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OBAMA ... The new America is a place where a bloated government actually spends taxpayer money on advertising to encourage more people to take advantage of food stamps, i.e. welfare, i.e. freeloading on their fellow citizens. This is clearly a plot by a socialist president (if you doubt he is, do a quick internet search entering the words “Obama New Party”) to make ever-more Americans dependent on government, either via welfare or being on the government payroll, and therefore more malleable. With the help of the
Bush-appointed Chief Justice Roberts, Obama is keeping one of his
campaign promises – to fundamentally change the (former) greatest
country on earth. - - - - -
I fear – and suspect
– that those
conservatives who are trying to convince themselves that Roberts has
succeeded in some Machiavellian plot to undermine Obama are engaging
in mental masturbation. - - - - -
Those trying to sort thru the rubble and
make sense of Chief Justice John Roberts' decision on Obamacare may get
some clarification from Ross Kaminsky in The American Spectator ...
"Those who
dislike Barack Obama or his
'signature achievement' may be motivated by the Thursday's events, but
the ruling remains an important victory for the president, even as it
is likely a negative for individual Democratic members of the U.S.
Senate facing difficult reelection campaigns in November. How big a
victory this is for Obama depends on whether Republicans get better at
messaging than they have been during the quarter-century since Ronald
Reagan left the White House." - - - - -
As the Greeks lurch
deeper into their debt crisis, their childish yowling becomes more
embarrassing. Reduced to essentials, their message to Germany, which
has avoided such a crisis while bailing out freeloaders like Greece,
amounts to this: "Bwaaah! Just because we borrowed money from you, you
actually expect us to work and actually pay it back? Bwaaah!" - - - - - Ultimately, Americans will curse the very name of Jimmy Carter for not blowing Tehran off the face of the earth when the American embassy personnel were taken captive in a violation of the most basic international law. But liberals never learn: gutlessness in the face of malicious madmen never has a happy ending. - - - - - Could it be because many of the people who live there are sucking the government teat with high-paying jobs in our spendthrift federal government? - - - - -
Americans traveling abroad for the first
time, or first time after a long period without foreign travel, are
often surprised to learn that many countries that once hungered for the
U. S. dollar now regard us as poor folks. And for good reason.
After being raised and still being fed on the myth that ours is "the richest nation on earth," the sad fact is that on a basis of average individual economic status, we're not even close. Aside from the oil-rich countries of the middle-east, people in nations like Switzerland, Norway, Singapore and China's "Special Administrative Region" of Hong Kong can -- and do -- look down on us. Their per-person income is far higher. While our Gross National Product -- the value of all goods and services produced in a country per year -- is tops, that status is diluted by our enormous debt. Besides which, individuals don't have the GNP in either their wallets or bank accounts. Much of it resides in IOU's held in Beijing. - - - - - A reader forwards photos in circulation
showing a modern new high-speed railway station in China and expresses
wonder if this can be real. It reminds me of friends who escaped
the old Soviet Union and still have relatives there who can't believe
photos of an American supermarket or drugstore. - - - - -
A woman who has had extensive experience doing relief work in nations
that have already experienced Obama's vision for America writes of the
reality of government-run medicine …“In communism/socialism, socialized healthcare is for the poor. The rich and well connected, and trust me, there is no middle class, are driving around in their limos, live in grandiose dwelling places, they have their own private doctors and hospitals, they have continuous heat and electricity in their homes and offices and dine on lavish food, while 'all the people' have free health care and yet live like rats, shoved together off of their confiscated land and into gigantic agro-industrial complex buildings where plumbing doesn't work, heat is meted out, electricity rationed, hot water is regulated, water itself is rationed, and their healthcare is minimal at best. Oh, but it's free!" - - - - -
