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One wonders how people who lost loved ones in the Gaddafi-sponsored Pan Am plane bombing over Lockerbie, Scotland, reacted to the news that the murderous thug's own son and grandchildren were killed? They doubtless also recall the joyous shouts of Arab hyenas in the streets of Tripoli when the bomber, himself, was stupidly released from a British prison early because of a non-existent "terminal" disease. Also ... how much longer is this charade ... this "we're not out to kill Gaddafi" ... to continue? - - - - -
A reader reminds me that, throughout the sordid history of Islam, wherever in the world you find Muslims, there you will find tyranny, oppression and strife. If they deny, they lie. - - - - -
Typical Democrat tactics. Demonize Congressman Paul Ryan for coming up with a concrete plan to deal with the debt crisis while making no effort to formulate a workable plan themselves. Typical Obama tactics. Invite Ryan to a speech and seat him in the front row so he could insult him to his face, just as he did with the U.S. Supreme court in his state-of-the-union speech. A civilian not backed by the power of the presidency behaving in such a manner could expect to lose some teeth. But, of course, Obama behaves like a typical street bully when he has a mob behind him. - - - - -
As the history of B. O., Sr., at Harvard unfolds, his behavior will illustrate again the old adage about the apple not falling far from the tree. It is a story to be followed, but you won't get it from the Big Media. It'll take some looking on the internet. In short, the man was a total scumbag. - - - - -
The late Joe Pyne, a pioneer in talk radio, once infuriated liberals with his observation that "somehow the country got tilted, and all the fruits and nuts rolled into California." Perhaps that explains the predominant political culture of the Fools' Gold State that now has decided that its own immigration policy supercedes federal law. The state legislature is giving consideration to a law allowing local "sanctuary city" governments to impede efforts to deport illegal aliens. The state of Washington, which is California's near-equal in collective nuttiness, is pursuing a similar path. (They're just as crazy, but wetter.) - - - - -
The growing demand among Republicans for other, more appealing candidates to enter the Presidential Derby has also endowed Mitt Romney with an unwanted title: The Incredible Shrinking Man. If possible, his candidacy has elicited even less excitement than four years ago. - - - - -
A growing minority of doctors already exclude Medicare and Medicaid patients from their practice as a money-losing proposition. Others that do accept them run assembly-line type volume operations to try to achieve financial results by giving each patient minimal time and attention. Guaranteed: if socialistic Obamacare isn't knocked down by either the courts or a Republican administration, both trends will grow and you will see more of American medical practice being run by physicians recruited from Third World countries. One thing Democrats (i.e., socialists) never seem to figure out is the reality that you can't FORCE people to be doctors. My own nephew and half his classmates dropped out of pre-med at a prestigious school because of anticipated burocratic interference and fiscal silliness under Obamacare. - - - - -
Leading in the race to Newsmagazine Oblivion -- Newsweek. Closing the gap rapidly -- Time. - - - - -
What ever happened to Britney Spears? And will we be asking the same of Lindsay Lohan next year -- if we think of either at all? - - - - -
Words to live by ... “If you will not fight for the right when you can easily win without bloodshed; if you will not fight when your victory will be sure and not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to fight with all the odds against you and only a small chance of survival. There may even be a worse case: you may have to fight when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish than to live as slaves.”—Sir Winston Churchill - - - - -
A Leno line: "Levi Johnston is now writing a book about the Palin family. He's not writing it himself. He's using a ghost moron." SWEET REVENGE -- AND NOW WHAT?
Great move: dumping that pile of dung in the ocean so heathen, bloodthirsty Muslims won't have a grave as a focal point for their insanity. Besides, sharks have to eat, too! Big question: does anybody believe he was holed up in a mansion near Pakistan's capitol -- adjacent to a facility occupied by their military -- without the knowledge of that government? Which leads to ... what happens now, vis a vis our relationship with Pakistan, where most of the population hates us and we have only partial support at the government level? - - - - -
The people who pulled off the raid deserve the highest accolades, but they mustn't be identified because doing so would make them and their families targets of other Muslim crazies. But THEY know what they did, and that's the important thing. - - - - -
While the Community Organizer is trying to harvest kudos for the triumph of our CIA and Navy Seals, it should be recalled that the original clue that unraveled the thread leading to bin Laden was obtained during interrogation at that hated (by liberals) symbol of American intel effectiveness, Guantanamo Bay. And this maundering moron wanted -- wants -- to shut it down! - - - - -
Hamas, the terrorist group, says, "We regard this as a continuation of the American policy based on oppression and the shedding of Muslim and Arab blood." Let's hope so. The murderous lunatics are shouting that this opens the way for them to commit more terrorist acts -- as if Osama ALIVE had prevented such. Let's also hope that some of the heathens got the message: "Attack Americans and we WILL kill you, no matter how long it takes. Then you can take your chances with that 72-virgin nonsense." By the way, what do the poor, stupid women martyrs supposedly get as THEIR payoff? Like the woman used by bin Laden or one of his goons as a coward's shield. - - - - -
Screamingly obvious incompetence: while Hillary-the-Dunce was on TV babbling about how wonderful the Pakistanis are, their streets were filled with raving Paki loonies demanding revenge against the U.S. for killing their hero. We truly live in a land run by morons. - - - - -
Now can we stop the transparent lie, issued thru NATO, that we're not targeting Gaddafi for assassination? Of COURSE we are! And why apologize for trying to nail the murderous creep? - - - - -
Wonder if the Muslims who celebrated 9/11 in the streets of Dearborn and other cities are feeling a little depressed today? - - - - -
Former Pakistan President Musharraf is protesting about the Osama bin Laden raid taking place on Pakistani soil. Two words for you, pal -- a verb and a personal pronoun. Live with it. - - - - -
One of CNN's liberal propagandists last evening was rhapsodizing that the death of Osama bin Laden was of a piece with the "democratic" movements in Arab countries. I would suggest that before we assume a positive outcome of turmoil in the middle-east, we consider the far more likely prospect that it's just another bunch of medieval maniacs wanting their turn on top of the dung-hill. The idea of an outpouring of Jeffersonian democracy is a fantasy much favored by Americans, and not just liberals. The basis for such optimism in the real world? Nothing. - - - - -
Will someone please give Geraldo Rivera a tranquilizer? That's the worst piece of spontaneous news anchoring I've ever seen. He behaved like a pre-teen girl who'd raided the family liquor cabinet. An utter embarrassment. - - - - -
If word of this gets around -- and other Republican candidates will likely make sure it does -- Mitt Romney can quit. Under his Massachusetts health plan, prototype for Obamacare, the average wait to see a doctor is ... 55 days. Hang it up, Mitt; time to go home and sell mutual funds. - - - - -
During the Reagan era, high employment figures were disdained by liberals as "hamburger-flipping" jobs. So who's the biggest-hiring company in the tepid Obama recovery? McDonald's, which had over a million desperate Americans applying for about 60,000 jobs. - - - - -
I am not and never have been a fan of Donald Trump. Nevertheless, it was inevitable that anyone asking questions about the shadowy background of the Community Organizer would be attacked by the left as a "racist". When, as usual, they ran out of weapons in their debate arsenal, they immediately resorted to their favorite weapon, the race card. Gutlessness and stupidity are, as always, their hallmarks. - - - - -
Some will call this a stretch, but to me the links are obvious. The links between a majority of Americans polled expressing opposition to a Medicare system that is GUARANTEED to go bankrupt in a few years, and an "educational" system primarily populated by brainwashed liberal ninnies. They have had several generations to indoctrinate Americans with the idea that they shouldn't have to be responsible for themselves; the government must take care of them. Which is why we may have created a nation too stupid for long-term survival. Take a bow, "educators"! Karl Marx would be proud of you! - - - - -
AllComedyRadio reports that, in a burst of irony, Osama bin Laden has already discovered that his 72 virgins all bear a remarkable resemblance to Janet Reno. REALITY-CHECK TIME
Since it could hardly be more obvious that the Pakistani government sheltered bin Laden in a mansion near the capitol, it is far past time to stop sending aid in any form to that lying, hypocritical government and regard them as the enemy they are. It's also equally obvious that if we have a potential ally on the Asian subcontinent, it's Democratic India, not the murderous Muslims of Pakistan. We must also wonder if our own idiotic government will continue to grant visas allowing Pakistanis into this country, a suicidal hallmark of a government failing in its primary obligation to defend this nation and its people. Britain has begun to learn the hard way that allowing Pakistanis into the country is to invite the usual Muslim hell-raising, freeloading and terrorism. Recall that the people who tried to blow up Glasgow airport four years ago were Pakistanis working for Britain's National Health Service. The government of Pakistan is handing out conflicting stories about the whacking of bin Laden. "Yes, we were involved in the operation" and "No, we weren't told anything about it." Typical. - - - - -
Whether it was or wasn't traditional Islamic practice to wash bin Laden then dumping him in the ocean, who gives a damn? Why be attentive to how garbage is handled, knowing full well that his acolytes are infuriated over his death, regardless. The parallel story lines in the Muslim world seem to be (A) he wasn't really killed, and/or (B) we are going to avenge him. Tellingly, his closest associates DO accept his death as reality. - - - - -
Those who've claimed that the same water-boarding many of our military people undergo as part of their training is "torture" need to be reminded that it was just such treatment of inmates at Guantanamo Bay that brought about the first clues that led to Osama bin Laden. The goo-goos can whine all they want, but there is ample historical evidence that Al Capone was right when he said, "Give me a blow-torch and a pair of pliers, and I can make anyone tell me what I want to know." And even John McCain, whose bravery in the Hanoi HIlton has never been questioned, admits in his book that he broke under torture and reaffirms the reality that "every man has a breaking point." - - - - -
For those who thought the "Arab Spring" (and who dreamed up THAT one?) heralded the birth of democracy in the middle east, another reality check. The Muslim Brotherhood, contrary to what you were told by the liberal media during the Egyptian uprising, has emerged as the leading political force there and damns the U.S. for killing Osama bin Laden. But the liberals continue to daydream ... - - - - -
Even CNN's love-fest with Obama has its limits. After the usual parade of hacks all but declared victory in 2012 for Obama in the wake of the bin Laden whacking, Wolf Blitzer and Candy Crowley retained enough touch with the real world to remind viewers that after Iraq War #1, Pres. Bush, Sr., was over 90% in approval polls. Then he lost ignominiously to Bill Clinton. - - - - -
Some say the root cause of Islam's hostility to the west is an inferiority complex. It isn't a complex. By every rational measure, it IS inferior. - - - - -
Janet Napolitano's Transportation Security Administration on the job ... and it's hard to believe even a bunch of government burocrat-hacks could be so stupid. Here's what happened? A drunk named Christian Boncorps, age 61, told a ticket agent at JFK Airport in New York that he was (A) Osama bin Laden and (B) had a bomb in his luggage. By the time the Polyester Police got around to calling the real cops, the luggage was already aboard the Paris-bound plane and it was FORTY MINUTES later! Bet on it: NOBODY will get fired for this episode of blatant incompetence. - - - - -
In the Canadian elections, promises to focus on the economy brought conservatives a landslide win. Liberals, long the dominant force in Canadian politics, stumbled into third place, behind the New Democratic Party. - - - - -
At least give credit for Osama bin Laden for this. In the end, he made a big splash. OBAMA UNLEASHES A FLOOD ... OF ANTI-O
If next year's election is close, a current event given little attention outside the midwest could be a swing factor, thanks to a calculated Obama move. Missouri in recent years has been a swing state, usually closely reflecting the national vote. Missouri farms are being sacrificed to prop up Obama's popularity in his "home" state of Illinois. Heard about the blowing-up of levees on the Mississippi River? That is being done deliberately to save Illinois land at the direct expense of Missouri farms across the river, some of which will be unproductive for years after the topsoil is washed away in the floods. Missourians affected -- and I have relatives among them -- are furious, and they know who's doing it and why. And not even the thugs who run the labor unions in St. Louis and Kansas City are likely to save the next election for the Democrats. - - - - -
The internet carries innumerable faked photos of a dead bin Laden. Don't let your curiosity get the better of you; many carry viruses that can make an expensive mess in your computer. Who knows -- it may be a minor form of Muslim revenge! - - - - -
In the real world of politics, Obama gets a temporary bounce in the polls as he takes credit for the elimination of bin Laden. By November of next year that will be long forgotten, but the trashed economy and joblessness will linger. And unless the Republicans do something utterly stupid, that will be enough to make the Dear Leader a one-termer. - - - - -
Irony abounds. Democrats have harvested millions of campaign dollars in and from techie havens like Silicon Valley. Now it turns out that those benefactors have built smartphones and similar devices equipped with spy technology to track the whereabouts and lifestyle habits of users. Since Democrats are the loudest in decrying invasion of privacy rights (their key pro-abortion argument) this leaves them with an interesting dilemma: attack their patron saints of political donations in order to stand by privacy principles, or mute themselves to keep the cash flowing? Bet on the latter. - - - - -
Richard Miniter's new book, "Mastermind", about the man who plotted 9/11, reveals that, unlike any other U.S. military installation on the planet, our facility at Guantanamo Bay partially hides the morning flag-raising ritual so that Muslim terrorists imprisoned there do not have to be offended by the sight of the stars and stripes. Draw your own conclusion. - - - - -
We're getting the expected "we had no idea he was here" from Pakistanis in the wake of the bin Laden whacking. Suuuure -- and no Germans knew about the death camps other than Hitler, and he, after all, was really an Austrian. - - - - -
A reader points out that if we cut ties with the duplicitous Pakistanis, we would lose the use of the route thru Pakistan to supply our troops in Afghanistan. I have pointed out repeatedly that the war in Afghanistan is a fool's errand. The idea that we're going to construct a functioning western-style democracy in a medieval tribal region is a fantasy, and we should not waste another dollar or another American life in that hell-hole. If the people of Afghanistan want to join the modern world, let THEM fight for it. - - - - -
Apparently not satisfied with Obama's ability to read from a Teleprompter, Jim McElhatton of the Washington Times reports that the White House is spending tens of thousands of dollars on a public relations firm headed by Democratic image maker Michael Sheehan - once dubbed by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton as an "extraordinary media coach" who helped her master the Teleprompter. Mr. Sheehan has a reputation of helping politicians look good speaking in public. That, of course, is Priority One for the Community Organizer. - - - - -
The wisdom of Thomas Sowell in Investor's Business Daily: "When people in Washington start creating fancy new phrases, instead of using plain English, you know they are doing something they don't want us to understand. It was an act of war when we started bombing Libya. But the administration chose to call it "kinetic military action." When the Federal Reserve System started creating hundreds of billions of dollars out of thin air, they called it "quantitative easing" of the money supply." - - - - -
Moron of the Month: Rashard Mendenhall of the Pittsburgh Steelers, who doesn't believe hijacked airliners brought down the World Trade Center and does believe we were angry at bin Laden for no reason. Close behind: Shep Smith of Fox News, who isn't sure the whacking of bin Laden was "legal". Has anyone checked this guy for brain tumors lately? - - - - -
In Dubai, a husband is being sued by his wife for $12,250,000 for not having sex with her due to erectile dysfunction. As George Burns remarked in the later years of his long, long life, "It's hard to shoot pool with a rope." RECONSIDERING OBAMA'S ACTIONS
Before we drown in fair-mindedness vis a vis the accolades accorded our Maximum Leader, let us examine his actions in the bin Laden killing in light of sheer political ambition, which realistically we know trumps all else on his priority list. He had to give the okay to take out Osama bin Laden because too many people already knew the opportunity was there. Had he not green-lighted the whacking, word of his failure to do so would have inevitably leaked out and driven the last nail in the coffin of his second-term hopes. Unsurprisingly, given his history, he has forbidden the release of photos of the dead terror-master on the grounds that they might inflame (his fellow?) Muslims -- as if they don't hate us enough already! We should worry about offending people who think it perfectly okay to behead people on live television? Childish simple-mindedness, if you take his decision at face value. And, long-run, it matters not because they will leak, anyway. His daughter saw bin Laden shot dead? If ... IF ... true, perhaps she got an object lesson of the sort that she was never going to get from ol' dad or the pathetic, ignorant women who were his "wives". Were our Seals to consider the feelings of the offspring of a mass murderer of thousands? Absurd! Let us also not kid ourselves about his motives in inviting former President Bush to join him at Ground Zero in New York. He wanted more credit for dispatching bin Laden to rub off on him, and who would put it past him to use Bush's presence to somehow insult him to his face, as he did with Congressman Tim Ryan and the U. S. Supreme Court at his State of the Union speech? Bush wisely refused the invitation. Another observation. About the lack of knowledge among America's children. As media coverage has made clear, many of them have no real idea who Osama bin Laden was or what really happened on the day of the biggest massacre of Americans in history. I guarantee you that in 1951, there was no such lack of awareness about Pearl Harbor (then also ten years earlier) among American youngsters of similar ages. Which leads once again to a fundamental question for many of America's "educators". What the hell are you people doing? What are you teaching? We know that American history has a low priority in our schools, but this kind of ignorance among youngsters is appalling. Is this part of the larger idiotic philosophy that "we mustn't risk offending Muslims"? What is WRONG with you people? Are you ashamed of your country? If so, do what multitudes of other bitchers and whiners should do, and have the backbone to get the hell out of the United States! As a group, you're a disgrace! (The usual disclaimer. There are some good teachers, blah, blah, blah ... ) - - - - -
Can we expect still more lies ... uh, misstatements ... from the Obama Klown Kollege about the killing of bin Laden? These people will lie when the truth would be more advantageous. If just one of the Navy Seals, identity clothed in secrecy, could simply relate the actual events that took place in that encounter, the Obama crowd would be revealed once and for all as a bunch of confused, pathetic liars. - - - - -
The London Daily Mail reports that a Muslim radical preacher there is demanding that the U.S. turn over bin Laden's body to his family. Perhaps he'd like to negotiate with the sharks. - - - - -
