking away goodies that have already been granted. That's why so many countries, like Greece, went bankrupt and had to go mooching off their neighbors. - - - - -
Only a liberal in search of a euphemism for war could come up with such a nonsense phrase as "kinetic military action." Where do we get such people? - - - - -
GE makes a five billion dollar profit ... pays no taxes. Wonder why? Could it be because, under GE ownership, NBC and its deranged cable mouthpiece, MSNBC, became Obama's most fervent media supporters? - - - - -
As the king said in "The KIng and I", "Is a ... puzzlement." Libyan Arabs, while claiming to be short of war-fighting materiel wasting uncounted rounds of ammunition by firing guns into the air in "celebration." - - - - -
The smallest surprise of the week comes in news from media reporter Howard Kurtz that it's game-over for Katie Couric, the smash-flop anchor at CBS News. Kurtz says she's gone by June. This foolish experiment ended just as many of us predicted; a loss of millions of viewers for the network. - - - - -
Now we know. Al Qaeda IS involved in Libya on the side of the rebels we're helping with American forces volunteered by OTHER countries. What an idiotic mess. - - - - -
Pseudo-president Obama says, "We won't kill Khadafy." Oh, come on, Barry. Grow a couple and strangle him with your bare hands!" - - - - -
Mull this over. Nation of Islam's Louis Farrakhan says Obama is our first Jewish president. - - - - -
Liberals argue that if Obama was not American-born, Hillary would have used it in the primary campaign. No, she wouldn't, for the simple reason she knew she'd lose the black vote -- indispensable for any Democrat. - - - - -
Jimmy Carter, who was suckered by Fidel Castro in the 1980 Mariel armada that brought the dregs of Cuban society, including thousands of criminals, to our shores, now plans a visit to l'il bro' Raul in Havana.. Please. Stay. - - - - -
Newt, go home. You're an embarrassment. Glib, but an embarrassment. - - - - -
The Politico newsletter reports that Soros-backed Media Matters is declaring all-out war on Fox News, with plans for "guerilla warfare and sabotage." Having been one of their targets for many years during my work for ABC Radio in San Francisco, I can say from personal knowledge that they are utterly unscrupulous in their dedication to left-wing causes, and top management didn't have the backbone to stand up to them. - - - - -
Two suggestions for Brian Williams of NBC News. First, get your nose straightened. Then get your mind straightened. The pro-Obama obfuscating and propagandizing is embarrassing. CONTRAST
Think back to the public behavior in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Compare it to the stoic rebuilding already undertaken by the Japanese after a far, far worse disaster. And ask yourself, "Why the difference?" - - - - -
Historical perspective. When a nation becomes so self-indulgent that it elects an utter incompetent with no legitimate credentials as its leader, its downhill slide to doom accelerates. Even a cursory reading of the history of the Roman Empire (and others) will make this abundantly clear. The endless clamor for "social justice" and "multi-culturalism" will evolve into "where can I get something to eat?" - - - - -
The most certain prediction for The Fraud's Monday night speech on Libya: look left, look right. That's where the Teleprompter reflecting screens are. But ... maybe he'll tell us what our "vital national interest" is. From here, it's invisible. And trying to overlay Western-style Democracy on centuries-old Islamic cultures is demonstrably a bad bet. - - - - -
Obama's much-publicized trip to Brazil accomplished nothing. Brazil's number one trading partner was, and continues to be, China. And the offer to finance their offshore oil drilling, including in the Gulf of Mexico!, while continuing to foreclose that option for his own nation only revealed that, at heart, this man hates America. Be it reverse-racism or whatever, his actions reveal the truth about him. - - - - -
Since most of us are wise enough not to expect perfection in our politicians, wouldn't it help Mitt Romney's cause if he simply came out and admitted that his Obama-like health plan installed as governor of Massachusetts was a stupid idea that failed? As it stands, it's certain that Republican rivals will pound him over it, and it'll become part of Obama's re-election campaign speech. - - - - -
We've had several nonentities as Vice President, but none so openly phony, hypocritical and obnoxious as Joe Biden, Obama's best insurance policy against impeachment. Now, this two-faced disgrace to politics, advocate of "transparency" in government, has had a reporter for the major Orlando newspaper locked in a closet while he gave a fundraising speech there; locked up to prevent the reporter from talking to attendees. - - - - -
The psychologist at the mental institution where would-be Reagan assassin John Hinckley is incarcerated says he's no longer a threat and should be released. I wonder if Hinckley yet realizes that his goal of impressing actress Jodie Foster was an exercise in futility, since she prefers women. - - - - -
As the world turns ... goodbye, Sarah (with regrets), hello Michelle Bachman. - - - - -
Take it from preacher Harold Camping of Oakland, Ca., that the world will end on May 21. And the bad news is ... 98% of us are going to hell. He made a similar prediction in 1994, and many followers professed to believe him. We have not been able to determine whether they cashed in their mutual funds before that anticipated event. - - - - -
I have no animosity toward either the state of Ohio or it's largest educational institution, Ohio State. But, unreasonable as it may be, I take a small delight every time a Buckeye sports team loses because I detest football coach Jim Tressel and the gigantic, corrupt machine he has built. He should be banned from coaching for life. - - - - -
Our Dear Leader is still obsessed with building more railroads. Inside word is that he harbors a burning desire to drive a golden spike at Promontory Summit. DO WHAT? WITH WHAT?
