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No need to anticipate pranks. The big one was already pulled on us in November of 2008. - - - - -
Bloomberg business news reports that among the largest borrowers from the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank as the financial crisis developed were foreign banks and companies, including one enterprise partially owned by the Central Bank of Libya. All of which provides more ammunition for those who want the Fed abolished. BTW, do you think just maybe Gaddafi owns a piece of that Libyan bank, hmmmm? - - - - -
Challenge: Name one way in which the nation, overall, is in better shape under Obama. The Reagan campaign line against Jimmy Carter is due for a revival. He simply asked Americans, "Are you better off today than you were four years ago?" If Republicans don't use it in next year's race, they're fools. Therefore, they just might not. - - - - -
The Wall Street Journal reports that more Americans work for the government than work in construction, farming, fishing, forestry, manufacturing, mining and utilities combined. Keep that in mind as you hear more about unionized government workers in Wisconsin, Ohio and Indiana (and more to come) fighting to hang onto their privileged position on the public teat. As my friend Stephen Moore writes, the only solution to our unbalanced economy is to grow the economy that makes things, not the sector that takes things. - - - - -
The award for Sheer Gutlessness in the Media goes to the History Channel, which bankrolled a mini-series on the Kennedy family, then refused to carry it under pressure from the Kennedy Klan and longtime butt-kisser Ted Sorenson, even though the historical facts were unchallenged. - - - - -
Were you inspired by Nation of Islam minister Louis Farrakhan's ringing speech of support for Muammar Gaddafi? Might he have been influenced by the fact that his huge mosque on the south side of Chicago was built with a gift of millions of dollars from Gaddafi? - - - - -
The biggest recipient of government dollars to subsidize health coverage for early retirees: The United Auto Workers Union. Try to contain your surprise. - - - - -
It's accepted fact that time and experience add to one's fund of wisdom, as any fifty-year-old will attest when reflecting on his/her twenties. Thus it should be no great surprise that a survey shows that younger people, being largely dumb and gullible, form Obama's largest support group. Many, of course, have yet to recover from the brainwashing they received at the hands of our, ahem, "educators". - - - - -
The Obama administration would have us believe that the GM bailout with taxpayer dollars will be repaid. Lie. The Congressional Oversight report says GM is still afloat only because of tax breaks, also paid for with taxpayer dollars. And the Obamunists want to further subsidize Government Motors with a $7500 tax rebate for everyone who buys the GM electric car, which is so far a smash flop in the marketplace. - - - - -
Five thousand non-citizens voted in Colorado's last statewide election. Another triumph for Democrat campaign tactics! - - - - -
Feel free to forward the link to this column to a friend. If they like it, they'll thank you. If they don't ... maybe they shouldn't be your friend, anyway! - - - - -
Correction: Libya was suspended as a member of the UN Human Rights Council a few weeks ago. That leaves, however, such bastions of Human Rights as Uganda, China, Cuba and North Korea on the Council to continue it's primary mission of bashing Israel. - - - - -
'Til next time ... look for you on a rooftop at USC! MUSLIM MADNESS STRIKES AGAIN
Enraged Muslims killed at least ten ... maybe as many as twenty ... UN employees in Afghanistan. Two were beheaded. Why? Because an obscure Florida preacher had burned a Quran. What had the UN employees to do with the event? Nothing. Do we need still more evidence that there's something about Islam that drives many people murderously insane? Think of it: Homicidal maniacs killing innocent people under the banner of a so-called "religion". And the longer it takes western civilization to deal with that reality, the higher the price will be. - - - - -
France's law banning the wearing of a veil to cover the face takes effect next week. Muslims are protesting, saying it unfairly focuses on them. Okay. What OTHER religion has people going around masked like criminals? And by the way, criminals HAVE been known to disguise themselves as women in veils to go about their nefarious business. - - - - - That old shrewdie, Benjamin Franklin, is credited with saying, "When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." We may well have reached that point, which explains why it is so difficult to bring our insane government spending under control. Between government employees who take from the national treasury and the millions of Americans who pay little or no taxes, the plain fact is that most Americans are NOT paying their share of the multitude of costs assumed by the government. That majority always wants the already load-bearing minority to pay even more. And that philosophy is embodied in the entire political philosophy of the Democratic Party, which can fairly be described as the party of free-loaders. - - - - - Where are the liberals' placards proclaiming, "No blood for oil!"? Oh -- excuse me. That piece of demagoguery is only to be used when a Republican is in the White House. - - - - -
Incapable of learning from the previous amnesty granted illegal aliens (the Simpson-Mazzoli act) which only caused the floodtide to increase because illegals expected more amnesties, the Obama administration is still pushing for -- what else? -- another amnesty. Fools, apparently, are incapable of learning from experience. And make no mistake: We DO live in a land run by fools. - - - - -
How many votes will Newt Gingrich drain from potential legitimate contenders for the Republican nomination? You had your shot, dude, so hang it up! - - - - -
It's Jimmy Fallon's line ... "President Obama's approval rating just hit an all-time low of 42 percent. To put that in perspective, the cobra that escaped from the Bronx Zoo has an approval rating of 43 percent." LIBYA--"QUAGMIRE" RETURNS TO OUR
Unless we are prepared to become (more) actively engaged in a ground war in Libya on behalf of the rebels, who may or may not be planning to prepare another home-base for terrorists, we have saddled up a dead horse. The failure of the insurrectionists to make headway is a reminder of the Damon Runyon credo: The race is not always to the swift, nor the battle to the strong -- but that's the way to bet. - - - - -
There's been a massacre in the African nation of Ivory Coast. When do we send troops, or "advisers", to stand up for our "values"? - - - - -
In politics, money is always taken seriously. So what are the country club Republicans to say in response to Cong. Michelle Bachman out-raising Romney and other likely candidates for the nomination? - - - - -
If the Obama administration feels compelled to offer thousands of waivers exempting favored bodies -- largely unions -- from Obamacare, why is it supposed to be so good for the rest of us? Two things. Obamacare WILL inevitably lead to rationing of services, and that rationing will begin with older people. They are the largest cost-factor in health care, and it's cheaper to simply let them die. If you're not concerned about that because you're not old ... well, you WILL be someday -- if you're lucky! You want socialized medicine? Contemplate this. Margaret Hutchon, former director of Britain's National Health Service, has died after waiting nine months for stomach surgery. Four times her scheduled dates for the operation were postponed. (Thanks to Thomas Lifson of American Thinker.) - - - - -
If the 'birthers" are all crazy, how does one explain the videotape circulating showing Obama making a speech in which he explicitly states, "I was born in Kenya," and Michelle, on another occasion, referring to Barack visiting his homeland, Kenya. - - - - -
It's a sad commentary on White House leadership that polls show Hillary Clinton is the most popular figure in the Obama administration, including the Dear Leader himself. The woman brought nothing to the job beyond a background in a shady law firm, fast money made in (probably) crooked commodities trading, coat-tailing on her husband and she's a joke as an international diplomat. - - - - -
A civilization in decline? We haven't clearly, conclusively won a serious war since 1945. At best, we've played for a tie. This is no reflection on our armed forces; it IS a reflection on the people we've chosen to command them to go into battle. - - - - -
Charlie Sheen took to the stage in a Detroit theater in the first stop of what's planned to be a twenty-city tour. Leaving aside the question, "Why Detroit?", the larger question is whether there'll be even a second stop, much less twenty, after such a debacle. - - - - -
Say what you will about Donald Trump and his, uh, exotic ... hair, he IS entertaining. - - - - -
Has anyone NOT seen high school basketball teams that shoot better than Kentucky did last night? Why, those guys played like ... amateurs! - - - - -
Topless nightclubs and topless beaches are matters of continuing controversy. I don't hear anyone arguing in favor of topless Boeing 737's. - - - - -
Let it be known that the town of Lost Springs, Wyoming, has a population of four, not one. Seems the Census Bureau, in its nose-counting, missed 75% of the residents. About what you'd expect from a government burocracy. BLOW IN, BLOW OUT
The simple explanation of the cracks in the Boeing 737s is this. Each time an airliner takes off, the cabin is pressurized. Otherwise, at high altitudes, passengers would be unable to breathe. The pressurization literally expands the cabin. Upon descent and landing, the plane de-pressurizes, thereby shrinking. Obviously, this puts stress on the metal itself. Southwest flies a lot of short hops, and keeps its planes very busy. A Southwest pilot told me their average turnaround time at the gate is twenty minutes. The more takeoff-landing cycles, the more accumulated stress on the planes. That's why they have to be checked regularly, but the regular check clearly wasn't enough to prevent the Southwest incident. - - - - -
Prediction: Hillary will hear -- and heed -- "the call" from Democrats and run against Obama for the '12 nomination "to save the party." If so, she'd better not make the mistake Ted Kennedy made when he ran against incumbent Jimmy Carter and couldn't think of an answer to Roger Mudd's simple question, "Why do you want to be president?" But that "Three AM phone call" ad might be worth recycling. - - - - -
That stupid Arab habit of firing guns in the air to celebrate got thirteen of them killed. While Libyan rebels were wasting precious ammo with their childish display, pilots of Allied planes overheard interpreted it as gunfire aimed at them and responded with an attack that incinerated the vehicles from which the fire was coming. Stupid, stupid, stupid ... - - - - -
From BIG GOVERNMENT, Seton Motley's incisive take on why GM, despite Obama propaganda to the contrary, is still a money pit: What we are witnessing is what always happens when the government tries to run something – completely ignorant incompetence that leads to terrible decisions and horrendous results. Social Security? Broke. Medicare? Broke. Medicaid? Broke. The Post Office? Broke. Amtrak? Broke. The government even lost money running the famous Mustang Ranch brothel. That's right. Government's incompetence is so deep, it couldn't even make a profit running a whorehouse. - - - - -
The UN does it again. The man they supported for president of Ivory Coast is now charged with being behind the massacre of hundred, perhaps thousands, of his citizens. - - - - -
Remember the woman who charged Duke University lacrosse players with sexual assault? She's now been arrested for allegedly stabbing her boyfriend. To their everlasting shame, many Duke faculty members, trapped in their own web of political correctness, put their names on a full-page newspaper ad backing the young woman's bogus charges in the incident five years ago. The DA who pushed those charges against the athletes was fired and disbarred. - - - - -
Second thoughts about the overthrow of Mubarak in Egypt? The Muslim Brotherhood, dismissed as a virtual non-factor by American liberal mushheads, is now pushing for the establishment of a "modesty police", modeled on Saudi Arabia's religious police, whose members beat women they deem "provocative" on the streets. Reminder: It IS possible to jump from frying pans into fires. - - - - -
Republicans had better do a VERY good job of explaining their plan to eliminate Medicare in favor of government-supported payments for private insurance. As sure as God made little green apples, the Democrats will simply say, "Republicans are out to kill Medicare," scare the daylights out of older people and get those votes that normally go Republican. They will be supported by the Big Media, who will echo their cries of "extremism!" - - - - -
In Australia, a 92-year-old woman stabbed her 98-year-old husband to death. Their wealth apparently didn't bring them happiness in the later stages of their 70-year marriage. One story is that she suspected him of trying to poison her. On the other hand, one local gossip said she was dissatisfied with their sex life. - - - - -
Jay Leno's line: "President Obama's approval ratings are so low now, Kenyans are accusing him of being born in the United States." WAS IT THE NCAA TOURNAMENT
OR THE IDITAROD? Talk about dog teams! It's only coincidence -- and an insult to our canine friends -- that the Bulldogs and the Huskies put on the worst performance in NCAA title-game history. U-Conn and, especially Butler, were so pathetic, it's a shame they couldn't both lose. Did someone reduce the diameter of the basket? The shooting was abominable. What an embarrassing display to conclude a tournament that had tons of exciting games despite an overall lack of outstanding play. As a one-time college basketball broadcaster, I was stunned at the awful shooting last night, as were the TV commentators. - - - - -
It'll be interesting to learn if the mass of voters see through the Democrats' diabolical plans to force a shutdown of government services, then blame it on the Republicans. Remember: Last time they did it, it worked ... Clinton vs. Gingrich. And for those who remember how Newtie let himself be hornswoggled (a fine old word!) by the ol' Hillbilly Whorehopper, it's a shame he won't live down even if he runs for the presidential nomination as many times as Harold Stassen. - - - - -
It was hardly coincidence that Obama and his racist AG (notice how the Muslim names fall trippingly from Holder's tongue?) caved in on Gitmo and military tribunals for the terrorists on the same day the Dear Leader announced that he was running for a second shot at vacations via Air Force One and White House parties. Only fools or those with an anti-American agenda would've proposed civilian trials for these murderous animals, anyway. But we are, after all, talking about Obama and his stooge at Justice, Eric Holder. Liberals, of course, are aghast that Khalid Sheik Mohammed (KSM, for short) and his bloodthirsty buddies won't be getting a civilian trial. It apparently worries them not at all that such a trial would require revelations of sources of info, i.e., our intelligence connections. Such revelations, of course, would get those connections killed. Further evidence that libs are callous, immoral morons. - - - - -