A Lucianne.com reader makes a pungent point. "Where Affirmative Action meets the Peter Principle is where you'll find President Obama." (Lucianne.com carries this column under "Blogs Lucianne Loves".) - - - - -
Memo to Europeans upset about the killing of bin Laden: we don't care what you think. And who WILL you call the next time you find yourselves on the losing end of a war? - - - - -
Much bigger political news in the long run; long run meaning by November of next year: unemployment up again under the Community Organizer, the most blatantly unqualified occupant of the White House in history. - - - - -
Told you it was coming. The ever-greedy Obama administration is trying to advance a bill that would tax drivers on a miles-driven basis. No, this would not be INSTEAD of the gasoline tax, it would be in ADDITION to that tax. - - - - -
Here is the inevitable consequence of a city being governed by hack liberal Democrat politicians who serve primarily as the handmaidens of union goons. CBS in Detroit reports that 47% of Detroit residents are functionally illiterate. But the teachers still get paid! - - - - -
Speaking of illiteracy ... Nit-picking. I saw the same error committed twice in the same sentence by a writer whose name I will conceal to protect the guilty. This poor dunce referred to "AN historic" deed/event twice in succession. It's never AN historic anything. If the "h" is pronounced, it's to be preceded by "a". A historic event. Does anyone ever refer to "AN history book?" And somewhere my old friend Richard Lederer, the Wordman, is smiling approvingly. - - - - -
Jimmy Fallon: "After bin Laden was killed, the FBI updated its most wanted list. So I just would like to congratulate Lindsay Lohan on her recent promotion." OSAMA, OBAMA AND THEIR CULTURAL
Unsurprisingly, Pakistanis are burning flags and turning Obama's hideout into a shrine. And the lunkhead in the White House worries about offending them with a photograph! - - - - -
Wonder what CIA-head Leon Panetta will have to say about events surrounding the bin Laden mission when he writes the inevitable book? There are serious rumors that Obama had to be dragged kicking and screaming into okaying the raid. - - - - -
One Pakistani government official refers to the termination of Osama bin Laden as "cold blooded murder." Wonder what the stupid SOB called the murder of 3,000 innocent Americans on 9/11? Our government can kid itself about Pakistan being an ally, but the truth is glaringly apparent: they are NOT to be trusted, and we're silly to keep sending them aid. Ditto the crooks who run Afghanistan. - - - - -
We knew Obama had bungled the economy and foreign policy. Who knew he could bungle even a simple death announcement? - - - - -
Since everyone except the senile Sen. Diane Feinstein and the brainwashed Sen. John McCain acknowledges that water-boarding played a role in obtaining vital information about Osama bin Laden, why is there not already a congressional investigation of attorney General Eric-the-Red Holder for pursuing HIS persecution of the intelligence folk who extracted that information? The man is a menace to the country, and exemplary of this disgraceful presidency. - - - - -
The gluttonous hogs in Washington -- mostly the Democrats -- want our debt ceiling raised yet again. One is reminded of the wisdom of P. J. O'Rourke: "Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and the car keys to a teenage boy." - - - - -
I suspect the cable-TV ratings will show last night's Republican debate in South Carolina was one of the least-watched of the genre, ever. Does anybody see a winner in that lineup? Mr. Cain made an impression; as a talk-show host, he was obviously acquainted with the rapid-fire back-and-forth. He needs to abandon the "panel of experts" approach to matters of war and peace, though. The others made valid points from time to time, while sounding downright silly at others. The perennial Mr. Paul had his usual claque cheering him, although I doubt that any would bet their houses that he'll win. Pawlenty had his floundering moments ... Santorum was unimpressive ... and the former New Mexico governor is wasting his time. - - - - -
Mind-reading is an iffy proposition, but the photo of Obama, surrounded by other officials, prompts this: "How awful. They're killing my Muslim brothers, but I had to okay it because I need votes." - - - - -
Those madcap Muslims! Top aides to Iranian President Ahmadenijad have been arrested, charged with having magical powers and using them to summon "genies", which upsets the mullahs (preachers) who really run the country. - - - - -
Now Prince Chuck -- that's Big Ears Charley of Britain -- is telling us not to eat steak. I trust that some rational Brit will tell the free-loading leech to mind his own business. And by the way, dude, that red-headed kid is no WAY your son, which makes you the royal cuckold. - - - - -
The BBC reports on a study in the Netherlands finding that coffee and sex can cause a stroke. There's also the possible hazard of spilling one's coffee. - - - - -
Reader Jack contributes this pithy observation about almost half of Detroit residents being virtually illiterate: "Detroit is Mogadishu without the goats in the streets." - - - - -
London Dave has this to say about the hubbub over whether bin Laden was dispatched "according to Islamic tradition": "So that means they should've strapped a bomb to him and tossed him into an Israeli bus?" - - - - -
Thanks to reader Todd for correcting an error in yesterday's column. The reference to Congressman Ryan of Wisconsin should have identified him as Paul, not Tim, who is a member of the House from Ohio. There's also a sportscaster Tim Ryan. It would help if more Ryans were named, say, Bartholomew. Sorry. Being selfish. HEY, MEESTER! WANTA SEE SOME FEELTHY
A brief, simple IQ test: are there people gullible enough to believe that the bin Laden death photos won't be leaked? London's Daily Mail newspaper reports that Osama was betrayed by his number-two, Ayman Al Zawahiri. True or not, what could be better than sowing distrust among conspiracy-minded medieval middle-easterners? If they start killing each other ... mission accomplished! - - - - -
The highly respected German news outlet, Der Spiegel, is reporting that Greece is about to pull out of the European Union as a result of its financial crisis. Told you so! Greece put itself in an untenable position by handing out goodies to government employee unions and borrowing copiously to pay its bills. Sound familiar? Doubtless many Europeans whose national treasuries have been keeping Greece financially afloat are saying, "Good riddance." - - - - -
If Obama were really interested in strengthening the economy instead of slavish devotion to his Marxist ideology, he would simply place an inquiring phonecall to the president of Chile, Sebastian Pinera Echenique, and ask for advice. Even coming back from one of history's most devastating earthquakes, the economy of that country is currently growing at a rate above 15%. Unlike the empty suit in the White House and his socialist sycophants, the leadership in Santiago knows what they're doing and avoiding the socialism disease that plagues much of the continent. - - - - -
The Babbling Buffoon in the White House is still talking psycho nonsense about new "clean energy" as the answer to high gasoline prices. Like any other committed Marxist, he is incapable of learning from real-world experience. The idiots who voted for him deserve the $10-a-gallon gasoline espoused by his Energy Secretary, a goofball from UC-Berkeley. The rest of us don't. The fool has to go. - - - - -
Wonder if the Big O -- or, as some prefer, the Big Zero -- still plans to visit Pakistan this year? Anybody want to volunteer to be in charge of security? - - - - -
A black advocacy group wants the black participants in "Celebrity Apprentice" to denounce Donald Trump for what they perceive as racism on the part of The Hairball. Uh, folks ... the show is TAPED. Anything Trump or his producers don't want heard on the show WON'T be heard. And anybody can quickly be entirely removed from the show in the editing room. - - - - -
Have Americans forgotten that President Clinton was once offered bin Laden on a silver platter -- and refused it? - - - - -
Memo to horny Muslim males. What the hell is wrong with you that impels you to support a system wherein rich guys like Osama get FIVE wives and you're left with a smuggled-in Playboy? Or do you just prefer little boys? - - - - -
Is Rudy Giuliani feeling the presidential fire-in-the-belly again? Let's hope he learned something from his previous abortive run. For example, America is not New York, and vice-versa. - - - - -
Are there any drunk or demented Republicans who still pine for Colin Powell? - - - - - Be still my heart! Jimmy Carter says he'll vote for Obama! Would we have expected otherwise from this stupid, dictator-worshipping clod? Republicans are harboring a Carter soul-mate, of course, in the person of John "Reach Across the Aisle" McCain. An IQ competition between those two would be interesting. - - - - -
Fannie Mae has come mooching off the taxpayers again, trying to cover its losses as one of the most stupidly-run burocracies in a stupid government. Among the first duties of Obama's successor regime should be to get rid of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and salt the earth from which they sprang. The message should be, 'DON'T BUY HOUSES YOU CAN'T AFFORD." - - - - -
Arnold Schwarzenkennedy is trying to re-start his movie career. This (former) longtime California resident wonders if the dumb voters who put him in the governor's office have yet figured out there's a difference between problem-solving in the Hollywood bullfeathers factories and accomplishing something in the real world. Idiots voting for idiots; it's the American way! - - - - -
Britain's Northumbria University finds that chocolate and red wine are good for the brain. At last! Reason to take down that motto that says, "Everything I like is either illegal, immoral or fattening." Red wine and chocolate ... breakfast of champions! - - - - -
Word is that Dennis Kucinich, whose Ohio district is about to be reapportioned out of business, is considering moving to the state of Washington and running for congress there. Now, if he'd just move a few hundred miles west of there ... - - - - -
Jay Leno: "The White House says there’s no chance they’ll release the (bin Laden) death photos. Unless Obama starts to slip in the polls." ANY HORSE CAN RUN ...
... in the Kentucky Derby--IF someone's willing to pay the entry fees. And anyone can run for a presidential nomination. All but one, of course, will eat dust. Two early favorites for that ignominious distinction are former governors. Jon Huntsman, one-time Utah governor, and Gary Johnson, former governor of New Mexico. If there is a groundswell of demand for either, it remains invisible. - - - - -
Here's yet another reason why most Americans despise unions and the goons who run them. The New York Post reports that mob-connected unions in the Big Apple are adding close to $100 million to the taxpayers' share of the cost of rebuilding at Ground Zero, where the World Trade Center was brought down. This is payment to (A) workers who don't even have to show up and (B) "workers" who drop in, but do nothing. - - - - -
I want to share with you parts of an e-mail from a reader of this column who's also a member of a Bay Area teachers' union local. I am protecting the reader's name because it has been requested. This is often the case when I hear from members of that union who are -- yes -- AFRAID of their own union. Here are excerpts from that correspondence: "After our perpetually petulant and hostile union president resigned recently, there was an election for a new leader. One of the candidates ... put in his written election advertisement to us his name preceded by "Red". (Editor's note: this referred to his politics, not his complexion or his hair.) I had written to him a few times when the then-local union president sloughed me off and I complained that all the union did was take a militant stance against the district's board of education instead of working with them and the public to make the best of a tough time."Red" replied with detailed explanations that the real culprits were corporations and, as such, they should be the ones to bear the cost of getting education out of its financial hardship (read "higher taxes"). At one point in our exchange, he sent me an article that he had written for SocialistWorker.org: In that article, he commented on the day that teachers found out whether or not they would be re-hired, March 13th. Here are a couple of scary comments that led me to stop communicating with him because his position was intractable: "Pink Friday" is an opening that local unions can seize upon. Local unions should consider more militant action, including civil disobedience and daylong strikes. United Teachers Los Angeles, representing 45,000 educators, is heading in the direction of exercising the real power we represent: without teachers, there can be no schools. He also wrote, "This is not the time to shy away from radical politics in our unions. No other political framework represents the working-class movement as well as socialist ideas, which explain the crisis rooted in the cyclical nature of booms and busts in the profit system and point toward a solution through class struggle. ... back to our recent election--Red won it. I have heard that he is planning to go to Sacramento soon to join with others in a Wisconsonian takeover of the state capitol building." This is why I've long said the teachers' union is the most evil institution in America, possibly excepting the Mafia. - - - - -
Osama bin Laden left the government of Pakistan a gift they'd doubtless rather not have. Three of his wives and eight of his children. No other country wants them. - - - - -
What a family! The Barack H. Obama Foundation was named after the president's father and founded by his half-brother Abon'go Malik "Roy" Obama, a 53-year-old polygamist who recently made headlines by adding a third wife -- who's still in her teens. Its Web site claims to have provided drinking water in Kenya, an area which includes the Obama clan's ancestral village. The organization also says it has completed a madrassa, or Muslim school, and is building an imam's residence. This is in a predominantly Christian area. The cover for this operation began to be pulled away two years ago when a group of Missouri State college students visited and met the president's half-brother and detected something amiss. They decided to give their donation of 400 pounds of medical supplies directly to a local clinic. Malik started his charity the year his brother ran for president. The foundation claims to be a tax-exempt, federally recognized nonprofit. It is not. - - - - -
Annoy a liberal. Forward this column to him/her. - - - - -
Conan O'Brien: "Sen. John McCain met with the CEO of Twitter today. At least that's what he tried to tweet on his garage door opener." OSAMA-CATCHERS GUILTY IN THE EYES OF
The Republican-dominated House of Representatives needs to find and use whatever pressure is necessary to force Obama to stop the persecution of the very intelligence people who found Osama bin Laden. Their harassment continues at the instigation of Obama's Marxist/racist Attorney General, Eric Holder, who is a disgrace to the office and deserves, himself, to be on the wrong end of a serious investigation. - - - - -
All those bin Laden wives, and apparently not a good housekeeper among them. The man might as well have been living in a cave. What a slob! - - - - -
There is widespread surprise that all the secret material found in bin Laden's house was out in the open; no effort to conceal it in hiding places. This suggests that he had boundless confidence that he was safe there, a confidence that could only have been inspired by knowledge that he was shielded by very high-level people in the Pakistan government. The revelation of the identity of the CIA station chief in the country was yet another example of why that lying, devious government is not to be trusted. - - - - -
I repeat: Obama had to okay the raid on bin Laden because so many intelligence and military people knew the situation was ripe that his failure to do so would have quickly leaked and been devastating for him, politically. THAT is why, Obama fans, your hero behaved in a manner diametrically opposed to his own oft-expressed philosophy. Political expediency, and nothing else. At heart, he's still what he's always been; a Muslim-coddling anti-American. And some prominent Republicans may come to regret the flattery they've accorded Obama in the spirit of bi-partisanship. - - - - -
Contemplate the irony. The Obama who's so concerned about the sensitivities of Muslims who might see a photo of the dead bin Laden has been far, far less sensitive in dealing with the families of 9-11 victims. Just ask, for example, Debra Burlingame, with whom I've discussed this many times. Her brother was pilot of the hijacked plane that went down in Pennsylvania. - - - - -
Today's recommended reading: THE AMERICAN THINKER website ... Nancy Morgan..."Is Obama a Serial Liar?" - - - - -
Pierre Thomas of ABC-TV reports that info uncovered in bin Laden's lair exposes a plan to use African-Americans converted to Islam to sow discord and destruction in the United States. Look at the largely self-appointed "leaders" in many urban communities and you'll see many who are more than willing to cooperate. - - - - -
Barack Obama, with no business experience whatsoever, has no idea how markets work. That fact alone makes him utterly incompetent to make decisions about the nation's economy. All the fool knows is what academics and union goons tell him. - - - - -
Given the outbreak of threats and trouble-making passengers on airlines, perhaps it's time for more stringent laws and much, much harsher punishment for such behavior. And let the civil libertarian lawyers squeal like the pigs they are. - - - - -
Oh, how PBS and NPR must envy the BBC! A British court has just elevated belief in public broadcasting to a level equal with the protected position of religion. To liberals, 'tis a consummation devoutly to be wished. - - - - -
Perhaps the best coaching job in the NBA will be the second man to replace the retiring legend, Phil Jackson. As always, there'll be vast impatience with the first coach to try to rebuild the dynasty and he'll be fired, but if the second succeeds, he'll be a hero. Career tip: never be the first to replace a legend. - - - - -
Craig Ferguson: "There’s a beautiful island off the coast of Mexico that has more seals than Osama bin Laden’s bedroom." DEALING IN APPLES AND ORANGES
Since the media are full of such mindless blather, I would greatly appreciate having any mush-brained liberal goo-goo explain to me how the killing of Osama bin Laden is supposed to make viable -- or even relate to -- the passage of "comprehensive immigration reform" (translation: "reward illegal behavior") by our presidential airhead. - - - - -
Thoughts on the border fence, now being funded by private donations in Arizona. One rifle costs a good deal less than a mile of barbed-wire -- and is far more persuasive. Isn't it about time we returned fire from criminals on the other side of the border? Only fools like Obama and, yes, Bush, would let the situation so deteriorate without REAL action. - - - - -
Let's see if we can make lemonade out of lemons, i.e., use one problem to solve another. So ... former failed California governor Schwarzenegger is now separated from his spouse. Meantime, bin Laden has left behind a surplus of widows. So ... isn't the solution obvious? - - - - -
Newt Gingrich must count on Americans having very short memories as he enters the race for the Republican nomination. Clever he is, and an excellent debater. But the man carries more baggage than American Airlines, and some of his opponents are bound to mention such items as his advising his (then) wife that he was divorcing her while she lay in a hospital bed with cancer. And only the simple-minded would buy his recent excuse for his infidelities as being because he "worked so hard for his country." Forget it, dude. Your train left the station a long time ago, and even the current Republican field, undistinguished as it is, has no place for you. If Governor Mitch Daniels of Indiana, a near look-alike for Calvin Coolidge, enters the Republican race, he stands to replace Mitt Romney as the "moderate" choice. Mitt will never live down his ties to the socialist medical system he installed as governor of Massachusetts and, unlike Minnesota's Pawlenty, Mitt shows no inclination to admit he was simply flat-out wrong. And no amount of fringe-group wishful thinking is going to give the nomination to Ron Paul. - - - - -
The loathsome Rosie O'Donnell is now whining that bin Laden did not get "due process." Her lament calls to mind a bronze plaque sent me thirteen years ago by a listener to my radio program, David Crosslin. Its blunt message follows. "It is far past time for decent people to wake up and realize that, when dealing with scumbags, civility is nothing but a self-imposed handicap." The plaque still occupies place of honor in my office. So again, thanks David. - - - - -
The Politico newsletter reports that political donations lost to Obama because of his disappointing performance are being at least partially made-up by contributions from gay supporters. Simultaneously comes news that the Navy has authorized Navy chaplains to perform gay marriages in Navy chapels. Naaah ... there couldn't be a connection ... - - - - -