Democrat military strategy: steadily cut funding for the military ... reduce combat personnel ... then look for more wars to engage what's left. The ultimate oxymoron: Obama, Commander in Chief. The very words stick in the throat. - - - - -
If the morality of protecting innocent civilians is our motivation for risking American lives, what about Rwanda, Sudan and all the other places where mass murder and genocide are commonplace? - - - - -
Dictator Hugo Chavez is now telling Venezuelans what to eat. Which distinguishes him from Michelle Obama how? - - - - -
Most people either didn't notice "Earth Hour" or didn't care about this lame effort to revive public interest in "climate change." In fact, those are probably the two most sleep-inducing words imaginable. - - - - -
Marine Le Pen, daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, leads in the polls for the upcoming presidential election in France. The father's campaigns have stirred the nation in the past, although he never won the presidency. The message of the daughter is virtually identical to her father's and it's resonating with the French public, fed up with the car-burning rampages of unassimilated Muslims: "Multiculturalism has failed." - - - - -
NEWSBUSTERS reports that, for the second time, aging lefty terrorist and Obama buddy Bill Ayers admits that he wrote Obama's book, "Dreams of my Father." The admission is on videotape from Ayers' appearance last Thursday at Montclair State University. Of course, speechwriter Ted "Ask not..." Sorenson was largely responsible for John Kennedy's "Profiles in Courage", so fake authorship by prominent Democrats is hardly new. - - - - -
Just "what if?" What if Donald Trump DOES produce evidence that Obama is not qualified by birth to be president? Would you bet your life that he IS? - - - - -
Obama, supported by the usual cabal of Illinois Democrats, wants to build a high-speed (110 MPH--high speed-??) railroad from Chicago to St. Louis. One question: have you ever BEEN to St. Louis? - - - - -
It's happened in London. It's happened in Madison, Wisconsin. Watch for riots in Washington if the Republicans DO follow thru on their pledge to remove some union teeth from the public teat. - - - - -
Now that Republicans have the majority in that body, will they have the House Ethics Committee undertake a long overdue investigation of the despicable Maxine Waters and her banking connection? - - - - -
Fanny-kissing alert. Tomorrow, Brian Williams of suck-up NBC News will do an "in depth" interview with Barack H. Obama. - - - - -
The sinister influence of ultra-leftist George Soros daily becomes from evident in the actions of Obama and Soros-front "Media Matters" in its unscrupulous attack on Fox News. Several years ago I discussed Mr. Soros and his murky personal history on ABC's KSFO in San Francisco. Soros' flunkies immediately demanded an apology. I refused. So a gutless management-type recorded such an apology. Such are the profiles in courage in the broadcasting industry. One of many reasons I'm glad to be out of it. The industry, alas, is now headed by a bunch of cringing weenies A PLATEFUL OF PLATITUDES
The Obama speech yesterday was an exercise in tap-dancing, with the Nobel Peace Prize winner (!) trying to take credit for the military accomplishments in Libya for the benefit of those who supported intervention, while at the same time repeatedly pointing out that it was being done under "the command" of the UN and NATO, clearly meant to tell those opposed that we were doing our "kinetic whatever" at the behest of an international coalition. One bottom-line reality remains unchanged: hampered as our military may be by an indecisive, anti-military leftist in the White House, it is still the ONLY serious military power in NATO and is therefore called upon to do all the heavy lifting, as always. It was amusing to hear the Obamster, obviously making the speech (OUTSIDE prime time) only as a matter of political necessity, using lines that could have been (MAY have been) quotes from George Bush at the opening of hostilities in Iraq. And he still could not bring himself to characterize Gaddafi as a terrorist, and made no mention of the bombing of the Pan-Am plane, which might have reminded some Americans that we do have an interest in eliminating the Libyan dictator. That, after all, would have required him to use the dreaded "T" word! One of his more blatant lies was including Turkey in the NATO coalition. Actually, Muslim Turkey is strongly opposed to the entire operation. Try to square this circle. According to the O-man, Gaddafi must go, but ... our objective in Libya is NOT "regime change." Say WHAT?? And by the way, exactly who -- and what -- are we supporting in Libya, now that Al Qaeda is known to have a role in the insurgency? Let it not be forgotten that we gave a bounty in arms to the Taliban in Afghanistan when they were fighting Russians. Now, some of those same weapons are being used against us. Remember that as high-level discussions continue on the subject of arming the dissidents in Libya. And isn't it a bit premature to declare Egypt a success story? - - - - -