The NY Post reports on the joy of marrying a Kennedy … “Mary Richardson Kennedy was so destitute in the final days of her life, she couldn’t even afford groceries, according to new court filings.“ 'Mary was left to sometimes ask for $20 from the parents of her kids’ classmates to buy gas and groceries,' a source close to the tragic Kennedy widow told The Post. “The revelations come from a petition filed last week in Surrogate’s Court in Westchester County by Mary’s former divorce attorneys, who say Robert F. Kennedy Jr. failed to pay them a promised $278,000 in legal fees. “They say RFK practiced a “scorched-earth litigation approach” that left her cut off from a $20,000-a-month, court-approved credit card, leaving her unable to buy groceries, gas or even medical care for their son. The troubled mother of four hanged herself on May 16 in a building on her Bedford estate.” -
I don't like snakes. Call me a species-ist, but I don't like
snakes. - - - - -
The saintly reputation of the late Penn State football coach Joe
Paterno has been reduced to ashes, as Scott Ostler summarizes in the SF
Chronicle …“The Penn State horror story has taken a twist for the sicker. And Joe Paterno's legacy is now more clearly defined. “E-mails have been uncovered by NBC. Three scared sheep - Penn State's president, vice president and athletic director - were going to alert the real authorities to the possible misdeeds of Jerry Sandusky, until the athletic director spoke with Paterno and persuaded the other two sheep not to be so rash. Subsequently, at least four more young boys were molested by Sandusky. - - - - -
Let's see ... since they've long since lost any real journalistic credibility, what could we connect to NBC and its bastard stepchild, MSNBC? How about ...N - Nothing, B - But, C - ...uh... CANARDS. Yes. Canards. Sounds classier than "crap," doesn't it?- - - - -Detached from reality: A liberal columnist on the Slate website refers to MSNBC's "Morning Joe" show as "conservative." Really? Former "moderate" Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, ultra-leftist Mika "Attila the Hen" Brzesinski and a liberal-dominated panel ... conservative??!! - - - - -
Conan O'Brien -- "A man is filing a lawsuit against Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, claiming they have ties to al-Qaida. When al-Qaida heard this, they said, 'Please do not lump us in with those maniacs.'" THE COST OF “FREE”
FILE ROBERTS' BIO UNDER “SPINELESS” … A TALK-SHOW HOST'S ODYSSEY If you can tolerate a little macabre humor ... In the wake of the storms and power outages on the east coast, we find this news headline about the situation in the nation's capital: "D.C. TO BE DARK FOR DAYS." On the positive side, it'll give potential victims a better chance to hide from the hoodlums who prowl the city's streets at night. - - - - -
The poor slobs who think Obamacare is
going to be their salvation might want to heed the word from the Wall
Street Journals senior economics analyst Stephen Moore. It's this:
Nearly 75% of Obamacare costs will fall upon
those Americans making less than $120,000 a year.Then, just wait 'til they or a family member have a serious illness and a panel of medical burocrats will decide, "It isn't economically efficient to treat this problem," and off to the hospice they go to die. And if you don't think that'll happen, you're living in a dream world. - - - - -
Donald Trump has a cogent analysis of Obama's “great achievement” ... “Let me get this straight … “We are going to be 'gifted' with a health care plan we are forced to purchase and fined if we don't. Which purportedly covers at least ten million more people without adding a single new doctor but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn't understand it, passed by a Congress that didn't read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a Dumbo President who smokes, with funding administered by a Treasury chief who didn't pay his taxes, for which we'll be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted Social Security and Medicare, all to be overseen by a Surgeon General who is obese and financed by a country that's broke!!!” - - - - -
Daren Jonescu at The American Thinker website blows a big hole in the theory that Chief Justice Roberts was doing the conservative thing in his Obamacare decision ... "Some argue that Roberts was making a conservative case for delimiting the scope of judicial powers, by saying, "It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices." But in order to uphold the law, Roberts had to reframe it in a way that directly contradicted specific claims made by the law-makers and the President. "He was not merely 'exposing them.' He was giving them a different -- and in his view more acceptable -- version of their law than they had actually offered and defended. In other words, Roberts is implying that the law itself, as written, was unconstitutional -- a judgment that is not only within the legitimate scope of a justice, but is precisely a prime function of SCOTUS -- and so he has rewritten it for them in order to make it constitutional. It needs to be explained how this action -- literally legislating from the bench -- falls under the rubric of 'conservative judging.'" -
Moments to remember … On ABC-TV, George Stephanopolous? ”Your critics say the individual mandate is a tax increase. Barack Obama: "I absolutely reject that notion." -