The obvious, sane way to handle the Yemeni who tried to break into the cockpit of the airliner approaching San Francisco: waterboard him and do whatever else is necessary to unlock his fevered brain ... drain him of all the information he might possess ... then lock him up and throw away the key. Anything less is a sign that we continue to collaborate in our own slow-motion destruction. And maybe NOT so slow. - - - - -
Chicago scum report: It's traditional for First Families, especially First Ladies, to be patrons of the arts and artists by showcasing them at the White House. Michelle Obama has made an interesting choice to spotlight at her poetry evening tomorrow at the Executive Mansion. She is presenting a rapper whose "works" include calls to shoot police officers and the burning of Pres. George Bush. - - - - -
Some cynical observers maintain that American voters make so many dumb decisions because they are uninformed. Wrong. They are MISinformed by a media largely populated by people who've grown up brainwashed by the liberalism that pervades our education system. If America diminishes as a nation -- which appears increasingly likely -- the responsibility belongs squarely on the shoulders of our so-called "educators". - - - - -
M. Catherine Evans reports in The American Thinker that -- A 25-year old University of Virginia law student, Johnathan Perkins, wrote a detailed account of police harassment and racial profiling in an April 22 Letter to the Editor of Virginia Law Weekly. Naturally, the prestigious university began an investigation that culminated in Perkin's May 2 admission that he made the whole thing up in order "to bring attention to police misconduct." Did the University press charges against him for filing a false report? Of course not. Such is the behavior in academia. - - - - -
Leno: "They said bin Laden's wife tried to shield bin Laden with her body. And today Moammar Gadhafi said to his wife, 'Hey honey, did you see what bin Laden's wife did? It was pretty cool, don't you think honey?'" --
Correction. Yesterday I wrote that Debra Burlingame's brother was a pilot on the 9/11 flight that crashed in Pennsylvania. He was actually in the cockpit crew of the plane that was flown into the Pentagon. THE BATTLE CRY OF THE AMERICAN VOTER
"Cut government spending -- but don't you DARE take away any of MY government goodies!" - - - - -
It will be interesting to see how Valerie Jarrett's future unfolds. One of Obama's inner-circle of leftist advisors, she was adamantly against the bin Laden raid. The Insider reports that the raid was literally forced on Obama by Leon Panetta of the CIA, Hillary Clinton and General David Petraeus. They had Obama hauled in from the golf course after the mission was already underway. If he'd tried to stop it, that fact would certainly have leaked, to Obama's great political detriment. Now, of course, he's taking bows as if it were really his idea all along; the very sort of behavior we've come to expect from this posturing phony. "The President's decision?" I don't think so. - - - - -
If Jerome Corsi, who wrecked John Kerry's White House ambitions with his book revealing Kerry's questionable Vietnam record, is able to make the case in his new Obama book that the man's identity and background are largely fictitious, we are going to have the biggest scandal in American history. Obama's "Certificate of Live Birth" may not be the end of this shadowy matter. Did a majority of American voters buy into a campaign that was/is largely a creation of smoke and mirrors? - - - - -
Michelle Obama obviously thinks it perfectly proper to invite to perform at the White House a rapper who's advocated shooting police. When does she invite another street thug who thinks it okay to assassinate presidents? Oh, wait. She has! The same rapper (called "Common" -- make of it what you will) has already advocated the killing of George W. Bush. Meanwhile, her husband panders to illegal aliens, speaking under a Mexican flag in El Paso. The Obamas! Friends of the criminal class! - - - - -
I live a half-hour from the Mexican border with Arizona. I don't need some ignorant, phony "community organizer" from Chicago telling me outrageous lies about the state of border security. He's either stupid or evil--or both. - - - - -
After a quick backlash, the Navy has suspended plans for its chaplains to perform gay weddings. - - - - - Steve Forbes of the magazine of the same name (and previous presidential candidate) tells Human Events we may return to the gold standard within five years. After the profligate spending and money-printing by the self-serving incompetents we have put in the White House, such a move may be vital. But the pain caused by its imposition would make it politically impossible. And the trend of the dollar toward worthlessness will continue. - - - - -
Mitt, do us -- and yourself -- a favor in your speech tonight. Admit Romneycare in Massachusetts was a stupid mistake, doesn't work ... then withdraw from consideration for the Republican presidential nomination. You're just Obama with better teeth. - - - - -
Definition time. "Diversity officer". A useless and annoying appendage to a government burocracy who becomes a permanent drain on the taxpayers. - - - - -
Might it not be a good idea for the brainwashed western media to make more of the fact that Islam approves temporary "marriages" between Muslim men and prostitutes? It legitimizes a commercial sex transaction with a sham marriage for a few minutes, an hour ... whatever. At the conclusion of business, the Muslim man "divorces" his temporary "wife" and all is well with Allah. This is the religion whose adherents object to the "immorality" of western culture. There should also be more attention given to the practice of aged Muslim perverts marrying pre-pubescent girls. But, after all, they're only emulating their role model, Muhammad. And these medieval savages want to impose their way of life ... including their Sharia Law ... on the entire world. - - - - -
Now Pakistan is sharing stealth technology from the wrecked U.S. helicopter with China. How much more evidence do we need that Pakistan is an enemy nation that should be treated accordingly? - - - - -
If you lost a loved one on 9/11, you might want to take it up with the editors of the Washington Post, who wrote an editorial claiming that even if water-boarding or other "extreme" measures they define as torture DID lead to Osama bin Laden, it was still wrong to use such tactics. Some forms of mental illness are obviously incurable. - - - - -
How California became the screwed-up zoo it is: Lifeguards making over $100,000 a year... at least one making over $200,000 ... and retirement at 90% of salary. With a nice tan. - - - - -
Ireland is raiding PRIVATE pensions for government money. You can bet some of our own Democrats are foaming at the mouth at the thought of doing something similar here. And don't think they wouldn't! - - - - -
Warning! The following is VERY politically incorrect and may result in you thinking thoughts unacceptable in today's oh-so-tolerant liberal society. You might want to forward it, perhaps anonymously, to liberal friends, relatives, acquaintances, neighbors. Time and experience, often painful, have validated the wisdom of the saying that those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. So what are the biggest lessons to be learned from 20th century history? The answer is easy and obvious, yet it is largely ignored by our so-called "leaders" who largely consist of a bunch of vain, self-centered ignorami who are would-be know-it-alls. ( I made up the word "ignorami". It sounds better and is more compact than "ignoramuses". You're welcome.) The answer is this. Both Japan and Germany (twice) decided they were culturally and morally superior to everyone else on the planet and were thus both destined and entitled to rule the world. We and our allies kicked the hell out of them and turned their homelands into wastelands. They seem to have learned from the experience; learned better than we have, judging from our unwillingness to face the reality that, like it or not, Islam has declared war on us openly and repeatedly, attacked us and feels entitled to impose their form of barbarity on everybody else. When is the stupid, lazy western world, starting with us, U.S., going to awaken and remind itself of the events of the 20th century ... and do what inevitably will have to be done if we are to survive? Trying to reason with fanatics is like trying to debate a rattlesnake. - - - - -
Speaking of rattlesnakes ... with warming, the season has arrived. Mrs. R. has twice this week "terminated with extreme prejudice" (CIA term) two of the rascals within a few feet of our Arizona house. An eagle swooped down and collected one for his lunch. - - - - -
DeWayne Yarbrough, 43, of Ford Heights, Illinois, has been arrested for keeping a dangerous animal after a police raid revealed that he had a four-foot alligator living in his kitchen. DeWayne told officers he kept the reptile because "chicks dig it." And to think; some unenlightened men just rely on aftershave lotion and Corvettes ... OBAMA IMMIGRATION ABSURDITY, PART TWO
Now that a desperate, failing president has decided to once again demagogue a cause that has zero chance, "comprehensive immigration reform" (rewarding criminals) by pimping himself out to illegal aliens, we can expect another outpouring of soothing sounds about "background checks" of illegals. Just actually THINK for about two seconds. Does anyone really believe it possible to do "background checks" on millions of poor and barely (if at all) literate Mexicans and other Latin Americans from rural villages and big-city ghettos? REALLY? How? The more likely outcome of such a project is providing taxpayer-paid employment for a lot of proto-communist post-college unemployables who are Democrat Party loyalists. The job will consist of shuffling thousands of papers that prove nothing about anybody's background. But don't worry for now. This whole stupid idea, a re-run of a similar and embarrassing Bush campaign that failed ignobly, is doomed. It's just fodder for the human cattle who follow the present White House phony. - - - - -
The clumsy, stupid, anti-American Obamas are defending the rapper they invited to perform in the White House ... a man with a history of advocating the killing of police and the assassination of a president ... on the grounds that he's "done good things." Sounds like every lame defense put up by every attorney representing every criminal brought to court. But Michelle says this creep has a "social conscience." - - - - -
Obama is playing the two-faced game again. Having told the American public repeatedly that he deserves full credit for the death of Osama bin Laden, now he plans another suck-up speech to Muslims. What's the presumed theme? "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to kill my (Muslim) brother"? Michelle, be careful; there may be "sister wives" in your future! - - - - -
One can hardly NOT conclude that a sizable portion of the American public is plain stupid. Not only was it ridiculous that Obama's polls improved after others did the heavy-lifting in locating and killing bin Laden, now a Gallup poll finds that approval of CONGRESS has gone up by almost 50% in the wake of the terrorist kingpin's demise! Of course, millions of idiots elected Obama ... - - - - -
The latest terrorist arrests involve one with Moroccan family origins, the other Algerian. But we MUSTN'T profile such people! Oh, no! That little old lady from Scandinavia is just as likely a threat! (I wonder if liberals even get the sarcasm.) These Muslims (again) had plans to blow up a synagogue. The entertainment industry is largely run by Jews who consistently support leftist and "pity the poor Muslims" product and views. Can anyone offer a logical explanation? - - - - -
Two states, two flags. The California Transportation Department, that bunch of ignorant heathens called CalTrans, forbade the display of an American flag at a veterans' memorial site; thought it too controversial. Meantime, on the campus of Louisiana State University, LSU, some punk tried to burn an American flag and had to run for his life as fellow students attacked him. - - - - -
The White House website accuses Republicans of racism. I wonder how many products of our Ignorance Factories, otherwise known as public schools, are even aware that "The Great Emancipator", Abe Lincoln, was a Republican. (By the way, ending slavery was only a political expedient for him. He'd sworn to the contrary before the Civil War or, as many Southerners still call it, "The War of Northern Aggression.") - - - - -
Question for SEIU (Service Employees International Union), the largest union of government employees. When do you plan to take the next logical step and demand that Karl Marx's birthday be made a national holiday? - - - - -
I long ago said that if bin Laden and his fellow terrorists wanted to really sow panic and disruption in the U.S., they would attack smaller cities and the flights between them. That would terrorize those Americans who think if they don't live in -- or travel to -- major metropolitan areas, they're immune to attack. Some questioned the wisdom of saying such a thing publicly; "it'll give them ideas." I assumed they'd already figured it out. They had. Documents seized at bin Laden's compound show long-standing plans for just such an approach. - - - - -
The law clearly means nothing to Obama & Co. Dow Jones news service reports that yesterday's auction of government bonds, i.e., debt, has already exceeded the debt limit. The attitude is clearly, "We don't like the rule limiting what we can borrow to hand out to our favored groups, so we'll just BREAK it!" The Financial Times, another deadly-serious news source, says the U.S. dollar is now weaker than the Euro, even with its Greek debacle. We can thank the Four Horsemen of the fiscal apocalypse, Obama, Geithner, Bernanke and Reid. Can it get worse? Of course. Bloomberg financial news reports that the Obama administration is pressuring for more under-prime loans for houses to people in that sewer called St. Louis who are bad credit risks. (Save the insults. I lived there -- briefly -- and I know whereof I speak.) - - - - -
Even the Wall Street Journal, which generally shares Mitt Romney's business philosophy, editorially calls him "Obama's Running Mate" because his Romneycare plan in Massachusetts was the linear ancestor of Obamacare, which Romney now attacks. Mitt, you're a spineless, two-faced phony. Go sell mutual funds and forget this pretense of leadership. - - - - -
Some Republicans, finding no one to ignite their enthusiasm among the current crop of presidential nominees, are calling for Jeb Bush to enter the fray. For better or worse, a reality check is called for. The Bush name is so tarnished for so many, it's a born-dead prospect. - - - - -
To Fox News viewers who complain about the presence of Juan Williams as a commentator: Wrong! You should demand that he be given a raise! Who better exemplifies the sheer silliness of liberalism? We NEED someone who serves as a bad example! He brings into focus the utter absurdity of what passes for thinking on the left. - - - - -
More riots in Athens by Greeks who don't like being told they have to stop living beyond their means. Greece may topple out of the European Union because of its spendthrift habits in rewarding an oversized populace of government employees. My late longtime friend and business partner, Stamatis Tsalikis, Greek, used to say that in its soul, Greece was no more European than, say, Syria. - - - - -
Saw it in a sub-headline today: "CIA POURING over pages written by Osama..." No, no. They may have been PORING over them, but unless they were dispensing syrup or some other fluid, it's hardly likely they were POURING over them. - - - - -
Several members of Congress given the opportunity have said they want to see Osama bin Laden's body. Many more say they'd like to see Eva Longoria's body. WHY ACTUAL, FACTUAL NEWS IS HARD
Is anyone really surprised to learn that Christiane Amanpour of CNN and CBS sits on the board of an organization funded by ultra-leftist George Soros? Ditto the duplicitous David Gergen, Phil Bronstein of the San Francisco Chronicle and many other big-media people. Imagine what you get for "news" after it's run thru such filters. Also unsurprisingly, Barack Obama, who's never had a real job in his life, says there's "nothing more important than a government job." Call it The Mantra of the Born Leech. - - - - -
Obama also says we shouldn't have "amnesia" about how this country was populated. Okay, ignorant Harvard man, HERE'S how it got populated. It got populated by people who came here LEGALLY and went thru the LEGAL immigration process. They did NOT sneak across the border to freeload. Got that, "community organizer"? Chicagoan, Hawaiian, Kenyan, Indonesian or whatever the hell you are. - - - - -
How dumb does even a Democrat have to be not to recognize that Obama & Co. WANT higher gasoline prices? His Energy Secretary Steven Chu, ex-UC-Berkeley professor (what else do you need to know?) has said so, targeting $10 per gallon. Obama himself said during his campaign that he would so oppress the coal industry that "energy prices will skyrocket". Did Democrats not hear these people, or are they just too stupid to realize they meant what they said? So we all suffer because Democrat voters are terminally dumb. - - - - -
Despite the fact that everyone directly associated with the hard-nosed intelligence gathering involved has clearly stated that water-boarding and other harsh measures were used to get the information that ultimately led to Osama bin Laden, Sen. John McCain adamantly denies it. McCain is a brainwashed, lying fool and it's an everlasting embarrassment to the Republican Party that they ever put up this dunce for president. He needs a job more befitting his abilities. Like, say, assistant to Janet Napolitano at Homeland Security. He's as idiotic as Chuck Schumer. I can hardly think of a greater insult. - - - - -
USA TODAY reports that aviation experts can't explain the sudden renewed outbreak of attempts to either open the door (impossible) or break into the cockpit of airliners. We CAN explain a solution. Kill a few of these crazies and watch the problem diminish! - - - - -
Advance funeral announcement. TV is dead, being steadily replaced by the internet. TV is increasingly becoming last-resort entertainment for the poor and technologically inept, hardly a desirable advertising market. This trend will continue. In a few years it will be as dead as AM radio. - - - - -
American "education" strikes again. In Orange, Massachusetts, a teacher refused to display an American flag drawn by an eleven-year-old student; refused on grounds that another student would be "offended" by it. Perhaps teaching that other student a little respect for his country might be a more propitious solution. - - - - -
One of many reasons why Congressman Ron Paul doesn't have the proverbial snowball's chance in hell of winning the Republican presidential nomination: he says the killing of Osama bin Laden was both unnecessary and probably illegal. Just one more reason why sane people don't care what this goofy nut thinks. - - - - -
Marc Morano of CLIMATEDEPOT.COM reminds us that the erratic egomaniac and now presidential candidate Newt Gingrich once appeared in an ad for Al Gore (and WITH Nancy Pelosi) because Newtie was a true believer in the global warming hoax. Proving it IS possible to be both clever and a crackpot. - - - - -
Today's must-read: THE WASHINGTON TIMES (washtimes.com) ... Paul McKellips ... "Afghans' Corruption Defeats Their Courage." It argues persuasively that we're wasting American lives and money there. - - - - -
Twenty years ago there was a movie called "Escape from New York". Now, it's a real trend. the New York Daily News reports that a new Marist College poll shows 36% of New Yorkers under the age of 30 are planning to leave New York within the next five years - and more than a quarter of all adults are planning to leave the state. - - - - -
Credit to Jim Geraghty of National Review for dissecting that startling -- and, it turns out, highly unreliable AP poll showing the Dear Leader with an approval rating hitting 60 percent! And 53 percent saying he deserves to be reelected! And on the economy, 52 percent approve of the way Obama’s handling it, and only 47 percent disapprove! He’s up 54–46 on approval of how he’s handling health care! On unemployment, 52 percent approval, 47 percent disapproval! 57 percent approval on handling Libya! Ah, but then it turns out you don’t have to be even a registered or likely voter to have an opinion on the president in this poll And then you get to the party ID of participants: 46 percent identify as Democrat or leaning Democrat, 29 percent identify as Republican or leaning Republican, 4 percent identify as purely independent leaning towards neither party, and 20 percent answered, “I don’t know.” In other words, the entire poll is a pile of bogus bullfeathers, rigged by the suck-up media, as represented by their "news" core, the Associated Press. - - - - -
Attention, horny and frustrated young Muslim men: You're getting (un)screwed because of old dudes like Bello Maasaba, an 87-year-old Islamic "holy man", who has gobbled up no fewer than 107 wives and bred them to the tune of 185 children. He's discarded or buried a few wives along the way; the current crop consists of 86, ranging in age from 19 through 64. Says God tells him when it's time to snag another one. Now, my horny Muslim friend -- don't you feel stupid? Where's YOUR woman? An 87-year-old pervert is marrying 19-year-olds while you're left with a permanent case of wood! If you feel like a moron, you should! - - - - -