Not to be, heaven forbid, picky about money, but those Tomahawk missiles we unleashed on Libya cost $1,400,000 each. And we fired 160 in the first volley. - - - - -
Before the NCAA basketball tournament, Obama picked the #1-seeded teams in all four regionals to make the final four, typical of his boldness (sarcasm). Not only have all four of these teams fallen, not a single #1 or #2 seed has made the final four. Not only does this make for more exciting games, it shows that the Dear Leader is no more adept at sports picks than at foreign -- or domestic -- policy. - - - - -
By the way ... illustrative of the hypocrisy and uselessness of that international parasite body, the UN, did you know that LIBYA is still a member of the UN Human Rights Council? Chew on THAT! - - - - -
The government of Iran is actively -- and seriously -- promoting the idea that the end of the world as we know it is nearing, preparing the way for the Mahdi to reappear and rule the world under Islam. The worrisome part is, Iran is close to the nuclear capability to produce the Armageddon they predict. Think of the consequences if Iranian nukes hit Israel, with a lightning response by the Israelis. Then Russia comes in on the side of Iran, we back Israel (maybe, depending on whether Obama's still around) and all hell breaks loose. And China watches, bemusedly. Or create your own possible scenario. - - - - -
A reminder to Republicans to think long and hard about choosing candidates. Harry Reid, the repulsive cretin who leads Senate Democrats, was ripe for the plucking last year. But the moonbat wing of the R-party bypassed likely winning candidates and ran Sharon Angle, who has a proclivity for unnecessarily making statements that sound the nut-job alarm to the middle-road voters who decide elections. The result, of course, is that Harry Reid is still a major annoyance, and Ms. Angle is a footnote to political history. - - - - -
One-time screen idol Farley Granger has passed away at age 85, victim of that worst of killers, natural causes. - - - - -
I read somewhere that the one color dogs recognize is yellow. There must be something to it. My boy Calvin, an eleven-year-old cockapoo, has tons of toys given him as gifts, but his absolute favorites are various stuffed toys that are yellow. "EXTREMISM IN THE DEFENSE OF
FISCAL SANITY IS NO VICE." (Thank you, Barry Goldwater)
It's long been said that the most dangerous place in Washington, D.C., is between New York Senator Chuck Schumer and a TV camera. Thus the irony of electronics catching him enunciating his party's marching orders: call Republican attempts to bring insane government spending under control "extreme." To Democrats, appealing as always to the economically illiterate, anything that removes even the most blatant freeloaders from the government gravy train is ... what else? ... extreme. Thus the cretinous Schumer has staked his claim for this week's title, "The Most Obnoxious Man in Washington." - - - - -
Prof. Arthur Laffer spoke an undeniable truth years ago when he said, "Businesses don't pay taxes. They simply collect money from the public and pass it on to the government." And yet stupid liberals, oblivious to the obvious, continue to rant about business taxes being too low, even as the U.S. has some of the highest in the developed world, thus driving more businesses overseas. Definition: liberal = moron. - - - - -
Take this as a warning when Obama is about to tell a whopper. He loves to use the term, "false choice." Forewarned is forearmed. - - - - -
Hey, working Americans who voted for Wonder Boy! Do you share his belief that $4 gasoline is GOOD for you? As Sarah said, "How's that hopey-changey thing working out for you -- dope?" - - - - -
The LA Times reports movie attendance down 20% this year. Reason: lousy movies. Notice how many new productions go straight to video? - - - - -