In the month of March, your government spent EIGHT TIMES more than it received in tax revenues. What kind of idiot believes this can continue? Oh, of course; the Nancy Pelosi kind. (Thanks, Terry Jeffrey) - - - - -
The estimable Thomas Sowell's analogy regarding the Democrats' attitude toward government spending: "When someone gives you a check and the bank informs you that there are insufficient funds, who do you get mad at? In your own life, you get mad at the guy who gave you a check that bounced, not at the bank. But, in politics, you get mad at whoever tells you that there is no money." Perfect. - - - - -
Reuter's quotes an oil industry analyst, former Saudi oil minister Sheik Zaki Yamani, thusly: If Saudi Arabia is struck by the kind of political unrest being seen elsewhere in the Middle East, we could see oil go as high as $300 a barrel." THEN what will the anti-drilling lunkheads have to say? - - - - -
When you hear or read some goo-goo blissfully anticipating democracy sweeping the middle-east, try to focus on this fact -- and it IS a fact: The Quran and democracy are 100% incompatible. Even though some facets are interpreted differently by various Muslim sects, they are unanimous on one point. That being, the Quran is infallible and the idea of alternative choices being made by mere mortals is unthinkable. Which is why democracy has found such rough going in Iraq and Afghanistan. - - - - -
Is Sarah Palin, victim of that booby-trap interview by Katie Couric, quietly smirking as it develops that the CBS chipmunk is washed-up as a news anchor at the end of her contract in June? - - - - -
I know Moussa Koussa is a heavyweight Libyan defector, but his name still sounds like a dance to me. "C'mon ... everybody do the Moussa Koussa!" - - - - -
A Leno line: "According to a poll, 55 percent of college students approve of the job President Obama is doing. That may change once they graduate and try to find a job." THIS CLEARS IT UP
So we learn that mentally handicapped people have been voting. Explains a lot, doesn't it? - - - - -
It's as clear a case of playing the race card as we've seen lately. Obama is cuddling up to that race-pandering fraud, Al Sharpton, for support in 2012. It'll be interesting to see what the Republicans do with this, if anything, since the party leadership is notoriously fearful of the racist label for opposing even the most outrageous statements coming from self-appointed black "leaders". - - - - -
It's only logical that the empty suit who occupies the White House begin his fund-raising for a second term in Silicon Valley and San Francisco, the world's largest outdoor lunatic asylum. Is it worth $35,800 per seat to watch him read a teleprompter? - - - - -
Democrats like to believe that the consequences of uncontrolled government spending can be put off indefinitely. Now there IS a finite end to the craziness, calculated by the non-partisan congressional budget office. If the madness continues at the present rate, the CBO calculates the inevitability of a total economic collapse in 2037. Put this revelation in this light: seems like only yesterday that 2011 seemed in the far, far distant future. - - - - -
Robert Gibbs, the Designated Deceiver -- excuse me, "Press Secretary" -- for Obama until recently is getting his payoff. He's going on the Facebook payroll to get rich. - - - - -
The payoff for sucking up to Obama is clear in the awarding of a pile of taxpayer money to a couple of his media stooges, CBS News and the Washington Post. Each was given taxpayer dollars to fund their own contractually-obligated health plans for retired employees. Yes! Whoring is profitable! - - - - -
Remind me again. Our vital interest in Libya is .... what??? - - - - -
It's hard to believe that some American media figures blame that Florida preacher who burned a copy of the Quran for the murder of totally unassociated UN employees in Afghanistan by crazed Muslim fanatics. If our freedom of speech is to be limited by the blood-frenzy of nut-case Islamists on the other side of the world, we are in serious trouble. Lindsay Graham and David Petraeus ought to be ashamed of themselves for their efforts to suppress that freedom. - - - - -
From the "What's New?" department ... Nancy Pelosi making utterly outrageous claims that Republicans plan to starve senior citizens. Do even San Francisco's loonies still take this nut-job seriously? - - - - -
Donald Trump is running second in New Hampshire Republican polling with 21%. Romney leads with 27%. Trump's showing should be a wake-up call for Democrats -- and some Republicans -- who've dismissed those who aren't sure Obama was born in this nation. Dismissing them as a "tiny fringe group" isn't working, and WON'T work unless/until Obama produces a REAL birth certificate, which he has not yet done, no matter what his fan-club in the media says. The Rasmussen poll, by the way, finds that 48% of Americans say their views are closer to the Tea Party than the average member of congress; only 22% say the reverse. - - - - -
Today's significant statistic: 75% of immigrant families from Mexico receive some kind of welfare benefit. - - - - -
Watching the NCAA women's basketball championship game last night -- a thriller won by Texas A & M over Notre Dame -- one couldn't help but hope that the men who put on that abysmal shooting performance on the previous night were watching. Both women's teams were shooting well over 50% from the field late in the game, compared to the endless series of clankers put up by the Butler and U-Conn men's teams Monday night. Possible explanation: there's no pro league sucking up the best female players long before they graduate. - - - - -
It's not quite a "man bites dog" story, but 25-year-old Ryan Stephens of Mason, Ohio, has been charged with barking at a police dog. Mr. Stephens' defense seems to be, "He started it." Alcohol may have been involved. WHAT INSANITY IN GOVERNMENT BRINGS
The chief economist for Wells Fargo tells CNBC that this country is following the path of Greece and Portugal with stupid budget decisions and is headed for the same fate. It's inevitable: let crazed Democrats and goon-squad government unions call the shots, and ultimately fiscal disaster is guaranteed. But don't worry. When we reach that "second-world" state, the UN will feel sorry for us. Won't they?? - - - - -
A reminder from Jay Nordlinger of National Review Online regarding a perfect response to the usual Democrat prattle about "heartless conservatives": Cong. Michelle Bachman, a likely presidential candidate, has helped raise twenty-three (23!) foster children. Okay, Dumbocrats, just how many of YOUR heroes have done anything remotely comparable? - - - - -
Dear Leader, explain to us, please, how windmills are going to run our cars. (I see low overpasses as one problem.) - - - - -
Gallup Poll finds support for the Obamster slipping among both blacks and Hispanics. Apparently, O-dude, even your complexion isn't enough to fool every person of color into believing you're actually competent. - - - - -
Overlooked by our Big Media, but reported in London's Daily Mail ... An Obama friend and golfing buddy was arrested in Honolulu after approaching a woman he thought was a prostitute. She wasn't. She was an undercover police-woman. The friend's unfortunate name is Robert ... Titcomb. Yes. Titcomb. - - - - -
So Glen Beck is leaving Fox News Channel. Industry gossip has it that he's planning to start his own cable-TV channel. I wish him well, but the history of such ventures precludes optimism. Oprah, who had millions more viewers than Beck, has tried with her Oprah Winfrey Network (OWN) and made no headway whatsoever. - - - - -
I'm not a big fan of Donald Trump, although I do find him entertaining. But to the Democrats who laugh at his "lack of experience", remind us again of just exactly what qualifications Barack Obama has for running ANYTHING. So far, the O's future resume could be summarized thusly: "Failed President of the United States." - - - - -
If "non-essential" government employees are to be furloughed during the expected government shutdown, why are they on the payroll in the first place? - - - - -
If, when the dust settles on the Wisconsin Supreme Court election, it turns out that the labor union shill has won, the governor, constitutionally obligated to balance the budget, and local government officials who are similarly obligated, will have no choice but to fire SOME union workers. This would set up a "divide and conquer" scenario of newly-unemployed former government employees facing their still-working fellows whose unreal expectations cost those jobs. One suspects friendships and camaraderie will be severely strained in such a scenario. By the way, given Milwaukee's history of fraudulent elections (favoring Democrats, of course; a road-company version of Chicago) Republicans had better be prepared for some fierce infighting during the recount and legal challenges to the election. And Madison is the Berkeley of the Midwest. - - - - -
Research at the University of Southern California finds evidence that air pollution in the Southland causes brain disorders. Something to be evaluated when considering the perils and chaos created by the state's elected officials. - - - - -
Meredith Viera leaving the "Today" show on NBC ... word comes now that Matt Lauer will also be bailing out. Suggestion for NBC re replacements. Wendy Williams and Snoop Dog, with Dennis Kucinich on weather. - - - - -
Dan Sorkin passes along a classic shaggy-dog story ... A Scotsman, an Englishman, an Irishman, a Latvian, a Chinese, a Japanese, a Kiwi, a Canadian, an Eskimo, a Fijian, a Turk, an Aussie, an American, an Egyptian, a Spaniard, a Mongolian, a Tibetan, a Pole, a Mexican, a Spaniard, a Greek, a Russian, an Estonian, a German, an Indian, an Italian, a Brazilian, a Kenyan, a South African, a Filipino, a Pakistani, a Korean, an Argentinean, a Lithuanian, a Dane, a Finn, a Swede, an Israeli, a Romanian, a Bulgarian, a Serb, a Czech, a Moroccan, an Estonian, a Chechnyan, an Ivorian, a Serb, a Chilean, a Panamanian, a Tunisian, a Brazilian, a Swiss, a Portuguese, a Sudanese and a Dutchman walk into a bar . The bouncer says, "Sorry. I can't let you in without a Thai." WE ARE KNOWN BY THE COMPANY WE KEEP
Obama went to New York to cozy-up to race-monger Al Sharpton. His spiritual guru for years was the blatant racist Jeremiah Wright. What might a reasonable person conclude from these associations? And what would liberals have said if any Republican president chose to bask in the company of the Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan? - - - - -
Barack, you and your addle-brained sycophants were NOT the ones we were waiting for. But, nevertheless, you and the wife and kids have (another) wonderful vacation in Williamsburg. - - - - -
When Obama took office, gasoline nationwide averaged $1.87 per gallon. Are you REALLY better off today than you were then? The price of fuel may get much, much worse. After all, Obama appointed as his energy secretary an elitist fool named Steven Chu -- from U.C.-Berkeley, where else? -- who's on the record as stating he wants to give us $10 per gallon gasoline. - - - - -
Even the liberal Washington Post says Nancy Pelosi's lying with her absurd claim that Republican budget plans would starve six million elderly. All the other bullfeathers aside, one fundamental flaw in her "reasoning" is that only 2.6 million seniors are even involved in the Agriculture Department's food subsidy program. The Post, in its lie-catching feature, awards the Plastic Surgery Queen four Pinocchios with extended noses for her disdain of the truth. - - - - -
Just how much room do gutless congressional Democrats, starting with the skin-crawlingly repulsive Harry Reid, have to complain about budget issues when they didn't use their then-majorities in both houses to pass one at all? - - - - -
Memo to JoAnne Kloppenburg, the Democrat union shill who ran against Justice David Prosser for a seat on the Wisconsin State Supreme Court: time to re-learn the wisdom in the old saying about not counting your chickens before they hatch. Ms. Kloppenburg, who rushed to claim a victory that now appears unlikely, betrayed a less-than-judicial temperament by announcing in her campaign exactly how she'd decide in the case of the governor's limitation on government union collective bargaining rights. Democrats need to be reminded, by the way, that their icon, FDR, strongly opposed such "rights". He assumed, correctly, that such a privilege would eventually lead to government unions, in effect, negotiating with themselves since their dues-collecting powers would inevitably lead to them owning the politicians. - - - - -
Given the ongoing crime and carnage in their country, sensible Mexicans should wish that the U.S. had annexed their entire country instead of cheering for the anarchists who want to take part of this country into Mexico. - - - - -
Does anyone seriously envision a happy ending in Libya? - - - - -
Paul Krugman, the ultra-leftist who masquerades as a serious economist at the New York Times says the only reason the U.S. is not a socialist country is that we're racists. - - - - -
From Craig Ferguson ... "President Obama announced his re-election campaign, though it's not really a surprise. He did all the things that make it official: He filed the paperwork, redesigned his website, and printed another fake birth certificate." BENEATH CONTEMPT; THE VERY IDEA
Both sides are claiming victory in the temporary budget deal that saved a few drops of water in an ocean of over-spending. But one aspect of this debacle that must never be repeated is the very idea of withholding pay from our military people, many of whom are daily going in harm's way at the direction of this same contemptible government. In a just world, any politician of any rank who even suggests such a thing would be immediately conscripted into the military, regardless of age, rank or physical condition and sent immediately into the most hazardous zone of conflict. Today, that would mean rural Afghanistan. The starting pay in the military is $1,357.20 per month. Any expletive-expletive scum-sucking parasite politician who would deny such a sum to military men or women and their families isn't fit to be spat upon. Afterthought: while the stupid idea of suspending military pay was being discussed over the past few days, wonder how many GI's were asking, "Is a country that won't pay its defenders even WORTH defending?" - - - - -
