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Notice how most of the reports of rioting and unbridled criminality ruining Memorial Day events in many major cities referred to "urban" unruly mobs? All together, now, and let's not pretend we don't know: what DO they mean by "urban"? The same thing the spineless weasels who run much of broadcasting mean when they refer to a radio format as "urban". It's apparently too much to expect civilized behavior of some of our "minorities". . And what is Obama's response to the sheer brutishness that bedevils many of our larger cities? Why, a crackdown on police departments, of course! - - - - -
Economic progress report: recipients of food stamps ... up 39% since Dr. Hopey Changey took office. But we can be oh-so-proud of this: the number of taxpayer-bought limousines for government leeches and hacks is up 73% under Barry. - - - - -
With Obama's approval ratings among military personnel in the basement, wonder if he'll try even harder than did Gore in 2000 to try to prevent military votes from being counted next year? - - - - -
Ever had the experience of paying for your groceries ... watching the person next to you pay with food stamps ... and seeing that person in the parking lot, getting into a car newer than yours? Clearly, millions of freeloaders have figured, "Why pay for groceries when the government will give them to you?" And that's why you can expect Democrat howls of protest as House Republicans consider cuts in this massive giveaway program. It is, as stated above, up 39% under Obama's "leadership". - - - - -
We're starting to hear more about attempts to hack into vital military and defense contractor computer systems. It's been common knowledge for years that China was/is behind a lot of this electronic spying. We haven't -- and don't -- confront them because... Well, you know why. We owe them tons of money. It's the old "golden rule" in operation; he who has the gold ... makes the rules. - - - - -
The new chairperson of the Democratic Party, Cong. Debbie Wasserman Schultz of Florida, makes the shocking announcement that Republicans believe that illegal immigration is a crime! Can anyone explain the MEANING of the word "illegal" to this idiot? Why do the Democrats insist on electing crazies to lead their party? - - - - -
The ACLU, the American Communist Liberties Union, is pressuring for pornography to be made available to prison inmates. As Dave Barry says, I am NOT making this up. - - - - -
What happens when more Republicans find out that the sainted Gov. Chris Christie backs the Al Gore "global warming" scam? - - - - -
What's new? department: left-wing NPR plugging a book whose liberal author claims racism infests the Tea Party movement. Perhaps they should be asking why Herman Cain, black man, is the current favorite among Tea Party voters surveyed. - - - - -
US News finds that the one hundred U. S. Senators are responsible for renting and maintaining no fewer than 700 offices at a cost of $40 million a year. In the real world, that would call for "culling the herd". Indeed, if half of them were deported, would we even notice? - - - - -
What is wrong with this picture? More than 77,000 government employees are getting paid more than the governors in the states where they work. In California, where the governor's salary exceeds $212,000 -- highest in the nation -- 703 federal employees in the state earn more. (On the other hand, maybe they do less damage than Jerry Brown.) - - - - -
If you're ever tempted by the seductive advertising of banks, money managers, mutual funds, etc., you might want to remember this. A bit more than three years ago, Muammar Gaddafi of Libya turned over $1.3 billion to Goldman Sachs, the High Church of Wall Street, to manage thru a complicated series of investments. Sorting thru the debris of the results, it was found that 98% of the value of the account was lost. Caveat emptor! - - - - -
Get this! The hacks at the Associated Press, the nationwide suck-up media corps, calls it "unexpected" (?!!) that consumer confidence fell last month. Did any rational creature expect otherwise? The economy is in the toilet ... home sales are finding new record lows every month ... unemployment is staggering -- and these morons think it "unexpected" that consumer confidence is down? Among all the Obama kiss-ups at A.P., is there a triple-digit IQ to be found? - - - - -
The UN's Human Rights Council, dominated by dictators and thugs ... some of the world's worst violators of those rights ... has said that Sharia law is not to be criticized. This, of course, is a form of "law" based on the precepts of a medieval pseudo-religion-turned-political-movement called Islam. Will we ever have a government with the backbone to get these UN heathens out of this country? The evil SOBs should relocate to, say, Yemen ... or Somalia ... or -- the list of potential and more appropriate home bases for these slime is virtually endless. One of Iran's governing ayatollah's says suicide bombings against Jews are a Muslim's duty, and that includes killing children. Who is dumb enough to believe you can "negotiate" with this kind of mentality? Wait -- that would be the president of the United States, wouldn't it? - - - - -
Enquiring minds want to know: did or did not Cong. Weiner (D-NY) display his ... weiner ... on Twitter? Where does it fit on a scale from, say, a Vienna sausage to the foot-long frank? - - - - -
Oh, they just get so sur-leee!! One of the Obama media whores on MSNBC is flailing around, looking for a way to describe Sarah Palin's bus tour as a violation of federal law. - - - - -
From the indispensable Thomas Sowell in Investor's Business Daily -- "One of the painfully revealing episodes in Barack Obama's book "Dreams From My Father" describes his early experience listening to a sermon by the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. Among the things said in that sermon was that "white folks' greed runs a world in need." Obama was literally moved to tears by that sermon. This sermon may have been like a revelation to Barack Obama but its explanation of economic and other differences was among the oldest-- and most factually discredited-- explanations of such difference among all sorts of peoples in all sorts of places. Yet it is an explanation that has long been politically seductive, in countries around the world. Despite a carefully choreographed image of affability and cool, Barack Obama's decisions and appointments as President betray an alienation from the values and the people of this country that are too disturbing to be answered by showing his birth certificate." - - - - -
A Leno line - - "Tim Pawlenty is running for President. I won't say he's boring, but his Secret Service Code name is Al Gore." THE LOVELY MISS CELLANEOUS HAS A FEW
Is it or is it not Weiner's weiner causing titters among the Twitters? The New York Democrat's evasive answers and unwillingness to involve the authorities in clarifying what he calls "a prank" casts more and more suspicion upon him. Is he or is he not ... a lewd dude? - - - - -
With the bankruptcy of Medicare looming ever-closer, next year's election will likely be determined by the answer to this question: can you win an election by telling the American public the truth, even when the truth is painful and unpopular? - - - - -
Liberals can be expected to throw a hissy-fit over a bill just signed by Florida Gov. Rick Scott. The bill will require anyone applying for temporary government assistance (i.e., welfare) to pass a drug test before receiving benefits. Applicants will have to pay for the tests themselves and will be reimbursed if they pass. - - - - -
When the Great Wartime Leader dipped a toe into the Libya mess, he and Hillary assured us the whole thing would be over in a few weeks. Now NATO has extended the mission by another 90 days. - - - - - Think about it. We Americans give $420 million of our tax dollars each year to "non-commercial public television". Now comes the announcement by PBS that they'll continue taking the money ... AND run commercials, anyway! - - - - -
The following information was collected by Mark Knoller of CBS News (yes, CBS!) and called to my attention by Dan Sorkin - - Last year Pres. Obama flew in Air Force One 172 times, almost every other day. At an Air Force-estimated cost of $181,757 per flight HOUR, not to mention the additional travel costs of Marine One, Secret Service, logistics and local police overtime. During the last year, Pres. Obama made 65 domestic trips over 104 days, and six trips to eight countries over 22 days. Not counting six vacation trips over 32 days. He also took 196 helicopter trips, many to golf courses. Obama spends nearly half his presidency outside Washington and plans to travel more. - - - - -
Here we go again -- another pol who thinks the tools of his office are his personal playthings. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, the flavor-of-the-month for many Republicans dissatisfied with the field of possible presidential nominees, is under fire for using a state police helicopter to haul him to his son's high school baseball game, then rush back to his office for a meeting with Iowans who want him to run for the Big Job. Medical question: just how many brain cells are killed by getting elected to office? - - - - -
So now The Huck thinks he might run, after all. The former Arkansas governor likely thinks the present Republican field is not daunting. - - - - -
Thanks to Gene for forwarding this piece by Walter Russell Meade in The American Interest, concerning the way Netanyahu made Obama look like a fool -- "Netanyahu beat Obama like a red-headed stepchild; he played him like a fiddle; he pounded him like a big bass drum. The Prime Minister of Israel danced rings around his arrogant, professorial opponent. It was like watching the Harlem Globetrotters go up against the junior squad from Miss Porter's School; like watching Harvard play Texas A&M, like watching Bambi meet Godzilla – or Bill Clinton run against Bob Dole." Love those analogies! - - - - -
Has Craig's List become the prime advertising outlet for criminals? Not only have prostitutes solicited business on the site, but now Channel 13 in Sacramento reports that car thieves are selling stolen vehicles via the List ... then stealing them BACK! - - - - -
Try to contain your surprise and shock, but "Primetime Propaganda", the new book by Ben Shapiro, carries an interview with "Friends" co-creator Marta Kauffman in which she says that when she cast Candace Gingrich-Jones, half-sister of Republican former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, as the minister of a lesbian wedding, "There was a bit of [a middle finger] in it to the right wing." She also acknowledges she "put together a staff of mostly liberal people," which is another major point of Shapiro's book: that conservatives aren't welcome in Hollywood. Mr. Shapiro adds, “I spoke personally with scores of major Hollywood names, who admitted to me on tape that discrimination takes place in Hollywood, that they use their programming to manipulate Americans politically, that they scorn everyday conservatives, and that they twist the television market to achieve their own political goals." - - - - -
It's every horny adolescent boy's dream. On a recent field trip, students at Berwick (Pa.) Middle School were taken to lunch at ... Hooters. - - - - -
Spare a moment of pity for David Harding, a London accountant, who hits thirteen bangers a day and has spent over $3,000 on psychiatrists, trying to break the habit -- or obsession. Just to be clear, in ENGLISH English, a banger is a sausage, not an over-friendly lady of dubious repute. "YES WE CAN!" NO, THE WISH IS
The answer to 2008's Obama campaign slogan, "Yes, we can!" is now obvious. NO, you CAN'T. Unemployment is above 9% again. Add the people who've just given up on finding work and who thus aren't counted in the official reports and it's about double that figure. Only a third as many jobs created last month as Obama's academic pinheads had predicted. Face it, dim Dems: the guy's a total failure. And that's without even considering his stupid foreign-policy embarrassments. No, "community organizer", you WEREN'T "the one we were waiting for." You're a sham, a fool and an utter incompetent. Cherish your memories of hauling your enormous ego around on Air Force One at $187,000 per hour) as you contemplate an early retirement. But, what the hell; the pension should be sufficient to keep your wife in clothes! The "bin Laden bounce" in the polls -- OOOver! - - - - -
This is what passes for creative thinking among the Obamunists. Some stupid punk named Neal Kumar Katyal, acting as Obama's Solicitor General (the government's own lawyer) told a federal appeals court that people who don't like to pay for Obamacare could avoid it by ... making less money! And thus, by liberal thinking, are great nations built. Katyal may get his wish. A Goldman Sachs survey finds wages dropping at the fastest rate in twenty years. Meantime, the Gallup poll finds that 71% of Democrats believe wealth should be "redistributed", which means they're really saying, "If I can't make money myself -- or choose not to work hard enough to earn more income -- I want the government to act as my designated thief and steal it FOR me from those who DID earn it! Democrat politics in a nutshell. Leeches and parasites. - - - - -
The Republican Party being the hierarchical organization it is ("It's his turn" is the way Republican presidential nominations are usually decided) and given the campaign money he's amassed, Mitt Romney is doubtless the favorite to win the party's prize. But the Obama campaign against him almost writes itself. "Thank you, Gov. Romney, for giving us the prototype for health care reform!" Romney is the choice of the Eastern Establishment and a lot of Republicans, in their eagerness to rid the nation of the Obama plague, will hold their noses and vote for him despite his record of flip-flopping and becoming wealthy as a corporate raider. If you can't get what you want, you take what you can get. He does, however, have great hair. - - - - -
Has it yet been established that in the Case of the Weiner weiner, a rolled-up sock was involved? The congressman's wife, Huma, is apparently not disturbed by the gossip surrounding the picture he -- or somebody -- posted. Understandable. She was a member of the White House staff when Bill Clinton was playing "hide the weenie". In fact, the Ol' Hillbilly Whorehopper MARRIED them! - - - - -
Still more scum news. The Enquirer, which has led many of the "respectable" media in reporting unseemly behavior by Democrat politicians, now reports that John Edwards' mistress, Rielle Hunter, has dumped him. Implored by Edwards to cover for him and keep him out of jail during his legal troubles, instead she effectively told him to shove it. - - - - -
Let's give New Jersey Governor Chris Christie credit for this. While it was stupid to use a State Patrol helicopter to haul him to his son's baseball game, when it was revealed he didn't take evasive action, as does the typical pol (see Anthony Weiner). Instead he admitted it and wrote the check. - - - - -
To be pitied: well-intentioned folk who act as if the double-standard by Democrats and their media sluts in dealing with Weiner's weiner were something new. Of COURSE there's a double-standard. Has been for years. Where have you been? You watch CBS or CNN or NBC or ABC and think you're getting the TRUTH?? Pathetic ... - - - - -
An Indian-American youngster wins the National Spelling Bee to become the fourth consecutive ethnic Indian student to win. There ought to be a lesson in this for all parents. Children from Indian-born families are taught to study and work hard toward academic achievement and ultimately success in life. - - - - -
A middle-school yearbook in Arkansas lists former President George W. Bush and VP Dick Cheney on their list of the "five worst people of all time", alongside Hitler, bin Laden and Charles Manson. Interestingly, people like Stalin and Mao, murderers of millions, didn't make the list. Since it's highly unlikely that a bunch of seventh-graders came up with those names on their own, the people of that community need to ask themselves, "Just what kind of so-called 'teachers' are being hired in our schools?" Then take it upon themselves to do some re-educating of those "teachers" independent of school administration or the teachers' union. These "teachers" are obviously products of our colleges and of the mindset of the leftist fools who run them. - - - - -
Nancy Pelosi, soothsayer. The San Francisco loony predicts Democrats will regain control of the House next year. This is the same wacko who kept predicting confidently that her party would retain control (and she'd keep the Speakership) before last fall's congressional elections. They lost 63 seats ... AND control. And poor Nancy lost her private, government-provided, jet. Boo-friggin'-hoo! - - - - -
Only in 2011 America ... A federal judge in the state of Washington ruled that a gay softball league can limit participants to ONLY gay men. Three men are suing on grounds they're discriminated against because they are bi-sexual rather than strictly gay. Really. Now. Contemplate for a moment what the outcome might be if another league or group of ANY kind allowed only heterosexuals to participate. (How do they PROVE they're gay, anyway? "Your honor, unzip your fly ... ") - - - - -
In Australia, a Muslim group is putting up billboards saying, "Muhammad: Mercy to Mankind". This from the most murderous, oppressive force on the planet since the fall of the USSR. Maybe they're so stupid they don't even KNOW they're lying. - - - - -
Dr. Death, Jack Kevorkian, is ... dead. At age 83. Unassisted. - - - - -
Some days, just nothing goes right. In Hamilton, New Jersey, a 39-year-old woman was injured when a tombstone toppled over on her leg. While she was in a horizontal position. Making "the beast with two backs" with a male ... acquaintance. - - - - -
A classic revisited -- Several men are in the locker room of a golf club. A cell-phone on a bench rings and a man engages the hands-free speaker function and begins to talk.Everyone else in the room stops to listen. MAN: "Hello" WOMAN: "Hi Honey, it's me. Are you at the club?" MAN: "Yes." WOMAN: "I'm at the shops now and found this beautiful leather coat. It's only $2,000. Is it OK if I buy it?" MAN: "Sure, go ahead if you like it that much." WOMAN: "I also stopped by the Lexus dealership and saw the new models. I saw one I really liked." MAN: "How much?" WOMAN: "$90,000." MAN: "OK, but for that price I want it with all the options." WOMAN: "Great! Oh, and one more thing. The house I wanted last year is back on the market. They're asking $980,000 for it." MAN: "Well, then go ahead and make an offer of $900,000. They'll probably take it. If not, we can go the extra eighty-thousand if it's what you really want." WOMAN: "OK. I'll see you later!!" The man hangs up. The other men in the locker room are staring at him in astonishment, mouths wide open. He turns and asks, "Anyone know whose phone this is?" OUR "DEAR LEADER" COULDN'T ORGANIZE A
The dunce in the White House got his head handed to him by Congress yesterday as nearly half of Democrats in the House voted for one or the other of two resolutions telling Obama he was in violation of the constitution by sending American military personnel to Libya without the approval of Congress. Surprisingly, the Republican resolution, which passed 268-145 was even less-harsh than another offered by Dennis Kucinich, the radical Democrat from Ohio, who wanted withdrawal of all American involvement begun almost immediately. - - - - -
Obama? Lying? I know it's hard to believe, but at his Teleprompter exercise at a Chrysler plant in Toledo yesterday he said that company had paid back every cent of government bailout money. THAT ... IS ... A ... LIE. They didn't. By almost $6 1/2 billion. - - - - -
We ... are ... suckers! The following reproduction of a supermarket receipt found in a parking lot outside a grocery store in Menominee, Michigan, shows the bulk of purchases totaling $141.78 consisted of lobsters and porterhouse steaks. Please note at the bottom that YOU paid for it, if you're a taxpayer. It's illustrative of the point made yesterday about going to the supermarket, seeing someone in line pay with food stamps -- and loading their purchases into a better car than your own. In a rational country, members of a political establishment that allows this kind of fraud would be hanging from lamp-posts -- and should be. .......MEAT Cold Water Lobster T 8.99 Cold Water Lobster T 8.99 Cold Water Lobster T 8.99 Cold Water Lobster T 17.98 Cold Water Lobster T 17.98 Cold Water Lobster T 8.99 Porterhouse Steak 11.64 Porterhouse Steak 12.27 SUBTOTAL 141.78 TOTAL TAX .00 TOTAL 141.78 DEBT FOOD STAMPS TENDER 141.78 Acct. xxxxxxxxxxx(redacted account number) APPRVL CODE 045545 CASH CHANGE .00 NUMBER OF ITEMS 18 In-Store Savings 8.00 YOU SAVED A TOTAL OF 8.00 THAT IS A SAVINGS OF 5% Trx:327 Term: 6 Store:211 14:42:44 Life is full of choices... Thanks for choosing Angelis!! 1401 8th Ave. - Menominee, MI 906-863-5575 Makes you proud to be a taxpayer, doesn't it?!! - - - - -
Of the disappointing 54,000 new jobs created in May, HALF were hires by McDonald's. You know -- those "burger flipper" jobs Democrats have historically ridiculed. Meantime ... survey says ... 61% of Americans say they don't expect their lifestyles to return to pre-recession levels for three years -- if EVER. When you have a government elected by gullible idiots, it's fantasizing of the highest order to expect otherwise. - - - - -
More signs of an economy sinking into world-wide disrepute. China has unloaded 97% of its U.S. Treasury bills. Footnote: did you know we are still, in our sustained foolishness, sending foreign aid to ... China?! - - - - -
It would be obviously illegal and discriminatory, but one of the best things the country could do for itself would be a prohibition against anyone who'd ever been connected in any way with either Harvard or Yale running for high office. The term "educated fool" acquires a new dimension when attached to those folk with such connections who've been elected president or other high office -- especially appointees. - - - - -
North Korea is threatening South Korea again. How much better off would the world be today if we'd taken the advice of experienced -- and winning -- General Douglas MacArthur over that of Harry Truman and bombed North Korea into oblivion in the still legally un-ended Korean War? - - - - -
BOOK RECOMMENDATION. If you were in the military during those tense Cold War years when our soldiers and the Soviets were warily eyeing each other across the Iron Curtain boundaries in Europe, you'll want to read "A Twenty Minute War" by my friend Irv Hamilton, who was there. - - - - -
Low-life's are increasingly stealing steel by taking apart railroad tracks, causing derailments of trains and risking lives as well as enormous damage to property. We know what the answer is in dealing with these scum, but of course we're much too civilized to do it. - - - - -
Easiest headline of the day: "WEINER PULLED OUT". The scandal-bedeviled New York Democrat Congressman cancelled a scheduled speech last night at a party event in Milwaukee. - - - - -
I'm sure it was just a slip-up that in reporting on scumbag John Edwards' legal troubles over charges of using campaign money to pay off his mistress, the New York Times failed to mention his Democratic Party affiliation -- a mistake they've NEVER made in reporting any scandal involving a Republican. How can any self-respecting "journalist" work for that outfit, anyway? Or, for that matter, whore themselves out to the other blatantly biased outlets, including ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN. (NBC chose to ignore the Edwards story entirely.) BTW, just what do you think will happen to the federal charges -- and they ARE federal -- against Edwards when they hit the desk of Attorney General Eric Holder? - - - - -
Be prepared for the biggest aroma of bull-excrement this side of the cattle pens near I-5 outside Kettleman, California, as RINO Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah and Obama suck-up, tries to convince Republicans he's REALLY a conservative and therefore deserving of their presidential nomination. - - - - -
Vocabulary tip. One of the surest clues that you're listening to a political manipulator who regards people as mere ciphers is an obvious affection for the word "policy". - - - - -
TV Guide reports that Oprah Winfrey's six-month-old network OWN was down 24 percent in adult viewership in May, compared to the May 2010 ratings of Discovery Health, which OWN replaced. Perhaps there's another Kardashian somewhere who needs a "reality" show. - - - - -