It's Friday the 13th. Bad luck to fall out of a 13th-floor window today. - - - - -
Thanks to a reader, Bill, for forwarding ALERTS TO THREATS IN 2011 EUROPE : BY JOHN CLEESE. The English are feeling the pinch in relation to recent terrorist threats and have therefore raised their security level from "Miffed" to "Peeved." Soon, though, security levels may be raised yet again to "Irritated" or even "A Bit Cross." The English have not been "A Bit Cross" since the blitz in 1940 when tea supplies nearly ran out. Terrorists have been re-categorized from "Tiresome" to "A Bloody Nuisance." The last time the British issued a "Bloody Nuisance" warning level was in 1588, when threatened by the Spanish Armada. The French government has announced that it has raised its terror alert level from "Run" to "Hide." The only two higher levels in France are "Collaborate" and "Surrender." The rise was precipitated by a recent fire that destroyed France 's white flag factory, effectively paralyzing the country's military capability. HIS RECORD IS STERLING, BUT IS A
It's suspected that the reason Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels is putting his wife in the limelight is to learn in advance whether their ... colorful ... marriage would have a negative impact on a presidential run. While he has an outstanding record as governor, there was an episode some years ago involving his wife running away with a married man. She and Daniels were divorced ... but later remarried and all has reportedly been well since. - - - - -
The House voted overwhelmingly to commend the intelligence folk who orchestrated the bin Laden raid. Only four members didn't support the resolution: three Bay Area kooks, Democrats Barbara Lee, Pete Stark and Lynn Woolsey and Krackpot Kucinich from Ohio. - - - - -
Are we really out to "terminate with extreme prejudice" the taunting Libyan dictator, Gaddafi, or are we just dabbling in yet another half-assed war? - - - - -
If you think this ridiculously misnamed "Arab spring" means a change in murderous Muslims, please observe the burning of Christian churches in Egypt and the attacks upon their members. Only a moron would believe that a turnover in the ruling rabble will change the essential mentality of Muhammad's followers. That trite, overworked (by the media) phrase is just another example of liberal "thinking" run amok. - - - - -
The official (and under-estimate) of inflation has hit a 2 1/2-year high. And you ain't seen nothin' yet! And remember a basic fact: inflation is NOT caused by higher prices. Higher prices are a RESULT of inflation, the cause of which is an irresponsible government printing too much money. And our present government DEFINES irresponsibility. - - - - -
The Marxist Obama regime is trying to fight the tide of history in support of its union lackeys. As renowned economist Dr. Arthur Laffer and Stephen Moore illuminate real-world trends in the Wall Street Journal, between 2000 and 2008, 4.8 million Americans moved from forced union states to right-to-work states—that's one person every minute of every day. Obama has made the National Labor Relations Board, which is trying to prevent Boeing from opening a factory in right-to-work South Carolina, into little more than a government-directed criminal conspiracy. - - - - -
Only an evil, lying liberal demagogue would suggest that our border with Mexico is "under control". I live there; I know whereof I speak/write. In a sane society, the endless pandering to criminal illegal aliens would be defined -- and prosecuted -- as treason. And any such demagogue who pretends to equate enforcement of the law with "racism" deserves immediate and corrective punishment. - - - - -
The election -- indeed, the nomination -- is still on the far horizon, but Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels looks likely to replace Mitt Romney as the middle-of-the-road candidate. Unlike Romney, whose health-care plan is a train wreck in Massachusetts, Daniels has a real record of accomplishment; i.e., budget control without increased taxes. He ain't pretty, but pretty-boy presidents are not notable for accomplishment. - - - - -
Let us not have any more politicians of either party corrupting the language by talking about "bringing terrorists to justice" when they really mean, "We're going to kill the SOB's." - - - - -
Both the nation of Mexico and the U.S. state of Texas have been plagued by wildfires this year. Guess which the Obama administration has chosen to assist. Right. - - - - -
A round of applause for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie who, when asked if he believed in evolution or creationism crisply replied, "None of your business." More questions should be similarly answered by more politicians. If it has no bearing on the performance of the job, "None of your business" is an entirely proper response. - - - - -
It's hardly a surprise, but the flood of immigrants from Arab North Africa has caused two members of the "open borders" European Union, Italy and France, to re-introduce border controls. - - - - -
The wit & wisdom of Mark Steyn: Barack Obama is offering us a Latin American future – that's to say, a United States in which a corrupt governing class rules a dysfunctional morass. - - - - -
How did Osama bin Laden pass his time during those long days in his "mansion"? This might be a clue. A large stash of porno movies was found on the premises. Three wives in the house were insufficient to his needs?!! - - - - -
Former Sen. George Mitchell, himself of Arab descent, has admitted failure and quit his job as Obama's envoy to the middle-east. His task for the past two years was to try to bring about peace talks between Israel and Palestinians. An impossible job turned out to be just that. Impossible. - - - - -
A Pennsylvania woman has settled her lawsuit against Disney World ... a lawsuit based on her claim that Donald Duck had fondled her. Please: no crude poetry. - - - - -
Ashton Kutcher to replace Charley Sheen as the terminally-horny lead character in "Two-and-a-Half Men"? Will it work? Don't think so ... - - - - -
Some folk who want to impress others with their vocabulary occasionally resort to the use of a French word that expresses surprise or delight, and butcher the spelling. The word is "voila". The most common misspelling is the way some seem to hear it, "wah-lah". - - - - -
The invaluable Dan Sorkin reminds me of this timeless quote from Albert Einstein: Men marry women with the hope they will never change. Women marry men with the hope they will change. Invariably they are both disappointed. - - - - -
From reader Katherine-- "Thanking Obama for killing Bin Laden is like going into McDonalds and thanking Ronald McDonald for the hamburger. It's the guy cooking the burger that should get the credit, not the clown." - - - - -
Rich forwards this politically-incorrect line from Saturday Night Live. (No conservative program could possibly get away with it.) Barack Hussein Obama will go down in history as the first black person ever to have to prove that he killed someone." HIS ADMIRERS HAVE NO LUCK WITH HUCK;
So Mike Huckabee isn't running. He was never really a conservative, as witness his record as governor of Arkansas. America -- some Americans, anyway -- wonder if his withdrawal means Governor Chris Christie or Congressman Paul Ryan might decide to enter the race for the Republican nomination. Christie's already established a "get it done" reputation in New Jersey, and while getting elected to the top job from a seat in the House has always been an impossible project, Ryan has accomplished what more senior members couldn't or wouldn't. He's put together a real, nuts-and-bolts plan to get our insane debt under control. Both have already accomplished far more than a one-time obscure Senator from Illinois whose reputation was largely one of abstaining from voting on difficult issues but managed to turn facility with a Teleprompter and a lot of bullpucky into a successful White House run. One place Huckabee supporters won't be going: the Romney camp. We might expect a primary entry announcement soon from Cong. Michelle Bachman. - - - - -
The bounce is already going out of President Obama's post-bin Laden popularity polls. I wonder if Barbara Walters still thinks it would be suicidal for any Republican to run against him? - - - - -
The French Socialist head of the International Monetary Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, was pulled off a Europe-bound plane in New York and arrested on charges of sexual assault against a hotel maid who came to service his $3,000-per-night suite. Service the suite, not him. So now the IMF is doing to hotel maids what it's done to much of the world, especially American taxpayers, for years. - - - - -
Those wacky Iranians are at it again. One of the leading ayatollahs, the religious fanatics who hold the ultimate power in that crazed country, is upset with "President" Ahmadenijad; says he's been "put under a spell" and is -- yes -- "too liberal". - - - - -
A marriage made in heaven. Ultra-leftist Michael Moore joining ultra-leftist Keith Olbermann on Al Gore's little cable-TV network, which is watched by fewer people than I have locked in my bathroom. (Wonder if they have room for Katie Couric, now that the foolish CBS experiment is ending in failure?) - - - - -
We have a busy week ahead. The Family Radio group has put up 20,000 billboards in hundreds of major cities proclaiming that a slow-motion end-of-the-world process will begin next weekend and culminate with the total wipeout of humankind in October. Pardon my cynicism, but I sense some excellent buying opportunities in real estate and other investment areas. - - - - -
Illiteracy strikes again! There it was this morning ... a banner headline on one of the cable news channels.... "Officials POURING over Osama pornography collection." Perhaps the aforementioned officials are incontinent. Otherwise, the correct word is PORING, which means to study attentively. - - - - -
More media illiteracy, on the History Channel, of all places, where everything is recorded with ample opportunity for corrections. A special on the financial status of the Catholic Church had the narrator saying that the priceless treasures held by the church "begs the question" as to why it should be in difficult financial straits. Again, in our endless (and probably hopeless) fight against media ignorance: the term "begs the question" means to evade answering a question, not the prompting of a follow-up question. - - - - -
Given the outrageous gasoline prices, perhaps it's a good time to recall some basic advice on fuel economy. #1--Drive as if there were an egg (uncooked) under the accelerator pedal. #2--The surest sign you're wasting gas is that back-and-forth between brake and accelerator pedals. Look ahead, time those lights and drive as if the needle was approaching "E", you had no money and had to ask your father-in-law for the price of a gallon. - - - - - Dan Sorkin contributes this valuable piece of perspective on Islam's hatreds. A short time ago, Arab speakers at the U.N. urged the Arab World to boycott everything that originates with the Jewish people. In response, Meyer M. Treinkman, a pharmacist, offered to assist them : "Any Arab who has Syphilis must not be cured by Salvarsan discovered by a Jew, Dr. Ehrlich. He should not even try to find out whether he has syphilis, because the Wasserman Test is the discovery by a Jew. An Arab who has heart disease must not use Digitalis, a discovery by a Jew, Ludwig Traube. If an Arab has diabetes, he must not use Insulin, the result of research by Minkowsky, a Jew. Arabs with convulsions must put up with them because it was a Jew, Oscar Leibreich, who proposed the use of Chloral Hydrate. Arabs must do likewise with their psychic ailments because Freud, father of psychoanalysis, was a Jew. Should an Arab child get Diphtheria, he must refrain from the "Schick" reaction which was invented by the Jew, Bella Schick. They should continue to die or remain crippled by Infantile Paralysis because the discoverer of the anti-polio vaccine is a Jew, Jonas Salk. Arabs must refuse to use Streptomycin and continue to die of Tuberculosis because a Jew, Zalman Waxman, invented the wonder drug against this killing disease. In short, good and loyal Arabs should properly and fittingly remain afflicted with Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Heart Disease, Headaches, Typhus, Diabetes, Mental Disorders, Polio, Convulsions and Tuberculosis and be proud to obey the Islamic boycott." - - - - -
Is there no end to the embarrassment caused political parents by their children? Now Sarah Palin's 16-year-old daughter, Willow, was stopped for driving 20 MPH over the 65MPH speed limit. On the up-side, at least there's no indication she was drunk. Which reminds me. My doctor tells me I'm now okay to drive again, but not to indulge in adult beverages for a few more months. I couldn't resist telling him that his edict destroyed my entire plan: to drive drunk. For a fleeting moment, he thought I was serious. - - - - -
My friend and occasional bodyguard Richard passes along this definition of success: > At age 4 success is . . . . Not peeing in your pants. > At age 12 success is . . . Having friends. > At age 17 success is . . ..Having a driver's license. > At age 35 success is . . . Having money. > At age 50 success is . . . Having money.. > At age 70 success is . .. .Having a drivers license. > At age 75 success is . ... .Having friends. > At age 80 success is . . .. Not peeing in your pants. - - - - -
Conan O'Brien: "President Obama can pretty much count on reelection if he can just kill bin Laden two more times in the next 12 months." EXCUSE US, ANYBODY. COULD WE
We hit the debt ceiling today. More borrowing by so profligate a government is like funding a racetrack gambler who only bets on three-legged horses. - - - - -
It was either amusing or heartbreaking, depending on your point of view, to watch two Republican candidates self-immolate yesterday on different talking-head shows on cable. Trying to differentiate themselves from their fellow (?) Republicans, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich, in different ways, tied themselves in knots. Cong. Paul rambled on with some of his usual inarticulate foolishness, and Newt dissed Cong. Paul Ryan's alternative to Obamacare. 'bye, Newtie! - - - - -
California sends a delegation to Texas to find out why the economy works in the Lone Star State, and doesn't in Fantasyland. Let me help, California. It's because you elect left-wing morons to public office! They've robbbed the taxpayers to pay off government employee unions -- and you STILL elect them! - - - - -
The arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund (another drain on your taxes) and likely Socialist candidate for President of France for sexual assault on a hotel maid in New York, has his home country in a dither. We know that socialists believe in the philosophy, "To each according to his needs," but this seems to be carrying it a bit far. Now a French writer claims that the horn-dog sexually assaulted her nine years ago but her mother, a loyal biggie in the Socialist Party, persuaded her not to report him. Good ol' Mom! - - - - -
Fortunately, the nation and the world are so free of strife and trouble that the Prez was able to play yet another round of golf yesterday. He's getting in more time on the course than Tiger Woods. - - - - -
The last launch of the Space Shuttle is a vivid reminder of the steady slippage to second-rate status by a nation that once could do anything. This is yet another inevitable consequence of putting incompetent fools in the White House and Congress. - - - - -
Red faces at CNN, now that Fareed Zakaria has been outed for his "chats" with President Obama; "chats", not to be confused with advice or consultation. The tete-a-tetes were revealed by fellow CNN'er Eliot Spitzer, the former New York Governor who moved from Prominent Patron of Prostitutes to cable talk-show host. Still consorting with whores, a cynic might say. - - - - -
New target for Luddites. McDonald's is converting its European outlets to a touch-screen method for customers to order. No need for order-takers at the counter. Look for it here in the not-too-distant. - - - - -
The high school in New London, Connecticut, is going to require students to be able to speak English before they graduate. Why ... why ... THE RACISTS! (We're just preempting the inevitable activist-group backlash.) - - - - -
Today's recommended reading: JEWISH WORLD REVIEW ... Arnold Ahlert ... "Krauthammering Amnesty" - - - - -
Jay Leno: "According to TMZ, Arnold Schwarzenegger is willing to do anything to get his wife, Maria Shriver, back. He's even willing to learn English." FIRING THE "UNTOUCHABLE" EMPLOYEE
Voters who've lost confidence in the blatantly incompetent Barack Obama are now confronted with a dilemma long faced by employers in many fields: what if you hire somebody you can't fire for fear of being charged with racism? As predictable as sunrise, some Democrats are now making that charge as polls show the voting public increasingly recognizes that Obama was a well-intentioned mistake, but a mistake nonetheless. And many minority citizens may refuse to recognize that an employer -- in this case, the voters -- being coerced into keeping on the payroll an incompetent performer may cost THEM job opportunities. Some (more) employers may decide -- as some already HAVE -- that rather than go thru the aggravation of trying to unload a worker who fails to perform, they'll just hire none from a protected category in the first place. Such is the price for protecting the incompetent. - - - - -
The Los Angeles Times editorialized brilliantly yesterday on everything that's wrong with the high-speed rail plan for California -- then went ahead and endorsed it! Here's an idea. Why not lay the tracks right on top of the San Andreas fault all the way from Southern California to San Francisco, then set up wagering on at which mile-marker an earthquake will break it, wreck a train and kill people? - - - - -
Speaking of liberal fantasies about the transportation of the future ... hybrid and electric vehicles make up only two percent of cars sold, with the authoritative J.D. Power & Associates saying that may grow to nine percent in five years, but will never become the predominant choice in the auto market. Nevertheless, the dreamers will continue to fantasize about wind, solar, etc. Reminder, electric car enthusiasts: the first electric cars were introduced in the 19th century -- more specifically, the 1830s -- and didn't score with the public then, either. - - - - -
So Schwarzenegger was porkin' the household help! Maybe he was just trying extra-hard to be like a Kennedy, Maria, so you oughta cut him some slack. Besides, he was just practicing on her what he later did to the people of Calee-four-nya. - - - - -
China is still unloading U.S. government bonds. They dumped $9.2 billion of our debt in April, for the fifth month in a row. We still owe China more money than any other nation, something to keep in mind when (former candidate) Donald Trump rabble-rouses with his nonsense about how he'd get tough with them. As my late history mentor, Prof. Sam Harris, always said, "The real world works this way. If you're on my gravy train, you do what I tell you to do." By the way, how many times HAS the "business genius" gone bankrupt? - - - - -
What Obama's "stimulus plan" really did: increased government employment by almost half-a-million ... while killing a million jobs in the private sector. A perfect example of Marxist economics at work! - - - - -
A government agency reports that our communications networks are potentially under attack from solar storms; electrical storms on the surface of the sun. Fear not. Have confidence that the Dear Leader will have Joe Biden and Harry Reid stand between us and the threatening event. - - - - -
Walking the party line isn't always easy. Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a holdover from Bush, says President Obama made a "gutsy call" in ordering the raid that nailed bin Laden. Very loyal on Gates' part, since it's now widely known that he, along with Leon Panetta of the CIA, Hillary and General Petraeus had to drag him kicking and screaming from the golf course to okay it AFTER the raid was already underway. - - - - -
The Daily Caller reports that almost a fifth of the entire nation's exemptions granted from Obamacare went to restaurants, nightclubs and hotels in Nancy Pelosi's district in San Francisco. Gee, what a coincidence ... As a former resident of her district, I can report with great dismay that there are thousands of San Franciscans who believe this conniving hag is a saint. - - - - -
Forgive me an "I told you so": Newt Gingrich is an egomaniacal nut-case. And let's be grateful that the Trump comedy is over. He chose, as anyone should've known he would, to stick with the big bux and TV celebrity. - - - - -
So French leftists are PO'd that we put their Sodomizing Socialist in jail. Two words, Frenchies: a verb & a pronoun! By the way ... I hope it wasn't too much of a shock to learn that the International Monetary Fund, run by this high-living Socialist pervert, spends millions of tax dollars from your OWN bankrupt government to bail out bankrupt governments in other parts of the world. Yes, we ARE ruled (and I use that word advisedly) by truly crazy people! - - - - -
Ben Stein is right. There's far too much blind optimism about the ultimate results of the over-hyped "Arab Spring". - - - - -
How stupid does one have to be in order to believe that, given the passage of more rigid gun-control laws, criminals are going to turn in their weapons? We know the answer: only liberals can be that stupid. - - - - -