The polls now show, for the first time, that most Americans have given up on Afghanistan as a bad deal and want us to get out. Meantime, Defense Secretary Robert Gates says we may be in Iraq for YEARS. I will repeat an argument I made on the air on ABC Radio in San Francisco regarding Iraq. "We SHOULD have gone in, overthrown his government and hanged Saddam Hussein. Then we should've gotten the hell out, leaving behind this message: 'We don't care what you people do, as long as it doesn't threaten us. If we do suspect even the smallest hint of a threat, we'll come back and kill every damned one of you!'" The last few words were slightly hyperbolic, but I still think the principle was correct regarding Iraq and, today, regarding Afghanistan. Saying it publicly brought me much heat from the over-sensitive left and, typically, ABC management at the time shivered and reprimanded me. One of many reasons I'm glad to be out of the broadcasting game -- spineless management. - - - - -
One can't help but notice that Democrats, ever-protective of the nation's largest abortion-mill, Planned Parenthood, always couch their support in terms like "women's health". Cutting thru this smokescreen of evasion and regardless of one's own position on abortion, it's obvious that if pregnancy had been regarded merely as a "women's health issue" throughout history, the vast majority of us would not even be here today. - - - - -
Since Sen. Chuck Schumer, the camera-hogging Democrat from New York, inadvertently spilled the beans that the use of the very word was part of the slimy campaign tactics of the party of defeat and debt, everyone should be aware that when one of these creeps uses "extreme" in a statement, he/she is about to tell you a whopping lie. No sane person, of course, would take it seriously when it comes from the likes of Harry Reid, who looks like a poster-boy for a lineup of cretins suspected of mopery. (One definition: the act of exposing oneself to a blind person.) - - - - -
The out-of-touch, know-it-all academics who make up much of the Obama administration want to put more and more ethanol into our gasoline. Aside from the fact that using this inefficient fuel (it costs more to produce it than it returns in energy) is largely responsible for the huge run-up in food prices, most cars on the road today can handle only a limited amount of the stuff diluting gasoline. Two sure consequences: poorer mileage, and damage to engines and other components that simply can't handle the stuff. The very fact that ethanol is being used for fuel at all is due, purely and simply, to sleazy politicians of both parties whoring themselves out to the corn-growing lobby and outfits like Archer-Daniels-Midland. - - - - -
The trouble is not over in Egypt. Those who thought the resignation of Mubarak signaled the dawn of a happy new democratic day for one of the world's oldest civilizations are doubtless disturbed. They should be. Only naive fools and those over-educated academic types could possibly believe that a thousand years of devotion to a faith -- or CAUSE -- called Islam would suddenly be traded for a political system that allows the kind of choices forbidden by the Quran. Footnote: Many third-world peoples who SAY they want democracy really only understand it to mean that, with enough numbers, they can out-vote and then suppress those with whom they disagree. - - - - - Jimmy Kimmel's take on the tunnel being dug under the White House: "There is a lot of speculation as to what the tunnel’s true purpose is, whether it’s for security or transportation. Or, maybe it leads directly to Oprah’s bedroom." CLIP AND SAVE IN YOUR DIARY
Prediction. If not Donald Trump, then history and the passage of time will reveal that the American people and primarily Democrats have been suckered by one of the biggest frauds ever perpetrated in politics in the election of a shadowy mystery man whose background is as mysterious as the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa. The long-term effect will be a disgrace to the Democratic Party of such impact that it will discredit and disable them for a generation. Many prominent media figures will also find their reputations in tatters. Of course, thru design or incompetence, by then Obama/Soetoro may have done irreparable damage to the nation. - - - - -
Obama's "No (American) boots on the ground in Libya" pledge seems to be subject to stretching. We have "advisors" in-country already (perhaps they wear tasseled loafers) and Gen. Carter Ham, our man on the scene, suggests, reluctantly, that a larger involvement may be in prospect. - - - - -
Still waiting! Where are the mobs shouting, "No blood for oil!"?! - - - - - Another sign of decline. In Iraq, mobs are demanding that American troops get out. Can you imagine what would have happened to any German or Japanese who made such demands post-WW 2? - - - - -
Recommended reading for today. Go to the COMMENTARY website. Scroll down to Peter Wehner's article entitled "A Well-executed Con Job". - - - - -
American Jews have historically been liberal and voted Democratic. One might wonder if the blatant pro-Muslim, anti-Israel policies of Barry Soetoro have inspired any new thinking among them. Everything about the man's (known) history reveals a streak of anti-Semitism a mile wide, excepting his inner-coterie of lackey sellouts. They are little league dhimmis. (Non-Muslims who have made themselves subservient to Muslims.) - - - - -
Notice the absence of Al Gore from the media scene? Is he in hiding because his global-warming money scam is now revealed to thinking people as a joke? - - - - -
So Prince William and his betrothed, the lovely Kate, have invited former boyfriends/girlfriends/lovers to their wedding. How civilized! How ... British! If only we could expect a food-fight for a grand finale ... - - - - -
Lawrence O'Donnell, one of the parade of left-wing shills on MSNBC, broke into tears talking about the possibility of your tax dollars being denied to the Planned Parenthood abortion mill. When a rational person hears O'Donnell, one can only feel sorrow that -- in some cases -- abortion can't be retroactive. - - - - -
The tsunami that hit northern Japan was measured at 15 meters, almost 50 feet. Anybody in Malibu nervous? - - - - -
More liberal craziness. Seattle, which is every bit as nutty as San Francisco, has the public schools pushing an effort to re-name Easter eggs "spring spheres". - - - - -
To conclude, a story of unrequited love. Helen Staudinger of Ft. McCoy, Florida, is 92. She became enamored of her 53-year-old next-door neighbor, Dwight Bettner. She asked him for a kiss. He refused. She went home, got her automatic pistol and began firing at his house. Mr. Bettner was not injured, but he has belatedly learned one of life's vital lessons: Never annoy a horny 92-year-old! CLEAR, BUT WITH A CHANCE OF SQUALLS
Given the trend in the polls, Republicans have every reason to be optimistic going into 2012. Clearly, the nation at large is wising-up to the spineless anti-American Marxist with the dubious background in the White House. But with no strong horse showing signs of emerging from the field of potential candidates (I know; it's early) it's vital that Republicans remember their history of being their own worst enemies in candidate selection. Carrying the burden of leadership is going to be even more difficult than usual in 2012, because the candidate must (A) convince the majority of voters he/she can bring our insane government spending under control while (B) not frightening too many of that ever-growing number dependent upon a few -- or many -- government services and (C) being thick-skinned and mentally sharp enough to ward off and challenge the inevitable charges of "Hitlerism" that will inevitable issue from the left. You know -- the people who wanted more civility in our political dialogue. - - - - -
There are few things more difficult in politics than taking away goodies that have already been granted by government. Recipients tend to be like squalling children who never grow up to the extent of losing their expectation that Santa Claus will come calling every year. And that is the burden the next Republican candidate for president must shoulder. - - - - -
By the way ... isn't it NICE of all these Democrat spokesparrots to advise Republicans which potential candidates have no chance of winning? - - - - -
A dream unfulfilled: Moving the income tax deadline day to the day before election day in November. - - - - -
Don't you love the gentility with which the wild-spending Democrats couch their tax-increase proposals? "Those who earn above (pick a figure) will be asked ... ASKED ... to 'contribute' more. ASKED? CONTRIBUTE? Please! The way the IRS works is ... pay up, or go to prison! - - - - -
Of course we're all entitled to our views on abortion, but the sheer deceptiveness of the tactics used by supporters of Planned Parenthood in the battle over taxpayer funding of PP is offensive to anyone with a regard for the kind of government transparency promised -- but not delivered -- by the Obama administration. Those supporters like to talk about "women's health" and breast-cancer screening. Somehow, they can't bring themselves to mention the 900-plus abortions Planned Parenthood performs every DAY. When PP gets government dollars, where do they go? Last year they spent more than a million dollars to get Democrats elected. - - - - -
To loud Muslim protests, France's law forbidding women from wearing the veil in public went into effect today as the nation belatedly begins to right back against cultural colonialism carried out in the nation by Islam. The French decided it isn't necessary to have their streets crowded with people who look like they're going to a masquerade party. - - - - -
About that Masters Golf Tournament green jacket. The winner doesn't get to keep it. He can wear it for a year, then he has to bring it back. It then goes into storage, never to leave Augusta National again. - - - - -
Conan O'Brien: "Toyota says they're going to start integrating Microsoft technology into their vehicles. It's perfect for the person who wants a car that crashes every 10 minutes." KARL WOULD BE PROUD OF HIS DISCIPLE
Unsurprisingly, the Community Organizer wants to raise taxes on "the rich". Guarantee: that definition will be stretched to include vast portions of the middle class. As matters stand now, the top 5% of income-earners pay well over a third of all income taxes; the top half pay about 97% of all income taxes. The bottom half of income-earners are effectively freeloading. But they can still vote, fulfilling the prophecy attributed to Benjamin Franklin that "when people find they can vote themselves money from the treasury that will herald the end of the republic." - - - - -
So you want to be a responsible citizen. Getting to work confronts you with likely $5-per-gallon gasoline in the (very) near future, then the Marxist-in-Chief wants a bigger slice of what's left of your paycheck to placate the mobs of freeloaders who regularly fill the streets with obscene signs. Welcome to the world of "Hope & Change"! - - - - -
The Ninth District Federal Court of Appeals, based in Lunatic City, A/K/A San Francisco -- relying heavily on the opinion of foreign governments, starting with Mexico -- has blocked enforcement of some parts of Arizona's immigration law. It should be remembered that this court, which has jurisdiction over several western states, is the most over-turned (by the Supreme Court) district court in the nation. This court is nothing more than a dumping ground for liberals (of both parties) who are owed a payoff by whichever party is in power when a vacancy occurs. It is to be hoped that wiser heads on the High Court will ultimately prevail, although if Obama gets a chance to make an appointment to a seat presently held by a conservative, that's a very iffy hope. - - - - -
Recommended reading: TOWNHALL.COM ... John Hawkins ... "5 Things That Will Happen to You When America Goes Bankrupt." There's historical fact to back this frightening set of predictions of where the demands of freeloading parasites are taking us. - - - - -
I will be frankly astonished if Mitt Romney is the Republican nominee for president. He may be a fine man and astute businessperson, but his association with Romneycare in Massachusetts dating to his days as governor would deprive Republicans of one of their major campaign points against Obama. Romneycare, after all, is regarded as the precursor to the hated Obamacare. His attempt to excuse this failed experiment as a federalist effort, i.e., leaving such matters to individual states, is highly unlikely to convince most Republicans. His supporters, of course, will make the usual "big tent" argument endemic among country club party members. It always comes down to, "We're really just like the Democrats, only a little less so." That argument overlooks the elephant in the room: If people want a Democrat, they'll vote for a REAL one. - - - - -
Republicans fear an independent run by Donald Trump that would drain votes. Now there are muted cries of alarm from Democrats who think Obama's ultimate embrace of many Bush policies could encourage a candidate from the left. Names? The only truly well-known would be Hillary. However, she was co-opted once by the job of Secretary of State, and she might be again by an appointment to the Supreme Court. Say, when Ruth Bader Ginsburg's health forces her out. - - - - -
Feeling crowded? Move to west Texas, which has fewer people per square mile than any other populated region in the nation. Try Loving County, total population 82. Or if you just want to experience short-term solitude, do the drive from Dallas to El Paso. But don't let the gas tank get low -- stations are far, far apart. - - - - -
"I'm getting old." "How old ARE you?" "I'm so old, I remember when Tiger Woods won golf tournaments." WHEN POLITICIANS SPEAK, HYPOCRISY
This morning on Fox News, Sen. Rand Paul was asked the usual question about the forthcoming budget debate. He suggested that upper-income Americans be asked (asked!) to take reduced Social Security benefits. I was frankly surprised that such a blatant deception came from conservative Sen. Paul, but its exemplary of political-speak. When these lying hypocrites say, "We're asking ..." what they mean is, "We're passing a law you damned well better obey or you go to jail!" Is there a special school that teaches aspiring pols to lie and obfuscate? - - - - -
From the "Act for America" newsletter. This is an organization making a serious effort to warn this sleeping nation of the threat from murderous Islamists: "Last week, Dalia Mogahed, a member of President Obama’s Advisory Council on Faith-based and Neighborhood Partnerships; stated during an interview to the satellite channel “Mehwar”: “Washington has no worries concerning the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.” She further elaborated that President Obama respects the Muslim Brotherhood due to their organizational skills. So ... it appears that our very own "community organizer" finds admirable qualities in an organization openly dedicated to the enslavement or extinction of non-Muslims. Surprised? I didn't think so ... (THANKS, DAN) - - - - -
If a near-16% increase in the federal government's budget in the first half of the year isn't enough to awaken the most stupid liberal in the Senate (admittedly a hard title to earn amidst fierce competition) our financial mess is hopeless. George W. Bush, a fiscal moron, looks like Warren Buffett compared to the hopeless Marxist dope now occupying the White House. - - - - -