Mitt Romney could take a lesson from Chris Christie, who quickly quelled the mini-scandal of his use of a State Patrol helicopter for a personal trip to see his son play baseball by 'fessing up and paying the bill. Romney would do much better to admit that his "Romneycare" experiment as governor of Massachusetts was just that -- an experiment that failed -- say that he learned from it and move on. Much better that he admit it than persist in trying to defend a failed and stupid scheme. - - - - - The liberal media pursue Sarah Palin endlessly, babble about her incessantly ... then complain about the media attention she receives! Diagnosis: blind to irony. Their not-so-hidden agenda becomes obvious when they complain that she's distracting attention from Mittens. The same, by the way, applies to the Eastern Establishment RINOs. Alas, Sarah has put her foot in it again, telling a Boston audience that Paul Revere warned ... the British! This was reported by Forbes Magazine, hardly a liberal publication. Coupled with her expressed belief during the 2010 campaign that Africa was a nation, and South Africa was merely the southern part of that nation, she persists in handing opponents plentiful ammunition to spread doubt about her qualifications and knowledge vital to the Big Job. For many voters, she has the MUSIC right, but she'd better learn the WORDS. - - - - -
Unachievable dreams department: a WWE "steel cage death match" between Sarah and, say, Nancy Pelosi. Any doubt how that would go? - - - - -
Recommended reading. THE AMERICAN THINKER website ... Thomas Lifson ..."Obama camp knows he has a problem with Jewish voters" - - - - -
See if you can find anyone to debate the other side of the following proposition. Ben Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve, is a moron. This buffoon isn't qualified to make change at a McDonald's. - - - - -
Michelle Obama's world sightseeing tour (at taxpayer expense) continues with visits to South Africa and Botswana. We can, of course, expect the U. S. to receive a bountiful return as a result. - - - - -
This comes second-hand because I seldom watch -- and then only for comedic purposes -- any of the leftist propagandists on MSNBC, but Mediaite reports that Democrat consultant/hack Lawrence O'Donnell is trying to pick a fight with Bill O'Reilly, who's on Fox opposite him. While I'm not a big fan of Ego O'Reilly, this is a transparent ploy by O'Donnell. In fact, it's one of the oldest stale tricks in the media world. You're a loser in the ratings, so you try to pick a fight with the Big Guy who's killing you, and hope he'll respond, thereby giving you free publicity which might translate into more viewers. Unless O'Reilly's lost his mind, he'll ignore the left-wing gnat. - - - - -
Some painful truths from economist Walter Williams ... "The latest Social Security Trustees Report tells us that the program will be insolvent by the year 2037. The combined unfunded liability of Social Security and Medicare has reached nearly $107 trillion in today's dollars. That is about seven times the size of the U.S. economy and 10 times the size of the national debt. One chief causal factor for the decline of many former great nations is what has been described as "bread and circuses," where government spends money for the shallow and immediate wants of the population. For the past half-century, our nation has been doing precisely what brought those nations down. We might have now reached the point of no return. If so, do we deserve it?" Yes. - - - - -
Feel free to forward this column to a friend. Or a liberal you'd like to annoy. - - - - -
Harold, a man of some years and experience, contributes this to the humankind fund of wisdom -- I've often been asked, 'What do you old folks do now that you're retired?' Well...I'm fortunate to have a chemical engineering background and one of the things I enjoy most is converting beer, wine and vodka into urine. I do it every day and I really enjoy it. - - - - -
From my friend John-Juan ... People say there is no difference between COMPLETE and FINISHED.... But when you marry the right one, you are COMPLETE.... And when you marry the wrong one, you are FINISHED..... And when the right one catches you with the wrong one, you are... COMPLETELY FINISHED THE SILLY SEASON APPROACHES
I refer to the quadrennial mass insanity that grips millions of Americans beset with a mental disorder that hungers for a daddy (or mommy) to make decisions for them. It manifests itself in an irrational ardor for some egotistical politician who's looked into a mirror and made the decision that he/she ... and ONLY he/she ... is qualified to lead the nation. I have long said, on and off the air, "Never fall in love with a politician. They'll break your heart every time." How many millions who'd never heard of Barack Obama four years ago suddenly decided that this person of no discernible accomplishment was going to "save the country" -- and still believe it?! Years of interviewing the high and the low of the political world, up to and including presidents, long ago cured me of any inclination to regard them as more flawed mortals like the rest of us. Some are bright, some are plain stupid; they have only ego in common. It is ridiculous to attribute to them either extraordinary mental powers or higher morality. Perhaps the greatest example of sustained stupidity among "leaders" was the period of the Vietnam War. After the French, among the worst (along with the Portuguese) of the European colonialists, were defeated in Vietnam, John Kennedy sent American military "advisers" to get shot. Americans may find it unbelievable, but a few years ago I talked with Vietnamese in Saigon who are, to this day, convinced the reason JFK got involved was because his wife was of French (Bouvier) descent! They couldn't think of any other reason why -- for Americans -- our catastrophic involvement there took place at all. Kennedy's investment of American lives in Vietnam followed his betrayal of Cubans determined to overthrow Castro that cost THEIR lives. Lyndon Johnson, bully, hypocrite and a man so egotistical that, despite his own undistinguished war record, believed he could pick daily targets to be added to, or taken off, our bombing lists in North Vietnam. Our airmen who carried out those missions, and our troops beneath them, largely thought he was crazy. They were right. Robert MacNamara, the "genius" from Ford who was Johnson's Secretary of Defense, talked with me for an hour several years after hostilities ended. I have never met a more obviously guilt-ridden human being. He should have been: He sent 58,169 young Americans to their graves and another 304,000 maimed, many for life. For what? Richard Nixon then ran for president, proclaiming (as he patted his breast pocket), "I have here a plan to end the war." After thousands more casualties, we learned what his plan was. Give up. And thru it all, we had politicized generals like Westmoreland proclaiming they saw "light at the end of the tunnel". They did. It was the proverbial oncoming train. The whole experience was a monument to incompetent political and military leadership. When we have had real leaders who have arisen in time of need, it was men like Eisenhower, MacArthur, Nimitz and others of equal or lower rank who demonstrated actual accomplishment in the face of dire circumstances.. (No, FDR didn't "win" WWII; it was won in spite of him, not because of him. And he let his ailing self be bullied by Stalin into betraying Eastern European nations into years of slavery.) I hope a few people will remember the price of placing false hopes in political candidates as we head into another round of boasts and promises in a presidential campaign. Think long and hard before bestowing qualities of sainthood on ANY candidate. Even if your chosen "savior" wins, you will likely be disappointed either a little or a lot in the long run. - - - - -
Does Michelle know about this? The news photos of Barack downing chili dogs, with a bowl of chili and fries on the side, just after she lectured us again on proper diet and nutrition? - - - - -
Unabashed liberal media hypocrisy -- and hardly new: Democrat Weiner's wiener story is just a "distraction". But a Republican congressman tapping is foot in some sort of gay "code" is a major scandal worthy of protracted discussion. - - - - -
Newt Gingrich, who's been composing a "what-not-to-do" manual on political campaigns, is barely into his botched effort and he's already taking a two-week vacation. Let us hope that he gets reconnected with reality and returns only to announce his withdrawal from contention. - - - - -
Herman Cain wins a poll of Republicans in Georgia; another dash of ice-water on Democrat allegations that Republicans and the Tea Party constituency within, are "racist". - - - - -
A bottle of champagne recovered from an old shipwreck in the Baltic Sea has sold for $43, 560. Actually, the divers were looking for a six-pack of Billy Beer when the stumbled upon the bubbly. IT'S A (not "an") HISTORIC DAY
D-day. The sixth of June. (The "D" didn't stand for anything; it was just a military code designation for the date chosen to invade Europe.) - - - - -
Five American soldiers killed in Iraq. Further evidence that we've lost the will -- or ability -- to really FINISH a war. Do a little study of history, and try to imagine what we'd have done in Germany or Japan after WWII if any hostile locals had attacked American occupation soldiers. Perhaps that IS the key word: occupation. We're not in Iraq, we're told, to OCCUPY it. We're just there to HELP. Which is why I repeat my long-standing -- and oft-stated -- position. We should've gone into Iraq, hanged Saddam, killed anyone else acting hostile toward us, then pulled out. Leaving behind a warning message: "Don't make us come back, or you will be VERY sorry!" - - - - -
If Obamacare is such a great idea, why has his administration given waivers (i.e., an okay to ignore it) to over 1,400 union and employer-provided health plans? - - - - -
Question for liberals. If you weren't already (emotionally) in bed with Obama, wouldn't you love to have a candidate running AGAINST him? If he were a Republican, given the record he's assembled, wouldn't you think him an easy target? Of COURSE you would! - - - - -
Wouldn't it be refreshing to have one entrant in the presidential nominating sweepstakes straightforwardly announce, "I'm in it to LOSE it!"? Wonder how many candidates run knowing they have no chance, but just want their grandchildren to be able to say, "Grandpa once ran for president?" If a politician has achieved all he/she can realistically expect to accomplish, perhaps the ego demands that final effort, futile though it almost always is. - - - - -
The plot thickens around the case of Weiner's wiener. Another woman has come forth with claims that she and the Stud from Brooklyn have been exchanging notes and feelthy peectures. "Congressman Weiner! John Edwards on line two! He says he has some advice for you!" This dude is fast approaching his "sell-by" date. - - - - -
Ynetnews quotes researcher Gregory Jones of RAND corporation as saying that Iran could have nuclear weapons within eight weeks. Both Republicans and Democrats have been kicking the can down the road for years rather than confront the prospect of madmen in possession of nukes. Now they've waited too long. We are about to live in a very different world, with medieval lunatics having their fingers on the nuclear button. That regime should have been decapitated on 9/12, ten years ago. You know: one day after 9/11. - - - - -
Hold the presses! Sarah was right! Paul Revere DID warn the Brits that the Americans wouldn't give up their arms. History teachers, take note. Maybe the University of Idaho IS the better place to get an education. (Go Vandals! That's a cheer for the sports teams, not an encouragement of criminal behavior.) - - - - -
Are we looking at our own future in "the cradle of Democracy"? Greece overpaid government workers for years ... gave them lavish pension plans to accompany early retirement ... and created for itself a financial disaster. Now, as the European Union countries demand austerity by the Greek government in exchange for yet another bailout, mobs are demonstrating in the streets of Athens in protest against having their goodies and freebies taken away. Meantime, socialist governments are failing -- and falling -- in Spain and Portugal. Both did essentially what Obama is foolishly trying to do here -- more government manipulation of the economy. - - - - -
Bono, the leader of the U-2 Irish rock group, has long made a second career of haranguing Americans and other westerners to send more aid to poor third-world countries -- overlooking the fact that much of that aid has been used to purchase mansions on the French Riviera by dictators, politicians and other insiders from those countries. Now, the sanctimonius Mr. Bono is facing protests by many of his erstwhile acolytes, charging him with (gasp!) avoiding taxes! You know -- the kind of tax money that could've been used to help those po' folks. - - - - -
Ever click thru the TV channels and amidst the bounty of junk-programming wondering, "Why is television so awful?" Despite the growing abundance of commercials (pizza commercials of different companies, back-to-back, ditto car brands -- practices that in earlier years would never have been tolerated by the advertisers) and so-called "reality" programs which exist primarily because they don't require talented writers, sets and the other costly accoutrements of quality television. A few exhibitionists and you've got a show! What have, say, the Kardashians ever done? (On that show, poor Bruce Jenner looks like he's had a bad embalming job. And Kim says she can't decide on a wedding dress. We can, however, be sure it will be ... white.) Over the weekend, I did some channel-browsing and formulated at least a partial answer to the proliferating schlock on the tube. The local PBS station was in its quarterly fund-raising mode, attempting to appeal to folk with discretionary money. Discretionary: money they can spend on whatever they wish. And what do they do in order to reach that audience? They do what commercial television and radio WON'T do. Those commercial media (yes, it IS a plural word) won't tell you so, but to them, people 55 and older might as well not even exist. They've allowed themselves to become convinced, thru years of self-propagandizing, that only younger people -- preferably in the 25-34 age bracket -- are suitable marketing targets with brand-loyalty not already fixed. So, with thinly-veiled contempt, they feed them a diet of largely juvenile junk on both radio and TV. CHEAP junk. But anyone with the intelligence of a gnat should be able to look at what public TV does when it wants to appeal for voluntary money -- by definition, discretionary -- and it works! They put on programs that appeal largely to the 55-plus audience ... the musical "oldies" shows, for instance, re-run endlessly. I live in an area in Arizona where there's a sizable 55-plus population with obvious financial resources, and they DO spend. Porsches and Lexuses are thick on the ground, and you KNOW those brands don't represent the more limited spending habits of their youth! I am out of radio & TV after a long and reasonably lucrative career, and GLAD to be out of it. As I told one of the execs at ABC, where I spent 25 years, "Just as in all rat-races, in the end, the rats win." I didn't understand when I faced microphone or camera for years, and don't understand now, why the people who run the sales effort at the networks and virtually all individual stations are too stupid to see what is right before their eyes. As the nation ages, the money is increasingly held by those in the age demographic who have had time to accumulate it. There are talented, creative people in commercial broadcasting, but they are shortchanged and stifled because of ingrained silliness in sales, where even time-sellers in their sixties won't challenge the perverted logic that tells them people their own age either don't have money, or won't spend it. - - - - -
I came across it again. In a pretentious literary piece about corporate tycoons, the writer referred to one such character as "holding the REIGNS" of the company. Should've been REINS, originating in the term used for the pieces of leather attached to the bridle in order to guide a horse. REIGNS refers to the period of power exercised by kings, emperors, etc. You know -- the way Obama regards HIS administration. - - - - -
Until tomorrow ... peering thru the forest fire smoke in Arizona ... WILTING WEINER FACES HARD TIMES
There probably isn't enough Viagra on the planet to stiffen the now-Detumescent Democrat. The first solid tipoff that Weiner-boy had something to hide was when he refused to report it to the FBI or the Capitol police. Lying to them would have been a crime. Now, trapped like a rat, the Weeping Weiner uses a familiar line. He "takes responsibility". But what does that mean, if there are no consequences? The Democrats' former favorite attack-dog says he won't quit congress, although he'll likely be ejected, anyway. Nobody stupid enough to put pictures of his "package" on the internet is to be trusted with serious national decisions. His wife, Huma, worked in the Clinton White House. That experience may have rendered her relatively shockproof regarding the activities of lust-blinded predatory males. Idle thought: I wonder if, in order to retain her freshness, he keeps her in a ... Huma-dor. (Sorreee! Put that on my lengthy list of unforgivable sins.) - - - - -
Oh, Anthony! Ginger Lee, your longtime e-mail pornstar sweetheart, says hello! - - - - -
Poor Anthony. Still caught in a time-warp, playing "I'll show you mine if you'll show me yours." - - - - -
Andrew Breitbart, news aggregator and blogger, has been the target of lies by the left; accusations that HE "hacked" (got into) Weiner's website and posted those pix that the congressman now admits was his own work. He now has every moral right to go to those lying lefties and stomp them. (I know. How un-PC of me to suggest such a thing ... Just trying to promote integrity in journalism ...) - - - - -
Weiner is hardly the only career liar in Washington. The Obama administration is opening new frontiers of falsehood. For example, the Congressional Budget Office says the REAL cost of the federal government acting as a taxpayer-supported financial safety net for mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac is $317 billion -- NOT the $130 billion claimed by the Obama administration. The CBO said in a report to the house budget committee that the real price of the bailout was more than twice as high as claimed by Obama's numbers-manipulators. If I were a hostile nation looking on, I'd say, "Those stupid Americans are getting exactly what they deserve for electing fools and crooks." - - - - -
How it must pain some lib editors at USA Today to report that Obama's screwing-up of the economy has reached the point where UN-funded government obligations (promises made for various do-gooder programs with no money to pay for them) now amount to $534,000 for each and every household in America. That does NOT include each household's share of existing government debt. Talk about monkeys in charge of the zoo! - - - - -
Obama's top economic advisor, Austan Goolsbee, has quit effective September. Typically, the effete Obama White House is reportedly searching for a successor in the academic world. In other words, yet another educated fool who's never had to live with the consequences of his/her decisions. - - - - -
Marketwatch reports that 30% of American companies surveyed say they probably or definitely will drop their company-sponsored health plans as/if Obamacare takes effect. A lot of dumb people who thought they were going to get salvation are going to be faced with bitter realities. - - - - -
A sad sign of the times comes from New Jersey, where three young female druggies have been caught stealing the brass markers from the graves of veterans so they can sell the metal for dope money. - - - - -
Next potential hot-spot to watch: Peru, where a leftist has just narrowly won the presidency in a bitterly-fought election. He's said to be a big admirer of Venezuela's dictator Hugo Chavez. Already, Peruvian government bonds (debt), previously highly-rated, are selling at junk-bond prices as investors head for the exits. - - - - -
Considering a fairly low level of support for Mitt Romney among Republicans, it's a powerful indicator of Obama vulnerability when a poll sponsored by the liberal Washington Post and liberal ABC-TV finds that Mittens would beat The Golfer. That comes close to saying that ANYBODY could beat Obama, which is a challenge to the Republican establishment: where can they FIND that loser to add to the collection of Doles, McCain's and other certified losers they've fed into the electoral machine in the past? - - - - -
Here for your consideration, a view of Barack Obama excerpted from the writings of Dr. Sam Vaknin, psychiatrist and specialist in narcissism. "I must confess I was impressed by Obama from the first time I saw him. At first I was excited to see a black candidate. He looked youthful, spoke well, appeared to be confident -- a wholesome presidential package. I was put off soon, not just because of his shallowness but also because there was an air of haughtiness in his demeanor that was unsettling. His posture and his body language were louder than his empty words. "The fact that Obama is a total incognito with Zero accomplishment, makes this inexplicable infatuation alarming. Obama is not an ordinary man. He is not a genius. In fact he is quite ignorant on most important subjects. "Narcissists have no interest in things that do not help them to reach their personal objective. They are focused on one thing alone and that is power. "If an issue raised in the Senate does not help Obama in one way or another, he has no interest in it. The "present" vote is a safe vote. (Ed. note--the "present" vote was a habit with Obama.) No one can criticize him if things go wrong. Those issues are unworthy by their very nature because they are not about him. "Obama evidences symptoms of pathological narcissism, which is different from the run-of-the-mill narcissism of a Richard Nixon or a Bill Clinton for example. To him reality and fantasy are intertwined. "Pathological narcissists are dangerous because they look normal and even intelligent. It is this disguise that makes them treacherous. The great majority of blacks voted for Obama. Only a fool does not know that their support for him is racially driven. "America is on the verge of destruction. There is no insanity greater than electing a pathological narcissist as president." - - - - -
Here's an apocalyptic prediction. Let's hope it doesn't materialize, but don't bet against it. Visualize the scenario: Obama loses the election. Cries of "racism" ring out across the land, quickly followed by street mobs and rioting. - - - - -
Moron of the moment: the CEO of General Motors, advocating a $1 increase in the federal gasoline tax. Yes, let's REALLY run the nation into a depression and force even more people choose between getting to work (if they can find it) and putting low-budget meals on the table! Talk about being out-of-touch with reality! - - - - -
You didn't think Obamacare would result in rationing and refusal to perform expensive treatments? The New York Times admits it's already happening. Unstated, the philosophy is, "If you're really sick, die and get out of the way." - - - - -
If you opinionate in public, there's a standard, oft-repeated question for people who disagree. "Who do you think you are to criticize the president/governor/mayor, etc.?" There is only one appropriate answer. "Who do I HAVE to be?" - - - - -
After wasting hours wrestling with my e-mail (Yahoo, if you have a problem, put it on your opening page!) before end-running the system and fixing it myself, I feel compelled to say again -- If automobiles were as unreliable as the whole computer/internet field, we'd all still be riding horses. - - - - -
Dan Sorkin passes along some valuable observations by John Marin; a tutorial on how you can determine your own place in the political spectrum. If a Conservative doesn't like guns, he doesn’t buy one. If a Liberal doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed. If a Conservative is a vegetarian, he doesn’t eat meat. If a Liberal is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone. If a Conservative is homosexual, he quietly leads his life. If a Liberal is homosexual, he demands legislated respect. If a Conservative is down-and-out, he thinks about how to better his situation. A Liberal wonders who is going to take care of him. If a Conservative doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Liberals demand that those they don't like be shut down. If a Conservative is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A Liberal non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. If a Conservative decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it.. A Liberal demands that the rest of us pay for his. If a Conservative reads this, he'll forward it so his friends can have a good laugh. A Liberal will delete it because he's "offended." ... AND THE INSANITY GOES ON AND ON
AND ...