Forwarded without comment ... since we're not into theology ... Renowned British scientist Stephen Hawking says, "I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail. There is no heaven or afterlife for broken down computers; that is a fairy story for people afraid of the dark." Who first said, "I swear to God, I'm an atheist"? - - - - -
NBC confirms that another primetime news feature with Brian Williams will be on their fall schedule. It's announced with the usual encomiums about Mr. Williams' "unique talents". What it really means is, "We can fill another hour with real cheap programming." - - - - -
The accursed environmental nuts have given us a government that will next mandate LED lightbulbs (after the CFL requirement) that cost $50 each. I'm sure you'll express your gratitude to them in an appropriate manner. - - - - -
The Hill political paper reports that supermodel Cindy Crawford, who backed Obama in '08, is now a Romney supporter. Those great-hair-and-teeth people do stick together, don't they? - - - - -
From All Comedy Radio: Porn stash found in Osama’s compound! The stash includes every single issue of Playgoat magazine. "THERE NEVER WAS A GOOD WAR OR A
BAD PEACE"--Benjamin Franklin
The "idealists" who run the Peace Corps must have misinterpreted the spelling in that quotation, because they sat on stories of rape of members and other outrages because they didn't want their little playpen disturbed. While doubtless many good souls with flawless motives have joined the PC over the years, I've heard plenty of anecdotes during my extensive travels (more than seventy countries at last count) about Peace Corps people who were far more interested in partying than assisting poor benighted locals and were therefore widely despised. And what ever happened to the investigation of UN personnel in Africa luring underage girls into prostitution for a few bites of food? And to think: we support these international criminals! - - - - -
A little-noticed but sinister facet of Obamacare is the innocuously-named Independent Payment Advisory Board, which would have the power to deny payment for medical care that it determines to be economically inefficient. Which is why detractors call it by its rightful name, "The Death Panel". One can only wish that the leftist hacks who dreamed this up, starting with Barack Obama, would be the first to feel its effects in a time of medical crisis. But the political elite are always exempt, aren't they? - - - - -
The Obamunists have banned the conservative-leaning (for Boston) Boston Herald from covering his fund-raising event in their city today on the grounds that the newspaper is "biased". Somewhere, Joseph Goebbels is smiling. - - - - -
So now Gingrich apologizes to Cong. Paul Ryan for attacking his budget plan, particularly the part dealing with Obamacare. After providing fuel for every leftist in America, the buffoon apologizes. Too little, too late, Newtie. You had no chance, anyway, so take your monumental ego and find a new market for your talents. Since bull-durham and phoniness are your major products, the advertising world would be perfect. - - - - -
Democrat pols and their media allies are playing an old, familiar game. They are trying to influence the Republican choice of a presidential nominee so that, whatever the election outcome, they can say -- as they have before --"We lost, but we STILL won!" The latest object of their affection: Jon Huntsman, the former Utah governor who worked for Obama as ambassador to China and in a virtual love letter to the Big O, effusively proclaimed his admiration for the Community Organizer. And Democrats expect Republicans to nominate HIM?? But it should not be forgotten that, last time around, the Republicans handed them John "Reach Across the Aisle" McCain, who would have served their purposes nicely. Except, of course, an incompetent unknown beat him like a pinata. - - - - -
Commencement speeches are generally notable for being full of platitudes and bull-pucky. Politicians enjoy having these ready-made and generally naive approving audiences to use as props for the TV cameras. Therefore it was totally in the tradition of such affairs that Obama delivered his speech to the graduates of Booker T. Washington High School in Memphis. Reduced to essentials, the wild applause of the graduates could be analyzed thusly: "HE'S black ... WE'RE black ... therefore HE'S WONDERFUL!" - - - - -
Obama has thrown another "oops!" roadblock in front of the ostensibly-okayed trade agreements with Panama, Colombia and South Korea. Never mind the estimated 380,000 American jobs that will be saved or created by the agreement. Obama has done another sellout to union goons who want another payoff for jobs they say -- but can't prove -- might be lost by the deals. - - - - -
The accused head of the International Monetary Fund who is charged in the sexual assault case in a New York hotel might be cause for leftists to ask themselves, "Why was this Socialist ... likely candidate for President of France ... staying in a $3,000-a-night hotel suite?" Of course, only the terminally naive would be surprised. I covered the 1984 Democratic Convention (Mondale-Ferraro) in San Francisco, and in the confined quarters of Moscone Center where it was held, one was at constant hazard of tripping over the miles of furs being dragged by the party queens. And the party bigwigs' skybox, which was adjacent to our broadcast facility, was stocked with more high-priced booze than an upscale liquor store. (I suspect, but can't prove, that one of our engineers found a way to get into the haven for party honchos. In any case, each night after proceedings closed and the crowds left, he managed to supply all of us in the booth with some fine, fine nectar. The man's place in heaven is assured.) By the way ... the French horn-dog may have more problems still. It seems his alleged victim, an immigrant from West Africa, lives in an apartment facility occupied exclusively by people with AIDS or HIV. - - - - -
I am ceaselessly amazed that there are apparently people whose lives are so empty they will watch TV shows built solely around gluttons demonstrating how much food they can consume. Or, worse yet, consuming items most us would consider inedible. - - - - -
The land beneath the town of Ocean Grove, New Jersey, is owned by a Methodist organization. For seventy years, the local high school has held its graduation ceremony in a large auditorium, which is also owned by the Methodist group. Now the ACLU is trying to prevent this year's commencement exercise from being held in the auditorium because it displays ... a cross. It is time again to remind people of the origin and purpose of the ACLU. It was founded to defend communist subversives and it's founder, Roger Baldwin, candidly stated his position thusly: "I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal." - - - - -
Reader Joan contributes this one -- The woman applying for a job in a Florida lemon grove seemed to be far too qualified for the job; given her liberal arts degree and her jobs as a social worker and school teacher. The foreman said, "I have to ask you this.Have you had any actual experience in picking lemons?" "Well, as a matter of fact, I have! I've been divorced three times, owned two Chryslers, and I voted for Obama." "GAS WAR" TAKES ON A NEW MEANING
Is anyone really surprised that the lying hypocrites who run this country (A) tell us endlessly to conserve gasoline, then (B) use that conservation as a rationale for attaching devices to our cars (at our expense, of course) that will automatically report miles driven and tax us on a per-mile basis. They SAY this will be either instead of ... or in addition to ... the current gasoline taxes. Only a gullible sucker would believe it will be "instead of". - - - - - The Wall Street Journal reports that Obama wants billions more dollars (that we don't have) to send to his Muslim buddies in the middle-east. Atoning for his "sin" of getting bin Laden whacked? Or can this deluded dope really believe he's going to "bring peace to the middle east"? The sickest, sorriest joke of the past century has been the very phrase, "middle east peace process". Exactly what has that "process" produced, other than a shaky treaty with Egypt which is likely to be swept away in the euphoria of the "Arab spring"? - - - - - The conspiracy-minded might want to file this away. Sen. John Kerry, failed left-wing presidential candidate when voters were wiser, is being sent to flash-points in the middle east by Obama. Is he being prepped to take over as Secretary of State if/when Hillary quits -- and maybe runs against the fast-fading nobody in the White House? It's a far-out theory, but ... - - - - -
Sen. Chuck Schumer, New York leftist egomaniac, now speaks admiringly of Newt Gingrich in the wake of the pseudo-Republican's attack on Cong. Paul Ryan's budget plan. Newt, baby, if you didn't already realize you're toast as a potential nominee, this is yet another nail in your coffin. Changing your name and moving to a foreign country might be advisable. On the plus side, Mitt ... godfather of Obamacare ... probably loves you. And if he gets the nomination, (real) Republicans will grit their teeth and vote for him -- or, more realistically, vote against Obama. Be advised, however, that Obama is already quoting Romney in his fund-raising/campaign speeches. How does the Republican Party get itself entangled with idiots like Gingrich and Romney? - - - - -
If Michelle Bachmann is IN the Republican race, is Sarah Palin OUT? Seems likely. Otherwise, the Tea Party vote gets badly split. - - - - -
Cindy Sheehan was the darling of the media when she demonstrated against what she and they chose to label as "Bush's wars". Now that we're involved in a THIRD war under a bungling Democrat, the media appetite for Ms. Sheehan seems to have ... vanished ... although her protests continue. C'mon, Big Media dudes and dude-ettes; don't you love your sweet Cindy any more? - - - - -
Speaking of left-wing idols ... now actor Peter Fonda is calling Obama a f$#@ing traitor for not being sufficiently fanatical on environmental issues. And fiery ultra-leftist Professor Cornel West angrily calls the Big O a "black mascot" and "a puppet". Ah, those feet of clay ... - - - -
When was the last time a "government economists'" prediction of anything turned out to be even close to correct? They would be of more use as janitors in federal buildings. If they're up to the job. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "There's talk of a new "Mad Max" movie, where gas is so expensive people steal and kill to get it. It takes place in the future ... like July." THE BIG OBAMA SELLOUT -- ANYONE
To the surprise of exactly no one, Barack Obama has come out in support of the murderous Palestinians and urges Israel to return to utterly indefensible borders. (How can you defend a country only eight miles wide in the middle?) A member of the Israel Knesset (parliament) has it exactly right when he refers to Obama as "the new Yasser Arafat." At what point do liberal American Jews wake up to the reality that, Muslim or not, Obama's behavior accords with the medieval mob and stop supporting him and his decadent, defeatist party? Here's the elephant in the middle of the room that most would prefer to ignore, but Obama is aware of it. There is still a streak of anti-Semitism in White America that Obama can count on not to be upset if the only real democracy in the middle-east, Israel, is destroyed. Thus, Obama thinks he can offer support to the craven Arab wish for a "do-over" of the 1967 war they started and took a total ass-kicking from the far-smaller Israeli forces, sealing the Arab reputation as both cowardly and incompetent. Thus, they are left with a permanent inferiority complex, totally justified. Israelis may well wonder if they can survive a second four-year-term by the Judas in the White House. Americans would be well advised to ask themselves the same question. - - - - -
Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez had a reporter for an opposition newspaper bumped off. Wonder how many of his Hollywood leftist admirers have sent him a congratulatory note? Eighty years ago, the Tinsel Town Traitors would have been applauding the mass murders of Joseph Stalin. In fact, many DID. The mentality of these overgrown brats never changes. - - - - -
A former Navy Seal sends me a photo of a Seals team outfitted as were the men who carried out the raid that terminated Osama bin Laden. They are, by any standard, frightening in appearance in their combat gear. How satisfying to know that before the bullet entered his demented head, bin Laden's last sight on earth was the very personification of death staring him in the face. It's just too bad time didn't permit the murderous SOB to be set fire then hurled from a helicopter, dying in agony on the way down as did his victims at the World Trade Center. Thanks, Dave! - - - - -
A New York mother set fire to her own daughter in some insane voodoo ritual. Too bad our legal system doesn't allow dear ol' Mom to feel similar heat. - - - - -
With no exceptions that come to mind, every government regulation that interferes with the right to live as one pleases comes from the political left. Are liberals physically & mentally incapable of minding their own business? - - - - -
The conservative media are finally awakening to what George Soros and his bought-and-paid-for leftist media stooges are up to. Having been a target of this bunch for many years, I can tell you they are utterly unscrupulous, and one of the biggest media companies in existence -- my employer at the time -- was afraid to stand up to them. They behaved like frightened ... mice. It was a concentrated lesson in how easy it is for a determined enemy to tyrannize the cowardly -- even BIG cowards. - - - - -
Former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman is the Democrats' favorite Republican (potential) contender for the party's presidential nomination. He is an ill-disguised Trojan horse for them. Take note of this among his many self-condemning quotes: When the economic stimulus bill passed, Huntsman criticized fellow GOP governors who refused to take stimulus money for engaging in “gratuitous political griping.” This sham Republican also supported the "cap and trade" boondoggle. - - - - -
Not an endorsement, just an early-line wagering tip: the Republican ticket of Daniels and Bachmann, even though the Indiana governor is a bit on the namby-pamby side for many conservatives. The great thing about predictions 18 months in advance is ... if you're wrong, who'll remember? If Texas Governor Rick Perry enters, take him seriously. His state is a model of success compared to most others. Even the lunkheads in Sacramento send delegates to Austin to see what Texas is doing right that California isn't. (Answer: virtually everything.) The lingering question is ... has Bush poisoned the well for Texas governors in the view of too many voters? - - - - -
Another reminder of Republican political incompetence: how DID the Republicans manage to lose a senate election to that whiny weasel, Harry Reid? They had at least two potential candidates who could have mopped the floor with ol' Harry, but instead gave their nomination to a nut-job ... who lost. - - - - -
Please advise gullible dopes who want government-run health care that the model for their hoped-for system, Britain, last year had a 43% increase in the number of patients who had to wait six months or MORE for treatment. - - - - -
Media whore report: From Newsbusters -- In December of 2007, a conservative organization known as Freedom Watch created an advertisement with a message of support and thanks to America’s troops serving around the world. They were rejected by NBC. In April of this year, a Muslim organization known as the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) created an advertisement with a message to counter Islamophobia from the ‘conservative right’. They are currently running on NBC Universal media networks. (For the record, "phobia" connotes fear. How about "contempt" instead?) Showing up at Al-Jazeera's self-congratulatory party: Nancy Pelosi and ... John McCain, who spoke admiringly of the Arab-operated "news" service. Of course, compared to most of our own networks, perhaps Al Jazeera DOES have a positive side. - - - - -
Cherish small victories. Senate Republicans did prevent Obama from putting another Bay Area nut on the already-wacky 9th District Federal Court of Appeals. The demented Goodwin Liu from Stanford will have to find another career path. - - - - -
Here is yet another chapter in our continuing campaign to fill some of the mile-wide gaps in education left by our Ignorance Factories, a/k/a public schools. This error shows up regularly in print. A person living outside his native homeland is not an "ex-patriot". He is an EXPATRIATE. The word has nothing to do with patriotism. - - - - -
Our long national nightmare is over. The detestable, incompetent Katie Couric has concluded her misguided and failed tenure at CBS News. - - - - - Will someone please tell the Fox News morning people, especially the eye-candy blonde, that the purpose of an interview is not to TELL the guest what he/she has done or thinks, but ask questions and let THEM tell it? Those interviews are beyond embarrassing. - - - - -
The founder of a religious movement says the world will end ... or begin to end ... tomorrow. So if this column doesn't appear tomorrow ... - - - - -
Craig Ferguson -- "The Navy SEALs found a massive stash of porn in Osama bin Laden's bedroom. Must have been tricky. It's hard enough to hide porn from one wife." WITH FRIENDS LIKE OBAMA, WHO NEED
Only a Muslim, an anti-Semite or a doped-up wacko would have the gall to demand more concessions from Israel for the benefit of a bunch of medieval crazies who have vowed to destroy the only democracy in the middle-east and kill every Jew in it. If Israel is so bad for Arabs, why do more than one-and-a-half million of them choose to live there rather than join their brothers in Gaza and all the neighboring Arab countries? Have you ever seen an American president so thoroughly revealed as a duplicitous fool as was Obama during Netanyahu's lecture on TV? NOW will American supporters of Israel, mostly non-Jewish, wake up and send this ignorant and evil nothing back to the Chicago streets from which he came? And will supporters of the phony in the White House have the decency to clarify their position by displaying a poster of Hitler in their homes? After all, he and The Big O have advocated the same position on Jews: use the crazed Arabs to eradicate them. Given the fact that his "father" was a runaway barbarian with some Harvard mud on his shoes, maybe Benjamin Netanyahu was the first real father-figure Obama had ever met and he didn't know how to deal with it. (Leaving aside his communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.) By the way ... Just to bring increased clarity to the language, discourage the use of the following outworn phrase by laughing aloud at anyone stupid enough to use it: "Middle-east peace process." Think of this tragedy. Barack Hussein Obama will get a generous lifetime pension from American taxpayers for his efforts to destroy their country. Many Big Media mumblers play their phony game of pretending to respect this plague upon the nation. I don't, and won't. - - - - -
I wonder what the undertaker of ABC Radio, Farid Suleman, thinks of all this? He, or his flunkies, seemed VERY sensitive to my criticism of Muslim wackos when I was on the air for that poor, benighted company that has now become a shadow of its former imposing self and is destined to become a minor footnote in broadcasting history. I glance at the ratings (listener totals) for my former home-base, ABC's KGO/KSFO in San Francisco. They're ... pitiful. KGO in 6th place and sinking ... KSFO 13th. Between them, the two stations dominated the market for some fifty years. Now they're nonentities. - - - - -
From Hugh Hewitt's program, Mark Steyn's view of the latest Obama whoring for the Muslims -- "This I think is the pansy left’s view of the world that if you have two parties to a negotiation, one party wants to kill the other party ... That’s why there was no peace in 1948, no peace under the British mandate in the 1930s, no peace at the time of the 1922 partition, because one party to the dispute wants to kill the other. " Shove THAT up your hookah, Community Organizer. I fear -- and suspect -- that the Arab craziness will only end, or at least abate, when Israel is pushed to the point of reducing one or more of their capital cities to a pile of radioactive rubble. Better late than never. - - - - -
Now that evidence seized in bin Laden's lair reveals that Iran was involved in plotting 9/11, those of us who were accused of irrational hot-headedness for suggesting all along that the proper response would have been a punishing attack on Tehran on 9/12 can -- and do -- feel totally justified. We were right ... the goo-goos were wrong. And making an object lesson of that den of conniving fanatics would've gone a long way toward discouraging their crazed Muslim brethren. - - - - -
Memo to Arab would-be "conquerors" re Israel's 1967 borders imposed by others: if you start a war and lose it, you embarrass yourself by whining about the results. You're a bunch of losers, so learn to be meek and quiet about it. You know ... the way you'd humiliate any surviving losers if YOU won! What's your word for it? Oh, yes -- "dhimmitude". - - - - -