The Shadow Government website figured the inflation rate by the formula long in use before the government monkeyed around with the figures to make them look better, and found that today's actual inflation rate is close to 10%, which will be no surprise to anyone who's watched video of the government printing presses cranking out increasingly worthless currency, bought groceries or filled a gas tank. By the ancient, infallible rule of 72, if inflation continues only at the present rate (it WILL worsen), that means the price of everything will double in just over seven years. Plan accordingly. - - - - -
Just so I can correct my calendar ... when, exactly, did whores become "sex workers"? - - - - -
Point to remember when watching an Obama speech. When he breaks the "look left, look right" rhythm of reading the teleprompter reflector screens and looks straight into the lens, you should know that a prompter screen is also located right over the lens of that camera. It's, in effect, a one-way mirror and the camera sees right thru it. Your friendly news anchors use the same device. Obama, the news anchors ... they're ALL reading. - - - - -
An activist group claiming that Republicans are out to "starve the poor" has organized several thousand of those poor folk by staging ... a fast! In other words, "They're trying to starve us, so we'll show 'em by ... not eating!" - - - - - The charisma-short Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty isn't helping himself by going on TV and discounting Sarah Palin, Michele Bachman (from his own state!) and Donald Trump as candidates. Dude, they all have fans and followers, and you just wrote off their votes in case you DO make the finals in the primaries. - - - - -
So Nancy Pelosi wants the Republican Party to be more like the Democrats so that elections won't matter so much. Very helpful ... - - - - -
If Democrats believe the Tea Party is a "tiny, radical fraction", why do they spend so much time and effort attacking it? Methinks thou doth protest too much ... - - - - -
Suggested Republican ad for next fall. Two photos. Simple gas station signs showing the price on the day Obama was elected, alongside the then-current price. No dialogue needed. THE ASLEEP-IN-THE-TOWER EPIDEMIC
The solution to the rash of reported incidents of airport controller tower operators going to sleep on the overnight shift at lesser-used airports is as obvious as it is unlikely. First, let's accept that for every incident that has made the news, there have doubtless been dozens -- if not hundreds -- of others. Only a stupid government burocracy would posit that the proper response is to hire more people. The obvious answer is a "dead man's switch" such as is in use on every railroad and many other jobs where staying awake and attentive is demanded. If a lone operator doesn't hit a large button every minute or two or three, an alarm would sound that would wake the dead. If, as some apologists maintain, the problem is rotating shifts -- STOP ROTATING SHIFTS! Award shifts based on seniority, just as airlines assign pilots to flights; they "bid" for flights ... senior pilot gets the flight in question. By the way ... perhaps our Kenyan/Indonesian/Marxist/whatever president should install such a device for Vice-President Joe Biden who, based on yesterday's video, cannot stay awake during those lengthy, meaningless partisan presidential lectures. - - - - -
Obama is whipping a dead horse in his health care boondoggle. The Associated Press, which long ago joined its colleagues in the big media as part of the Obama cheering section, has a new poll showing overall public support of Obama's socialized medicine is down to 35% and seniors, the most observant sector where medical matters are concerned, show support below 30%. It is vital ... urgent ... necessary ... that Republicans who support major changes in our unsustainable medical care system make it clear that NOBODY presently on Medicare and NOBODY presently 55 or more would be affected by their changes in any way. Thus, those under 55 would have ample time to plan and adapt to whatever changes are adopted. Of course, history suggests that Republican pols will blithely assume that "everyone knows" and will make only minimal effort to explain. That is, after all, the standard Republican formula for seizing defeat from the jaws of victory. - - - - -
Two sobering words for Republican supporters of Donald Trump who are attracted by name-recognition and celebrity. Arnold Schwarzenegger. There was a REAL Republican, Tom McClintock, in the race to replace Gray Davis as governor of California. Californians being Californians, most elected Ah-nuld based on his fame as an actor (?). He was a total failure and sold out to the Democrats on one occasion after another. Trump serves a purpose in his opposition to Obama, but his utility should not be exaggerated. Highly-publicized questioning of Obama's bonafides is hardly sufficient qualification to be president, although his resume IS better than the present occupant of the White House. - - - - -
Why is the Obama administration hiding many of the names of people who've visited the White House? If you aren't curious, you should be. - - - - -
Headline: "INFLATION PRESSURES RISE". The American people, innocent and guilty fools alike, are soon going to pay the price for putting an incompetent (or anti-American, take your choice) in the White House. - - - - -
The biggest problem Republicans will face if they (A) win the White House and (B) add control of the Senate is this: The average American wants government spending and debt brought under control, BUT ... "Don't take away any of MY goodies!" Therein lies the rub. - - - - -
Today's synonyms. "Progressive" = "Moron". - - - - -
Following Obama's farcical speech yesterday, once again a cry of "Impeach!" is heard across the land. Thus, once again it seems necessary to conduct a brief course in civics and government. The House can impeach a president -- that is, INDICT him -- but removal from office requires such a vote by the Senate. The Senate is still controlled by Democrats. Therefore, such a vote is impossible to achieve short of truly extraordinary circumstances. So forget about impeachment. It's not in the cards. And I'm sorry it seems necessary to correct yet another failure of American education. - - - - -
If airhead Congresswoman Lynn Woolsey (D, California) thinks the Paul Ryan budget proposal is a "roadmap to ruin" (her words), I'd take it as a virtual guarantee that it's sensible, even brilliant. - - - - -
The woman who falsely accused Duke University lacrosse players of rape may now be facing murder charges. The man she stabbed has died. She's already been convicted of child abuse. I'm sure those Duke faculty members who took out a full-page ad supporting her in the charges against the athletes are proud of themselves. - - - - -
Given his connection to Romneycare as governor of Massachusetts, the precursor to Obamacare, a nomination of Mitt Romney by the R's would be a death sentence in the presidential election. - - - - -
It's Leno's line: "A new poll shows that only 19 percent of Americans strongly approve of President Obama's performance. The other 81 percent don't own gas stations." FRIENDS? FOES? WHO KNOWS?
Now Al Qaeda forces operating in Libya have orders to fight (A) Gaddafi and (B) western forces under NATO. Time to post the sign: "Warning--Quagmire Ahead." - - - - -
Donald Trump on Obama: "I think he has a chance to go down as a great president. He's done an amazing job." Pack it in, dude. No chance you'll be the Republican nominee. One thing he COULD do is run as an independent and do to the Republican nominee what Ross Perot did to Bush #1 in his run against Clinton. Without Perot draining votes, the ol' Hillbilly Whorehopper would be no more than an answer to a trivia question. - - - - -
Obama says the Republicans want to turn the U.S. into a "third world country". But Barry, isn't that what you WANT? One would think so, after all your rhetoric about this country being no better than any other. - - - - -
The usually Obama-friendly Gallup poll now shows his public opinion approval down to 42%. - - - - -
Perhaps you've noticed the trend in on-camera personnel used by CNN. It appears they've given up as a lost cause their battle with Fox News for the biggest slice of the cable news audience, so now they're increasingly populating their shows with minorities -- black, Latino, Muslim -- in a clear bid for that niche market. Much like some big-city TV stations obviously program their daytime lineup for non-working minorities. They'll deny it, but watch and decide for yourself. I know, I know ... how un-PC of me to point out the obvious. - - - - -
The system has been around so long, it's taken for granted. But consider: where is the logic in a nation rewarding debt by making much of it tax-deductible, but taxing savings, i.e., the interest earned? Hardly a policy that rewards thrift and saving for the retirement in which so many people are deficient. - - - - -
Congresswoman Barbara Lee (D-California) is one of five fasting to protest budget cuts. Good move, Congresswoman -- and cheaper than Jenny Craig! - - - - -
Another leftist hero with feet of clay. Scott Ritter, embraced by the left because of his anti-Iraq-war outspokenness in the '90's, has been convicted of trying to lure a 15-year-old girl (he thought; it was actually a cop) into sex via an internet chat-room. His lame excuse was that pressures after quitting his job as a UN weapons inspector drove him to it. The jury didn't buy his story. He's looking at a possible seven years in the Graybar Hotel. - - - - -
Gold is approaching $1500 per ounce. The steady climb of the precious metal reminds me of one of the few (of many) truly stupid phone calls I remember taking during years as a talk-show host. A typical San Francisco radical called in as I was discussing the reasons behind the rise in gold prices, then around $1000 per ounce. He thought the idea of buying gold was laughable because, "You can't take it to the store and buy a loaf of bread." It apparently never occurred to this stellar product of American education that gold could readily be exchanged for the increasingly-worthless paper money that the grocery stores DO accept. - - - - -
Recommended reading: Frontpagemag.com and Jamie Glazov's interview with Ying Ma, author of "Chinese Girl in the Ghetto." It makes clear a truth that our society largely denies. Minorities, especially Latino and black, who claim that, because of their minority status, they can't be racists. Yet both have a dishonorable history of brutalizing Asians. Ying Ma's family immigrated to Oakland, where she got a full education in the subject. And those who recall the Watts riots in LA will remember that Koreans, who had nothing to do with the causes of which blacks there complained, were brutally victimized by their black neighbors. And then there were Jews in New York, murdered by blacks for BEING Jews. - - - - -
Conan O'Brien: "'Hustler' publisher Larry Flynt has written a book about the sex lives of American Presidents. The highlights are the chapter on Jefferson, the chapter on Garfield and the first 125 chapters on Clinton." OLD BROADCASTER AXIOM:
TREAT EVERY MICROPHONE AS IF IT WERE LIVE History note: once while Pres. Reagan was doing a mike-check prior to a speech he said, in a clearly joking manner, "We begin bombing Russia in five minutes," or words to that effect. He knew the microphone was live. Given his vast media experience, he knew the engineer simply had to establish a voice level. The liberal media had a hissy-fit. Now that Obama has said into a microphone -- inadvertently left on -- words that strip away his carefully contrived patina of political civility and reveal him to be what he's always been, a sleazy Chicago political hack, those same media people are reluctant to pursue the issue. Obama: "You think we're stupid?" Yes. Crafty and conniving, yes. But also stupid. Of course, we shouldn't discount the possibility that that was a deliberate leak to improve O's standing with the hard left. - - - - -
The obfuscation and hypocrisy from Obama/Soetoro/whoever the hell he is ... never ends. Lie of the week: his reference to public disinterest in "how a woman takes care of her health." He means, of course, abortion. He and his fellow liberals choose to regard it as nothing more than an inconvenient disease. Like, say, a cold. - - - - -
Let us hope that, having nothing else to do now that her disastrous turn at House Speaker is over, Nancy Pelosi will use her money-raising phone to buy a new phone for Barry. He's expressed his wish for a phone with all the bells and whistles, so perhaps such a gadget will keep him sufficiently occupied as to not to further damage to the nation. - - - - -
The most clearly uncomfortable person in Washington is Jay Carney, former "journalist" who now serves as the White House spokesparrot. But he can take solace in the knowledge that the deck is stacked so that he, like his predecessor, will be shuffled into a big-bucks job once he's served his time as the official liar. - - - - -
Now we're told that union rules preclude logic in the scheduling of air traffic controllers. Too bad we don't have a president with the cojones of a Ronald Reagan, who simply fired the whole damned bunch. Him, they understood. Instead, under today's government buffoons, we get plans to pad the payroll with more controllers -- paying dues to the union, of course. - - - - -
A Chevy Volt electric car is suspected of having caused a fire. The steering wheel came off a new Chevy Cruze. Those Government Motors dudes really have a handle on the auto industry, don't they? - - - - -
Best news of the week: Judge David Prosser re-elected to the Wisconsin State Supreme Court, despite riots and millions spent by union goons from across the country. He's regarded as certain to be the deciding vote to uphold the new law prohibiting collective bargaining by government unions. Franklin D. Roosevelt, as president, was totally opposed to such "rights", saying it would be a disaster. As is evident in many states, it has been exactly that. They're facing bankruptcy because of the giveaways to those unions by bought-and-paid-for Democrat politicians. Think of California, just for starters. - - - - -
Isn't it long past time to admit that "putting more money into education" is a failed policy that benefits only the teachers' union? Evidence has been clear for years that there is NO connection between education spending and actual educational achievement. - - - -
Parts of Arizona may look like home to some Arab immigrant, but be on notice: don't bring your medieval ways with you. That Iraqi immigrant who ran over his 20-year-old daughter because she was "too westernized" has been sentenced to 34 years in Stony Lonesome. Arizona is not yet saturated with the kind of "tolerance" that marks much of both coasts. - - - - -
DOA. Dead on arrival. Any possible presidential-nomination campaign by Jon Huntsman, the former Republican Congressman from Utah who took an appointment as Obama's ambassador to China. The surfacing of his love-letters to and about Obama and the Clintons is enough to put an end to his fantasies. - - - - -
Credit Jay Leno with this one. "Vice President Joe Biden fell asleep during Obama's speech. He has now been named an honorary air traffic controller." HAPPY TAX DAY, FELLOW SUCKERS!