Our Elected Incompetent now pledges money to bankrupt Greece out of a U.S. Treasury that is way beyond broke and borrowing $125 billion a MONTH! He is stupid beyond hopeless and a vicious anti-American. - - - - -
Austan Goolsbee, Bam's top economic advisor, has resigned and will be returning to his post as a college professor. So it IS true: those who can't DO ... TEACH. - - - - -
What?? Now even the liberal Washington Post is pointing out the pack of lies Obama assembled regarding Chrylser's repayment of the taxpayer-money bailout it received. To quote the Post, "What we found is one of the most misleading collections of assertions we have seen in a short presidential speech. Virtually every claim by the president regarding the auto industry needs an asterisk, just like the fine print in that too-good-to-be-true car loan. " The president is straining too hard. If the auto industry bailout is really a success, there should be no need to resort to trumped-up rhetoric and phony accounting to make your case." The story was headlined, "President Obama’s phony accounting on the auto industry bailout". In short, it's a pants-on-fire alarm from the left-leaning Post. - - - - -
So much for the electric car fad. In May, GM sold exactly 48 of their highly-hyped electric Volts. - - - - -
Mobs of black youths are attacking pedestrians in the historically pleasant stroller neighborhoods on the near-north side of the city. I used to live there and felt no fear--THEN. Now, typical of Democrat-run cities, Chicagoans are victimized further by some of the tightest gun-control laws in the country. Laws NOT obeyed by criminals, of course. So the law-abiding citizen or visitor is defenseless against thugs. Would it not have a salutary effect if a few prospective victims shot some of these savages? They didn't call it "the Equalizer" in the Old West for no reason. Additionally ... the California State Senate, obviously aware of the utter nuttiness of the gun laws they've passed for the rest of the citizenry, has voted to exempt themselves from those laws. - - - - -
Consider just a few of the ongoing stupidities of our so-called "foreign policy". We prop up an openly-corrupt President Karzai in Afghanistan while he lectures us about what we can or can't do militarily. In that sewer called Iraq, we leave the decision on disposition of American forces to THEIR government. And free-loading Pakistan, while proclaiming friendship, protests our attacks on Al Qaeda and Taliban leaders who seek shelter there. We truly do live in a country run by crazy people. - - - - -
The reliable Rasmussen Report survey finds only 24% of Americans share the political views of our Dear Leader. - - - - -
The Transportation Security Administration, run by the utterly deranged Janet Napolitano and her joke "Homeland Security" Department, ruined a cruise by 2,000 mostly elderly Britons by forcing them to spend seven hours going thru farcical security manipulations forced upon them by TSA people. It seems a few passengers complained that some of the security procedure was unnecessary, so the TSA Nazis decided to exact revenge on the entire passenger load. Janet Napolitano should be fired and this entire coterie of abusive and useless government parasites abolished. Their bullying alone is reason to get rid of them. Their ineffectiveness is a subsidiary issue. Footnote: A former supervisor with the Transportation Security Administration has been sentenced to more than two years in prison after pleading guilty to taking bribes from a TSA officer who was stealing from passengers. - - - - -
"Facebook" is now incorporating facial recognition technology of the sort used by government spy agencies into its internal technology. Of course, nobody who values their privacy gets involved with the so-called "social media", anyway. It's a game for children, exhibitionists and people who have wayyy too much time on their hands. - - - - -
Britain's TELEGRAPH reporter Brendan O'Neill blows the whistle on the Texas story about the supposed finding of a mass burial ground with the bodies of thirty people, mostly children. Seems there's no burial ground, no bodies, no children. The story came about because a psychic -- yes, a psychic -- called the police with a tip ... the police bought it ... brought in the FBI and found -- nothing. Police are now trying to track down the "psychic". - - - - -
Add to the list of crazy people who've held office as chair of a major political party the name of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the fake blonde congresswoman from Florida and the latest nut to hold the top party post for the dumb Dems. Place her name just below that of Howard Dean, the Hollerin' Hyena. - - - - -
NBC's in-house punk, Matt Lauer, tried to hassle Andrew Breitbart for breaking the Weiner wiener story. Little Matty obviously thinks that depraved behavior by his fellow liberals should be covered-up by the news media. NBC seems determined to pass CNN as the biggest liberal whorehouse on the media block -- and they're getting there. - - - - -
Speaking of media weasels ... when is Shepherd Smith going to admit to his true values and try to get a gig at CNN -- or NBC? - - - - -
Kudos to Huma Weiner on one level. At least she didn't allow herself to be dragged out before TV cameras beside her horndog husband to play "the understanding wife", unlike Mrs. Elliot Spitzer when the New York governor was exposed as a patron of prostitutes. And isn't it just TOO appropriate that Mr. Spitzer, whore-hound, wound up doing a talk-show on CNN? Huma's on the other side of the world with her boss, Hillary, saving Africa. - - - - -
London Dave has a suggestion for Cong. Weiner's future. "If Weiner does resign, CNN could always team him with Elliot Spitzer.I look forward to the Spitzer & Weiner Show Sponsored by Viagra of course. Now, THERE'S a show on the up and up! (I can hear the promotional announcement now: "Tune in for Erection Day coverage!") - - - - -
Best piece of wordsmithing on the Weiner story comes from Michael Walsh at National Review Online. How's this for a surgical writing performance? "In his combination of unctuousness, mendacity, mock-reasonableness, petulance, bullying, hypocrisy, overweening arrogance, brazen aggression, self-pity, victimhood, and bogus moral preening, it’s hard to beat Congressman Anthony Weiner. He’s the perfect face of the modern American Left in all its glorious pathology." Excellent! - - - - -
The following is disrespectfully dedicated to the illegal aliens who set the forest and brush fires raging a on the border a few miles south of my Arizona home. It is a vernacular translation of Mexico's OWN immigration laws. (Thanks, Sheila) 1. There will be no special bilingual programs in the schools. 2. All ballots will be in this nation's language. 3. All government business will be conducted in our language. 4. Non-residents will NOT have the right to vote no matter how long they are here. 5. Non-citizens will NEVER be able to hold political office. 6. Foreigners will not be a burden to the taxpayers. No welfare, no food stamps, no health care, or other government assistance programs. Any burden will be deported. 7. Foreigners can invest in this country, but it must be an amount at least equal to 40,000 times the daily minimum wage. 8. If foreigners come here and buy land... options will be restricted. Certain parcels including waterfront property are reserved for citizens naturally born into this country. 9. Foreigners may have NO protests; NO demonstrations, NO waving of a foreign flag, no political organizing, NO criticizing our president or his policies. These will lead to deportation. 10. If you do come to this country illegally, you will be actively hunted and, when caught, sent to jail until your deportation can be arranged. All assets will be taken from you. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Legal experts are now investigating John Edwards for the money he spent to hide his mistress and love child. The good news for Edwards is that he is now eligible to run for governor of California." LAST WEINER HEADLINE, I PROMISE
"Weiner cooked. Now there's a Weiner bun in the oven." The media headline tastelessness is boundless, and seldom more deserved than by this arrogant, pompous jerk who's widely disliked within his own party. But ... enough already. Or IS it? - - - - -
It's indicative of the Democrats' lax principles that so many of them, both politicians and human beings, are willing to let a confessed, repeated blatant liar like Weiner stay in office. It makes one want to shake them fiercely and ask, "What the hell is WRONG with you?!" - - - - -
Now that Weiner-boy is no longer a viable candidate for Mayor of New York, rumor has it that actor and ultra-liberal activist Alec Baldwin may make the run. There's never a shortage of ambitious lefties! - - - - -
Nancy Pelosi is willing to go after Cong. Anthony Weiner, but has roadblocked investigations of fellow California Congresswoman Maxine Waters, accused of getting millions of dollars funneled thru her husband's ailing bank. Obviously her constituents don't care what she does; she peddles left-wing politics and has black skin, a combination that's apparently sufficient for them. Oh, I'm sorry! It's only racist when WHITES vote for WHITES, correct? - - - - -
The grocery bill we reproduced a few days ago, showing purchases of lobster and porterhouse steaks with food stamps, has gotten the customer in legal trouble. Seems he was buying groceries with the government "gimme" stamps, then re-selling his purchases for half-price -- in real money. THAT was the only illegal part; gourmet shopping on the back of taxpayers IS perfectly legal and acceptable in this stupidly-run country. - - - - -
The biggest continuing -- and repugnant -- joke in contemporary politics: Democrats ridiculing real and potential Republican presidential candidates, except for a couple of RINOs, as lacking experience. And Obama's "experience" was -- what? A couple of years as a Senate nonentity, avoiding controversial votes that he thought might come back to haunt him! His chosen vote was "present". - - - - -
Would you regard Mitt Romney as a RINO ... or rino? Please advise. - - - - -
If the second dip of the double-dip recession that many knowledgeable financial people are now predicting is -- as also predicted -- worse than what we've already experienced, the largest contingent of victims will be among those naive, gullible dopes who thought Obama's socialist "solutions" would relieve them. They will receive an education paid for with the bitter coin of experience, although most will probably learn nothing from it. They've bought into cheap-trick Marxist philosophies that have failed everywhere they've been tried but continue to appeal to many because they promise, "We're going to give you something, and we're going to make somebody ELSE pay for it." - - - - -
It appears that, although offensive to the Obama administration and all who are reluctant to confront reality, the Federal Reserve, headed by the spectacularly incompetent Ben Bernanke, is going to HAVE to raise interest rates. Why? Because our government has been so financially irresponsible and accumulated mountains of debt so overwhelming that investors in our bonds and treasuries -- i.e., debt -- are afraid to loan our government more money to pee away. The only way to sell those government bonds is going to be by paying a higher interest rate. Thanks, Obama; Karl, V.I., Joe, Mao and Co. would be very proud of you! - - - - -
You might want to show this clip from the London Daily Mail newspaper to any acquaintances who are so dumb as to think government-run health care is a good idea. Here's how it works in Britain: "Nurses casually stepped over a patient as he lay dying on a hospital floor. Peter Thompson, 41, was left in a corridor for ten hours before someone noticed he had passed away. In a final act of indignity, hospital auxiliaries pulled his lifeless body across the floor in a manner his family described as like ‘dragging a dead animal." Meantime ... the LA Times reports that, "Skeptical questions from three federal judges in Atlanta suggest they may be ready to declare unconstitutional all or part of the healthcare law promoted by the Obama administration and passed last year by Congress." - - - - -
Recommended reading. The BIG GOVERNMENT website ... "The Audacity of Progressivism" by Andrew Mellon. - - - - -
Oxymoron on virtually college curriculum listing: "Political Science". Science??!! Wonder what dope-smoking idiot dreamed up that one? Lying to a bunch of two-legged cattle is a SCIENCE? - - - - -
I love football. However, the single most annoying factor in the college game is a practice among perennial powerhouses; the practice of opening their season by beating up on one or two overmatched smaller schools. The little guys take those matches because they need the money they get paid for going to the big school's stadium and letting their kids be used as cannon fodder. If the football gods are just (I know -- an absurd concept) this fall Akron and Toledo, one or both, will begin the season by beating Ohio State, now that the corruption endemic in a big-time football program that recruits criminals has come back to bite the Buckeyes on the butt. Meantime, kudos to major powers like LSU and Oregon that open their season against each other, instead of looking like bullies. - - - - -
Reader Joan forwards this one -- "This morning I went to sign my dogs up for welfare. At first the lady said, "Dogs are not eligible to draw welfare." So I explained to her that my dogs are unemployed, lazy, can't speak English and have no frigging clue who their fathers are. They expect me to feed them, provide them with housing and medical care. So she looked in her policy book to see what it takes to qualify. My dogs get their first checks Friday." - - - - -
Conan O'Brien -- "It turns out that one of the women Congressman Anthony Weiner was communicating with was a porn star. When asked how it was possible to get involved with someone in such a sleazy business, the porn star said, 'I don't know.' AIRPORT THUGS MAY TAKE A
The TSA bullies who harass innocent people at airports are in a snit because of passage of a House budget bill that chopped their support by $270 million and ended their collective bargaining "rights". Too bad some of their budget wasn't spent on a brain transplant for their boss, Janet Napolitano, who holds the title, "Idiot pro-tem" in the government, despite heavy competition. Now, the supremely stupid Napolitano rejects any suggestion that middle-eastern males under age 35 be given extra scrutiny at airports. It'd be that dastardly "profiling", don'tcha know. The kind that's made Israeli airline El Al the safest in the world. - - - - -
The reliable Rasmussen poll finds that forty-four percent (44%) now say it’s possible for anyone to work their way out of poverty, down from 56% two years ago. Seems more and more folk are wising up to the fact that Obamanomics is a gigantic fraud and is killing "the American Dream". How long will it take the electorate -- and the nation -- to recover from the incredible detour into the wilderness of Marxist philosophy that it took in 2008? - - - - -
Mitt Romney, in case you hadn't noticed, buys into the climate change boondoggle. Floods now plague the upper-midwest, drought-aided fires scar Arizona ... weather is -- get this -- UN-predictable. If your friendly neighborhood TV meteorologist can't tell you with any certainty whether it'll rain next Tuesday, who can hope to tell us what the weather -- or climate -- is going to be fifty years from now? The one prediction scientists can make with certainty is that we're about to have an outbreak of storms on the surface of the sun generating solar flares that will likely have impact on earth. So what do we do about THAT? Pass a law against such phenomena and use it as a way for an evil, stupid government to raise taxes? Mittens may be, as the mainstream media insist, the most likely Republican to win in 2012, but he's still a major risk. - - - - -
The Newt Gingrich "campaign" has been one of the most embarrassing debacles in recent political history, and now it's as good as over. Virtually his entire campaign staff, including his campaign manager, have resigned in a mass leap from the sinking ship. Fred Barnes says his wife wanted to run a "part-time" campaign, and that was at the root of the problem. Give it up and take Callista jewelry shopping, Newtie. You're toast. - - - - -
It wasn't intended to be amusing, but it was. Sen. Al Franken, alleged comedian, let it slip in a committee hearing that he accepts the distinct possibility that the Bamster will be gone as president after one term. BTW, notice that Al's getting that jowly look that we expect from our senators? LBJ was the model. - - - - -
Bill Clinton, who married Anthony Weiner and wife Huma Abedian, is reported to be very upset at Weiner-boy's scandalous behavior. Bill Clinton? Scandalized?! Of course, traditionalist that he is, Billy Jeff never used internet advertising. He obviously preferred the old-fashioned taste-test form of marketing. - - - - -
Reuters, the British news service, has word that Hillary wants to be the next president of the World Bank. We don't know about her general expertise in banking, but she obviously learned the ropes in the field of cattle-futures trading. - - - - -
Liberal media folk, face facts. It was not conservatives who paved Anthony Weiner's way to a well-deserved political oblivion. He did it to himself, and he IS a lying SOB! And most so-called "journalists" are stupid scum. Republicans, of course, hope Weiner stays in Congress -- a prospect that terrifies his fellow Democrats. He's such an easy target, the R's can beat him like a redheaded stepchild all the way to the next election. (No offense to redheaded stepchildren.) BTW ... The NY Post reports that Weiner HAS to keep his congressional job to make a living. He's unqualified for anything else, even as an ambulance-chasing lawyer, because he has no law degree. And who'd want to hire such a well-known scumbag? - - - - -
Ann Coulter again infuriates liberals with a dead-on observation in her new book, "Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America." She offers this assessment of their characteristic behavior: "Their myths, slogans, demands for immediate action, messianic goals, demonization of opponents, creation of political idols and occasional resorts to violence -- all this is classic herd behavior. Because mobs are irrational, immature, subject to wild passions and infatuations, they cannot be reasoned with. And they are always dangerous." - - - - -
The astute and insightful Prof. Victor Davis Hanson has these observations about some prominent limousine liberals who live like royalty while promoting socialism to the gullible dupes... "Nemesis is always hot on the trail of hubris, across time and space, and the goddess has been particularly busy in destroying the carefully crafted images of Bono, John Edwards, Timothy Geithner, Al Gore, Eliot Spitzer, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, Anthony Weiner, and a host of others. What do their tax hypocrisies, sexual indulgences, and aristocratic socialist lifestyles all have in common? Collectively, they represent a self-appointed or elected global elite that oversees, lectures about — in sanctimonious fashion — the ethical responsibilities of the redistributive state." The language is a little opaque, but the message is crystal-clear and dead-on. - - - - - Reader Hank sees the Republican Party this way ... "When I grew up, it was a very special event to see the Harlem Globetrotters. It dawned on me that they needed the Washington Generals to make a good show. Everyone knew who would "win" the game but it was a good show. Every guy on the Generals did his part and everyone knew the ending. It was the act that was great. and the white guys made a good living playing basketball, not a bad bargain. I have come to see the Republican Party as the "Generals". They are required to make a good show and they do their part well. And they get some time in the limelight. Getting the second best seat at the restaurant or event is better than no seat at all or, even worse, not being a part of the show." - - - - -
Recommended reading. The NATIONALREVIEW website ... Andrew McCarthy ... "The Coordinates of Radicalism". Focuses on a basic truth that the politically-correct can't bring themselves to acknowledge; i.e., what radicalizes Muslims is -- Islam. - - - - -
The two most prominent liberal rags, the Washington Post and New York Times, are recruiting readers from their left-wing constituency to help them sort thru thousands of Sarah Palin's e-mails as the obsessed-wacko coterie continues their endless -- and so far, groundless -- smear attack on a woman who won't be the Republican nominee, anyway. But ... asking for volunteers to help? I knew the financial situation was bad at the two propaganda mills, but I didn't know it was THAT bad; so bad they can't do their own reporting. Perhaps they should ask Andrew Breitbart or Matt Drudge for some advice on how to run a media machine. Gee ... think they're trying to take attention away from Weiner-boy? - - - - -
What the hell is a Piers Morgan? Can't last-place CNN find a deranged leftist among our abundant home-grown crop of loonies? Do they have to import a supercilious punk to peddle European-style Marxism?! CNN has now achieved what I long thought impossible. They've made their domestic product as blatantly un-American as CNN International, which I used to watch in foreign hotels and wonder, "What do these crackpots think they're doing?" BTW, Larry King, Miami's most famous deadbeat, coasted along in that time slot for years for one reason only. There was ZERO competition! Pretty easy to win the cable wars under those circumstances. - - - - -
We've begun preliminary planning for the next (17th annual) group cruise, and we welcome your input. Among the early candidates are a one-week cruise of the New England and Canadian Atlantic costs, plus a voyage up the St. Lawrence River to Quebec City and Montreal ... or ... 10-12 days to Northern European ports, including St. Petersburg, Russia, probably sailing from Copenhagen. This spring's just-ended cruise, twelve days around the Mediterranean, was adjudged a great success. I missed it because of illness, so I'm really looking forward to the next one. We'll try, as always, to arrange the best combination of quality and value. Projected date is May, 2012. If you have suggestions, send them to me at: radiorodgers1@yahoo.com - - - - -
Progress marches on. French actress Marion Cotillard is promoting a new product for women. Stick-on breasts for the forehead, so men will look women in the eyes. - - - - -
My friend Gene offers this list of "WaysTo Maintain A Healthy Level Of Insanity": 1.. In the Memo Field Of All Your Checks, Write ' For Marijuana. 2. Order a Diet Water whenever you go out to eat, with a serious face. 3. Specify That Your Drive-through Order Is 'To Go'. 4. Sing Along At The Opera. 5. Five Days In Advance, Tell Your Friends You Can't Attend Their Party Because You have a headache. 6. When Leaving the Zoo, Start Running towards the Parking lot, Yelling 'Run For Your Lives! They're Loose!' 7. Tell Your Children Over Dinner, 'Due To The Economy, We Are Going To Have To Let One Of You Go.' And The Final Way To Keep A Healthy Level Of Insanity-- 8. PICK UP A BOX OF CONDOMS AT THE PHARMACY, GO TO THE COUNTER AND ASK WHERE THE FITTING ROOM IS. IT'S TIME FOR EUROPEANS TO GROW
It was long overdue, but as he nears his retirement, Defense Secretary Robert Gates gave the European leeches a reality check. America is growing tired of their dilettante-ish behavior. They've attacked us for "unilateral" actions, such as attacking Iraq and hanging the evil Saddam Hussein, but when they want action in their former colonial playgrounds in North Africa -- currently action in Libya -- THEN they want Uncle Sugar to do the job and pick up the tab for most of it. Don't doubt this for a moment. Despite the fact that we've repeatedly saved their butts, many in Europe hate and envy us, and would be delighted to see our economy collapse under the burden of fighting THEIR wars. We need a clear re-statement of our foreign policy along these lines: we will expend American dollars and/or engage in warfare ONLY when it is absolutely clear that our own national interests are at stake. Otherwise, YOUR problems are just that -- YOUR problems. That is, after all, precisely how the rest of the world behaves. This "America, your Guardian Angel" nonsense has long outlived it's usefulness. Foreign aid, unless there is a tangible benefit for the American taxpayer, should be the first thing to go. And NATO, itself, has outlived its "use by" date. - - - - -
So now we learn that Weiner-boy has been exchanging hot e-mails with under-age girls thirty years his junior. Pleeeeeze, Anthony, don't quit! We need your dirty-old-man punching bag self around at least thru the next election. He's come up with some poll, probably bogus, that suggests most of his constituents want him to stay in congress, which would only confirm what rational people have always known. Democrats are largely unprincipled scum. Their excuse for Weiner is revealing, in itself. They say he should keep his job because, after all, "He never SUPPORTED morality or principles." Exactly. - - - - -
As the campaign season progresses, we will hear more of the usual nonsense about a vice-presidential choice to "balance the ticket". Bullfeathers. How is there "balance" when #1 has all the power and #2 gets whatever scraps from the table the Big Dog deigns to give him/her? It has been aptly said that the Vice-president's job is to turn on the news each morning and find out if the president died overnight. Dick Cheney was a rare exception, a #2 with power. But his primary function still was to serve as a lightning-rod for vituperation from agonized liberals. One is reminded of the immortal quote by one of FDR's virtually-forgotten VPs. It was Cactus Jack Garner who said, "The vice-presidency isn't worth a pitcher of warm ... spit." Only he didn't say "spit". - - - - -
If Texas Gov. Rick Perry enters the Republican race, Flip-Flop Romney likely faces real trouble. He's a retread at a time Republicans are looking for freshness ... the Texas economy is the envy of most other states ... and Perry has never lost an election. - - - - -
Retiring Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison of Texas says it's clear the Obama administration is biased against her state. Of COURSE he is! A state that believes in free enterprise, minimal government interference and that's created more than a third of all the new jobs in the country -- more than all other states COMBINED in the past year -- is bound to be anathema to a socialist-minded president! He's basically a Marxist, so naturally he finds Texas offensive. And there are more than a few Texans who wish it had retained its status as an independent nation instead of getting involved with the foolishness that passes for American leadership today. - - - - -
Newt Gingrich is a self-obsessed maniac and an embarrassment. - - - - -
The black unemployment rate is 75% higher under Obama than it was under Bush. Does racial solidarity still count for more among black voters? The polls say the answer is ...certainly. - - - - -
Let's hear it for incompetence! Here we go again ... Judicial Watch has found that the Justice Department is pressuring the police and fire departments of Dayton, Ohio, to lower their employment standards so that more blacks can be hired to satisfy Attorney General Eric Holder's racialist/socialist priorities. - - - - -
What kind of creative lies can we expect from the Liberal Bibles, the Washington Post and the New York Times, as they invite their readers to help them sift thru Sarah Palin e-mails? Perhaps something as spectacularly bogus as those past reports that the Governor was pregnant with her daughter's child? "Lying liberals" has both truth and musicality going for it, as well as alliteration. - - - - -
Filter all the nonsense you hear and read from media liberals thru this reality screen by Stanley Kurtz of National Review -- "Western reporting on the ideologies of the makers of the Egyptian revolution has been atrocious. While the (non-Islamist) revolutionaries are almost always called “secular liberals” or just “liberals,” in fact they are mostly hard leftists and Arab nationalists (believers in Nasser’s “Arab Socialism”), with a much smaller component of people who might actually be called liberals (and even most of these are intensely anti-Israel)." Having spent a lot of time in the middle-east, especially Egypt, I can tell you that viewing the uprisings as precursors to Western-style democracy is so much wishful thinking. - - - - -
Your tax dollars at work. CNSNews uncovered this: The National Institute on Drug Abuse spent $3,634,807 over the past decade funding research that involves getting monkeys to smoke and take drugs and then studying their behavior, including during different phases of the female monkeys’ menstrual cycles. I kid you not. As Mark Steyn says in his column today (it's on the Orange County Register web-page, among many outlets): "In a sane world, Americans would be outraged at the government waste that confronts them everywhere you turn: The abolition of the federal Education Department and the TSA is the very least they should be demanding. Instead, our elites worry about sea levels. The oceans will do just fine. It's America that's drowning." - - - - -
As a former Miamian, normally I might have a mild rooting interest in the Miami Heat in the NBA finals. But after seeing the videotape of LeBron James and Dwyane (yes, he spells it that way) Wade making fun of Dirk Nowitzki for having the flu, I fervently hope Dallas wins the championship, even though the team owner is a rich-boy pain in the butt. By the way, flu and all, Dirk went out Thursday night and administered a whipping to the two overpaid smart-asses from Miami. - - - - -
My long-ago producer, the Sloop John B., has a chart of measurement conversions, as follows: Ratio of an igloo's circumference to its diameter = Eskimo Pi 2000 pounds of Chinese soup = Won ton 1 millionth of a mouthwash = 1 microscope Weight an evangelist carries with God = 1 billigram 1,000,000 aches = 1 megahurtz 2000 mockingbirds = 2 kilomockingbirds 1 millionth of a fish = 1 microfiche 4 nickels = 2 paradigms THE BUMP IS OVER. NOW, BACK TO THE
Obama's standing in the reliable Rasmussen poll keeps heading south after a temporary bump following the "termination with extreme prejudice" (CIA term) of Osama bin Laden. One wonders about those empty-headed souls who provided that temporary bump in the first place. Do they really believe the bin Laden whacking was the work of the Community Organizer when reports abound that he had to be dragged kicking and screaming into okaying the mission after it was already underway? - - - - -
Wonder why the Big Media didn't expend nearly as much effort exploring the background of Barack Obama as they're expending on a former governor of Alaska who's not a candidate for anything? If we think real hard, can we figure THAT out? - - - - -