Bill Gates and Paul Allen of Microsoft in a snit? Next thing you know, we'll be hearing that Martin and Lewis have broken up! - - - - -
For those who've asked ... My recovery proceeds apace. The doctors say I'm ahead of schedule for a full return to health by late summer. Type "A" that I am, I think the recovery is too slow. Some slow news day I'll regale you with (true) stories of my hallucinations during the sixteen days I was in a coma. In one episode, I was convinced I was in prison and somehow recalled dialogue from an old Jimmy Cagney movie as I imagined the nurses were prison guards. That's when I told Susan sotto voce, in front of one of the nurses, "Don't talk to the screws! They'll take it out on you later!" I may someday put all my recollections of those hallucinatory events in a book. Maybe call it, "Delusions of a Comatose Lunatic." A PROFUSION OF CONFUSION
First, "We're not going to have American forces on the ground in Libya" ... but we HAVE sent a couple of thousand Marines toward LIbya via ship. For what? ... now comes word that we have CIA personnel on the ground in Libya helping the insurrection. Should this recall American "advisors" in the early stages of the Vietnam debacle? And Gaddafi's son, head of one of the most brutal units in the Libyan army, has been "interning" in the U.S.while visiting key facilities! We do, truly, live in a land run by crazy people. - - - - -
Since I rarely watch blatantly-biased NBC News, I was unaware until informed that they had failed to cover an otherwise-widely reported news story about longtime parent company General Electric. The story that, despite billions in profits, GE had paid NO income taxes. It would be naive not to assume that there just might be a connection between that neglect and the indisputable fact that GE's management is deeply in bed with the Obamunists. - - - - -
You can only postpone the inevitable so long. As the government keeps printing money backed by nothing, that government's manipulation of interest rates cannot continue indefinitely. More dollars in circulation, each worth less by the day, can't help but eventually unleash a tide of inflation. The longer it's postponed, the worse it will be. - - - - -
Okay, I know Mussa Kussa is high-level Gaddafi government official who just defected. But doesn't it sound like a new dance? - - - - -
Will the House committee investigation of alleged coverups by the Department of Homeland Security lead to the departure of Secretary Janet Napolitano. It is a consummation devoutly to be wished. (Thank you, Bill Shakespeare.) - - - - -
Every time there's a school shooting, the gun-grabbers cry, "More gun control laws!" This despite the fact that most of those locales already forbid guns in schools, whatever their policy may be elsewhere. Would it not make more sense to arm some carefully-selected teachers so that when bullets start flying from a deranged student, somebody has the wherewithal to end it? - - - - -
Is Ronald Reagan, Jr., ever going to stop slandering his late father. This creep should confine himself to his ballet dancing, or whatever else he's doing to amuse the deviant crowd. - - - - -
Is it now open-season on white voters? Apparently so, judging from the actions of Eric Holder's Justice Department in dropping the case against the New Black Panthers who warned off pale-skinned voters in Philadelphia by brandishing clubs. - - - - -
My friend Terry Jeffrey reports that a Gallup Survey finds that the home congressional district of the Obamas on Chicago's south side ranks last in the nation in healthy behavior. Folk there obviously aren't paying attention to Michelle's harangue about eating habits, so perhaps it's time for somebody to return home and do some "community organizing." - - - - -
If Donald Trump really wants to be a serious candidate for president, he's rolled the dice on Obama's birthplace and background. Given the hostility to the issue exhibited by the mass media, it's a long-shot, but if a serious cover-up IS discovered, it wouldn't be a bad launching-point for a campaign because most Americans would be infuriated. And Mika Brzezinski might suffer a fatal seizure. - - - - -
Does anyone want to argue with the proposition that AARP is primarily a shill for big government? - - - - -
The missing New York Zoo cobra has been seen hanging out with Elvis at a K-Mart in Michigan. |
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radiorodgers1@yahoo.com |