We're facing income tax deadline day tomorrow. If you DO pay income taxes, that places you in the half of Americans supporting the half who DON'T. In other words, you're picking up the tab for the freeloaders. And our Marxist-in-chief wants you to pick up more of it. If our colonial forefathers thought taxation without representation was bad, they ought to see it WITH representation. - - - - -
Our government, starting with bug-eyed Napolitano of Homeland Security, complains that Mexican drug gangs are killing people with guns from the U.S. Now, evidence surfaces that a government agency, ATF (Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms) ORDERED that guns be allowed to flow from American dealers (some of whom protested the sales) to the mass-murderers of Mexico. Is somebody getting paid off by the cartels? Serious explanations are overdue -- as well as serious punishment. - - - - -
The State of Georgia, which fortunately is outside the range of the nutcakes who make up the majority of the Ninth District Circuit Court of Appeals based in Silly City, San Francisco, has told them to shove it with the court's blocking of the Arizona law requiring presidential candidates to provide a legitimate birth certificate. A new Georgia law. passed overwhelmingly, makes the same requirement. Now it remains to be seen if the Ninth's bungling will again be overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. This bunch of bozos, after all, does hold the record for having the most decisions reversed by the high court. Perhaps their jurisdiction should be limited to, say, the Aleutian Islands. Unless one has sympathy for the walrus. - - - - -
Memo to (or from) Nicolas Cage. "It's never wise to dare cops to arrest you." - - - - -
We have a new, living definition of "luddite". Jesse Jackson, Jr., says the I-pad is killing jobs. And what a shame those automobiles put buggy-whip manufacturers out of business, too. Junior truly is his father's son; last month Jackson II was promoting the I-pad on the House floor. - - - - -
If only Sarah Palin could get that voice about two octaves lower ... She has a lot to say, but the voice is up there in the Tiny Tim range. - - - - - Just asking. Have TSA airport personnel EVER stopped anyone who was a genuine threat? - - - - -
Cong. Ron Paul has a following, but with gestures toward running again for the Republican presidential nomination, he's put himself in danger of becoming another Harold Stassen, a once-promising politician who turned himself into a joke with his repeated failed runs. - - - - -
Did you get the internet pop-up quiz from CBS News? While clearly a marketing tool (aimed at the electronics industry), their research firm won't be happy at my response to being queried by an Obama propaganda mill. - - - - -
Between fast-increasing inflation, unemployment and gasoline prices, it will take a miracle for Republicans NOT to win back the White House next year. But never doubt the loser mentality always bubbling near the surface in the GOP. A party that will nominate a Bob Dole is capable of screwing up the proverbial one-car funeral. - - - - -
Statistics show those tall spike heels on women's shoes cause more injuries than do sports. Which is why I wear them only on special occasions. - - - - -
Jimmy Kimmel: "President Obama laid out his plan to reduce the $14 trillion national debt. Unfortunately for Sasha and Malia, it involves selling a lot of Girl Scout cookies." THE PARTY'S OVER FOR ECONOMIC INSANITY
We've gotten the word from Standard & Poor's, which rates the credit standing of companies and governments worldwide: we HAVE to get our financial house in order and stop the foolishness perpetrated by Obama & Co. or our credit ratings sink and borrowed money -- by individuals and the government itself -- will be more difficult to obtain and at higher interest rates. The sheer silliness of the likes of Nancy Pelosi has now exceeded its "use by" date. And it is both frightening and fortuitous that the warning came on this year's tax deadline day. Again, it would be instructive for thinking people to review Argentina's 20th century experiences; a once-prosperous country turned into a shambles by demagogic politicians prostituting themselves for greedy government unions with either no foresight or an unwillingness to face immutable economic realities. When it comes to economics, we may have our own Juan Peron in the White House. - - - - -
Anyone who believes Obama's talk about reducing debt means he intends to actually do it is a fool. That's simply pablum for the peasantry. - - - - -
Deluded Republicans had better look long and hard at Trump's support for liberal policies and leftist politicians before they let their infatuation get the better of them. The guy's a snake-oil salesman. Trump says he should be the choice over Mitt Romney because he (Trump) has more money. If that's the standard, let's elect liberal Bill Gates or liberal Warren Buffett to the White House and be done with it. - - - - -
Muslim fanatics in London, responding to France's new law forbidding covering of the face in public, are telling Muslim women in Britain that they have to wear the veil or they will be killed. And where are those much-talked-about "moderate" Muslims this time? The words "moderate" and "Muslim" don't even belong in the same dictionary together. It is a "religion" of fanaticism and murder, and it's delusional to believe otherwise. - - - - -
Winning in Iraq was good. Staying in Iraq was bad. Latest proof: the massacre of Iranian dissidents by Iraqi forces. It appears more and more that the Iraqi government is owned by Iran, and that all we've done is release Iraqis from one tyranny only to turn them over to another. Our own government has been complicit in wasting the "victory", which became evident when it stood aside and let Iraq make a deal for its oil with ... who else? ... China. Or are we already so deeply in debt to China that we can't deny them anything? Living beyond one's means does have a price. - - - - -
Fame is fleeting dep't: When you're hot, you're hot ... when you're not, you... ...are probably Paris Hilton or Britney Spears. "FAIRNESS" IS IN THE EYES OF THE
A standard tactic for liberal demagogues is the class warfare argument that "the rich aren't paying their fair share," as if those libs are the ultimate arbiters of "fairness". The lumpen proletariat lap it up partly because, in many cases, if they were smart enough to understand REAL economics they'd probably be better off financially. Therefore, they don't know -- or wouldn't accept -- this fact from the IRS itself. If every person who earned $500,000 or more were taxed 100%, we would STILL have an enormous deficit. The White House's own website calculates that a family of three earning $50,000 per year would pay only $19 in interest on the national debt. But the actual COST for a family of three is, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office, $1,971, or $657 per person. And just where is the extra money coming from? All those "rich" folks who aren't paying their "fair" share. - - - - -
Aside from a fool in the White House who has never run any kind of business, consider the next two people in line making economic policies that have the nation on the skids. Ben Bernanke, a legacy from Bush, whose demonstrated incompetence would have gotten him fired by any private sector employer, is the Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board, overseeing the printing of more and more increasingly worthless dollars. Timothy Geithner, with old family ties to Obama, is a tax evader and Secretary of the Treasury. No wonder we're in trouble! - - - - -
Let's be clear. An inattentive -- or sleeping -- air traffic controller could get hundreds of people killed in an instant. The only dependable way to send a message to them is not only firing but imprisonment for dereliction of such a critical duty. Some of them cry "stress". To which the only appropriate response is, "You knew it was a stressful job when you took it -- and you didn't HAVE to take it!" - - - - -
Let's be blunt. If Republicans don't win -- big -- next year, there will be no chance of ridding ourselves of the excresence called Obamacare. And if we don't, the progression is inevitable. In an effort to contain costs while taking on millions more freeloaders, including illegal aliens, there WILL be rationing of care. And that rationing will lead to government burocrats deciding, "It will cost X-dollars to save his/her life, so let him/her die." As some know, I am still rehabilitating from five months of hospitalization with a very complex medical case. I'm fortunate to have a very good, albeit expensive, medical plan. But even this plan's Preferred Provider list doesn't include ALL doctors, just as not all doctors participate in Medicare. The doctors participating in "the plan" gave up on me and were preparing my wife for widowhood. Instead, she said, "The hell with 'the plan', and sought the best doctors available. They saved my life. My original medical bills look much like my Social Security number, but these doctors were willing to negotiate their prices downward. What they AREN'T willing to do is let some bean-counter, private or government, tell them they HAVE to do their work for such-and-such a price. By the way, I'm doing well and should be as good as new in a few more months, thank you. Note to liberals: it won't be just the hated conservatives who will die prematurely under Obamacare. - - - - -
Doubts about its enforceability at the state level has led Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer to veto a state law requiring presidential candidates to provide proof of place-of-birth. She may be right, but conservatives are PO'd, big-time. - - - - -
Isn't it nice that Michelle Obama now loves the country which she previously held in outspoken low regard? A few years of freeloading on the taxpayer will do that for you. - - - - -
Smallest surprise of the year:Vaughn Walker, the former federal district judge who overrode California voters to rule that prohibition of gay marriage could not be enforced, turns out to have been in a homosexual relationship with another man for ten years. Obviously, he should have recused himself from the case. The irony of country-club Republicanism strikes again. He was recommended for the judgeship by Pete Wilson and appointed by George H. W. Bush. - - - - -
It wouldn't hurt if you forwarded this column to a friend. Or even a casual acquaintance. - - - - -
Leno: America needs Obama-care like Nancy Pelosi needs a Halloween mask. ANOTHER GOVERNMENT-RUN BUSINESS
Our Fearless Leader proclaimed himself the savior of General Motors, as he wiped out the equity of GM shareholders with his "bailout" plan. Now this, from Agence France Presse, the major French news service which, unlike its American counterparts, does not have lips glued to the Obama buttocks. Obama DOES want to sell the government's ownership chunk of GM, but would the US taxpayers get back the $50 billion he sank into his "bailout"? No chance. The shares would have to sell for $53 each to achieve that break-even goal. They're currently selling under $30 -- and sinking on continuing bad news about poor products -- which would mean a taxpayer loss of over $11 billion. Yessir, those libs really know how to run a business! - - - - -
The highly-respected Financial Times carries a report on Greece's financial condition which should serve a cautionary purpose for Americans who just got word that our own government's credit-worthiness is falling into question. Greece continued down that path, and now the three-year interest rate on government bonds there is over 21%. Which obviously means that, in the private-enterprise and consumer world, rates will go even higher. - - - - -
Dan Sorkin calls my attention to a matter of fact relevant to the debate over "birthright citizenship", the granting of U.S. citizenship even to babies born to illegal immigrant parents with all that implies in terms of taxpayer costs for medical care and other social services, including -- eventually -- education. Liberals claim denying such citizenship would be a heinous crime against human rights, etc., etc. In fact, the U.S. is the ONLY nation in the developed world that still grants such citizenship. The rest of the world has long since realized the silliness of the policy and stopped it. - - - - -
In Florida, an unemployment agency spent $14,000 of taxpayer money on red super-hero capes to give to unemployed people. This kind of blatant idiocy can only really be discouraged by sending the burocrat who dreamed-up this scam for a long stay in the Graybar Hotel. - - - - -
KGMB in Honolulu reports that the former state Health Director Chiyome Fukino has said several times she has personally inspected President Obama's birth certificate twice. So why can't the rest of us see it? I'm no fan of Donald Trump, but he's right on one point: there's something in it that the Dear Leader doesn't want known. Just to be clear, a Hawaiian "Certificate of Live Birth" is NOT the same as a birth certificate. It can be granted on nothing more than a relative's say-so. During the period in which Obama was born, such certificates were granted to children born in other nations who later were brought to Hawaii. The whole thing was contrived as part of a program giving special privileges, clearly racist, to those who claimed native Hawaiian blood. And a birth announcement in a newspaper is worth even less. If you doubt it, check your own local paper's classified rates, send them a fake announcement -- with a check, of course -- and watch it turn up in print. - - - - -
Typical Obama. Holding a meeting on "immigration reform", he pointedly snubbed all the border-state governors, the very people who bear the burden of the federal government's failure to enforce the law. And where was Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Phoenix? I live in Arizona, a half-hour from the border, and I guarantee you I know more about the illegal immigration problem than any of the academics Obama DID invite. He clearly believes that anyone with a Harvard pedigree knows more about anything and everything than does anybody else. - - - - -
In his endless talk about the need for taxpayers to "invest" in our future -- liberalese for government spending on make-work jobs for unions -- Obama talked about the bridge collapse in Minnesota. Fact is, the bridge was already under repair at the time. What he really wants is to blow billions on high-speed rail lines that will have few users, but will line union pockets at taxpayer expense. - - - - -
Indiana is on the way to becoming the first state to stop spending taxpayer dollars to fund abortions performed by the nation's largest abortion mill, Planned Parenthood. Meantime, in Massachusetts, a state government-run website advises teens that abortion is no big deal, and how to hide having one from parents. - - - - -
Further evidence of Obama's ignorance and/or hypocrisy: he blames "speculators" for high gasoline prices. Start issuing more domestic drilling permits, and watch that "speculation" disappear, dummy! - - - - -
The rising price of precious metals has inspired a longtime haiku-poem contributor, Len, to offer the following. Gold and silver soar. My neighborhood is so tough. I'm afraid to smile. - - - - -
Michael offers this advice on What NOT To Wear Together As You Get Older: A nose ring and bifocals. Miniskirts and support hose. Bikinis and liver spots, Thongs and Depends. Pierced Nipples that hang below the waist. BARRY'S COVER ABOUT TO BE BLOWN?