Draw your own conclusions. Canada's conservatives won an overwhelming majority in the most recent elections north of the border, and their unemployment rate is now lowering -- to 7.4%. Our own quasi-Marxist government has an unemployment rate of 9.1%. As I said ... - - - - -
Since I was a five-year resident of the Miami area (Coral Gables) I keep an eye on political trends there. It's an interesting state in terms of voting patterns. South Florida, with Miami as the big metropolitan center, is northern. It has a huge cohort of transplanted New Yorkers and folk from that general area who bring their liberalism with them. Conversely, North Florida is southern. North of Orlando, the southern accent becomes far more noticeable. Thus elections are usually fought on conservative-north vs. liberal south grounds. And the latest polls show Obama, who won the state in '08, is now in serious trouble. One wonders just how much his blatant hostility toward Israel has dried up both Jewish votes and Jewish campaign contributions in Miami, Miami Beach and surrounding communities. - - - - -
An ominous sign for Democrats, who've taken the Latino vote for granted, just as they've assumed the black vote was automatically theirs. Brian Sandoval is Nevada's first Latino governor. In New Mexico, Susana Martinez became the country's first Latina governor. They are both ... Republican. New Mexico's lieutenant governor, John Sanchez, is seeking a U.S. Senate seat. He's also a Republican. It just may be that the Democrats' endless pandering to illegal aliens isn't the winning formula they thought. - - - - -
The Chicago Tribune has announced a policy of not identifying the race of the attackers or victims in the latest round of street violence and robberies in Chicago. Gee ... wonder why? I used to live in Chi-town, and I have a pretty good idea why ... - - - - -
So now Weiner-boy is seeking the last refuge of a scumbag who's gotten caught. A "rehabilitation" program. Maybe he's hoping to meet Lindsay Lohan. - - - - -
Talk about tired, failed formulae ... Now Obama wants to start yet another federal "job training" program. All these programs ever did was provide temporary employment for the people who ran the programs. Our Socialist-in-Charge is now in the desperation-flailing stage, without a clue as to dealing with our economic and employment mess. Look for more federal lean-on-the-shovel make-work programs. - - - - -
Obama is stalling on the free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea on grounds that he wants a government program to support American workers who MIGHT lose jobs. Okay ... and just when do we award government checks to all those buggy-whip manufacturers who were displaced by cars? Can you spell L U D D I T E? - - - - -
The George Mason University study of freedom, economic and personal, and how it varies from state to state provides interesting food for thought. Among the findings -- The freest states in the country are New Hampshire, Colorado, and South Dakota, which together achieve a virtual tie for first place. All three states feature low taxes and government spending and middling levels of regulation and paternalism. New York is the least free by a considerable margin, followed by New Jersey, Rhode Island, California, and Maryland. On personal freedom alone, Alaska is the clear winner, while Maryland brings up the rear. - - - - -
The Belmont Stakes proved again that, if you like betting long-shots, it's the race for you. Three of them finished 1-2-3, none at odds lower than 10-to-1. It's that last 8th-of-a-mile that devours Kentucky Derby and Preakness winners and lets the powerful plodders romp home. - - - - -
The winning bidder is paying $2,340,000 to have lunch with Warren Buffett. Does that include wine and tip? When you go to lunch with Buffet is it a ... BUFFET lunch? - - - - -
The source of the following is an Emergency Room physician. A woman in her 20s came to the ER with her 8th pregnancy. She stated, "my momma told me that I am the breadwinner for the family." He asked her to explain. She said that she can make babies and babies get money for the family. It goes like this: The grandma calls the Department of Child and Family Services and states that the unemployed daughter is not capable of caring for these children. DCFS agrees and states that the child or children will need to go to foster care. The grandma then volunteers to be the foster parent, and thus receives a check for $1500 per child per month in Illinois. Total yearly income: $144,000 tax-free, not to mention free healthcare (Medicaid) plus a monthly card entitling her to free groceries, etc, and a voucher for 250 free cell phone minutes per month. This does not even include WIC (women, infants & children aid) and other welfare programs. Indeed, grandma was correct in that her fertile daughter is the "breadwinner" for the family. YOUR TAX DOLLARS AT WORK! - - - - -
You hear and read it all the time. People who confuse GRILLING food with BARBECUING it. Tossing a piece of meat on a grill for a few minutes is NOT "barbecuing". Real BBQ is a long, slow-cooking process, undertaken by few. BTW, if your travels ever take you to Kansas City, you must have the world's best barbecue. It's at Arthur Bryant's restaurant, a legendary institution. I once lived for awhile in KC and ate lunch at Bryant's about five times a week. - - - - -
Thanks to Dan for sharing this one -- Recently, I was eating lunch with my grandson, and I asked him, "What day is tomorrow?" He said "It's President's Day!" He’s a smart kid. I asked "What does President's Day mean?" I was waiting for something about Washington or Lincoln ... etc. He replied, "President's Day is when President Obama steps out of the White House, and if he sees his shadow, we have one more year of unemployment." - - - - -
Conan O'Brien -- "Congressman Weiner reportedly called Bill Clinton to apologize for his behavior. After Bill suggested that Weiner also call Hillary, Weiner said, 'Don't worry, I sent her a text.'" REPUBLICANS DUKE IT OUT, SARAH SOARS,
Among things to watch in tonight's Republican debate ... whether the second-level candidates primarily try to undercut Romney, leader in the polls, or thin the herd at their own level. There's an argument to be made for either strategy. - - - - -
The Big Media witch-hunt thru Sarah Palin's e-mails is an abject and total failure. In the spirit of "turnabout is fair play," how about a mob-journalism exercise aimed at the perpetrators of this farce. Might we uncover evidence that, say, Paul Krugman, the leftist "economist" at the New York Times, is a bed-wetter? - - - - -
As the government noose slowly tightens, forcing Americans to use Chinese-made, dangerous compact fluorescent light-bulbs instead of the American-made incandescent lights we've always used, it should be remembered that President George W. Bush signed the bill mandating the fluorescent bulbs. He WAS subject to periods of PC hysteria.. - - - - -
Obama's fund-raising for the forthcoming presidential campaign is slowing down as his reputation crumbles. Fewer people, even political diehards, want to put money on a loser. But ... there's always the George Soros left-wing funding factory. And all that middle-east Muslim oil money. - - - - -
The main reason the possible entry of Texas Governor Rick Perry in the Republican sweepstakes excites a lot of people is his state's economic success compared with, say, California. In the last decade, the Lone Star state has added 730,000 jobs while Krazy Kalifornia has LOST 600,000. Jay Ambrose at REALCLEARPOLITICS.com neatly summarizes the reason for Texas' success: "It has no state income tax, low corporate taxes, does just enough regulating to get the job done, cares for the environment without making a fetish of it, lets its legislature meet for a relatively short period just once every two years, keeps the executive branch slim and trim and is a right-to-work state where unions don't get to grab dues through governmental coercion." In other words, plain common sense -- a quality totally lacking in liberals. - - - - -
Wouldn't it be nice if we could introduce a modicum of that ordinary common sense into the federal government? For example, in our domestic financial markets, what kind of sense does it make for a bullying government to force banks to put OTHER people's money -- that's what they have, and it's ALL they have -- into housing loans for people who are blatantly unqualified for mortgage money? We all understand the stupidity of this, even liberals who can't bring themselves to admit it. Perhaps then we could give some consideration to another revolutionary idea. To wit, stop giving money to people who hate us! The 20th century was almost universally called "The American Century". There's little chance that this century will be so labelled. Certainly not if we continue sending idiots and unqualified dopes to Washington. - - - - -
We're already exceeding the projected cost of our involvement in Libya, yet massacres on a far larger scale take place in not-so-far-away Syria. Can anyone describe this as a coherent foreign policy? - - - - -
Other leading Democrats, fearful of the New York congressman's drag on the party, have urged him to resign. But since Barack Obama is the real head of the Democratic Party, shouldn't he be the one to yank his Weiner? (I'm sorrreeee! No more, I promise ... ) - - - - -
We should be grateful that Newt Gingrich's ill-starred campaign has lapsed into a national joke. We really don't need a president who pronounces the name of the nation's capitol city as WARSHington. - - - - -
Take note of this headline from the Fresno Bee: "Lying to Reporters Is Unacceptable" by Ruben Navarrette He refers to the despicable Cong. Weiner. Understandable. But, dear Ruben, the principle behind your complaint is seriously flawed. I don't know if this describes you, personally, but the media ranks are so over-filled with lying liberals promoting a leftist agenda, some of us consider it an act of patriotism to lie to them. Our larger concern is not people lying to reporters, but reporters lying to us. - - - - -
Dirk Nowitzki answered the prima donnas of the Miami Heat in the best possible way. He and the Dallas Mavericks waxed 'em and won the NBA title. BTW, the Heat does not play in "South Beach". The American Airlines Arena is in Miami. Also ... A question for fellow auto racing fans: is there a more boring race-track on the planet than that gigantic triangle at Pocono, Pennsylvania? And speaking of sports... A reader forwards the following wise words for former golf king Tiger Woods, whose career fell apart after the bimbo eruptions. "Wisdom from Seniors..." When you see a woman and you desire her, please consider the following: No matter how beautiful she is... No matter how sexy she is... No matter how seductive she is... No matter how huge her breasts are.. I forgot where I was going with this.... - - - - -
My man Dan (Sorkin) is a nominee for the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame. You can vote for him on their website. He passes along this one for golfers and golf widows -- The bride was escorted down the aisle and when she reached the altar, the groom was standing there with his golf bag and clubs. She said: "What are your golf clubs doing here?" He replied, "This isn't going to take all day, is it?" TWO HOURS OF TALKING POINTS;
Nobody "won" last night's debate, but nobody got seriously injured, either. Mitt Romney probably had the most successful outing, because his fellow Republicans resisted what must have been a strong temptation to tee-off on him. The greatest exercise in futility was John King's attempt as moderator to get the candidates to answer the questions that were asked, instead of the questions they WANTED to answer. It's Politics 101: you answer the question you want to answer, regardless of what's asked. King, of course, is just another CNN Democrat shill, as is his counterpart, the ancient Bob Schieffer on CBS. Michelle Bachmann sparked some interest with her official candidacy announcement. Tim Pawlenty looked like a minor-leaguer; he did nothing to get a slice of the Romney constituency he obviously needs. When the field is winnowed down to two or three, we can then expect some serious political bloodletting. - - - - -
Did my ears deceive me as I listened to the debate last night? Has Newt Gingrich finally learned there is no "R" in the word "Washington"? - - - - -
Is Obama laying the groundwork for losing gracefully? He went on NBC and made it a point to announce that his family wouldn't be at all bothered if he didn't even RUN for a second term, and that there are days when he thinks one term is enough. Perhaps a fund-raiser audience in Miami that didn't even half-fill a 2200-seat hall has moderated his ambition. Meantime, Michelle told a fundraiser audience in Pasadena that her husband is such a hard worker, he never takes a day off. Uh, then who is that impostor we keep seeing on various golf courses? - - - - -
Two more American GI's killed in Iraq, bringing the total for June to 8 in a month that isn't even half over. Once again, evidence that our "leaders" no longer have the knack for FINISHING a war. No such ongoing attacks on American troops took place in Germany or Japan after WWII, for the very good reason that the (former) enemies knew that if they looked crosswise at an American, they'd get their heads blown off. Of course, we're in Iraq to HELP those wonderful demented Muslims. It's all an object lesson in what happens when a country -- ours -- puts itself in the hands of mentally ill people in Washington. - - - - -
You follow the news, so you know that Greece is in huge financial trouble after years of overpaying government employees and giving them lavish benefits. In fact, the country is in so much trouble it may even bring down the financial structure of the entire European Union. So ... now comes word from a spokesman for Pimco, which manages the world's largest bond fund, that when you measure the debt and commitments made by the Washington morons, we ... us ... U.S. ... are even worse off than Greece. No nation can indefinitely elect a collection of stupid, venal and evil fools to high office and expect to survive. We reached the nadir of that suicidal trend when millions of really stupid voters put the Community Organizer in the White House. He is a fool who clearly either (A) has no idea what he's doing or (B) is maliciously trying to destroy the country. - - - - -
CIA chief and our next Secretary of Defense, Leon Panetta, told the Senate Armed Services Committee that he believes the president can unilaterally use military force, without congressional authorization to “protect our national interests.” Naturally, the biggest phony and RINO in the Senate, John McCain, agreed with him. Now, which of these two would like to explain what our vital interest IS in Libya? McCain apparently learned nothing from his failed 2008 presidential run. He believed that the media libs actually loved him for being "Mr. Straight Talk" ... they helped him get the Republican nomination ... then, naturally, beat him like a rented mule after he was placed on the ticket. But he's never gotten over that pathetic "reach across the aisle" disease, which proved terminal for his presidential ambitions. Why vote for a half-Democrat when you can get the real thing? - - - - -
There's supposed to be a Senate vote today on repealing the ethanol subsidy. Hope that it passes. All this gigantic boondoggle has done, aside from enriching outfits like Archer Daniels Midland and big corporate farmers, is (A) drive up the price of food because of all the corn going into gas tanks and (B) lowering the mileage performance of cars that run on the stuff. And it still requires more energy to make the stuff (growing the crops, etc.) than it produces. A stupid idea from Day One, the bastard stepchild of corn-belt pandering. - - - - -
Where communism leads: oil-rich Venezuela, run by a red dictator, has an economy so thoroughly messed-up that it's instituting rationing of oil products. And no, enviro-nuts, it's not being done for "the environment". - - - - -
The National Taxpayers Union has done the digging on this one, and it's disappointing news for those who expect financial responsibility to be exercised by our elected representatives. In 2009, when Democrats controlled the House, there were 27 bills to increase spending for every one that proposed cuts. That's the Pelosi-run House. Awful. Under the current Republican-controlled House the ratio is 5-to-1 -- STILL on the side of more spending. - - - - -
As this column is being written, an e-mail arrives from some really dumb conservative organization calling for Obama's impeachment. Will these lame-brains never learn that conviction and removal from office requires conviction by the SENATE ... which is controlled by Democrats? A two-thirds vote in the Senate is the minimum standard for removal. That impeachment of Bill Clinton -- in the House -- really did the job, didn't it? If conservatives spent as much effort on winning elections as on flailing about on pointless errands like this, the country might be in better shape. - - - - -
The biggest RINO in the media, Joe Scarborough of MSNBC (he'd HAVE to be a RINO to be on that leftist propaganda factory) is now attacking the head of the Republican National Committee for taking what Joe-the-RINO calls "cheap shots" at Anthony Weiner. He, like his fellow leftists at MSNBC, didn't even want to report on on Weiner-gate. - - - - -
Add Christiane Amanpour to the list of media illiterates who believe the term "begs the question" means to PROMPT a question. It does not ... it never did. It means to EVADE a question. - - - - -
Here's where legalized euthanasia inevitably leads. It's legal in Belgium. And fully HALF of people given lethal injections by the government health plan have NOT given their permission. - - - - -
A rape fatality in the news from Refugio, Texas. Not the victim. The perpetrator. A grossly overweight rapist was in the midst of an attack on a 77-year-old woman when he suddenly rolled over and ... died. - - - - -
Reader Katherine unabashedly visualizes this headline -- "Barney Frank Volunteers for Weiner Probe!" - - - - -
Gang crime, largely black, has gotten so bad in downtown Chicago that Major League Baseball is warning teams that come in to play the Cubs or White Sox of the danger on the streets in formerly-safe areas. - - - - -
Oxymoronic political move of the week: Barack Obama calling for a reduction in government waste as he continues to use Air Force One (at over $187,000-per-hour of flying time) as if he were Donald Trump with a private jet. - - - - -
Why do college costs keep going up, putting many taxpayer-supported public institutions out of reach of middle-class parents? Because the administrators of those schools have historically had a virtually unfettered pipeline into the public treasure, secure in the knowledge that they could brainwash young students into protesting against any budget restraints. It's a basic fact of life based on simple inexperience: young people are largely ignorant, not knowing WHAT they don't know, so they're susceptible to manipulation by "educators" whose agenda is simply to keep the money pouring in. - - - - -
This is labeled "Redneck Etiquette". I take mild exception to the term "redneck" because it is basically descriptive of a hard-working person who labors outdoors in the sun. The kind of person unlikely to be a welfare freeloader, in other words. Nevertheless, there are some funny lines. So ... "Miss Manners' Redneck ETIQUETTE" -- GENERAL RULES: Never take a beer to a job interview. It's considered tacky to take a cooler to church. Even if you're certain that you are included in the will, it is still rude to drive the U-Haul to the funeral home. DINING OUT: If drinking directly from the bottle, always hold it with your hands. ENTERTAINING IN YOUR HOME: A centerpiece for the table should never be anything prepared by a taxidermist. DATING (Outside the Family): Always offer to bait your date's hook, especially on the first date. Establish with her parents what time she is expected back. Some will say 10:00 PM. Others might say "Monday." If the latter is the answer, it is the man's responsibility to get her to school on time. THEATER ETIQUETTE: Refrain from talking to characters on the screen. Tests have proven they can't hear you. DRIVING ETIQUETTE: When approaching a four-way stop, the vehicle with the largest tires does not always have the right of way. And finally ... Do not lay rubber while traveling in a funeral procession. TIME TO PAK IT IN ... IN PAKISTAN
Reality check. The arrest of CIA informants who helped lead us to Osama bin Laden is just the latest in a long chain of events that should make it clear to even the dumbest politician in Washington that Pakistan is, purely and simply, an enemy nation. We have been suckered into pouring twenty billion dollars into that duplicitous government, and treachery has been our repayment. We know all the arguments about needing a supply-route thru Pakistan to support our troops in Afghanistan. That's mistake Number Two. The idea that Mighty America is going to civilize a bunch of tribal heathens after a long parade of other world powers has failed is hubris on a gigantic scale. We are getting Americans killed there for results that could happen only in the fantasies of fools. Just as every week brings more evidence that our continued military presence in Iraq after we deposed and hanged Saddam Hussein has been a tragic mistake, we seem to be determined to repeat it -- and worse -- in the utterly useless country of Afghanistan. Have you yet heard a reasonable, sensible explanation of why we're there? If it's about getting at the root of terrorism, then the obvious answer is -- obliterate Tehran and be done with it. - - - - -
Post-debate, wonder how many Republicans look at Congresswoman Michele Bachmann as a live-wire prospect for the #2 slot on the ticket? Her avid following sees her as THE choice for the top job, but the pros look at the history of presidents elected from the House -- there have been none -- and may well conclude she'd be perfect in the attack-dog role traditionally assigned to veep candidates. She certainly knows how to fire up an audience and has a personal story unmatched by anybody else in the field. - - - - -
Mitt, just adMitt it: Romneycare in Massachusetts is an anchor hanging around your neck. Stop trying to explain and excuse it. AdMitt it was a stupid idea, and move on. Otherwise, a Rick Perry or one of the present contenders may just hang you out to dry over it. When it comes to gubernatorial records, Perry's is much stronger, and by all accounts he's a far better campaigner than Tim Pawlenty. - - - - -
Survey says ... more and more doctors are quitting private practice. Major reason -- government interference and bungling. If Obamacare proceeds, expect more physicians to abandon medicine entirely. One thing the socialist crackpots have never figured out: you can't FORCE people to be doctors. - - - - -
Rasmussen Report finds that only 26% of Americans think we should continue military action in Libya. Italy is the country whose history includes colonizing Libya. If that godforsaken sand-pile is a Western-world problem, why isn't Italy in the forefront of the attack. Suuure.... - - - - -
What kind of suicidal government (under both Democrat and Republican presidents) not only allows but supports the recruitment of prison inmates to Islam by so-called "Muslim chaplains"? - - - - -
After ten years, the black beret is out as headgear for the U.S. Army. The brass apparently finally heard the complaints from GI's, like, "It makes me look like a Parisian pimp." - - - - -
Why do we get so many stupid politicians elected? The Wall Street Journal carries the obvious answer: the people who elect them are largely ignorant. The National Assessment of Educational Progress finds that only 12% of high school seniors are proficient in history; "proficient" meaning a solid understanding of the subject. Thank you again, America's "educators"! You have created a nation of ignorami (my word as a plural for ignoramus, and I'm proud of it). No wonder they grow up to elect fools. - - - - -
FORTUNE suggests we may have more big-bank failures requiring a taxpayer bailout. If we had leaders with any cojones, there'd be a simple, straightforward rule. If a bank fails, the CEO goes to prison. Such a law should follow the end of the stupid policy of forcing banks to make loans to deadbeats who clearly aren't qualified and supporting such institutions as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, whose cancerous growth was promoted by slime like Barney Frank. BTW, now that his jobs pipeline to Fannie and Freddie have been exposed, wonder where Barney's getting high-paying positions for his boyfriends NOW? - - - - -
How the mighty continue to fall ... Admiral Sandy Woodward, who commanded the British forces that drove Argentinian invaders out of the Falkland Islands 29 years ago says the British military has been cut so far that it would be hard-pressed to take on any assignment farther away than the few miles across the English Channel. This is what happens to countries when pandering to freeloaders and hostile aliens takes priority over vital national interests. You can be sure the admiral's comments were read with interest in Buenos Aires, where a government that has made a total botch of the economy would be very interested in anything that might distract the public's attention from such failures. Like, say, a small but successful war. If I lived in the Falklands, I'd be very nervous. BTW, I've been there and unless there are vast oil deposits, it's hard to see anything worth fighting over. A more desolate piece of geography is hard to imagine. - - - - -
No great surprise, but disappointing nonetheless. The congressional whores for the ethanol scam, mostly Democrats, came thru again for their patrons. The effort to overturn the ethanol subsidy died in the Senate. BTW... Some sadly misguided environmentalist wanted to take issue with my statement of the obvious -- that ethanol in gasoline reduces your car's miles-per-gallon. Thanks to Popular Mechanics for this simple explanation: "Gasoline that has been cut with 10 or 15 percent ethanol, called E10 or E15, is an mpg killer. Why? Gasoline stores more energy than ethanol (119,000 Btu per gallon vs 80,000). So it takes more ethanol than gasoline to go the same distance." Case closed. Thank you. - - - - -
Never underestimate the spending power of pubescent females. Teenage heart-throb Justin Bieber is reported by Forbes Magazine to be the 4th-highest-earning person under age thirty. He took in $53 million last year. - - - - -
He who laughs last ... The latest radio ratings are out, and to the surprise of none of us who worked for ABC before the bunglers from Citadel Broadcasting took over the company, ALL of the big-market ABC stations fell. My longtime base, KGO in San Francisco ... for over thirty years an unbroken #1 ... has now sunk to 7th place. And KSFO, which we rebuilt into a contender from nothing, now nestles in 13th place. WABC in New York, the "flagship" of the network, has fallen out of the top ten. When the penny-pinching conglomerates took over the industry, they apparently believed they could ride the wave of success without the on-air talent that took the stations there. Now, Citadel is getting out of the business, to be replaced with an even more miserly conglomerate. - - - - -
From a court reporter's transcript of a murder trial -- ATTORNEY: What was the first thing your husband said to you that morning? WITNESS: He said , 'Where am I, Cathy?' ATTORNEY: And why did that upset you? WITNESS: My name is Susan! POOR LIBS; THE HEARTBREAK OF REALITY
Ah, the gullible ... the naive ... the childish idealists ... the plain stupid. People who believed Obama, Pelosi, at al, were going to "drain the swamp" and eliminate corruption in Washington. Now it turns out that, just as always, the big political contributors got the favors; the jobs, the government contracts, the ambassadorships. And to think: millions of Americans were so bleeping dumb as to believe this incompetent, two-faced phony from the Chicago political machine! BTW ... Nancy Pelosi's fortune has vastly increased while the nation wallows in economic hardship, with a net worth up from $21,700,000 in 2009 to $35,200,000 in 2010. I'm sure that makes every homeless person shoving a shopping cart around San Francisco's Civic Center feels EVER so much better! - - - - -
Rasmussen poll numbers after the Monday night Republican debate show a big jump for Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann. Romney holds onto #1, but Bachmann is now 2nd. The numbers: Romney, 33%... Bachmann, 19%... Herman Cain third with 10% of the vote. - - - - -
Now word is out that Cong. Anthony (see my) Weiner has a history of cross-dressing; i.e., wearing women's clothes. What next? Domestic livestock? No wonder word from his, uh, "friends" is that the lecher IS about to quit. Perhaps by the time you read this. - - - - -
The Texas state senate passed the bill ending the kind of "sanctuary city" bullfeathers that's turned cities like San Francisco into havens for illegal aliens, many of them outright criminals -- in addition to the crime of violating immigration laws. - - - - -
Even the usually-slow Gallup Poll now agrees. The bin Laden bounce for Obama is over. Only the truly uninformed cattle among the populace ever believed he had anything to do with it, anyway. - - - - -
If you want a frightening preview of America's future as a nation run by venal fools pandering to the all-take-no-give constituency, take a look at today's news from Greece, the "Cradle of Democracy". It is manifest proof of the wisdom of the saying long attributed (correctly or not) to a Scotsman named Alexander Tytler: "A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until the voters discover that they can vote themselves largesse from the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world's greatest civilizations has been 200 years. Great nations rise and fall. The people go from bondage to spiritual truth, to great courage, from courage to liberty, from liberty to abundance, from abundance to selfishness, from selfishness to complacency, from complacency to apathy, from apathy to dependence, from dependence back again to bondage." Hello, America! He's talking about US! - - - - -
Here we go again. David Axelrod, the hypocritical hack who is Obama's senior adviser, is attempting to tell Republicans what they shouldn't bring up during the presidential campaign; basic stuff about Obama's character (or lack thereof) and longtime associations with anti-American radicals and terrorists. How helpful of Mr.Axelrod, who assuredly has only the best interests of Republicans at heart. - - - - - Call it "Al Gore Exposed". According to experts from the National Solar Observatory and Air Force Research Laboratory, the familiar sunspot cycle may be shutting down and heading toward a pattern of inactivity unseen since the 17th century. Experts are now suggesting this period of inactivity could be a second Maunder Minimum, which was a 70-year period when hardly any sunspots were observed between 1645-1715, a period known as the "Little Ice Age." But ol' Al got rich off the suckers who bought into this "global warming" scam! BTW ... Mitt Romney went for this myth hook, line and sinker. One of many questions about Mittens that need to be explored. - - - - -