Consider this. We still give money to the bloodthirsty, stupid Palestinians. - - - - -
Idle thought ... Wonder what percentage of "pledges" to political campaigns actually materialize? - - - - -
What? No end of the world? Of course, I'm writing this before 6AM, so the day is young. Nevertheless, I still plan to watch the Preakness later today. Anyway, it's a bit late to begin enumerating and atoning for my sins. Should've started on Groundhog Day, at the latest. BTW, wonder how many of the people who contributed upward of $80 million to the Doomsday Preacher expect to get their money back if his end-of-the-world prediction DOESN'T materialize today? They may have to content themselves with the timeless wisdom attributed (probably incorrectly) to P. T. Barnum: "There's a sucker born every minute." - - - - -
Living on the thin gruel of slim hope ... the dead-enders who still try to convince themselves that the egomaniacal Newt Gingrich can be president. - - - - -
French socialists: your hero is a crazy old pervert. The willingness to put such "leaders" in a position of power is why you couldn't defeat a squad of annoyed Girl Scouts. Now go drink your rotgut wine and shut up! Your opinions don't matter, anyway -- and haven't for over a century. - - - - -
Jimmy Kimmel on Ah-nuld's "love child" -- "I mostly feel bad for this kid that now has to learn how to spell the name Schwarzenegger." DID THE WORLD END WHILE I WAS IN THE
If, as the loony California preacher predicted, the world ended yesterday, I must've been busy and didn't notice. Besides, I always figured if somebody really DID know the future, they'd be spending most of their time at the race-track. BTW: contributors to this guy who overlooked a Bible basic from Matthew 24:36, "But as to that day and the exact time no one knows--not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father alone" - - have you requested a refund yet? Have you asked yourself, "Why did I give money to this nut-job?" Beware of false prophets ... - - - - -
Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels, who had the promise of backing from major -- and big-money -- Republican figures, decided not to take a run at the Republican nomination after all. Says it's based on family considerations, which is certainly his prerogative. That leaves the so-called "moderate" field to Mitt Romney, godfather of Obamacare. If he's nominated, many Democrats will say, "Even if we lose, we win!" Only the Democrat Trojan horse Jon Huntsman might serve Obama as well as an "opponent". Inside rumor has it that Daniels' midnight e-mail announcing his decision not to run was prompted by his wife, which means one word will dog him forevermore. "Whipped". - - - - -
Former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty makes it official that he's in the race for the Republican presidential nomination tomorrow. In Iowa. Home state of Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann. He has attacked her in remarks recently. Think about it. He attacked a congresswoman from the state of which he's been governor ... who, herself, is a NATIVE of Iowa, where he is making his "I'm running" announcement and site of the first voting for a nominee. All of it guaranteed to PO Tea Party supporters of Bachmann, who are absolutely vital to any White House-seeking Republican. Stupid. Perhaps candidates for presidential nomination should first have to submit to an IQ test. I doubt that Pawlenty would reach triple-digits. Timmy, time to go join Newt and The Donald in the losers' bullpen. If he enters -- and he will -- Romney will have him for lunch. What an interesting field ... Herman Cain is the class of the crowd, but an unlikely winner. Expect a louder and louder clamor for Chris Christie, Paul Ryan or Rick Perry. A "draft", if you will. Conservatives must ask themselves: has Sarah passed her "use by" date? - - - - -
After all of Obama's sucking-up to Muslims, a responsible public opinion survey (Pew) finds that Muslim middle-east public opinion of the United States has not improved since the days of the hated Bush. One more note to liberal believers in the fantasy of the "Arab spring": a majority in Egypt and some other countries believe that Sharia law based on a strict interpretation of the Quran is the proper basis for government. - - - - -
Have we ever had a president with a case of the screaming "me-me's" like Barack Obama? Does he really believe he can continue to milk personal credit for killing bin Laden all the way to November of next year? He proclaims " I ... I ... I - I" so often, one would think he was rehearsing a performance of "El Rancho Grande". - - - - -
Why do dumb RINOs, along with brain-dead Democrats, keep insisting we can't do anything about millions of illegal aliens in this country because "You can't deport ten/twenty/thirty (pick a number) million people"? Elementary common sense should tell anyone that if the bait of (A) government freebies and (B) employment obtained illegally are halted, they will deport themselves. - - - - -
Mitt Romney continues to pull in big bux in campaign money, despite large, lingering questions about his promoting the precursor to Obamacare. Time to exhume an old chestnut, "There are only two things I don't like about him. His face." - - - - -
Must-reading (or looking) today is the opening page of LUCIANNE.COM with the side-by-side photos of Benjamin Netanyahu and Barack Obama in their twenties. Worth several thousand words. - - - - -
Memo to Ah-nuld: get the checkbook ready. Maria and her high-powered lawyer are going to de-pants you, dude! Maybe it finally occurred to her to ask, "Why are we paying a maid ten grand a week?" - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "You know what's going to happen. Arnold will check into a sex addiction clinic, and next season the maid will go on 'Dancing with the Stars.'" A REFRESHER COURSE IN SHEEPS' CLOTHING
Herewith, a reminder to short-sighted, conclusion-jumping conservatives. When (putative) Republican Scott Brown was elected to the Senate seat from Massachusetts, I heard from a lot of people who were ready to start a movement promoting "Scott Brown for President". I hope these good folk take note of today's statement by Sen. Brown that he will vote AGAINST the budget plan put forth by Congressman Paul Ryan, which otherwise has near-unanimous support among congressional Republicans in both houses. It's another reminder about RINOs from Massachusetts. Romney fans, take note. - - - - -
Notice Obama's suck-up to the British royal family just before his visit to London? Wonder if he's yet prepared to return the bust of Winston Churchill to its rightful place of honor in the White House? Don't bet on it ... - - - - -
A Time Magazine profile of Tim Pawlenty out earlier this month, carried this quote from the former Minnesota governor when asked why he was running: "I don't know. I wish I had a better answer for you." Is that an echo of the same question/answer exchange Ted Kennedy had with newsman Roger Mudd when he was running against Jimmy Carter for the Democrats' 1980 nomination? You can be certain the Dems are ready to use it to hammer Pawlenty if the Republicans are foolish enough to nominate him. - - - - -
Is Obama's nightmare named Christie, governor of New Jersey? The NY Post reports Obama people in Jersey digging for any dirt they can find that might be used in a campaign. BTW ... just how would Obama attack, say, Herman Cain? That would present a problem for him, would it not? Some say Cain isn't ready for the big job. Like Obama WAS??? - - - - -
Here is today's lesson in political analysis. Whenever a politician/advisor/consultant or other hack precedes a statement with, "The fact of the matter is ... " be 90% certain that what you are about to hear is some form of deception ranging from distortion to an outright whopping lie. Take it from one who has interviewed thousands of these low-lifes, it IS a reliable indicator. - - - - -
More U.N. hypocrisy. Twenty-six of the 47 countries on the Human Rights Council of the United Leeches are rated by the annual Freedom House survey of liberties in each country as being "NOT free". Talk about putting the foxes in charge of guarding the hen-house! And we still pay the major part of the financial support of this watering-hole for hyenas! - - - - -
Leftist politics just took another pounding in Spain, where the Socialists have wrecked the economy and got paid back with a resounding defeat in local and regional elections. Even the Socialist Prime Minister admits they've made a botch of governing. - - - - - Al Gore. How long since you've seen or heard those words? Now that the people who displayed anything less than an obsessive interest in the global warming boondoggle have been confronted with more pressing realities, like having/keeping a job while paying $4-$5 a gallon for gasoline, Al and his little fad have faded from the public consciousness. Priorities DO change. But he's already made a fortune off suckers and the government, so shed no tears for Albert. - - - - -
A reminder of lost glory. The space shuttle leaves the space station today on the voyage that brings to an end the U.S. space program, once the pride of the nation. Only Russia now has a presence up there. And somewhere, the ghosts of Roman emperors look upon us ... U.S. ... and say, "Been there, done that." - - - - -
Britain's Manchester Evening News reports that two patients died after being left in ambulances outside a government-run hospital while waiting to be admitted with obviously serious medical problems. Pass it along to any deluded acquaintances who think Obamacare, a linear descendant of Britain's National Health Service, is some sort of miracle answer to health-care problems. - - - - -
The two older wives of the three Osama bin Laden had living with him in his Pakistan Shangri La are reportedly suspicious that the younger wife tipped off the Americans to his whereabouts. How she'd tip them off and why she'd get herself shot while charging at the SEALS during the attack are unanswered questions. However, we're talking about crazed Muslims. Since it's been revealed that bin Laden had a vast pornography collection, perhaps the youngest wife was annoyed at him for viewing those hussies and spanking his monkey rather than indulging in her own youthful charms. There's a mini-series for the Lifetime Channel somewhere in all this. Or perhaps a spin-off from one of those "Housewives of ... " epics. - - - - -
Today's recommended reading: THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR website ... Jed Babbin's piece on how Netanyahu had Obama for lunch in their encounter last week -- and why. - - - - -
Jimmy Fallon -- "Arnold Schwarzenegger and Maria Shriver have put their former mansion on the market for $23.5 million. It's not that clean though. They had a maid but she was always busy doing other stuff." EXPLAINED: A HOLE IN THE GROUND, FOR
A brief course in the production timetable of oil drilling, for the simple-minded who say, "Even if we drill today, it won't affect gasoline prices for years." First, if that had been the prevailing attitude years ago, we'd all still be using horsepower -- HORSE horsepower. And it's simply a lie that just beginning an expanded drilling program won't affect today's gasoline prices. It's a lie because, perceiving a long-term threat to their juicy petroleum extortion game, OPEC would immediately cut prices for their product to try to convince us there's no NEED for us to exploit our own resources. There's ample history to prove the point. One thing that won't change, making it even more necessary to develop our own resources: China's rush to become a motorized society. It's already the world's leading automobile sales market, per sales figures for the first quarter of the year. And those are NOT electric cars, the favored delusional pursuit of anti-drilling Americans. - - - - -
John McCain joins Senate Democrats in supporting Obama's involvement in the Libyan war. Having an idiot like this heading the Republican ticket in 2008 is why we have a Marxist in the White House today. Who's the worst enemy of the Republican Party? The Republican Party! And nobody symbolizes this destructive state of affairs better than McCain. - - - - -
California is going to release as many as 46,000 convicts from the state's prisons. The question, of course, is whether Governor Jerry Brown will be able to place them all in government jobs, complete with generous pension plans. Perhaps as lifeguards in Newport Beach, where at least one soul-saver makes upward of $200,000. PS--Ol' Jer is again asking for an increase in taxes. Can you stand the shock and surprise? - - - - -
Diehard global warming obsessives are blaming the Joplin disaster on "climate change". Hold it. It's the worst disaster of that kind in about fifty years. So ... was the one fifty years ago caused by -- ??? There has been no period in history without natural disasters. - - - - -
Who're the biggest freeloaders on this (bankrupt) nation? Muslim nations. Almost two-thirds of the foreign aid money we pee away every year goes to these nations that (A) hate us and (B) vote against us regularly in the UN. National suicide-by-stupidity. - - - - -
Is the "social media" growth endless? It prompts two questions. First, do the people who indulge ever actually WORK? Secondly, have they lost all concern for their own privacy? Or does exhibitionism outweigh any privacy considerations? - - - - -
Obama and British Prime Minister Cameron have the audacity to compare themselves to Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher in a piece written for the Times of London. Self-aggrandizement run amok. And these two fools have bought into the "Arab spring" horsepucky hook, line and sinker. With people like these in charge, that doom-forecasting preacher may turn out to be right. - - - - -
The surest sign of an oversized ego is the demand made of (perceived) inferiors, "Don't you know who I am?" This, according to police, was what Dominique Strauss-Kahn, erstwhile head of the International Monetary Fund, used as his the romantic approach to the hotel maid whose charges of sexual assault put him in jail. How in the world did a conniving French politician EVER get the idea that he should be a recognizable face to a hotel maid -- or anybody else in this country? It's as if the chairman of the Peoria city council expected recognition in Paris. Ask any cop if they don't just love the "don't you know ..." response from any speeder they pull over. - - - - -
Let's see ... The government of Pakistan couldn't prevent the American raid that resulted in the killing of Osama bin Laden, but we trust them to protect their stash of nuclear weapons from millions of their home-grown Muslim fanatics. This will not end well ... - - - - -
Barack Obama has hired a new flunky to deal harshly with anyone who posts hostile remarks about the Dear Leader online. This new political hatchetman department will be called the Office of Progressive Media & Online Response. May I suggest a more apt name? How about "The Gestapo"? Yes, I DO expect my taxes to be audited! - - - - -
Ray Lewis is a great football player, but ... crime will be up if there's no NFL season? They aren't playing pro football right NOW! Is crime up NOW? I believe we have here a case of delusional self-importance. And after many years in broadcasting, I know delusional self-importance when I see it! - - - - -
I cannot take Karl Rove seriously. This is the man who almost lost the 2000 election for George W. Bush by deciding to walk away from Florida in the last few days of the campaign, where the election WAS decided, in order to pursue a vain effort to win California. Your average California school child could have told him that was a doomed exercise. If the Bush campaign had continued to press its advantage in Florida, we would never have gone thru the "hanging chad" nonsense with the attendant risk of Democrat crooks stealing the election for that fat-head, Gore. - - - - -
Delusional, deceitful Democrats declare Tea Partiers to be racists. So how do these venomous crazies explain that the presidential favorite among those folk is ... Herman Cain? The man is either black, or has a tan George Hamilton would envy! - - - - -
I see that the Prognosticating Preacher now says the world will end in October. I agree. IF the Pirates are in -- and win -- the World Series. - - - - -
Conan O'Brien -- "Ron Paul will run for president, and he supports the legalization of prostitution and heroin. If he does win, it'll be one heck of a victory party." REALITY VS. UNREALITY, ROUND ONE
The Democrat victory in the special congressional election in New York was a painful reminder that Medicare has joined Social Security on the so-called "third rail of politics -- touch it and you die." The Democrats demagogued the Paul Ryan Republican budget plan by telling the sheeple that it would kill Medicare. This makes clear -- again -- that fewer things are more difficult than overcoming a demagogue-induced perception that a "right", once granted, is about to be taken away. Rational people KNOW that Medicare as presently constructed cannot continue, yet alterations are a losing issue. Every politician knows that the dominant American (indeed, human) mentality is: 'I want goodies from the government, and I want somebody ELSE to pay for them." Republican politicians, who overwhelmingly support the Ryan budget plan, had better be prepared to forcefully, yet simply, articulate its benefits as next year's campaign heats up. Otherwise, we're right back to Democrats dominating an irresponsible House -- to say nothing of a second term of national embarrassment with Obama. It will be a serious mistake if Republicans try to attribute the NY-26th district loss mainly to the fake Tea Party candidate. He was a factor, but the election was about Medicare. And the Republicans lost in a district which has been Republican for years; even voted for McCain. The seat was vacant because the Republican pretty-boy who had held it was forced to resign when it was revealed that he was trying to connect with females on the internet by displaying a photo of himself topless. They'd elected a moron. A HORNY moron. - - - - -
The respected Rasmussen poll shows Obama with a one-point lead over a generic Republican in the presidential sweepstakes. Conclusion: The Republicans had better do better than a "generic" candidate. - - - - -
One wonders if even Democrats in Congress were struck by the thought that they were listening to a real man rather than a plastic, uninformed poseur as Benjamin Netanyahu spoke to them, sans Teleprompter. He did make one thing vividly clear. He and Israel will not be bullied by a little-league Chicago thug on matters of their national security. Obama is dwarfed by any comparison between Netanyahu and himself, and it was clear in their face-to-face encounter last week that Obama KNOWS it. It was a man versus a child. Today, at his press conference in London, Obama was clearly "walking back" (to use the current political vernacular for "weaseling out") his position on Israel and the Palestinians. Perhaps aides reminded him that his blatant pro-Arab stance was putting at risk beaucoup bux in campaign contributions from places like New York, Miami and the LA film factories. Also noted at his London photo-op: Obama comedy as the profligate poltroon was delivering a lecture on how governments had to be responsible in their spending habits! Our Fool-in-Chief has put together a string of embarrassments that the suck-up media have, as usual, minimized or ignored. Writing the wrong date in the Buckingham Palace guest book, talking over the National Anthem and the blatant back-tracking on his previous remarks about Israel. Imagine the media reaction if Bush had committed such blunders. - - - - -
Some are saying it's too bad Benjamin Netanyahu can't be OUR president. But, of course, he wasn't born here, so -- wait a minute! - - - - -
How confusing it must be for Barack Obama to sell his soul to the Muslims, only to earn their hatred, on full display at demonstrations against him in London. And he can't even tell them, "Look, I didn't really WANT to whack bin Laden! I really just wanted to try him in a civil court with a liberal judge and perhaps get him sentenced to some community service with helpful counseling." With conjugal visits from his five wives in the meantime. - - - - -
Market Rates Insight tells us something we already knew. The highest rate you can get on a CD (currently 2.58%) won't keep you up with inflation (3.16%) even BEFORE you pay the taxes on earned interest. It is indicative of the stupidity of our government AND the people who elect it that we ENCOURAGE people to go into the kind of debt that has nearly collapsed our economy (e.g., the housing market and people over-borrowing to buy houses they couldn't afford) by making interest paid on debts tax-deductible, but taxing income from money saved. Maybe the nation IS too stupid to survive. - - - - -
Painfully apt observation by Roger Simon in The Politico -- "It is said that Tim Pawlenty once gave a fireside chat and the fire went out.". - - - - -
CNS News has a disturbing reminder for the shrinking flock of sheep who still worship at the feet of climate scam-artist Al Gore. You are taking advice from a man who got a "D" in Natural Sciences (Man's Place in Nature) at Harvard. - - - - -
The Obamunists boast of Chrysler's repaid debt to the government. There may be less glee, as Michigan View reports, if/when people realize Fiat/Chrysler repaid its government debt simply by borrowing the money in the private market. And -- look out, enviro-nuts, here it comes -- the bulk of Chrysler's sales come from its big, gas-guzzling SUV's and trucks. Is it not interesting, by the way, that in advertising its trucks Chrysler identifies the brand only as "Ram". The word "Dodge" is never mentioned. Wonder if it's because Dodge cars have one of the worst reliability rates in the industry? - - - - -