Big-media folk are already attacking Jerome Corsi's book "Where's the Birth Certificate", about Obama's shadowy background, even though the tome isn't even out yet. If memory serves correctly, they had the same attitude when Corsi's book about John Kerry and his swiftboat days in Vietnam came out. Perhaps they've forgotten that that expose was largely responsible for the Massachusetts elitist getting a total butt-kicking in the presidential election. It's too early to predict that this book will drive nails in the coffin of Obama's second-term hopes, but there IS precedent. - - - - -
A new biography of Obama's mother reveals that young Barry announced at the age of nine that he planned to someday be Prime Minister of Indonesia. The ambition for power apparently came early to our Dear Leader. And why do we know so little about his ... odd ... mother? How did her taste for the foreign and exotic affect the world-view of her son? Seems worth pursuing, does it not? - - - - -
Re the rumors that Obama will replace Joe Biden on the ticket: why would he want to dump the man whose presence as next-in-line is his best insurance against impeachment if Republicans should also take control of the Senate? - - - - -
It's the Kiss of Death for most Republicans. That is, the New York Times' flattering profile of Jon Huntsman, former Utah governor, as a presidential candidate. Huntsman served as Obama's ambassador to China and wrote political love-letters to both the Big O and his wife that have been made public. - - - - -
California's dishonorable recent history of electing idiots to Congress continues with the interview of Cong. Loretta Sanchez complaining that too many of her congressional colleagues are too concerned about whether this-or-that congressional action is constitutional. Count on it: this fool will be re-elected and re-elected. - - - - -
He may play at being a "reporter", but make no mistake; Boy George Stephanopolous of ABC-TV is still what he's always been, a Democrat shill and propagandist. - - - - -
Considered in the context of real life as opposed to the Never-Never-Wonderland of Washington, the very idea of more borrowing (raised debt ceiling) by a nation that's already borrowed itself into danger of losing its credit rating would be so absurd as to have its proponents committed to a mental institution. - - - - -
A characteristic of brighter young people is acquiring knowledge unleavened by wisdom, which comes only with time and experience. Thus it's no wonder that the Dear Leader prefers addressing college crowds. They applaud him for advocating more and larger government spending -- excuse me, "investment" -- with no apparent thought for the possibility that they'll be inheriting a national economy laid waste by his irresponsible behavior. - - - - -
Just what is Apple up to, hiding tracking devices in their I-pad and I-phone products? - - - - -
I happened to stumble upon a re-run of "Friends" (which I never watched during its network days) and have a nominee for the all-time list of weenie characters on TV. That would be the "Ross" character, who defines the word "dork" as used in the contemporary vocabulary. - - - - -
It sounds like one of those name-game comedy routines: "If Lauren Bush married Ralph Lauren, Jr., her name would be Lauren Lauren." Well she is, and it WILL be. The George W. niece is slated to wed the son of the fashion designer. - - - - -
Craig Ferguson: "The boyhood home of Bill Clinton has been designated as a National Historic Site. It's great, but I hope it stops there. Because there are a million places that can say 'Bill Clinton Slept Here.'" A SLICE OF AMERICANA FROM THE DEEP
The setting is a small town in Mississippi. A funeral is being planned for a Marine Corps Sergeant killed in Afghanistan. One of those deranged people from that so-called "church" that protests at military funerals shows up in town and blabs about it at a local gas station. Somehow, he manages to get badly beaten-up. Despite the presence of several other local people, a police investigation found that nobody saw anything. End of story. Please -- no tears. - - - - -
Both Apple and Google are run by people who are regarded as "progressives", yet they are building tracking devices into their I-phone and smartphone products. The companies, of course, protest that only benevolent purposes are to be served by this feature, but the question remains: why was this kept secret, and what's to prevent, say, the government from using it to follow individuals? Shouldn't liberals, especially obsessive about privacy rights (in the case of abortion, for example) be extra-ardent in pursuing these questions? - - - - -
From my longtime hometown, the zoo that IS San Francisco, comes word of a group of disenchanted lefties who spent $76,000 to buy a table at an Obama fundraiser for the specific purpose of singing a song telling him he hasn't kept enough of his leftist promises. Nevertheless, they concluded that they'd vote to re-elect him, anyway. This serves to solidify San Francisco's reputation of having more morons per square mile than any other major city in America. - - - - -
Sen. John Ensign, Nevada Republican, is resigning. This was brought about by revelations that he was playing hide-the-weenie with the wife of his assistant. Now the question is whether this creep's inability to "keep it in the holster" is going to cost the Republicans that Senate seat. Ensign is a typical country-club Republican, so it would be only fitting if it did. - - - - -
The free ride for the long-dominant U.S. dollar is over. The financial news is replete with stories about how the buck is hitting record lows in value compared to other currencies. All this is an inevitable consequence of the utter foolishness of putting incompetents like Obama, Bernanke (a Bush appointee) and Treasure Secretary Tim Geithner in positions of responsibility when they aren't qualified to run a street-side lemonade stand. And, of course, they are urged on in their insanity by crackpots like Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, ad infinitum. Of course, all will be well when we seize the future and begin running our cars with windmills. - - - - -
Sen. John "Reach Across the Aisle" McCain is in Libya, proclaiming that the rebels are his heroes. Careful, dude; we don't really know who they are and history recalls some gullible dopes mislabeling the likes of Fidel Castro and the Ayatollah Khomeini as heroes and allies. - - - - -
Even the poll commissioned by Obama posterior-kissers CBS and the New York Times can't hide the reality of disenchantment with the Obama mob. Seventy percent say the country's headed in the wrong direction. One can only wonder why the other 30% aren't institutionalized for their own good. And the poll finds that more Americans approve than disapprove of Republican Congressman Tim Ryan's hard-nosed budget plan. If the R's find a way to lose the next election, they should disband. Actually, 26% believe the country is headed in the right direction. The remaining 4% have no idea what country they're in. - - - - -
Smallest surprise of the year: Rasmussen poll asked Americans, “Before anyone receives local, state or federal government services, should they be required to prove they are legally allowed to be in the United States?” In response, 84% said yes, 9% said no. But the Big O (not the tire company) allows as how immigration reform will be a major part of his re-election platform. - - - - -
Question: Will this weekend find an Easter bonnet with all the frills upon it being worn by the middle-east's leading drag queen, Muammar Gaddafi? - - - - -
Obama's still babbling about "climate change", which shows up in survey after survey near the bottom of the list of the public's concerns. Talk about being out-of-touch ... - - - - -
Definition time. "Immigration reform" means "free pass for violating the law." - - - - -
China thanks you for paying your income taxes! - - - - -
Hard times a'comin' ... A British brewery is creating a limited quantity of Royal Virility Performance beer in honor of the royal wedding. It's beer laced with Viagra; three bottles said to equal one Viagra pill. The slogan on the bottle is "Arise Prince Willy". We await the endorsement by the groom. Or the bride. CAN WE PLEASE HAVE AN ADULT IN CHARGE?
Talk about disconnected from reality! The Dear Leader babbles about how high gas prices are such a burden on Americans ... suggests that poor folk ease the pain by spending $25-40,000 on a hybrid car ... then launches into his sophomoric nonsense about alternative fuels, all of which have thus far proven to be pie-in-the-sky fantasies when stacked up against real-world needs. Grow up, you silly child! - - - - -
Pres. Obama is clearly trying to turn the so-called "birther" controversy to his advantage, but in his zest for a campaign issue he may be whistling past the graveyard. One thing he and his supporters, especially the media suck-ups, cannot get past is this simple question: if there's nothing to hide in his birth certificate, why hide it? And no matter how hard his media sycophants try to sell it, a Hawaiian "Certificate of Live Birth" is NOT, NOT, NOT the same thing as a birth certificate. It was a device created to give those who claimed native Hawaiian blood privileges and advantages over the rest of the population when it came to government goodies and freebies. A little internet research will make that clear. - - - - -
There is dismay in Washington that we're not doing more to save Libyans who largely hate us. Now a similar hue and cry arises on behalf of Syrians - who also largely hate us. They're Muslims ... we're not ... and that's all it takes to ignite their highly flammable Islamic temperament. We ignore that reality -- and it IS a reality -- at our peril. - - - - - Today the Chicago Tribune carries a staff article attacking the state of Arizona over, among other things, the anti-illegal immigration bill passed here. All else aside, the idea that a failing newspaper in the most corrupt city in the most corrupt state in the nation would attack anyone/anywhere else is beyond absurdity. Physician, heal thyself! And start by bringing to a halt the incessant whoring for your local Community Organizer who bamboozled poor, dumb Democrats nationwide. And to think the Tribune was once a respected newspaper. - - - - -
Sympathies to the folk of St. Louis who suffered vast property damage from a tornado. Fortunately, no deaths or injuries are reported. It would be unkind, even for one who lived briefly in St. Louis, to revive the old chestnut, "A tornado hit St. Louis and did billions of dollars worth of improvements." So I won't. - - - - -
The view from abroad: Deutsche Bank, a large and serious German institution with worldwide ties, ranks the U.S. economy as only slightly behind Greece in the race to financial catastrophe. It may be that most Americans will have to feel the effects of a full economic crash to appreciate the utter foolishness of putting an utter fool in the White House. But we'll all suffer from their idiocy. - - - - -
A survey finds that people reach their greatest level of happiness in their 70's and 80's. A follow-up survey find that people who conduct surveys of people in their 70's and 80's tend to be demented. YOU CAN RUN, BUT YOU CAN'T HIDE--FROM
Think owning an electric car will free you from gas prices, which include a huge slice of taxes for the government? Don't be so sure. Liberal Washington state is exploring the idea of a special tax to be imposed on electric cars. If it's tried there, be certain that other states will follow. And motorists being taxed by the mile is another government fund-raising scheme already in the mill. - - - - -
Jimmy Carter is going to North Korea. Again: please ... stay. - - - - -
Recall conservatives' disenchantment with George W.? Observe leftists' similar disenchantment with Obama, and recall my own unashamedly profound advice, as follows. Never fall in love with a politician. They'll break your heart every time. Remember that as you contemplate whatever choices 2012 offers. - - - - -
Obama says if Congress cuts his "investment" in so-called "clean energy", gasoline prices will go higher. Can you conceive of a more thoroughly stupid idea? NOT wasting money on (largely foreign) windmill and solar gimmicks will cause OIL to go higher?! The man is a total loon. - - - - -
My friend Professor Walter Williams suggests that, in order to keep us dependent upon their oil, OPEC may well be supporting the environmental (i.e., anti-drilling) organizations in this country. It IS logical. - - - - -
Call it "The Disease from which Europeans Can't Recover." Much as residents of the Old Continent may take a superior view of our racial friction (not that they're exempt), one fact keeps surfacing. Now, Dutch Jews report an upsurge in Anti-Semitism, threats and beatings. Perhaps there's a need for re-reading "The Diary of Anne Frank". It would appear that the "tolerant" Dutch aren't so tolerant, after all. Unless, of course, you're talking about dope and whores. - - - - -
After the recent beatings on their premises, does McDonald's need to train employees in riot control? - - - - -
Now Pakistan is blocking shipment of vital supplies to our troops in Afghanistan. When are we going to get over this crazed fantasy that devoutly Muslim Pakistan is an ally? - - - - -
Liberal delusion department. Howard Fineman, one of the world's largest consumers of petroleum (for his hair), posits that Obama's poll ratings are so low because -- get THIS! -- people are mad at the REPUBLICAN House of Representatives! A clear case of media people absorbing their own propaganda -- and being made mentally ill by it. - - - - -
The president of Yemen has agreed to step down. If he goes into exile, he's sure to find better scenery and a more salubrious climate than in his own parched country. I've been there. Once. No sane person goes a second time. It's hardly a wonder that such a miserable place is a hatching-ground for terrorist plots. - - - - -
As we contemplate a truly crucial election next year, let us not forget the timeless words of the late, great H. L. Mencken, who pointedly observed that, "Nobody ever went broke UNDERestimating the American public." - - - - -