Some clear thinking from Economist Walter Williams -- "If a person benefits from a hamburger, a suit of clothing, an apartment or an education, who should be forced to pay for it? I believe the question has only one moral answer, namely the person who benefits from a good or service should be forced to pay for it, that's if we wish to distinguish ourselves from thieves who only care about enjoying something and who pays is irrelevant. Aside from the moral question is the economic efficiency question. If the user of something isn't paying, it's a good chance that he'll overuse and waste it. French economist Frederic Bastiat (1801-1850) said, "Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else." And therein lies the basic flaw of socialism. - - - - -
Vancouver is the most beautiful city in North America, but like any city, it has a goon component in the population. So it should have been no surprise that hockey fans there, emulating the behavior that makes it the favorite sport of many of them, turned thugs last night and rioted after their team lost to Boston in the Stanley Cup finals. Why doesn't the NHL stop the gratuitous violence? Because that's what many of the fans pay to see. Then, if their team loses, they want to go out and burn other people's cars. - - - - -
We are indebted to John Marin for providing the following stats about where your charitable donations go ... The American Red Cross--President and CEO - Marsha J. Evans-- salary for the year 2010, $651,957, plus all personal, medical, & pension expenses. Less than 10 cents of your donated dollar actually goes to the cause. The United Way--President - Brian Gallagher-- $375,000 base salary, along with numerous personal & family expense benefits. Less than 12 cents of your donated dollar actually goes to the cause. UNICEF--CEO - Caryl M. Stern receives $1.2 Million per year plus all living & housing expenses, including a ROLLS ROYCE. Less than 15 cents of your donated dollar actually goes to the cause. The Salvation Army Commissioner - Todd Bassett receives a salary of only $13,000 per year (plus housing). 96 cents of all donated dollars go to the cause. ...AND THIS IS WHY MY FAVORITE MAJOR ORGANIZED CHARITY HAS ALWAYS BEEN -- THE SALVATION ARMY. - - - - -
Sharon reminds us of some timeless wisdom ... Money cannot buy happiness, but somehow it's more comfortable to cry in a Mercedes Benz than on a bicycle. Forgive your enemy, but remember the bastard's name. Help a man when he is in trouble & he will remember you when he is in trouble again. Many people are alive only because it's illegal to shoot them. Alcohol does not solve any problem, but then neither does milk. - - - - -
John in Henderson, Nevada, contributes this addendum to yesterday's item about doctors leaving the medical field: "In the last 5 years, my wife (radiologist), my father in law (anesthesiologist), and my cousin (emergency room specialist) have all retired, all due to increased government regulation. " - - - - -
A reminder from reader Stanley -- Ben Franklin said: In wine there is wisdom, In beer there is freedom, In water there is bacteria. MEXICO'S ARROGANCE ... THE U.N. IS OUR
What??? Mexico leading several Latin American nations suing the U.S. State of Georgia because it passed a law tightening enforcement of laws against illegal immigration? This is another state government doing a job both Bush presidents, Clinton and now Obama have FAILED to do in a clear case of malfeasance. We're to take legal advice from MEXICO?! In a saner time, this would be a clear call for some gunboat diplomacy and the delivery of a stern message: "Mind your own (bleeping) business!" - - - - -
Liberals have always been infatuated with the idea of one world government, hence their love affair with the corrupt and evil United Nations. Now we're seeing this kind of perverted thinking come to full flower, as the Obama administration tells Congress that our military involvement in Libya requires no congressional approval because -- get THIS! -- the military action is "legitimated" by ... the UN. In short, their argument is that the UN can send Americans into war regardless of opposition by the people thru their elected representatives. Talk about a "new world order"! BTW ... The Obama administration wants to continue paying off the UN freeloaders. Our UN ambassador has the gall to say “the U.N. plays an indispensable role in advancing our interests and defending our values.” Bull-bleep. - - - - -
Obama has done the near-impossible by (nearly) unifying Republicans in opposition to everything he stands for. Rasmussen poll finds that eighty-three percent (83%) of primary voters say they will vote for the Republican candidate even if their favorite does not capture the party’s presidential nomination. Seven percent (7%) SAY they will vote for Obama if that happens, while five percent (5%) will go for a third-party candidate. - - - - -
Sincere -- and I mean SINCERE -- congratulations to Huma Abedin Weiner for not allowing herself to be dragged into her husband's resignation carnival-cum-press conference in the role of "the little woman, standing by her scumbag husband." - - - - -
Weiner may leave congress, but he'll still be on the public payroll. Roll Call reports that, according to an analysis of his available benefits by the National Taxpayers Union, the New York Democrat’s pension and a savings plan lawmakers have access to, similar to a 401(k), could be worth $1.12 million to $1.28 million. - - - - -
The financial markets in a nutshell: beware of Greeks bearing ... bonds. - - - - -
The odds are overwhelming that, if you read this daily outpouring, you are a person capable of serious thought. Therefore, congratulations on your self control if you are able to contain the impulse to regurgitate when you hear any politician talk about the government "creating" jobs. With the exception of make-work government employment, government doesn't "create" jobs. That's why the best thing the government can do is get out of the way and let the private enterprise system that built this nation into the richest in the world function at its best. And the very FIRST thing the next president should do is make a serious effort to eliminate the most evil, parasitic bureaucracy yet created by any American government, the Environmental Protection Agency, which has become nothing more than a playground for left-wing, anti-business nutcakes. It should not be forgotten that the EPA is, itself, part of the stained legacy of Richard Nixon. - - - - -
The AARP facing reality? Can it possibly be? The gigantic marketing operation disguised as a seniors' protective association is dropping its longtime opposition to Social Security reform. The Wall Street Journal has the story. - - - - -
Credit Newsbusters for unearthing a piece of video of Barack Obama from early 2009 with the always-sympathetic Matt Lauer in which, throughout the entire interview, Obama employs his usual "blame Bush" rhetoric. However, the best part comes with his message about economic recovery. Obama says, "If I don't have this done in three years, then this is going to be a one-term proposition." Think we might see that clip in some Republican campaign ads? Just how long would the odds be that, as it becomes increasingly apparent that any Republican who can walk and chew gum at the same time would likely beat him, the Big O would do an LBJ and walk away? No, I am not predicting it. Just asking ... - - - - -
The Obamas continue to use government jets as their private vacation fleet. Michele Obama heads back to Africa next week, visiting South Africa and Botswana. She'll be taking her daughters, her mother and her brother's two children. Not explained: what is the possible benefit to American taxpayers in this jaunt? - - - - -
More from the wonderful world of government-run health care. A Swedish newspaper reports that a woman died after four calls placed over a four-day period requesting to have an ambulance sent to her home were just ... ignored. The (young) woman was having trouble breathing, but the government healthcare hotline operator interpreted her gasping as sounding "irritated", and based on the fact that she was able to talk at all it was decided she didn't really need help. Get ready, America! If the Obama leeches have their way, you're next! - - - - -
The Muslim world has used the "plight" of the Palestinians as a rallying cry for hatred of Jews and the west for years -- but they don't want them in THEIR backyard. Yes, it's a Muslim NIMBY. This item makes it clear. The mufti of Lebanon, Sheikh Mohammed Rashid Qabbani, was quoted this week as saying that Palestinians are no longer welcome in his country. He also condemned Palestinians as “trash” and said that he’s not afraid of their weapons. So much for brotherhood among Muslims. - - - - -
Actor Will Ferrell is apparently as stupid as many of the characters he plays. He says, “there’s no reason all Americans shouldn’t be driving hybrid cars.” Yes, there IS a reason, idiot. They cost more than most people can afford. Besides which, they're impractical on several levels. Like, for example, no luggage space. - - - - -
Sic transit gloria -- "thus passes the glory of the world", or more briefly, "fame is fleeting" department: How long since you heard/saw Charlie Sheen mentioned in the news? - - - - -
Some will call the following "unthinkable". All the more reason to think about it as our stupid government staggers from crisis to crisis. Reader Katherine passes along a letter that appeared first in the Waco, Texas, Tribune Herald. This attitude may explain the mentality that has the Lone Star state leading the nation in job creation. "Put me in charge of food stamps. I'd get rid of Lone Star (welfare) cards; no cash for Ding Dongs or Ho Ho's. If you want steak and frozen pizza, then get a job." "Put me in charge of Medicaid. The first thing I'd do is to get women Norplant birth control implants or tubal ligations. Then, we'll test recipients for drugs, alcohol, and nicotine and document all tattoos and piercings. If you want to reproduce or use drugs, alcohol, smoke, or get tats and piercings, then get a job." "Put me in charge of government housing. Ever live in a military barracks? You will maintain our property in a clean and good state of Repair. Your "home" will be subject to inspections anytime and possessions will be inventoried. If you want a plasma TV or Xbox 360, then get a job and your own place." "In addition, you will either present a check stub from a job each week or you will report to a "government" job. It may be cleaning the Roadways of trash, painting and repairing public housing, whatever we find for you. We will sell your 22-inch wheels and low profile tires and your blasting stereo and speakers and put that money toward the "common Good." "Before you write that I've violated someone's rights, realize that all of the above is voluntary. If you want our money, accept our rules. Before you say that this would be "demeaning" and ruin their "self esteem," consider that it wasn't that long ago that taking someone else's money for doing absolutely nothing was in itself demeaning and lowered self esteem. If we are expected to pay for other people's mistakes we should at least attempt to make them learn from their bad choices. The current system rewards them for continuing to make bad choices. ... AND ... While you are on Government subsistence, you no longer can VOTE! If you want to vote, then get a job." - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "According to a new report, only 12 percent of American high school students can pass a basic history test. That's the lowest percentage since our country was founded in 1922." OBAMA POLL-AXED
The Gallup Poll has more bad news for the Dear Leader. Forty-four percent of registered voters said they would elect a Republican candidate next fall, while 39 percent said they would reelect Obama. Rasmussen polling finds a darker picture still. Twenty-two percent of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -19. Overall, 46% of voters say they at least somewhat approve of the president's performance. Fifty-four (54%) at least somewhat disapprove. - - - - -
Only 22 states reported an increase in jobs last month. The worst job-losers: California, New York and Pennsylvania. - - - - -
The Misery Index, which combines the two most painful elements of economic hardship, unemployment and the inflation rate, now stands at a 28-year high of 12.7. The difference between then and now -- we had a government and a Fed chairman, Paul Volcker -- determined to do the things necessary to stop inflation and re-start the economy. We have no such leadership today, with a quasi-Marxist in the White House and a stumblebum, Bernanke, at the Fed. - - - - -
Let's be clear about it. Only a Luddite moron would blame his economic failures on ATMs and check-in kiosks at airports. (Luddites were British textile workers who, in the early 1800's, destroyed them new-fangled machines on the grounds they would cost sweatshop workers their jobs. In other words, anti-progress.) - - - - -
Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, the woman in red who always grabs a seat on the aisle at the State of the Union speech in order to be in the TV pictures of the president -- even Bush, whom she hated -- is a wacko who keeps burnishing that reputation. Now she's demanding congressional hearings about the -- get THIS! -- threat of Christians taking over the country! - - - - -
We've long realized that NOW -- the National Organization for Women -- is blatantly hypocritical, it's liberal ties far outweighing any real commitment to stated feminist positions. For example, why is nothing heard from now over President Barack Obama using terms such as “cute” to describe Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-Fla.), chairwoman of the Democratic National Committe? NOW, you're a bunch of two-faced phonies. - - - - -
The French never change. Now they've made a deal to build two new warships for ... Russia. - - - - -
Today's HIGHLY recommended reading: THE AMERICAN THINKER website ... "Rick Perry -- A Moderate's Conservative" ... By Jay Valentine. Some eye-openers about the Texas governor and potential presidential candidate. - - - - -
Followers of this column will recall that a few days ago we warned that Britain's admitted lowering of military readiness invited trouble with Argentina over the Falkland Islands in the South Atlantic. They are British, with an English-speaking population. Argentina invaded the islands in 1982 and got a sound whipping. The Argentine government under fashion-plate President Cristina Kirchner has made a total botch of the economy, doing essentially what Obama would like to do in the U.S. I suggested that she just might look at the possibility of another nice little war over the Falklands as a good distraction for the Argentine public, especially now that the Brits admit to diminished military capability. Sure enough, Kirchner has gone on the attack publicly, calling Britain a "crude colonial power in decline." If there are Brits with any self-respect left, they'd better hope for a reincarnation of Maggie Thatcher to lead them back from the brink of utter irrelevance so they could say to Ms. Kirchner, "Screw with us and we'll kick your ass -- again!" - - - - -
The Dalai Lama may be a Holy Man, but a lot of people are going to think he's Wholly Nuts after his reaffirmation of love for Marxism. This from a man whose own country, Tibet, was ravaged, savaged and taken over by Communist -- Marxist! -- China! We seem to have here another diehard leftist who clings to the bizarre notion that communism has only failed because "It hasn't been done RIGHT yet." If he wants to settle among the similarly deluded, he'd find a happy home in Berkeley, California, or any of many other leftist enclaves in College Town, U.S.A. - - - - -
What is Anthony Weiner going to do for a living now? He has no qualifications for anything, having spent his entire "working" life as a parasite on a public payroll. Zipper model, perhaps? - - - - -
A friend forwards the world's easiest quiz. The category is Who Said It? It's multiple choice for each, and the choices for each quote are: Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Former VP Dan Quayle President Barack Obama Former President George W. Bush Here are the quotes: "Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel's." "I've now been in 57 states I think one left to go." "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, and I see many of them in the audience here today." "The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system." "I bowled a 129. It's like - it was like the Special Olympics, or something." "Of the many responsibilities granted to a president by our Constitution, few are more serious or more consequential than selecting a Supreme Court justice. The members of our highest court are granted life tenure, often serving long after the presidents who appointed them. And they are charged with the vital task of applying principles put to paper more than 20 centuries ago to some of the most difficult questions of our time." "Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma, they end up taking up a hospital bed, it costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early and they got some treatment, and a, a breathalyzer, or inhalator, not a breathalyzer. I haven't had much sleep in the last 48 hours." "It was interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of I don 't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing." (There IS no Austrian language. They speak German.) "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future." I won't insult your intelligence by posting the answer. TURKEYS IN THE STRAW
A "straw poll" at the Republican Leadership (?!) conference in New Orleans had Ron Paul as the big winner, with Jon Huntsman second. These are leaders?? Snow will be thirty feet deep in the hottest corner of hell before either of these two is president. Paul is a tired re-tread, Huntsman the walking, talking definition of RINO. - - - - -
Eastern establishment-type Republicans, including Charles Krauthammer, are enthused about the prospects for Huntsman, former Utah governor, as a Republican presidential candidate. While Huntsman did some good and important things as governor, he probably signed his own political death-warrant when he accepted the job of Obama's ambassador to China. But a handwritten letter from Huntsman to his boss, Obama, in August of 2009 sinks him for most Republicans. In it, he wrote, “You are a remarkable leader,” underlining the word “remarkable,” ... “and it has been a great honor getting to know you.” Toast. - - - - -
A question -- two, really -- that should be asked and straightforwardly answered by all Republican candidates: do you support subsidies for the ethanol boondoggle? ... do you support the gigantic "global warming" fraud? A "yes" answer to either should be grounds for immediate and total disqualification by Republican voters. Bachmann fails big-time on #1; she's been a big supporter of ethanol subsidies. And Mittens flunks both. He's been endorsed by Al Gore for his support of the "global warming" scam. - - - - -
Karzai, the corrupt president of Afghanistan, says the U.S. is now sounding out the Taliban Muslim extremists about peace talks. Again I ask, can anybody offer a rational explanation as to why Bush and Obama have pursued this war? We continue to get Americans killed for ... what? If there is an isolationist strain arising in this country, it's no wonder after years of utterly stupid foreign policy that's contributed to the bankrupting of the nation. Most Americans agree that, when we have VITAL interests at stake, the use of military power is called for. But who, aside from John McCain and that other nutjob Senator, Lindsay Graham, sees any U.S. "vital" interest in that end-of-the-world backwater, Afghanistan? Public opinion surveys show the overwhelming majority of Americans think the war a needless waste, and Republicans are courting disaster if they insist on supporting this fool's errand further. - - - - -
"Our opponents on the left are never going to like us, so let's quit trying to curry favor with them!" -- Governor Rick Perry, Texas. - - - - -
The idea that democracy cures all ills is a peculiar western-world fantasy that repeatedly hits the brick wall of reality. Especially in the middle-east. Currently, it's necessary that we disabuse ourselves of the delusional notion that Muslim Turkey is a European country. It is not. It is and always has been a middle-eastern nation. It was Turks (the Ottoman Empire) who, after all, made an almost-successful attempt to impose Islam on the whole of Europe. Now, Turks, in a Democratic election, have overwhelmingly chosen to continue the reign of a Prime Minister, Erdogan, who favors an Islamic government complete with Sharia law, like Iran. The party that supports the form of government brought to Turkey by Ataturk, the founder of the modern nation, with religion and the state clearly separated, drew only 25% of the vote. In the past, there have been instances when the army has had to step in and prevent the takeover of the country by Islamic fundamentalism. It will be interesting -- and important -- to see if it happens again. - - - - -
Now for a totally un-PC moment. Herman Cain, Republican presidential nominee candidate, aroused the ire of the liberal mushheads when he publicly took the position that he would look extra-closely at any Muslim seeking a place in his administration. Having had a bit of experience in the middle-east, primarily but not exclusively in Egypt, and having done business in that part of the world, I am willing to state categorically: the Muslim does not breathe that I would trust. Their first loyalty, now and always, is to a medieval political party-cum-religion. Islam. Here is a working definition of the term "moderate Muslim": one who is willing to be more patient than the fanatic, but has the same ultimate goal, which is the subjugation of all humankind to their medieval, oppressive Sharia law. To believe otherwise is delusional and ultimately suicidal. - - - - -
Recommended reading: on THE AMERICAN THINKER website ... "RFK Jr: Air America 'was beating out right wing radio,' but evil corporate advertisers boycotted it" ... byThomas Lifson. A look into the strange, twisted mind of another Kennedy. By the way, as a longtime broadcaster who's always watched the ratings carefully, I state the following categorically: Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., is either incredibly stupid or an outright liar. Or both. - - - - -
Show of hands, please. How many really give a rat's patoot about either Bristol Palin or Levi Johnston? They've turned their tawdry little "love" affair into a business. - - - - -
Human progress marches on! Designer Andrew Schneider of New York has created a bikini swimsuit that collects enough solar energy to recharge a camera or i-pod. Actually, it's a step-down from his original plan for a bikini-solar powered beer cooler. That would have required more sun-gathering surface, which defeats the purpose of a bikini. - - - - -
The 9-1-1 emergency telephone system has been around for over forty years, but some simple-minded dopes still don't understand its purpose. For example ... In Savannah, Georgia, a woman called 9-1-1 to complain she'd gotten the wrong order at a Chinese take-out restaurant. She wanted the police to come. They did -- and chewed her out for wasting their time. - - - - -
From my friend Sky ... a few examples of the PARAPROSDOKIAN, defined as "A figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising or unexpected; frequently used in a humorous situation." "Where there's a will, I want to be in it," is a type of paraprosdokian. Following are a few others. The last thing I want to do is hurt you. But it's still on my list. We never really grow up, we only learn how to act in public. Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad. A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station. Whenever I fill out an application, in the part that says, 'In case of emergency, notify:" I put 'DOCTOR.' I didn't say it was your fault, I said I was blaming you. You do not need a parachute to skydive. You only need a parachute to skydive twice. Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car. MODERATELY SILLY
A "moderate" being enthusiastically touted for the Republican nomination by country club Republicans is Jon Huntsman, former governor of Utah. His credentials, regarded as questionable by many Republican voters, are going to face even harder scrutiny as it becomes widely known that his family-owned company continued to do business in Iran long after the takeover by Islamic extremists. And The Politico reports that Huntsman Corp. business included selling chemicals to the Iranian government that could be used in their nuclear development program. Huntsman Corp. is no small business; it employs 12,000 people around the world. As Ricky said to Lucy, "You got some 'SPLAININ' to do!" - - - - -
Who are these stupid rectal orifii -- including, of all people, a rabbi -- who insist that pervert Anthony Weiner is "a good man"? We may have heard the last about Weiner's wiener, but there are more sinister aspects to his family connections. Seems his mother-in-law and brother-in-law are members of the Muslim Brotherhood. And how does a nice Jewish boy explain his ties to THAT family? - - - - -
Columnist Kyle Smith (NY Post) follows Obama's anti-machine logic a bit further. You know ... The Big O's placing of blame for unemployment on ATMs and airport kiosks. "Goodbye, electric dishwashers: Manual laborers could be doing your work. Goodbye washing machines, hello washerwomen. Think of the explosion in jobs for messengers that will follow when phones are outlawed." I say again: Obama is either a Luddite idiot, or assumes that the voters are. And he may even be right about that. - - - - -
Defense Secretary Robert Gates confirms it: we ARE in "peace talks" with the Muslim Taliban fanatics in Afghanistan. Remind me again: we started a war over there because ... ??? And when we leave we will have accomplished ... what??? - - - - -
The incisive Mark Steyn had this comment in National Review, aimed at Sen. Lindsay Graham, who wants opponents of our involvement in Libya and Afghanistan to shut up: "It was striking that, at Monday’s debate, even the more hawkish candidates were unable to articulate a rationale for the present Afghan mission. It’s hard to win a war when you don’t have war aims." He further had this for Sen. Graham: "...spend ten minutes in a darkened room with a nice cup of herbal tea and ponder, re your assertion that those who won’t “shut up” are “empowering Qaddafi”, whether that line has any credibility coming from a member of the Congressional jet set who only two years ago was ”empowering Qaddafi” by taking tea in the pock-marked transvestite’s tent as part of some greasy little Senatorial outreach mission." Mr. Steyn DOES have a way with words! - - - - - Survey says ... only 11% of American voters want this nation to be the world's policeman. (Rasmussen) Senators McCain, Graham -- take note. - - - - -
Obama has one re-election endorsement in the bag. Russian President Dmitry Medvedev says he'd like to see the Dear Leader get a second term. Why wouldn't he, since Obama has caved-in on every issue important to Russia's power ambitions, including the killing of American defensive help for Eastern Europe. - - - - -
Siemens, the huge German manufacturing company with operations all over the world, says it has difficulty hiring in the U.S. because most American workers just don't have the job skills required. Further, Manpower, the huge U.S. employment agency, finds that 52% of American companies have the same complaint. Another massive failure by America's "education" system; turning out mobs of politically-correct dummies. - - - - -
The teaching of thrift habits by parents apparently is a long-lost cultural relic. Bankrate.com, the financial website, says only 24% of Americans have saved six months of living expenses for a "rainy day" fund. Oh -- I forgot. The GOVERNMENT is supposed to take care of them! - - - - -
NBC, the biggest Obama suck-ups among the four major over-the-air networks (a highly competitive field) is now taking a public opinion beating for editing out the words "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance recited by children before their coverage of the U.S. Open golf tournament. Comforting word for those annoyed by this kind of nonsense: the old Big Three -- ABC, CBS & NBC -- are slowly dying, anyway. Their audiences are a fraction of what they were when those three were, effectively, the only game in town. Cable-TV and syndication are killing them. - - - - - How's it going in Venezuela under communist dictator Hugo Chavez? About as well as you'd expect, with 23% inflation, a failing government health-care plan, massive prison riots and electrical power blackouts. A survey of people in 18 Latin American countries, taken by an independent poll based in Chile, found Chavez next-to-last in overall public opinion, edged out by Fidel Castro for last place. Note to Americans buying vacation homes in the Dominican Republic. A big majority of folk there DO support Chavez. This suggests a broader reminder for gullible dopes buying real estate in places like Nicaragua: a red-tinted government can confiscate your property any time, for various reasons -- or no reason at all. - - - - -
How long before the Eurozone, which has countries as vastly different as Greece and Germany using the same currency, falls apart? Tick ... tick ... tick ... My late friend and longtime business partner, Stamatis Tsalikis, Greek-American, with a background that included working for the U.S. government in Greece, always said the whole idea was foolish. He was right. - - - - - Nominee for "Fastest Trip from Notoriety to Irrelevance" -- Paris Hilton. - - - - -
From John-Juan -- "'OLD' IS WHEN... 'Getting lucky' means ... you find your car in the parking lot. - - - - -
Tens of thousands of travelers inconvenienced and plans wrecked because of a computer failure at United Airlines. I say again (as the owner of three of the accursed devices): if automobiles were as trouble-prone and unreliable as computers, we'd all still be riding horses. - - - - -