Re the re-scheduled Rapture: October 21? Couldn't we hold it off until after the Super Bowl? - - - - -
Thanks to reader Andy for this -- An ingenious example of speech and politics occurred recently in the United Nations Assembly. A representative from Israel began: 'I want to tell you something about Moses. When he struck the rock and it brought forth water, he thought, 'What a good opportunity to have a bath!' Moses removed his clothes, put them aside on the rock and entered the water. When he got out and wanted to dress, his clothes had vanished. A Palestinian had stolen them! The Palestinian representative at the UN jumped up furiously and shouted, 'What are you talking about? The Palestinians weren't there then.' The Israeli representative smiled and said, 'And now that we have made that clear, I will begin my speech..'. - - - - -
Craig Ferguson -- "President Obama is off on a 6-day European tour. It's terrifying because this means Joe Biden is in charge." TIME TO REMEMBER THE WORDS TO "THE
Texas Governor Rick Perry is dipping a toe into the Republican presidential water to see if he finds it welcoming. There's no doubt that the Bush presidents tarnished the Lone Star brand with many swing voters, but as the chief executive of an economically successful state, Perry stands a chance to be the newcomer who would be welcomed by those who find the present field unappealing. - - - - -
The newest poster-boy for the Republican Party is ... Bill Clinton??!! Yes. By going public with the observation that, while attacking Paul Ryan's budget plan and its impact on Medicare won the New York special congressional election for Democrats, they'd better offer something of their own and not just complain about Ryan. Footnote. President Obama's budget proposal was defeated in the Senate, 97-0. That's right. Not even a single DEMOCRAT voted for it. They may not like the Ryan plan, but they have NO plan! A dozen Senate Democrats DO, however, plan to block implementation of Texas' newly-passed state law prohibiting so-called "sanctuary cities" from protecting illegal aliens against enforcement of even the federal government's own immigration laws! The Democratic Party -- Protectors of Illegal Aliens and Criminals! - - - - -
The defeated Republican candidate in that New York special congressional election has demonstrated the kind of tunnel-vision that seems endemic among far too many of her ilk. She said she thought the Democrat statements about the Paul Ryan budget plan being the death-knell for Medicare were so outrageous the voters would see right thru them. They didn't ... and she lost. Another reminder of the immortal H. L. Mencken's observation that "nobody ever went broke UNDERestimating the American public." We live in a land run by morons, so it is imperative that we ask -- often -- who ELECTED these fools? - - - - -
Is the word "racism" on the way to losing its sting because of over-use and mis-use? Every time Democrats -- most recently, the ridiculous Cong. Clyburn of South Carolina -- use the "R" word as the excuse/explanation for negative reaction to Obama's pitiful performance as president, they weaken its power to intimidate. How else does one explain how a predominantly white nation elected the fool in the first place? - - - - -
The Wall Street Journal's "Political Journal" points out this pertinent but decidedly un-PC summation by Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy in his book, "Race, Crime and the Law." "Four-fifths of violent crimes are committed by persons of the same race as their victims. Hence, behind high rates of blacks perpetrating violent crimes are high rates of black victimization."Blacks are just 13% of the population but are 49% of all murder victims -- and 90% of them are killed by other blacks." - - - - -
CNN, the unofficial voice of the Democratic Party, is trying to tell their audience that the Dems are SKEERED that Jon Huntsman, former Utah governor, pure RINO and most recently employee of Barack Obama, will be the Republican candidate for president. Talk about a lame attempt at reverse psychology! Never fear, CNN. This guy has the chance of the proverbial snowball-in-hell of getting the Republican nomination. - - - - -
Obama ought to get along well with at least part of the British royal family. Prince Chuck is unreservedly pro-Arab. - - - - -
From John Podhoretz of the New York Post -- "The score: Bibi 3, Barack 0. In a demonstration of political and policy haplessness almost without precedent, the president of the United States decided last week for the third time in three years to go after a beloved ally of the United States with no practical goal and for no practical purpose. And for the third time, he has had his hat handed to him." It might also be noted that Netanyahu gave a lesson in how to deliver a speech without resorting to Obama's left-right Teleprompter Twitch. But then, what can you expect from a dolt who can't even remember what year it is? CBS News, reporting on the Netanyahu speech to Congress, played up the angle that the Palestinians didn't approve of his remarks. This tells us far more about CBS News than Netanyahu. Who expected the bloodthirsty Palestinians WOULD approve? - - - - -
Obama says he's "working under the radar" to expand so-called "gun control" -- as if criminals who don't obey OTHER laws would obey any such law. "Under the radar" is politico talk for "devious and sneaky". - - - - -
Mark Haines of CNBC, gone at age 65. He was good. He will be missed. - - - - -
You've doubtless noted that whatever return you get on CDs from your bank or S & L doesn't begin to keep up with inflation, even before the IRS thieves get hold of a chunk of it. This helps explain why. The Federal Reserve Board, the most secretive institution this side of the CIA, was loaning money to big banks, including FOREIGN banks, in 2008, at an interest rate of ONE ONE-HUNDRETH OF ONE PERCENT. Perhaps Rand Paul is right that this near-criminal enterprise is long overdue to be abolished. - - - - -
"American Idol" is sinking in the ratings. Perhaps Simon Cowell was prescient in his decision to leave the show, which is a linear descendant of "Star Search" ... and "Arthur Godfrey's Talent Scouts" ... and "Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour" ... which WASN'T, because it was descended from Major Bowe's similar extravaganza. All "Idol", itself imported from Britain, contributed to the genre was more flashing lights. - - - - -
Just asking: how many foreign countries ... "allies" ... have sent aid to tornado-ravaged American communities? - - - - -
Today's recommended reading -- R. Emmett Tyrrell in THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR ... "Newt and Paul Ryan". - - - - -
For those who've expressed an interest in my recovery after five months' hospitalization ... Doing well and just got the okay to resume swimming laps. I learned that the odds against emerging alive from my set of medical complications were 10-to-1, so I'm surprised to even be here! Some have asked if my near-encounter with the Grim Reaper has heightened my fear of death. It was never that great to begin, thanks to previous close calls and many death-threats over years as an opinionated talk-show host. The answer is ... no, it hasn't. In fact, to use the gamblers' expression, I figure that now I'm playing with "house money". I'm in no hurry to exit this vale of tears, mostly because I just wonder what'll happen next. But trembling in fear? No. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Obama was in England, where the queen suggested that we go back to the pre-1776 borders." DEMOCRAT PARTY CHAIR: "DO AS I SAY,
Two-faced demagoguery department: The new chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, has been highly critical of Republicans who opposed Obama's auto industry bailout, which was really a bailout of the United Autoworkers UNION. She's on-record as saying, "If it were up to the candidates for president on the Republican side, we would be driving foreign cars. They would have let the auto industry in America go down the tubes." Michael O'Brien of The Hill newspaper checked what kind of automobile loyal-American-car-supporter Debbie Wasserman Schultz owns. Answer---Japanese. Infiniti, made by Nissan. - - - - -
Sen. Tom Coburn (R--Oklahoma) has found that millions in taxpayer money has gone to fund such programs as Jell-O wrestling at the South Pole, testing shrimp’s exercise ability on a treadmill and a laundry-folding robot, all funded by the National Science Foundation. When do we start prosecuting and imprisoning the pols and burocrats who propose or support such nonsense? This is the sort of thing that brought similar folk face-to-face with Madame le Guillotine in France in 1789. Ah, the good old days! Similar treatment of such fraudsters today would eliminate our budget problem. (I know. I'm just ... SO un-PC and utterly insensitive.) - - - - -
Stephen Moore of the Wall Street Journal has run the numbers and combined the Democrats' proposed federal taxes with state taxes and found that they add up to an average tax rate of ... 62%. This is how dead economies DON'T re-awaken. It encapsulates the entire liberal mantra, "Take money away from those who earned it ... and give it to those who didn't." - - - - -
The repulsive Barney Frank now admits he got his former boyfriend a well-paid slot at Fannie Mae, the totally discredited federal mortgage-backing fraud, back in the '90's. Let's try to contain our shock that the whiny leftist weasel would do such a thing. - - - - -
Unemployment up -- again. Foreclosed mortgages still climbing. How long before even the dumbest, brain-washed Democrat figures out that having an incompetent rabble-rouser (excuse me -- "community organizer" --) as our national CEO is plain stupid? - - - - -
Now Obama wants to give billions of dollars (that we'd have to borrow from China) to support the "Arab spring" countries like Egypt. Even as Egyptian Muslims are slaughtering Christians and burning their churches. I am in awe of a nation's electorate that would put a duplicitous, America-hating conniver like Obama in the White House. - - - - -
Re the Ryan budget plan and Medicare: why is it so difficult for Republican politicians to explain to the cattle that make up a large part of the electorate (I don't have to worry about offending people. I'm not running for anything.) a basic of economics? "If your outgo exceeds your income ... your upkeep will be your downfall." Even a deranged Democrat -- sorry, I repeat myself -- should be able to understand something so simple. - - - - -
Democrat public officials in New York want public schools there to have courses teaching young girls how to dump unwanted babies when they give birth. It might be more effective and cost-efficient to remind hormonally-driven young females that the best form of birth control is a quarter. Held tightly between the knees. - - - - -
Forgive me for repeating this -- again -- but we seem to need a regular refresher course in how presidential impeachments are achieved and occupants of the post removed from office. This seems important because of the regular output of conservative dimwits who call for the impeachment -- meaning removal -- of Obama. A president first must be indicted (i.e., impeached) in the House. Then he must be convicted (leading to removal from office) in the Senate. If you have an unfortunately ignorant acquaintance who is so upset with the Dear Leader as to advocate impeachment, that person should be reminded that the Democrats have a 53-47 voting majority in the Senate. Therefore, they will NOT convict and remove Obama for anything short of mass murder. - - - - -
I've mentioned this on-air and in print several times. It bears repeating. Thailand is a wonderful country to visit. They DO take respect for their king very seriously, however, and it is not wise to make even joking remarks about him. Thus, a Thai-born U.S. citizen is under arrest and facing serious charges of insulting the monarchy. It's apparently difficult for some Americans to keep their mouths shut in foreign countries. In Thailand, think thrice before even mentioning the monarchy -- then DON'T. - - - - -
Know thine enemy. Senate Republicans who voted against the Paul Ryan (sane) budget -- · Scott Brown of Mass. Democrat wolf in RINO clothing. · Susan Collins, the Democrats' "Republican" from Maine. · Olympia Snowe. See above. · Lisa Murkowski of Alaska. Perhaps brain-freeze has set in up in the Polar region. · Rand Paul, son of the ... who knows WHAT he is? - - - - -
Grateful-for-small-favors department: the U.S. Supreme Court has upheld an Arizona law permitting punishment of employers who hire illegal aliens. Naturally, the Obama administration and the whores at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, where cheap labor is a major consideration, were opposed to the decision. - - - - -
Worth repeating -- and remembering, whenever there's mention of the ACLU in the news. The words of its founder, Roger Baldwin: “I am for socialism, disarmament, and, ultimately, for abolishing the state itself... I seek the social ownership of property, the abolition of the propertied class, and the sole control of those who produce wealth. Communism is the goal.” - - - - -
Tiki Barber, the disgraced and disgraceful football player, now compares his embarrassing plight (i.e., bimbo eruptions) to the tribulations of young Anne Frank, who died in a Nazi death camp in WWII. Maybe Tiki took too many hits to the head -- or maybe he's just naturally a stupid idiot. - - - - - Thanks to reader Greg, Here are some statistics for the Year 1911 - - The average life expectancy for men was 47 years. Fuel for autos was sold in drug stores only. Only 14 percent of the homes had a bathtub. Only 8 percent had a telephone. The average US wage was 22 cents per hour. Eggs were fourteen cents a dozen. Coffee was fifteen cents a pound. Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering into their country for any reason. The population of Las Vegas was ... 30. Marijuana, heroin, and morphine were all available over the counter at the local corner drugstore. Pharmacists said, "Heroin clears the complexion,gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and bowels,and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health!" - - - - -
Craig Ferguson -- "It's not an exaggeration to say that Oprah has touched millions of women around the world, but unlike Arnold Schwarzenegger, she didn't leave them pregnant." ... AS THE PLOT THICKENS, THICKENING
Make room in the Republican field. Texas Gov. Rick Perry is no longer stonewalling requests that he run; now says he'll think about it. If he's "thinking", he's running. He has never lost an election. On the other hand ... A lot of the enthusiasm for a run by New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie may evaporate when word of his support for the "human-caused" global warming scam gets around. Yes, he said so. He refers to the scientists who support the theory, without taking note that many, if not most, depend on public acceptance of their dubious thesis in order to keep the grant money -- and tax dollars for government-supported commercial ventures -- coming. And ... Rudy Giuliani may run ... yawnnn..... Have we heard from Harold Stassen yet? - - - - -
This year's "Good Taste" award goes to -- Poland's national hero, leader of their independence movement versus the tyrannical USSR ... Lech Walesa! Lech Walesa, for refusing to see our phony, narcissistic , egomaniacal president on his visit there. A visit ostensibly to pay tribute to Jews murdered by the Nazis in the death camps. Or was it really a lame attempt at bridge-building to cover for his bungled, sophomoric remarks about Israel vis a vis the murderous Palestinians? - - - - -
Easiest prediction of the year. Egypt's "Arab spring" will result in a takeover of the country by the fundamentalist Muslim Brotherhood ... more killing of indigenous Christians ... ties with Iran ... and a green light for further Palestinian attacks on Israel -- all accompanied by more American aid. Egypt has already re-opened the border with Gaza, closed since Hamas (terrorists) took over that piece of land, so now weapons can flow freely across. Perhaps, at some point, hand-wringing goo-goos will cry in dismay, "What went WRONG? It seemed so GOOD." The stupid always learn life's hard lessons too late. - - - - -
Now a Utah legislator wants to push a law cracking down on the TSA's Polyester Nazis and their pointless groping of innocent people at airports. Nutty Napolitano had better have a talk with her troops and put the clamps on some of those with obviously perverse instincts. - - - - -
New York Times leftist icon Paul Krugman calls Cong. Paul Ryan a liar in his column. Cong. Ryan is young and healthy. In a better time, he would have called out this Lenin-worshipping scumbag and rearranged his features. Any rearrangement of Krugman would be an improvement, by the way. - - - - -
Why does CNN think leftist huckster Fareed Zakaria has anything to say that Americans need to hear? - - - - -
What a great name for a (finally arrested) war criminal: Ratko. - - - - -
Hard to imagine it, but one issue HAS put most Republicans AND Nancy Pelosi AND the Democratic Congressional Black Caucus on the same side. Obama's attack on for-profit colleges. Trade schools that actually teach students skills to earn a living, instead of prattle about human rights for rocks, lesbian poetry, Marxist economics and the other nonsense peddled in "mainstream" colleges. Based on considerable experience as a hospital patient, I can tell you that nursing supervisors informed me more than once that their best people mostly came from for-profit schools, where students learned in less than two years to do the things necessary for the work instead of having more years wasted on irrelevant nonsense. But, of course, Obama, coming from his sheltered Ivy League background, obviously doesn't want any money devoted to trade schools that should be diverted to more "respectable" institutions. If there are shady operators in the for-profit field, they should be brought forth and prosecuted, but most serve a valuable purpose. Perhaps more so than a lot of the drivel that passes for "education" in some more renowned institutions that have, say, a football team. - - - - -
Rich Lowry of National Review on how the Republican focus on deficits and Medicare may not make a big impact on the public: "Medicare's trustees report that the trust fund that covers hospital stays will go broke in 2024, five years earlier than forecast just last year. But bureaucratic reports about threats more than ten years off don't hit people where they live, especially not during a recovery that still feels like a recession. If you are worried about the security of your job, if your personal income is stagnant, if the value of your home is still declining, and if you are paying more for food and fuel, the perilous state of a government program circa 2024 that you know, one way or the other, will never be permitted to go bankrupt is not a subject of proverbial kitchen-table conversation." Mr. Lowry may be (unwittingly) reminding us of the philosophy of John Maynard Keyes, father of liberal Keynesian economics, who said, "In the long run, we are all dead." The question is, are Republicans committed to a much earlier position claimed by Henry Clay, who said, "I'd rather be right than president." Perhaps he was right, but he was never president. - - - - -
As part of our continuing education program for the illiterates who increasingly populate the media, this one is especially intended for the hosts on HGTV where I heard twice within five minutes the mispronunciation of the word COMPARABLE. It is kmpr--uh--bl, accent on the first syllable, NOT "com-PARE-able. You're welcome, HGTV. Now, please paint my house as a thank-you. - - - - -
More media incompetence corrected. As the cause of the Air France crash into the Atlantic off the coast of Brazil is uncovered, ignorant reporters have converted the revelation of a stall into "ENGINE stall". A stall, in flying, refers to the angle ("attitude") of the wing relative to the air-flow and the aircraft speed. This oversimplifies, but the point is that "stall", unlike in an automobile, does not refer to engine performance. (Your host is an instrument-rated pilot of aircraft up to airliner size for more than forty years.) - - - - -
Booze and drugs claim another one -- too young. Jeff Conaway, who was one of the taxi drivers on "Taxi" (the aspiring actor) and had a secondary role in the movie of "Grease", gone at age 60. - - - - -
It's a complicated story. In Hesperia, Florida, there was marital strife between husband and wife. They spent an evening together in an attempt to patch things up, but it all went askew when the wife told her husband that she'd hooked up with a new boyfriend. During happier times, they'd shared the hobby of target-shooting with their AR-15 rifle. He brought it out and let go with a few rounds. Then she grabbed the weapon and attempted to emphasize her side of the argument by firing it a target in the husband's closet. And missed. And hit the washing machine in an adjoining room instead. Which unleased a flood that quickly become inches deep throughout the house. Asked by police to write a statement, the wife said, "I'll try my best, but I'm drunk." The question is, of course ... can this marriage be saved? IOWA + MONEY = ??