Things I have learned from occasional glimpses of the HGTV channel: A room is not a room. It's a "space". Houses, although inanimate, have "energy". The most vital ingredient to be found in any house is ... granite countertops. I am confused by the interchangeable use of the words "house" and "home". Until somebody lives in it, it's just a house. - - - - -
When you're up, you're up ... when you're down, you're ... Paul Reiser. The one-time co-star of the huge hit show, "Mad About you", tried a new one. NBC cancelled it after two weeks. It'd drawn the lowest ratings in history. THE MONKEYS ARE RUNNING THE ZOO
When there are crazy, incompetent people making serious economic decisions about government spending and borrowing, the result is not hard to predict. And here it is. The International Monetary Fund, which tracks world finances and currency values, says at the present rate the U.S. will lose its status as the world's top economic power in five years. To China. And the profligate spending of the morons in Washington is making the dollar worth less and less with every passing day. The price of gasoline is only the tip of the iceberg. "Hope and change" is working only if you hoped that this would be a diminished nation. If you voted for the collection of crackpots now masquerading as leaders, please have the decency to admit -- at least to yourself -- that you lack sufficient judgment and common sense to cast a vote, and never do it again. - - - - -
You don't have to be a "birther" to conclude that liberals who defend and/or excuse Obama's strenuous effort to hide much information about his past are obviously nervous about what such revelations might expose. Methinks thou doth protest too much. "Transparent"???? - - - - -
Robert Weissberg in THE AMERICAN THINKER on how many black Americans view efforts to cure our debt crisis: "Endless borrowing to finance a steady stream of government benefits may seem quite reasonable for many African Americans, particularly those with limited education. It is hardly surprising that after a few years of enjoying a benefit it grows into an unalienable right. Nearly half of all Americans do not pay federal taxes so subsidized housing, food stamps, Head Start and all the rest are 'free'." As has often been observed in this space, there are few things more politically difficult than taking away a privilege that, in the mind of the receiver, has transmogrified into a "right". - - - - -
The media liberals cannot bring themselves to place any responsibility for the gasoline price crisis at Obama's door. This time, they're not getting away with it, because the public largely knows that his refusal to loosen the reins on domestic drilling continues to drive prices upward. The only question is, how dumb will the Republicans have to be NOT to win both the White House and Senate under these conditions. Alas, that is a possibility never to be underestimated. Obama is trying the typical demagogues' response. It's all the fault of "speculators" that gas prices are sky-high. This has been tried before, without result. Only the mental vacant-lot types respond to this lame argument. Oh -- did I just describe the average Democrat? - - - - -
IS Saudi Arabia a major contributor to the Sierra Club? Just asking. Would it not be to the Saudis' advantage to support any and all "green" groups who are opposed to U.S. oil drilling? - - - - -
Almost 500 Taliban prisoners escape from jail in Afghanistan. And we're supposed to believe there WASN'T Afghan government complicity? - - - - -
Warning: Egypt is getting tighter with Iran. - - - - -
One of the oldest axioms among batters in baseball is, "Hit 'em where they ain't." It's a lesson many radio stations learned long ago, but has eluded TV programmers. Notice how, when your favorite show hits one of the ever-longer commercial breaks, you flick thru other channels and they're ALSO running commercials? You'd think somewhere in the labyrinthine world of television management, there'd be somebody smart enough to say, "This is stupid. Why don't we run actual program content when our major competitors are in commercial breaks? The viewers we pick up just might stay with us, and in any case it would improve our ratings." You may recall that the original "Top Forty" radio stations usually did their newscasts at :55. They could and did SAY, "We're first with the news" because the traditional stations ran news at the top of the hour. The REAL reason the "Top Forty" stations did it at :55 was to get it off and over just as their competitors were starting news and playing hit songs while that was going on, knowing full well that their core audience preferred music. Take it from a former Operations Manager who played that game long and well. But TV, which is largely run by advertising salesmen, has apparently never figured that out. - - - - -
From Dan Sorkin: Congress has announced they intend to make it more difficult to claim unemployment benefits. Starting next Monday, the forms will be printed in English. YOU FROM AROUND HERE?
Despite all the pooh-poohing by his water carriers, doubts about the fraud in the White House are growing. The USA TODAY poll, which one would hardly expect to be weighted anti-Obama, finds only 38% who express total confidence that Captain Ego was born in the U.S. - - - - -
If you put your shrinking dollars into Swiss francs, congratulations. Swiss money has hit an all-time high versus the besieged buck. Of course, the Swiss don't elect wild-eyed sillies to run their country. We should be so wise. - - - - -
Miss. Governor Haley Barbour was a great national chairman of the Republicans, and has established a solid record as chief executive of that state. Nevertheless, he's decided not to run for the presidential nomination. Probably a wise move. His chances looked slim-to-nil. And attacking Congresswoman Michele Bachman from his own state is a staggeringly stupid move by Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, suggesting his act may not be ready for the center-ring of the political circus. In any event, many Americans may be reluctant to support the governor of a Minnesota populace that elected the first Muslim to the House of Representatives and sent the goofy leftist "comedian", Al Franken, to the senate. Other unlikely prospects: Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah and an Obama suck-up ... retread Newt Gingrich ... Ron Paul, the new Harold Stassen ... and -- sorry -- Sarah. Ron Paul has some solid ideas, but he's made his pitch before and it didn't sell. - - - - -
What is wrong with McDonald's management? Why would they fire the employee who shot video of the assault in that restaurant in Baltimore ... video that may be vital in prosecuting a hate-crime? Have the managers become brain-addled from too much salt on their own french-fries? A serious lawsuit by the fired employee just might clarify their thinking. Perhaps more effort should be expended on the prevention of savages running wild on their premises. Personally, I'd have to be very, very hungry before setting foot in one of their establishments, anyway. By the way, what has our oh-so-racially sensitive president had to say about this Baltimore incident? I must've missed it ... - - - - -
Afghanistan's government admits the obvious; that the huge prison break by Taliban terrorists had inside assistance. Why are we continuing to waste lives and money in that godforsaken sewer? - - - - -
Pew Research, a U.S. polling firm, finds that most Egyptians (62%) want the Quran to be the basis for their laws. They also want to end the peace treaty with Israel. And the mush-brained morons in this country thought they were supporting some western-style democratic movement in the Egyptian rebellion! Welcome to the real world, kiddies! - - - - - A worldwide (111 nations) poll by Gallup found that a majority of the planet's peoples do not accept the liberal fantasy that "global warming" is a threat. - - - - -
Biden's name missing from Obama 2012 campaign bumper-stickers? Hmmm ... - - - - -
Steve Jobs says Apple isn't tracking anyone. Okay. Then why build the capability into your electronic devices? - - - - -
Is there any government institution that does more to encourage Hitler-esque behavior by its employees than the TSA, god-parent of many bullies in the airport security lanes? - - - - -
Biggest rating bombs on TV cable: Piers Morgan on CNN and Dr. Drew on HLN. There are individual RADIO stations in single cities that have larger audiences than these guys have with national TV coverage. The porcine Ed on MSNBC is also haranguing only a few crackpots. Who HIRES these people??? - - - - -
Obama shill CNN says it has researched the birth issue and it's a closed question. Obama WAS born in the U.S. Given CNN's credibility problem, this will simply convince more people that they're just role-players in the Obama cover-up. - - - - -
Archaeologists have discovered in Luxor, Egypt, one of the largest statues ever found. It is a 42-foot-tall image of a powerful pharaoh named Amenhotep III. Upon hearing the news, Donald Trump eagerly asked, "Does it look like me?" - - - - -
Rumor has it that ABC, with typical insight, is considering buying CBS's leftovers; i.e., Katie Couric. - - - - -
Robert Matlosz has been charged with exposing his penis in a Wilmington, Delaware, cemetery. This may be the first time a pervert has combined exhibitionism with necrophilia. - - - - -
Readership of this daily outburst continues to grow, and we'd like it to grow faster. Therefore I urge you to forward it to a friend ... or a liberal you'd really like to annoy. - - - - -
This line by novelist John Sandford brought to mind, unbidden, the name of Chris Matthews. "If he were any dumber, we'd have to water him twice a week." CERTIFICATE OR NOT, WHAT'S HE
The Obama "Certificate of Live Birth" is the same document previously produced. It is NOT a birth certificate. While it is interchangeable with a birth certificate in Hawaii today, my understanding is that was not the case fifty years ago when Obama was born. Even if it IS legitimate, that leaves unanswered the question of why he avoided releasing it for all this time. And there are still many, many unanswered questions about his shadowy history. In any case, the location of his birth is far less important than his ruinous policies, which leave only two possible conclusions: either he is utterly, irreparably incompetent, or his lifetime of ingrained Marxist views guide him in the deliberate destruction of the nation's economy. In other words, is he just stupid ... or vicious? - - - - -
One of Obama's idiot advisers says the Big O is "leading from behind," as ridiculous a description of leadership as has ever been heard. In the interest of accuracy, let's point out that he appears to be THINKING with his behind. - - - - -
The recent public beatings and the obvious racial components therein are remindful of the Jesse Jackson quote made -- with some admitted embarrassment on his part -- several years ago: "When I'm walking down a dark street at night and hear footsteps behind me, I find myself hoping that it's a white person." - - - - -
Tough choice. For him AND us. Do we want Congressman Paul Ryan to stay in his present job and try to steer much -- if not all -- of his budget plan thru the bill-mill. Or, given the lackluster present field of candidates, would it be better if he made the run for the Republican presidential nomination? It must be remembered that the success record of House members running for the Big Job is not impressive. In fact, no one has ever gone directly from the House to the White House. - - - - -
Republican Trump supporters may have difficulty squaring their enthusiasm with his real-world record of huge sums contributed to Democrats, including $50,000 to the recent Chicago mayoral campaign of former Clinton and Obama aide Rahm Emanuel. Donald, they hardly knew ye. - - - - -
The new incoming member of the UN Human Rights Council is ... Syria. Yes, the same government that's slaughtering its own people. When, when will the "civilized" world face the reality that the UN is nothing more than a giant parasite made up of equal parts of hypocrisy, thievery and anti-Semitism? - - - - -
Birds of a feather ... Libya's murderous Muammar Gaddafi turning to Venezuela's Hugo Chavez for support. How do you like THAT, Hollywood lefties, fans of Hugo? - - - - -
Am I alone in thinking that the "unafraid" part of the Fox News slogan is losing its resonance? - - - - -
Have you recovered from your Earth Day partying yet? - - - - -
A name from the past. Madame Nhu of black aviator jump-suit fame as South Vietnam's unofficial first lady in the early days of the Vietnam war has died in Rome at the age of 86. - - - - -
The despicable Keith Olbermann, steadily working his way down from relative obscurity to total oblivion, is now moving his act to the cable network founded by Al Gore, whose primary use is as a hiding place for people in the Witness Protection program. - - - - -
The vast antenna array in Northern California that's part of the search for intelligent life in the universe is being shut down. Perhaps such an effort would be more usefully applied to a search for intelligent life in the White House. - - - - -
'Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it' - Ronald Reagan THE DAILY UPDATE ON OPRAH'S HERO
Obama thinks "speculators" are driving oil prices. Since the ultimate beneficiaries are largely the Muslim nations he so much admires, perhaps he should talk to THEM about it. Or perhaps he's afraid of confronting the fact that they hold him in contempt, despite his endless sucking-up to Muslim causes. One theory on his prolonged birth certificate secrecy: maybe he wanted the Muslims he admires so much to think he WAS born in a part of the world where they dominate. He declares the whole controversy to be "silliness", yet flies Air Force One (at over $100,000 per hour) to Chicago to talk about it on Oprah. And there's still no explanation why he and Michelle have both said -- on video -- that he was born in Kenya. YOUTUBE is replete with examples. Just enter "Obama born in Kenya" on the YouTube home page and see what you get. - - - - -