Speaking of aviation ... Sheila contributes this one ... A priest dies and is waiting in line at the Pearly Gates. Ahead of him is a guy who's dressed in sunglasses, a loud shirt, leather jacket, and jeans. Saint Peter addresses this cool guy, 'Who are you, so that I may know whether or not to admit you to the Kingdom of Heaven ? ' The man replies, 'I'm Jack, retired airline pilot.' Saint Peter consults his list, smiles and says to the pilot, 'Take this silken robe and golden staff and enter the Kingdom.' Next, it's the priest's turn. He booms out, 'I am Father Bob, pastor of Saint Mary's for the last 43 years.' Saint Peter consults his list. He says to the priest, 'Take this cotton robe and wooden staff and enter the Kingdom. 'Just a minute,' says the good father. 'That man was a pilot and he gets a silken robe and golden staff and I get only cotton and wood. How can this be? 'Up here - we go by results,' says Saint Peter. 'When you preached - people slept. When he flew, people prayed.' THE DUDE IS DEAD
There is now conclusive evidence that Osama Bin Laden is dead. Last week he registered to vote in Chicago. - - - - -
Mr. Teleprompter was asking for it. Rep. Thaddeus McCotter (R-Mich.), firing back at Obama's blaming devices such as ATMs and airport kiosks for unemployment, suggests that the White House create jobs by "employing some cue card holders" instead of using Teleprompters. - - - - -
From the Rasmussen Report, one of the most reliable indicators of an incumbent president's standing with the public. It's the poll question, "Is the country headed in the right direction?" Only twenty-seven percent (27%) of Likely U.S. voters now say the country is heading in the right direction. Most don't like the course chosen by Mr. Hope-and-Change. - - - - -
The erudite Tony Blankley of the Washington Times evaluates the recent assessments of the Republican Party as turning isolationist thusly -- "Many in the GOP and in the non-isolationist wing of the Democratic Party are judging failure in Afghanistan to be almost inevitable. That is not a judgment driven by isolationism. Neither are we - along with Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates and almost the entire uniformed chain of command - isolationist when we see no national interest in Libya. This is not isolationism. It is a rational effort at judging how best to advance American values and interests in an ever-more witheringly dangerous world." - - - - -
Jon Huntsman, ex-governor of Utah and Obama's ambassador to China, is clearly a master of the weasel-words politicians use to obfuscate. He told a crowd of university students that he was asked to serve "by a president of a different party." Just couldn't bring himself to say either "Obama" or "a Democrat". Pathetic. - - - - -
"What example should America follow. . . .Texas . . . or California? . . . Texas has no state income tax, low corporate taxes, does just enough regulating to get the job done, cares for the environment without making a fetish of it, lets its legislature meet for a relatively short period just once every two years, keeps the executive branch slim and trim and is a right-to-work state where unions don't get to grab dues through governmental coercion. Meanwhile . . . California is faced with a $26 billion deficit, cripples businesses with unconscionable taxes and rules . . . and is faced with a cost of living that is only part of the reason why citizens are deserting the place like the hordes that once upon a time rushed to enjoy its splendor . . . The Texas example is basically the way America has to go." -- Jay Ambrose writing in the Orange County Register. - - - - -
It bears repeating, prompted by more riots and demonstrations in Greece and Spain: nothing is more politically difficult than taking away government freebies from a public that's grown accustomed to them. - - - - -
Geoffrey Hunt on The American Thinker website has a painful reality-check for conservatives: "The Republican House is flinching on passing the simplest and most symbolic piece of legislation this term: repeal of the incandescent light bulb phase out. Amidst great fanfare and promises to restore limited government, the new majority is proving it isn't much different than the old majority." It was just such unresponsive behavior by politicians that brought the Tea Party movement to life. BTW ... Gallup Poll finds only 17% of Americans approve of the job congress is doing. - - - - -
The Ninth District Court of Appeals, populated largely by leftist lunatics, holds the record as the court most-overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. And it's happened again. Some disgruntled women employees of Wal-Mart sued the company, alleging discriminatory practices. They succeeded in the 9th ... but that decision failed to stand up in the Supreme Court. - - - - -
Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords was back in Tucson this past weekend for the first time since she was shot in the head by a raving lunatic with no known political motive. While I do not live in the city of Tucson, Ms. Giffords is the elected representative for the district in which I live. By all accounts, she is a likeable person and very good on constituent services. I have never voted for her because we disagree on virtually every significant issue. Since she is, on most matters, a typical knee-jerk liberal largely elected by the thousands who populate the University of Arizona in Tucson, it is extra-ironic that the one issue on which she parts company with national liberals is ... gun control. She supports gun-owner rights. To do otherwise in Arizona is political suicide. It is not unusual to see cowboys with holstered pistols at my neighborhood supermarket. So long as there are cattle to protect from predators and threatening rattlesnakes on rugged range-land, it will always be thus. And the shibboleth is true: a well-armed society is a POLITE society. I have yet to see anyone hassle a gun-totin', spur-wearing gentleman; nor have I seen any of our local armed cowhands start any trouble with anybody else. - - - - - Like many Americans, for years I absorbed every word of the column by Sydney J. Harris. I found his "Antics with Semantics" an especially enjoyable feature. It came to mind as I again encountered the word "progressive" in a political news item. It seems ironic -- and so misleading -- to use that word to describe a failed political philosophy advocating all the nostrums that led to the downfall of the old Soviet Union under the dead hand of government guidance of the economy. - - - - -
How long can MSNBC delude its (admittedly small) audience by pretending the Joe Scarborough is actually a Republican? His attack on Texas Governor Rick Perry could've been written in the White House. Of course, he probably appears conservative to viewers of that leftist propaganda factory when compared to his co-host, Mika "Attila the Hen" Brzezinski. - - - - -
Cultural note: a former intern for Hillary Clinton, one Sammie Spades, is now a porno movie actress. The London Daily Mail newspaper carries photos of her. Not to be overly judgmental, but in a (slightly) different line of work, you'd find her at the $2 window. - - - - -
From Mike -- This guy is sitting at home alone when he hears a knock on the front door. There are two sheriff's deputies there; he asks if there is a problem. One of the deputies asks if he is married, and if so, could he see a picture of his wife. The guy says 'sure' and shows him a picture of his wife. The deputy says, 'I'm sorry sir, but it looks like your wife's been hit by a truck.' The guy says,' Yeah, I know, but she has a great personality and is an excellent cook.' - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Al Qaeda is not what it used to be. You can see they don't have the money anymore. Instead of 70 virgins, martyrs now get a gift certificate to Olive Garden." POLL-AXED
A poll by Bloomberg, the business news service, brings the worst news yet for Obama. Only 30 percent of respondents said they are certain to vote for the president and 36 percent said they definitely won’t. Among likely independent voters, the cohort that usually decides presidential elections, only 23 percent support Obama's re-election; 36 percent said they definitely will look for another candidate. Possible weak point for Republicans, and not surprisingly: Medicare fears. Forty-nine percent are worried about Republicans cutting funding for benefit programs like Medicare and Medicaid, outnumbering the 40 percent who said they are in favor of stopping Obama-style government spending. As if it needed further emphasis, this illustrates the necessity for Republicans to explain and clarify their Medicare position. Good thing for Obama he's not running in Egypt. His prolonged suck-up to Islam doesn't pay off there. The late Osama bin Laden is more popular than the Big O, 20% to 12%. Yessir, that "Arab spring" has really inspired a swing to western values! (Assuming Obama HAS "western values", a debatable proposition.) - - - - -
Meantime, in Pakistan ... a Pew Research poll finds that only 12% of the people have a positive view of the United States. And only 8% express confidence in Obama to do the right thing. - - - - -
More for the poll-cats ... Zogby poll has Michelle Bachmann in the lead among Republican primary voters. She's at 24% .... with Romney and Cain tied for second at 15%. - - - - -
Jeffrey Kulmer of the Washington Times has today's cheerleading message for Republicans -- "President Obama’s attempt to transform America is finally creating a powerful backlash. The Obama presidency lies in rubble; failure has been its defining characteristic. The country is facing an economic crisis. Unemployment is high. Growth is anemic. Gas prices are sky-high. America is choking on its debt. We are bogged down in three failed wars. Mr. Obama’s popularity is plummeting. The liberal regime - once dominant - is tottering." Other'n that, everything is just dandy in Obamaland! - - - - -
Can Jewish supporters of Obama (traditional liberals that they are) be so gullible as to believe his "I'm-really-a-friend-of-Israel-but-I'm-trying-to-make-it-defenseless-for-its-own-good" blatantly bogus spiel? - - - - -
More adventures in the world of government-run medical care ... from Britain's National Health Service. The Daily Mail reports ... Elderly hospital patients who were terrified that they could not summon help from nurses hoped that an electronic alarm would be installed in their day room. Instead they were given a tambourine to shake. And in case that broke, a pair of maracas was also supplied as back-up. One man visiting his mother put the system to the test by rattling the tambourine for 16 minutes – but failed to attract the staff's attention. - - - - -
Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair has joined the chorus of western-world leaders saying, "Iran must not be allowed to develop nuclear weapons." Fine. But the only possible impact would lie with a leader saying, "Iran, give us proof you're backing off that enterprise, or we're going to send things that go 'boom.'' Unless and until that happens, we might as well get used to living with a nuclear-armed Iran run by a bunch of Islamic lunatics. - - - - -
Like the liberal lemmings, many conservatives just can't wait to fall in love with the next primary entrant who professes fealty to the cause. He may be a credible alternative to the current field, but you should know this about Governor Rick Perry of Texas: He entered the Texas House in 1984 as a Democrat. He won reelection as a Democrat in 1986 and 1988. He also served as state chairman of Al Gore’s presidential campaign. - - - - -
The Texas legislature has passed a bill that effectively tells the federal government to take their new compact flourescent bulbs and shove 'em where the ... lights don't shine. If Gov. Perry signs it, incandescent bulbs -- the regular kind -- could be made and sold in Texas, no matter what the Washington know-it-alls say. (This and the preceding item constitute today's "good news/bad news" component.) - - - - -
From a newspaper in the Czech Republic -- "The danger to America is not Barack Obama but a citizenry capable of entrusting an inexperienced man like him with the Presidency. It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of an Obama presidency than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to a depraved electorate willing to have such a man for their president. The problem is much deeper and far more serious than Mr. Obama, who is a mere symptom of what ails America. Blaming the prince of the fools should not blind anyone to the vast confederacy of fools that made him their prince. The Republic can survive a Barack Obama. It is less likely to survive a multitude of fools such as those who made him their president." - - - - -
Sure cure for insomnia: re-play Jon Huntsman's speech announcing his already-doomed candidacy for the Republican nomination. BTW ... this should REALLY help Huntsman. He's been endorsed by ... Harry Reid. - - - - -
How much longer can Newt Gingrich continue to fantasize about being a presidential candidate? Now his two top fund-raisers have quit. - - - - -
Ignorant, vicious liberals love to throw around Hitler's name in their wild-eyed accusations aimed at anyone who annoys them. This time, it backfired on actress Megan Fox, who was abruptly fired from the new "Transformers" movie now in the making. She called the director a "Hitler", which was all producer Steven Spielberg needed to bounce her from the set. - - - - -
Feel free to forward this column to someone you like. Or, better yet, to some annoying liberal. - - - - -
From Melissa -- A woman was sipping a glass of wine, while sitting on the patio with her husband, and she says, "I love you so much, I don't know how I could ever live without you." Her husband asks, "Is that you, or the wine talking?" She replies, "It's me... talking to the wine." CYNICISM PERSONIFIED
Can anyone possibly not understand the motivation and timing of Obama's announcement of the withdrawal of 33,000 American troops from Afghanistan by fall of next year? The war is unpopular, and becoming more disdained by the American public with every passing day, so the Commander-in-Chief (hard to even say it, isn't it?) wants to have the return of those troops all done as next year's campaign reaches its peak. ... and ... Just how long IS it supposed to take to train an army, even one made up of reluctant, largely illiterate Afghans? Either a personal memory or cursory examination of history, depending upon one's age, will reveal that we won World War II with a military largely consisting of "six-week wonders", so-called because that's the amount of training they had before going into combat. It is painfully obvious that most of the Afghans willing to fight are on the other side. - - - - -
Reminder. The Big O told us Afghanistan was a "good" war, contrasted with Iraq, which was Bush's "bad" war. - - - - -
Unemployment claims are up again. When will even devoted Obamaniacs face the fact that we have put an idiot in the White House? Unless, of course, we accept the possibility that our economic disaster was/is part of his goal to make the U.S. no better than any other country. Too strong? The man's background fairly screams that he detests this country. Despite the fact that millions of white voters were the major factor in Obama's election, the left led by their media cronies are playing up the possibility (likelihood?) of Obama being ousted after one term as racism at work. That's right -- playing the race card, as if there's no chance voters might have wised up and turned against him because of his blatant incompetence and evident laziness. The man spends more time on the golf course than Tiger Woods! - - - - -
Take it from Nation of Islam Minister Louis Farrakhan. Obama is bombing Libya because white men made him do it. For the oil. "We voted for our brother, Barack," said Farrakhan, "a beautiful human being with a sweet heart, and now he's an assassin. They've turned him into them." Riiiight ... - - - - -
Ayn Rand was prescient, says Wayne Allyn Root at Andrew Breitbart's BIG GOVERNMENT website -- "The U.S. economy is crumbling. Businesses are collapsing in record numbers. Jobs have disappeared. Tax revenues are down dramatically. Coincidence? Everything happening today under Obama resembles the storyline of Ayn Rand’s famous book, Atlas Shrugged, one of the most popular books of all time, selling over 7 million copies. Now, under President Obama, Atlas Shrugged has come to life. Rand prophesized a country dominated by socialists, Marxists and statists, where looters, freeloaders and poverty promoters live off the productive class. To rationalize the fleecing of innovative business owners and job creators, the looter class demonized the wealthy, just as Obama and his socialist cabal are doing in real life today." - - - - -
If the Big Media are supportive of Mitt Romney and new-entrant Jon Huntsman, Republicans should ask themselves the following question. Are they doing this because they want the party to nominate someone who'll lose to Obama or, even if he wins, doesn't represent that much of a change? - - - - -
Obama has endeared himself to his leftist admirers with some vicious verbal attacks on big business. So where is he today? At a high-priced New York restaurant, courting big-league Wall Streeters at a fund-raiser charging $35,800 per person entry fee. - - - - -
RealClearPolitics reports that Sarah Palin has abandoned her cross-country bus trip and gone back to Alaska, ensuring that the "what is she up to?" speculation will only grow. There are suspicions that the emergence of Congresswoman Michelle Bachmann may have sounded the final note of discouragement of Sarah's presidential ambitions. They do appeal to many of the same voters, but Bachmann has forged ahead with her campaign while Palin has stayed on the sidelines. - - - - -
As a long-time target of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), forgive a certain personal glee that they have lost their tax-exempt status with the IRS. One question: why did it take so long? In your face, Ibrahim Hooper! (He's their #1 apologist, defender and attack-dog.) - - - - -
The Paris Air Show is not only a spectacular aviation event, it's also where manufacturers from around the world showcase their products and make a large portion of their sales. Airbus just took in over three times as many orders for new airliners as Boeing. Yet Obama's leftist National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) wants to further handicap Boeing by holding it hostage to union demands in the state of Washington and trying to prevent it from moving some new manufacturing operations to right-to-work South Carolina. A lot of good the NLRB's ploy would do, if a high-priced product doesn't sell and NOBODY has a job! But, when you put a bunch of quasi-communists in an authoritarian bureaucracy, what's to be expected? - - - - -
Electric cars are still a money-pit for investors. Indianapolis Business Journal reports that "The electric car maker that launched its North American operations in northern Indiana has filed for bankruptcy protection in Norway, a major creditor said Wednesday morning. Think Global AS plans to liquidate its assets, according to a statement from its exclusive battery supplier, Ener1 Inc." I'll buy an electric car when they come with an extension cord 600 miles long. - - - - -
Danger sign: census estimates also show that the share of African-American households headed by women — made up of mostly single mothers — now exceeds African-American households with married couples. The social consequences of single-parent (mom) families is evident in the black youth crime statistics, which can only be expected to worsen. - - - - - Survey says ... 91% of single women would marry for love over marriage for money. BUT ... three-quarters wouldn't marry a man with no job. (ForbesWoman) - - - - -
Show-business celebrities, especially those who rise to sudden fame in their youth, usually assume it will never end. It almost always does. Latest career headed south: Britney Spears. Her new concert tour is far from selling out. So far, in fact, that ticket discounter Groupon has been selling 50%-off tickets for more than half the shows on her 33-city tour. And not even all those half-price tickets have sold. She opened her tour last week in Sacramento and a week earlier, seeing a lot of empty seats in prospect, tickets with a $59 price-tag sold for $30. Fireworks and laser lights can only cover up for lack of talent for so long. - - - - -
Unscientific survey: have we had enough of the vacant-eyed bimbo in the Progressive Insurance commercials? On the other hand, the "worry, worry, worry" dog trying to put his bone in a safe place in the Travelers Insurance ads is adorable. - - - - -
Tom contributes this one -- There once was a weirdo named Weiner Who had a perverted demeanor Forced from the Hill For acting like Bill Now Congress is one weiner leaner - - - - -
Conan O'Brien -- "According to a new study, American fathers are spending more than twice the amount of time with their children than they used to in years past. Experts say it's due to a sweeping new trend called 'unemployment.'" OBAMA'S PAST WAS/IS PROLOGUE
Most of our Big Media are playing cover-up with the story, but the liberal Washington Post(!) is reporting an FBI investigation of terrorism that finds links to Obama by several far left (i.e., communist) organizations and individuals. The name of Leon Panetta (newly confirmed as Secretary of Defense) also comes up. The Post says, "Several activists and their lawyers said they believe indictments could come anytime, so they have turned their organizing skills toward a counteroffensive, decrying the inquiry as a threat to their First Amendment rights." How much longer can (some) Americans ignore the reality that voters placed a highly radical leftist in the White House? - - - - -
So the Dear Leader is releasing 60 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. That number probably impresses the lumpen proletariat, but it actually amounts to a two-day domestic supply and less than one day of world consumption. It has a real, long-term impact similar to going wee-wee in the ocean. The "strategic emergency", of course, is Barack and Michelle's need to use Air Force One as a personal toy for another four years. - - - - -
Congressman Eric Cantor, the lead Republican on the budget-talks panel, has pulled out, His language is more circumspect, of course, but between the lines one can read, "I've had all of that numbn**s Joe Biden I can stand." Sen. Jon Kyl is also dropping out of this cluster-(bleep), so there'll be no Republicans involved, and Joltin' Joe has suspended his pointless game. - - - - -
"Right direction, wrong direction?" is a polling question strongly indicative of whether an incumbent president has sufficient support for re-election. Rasmussen Poll, the most reliable around, finds only 26% of voters think the country is headed in the right direction. Same poll finds that only 8% ... 8%! ... think Congress is doing a good or excellent job. However, the constant flaw in using that congressional evaluation as a reason to expect big turnover at the next election is this: most people who think Congress as a WHOLE is doing a bad job will re-elect their own representative on the specious grounds that "MY congressman/woman is doing just fine!" It's like the polls on education. "The schools are doing a lousy job, but MY local school is wonderful!" Delusion is alive and well among American voters. - - - - -
Tip on what to watch for in political polls: "Likely voters" is more important than "Registered Voters" and FAR more important than overall public opinion. If you don't vote, your opinion doesn't matter. - - - - -
The Big O has been caught in another one. Speaking to the 10th Mountain Division yesterday, he said, "First time I saw 10th Mountain, you guys were in southern Iraq. When I went back to visit Afghanistan, you guys were the first ones there. I had the great honor of seeing some of you because a comrade of yours, Jared Monti, was the first person who I was able to award the Medal of Honor to who actually came back and wasn’t receiving it posthumously." The problem is, Jared Monti was killed in action in Afghanistan, on June 21, 2006. He was awarded the Medal of Honor -- posthumously -- September 17, 2009. Obama, himself, gave the medal to his parents. The event obviously made a BIIIG impact on the ..."Commander-in-Chief." - - - - -
Another example of mass delusion revealed by Rasmussen. Every person knowledgeable about the energy industry knows that the biggest roadblock to obtaining more supples that would lower the outrageous price of gasoline is that misbegotten bureaucracy, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Yet the poll finds that only 25% of Americans are in favor of abolishing the EPA. Sixty-one percent (61%) oppose shutting down the EPA. It's the inevitable outcome of years of brainwashing by our so-called "educators". - - - - -
It was inevitable. The 40,000 TSA people on the government payroll whose primary job seems to be the harassment of innocent travelers at airports and stealing their property (how many terrorists have they actually caught?) have now unionized. Next inevitability: demands for higher wages, more fringe benefits and a large pension plan. Count on it. - - - - -
A sure sign of economic ignorance and incompetence: any politician who babbles about "creating GREEN jobs." - - - - -
Recommended reading: Jed Babbin ... RealClearPolitics.com ... Thursday ... "Why Talks with the Taliban are Futile" -- "The last time we tried to negotiate with an undefeated enemy was more than four decades ago and the enemy was the North Vietnamese. The parallels are so close that it is hard to see how the result in Afghanistan can be different. After years of negotiation, the "peace" we crafted with the North Vietnamese provided a foundation for its final conquest of South Vietnam soon after American forces departed. And, just like the North Vietnamese, the Taliban are undefeated. Any peace accord we reach with them will last only as long as it takes for us to leave." And to think: Henry Kissinger and the North Vietnamese lead negotiator won the farcical Nobel Peace Prize for that debacle. - - - - -
The Mexican government and the usual liberal goo-goos are PO'd because a Border Patrol agent shot and killed a 40-year-old Mexican who was throwing rocks at him. Like that's supposed to be acceptable? - - - - -
Bad news for fans of the Swedish Saab automobile. The company, sold last year by GM to a European car-maker, is in such financial trouble it can't even pay its employees. Did GM leave some sort of management germ behind? (see below) - - - - -
The Daily Caller did the digging on this one, finding that the Obama administration was -- GASP! -- LYING when it claimed to exercise no management interference after the takeover of General Motors. They in fact DID exercise authority in making management decisions regarding winners and losers among people and businesses connected to GM. Try not to be shocked to learn that decisions favorable to the United Auto Workers took priority, while non-union personnel were targeted for cuts or firing. - - - - -
Delta Airlines, the monster in that widely-disliked industry, demonstrated colossal corporate stupidity a few days ago by charging a few GI's almost $3,000 in baggage fees as they were returning from combat in the middle-east. Now, they've done it again. Delta's brought Saudi Arabian Airlines into its Skyteam alliance and will require the banning of Jews and holders of Israeli passports from boarding flights from New York or Washington bound for Jeddah, prompting accusations of illegal religious discrimination. Leaving aside the question of who'd want to go there other than Arabs (or their oil partners), anyway, the principle involved is bringing Delta some richly-deserved aggravation. Delta says, like all airlines, they have to obey the laws of every country in which they operate. Which still leaves open the question, "Why would you partner with Saudi Arabian Airlines in the first place?" - - - - -
TIME magazine, like others of its ilk, is dying a slow death. Desperately trying to postpone the inevitable, their cover article this week, obviously targeting their leftist market, shows the U. S. Constitution being shredded and asks, "Does it still matter?" Since it IS a left-wing rag, you know the answer: not much. Wonder what Henry Luce, conservative and founder of TIME, would think about the direction taken by his successors. For that matter, wonder what Gen. David Sarnoff, who was on Eisenhower's staff in WW II, would think about his creation, NBC, turning into yet another leftist propaganda mill. - - - - -
This is a list of questions circulating on the internet; questions addressed to Obama supporters. If any other of our presidents had doubled the national debt, which had taken more than two centuries to accumulate, in one year, would you have approved? If any other of our presidents had then proposed to double the debt again within 10 years, would you have approved? If any other of our presidents joined the country of Mexico and sued a state in the United States to force that state to continue to allow Illegal Immigration, would you question his patriotism and wonder who's side he was on? If any other of our presidents had pronounced the Marine Corps as if it were the Marine CORPSE, would you think him an Idiot? If any other of our presidents had reduced your retirement plan holdings of GM stock by 90% and given the unions a majority stake in GM, would you have approved? If any other of our presidents had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia , would you have approved? If any other of our presidents had filled his cabinet and circle of advisers with people don't pay their income taxes, would you have approved? If any other of our presidents had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel to go plant a single tree on Earth Day, would you have concluded he's a Hypocrite? If any other of our presidents had failed to send relief aid to flood victims throughout the midwest, with more people made homeless than in New Orleans, would you want it made into a major ongoing political issue with claims of racism and incompetence? If any other of our presidents had created the positions of 32 "czars" who report directly to him, bypassing the House and Senate,would you have approved? (Thanks, Peter) - - - - -
The famous self-portrait by Vincent Van Gogh turns out, according to art experts, not to be Vincent but his brother Theo. I recall my first visit to France, when discos were already hot there but virtually unheard-of in the U.S., stopping in at an overpriced joint called -- I kid you not -- the Vincent Van Go-Go. - - - - -
Only in San Francisco Dep't. The loonies in the world's largest outdoor lunatic asylum are trying to forbid circumcision and the sale of goldfish. As a (former) longtime resident, I am totally NOT surprised. - - - - -
Singer/guitarist Glen Campbell has Alzheimer's disease. Little-known fact: Glen is the guitar lead on the classic by the Champs, "Tequila". - - - - -
And the winner in the category, "Most Creative Showbiz Name" is -- drag queen HEDDA LETTUCE! - - - - -
Jimmy Kimmel -- "Most Americans know Jon Huntsman as 'the candidate most Americans don't know.' Gov. Huntsman's announcement puts him somewhere between Ron Paul and Count Chocula as the favorite to win the GOP nomination." OH, WHAT A TANGLED WEB WE WEAVE ...