The Supreme Court kept intact the individual penalties written into the health care law. It teaches freeloaders a lesson. People who refuse to buy health insurance could go to prison for five years, where they'll receive free health care and complimentary meals. - Argus Hamilton, Jewish World Review -
Today brings a pungent posting from Burt Prelutsky … “For the past three years, we have heard Barack Obama insist that the only reason he doesn’t attend church services is because he doesn’t want to be a distraction to the other churchgoers. What makes that so puzzling is that he never seems to give a second thought to the disruption his motorcades create every time he flies into a city for one of his 200-plus fundraisers. And it didn’t seem to bother him in the least when, in order that he have a photo op, the Secret Service closed down the Vietnam Memorial to veterans, their families and the survivors of fallen warriors, for seven long hours this past Memorial Day “ -
The greatest oxymoron in the academic world and the curricula it produces: Political ... science. -
That "Arab spring" that so enchanted liberal mush-heads is really paying dividends. In his inaugural speech (he inaugurated himself) the new president of Egypt, another Muslim Brotherhood fanatic, announced his first demand of the United States. He wants the release of the Blind Sheik terrorist who plotted the first truck-bomb attack on the World Trade Center, along with other similarly festive events. Don't laugh. What kind of fool would have 100% confidence that Obama WON'T do it? - - - - - Judging by e-mail response, there seems to be more interest in some of my personal reminiscences that I ever suspected. Okay ... One question that recurs is, "How/why/when did you get into talk radio?" It is, if you consider it seriously, a rather odd way for a person to earn a living. After all, lawyers -- as they say -- hang their mistakes ... doctors bury theirs ... but in broadcasting you make them right out there before God and everybody. And when you're talking extemporaneously for hours daily, you WILL make mistakes. I began my checkered career as a teenage radio sportscaster and disc-jockey ... did some of both on TV. Even as I prospered and grew into large markets, I began to tire of both. Eventually I moved to the management side, supervising the programming of some major-market stations. I had considerable success and my work caught the attention of the late Jack Thayer, then a legend in broadcast management circles, who had just taken over NBC Radio. We arranged to meet at a big broadcasting convention in Chicago, during which he offered me my choice of becoming Program Director for either their New York or Chicago station. We agreed that I'd call in a week and let him know my choice. Meantime, I ran into two of my old colleagues from Group W-Westinghouse Broadcasting (now owner of CBS) Bob Emery and Dick Harris, who had become president of the company. They told me my Chicago alma mater, WIND Chicago, was switching to a talk format, expressed the view that I'd be good at it and suggested I might like to try it on the overnight program -- their only talk-show at the time. Since I had a free week before committing to NBC, I thought I'd do it, just for laughs. Did ... discovered I had something of a knack for it (even enjoyed chatting with the post-3AM callers, who were often drunk) and knowing that talk WAS the future of radio, decided to call Jack Thayer and tell him I'd had a change of plans. I spent five years in Chicago, then was offered a slot by ABC on their San Francisco station, KGO. Took it ... spent ten years there ... got an attractive offer from KIRO in Seattle, moved there for a year ... didn't like the place ... returned -- for a much better deal -- to ABC/San Francisco and spent the next fifteen years on their KSFO, with a bit of TV on the side. Radio is now a dying industry, but I look back upon my career in that medium as more rewarding than I'd ever hoped. Now I write, travel, swim and enjoy my wife and my life among civilized folk in southern Arizona. And so concludes today's self-indulgence. - - - - -
Sky “The Thrill” Hill provides a True-or-False quiz … Alfred Hitcock didn't have a belly button. A pack-a-day smoker will lose approximately 2 teeth every 10 years. 7 per cent of the population are left-handed folk. The average person over 50 will have spent 5 years waiting in lines. Most of us have eaten a spider in our sleep. The only two animals that can see behind themselves without turning their heads are the rabbit and the parrot. Most hospitals make money by selling the umbilical cords cut from women who give birth. They are used in vein transplant surgery. If coloring weren't added to Coca-Cola, it would be green. All true. - - - - -
Jimmy Fallon -- "A man in Tennessee was kicked out of a Kenny Chesney concert because he looked too much like Kenny Chesney. That actually happens a lot — in fact, my grandma was kicked out of an Aerosmith concert for looking too much like Steven Tyler." July 3 – WHAT'S “GLOBAL?”