The ludicrous Whoopi Goldberg now "playing the race card". And just how many white votes DID it take to put Obama in the White House? PS--When did this harridan NOT play "the race card"? - - - - -
So Leon Panetta takes over the Defense Department, with the assignment of lowering the military budget. Let's see ... We're fully involved in two wars, nibbling at the edges of a third ... Russia and China daily become more hostile ... and it's the received wisdom of the Obamunists that our defense establishment be CUT instead of, say, free services for illegal aliens. Right ... - - - - -
Summarizing the changes in Obama's cabinet: re-arranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. - - - - -
Ralph Nader, the Democrats' Harold Stassen, is going to put leftward pressure on Obama in the Democrat primaries, while predicting Obama's re-election. - - - - -
The state House of Representatives in ultra-liberal Massachusetts has voted overwhelmingly to emulate Wisconsin and Ohio in stripping government workers of their collective bargaining privileges. And the tide continues to swell ... Union goons, it's all slipping away, thanks to your greed and stupidity. - - - - -
Another Afghan military officer has murdered nine Americans trying to "save" his medieval country. Insane! If Afghans want a civilized country, let them fight for it themselves! It's a rare week that doesn't bring a reminder from that hell-hole that no good deed goes unpunished. - - - - -
Doubters and detractors say Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels has the charisma of a fire hydrant. Nevertheless, he does have assets going for him if he enters the Republican primary race as a dark-horse. He has a sense of humor and he has a track record of real accomplishment in dealing with his state's finances. Contrast that with, say, Donald Trump. Having watched California Republicans have a love-fest with an actor of no accomplishment other than building his muscles and make him (a failed) governor, I again recall the H. L. Mencken observation that nobody ever went broke UNDERestimating the American public. - - - - -
Newt Gingrich says he was playing hide-the-weenie with ladies to whom he was not married because he loved his country so much and he was working so hard ... PUH-LEEZE! - - - - -
Gen. David Petraeus is being moved to the top desk at the CIA. Some say Obama did this to remove Petraeus as a possible Republican presidential nominee. If Petraeus had any such ambition and let himself be removed from contention (he doesn't HAVE to take the job) by such an obvious ploy, he's too dumb to be president, anyway. - - - - -
Question for anti-oil drilling Greenies. At what gasoline price-point do you re-think your priorities? Five dollars ... six ... seven ... ten? Just curious ... - - - - -
From Investors Business Daily: Only 8% of the members of Obama's cabinet have ANY experience working in the world of private enterprise. That's the lowest number in over a hundred years. Previous lows ran from 30% in JFK's administration and 32% in Carter's presidential debacle ... to a high of 56% in the Reagan years. - - - - -
Also from IBD ... a comparison of serious health statistics. U.S. vs. the socialized medical systems of Britain and Canada. Percentage of men and women who survived a cancer five years after diagnosis: U.S. 65% England 46% Canada 42% Percentage of patients diagnosed with diabetes who received treatment within six months: U.S. 93% England 15% Canada 43% Percentage of seniors needing hip replacement who received it within six months: U.S. 90% England 15% Canada 43% Percentage referred to a medical specialist who sees one within one month: U.S. 77% England 40% Canada 43% Number of MRI scanners (a prime diagnostic tool) per million people: U.S. 71 England 4 Canada 18 Please share this with any misguided acquaintances who are eager to embrace Obamacare. - - - - -
Len contributes a haiku about our Dear Leader ... Obama's Peace Plan: Drop bombs on Gadaffi's house. That's social justice. - - - - -
Memo to jail-bound Lindsay Lohan: Big Bertha just can't wait to meet you! - - - - -
The big question on NFL draft day: is Cam Newton the next Peyton Manning ... or another JaMarcus Russell? Yet ... a billion-plus Chinese don't care. - - - - -
A line from (surprisingly, considering his politics) Letterman ... Q: What's the difference between Obama's cabinet and a penitentiary? A: One is filled with tax evaders, blackmailers, and threats to society. The other is for housing prisoners. THE LAST SHUTTLE AND THE DECLINE OF A
The last launch of the space shuttle punctuates the decline of America. The nation that pioneered space exploration will no longer have any presence there. Read, or re-read, the last days of the Roman Empire if you need to be reminded what it's like to live in the last days of a collapsing world power, spurred onward in its decline by a self-obsessed egomaniac in the White House, raised on Marxism and obviously dedicated to undermining the United States. His personal history and his autobiography make it clear he's a black-nationalist and a racist who obviously enjoys making fools of his white sycophants. And no, you WON'T read that in the wimpy, spineless so-called "mainstream" media, who eagerly take part in the destruction of their own nation. - - - - -
If Bob Schieffer of CBS News is free to call Trump a racist, then wouldn't one be equally free to suggest that Schieffer is a senile old goat who probably thinks FDR is still president? The Dan Rather Distortion Disease is still prevalent at CBS. - - - - -
When a liberal politician suggests that you "be asked to contribute" to this-or-that socialist program, what he/she really means is, "We'll take money from you at the point of a gun, if necessary." Which is why the Mafia looks like a model of candor compared to the leftist political thieves. At least the Mafia doesn't make you pay for their guns! - - - - -
CNS News, quoting from a federal auditors' report, discovers that three aliens convicted on terrorism-related charges have been granted citizenship by the Obama administration. What else do you need to know about this America-hating bunch? - - - - -
Obama & Co. harp endlessly on "investing" in high-speed rail. Perhaps they need to take a closer look at the experience of China, another country with a large land-mass (like us; unlike European countries) that installed such a system, and a short one at that. It has been a fiscal disaster. Investors Business Daily reports that it's already lost five times as much money as it took to bankrupt GM and the government minister in charge of the project has been arrested. If only we could see Obama's assorted "czars" behind bars ... - - - - -
In reaction to the news that we now have 50% of Americans receiving "entitlement" freebies from the government and 62% of illegal aliens freeloading on the taxpayers, Kevin Jackson has this observation in THE AMERICAN THINKER website: "The budget is out of control because of the thing that Obama says makes America great: entitlements. Who knew that giving money to the shiftless and lazy is the way we are supposed to measure ourselves?" - - - - -
Dissension among the faithful? Obama is threatening to ban one of his prime butt-kissing media outlets, the San Francisco Chronicle, from future pool coverage of his hero-worship events. This comes about because the Chron reporter shot video of a laughably minor protest at the Dear Leader's fundraiser last week in his spiritual home, San Francisco. Another triumph for "transparency"? - - - - -
If desperate Democrats, seeing their hero's public-opinion polls continue to fall, DO turn to Hillary to run against The Mistake in the Democrat primaries, she need only resurrect her "3AM phone call" commercial. It would resonate now better than ever, after the prolonged demonstration that he has no idea what he's doing, unless it's a deliberate plan to undermine the United States. - - - - - Now terrorists are killing foreign tourists in formerly peaceful (for the most part) Morocco. During my days in the travel industry as co-owner of a chain of agencies in Chicago, I touted Morocco as THE great undiscovered (by Americans) tourist destination. I once had lunch with the very pleasant and charming late King Hassan at his little place in Tangiers. Now I say this unequivocally: only a fool chooses to vacation in a predominantly Muslim country. That, as the saying goes, is simply asking for it. Over the years I've spent much time in Cairo. I wouldn't think of going there now. Ditto Tunisia, which has marvelous seaside and desert resorts. - - - - -
In an uncertain world, there are few eternal verities upon which one can depend. Among them: nobody does sheer pageantry like the Roman Catholic Church and British royalty. By the way, can it be more obvious that Princes William and Harry did not spring from the same parental roots? Prince Chuck, we know, wasn't the only one tilling the royal Diana soil and someone else was clearly doing some planting. Among the lovely Kate's new titles, "Countess of Carrickfergus." Sounds like a spoof from one of those BBC sitcoms, doesn't it? - - - - -
NFL draft selections again prove that the Southeastern Conference is the #1 development league for pro football. Minor surprise, considering past history: no first-rounders from Miami or Notre Dame, while four Alabama players were taken among the first thirty-two. - - - - -
Annoy a liberal. Forward this column to one. Or twenty. - - - - - A bumper-sticker from Katherine: "If you voted for Obama in 2008 to prove you're not a racist, you'll have to vote for someone else in 2012 to prove you're not an idiot." FILLING UP? BRING AN ARM, A LEG AND
Fuel prices push ever-closer to a national average of $4 a gallon, already well above it in much of the country. And the Empty Suit in the White House continues to babble nonsense about "alternative fuels" and "winning the future" while the present goes to hell. The heartening part of all this insanity is the growing likelihood that the fool will take down his entire idiotic party with him next year. Count on it: the minority congressional Democrats in both houses who have any sense of self-preservation will be denouncing him before next year's election rolls around. In fact, some have already begun, knowing it's time to dismount from a dead horse. - - - - -
From Jimmy Carter: "The United States and South Korea have chosen to deliberately withhold food aid to the North Korean people because of political or military issues not related and this amounts to a 'human rights violation'.” Stupid or traitor? With Democrats, it's hard to tell. However ... Carter's suck up to the dictatorship has borne no fruit. In fact, Kim Jong Il, in as clear an Asian expression of contempt as you can imagine, refused to even see the embarrassing brown-nose. - - - - -
Valerie Jarrett, an Obama insider and one of his thug-ettes, says he won't be releasing any of his college records. Virtually simultaneously, the White House announced a demand that politically-active groups make public the source of their funding. Transparency, you see, is a one-way street. - - - - -
A CNN opinionator says the Republican party should denounce both Trump and Sarah Palin. Of course, Republicans KNOW that CNN only wants to help them, right? - - - - -
Why isn't a Republican-run House investigating why a thumb-sucking moron and tax evader like Timothy Geithner is allowed to play the role of Secretary of the Treasury? And the first job for the next Republican president should be to get rid of Ben Bernanke at the Fed. These two have been Obama's primary handmaidens in the destruction of the economy. - - - - -
Evidently, the boasted-about plans of the mad, murderous Muslims to disrupt the royal wedding with some terrorist event didn't pan out. Perhaps because they had second thoughts about enraging a large part of the British populace, perhaps because some such plan was quietly quashed by authorities. It appears the Brits are -- much belatedly -- starting to figure out what the French and Germans have already concluded. Trying to be inclusive of Muslims in a multi-cultural society is a suicidal fools' errand. - - - - -
Gold has hit $1,569.30 per ounce, prompting a reminder that the price doesn't really reflect the cost-rise of gold, it illustrates the steadily-weakening dollar under a blundering administration. And China continues to dump the U.S. buck. Even the head of the BLACK U. S. Chamber of Commerce calls Obama "Marxist" and "fanatical". - - - - -
While the American public and their elected "leaders" are stupidly wed to a Social Security system doomed to ultimate failure, Chile is celebrating the 30th anniversary of their privatized system that's been a resounding success. Each Chilean must pay in 10% minimum of his/her wages, up to a maximum of 20%, into a chosen one of several conservatively-managed pension funds. The payoff has been much higher than from a U.S.-style system. - - - - -
Is anybody at ABC watching the kind of dung "The View" is putting out? The deranged hen-party disgraced itself with some of the comments about the wedding yesterday. - - - - -
Union thugs: did you really believe you could get away with extorting money from the taxpayers forever? - - - - -
Recommended reading: THE AMERICAN THINKER website ... "Harvard and State Department Colluded to Get Rid of Obama's Father" by Thomas Lifson. Complete with documentation about the Dear Leader's poisoned family tree. - - - - -
Bad luck = good luck. Ryan Mallett (Arkansas), one of the presumed "hot" quarterbacks in the NFL draft, fell to the third round. Bad luck. But the upside -- and it's a big one -- is that he was picked by New England. Which means, unlike higher selections, he'll have the chance to watch and learn from one of the best, Tom Brady, instead of being thrown into the pit immediately. It worked well for Green Bay's Aaron Rodgers, who watched and learned from Brett Favre for four years and thus was ready when his time came. - - - - -
Jay Leno: "The man who invented the teleprompter has died at the age of 91. When President Obama heard the news, he was ... speechless." |
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radiorodgers1@yahoo.com |