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner feels free to say that Obama's release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve was "not a political move." Dare anyone else feel free to say, Little Timmy Geithner, a man who has a shady history in paying his own taxes, is a liar? Somebody, or several somebodies, may have made enormous profits by being tipped-off in advance of the move to release oil. Officials with the Commodity Futures Trading Commission as well as market participants have pointed to unusual trading in the oil futures market before the IEA's announcement. - - - - -
More from the moron ... Obviously suffering from a severe case of rectal-cranial inversion (you don't have to be a doctor to figure it out), tax-avoiding Treasury Secretary Geithner told the House Small Business Committee that the Obama administration believes taxes on small business must increase so the administration does not have to “shrink the overall size of government programs.” Talk about not getting it! - - - - -
POLITICO reports that even Obama's top political adviser, David Axelrod, has joined other insiders in recommending that the Community Organizer stop trying to blame his economic problems on George W. Bush. That approach, they say, won't pass the voting public's reality-check. - - - - -
Obama is throwing a half-billion of your tax dollars into some pie-in-the-sky stimulus giveaway, purportedly aimed at research in high-tech. Guarantee: (A), the money will go to politically-favored scam-artists and (B) will return zero results, other than having a lot of it come back to Obama in the form of campaign contributions from the beneficiaries. - - - - -
Note to the media slime who keep insisting that they don't have a leftist, pro-Obama agenda. YOU may not know it, but Michelle Obama certainly does. Asked by CNN about the forthcoming campaign, she said -- and this IS a direct quote -- "Fortunately, we have help from the media." Thanks for making it clear, Madame Obama! - - - - -
Another possible indicator as to why Chicago continues to be one of the most crime-ridden, corrupt, debt-burdened cities in the country comes in a speech for the politically-appointed top cop there. Mayor Rahm Emanuel's chosen police superintendent, Gerry McCarthy, made a speech in which he said federal gun laws were responsible for young blacks killing each other, and even found a way to blame ... SARAH PALIN! Liberal idiocy still rules in what used to be call The Second (now third) City. - - - - -
The new Indiana law eliminating taxpayer support of Planned Parenthood has been blocked with a preliminary injunction by a federal judge who said opponents of the statute showed a likelihood of success in their lawsuit. U.S. District Judge Tanya Walton Pratt in Indianapolis granted Planned Parenthood’s request. She is an Obama appointee to the bench. - - - - -
As of last year, the U.S. tax code published by the IRS numbered 71,684 pages. This is a staggering example of a bureaucracy out of control, and is only too typical of our government in action. Government has become a playground for hacks with keyboards. By contrast, I offer this illustration of government at its best: clear, direct and to the essential point. It is a letter written by Winston Churchill to the commander of the British Royal Navy shortly after becoming Prime Minister following the failure of the despicable Chamberlain to confront German aggression. This is the essence of Churchill's message: "Please let me know, on ONE SIDE of ONE SHEET OF PAPER, the state of readiness of the Royal Navy to fight a protracted world conflict." This is a clear-cut demand for clear-cut information about the nation's ability to fight World War II, with no obfuscation or weasel-words. If only our elected "leaders" would make such a demand on (A) themselves and (B) the make-work bureaucracy over which they have theoretical control. Similarly, there is no reason why any State-of-the-Union speech should run more than thirty minutes. - - - - -
Columnist Mark Steyn, interviewed by Hugh Hewitt, on Obama's speech re troop withdrawals -- “I think his speech validated the Taliban’s view of the United States, which is ... it’s sort of like a late-period puffed-up Ottoman sultan. You know, it’s ostensibly extremely rich and powerful. But it’s gotten more soft and decadent and propped-up on its cushions and it doesn’t have the staying power. There’s a Taliban saying supposedly that they like to say out there in Afghanistan: 'The Americans have the watches, but we have the time.' Obama confirmed that. He basically said, ‘Look all you guys have to do is run out the clock on this. We aren’t in the victory business any longer.” - - - - - Author Alice Walker, one of the many embarrassing nitwits on the list of Pulitzer Prize winners, calls the United States and Israel the two biggest terrorists in the world. Footnote: I once worked for the Pulitzer family's media company, sponsor of the Prize, for a couple of years and believe me, it's no prize! A greater collection of pompous fools could likely not be found. - - - - -
Sweden, that paragon of socialist virtue, has a government-run health care system. You know -- Obama's kind. Here's one of the endless string of examples of just how effective and compassionate that system is. An eleven-year-old girl had an accident while trimming a horse's mane, opening a chest wound almost four inches long. Her mother called for an ambulance. The government health service refused, suggesting she give her daughter an aspirin, instead. - - - - -
Sarah Palin, who now owns a house in Arizona, is being pitched to run for the U.S. Senate from 'zona. The seat that's opening is now occupied by Jon Kyl, who's retiring at the end of this term. Too bad she can't replace John McCain. Ah, the irony ... - - - - -
The insightful Victor Davis Hanson -- "The US Department of Agriculture no longer serves as a lifeline to millions of struggling homestead farmers. In stead, it is a vast, self-perpetuating postmodern bureaucracy with an amorphous budget of some $130 billion -- a sum far greater than the nation's net farm income this year. In fact, the more the Agriculture Department has pontificated about family farmers, the more they've vanished -- comprising now only about 1 percent of the American population. The department this year will give a record $20 billion in various crop "supports" to the nation's wealthiest farmers -- with the richest 10 percent receiving over 70 percent." Another government scam. - - - - -
Essential reading: on the National Review website ... "Who is Mitt Romney?" ... Deroy Murdock. Mittens may be our ultimate only choice to rid the nation of the plague of Obama, but do not delude yourself. The man is a serious flip-flopper. - - - - - Byron York in the Washington Examiner on why Jon Huntsman can't run as another McCain -- "As much as McCain aggravated the base -- and many couldn't stand him -- Republicans had a deep respect for his record as a war hero. McCain is an extraordinary man who has made extraordinary sacrifices for the United States, and for Republicans who revere military service, that made up for a host of political offenses. Try to imagine candidate McCain without the heroism; he mostly would have irritated people." - - - - -
Correction: A slip of the keyboard led to yesterday's column referring to Obama's release of sixty billion barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It should have been sixty million and was corrected in later editions. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "President Obama gave his speech about Afghanistan. He's starting a new phase in the military campaign called 'operation reelection.'" CORN-FUSING IOWA, THE PELOSI PLAGUE,
Michele Bachmann made the expected strong showing in the Iowa poll, run by the state's largest paper, the Des Moines Register. It is, after all, the home state of the Minnesota Congresswoman. She trails Mitt Romney by a scant point, 23% to 22%, with nobody else close. Texas Governor Rick Perry, seen by some Republicans as their Man on the White Horse, hasn't gotten into the Iowa game. If/when he enters the race, Romney supporters will be holding their breath, despite the Texan's long history as a Democrat; he even chaired Al Gore's campaign in Texas when he ran against Bush-the-Second. Which may be why the Bush family is not particularly fond of Mr. Perry. - - - - -
Nancy Pelosi wants to be a part of the next round of high-level talks on the debt ceiling. That would be good. The key to arriving at a successful conclusion would be ... listen to what Nutty Nancy has to say -- then do the exact opposite. - - - - -
It all keeps goin' south for the Obamster. Rasmussen poll finds only 24% of the nation's voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as president. Thirty-nine percent (39%) Strongly Disapprove, giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -15. And "Crazy Al" Gore is attacking him for not doing enough to defeat global warming! Tough week. - - - - -
Even Maureen Dowd of the New York Times is fed up with Obama's endless double-dealing and trying to play both sides of every significant issue. She writes -- "With each equivocation, the man in the Oval Office shields his identity and cloaks who the real Barack Obama is. He should draw inspiration from the gay community: one thing gays have to do, after all, is declare who they are at all costs. On some of the most important issues facing this nation, it is time for the president to come out of the closet." Count on a NYT columnist to look for analogies in the minefield of gay "rights". - - - - -
There is an argument that can be -- and often is -- made against small or less-populated states like Iowa and New Hampshire having such an influential voice in the early primary elections and caucuses. The indisputable fact, however, is that these states represent the only real opportunity for outsiders and long-shots to get the kind of look-over that might enable them to become serious contenders. The reason is ... money. Such potential contenders almost by definition enter the presidential sweepstakes at a disadvantage in campaign funds. That precludes any possibility of an impressive showing in a state like California, with its several large -- and expensive -- media markets. To foreclose the opportunity for these entrants to become known in smaller venues means that, more than ever, the presidential choices will largely be decided on a basis of name-recognition. You know -- names like, say, McCain, Dole, Gore ... - - - - -
Re the airport sagging-pants controversy, a memo to young males of all ages and complexions: If you insist on wearing knee-length pants lowered to reveal your butt-crack, you are a slob. You are unfit for the company of civilized people, and you probably will be a street-bum all your life. No business that may hold promise of a real future for employees will ever even consider you. Grow up and get over it! Or, at minimum, shut the (bleep) up! - - - - -
Steve Greenhut, in the Orange County Register has some observations on the failed state of California -- "In the private sector, where business owners are looking for those "evil" profits, they tend to do whatever it takes to make the customer happy. In the government sector, where money falls out of the sky, or at least is dependent on political decisions rather than on voluntary exchange, the bureaucrats do their job as they see fit, with little accountability and even less concern for customer satisfaction." The more socialistic it becomes, the greater California's failures. The proof lies in the fact that more than five businesses per week move out of the state. That's the price of turning over "leadership" to a bunch of wacko leftists. - - - - -
Duck! We're about to have a close brush with an asteroid. It'll be closes to the earth tomorrow at 1:14 p.m. EDT and NASA says it'll pass just over 7,500 miles above the Earth's surface. - - - - -
A reminder of changing times, forwarded by John ... Nine things that will disappear in our lifetime ... 1. The Post Office. They are so deeply in financial trouble that there is probably no way to sustain it long term. 2. The Check. Plastic cards and online transactions will lead to the eventual demise of the check. 3. The Newspaper. The younger generation simply doesn't read the newspaper. They certainly don't subscribe to a daily delivered print edition. The rise in mobile Internet devices and e-readers has caused all the newspaper and magazine publishers to form an alliance to develop a model for paid subscription services. 4. The Book. Once you start flicking your fingers on the screen instead of the book, you find that you are lost in the story, can't wait to see what happens next, and you forget that you're holding a gadget instead of a book. 5. The Land Line Telephone. Most people keep it simply because they've always had it. 6. Music. The music industry is dying a slow death. The record labels and the radio conglomerates are simply self-destructing. Most of the product being created today is awful. Over 40% of the music purchased today is "catalog items," meaning traditional music that the public is familiar with. 7. Television. Revenues to the networks are down dramatically. People are watching TV and movies streamed from their computers. It's time for the cable companies to be put out of OUR misery. People can choose what they want to watch online. 8. The "Things" That You Own. Many of the very possessions that we used to own are still in our lives, but we may not actually own them in the future. They may simply reside in "the cloud." Today your computer has a hard drive and you store your pictures, music, movies, and documents. Your software is on a CD or DVD, and you can always re-install it if need be. But all of that is changing. Apple, Microsoft, and Google are all finishing up their latest "cloud services." That means that when you turn on a computer, the Internet will be built into the operating system. So, Windows, Google, and the Mac operating system will be tied straight into the Internet. If you click an icon, it will open something in the Internet cloud. If you save something, it will be saved to the cloud. 9. Privacy. That's gone. It's been gone for a long time anyway. There are cameras on the street, in most of the buildings, and even built into your computer and cell phone. But you can be sure that 24/7, "they" know who you are and where you are. And "they" will try to get you to buy something. - - - - -
Over a long career in broadcasting, most of it as a talk-show host on major-market stations, I've had innumerable listener calls that would quality as finalists in a "dumbest call" competition. But the hands-down winner was a man in ultra-liberal Seattle who was upset by my criticism of Bill Clinton. In his frustration, he demanded to know if I had a degree in Political Science. As if that were a requirement for commenting on a sleazy politician. Of course, the very term itself is an oxymoron. Political SCIENCE? Puh-LEEZE! But we were discussing Clinton. I asked the indignant caller if the president was a graduate of any of the service academies. "Uh, no." "Then why is someone so patently unqualified in the position of Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces?" Silence. End of conversation. Seattle, by the way, is located in a very scenic area. Beyond that, I detested the place. I know of no other major city in the country so smug and provincial. And yes, I DID have success there, with ratings up over 40% in the first three months. But I couldn't wait to get out. I also stopped taking listener calls many years ago. Too many have nothing to say; they just want to get on the air. - - - - -
There it is again, in the Washington Post. A reference to "HONING in". Wrong. Honing is something you to do sharpen a knife. The correct term is "HOMING in", a reference to radio signals used for years to guide ships and aircraft to ports and airports. ... AND ... Speaking of language-mangling ... "At this point in time" means ... now. Why can't more people simply say or write it? - - - - -
Conan O'Brien -- "NBC has apologized for editing out the words 'under God' from its coverage of the U.S. Open. They're also apologizing for Brian Williams signing off with 'Hail Satan.'" BACHMANN'S HARVEST, AMERICA-HATING
The Chicago Tribune reports that Congresswoman and presidential candidate Michele Bachmann has received substantial income in federal subsidies for a farming operation in which she's a partner. This, coupled with her support for the ethanol-subsidy boondoggle, may give some conservatives second thoughts about her political future. Sorry to bring bad news to her supporters, but better not to be unpleasantly surprised later. Ask any Californian who voted for Ah-nuld. - - - - -
It happened again. The U.S. soccer team playing Mexico in Los Angeles, and the mostly-Latino crowd not only cheered for Mexico, but booed the American team AND the U.S. national anthem. In a rational country, we'd be telling the bas***** to go the hell back where they came from! Question for the people who run the U.S. soccer team: why do you keep going thru this scenario, anyway? Most American's don't care about soccer, so tell Mexico, "Next time we play, it'll be in Bismarck, North Dakota. In January." And why do we still have more than 30,000 troops in prosperous South Korea instead of along the U.S.-Mexico border? We truly do live in a land run by morons. - - - - -
TSA airport thugs: want to know why most people despise you? Here's a good example. In Panama City, Florida, a 95-year-old woman in a wheelchair, ticketed on a flight to Michigan to be with family during the final days of her losing battle with leukemia, was strip-searched by the airport Gestapo and forced to remove her adult diaper. Day One chore for the next president: fire that detestable idiot, Janet Napolitano, and disband that joke called the "Department of Homeland Security." The TSA (Transportation Security Agency--part of Napolitano's domain) says, naturally, that their goon-squad did nothing wrong. - - - - -
POLITICO reports that New York Governor Andrew Cuomo has set his sights on the Democratic nomination for 2016 ... and believes that his approval of gay marriage in NY will position him to win. The bill legalizing same-sex matrimony passed in the state Senate ONLY because four Republicans voted for it. The big winners in the gay marriage movement: divorce lawyers! - - - - -
Heard enough of that "Arab spring" BS from media liberals? Here's a reality check, from the Italian news service, AKI -- " Hundreds of Muslim extremists surrounded a church in central Egypt and threatened to kill the local priest, the Assyrian International News Agency reported. The extremists began targeting the church in a village 7 kilometres south of the city of Minya in March after renovation work began, threatening to demolish the church. "AINA Friday cited eyewitnesses as saying that the Muslim mob, dressed in white robes and long beards, chanted: "We will kill the priest, we will kill him and no one will prevent us." One of their leaders was cited as saying they would "…cut him to pieces," AINA reported." Security forces came hours later and escorted the priest to the Coptic Diocese local headquarters. In another village, eight Christian families had their homes burned. Abuse of Coptic Christians has increased since the uprising, Muslim fanatics seeing it as an opening to murder them and burn their churches. - - - - -
A reader forwards video of Obama telling another whopping lie, saying that his father served in the military in World War Two. Did not. If you think the rampages by mobs of black youths occurring in cities all over the country are bad now, just wait 'til their "hero" gets booted out of office. - - - - -
Ted Turner on the fraud called "global warming": “probably the most serious--and, in all fairness, the most complex--problem that humanity has ever faced.” We must ascertain whether ol' Ted, legendary boozer, is seriously on the sauce again. - - - - -
Gene sends this reality check for the pro-illegal immigration mush-heads ... The owner of the Phoenix Suns basketball team, Robert Sarver, came out strongly opposing AZ's new immigration laws. Arizona's Governor, Jan Brewer, released the following statement in response to Sarver's criticism of the new law: "What if the owners of the Suns discovered that hordes of people were sneaking into games without paying? What if they had a good idea who the gate-crashers are, but the ushers and security personnel were not allowed to ask these folks to produce their ticket stubs, thus non-paying attendees couldn't be ejected. Furthermore, what if Suns' ownership was expected to provide those who sneaked in with complimentary eats and drink? And what if, on those days when a gate-crasher became ill or injured, the Suns had to provide free medical care and shelter?" - Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer - - - - -
Charlie's "goddesses" are all gone. The second -- and last -- of Charlie Sheen's "girlfriends" has bailed out, taking the Mercedes he gave her. Have you ever seen a TV star decline into insignificance so fast? Could he ever have seriously believed that millions of people cared much about a dope-addled actor in a TV show that depended heavily upon flatulence jokes and other assorted bathroom "humor"? - - - - -
Peter forwards a petition for a constitutional amendment to reform congress, the key points of which would be: 1. No Tenure / No Pension.A Congressman collects a salary while in office and receives no pay when they are out of office. 2. All funds in the Congressional retirement fund move to the Social Security system immediately. All future funds flow into the Social Security system, and Congress participates with the American people. 3. Congress members can purchase their own retirement plan, just as other Americans do. 4. Congress will no longer vote themselves a pay raise. Congressional pay will rise by the lower of CPI or 3%. 5. Congress loses their current health care system and participates in the same health care system as the American people. 6. Congress must equally abide by all laws they impose on the American people. Okay, sign me up! - - - - -
Heard a pseudo-intellectual butcher this one ... Paris. "City of LIGHT" or "City of LIGHTS"? The former is correct, because the term originated in the Age of Enlightenment when so many great thinkers of the time lived there. You want LIGHTS, you go to Las Vegas. ...AND... More mangled language ... this time from the world of advertising: "Product X costs four times LESS than Product Y." Say WHAT???? TODAY, GREECE. TOMORROW ... US?