- - - - - Another example
of Big Media at work … - - - - - Just so everybody
understands where we stand, here are the numbers required to dump
Obamacare: - - - - - Three
interrelated Rasmussen polls show …
1. Romney back ahead in that see-saw race, 46-44%... 2. By 52-39% voters favor repeal of Obamacare...and... 3. Voters saying the Supremes are doing a good or excellent job, down from 36% to 33% since the ruling on Obamacare. - - - - - Let's see …
Congress votes to charge Attorney General Eric Holder with contempt
of that august body, whereupon attorneys in the Justice Department,
run by Holder, announce that they will not prosecute him under such
charges. - - - - - Several days
before the release of the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare,
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg recycled a golden-oldie by saying, in
regard to leaks from the Court and its staff, “Those who know don’t
talk. And those who talk don’t know.” - - - - - Jay Norlinger
quotes (in National Review online) a prominent judge speaking of the
Roberts Court decision … - - - - - The heartening consolation of the Obamacare decision: individual states don't have to play that game, and a lengthening line of Republican governors have already stated flatly that they won't go along. - - - - - Iran is just the
latest of many historical instances demonstrating a real-world
reality: Little snakes become big snakes. Therefore, it's far better
to kill them in the nest rather than waiting for the much larger
threat. - - - - - With
Iran's clear determination to build nuclear weapons, the ascension of
the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the hostility from Pakistan despite
their endless mooching from us, is there any doubt that winds have
shifted in an ugly direction vis a vis our relations with Muslim
nations? - - - - -
Spencer, who's been covering the Muslim threat longer than most
people have even been aware of it, offers this in PJ Media ... - - - - - Prof.
Paul Kengor, with whom I've talked on many occasions, has a new book
about Barack Obama's mentor coming out in a couple of weeks. It's
called “The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of
Barack Obama's Mentor.” - - - - - If everyone is like me – an absurd proposition on the face of it – “robo calls,” those automated recorded phone calls that we all get during political campaign season, are a total waste of resources.As soon as I detect that tell-tale delay, usually even before the pitch begins, I hang up. In fact, if I am otherwise neutral on a particular race or issue, I'm more likely to vote against the side that places those stupid, time-wasting calls. - - - - - Socialism or
fascism? Thomas Sowell elucidates ... - - - - - Who DIDN'T know Anderson Cooper of CNN is gay? - - - - - The readers write
… - - - - - Another
heart-warmer from the Sky Guy … July 4 – MITT: IS IT POSSIBLE
MODERATE? Barack Obama and John Roberts jointly lift their voices to wish you, “Happy DEPENDENCE day!” - - - - -
Romney's “senior adviser” Eric Fehrnstrom has screwed-up again by muddling the message on the Obamacare tax-or-penalty argument. If Mittens has any political smarts working, he'll quietly fire this boob and reassign him to stamp-licking for campaign fundraising letters. - - - - - Romney's “play it safe” campaign strategy, based on the assumption that Obama is so unpopular nothing more is needed could be dangerous, especially since he's far behind with women voters. Perhaps Mittens needs to be reminded of the old saying, “Faint heart never won fair lady.” There is growing concern that Mitt has brought a knife to a gunfight. - - - - -
British columnist/commentator James Delingpole discusses what we can expect from Obamacare … “What you’ve opted
for is
British-style rationing supervised by box-ticking bureaucrats and
technocrats. This will lead to wide variance in the quality of
treatment you get; long waiting lists; surly, grudging, unionized
service (think of the U.S. airport experience); and truly astounding
levels of waste. - - - - - Thomas Sowell summarizes the Roberts sell-out on Obamacare … “There are many speculations as to why Chief Justice Roberts did what he did, some attributing noble and far-sighted reasons, and others attributing petty and short-sighted reasons, including personal vanity. But all of that is ultimately irrelevant. “What he did was betray his oath to be faithful to the Constitution of the United States. Who he betrayed were the hundreds of millions of Americans — past, present and future — whole generations in the past who have fought and died for a freedom that he has put in jeopardy, in a moment of intellectual inspiration and moral forgetfulness.” Too bad for Obama that he can't openly express disdain for Roberts' sustaining of Obamacare. At least this would be one occasion justifying a complaint that “It's Bush's fault!” - - - - -
I'm not surprised – and neither should you be startled – that a Pew Research survey finds that 45% of Americans have no idea what the Supreme Court & Chief Justice Roberts did regarding Obamacare. And yet … more than half of
these uninformed ignoramii will vote in November. It's no wonder this
nation just staggers from crisis to crisis. And one day, it WILL run
out of luck.