Mitt Romney should, by all reasonable standards, do well in the Iowa caucus voting. He has more campaign money than anybody else, and the only people allowed to vote are those who buy tickets to the various caucuses (cauci? makes more sense). Ah, but tickets are usually purchased FOR the attendees ... BY the various campaigns. Yet expectations for Mittens are low, although he IS expected to bounce back in the New Hampshire primary. - - - - -
Tourists going to Amsterdam in order to partake freely of the Evil Weed are about to lose that ... connection. The Dutch government is beginning to end, region by region, the process of selling marijuana to foreigners in "coffee shops". Anyone who's visited Amsterdam has likely experienced a "contact-high" if you spend much time around Dam Square. The smoke is so thick it looks like LA on a bad smog day. There's also a move afoot to reduce the city's famous red-light district. ("No, son ... daddy's not talking about traffic signals.") - - - - -
Civics lesson. Look at photos of Joplin, Missouri. Look at orphaned, injured children in the tornado zone of Alabama. Then look at news video of Egyptian Muslims burning Christian churches. Ask yourself, "Who is more deserving of our taxpayers' aid?" End of lesson. - - - - -
One reason to support Palin or Bachmann, at least for now: it bugs the hell out of the Republican country-club "establishment". You know -- those wizards who gave us the likes of Bob Dole and John McCain, thereby putting Clinton and Obama in the White House. And THEY think they're the brains of the party! - - - - -
Vital reading today: "When Kennedy Blinked" ... Wall Street Journal. Puts the Camelot myth to bed, once and for all, in the recounting of how JFK was totally outflanked and bullied by Nikita Khruschev. BTW, many military people say that if he hadn't been the son of a powerful Joe Kennedy, JFK would've probably been court-martialed for letting his PT-boat be rammed by a Japanese destroyer. Just as it's common knowledge that a pilot as incompetent as John McCain would've been busted out of Navy flight school had his father not been an admiral. The younger McCain crashed THREE planes in training; one is enough to get you shown the door. - - - - -
Another reason why more and more Americans hate government and the slimy politicians who infest it: In Charlotte, North Carolina, a Presbyterian church has been fined $100 for every branch trimmed on their own crape myrtle trees on the church lawn for a total of $4,000. Their OWN trees on their OWN lawn! . . . and . . . ... yet another reason why many would cheer physical punishment of enviro-fanatics. Suburbs of San Diego are canceling their 4th-of-July fireworks displays, which have been annual fixtures for decades, because a few enviro-Nazis says they're "bad for the environment". A population that will put up with this kind of bullying by people who simply are incapable of minding their own business is too stupid and weak-kneed to survive. Where are those who'll stand up and say, "I won't do it! Try to make me and you WILL feel pain!" Or have we turned into a gutless nation in emulation of our chosen "leader"? - - - - -
A math lesson. Killing that vermin, Osama bin Laden, does NOT constitute, as some media people insist on calling it, "payback". Three thousand Americans died on 9/11, which as I figure it leaves us about 2,999 short of "payback". - - - - -
Fiat's increased its ownership of Chrysler to 46%. It's fitting that Italy's worst manufacturer of junk cars aims for control of America's worst manufacturer of junk cars. Don't take my word for it. Check J. D. Power and Consumer Reports surveys of reliability. - - - - -
Headline writers' delight! While it may have been caused by a hacker, nevertheless the photo of Democrat Cong. Anthony Weiner (New York) displaying his ... weiner ... to a college student via Twitter made the day for the folk who write newspaper headlines and the captions for TV. - - - - -
Yesterday's article on the Obamunists' efforts to sabotage for-profit colleges (i.e., trade schools; they're also doing it to smaller church-run traditional colleges) brought this from John Parker, co-author of "The Best of Our Lives" -- "It reminded me of the old Amos and Andy television show. Kingfish was always trying to scam Andy out of money and in one episode he convinced Andy to enroll in his newly established college. When Andy asked him about the program, Kingfish said he left out all the unnecessary stuff of a typical four-year college. "How long does it take to graduate from your college," asked Andy. Kingfish responded, "Two days." - - - - -
From Verne -- I asked a stockbroker the other day what stocks I should buy. He said "If the current administration stays in power, I would stock up on canned goods and ammunition." From friend Richard ... Confucius revisited - - "A lion will not cheat on his wife, but a Tiger Wood!" - - - - -
From reader Greg, a very useful dictionary, utterly sexist--both ways! WOMEN'S ENGLISH: MEN'S ENGLISH: Yes = no I'm hungry = I'm hungry No = yes I'm sleepy = I'm sleepy Maybe = no Nice dress = nice rack We need = I want I love you = let's have sex now I'm sorry = You'll be sorry I'm bored = you want to have sex now? We need to talk = you are in trouble May I have this dance? = I'd like to have sex with you Sure, go ahead = you'll be sorry Can I call you sometime? = ditto Do what you want = you'll pay for this Can I take you out to dinner? = ditto You're very attentive tonight = is sex all you think about? Those shoes don't go with that outfit = I'm gay INVISIBLE SPECTATORS SPEAK
One of the more reliable indicators of the state of the economy in a nation of sports fans like ours is attendance at major events. This occurred to me as I watched the Indianapolis 500 then the 600 at Charlotte yesterday. There were acres of empty seats, especially at Indy. The Indianapolis Motor Speedway has a capacity of some 400,000 and is filled every year -- until now. There have also been plenty of empty seats at other NASCAR tracks as well as other sports venues. But what should be expected when we have a Chief Executive who's never managed so much as a bubble-gum budget? The Obamunists and their media suckups can babble all they want about the "recovery", but the empty seats tell the real story. - - - - -
Goldman Sachs, the big financial house, predicts $5 gasoline by the end of summer. Thank you, Dr. Hope-and-Change! - - - - -
Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels tells ABC-TV that he thinks he could've beaten Obama next year. Pal, if you don't have it in you to run, shut the (bleep) UP! Nobody cares what you think you COULD have done. You're a whipped wussy who's become a self-created nonentity. - - - - -
So there sits Obama in the front row at the church in Joplin, Missouri, where a memorial service was being held for the tornado victims. There sits Obama. Chewing gum. Perhaps that's normal behavior in his white-hating, Jew-hating, America-hating Chicago "church". - - - - -
George Will seems to be having nightmares about Sarah Palin running for president. Maybe that bow-tie is a little too tight. - - - - -
American Jewish voters cast 78% of their ballots for Obama in 2008. Wonder if the Netanyahu visit and his tutorial of the Community Organizer has changed any of their minds? - - - - -
A premise for debate with any liberal acquaintances you may have: Since World War 2, the United States has had exactly two real presidents. Eisenhower and Reagan. Begin with that proposition, and have fun! - - - - -
Greece's irresponsible mismanagement of its economy, mostly by being overly-generous with government unions, is on the verge of bringing down the Euro currency and with it, the European Union. Not that we're in any position to look disdainfully upon them. Our idiotic government is doing the same thing; we're just a bit behind the Greeks. Look at the demands of the SEIU, for example, and you see our own future. A reminder of how we got in this mess. Remember this news story from the last presidential campaign? A young single mother in Florida was elated by the prospect of an Obama election because, "Obama's gonna make my house and car payments!" Asked where he was going to get the money to do that, she replied, "I don't know, but he's gonna do it!" This is the kind of well-informed voter who put this bogus, incompetent phony in the White House. - - - - -
Careful with those "energy drinks". That's the warning from the journal of Pediatrics. The boost you get is largely from a big jolt of caffeine. And kids, especially, don't need them. - - - - -
A doctor friend who is surrounded by leftists at the hospital where he practices tells me that one administrator just took a vacation ... in Havana. And came back touting the Cuban infant mortality rate. My friend also explains WHY the low rate, with information that should be common knowledge in the medical community. If a fetus shows any sign of a problematic condition, it is aborted. Hence the rosy "infant mortality" numbers. - - - - -
A dozen of Britain's elite commandos in the Special Air Services branch have captured two of Osama bin Laden's top aides in Afghanistan. This doubtless calls for a special meeting of Obama's political advisors so they can think of a way to make sure our Maximum Leader gets the credit. - - - - -
Joe Klein, the delusional leftist "reporter" for Time Magazine, opines that Obama's relationship with the military is better than was that of Pres. Bush. I agree -- assuming Klein means the IRANIAN military. Coincidentally ... a new Gallup poll shows that U.S. military personnel and veterans have a LOWER opinion of Obama that do civilians. Gallup, old-line establishment operation that it is, tries to put a better face on it with convoluted explanations. A better one might simply be that it's hard to summon enthusiasm for a guy who may send you off to get shot by some of his Muslim buddies on behalf of OTHER Muslim buddies. - - - - -
The lead on LUCIANNE.COM today bears thinking about - - There are only two life forces who have offered to die for you. Jesus Christ and the American soldier. - - - - -
A longtime friend who was a major airline captain for many years offers these observations about pilots' relationship with -- and attitude toward -- the Federal Aviation Administration and life in general.. Asking what a pilot what he/she thinks about the FAA is like asking a tree what it thinks about dogs. A pilot is a confused soul who talks about women when he's flying, and about flying when he's with a woman. A smooth touchdown in a simulator is as exciting as kissing your sister. A crew scheduler has to be the kind of person who wakes his wife at midnight to carry out the garbage, then sends her back to let the cat in. ECONOMY SICK, NO SPACE PROGRAM,
Words to remember from retiring Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, as Obama looks for new places for the U.S. military to meddle: "A smaller military, no matter how superb, will be able to go fewer places and do fewer things." - - - - -
If you had a personal business manager who handled your financial affairs the way Nancy Pelosi and the liberal lunkheads have handled your TAX dollars, you'd doubtless prosecute them for fraud. - - - - -
Pass this along to anyone you know foolish enough to support Obamacare, which is an imitation of Britain's National Health Service. The NHS is described thusly by Brendan O'Neill in a major British newspaper, the Telegraph -- "It’s an institution whose contempt for Joe Public is perfectly demonstrated in those ubiquitous posters in hospital waiting rooms warning us not to beat up nurses or doctors. And it’s an institution that blows so much money on new managerial techniques and health-propaganda campaigns that it doesn’t have enough left to provide decent medical services to those who actually need them." - - - - -
Full credit to Andrew Bostom of THE AMERICAN THINKER for a revelatory article on how a Nazi party in Egypt is now coming out in the open after operating covertly during the Mubarak years. Yessir, that "Arab spring" is really working out! - - - - -
Mark Mobius of the highly respected Templeton Asset Management group says our government hasn't even begun to fix our nation's financial screwups and we're headed for another crisis because of it. A crisis including more collapses in the banking industry, calling for more government bailouts with taxpayer dollars. - - - - -
Michael Barone in the Washington Examiner -- "Many in the mainstream media have been cheerleading for Barack Obama. They and he both naturally hope for a strong economic recovery. After all, Obama can't keep blaming the economic doldrums on George W. Bush forever. It's obviously going to be hard to achieve the unacknowledged goal of many mainstream journalists -- the president's re-election -- if the economic slump continues. So they characterize economic setbacks as unexpected, with the implication that there's still every reason to believe that, in Herbert Hoover's phrase, prosperity is just around the corner" In short, the Big Media are lying to us. So what's new? - - - - -
Speaking of mendacious media ... CNN has fabricated -- excuse me, TAKEN -- a poll showing that Rudy Giuliani is leading the field of Republican candidates, announced and unannounced, for the presidential nomination. And if you believe THAT, I have a large, lovely bridge stretching northward across San Francisco Bay that I'd be delighted to sell you for a modest price. (If they took a poll at all, I suspect they called a dozen or so New York City upper-eastside RINOS.) - - - - -
Here's how the wild wind blows. A receipt from a tire store in Joplin, Missouri, was found on the front porch of a home in Indiana, 525 miles away. - - - - -
I like and admire Kirk Herbstreit of ESPN, their lead college football analyst. He played at Ohio State (QB) and it's therefore understandable that he'd want to put the best possible face on the resignation (probably forced) of Jim Tressel. But to say that big-time college football is "a microcosm of society" is absurd. Top athletes are often pampered thru their entire college and high school (and even younger) days and, as the Ohio State case proves again, many choose -- even at the height of their college fame -- to hang out with street scum. Many see college as little more than training for the NFL -- then most don't make it in the NFL. Then they're left with ... what? Tattoos, in exchange for memorabilia from those otherwise-wasted college days? - - - - -
So B.O. has played 70 rounds of golf during his White House tenure. Dare to imagine what the gutless, lying media liberals would be saying if GWB had devoted so much time to chasing the little white ball while the nation faced a multitude of crises. - - - - -
Now that the Miami Heat are in the NBA finals, we can expect an abundance of geographically-ignorant sports reporters refer to "South Beach" as their home base. There is no such town. Miami is one city. Miami Beach is another entirely different city. "South Beach", where the near-naked models are on display among a bunch of gussied-up old hotels from the twenties and thirties, is a small neighborhood at the south end of the city of Miami Beach. Take it from a former resident of the area; specifically, Coral Gables, home of the University of Miami. - - - - -
Conan O'Brien - - "New video has surfaced of Arnold Schwarzenegger in 1991 saying the housekeeper does a 'great job.' One clue might have been that he then added, 'And she's also a great housekeeper." |
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radiorodgers1@yahoo.com |