Anyone who's NOT concerned about our own government's out-of-control spending and the lavish salaries and benefits given to unionized government workers should pay close attention to what's happening in Greece ... and see what happens when an effort is belatedly made to slow down the gravy-train. Strikes, riots (a tourist would be a fool to go there now. I have property on a Greek Island, and I'm certainly not planing a visit!) and both a government and a financial structure on the verge of collapse. It's another vivid illustration of a political reality: it is VERY difficult to take away privileges and favored treatment from people who've come to regard them as "rights". - - - - - Are Reluctant Dragons like New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and others staying out of the race for the Republican nomination for fear that, despite his multitude of failures, Obama may get re-elected ... thus making the 2016 race a more attractive prospect? Incumbency and public apathy are still powerful weapons. - - - - -
Easy prediction: if Sarah Palin officially enters the race for the Republican presidential nomination after Bachmann's strong start, it's more certain than ever that the two will simply kill each other's hopes. There are rumors that Governor Palin is NOT happy that the Congresswoman is stealing "her" constituency in the Tea Party movement. - - - - -
'Bye, Blago. Another Illinois governor goes to prison. His predecessor is also in the Graybar Hotel. That's four of the last nine. It should be noted that this creep is another pol coughed up by the same corrupt Chicago political machine that gave the world Barack Obama. It is fantasy of a very high level to ever expect that ANY pol coming out of Chi-town ISN'T a crook. - - - - -
Our politicians, joined by their counterparts in other western nations, blustered impotently that Iran must not be allowed nuclear weapons. Now that they're reliably reported to be on the verge of having such weapons, and test-firing the rockets that would carry them, the blustering is just as impotent. How long until all hell breaks loose and our "leaders" start the "if only ... " hand-wringing? - - - - -
Is Al Gore channeling Dr. Josef Mengele of Nazi "medical" infamy? Now he proposes voluntary sterilization of young women to reduce the impact of his favorite nightmare, "global warming". It apparently never occurred to him, like the proponents of voluntary euthanasia, that under power-mad governments (like our own), "voluntary" has a way of stealthily transforming into "mandatory". This is the same insightful Al who said, on September 22, 1997 ... "We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur." I tell you, the dude is really on top of everything! - - - - -
Ms. Obama's African safari cost you, as a taxpayer, an estimated half-million dollars-plus; $430,000 for the aircraft alone. So ... did you get your money's worth? - - - - -
Monty Pelerin in THE AMERICAN THINKER website succinctly summarizes The Big Nothing's accomplishments as president: the economy worse ... discretionary military efforts ("kinetic" if you prefer) increased ... an unpopular, flawed health care plan was forced on the public ... inflation increased, especially in critical goods like food and gasoline ... job prospects decreased ... the stimulus failed miserably ... "transparency in government" became a laugh-line for late night TV ... corruption in government accelerated to Chicago-style warp speed ... housing worsened and shows no sign of bottoming soon ... government debt and spending spun out of control ... Wall Street was bailed out and its habitues continue to enrich themselves. On the other hand, Michele and the kids have had some great vacations, and daddy's had plenty of practice to improve his golf game. - - - - -
One reliable indicator of the state of the economy is attendance at sporting events. Sunday's NASCAR race at Sonoma's Infineon Raceway provided another grim reminder that all is not well in Obama's America. There were acres of empty seats, and it remains to be seen if the event retains its title as California's most-attended sports event every year. A week earlier, there were 20,000 empty seats reported by the Michigan Speedway -- in the heart of "car country". - - - - -
A survey of Brits who have flown regularly in the past finds that almost one-in-ten has quit air travel. Why? Because of the hassle of getting thru airports; security, etc. Wonder what a similar survey would show in this country, where people have to deal with the TSA Gestapo? - - - - -
If airline executives had any sense, they'd take some of the time they devote to figuring out more ways to screw-over their customers and devote it to lobbying Washington to get rid of that useless TSA Gestapo whose only mission seems to be to annoy passengers at airports. There is no more useless bureaucracy in Washington, where the competition for that distinction is fierce. - - - - -
The Los Angeles Dodgers, bankrupt! How is it even possible to so thoroughly screw-up a legendary franchise in a goldmine market? BTW, my friend Disco John was on CBS News last evening, lamenting the lost luster of his dad's favorite team. - - - - -
Recommended reading: THE AMERICAN SPECTATOR website ... Eric Peters ... "R.I.P. Tesla". An excerpt: "The Tesla electric sports car is dead -- a victim of its own defective economics. This was not unpredictable. The company created an electric version of the gas-powered Lotus sports car -- and tried to sell it for twice the price of the gas-powered version. Just 1,650 of these electric lemons found people rich enough -- and dumb enough -- to spend $109,000 for a $51,845 Lotus Elise stripped of its perfectly good gasoline engine and converted to run on electricity. - - - - -
How NOT to win friends and get legislation passed: California Governor Jerry Brown, old-school lefty, is annoyed because Republicans in the state legislature won't give him what he wants (increased taxes) so he refers to them as "moronic Republicans". Way to go, Jer! That will SURELY bring 'em around! - - - - -
Dan Sorkin passes along this classic from the cemetery ... a headstone that reads: Harry Edsel Smith of Albany, New York: Born 1903--Died 1942. Looked up the elevator shaft to see if the Car was on the way down. It was. OBAMA LIES AGAIN ... POLL NUMBERS
Obama said his decision on timing and numbers of troops to be withdrawn from Afghanistan was a choice made from a "range of options" presented by military commanders. Lt. Gen. John Allen, testifying under oath before the Senate Armed Services Committee, says no such option was presented. What?? Obama LIED?? I know... hard to believe ... Can you say ... "DICTATOR"? The Community Organizer clearly has such ambitions. - - - - -
Rand Corp., the government's own think-tank, says -- based on the history of other insurgencies and efforts to combat them -- we're going to lose in Afghanistan. A commitment to the defense of this nation is one thing, but Republicans had better be very careful about climbing aboard this Titanic. - - - - -
Obamacare is still a loser for Democrats. The Rasmussen Reports national survey finds that 55% of Likely Voters at least somewhat favor repeal of the health care law, while 38% at least somewhat oppose repeal. Health care ranks just behind the economy as an issue for most Americans. Understandable. We're all going to get old -- if we're lucky -- and health problems are inevitable for most. Also from Rasmussen ... 64% of voters believe America is already overtaxed. Most voters also continue to favor a government with lower taxes and fewer services over one with higher taxes and more services. And more distilled Rasmussen re generic candidates: 44% of Likely U.S. Voters would vote for their district’s Republican congressional candidate, while 37% would choose the Democrat. Where's the politician with the creative imagination to change his name to ... Generic? - - - - -
Obama's attempt to entrap doctors by sending out "secret shoppers" to see if they could get appointments by posing as Medicare recipients has been cancelled. Cancelled ONLY because ... they got caught. More "transparency in government", Obama-style. In any case, many doctors make no secret of their unwillingness to take on Medicare or Medicaid patients. It's a money-loser. And many who DO accept them run what amounts to an assembly-line business, where a patient is lucky to get five minutes of the doctor's time. - - - - -
Latest polling (McClatchy-Marist) shows registered voters disapprove of The Big O's handling of the economy by almost two-to-one (61%-32%). Are the stupid cattle who voted for this hollow nothing finally figuring it out? - - - - -
Of all the many mysteries about the shadowy past life of Barack Obama, this may be the truly odd missing link. Where are the girlfriends? This is not a suggestion of scandal, just ... where are they? Who are they? What might they have to say about a younger Barack Obama? Did he never even date anyone before Michele? Virtually every politico has people in his/her past who will say things like, "He was very nice ... I always knew he would make it big ... loved his dog, etc." About Obama -- nothing! People who even remember him from school? None! Ask any of his supporters, "What do you really KNOW about this guy?" Aside from the standard political biography material (went to Harvard, etc.) you're likely to come up empty. - - - - -
Mark Steyn in NATIONALREVIEWONLINE -- Last time around, Mitt spent a ton of money and got nowhere. This time, he seems determined not to learn from last time’s fiasco. So today he’s going around “touting his record of working with Democrats”. Er, we already have a president whose record of “working with Democrats” is pretty impressive. Look, it’s not very difficult. Nixon had it all figured out: You tack to your party’s base during the primaries and then to the center during the general. If you’re already reaching across the aisle come primary season, it’s not a good sign. - - - - -
Today's recommended reading: THE AMERICAN THINKER website ... Jay Clarke ... "The Un-American American President". He nails it. - - - - -
Has any serious presidential candidate ever put in more effort with such slim results as Tim Pawlenty? He could be on the road to becoming the next Harold Stassen, another Minnesota governor who pursued but never caught the Holy Grail of politics. - - - - -
How dare any Democrat attack Michele Bachmann for occasional minor gaffes! Their hero, the Big Zero, has -- among many idiotic statements -- announced that there are 57 states, pronounced the Marine Corps as Marine CORPSE, and most recently claimed to have awarded the Medal of Honor to a live soldier who'd actually been killed in action -- and made THAT monstrous goof in front of the deceased's parents. So until your guy stops with his own endless stupidities, Dems, you'd be well advised not to plough that particular field. - - - - -
Obama's political epitaph: "The man who (said he) wanted to win the future, but lost the present." - - - - -
The know-it-all EPA does it again. It's now approved the increase in ethanol content in gasoline from 10% to 15%, thereby (A) lowering mileage and (B) representing a real threat of damage to other gasoline-power engines, other than cars and (C) cars 2001 and older. it also increases air pollution (thank you, EPA!) and this crap will hit the market later this year. Since more energy is used in making ethanol than it ultimately produces, this is nothing more than expanded whoring by politicians to keep big campaign contributions coming from the giant companies that process ethanol and votes coming from the corn-belt states. In a sane country, i.e., the America that USED to be, the charlatans promoting this scam would all be in prison. - - - - -
Memo to ALL Republican political candidates. Before you adopt a campaign song, check on the politics of the composer. The overwhelming majority of popular musicians are Democrats, whether or not it's a result of the clouds of dope-smoke that regularly surround them. Michele Bachmann is the latest to get bitten. She, or someone in her camp, chose "American Girl" as the song to bring her onstage at campaign events. They should've taken time to check the politics of the man who wrote it, Tom Petty. He's a liberal, and now she faces the embarrassment of a public cease-and-desist letter from him. A previous Republican campaign (Bush #1?) made the faux pas of using "The Best of Times" as their anthem -- briefly. Apparently they belatedly learned that the song, from "La Cage Aux Folles" was the virtual national anthem of the gay rights movement ... and dropped it. We don't know whether the composer, Jerry Herman, was amused or annoyed. - - - - -
Reader Kenneth is tired of hearing this rhetorical dodge ... Someone asks a question, especially but not exclusively for a politician, and the first response is "That's a great question". Sometimes they mix it up and say "That's a REALLY great question." It IS annoying; it's a verbal tic that gives the interviewee that extra moment to mentally formulate an answer. Having interviewed tens of thousands of both the prominent and the obscure, I wonder how many times I've heard it. - - - - -
Presidents, once elected, put their investments into a blind trust. Wouldn't it be wonderful if all presidential candidates could do the same with their children? Imagine a world devoid of the utterings and activities of Bristol Palin, Meghan McCain, Ron or Patti Reagan, et al. - - - - -
Cruise news ... John and Trish Parker are hosting a two-week Australia/New Zealand cruise in January. For details, contact them at: Parkers@Bestofourlives.com. They are great company. Our annual Lee Rodgers cruise is taking shape for May. It'll be New England, the Canadian Maritime provinces and up the St. Lawrence River to Montreal and/or Quebec City. Starting port will be either Boston or New York, with the opportunity to extend the trip at either end of the one-week cruise. Details coming soon. - - - - -
Thomas makes this contribution to rationality ... The problems we face today are there because the people who work for a living are outnumbered by those who vote for a living. - - - - -
Thanks to Mike for passing along this home protection tip -- Put a can of wasp and hornet spray near your door or bed. It's inexpensive, easy to find, and more effective than mace or pepper spray. The cans typically shoot 20 to 30 feet; so if someone tries to break into your home, spray the culprit in the eyes. - - - - -
Rick contributes these memories of Rodney Dangerfield ... My neighbor knocked on my door at 2:30 AM this morning. Can you believe that? 2:30 AM! Luckily for him I was still up playing my bagpipes. I called 911 and said, "I think my wife is dead." The operator asked, "How do you know?" I said, "The sex is the same, but the ironing is building up." DEMOCRAT DEMAGOGUERY STRIKES AGAIN
With today's new unemployment claims worsening the already-disastrous Obama economic mess, our White House Marxist is resorting to the oldest ploy in the politicians' playbook. He's appealing to the dumb oxen who constitute the core of his political base with specious claims that somehow private jets are at the root of our economic problems. Aside from the fact that people employed in building those aircraft want to keep their jobs, the memories of the extra tax on yachts imposed in the Clinton era should remind everyone of what a debacle that turned out to be. It put a lot of American boatyard workers OUT of work ... and the ultra-rich continued to buy their yachts -- overseas! While the dumb and ignorant may be entertained by the idea that a private jet is at the root of their money worries, the plain fact is that nibbling at such industries would only replace a few days, or hours, of the damage done by Obama's irresponsible borrowing and spending. Bloomberg biznews ran the numbers and found that the so-called "corporate jet benefit", if abolished, would cover only one-tenth of one-percent of Obama's own announced saving goal. The demagoguery is staggering, especially since his own family uses taxpayer-paid jets as their personal toys. The foolish Obama is the personification of P. J. O'Rourke's dictum: "Giving money to politicians is like giving whiskey and the car keys to a teenage boy." - - - - -
Bill Clinton used to have Boy George Stephanopoulos go on TV and endlessly repeat, "The President has SAID ... ", as if that transmogrified his lies into truth. Obama has eliminated the middle-man and endlessly repeats, "I have said ... " himself, as if that converted lies and silliness into truth. - - - - -
Charles Hurt in the Washington Times ... "Anytime you hear a politician talk about needing “revenue,” grab your wallet and run. Anytime you hear a politician talk about “raising” $600 billion in revenue, grab your wallet, any silverware you haven’t already melted down to keep up with taxes, and your children’s piggy banks. And run like the wind. "One of the only times in recent history of this town (Washington) that mainstream reporters covered with any degree of outrage a “tax increase” was earlier this month when a band of serious, grownup senators led by Sen. Tom Coburn prodded the Senate to vote to kill $5 billion in welfare we taxpayers have been giving the ethanol “industry” every year. "Aided by duplicitous Democrats and sold-out Republicans, the press howled that this was somehow a tax increase because it meant the ethanol “industry” would pay higher taxes - in other words, the same taxes the rest of us suckers have been paying all along." - - - - -
Did a ray of the light of reason finally get through? President Obama says it would defy common sense for Boeing Co. to have to shut down a new aircraft plant or lay off workers as a result of a labor dispute with the government, referring to the National Labor Relations Board. Obama says companies need to have the freedom to relocate work, though they must follow the law when doing so. The Machinists Union, whose frequent strikes at the Everett, Washington, plant have rendered Boeing progressively less competitive, must be in mourning. - - - - -
He probably heard about this at home: at his press conference, the man who thinks there are 57 states also said his daughter, Malia, is 13. She's 12. - - - - -
The same Barack Obama who's criticizing Republicans in Congress for taking vacations this summer with the debt ceiling overhanging Washington ... is going to spend ten days vacationing on Martha's Vineyard in August. Crank up Air Force One! The prez wants to play some golf! - - - - -
Now Obama plans to spend $84 million on yet another government "job training" program. How many of these scams have EVER worked? Worked, that is, for anyone other than the politically-connected who got the contracts to run them? - - - - -
It will be interesting to see how Obama's liberal Jewish supporters react to this. He's decided to resume formal relations with the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. He can't NOT know that the Quran explicitly approves of deceiving non-Muslims. (That latter statement presumes that Obama ISN'T a Muslim.) - - - - -
In major metropolitan areas all over the country, this summer has already brought a flood of black gang attacks on white people, yet the Big Media carefully avoid identifying the criminals by race, even when their own photos make it clear. What will they do when Obama's defeat brings even more race-inspired violence? - - - - -
Liberal Sen. Durbin of Illinois tells an audience of illegal aliens that he believes an illegal alien may someday be president. Sen. Dick (Head) Durbin needs to read the constitution. Or perhaps he believes that Obama had rendered the "natural born citizen" requirement ... moot. - - - - -
North Korea, whose own citizens are starving thanks to that misbegotten country's absurd Communism, is once again threatening prosperous, capitalistic South Korea with war. How much better off the planet would be if Harry Truman had let General MacArthur finish the job of destroying that North Korean lunatic asylum instead of settling for a tie and a "truce" that's never been replaced with an actual peace agreement. BTW ... as another example of the insanity that pervades that bunch of parasites at the UN, they've given the presidency of the United Nations Conference on Disarmament to -- North Korea! Yes! A government that starves its own people in order to build more weaponry! And to think -- we still give American taxpayer dollars to support that evil institution! - - - - -
Another embarrassing blemish on the legacy of George W. Bush. As Obamacare staggers thru district courts, winning some and losing some on the way to its inevitable date with the Supremes, the latest round in Cincinnati federal district court saw a three-judge panel rule in the law's favor. And .. one of the two judges in the majority, Judge Jeffrey Sutton, was appointed by ... President George W. Bush. - - - - -
As a longtime target of the crazed leftists at Soros-supported "Media Matters", I fervently hope their declared war on Fox News costs them their tax-exempt status. "Unscrupulous" doesn't even begin to describe their tactics in attacking anyone who challenges their ultra-left agenda. - - - - -
Here's a simple fact that seems to elude most political "analysts". Many -- probably most -- elections are not decided by votes FOR someone. They're decided by votes AGAINST someone. A lesser-of-two-evils choice, if you will. That may be the case more than usual in the 2012 presidential election. If Democrats think, quite correctly, that 2008 was largely a vote against the legacy of George W. Bush, they ain't seen nothin' compared to the outpouring of Obama detestation coming next November. The only question is ... how many Democrats are going to scrape off those Obama bumper-stickers out of shame, embarrassment or just plain fear? Supporters of a politician who's been such a failure and affront on so many levels are going to have a lot to live down. - - - - -
Recommended reading ... THE AMERICAN THINKER website ... Elise Cooper ... "The Arizona Fires and the Border." I live a half-hour from the border section described, and everyone here knows for a FACT that illegal aliens are responsible for some of the fires that have ravaged much of Arizona. And yet the fools in Washington, mostly Democrats, babble endlessly about "comprehensive reform" -- code words for rewarding criminals. - - - - -
Jim Bradley's realistic view of "peaceful Muslims" ... Peace-loving Muslims have been made irrelevant by their silence. Peace-loving Muslims will become our enemy if they don't speak up, because they will awaken one day and find that the fanatics own them, and the end of their world will have begun. - - - - -
The bottom line, from Dan ... Rather than seeking peace through dialogue, we demand peace through violent confrontation in order to tame the world’s bullies. Talking to someone bent on killing you has NEVER worked…NEVER. - - - - -
Here's the presidential billy-club at work. Obama threatens to withhold Medicaid funds from Indiana unless the state reverses its position against funding Planned Parenthood, the abortion-mill. Representatives elected by the people of Indiana voted to end the use of their dollars by PP. Obama wants to bludgeon them into submission. Could his power-madness be more evident? How's this for a message to those who seek an abortion? "Use the money you saved on birth control, and pay for it yourself!" - - - - -
Talk about wearing blinders! THE HILL, a respected political newsletter, refers to Jon Hunstman, the RINO formerly employed as Obama's ambassador to China, as a "Republican front-runner." What are they putting in their coffee-break beverage? - - - - -
Count me among those NOT surprised that Cong. Dennis Kucinich of Ohio has been buddying-up to the Syrian dictator, Assad, on a visit to Damascus. I lived briefly in Cleveland while trying to repair Art Modell's radio station there, and Kucinich was their wild-eyed-punk mayor. I was astonished to find that Cleveland's heavily-union voters had elected a pol better suited to, say, San Francisco. - - - - -
INVESTORS BUSINESS DAILY re the ongoing craziness in Greece ... " What a sorry spectacle to watch Greeks rioting in the streets in reaction to austerity measures. As if tantrums can change reality. It's Exhibit A of how socialism infantilizes citizens. The only cure is free markets. Steeped in socialism for decades, these Greeks see no connection between their economic circumstance and the expanded state that is at the root of their troubles.Like any socialized society on the rocks, Greece needs to reestablish the link between effort and reward." That link is also slowly disappearing in America -- and more rapidly, as Obamunism takes hold. - - - - -
The readership of this daily column is slowly but steadily growing. Please forward it to someone you think would appreciate a reality-check on the news either distorted or ignored by most of the big media. - - - - -
From the mouths of babes ... via reader Rick ... TEACHER: George Washington not only chopped down his father's cherry tree, but also admitted it. Now, Louie, do you know why his father didn't punish him? LOUIS: Because George still had the axe in his hand..... TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?' GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' TEACHER: No, that's wrong. GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ' I.' MILLIE: I is... TEACHER: No, Millie...... Always say, 'I am.' MILLIE: All right... 'I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.' TEACHER: Maria, - go to the map and find North America . MARIA: Here it is. TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ? CLASS: Maria. |
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radiorodgers1@yahoo.com |