- - - - - Here's how your taxpayer “investment” in Government Motors is working out. In a slow but steady fall, stock in GM is now down to about $19 per share. For the taxpayers to break even in this Obama economic bungle, it would have to hit $53. Don't hold your breath. - - - - -
Recommended as candidates for political extinction: Any Republican who ever again emulates McCain and dares utter the words, “...reach across the aisle.” A related point: When Democrats hold the White House, they have no compunction about subjecting potential Supreme Court nominees to a litmus test on key issues, a practice from which Republican presidents shy away. Thus we get Democrat-nominated judges who toe the liberal line while on the Republican side we get … John Roberts. - - - - -
An Australian news service reports that a half-dozen Muslims tried to hijack a Chinese airliner on a domestic flight. Passengers and crew members overwhelmed them … and beat two of them to death. - - - - -
A reminder from CNN to check on charities before you write the check … A CNN investigation revealed in May that the Disabled Veterans National Foundation had collected almost $56 million in donations over four years but given nearly all of it to two direct-mail fundraising companies. CNN was able to locate a small veterans charity in Birmingham, Ala., that received help, but mainly in the form of 2,600 bags of cough drops, 2,200 bottles of sanitizers, 11,520 bags of coconut M&Ms and 700 pairs of Navy dress shoes. Another, in Prescott, Ariz., received hundreds of chef's coats and aprons, cans of acrylic paint and a needlepoint design pillowcase. Said the manager of the Birmingham charity, "I ask myself what the heck are these people doing." - - - - - Longtime ABC colleague Jim Eason, who first faced a microphone as a GI with Armed Forces radio, summarizes his career thusly … “I never gave serious thought to broadcasting as a full-time career until one night in 1959, while watching The Tonight Show (or The Jack Paar Show), when I said aloud, "That's what I want to do!" “After the Air Force, I attended San Francisco State, and worked part-time in local radio for a few years, finally getting hired at KGO Radio to host "The Jim Eason Show." After 30-plus years at KGO and KSFO, I quit - in disgust. I didn't like what radio was becoming...and I still don't like what has happened to broadcasting.” - - - - - Andy Griffith, gone at age 86. Although I detested his shilling for Obamacare, his performance in the movie “A Face in the Crowd” early in his career was memorable. - - - - -
The readers write. This comes from Shawn … Boehner - that orange faced fool from munchkin land. McConnell - the gutless dope who is already telling people we can't repeal Obamacare. Question: Is there 1 testicle between these 2 incompetent dopes? I loved the Obama lackey's comment about the GOP Governors: "They'll have to face the voters" on not implementing Obamacare. You mean like Scott Walker just did? - - - - - Mark forwards a photo of a sign being held aloft by a demonstrator at a Phoenix rally supporting illegal immigrants. It says …“GIVE US FREE … HEALTH CARE … JOBS … NO TAXES … HOUSE … FOOD. You OWE us America. We will shoot more police in Arizona until we get FREE!” - - - - - The word-bird leaves this deposit … Nobody waits with BAITED breath; it's BATED breath. - - - - - Chief Justice John Roberts drew GOP wrath for giving Democrats wins on health care and immigration. He was named to the court seven years ago. It forced Republicans to admit that President Obama was right about something: everything really is Bush's fault. – (Jewish World Review) July 5 – “PENALTY” OR “TAX”
– DO
VOTERS CARE WHAT IT'S CALLED? … I strongly suspect that the abundance
of attention being given by the media commentariat to the subject of
whether the price the public will pay for Obamacare is a “tax” or
a “penalty” means next-to-nothing to the vast majority of voters.
People are either willing to accept this bastardized system of
government-run medicine, or they aren't. These antics with semantics
are unlikely to change many minds, one way or the other. Also … the Romney “aide” who
keeps muddling the message on the subject ought to have his
(bleeping) teeth kicked out! Mitt's a fool to keep this dumb SOB on
his campaign payroll. Loyalty to patently stupid subordinates is no
qualification for the presidency. - - - - - Then I considered how Ye Olde Country has succumbed to such nonsense as government-run health care and allowed its capital to become so overrun by crazed Muslims that the native population refers to it as “Londonistan” and ultimately concluded that, slim as our chances of recovery from national stupidity may be, they're probably no worse here than on the other side of the Atlantic. - - - - -
The shocks just keep coming … New York Congressman Charlie Rangel, charged with ethics violations, re-elected via questionable vote-counting … suspicions of irregularities in the Mexico election. Who would have suspected such things?! -
- - - To the leftist California state legislators promoting a new law that would make California more welcoming to illegal aliens (which they're calling the "anti-Arizona" law) we Arizonans say ... THANK YOU! We encourage even more illegals who cross the 'zona-border border to do what many are already doing: hang a left at the border, head for a more hospitable California and bleed the taxpayer/suckers there. - - - - -
Columnist Burt Prelutsky is befuddled … “Frankly, I am amazed that, according to the polls, Obama is tied with or running slightly ahead of Romney. It makes no sense. When you realize how great the nation’s debt has grown over the past three years, how static the unemployment rate has remained and how much respect America has lost world-wide, Obama’s approval numbers should be single digit, consisting solely of his Chicago cronies, college students and aging Bolsheviks. “In the old days, liberals believed everything they read in Pravda and the Daily Worker. Today, they believe everything they read in the New York Times or see on ABC, NBC and CBS. Once I realized that, it occurred to me that those on the Left are so hopelessly addicted to lies that it’s a shame that interventions are limited to those whose demons are alcohol, drugs or gambling." … and further … “If you listen to the way that liberal women carry on, you would think that such things as a nuclear Iran, a 16 trillion dollar national debt and ObamaCare, all take a backseat to abortions on demand for teenagers. The logical conclusion is that liberals are simply too dumb to have sex and chew gum at the same time.” - - - - -
A keen observer of American politics checks in from London with this observation about Chief Justice Roberts … “You would think that the only legacy the Chief Justice would covet would have been, 'He upheld the constitution.' “Apparently his will be, 'He upheld his D.C. cocktail circuit invitations.'” – Thanks, Dave -- - -
- - - Professor Walter Williams (Townhall.com) directs us to some worthwhile reading … “Anthony Daniels, who writes under the pen name Theodore Dalrymple, is a retired prison doctor and psychiatrist who tells of his experiences with his patients in 'Life at the Bottom.' It's an insightful book of essays about the self-destructive behavior and attitudes of the underclass. “Dalrymple says that he cannot recall meeting a 16-year-old from the public housing project near his hospital who could perform simple multiplication operations, such as nine times seven. One 17-year-old told him, 'We didn't get that far.' This was after 12 years of attending school. “Those who attend a school that has very high academic standards risk a beating if they venture into neighborhoods where the underclass live. He recalls treating two boys in the emergency room after they'd been beaten and two others who had taken overdoses for fear of being beaten at the hands of their neighbors. “A "legacy of slavery" surely cannot explain problems among blacks, unless we assume it skips whole generations. Nationally, in the late 1800s, percentages of two-parent families were 75.2 percent for blacks, 82.2 percent for Irish-Americans, 84.5 percent for German-Americans and 73.1 percent for native whites. Today just over 30 percent of black children enjoy two-parent families. Both during slavery and as late as 1920, a black teenage girl's raising a child without a man present was rare.” - - - - - “Us” magazine carries a cover-story about Katie Holmes filing for divorce from Tom Cruise (DOES Tom … cruise? If you don't get that reference, ask any San Franciscan) with a headline announcing that Katie felt as if she were in “Rosemary's Baby, “ the movie in which an innocent young mother is unwittingly giving birth to the baby son of Satan. In the movie, young mother Mia Farrow is befriended by a neighbor, played by Ruth Gordon, who's actual purpose is to make sure Baby Satan is well-tended. A personal footnote:
Shortly after
seeing that just-released movie, I had a job interview with legendary
broadcasting executive John VanBuren Sullivan, who had built New
York's WNEW to powerhouse status and was now undertaking a similar
project down the street at Storer Broadcasting's WHN. - - - - - Last evening as I was channel-surfing, I came upon BYU-TV, the Brigham Young University cable channel, carrying a performance of the National Anthem by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. Susan suggested – correctly, of course – that all sports events, from NASCAR to ballgames, should simply play a recording of that magnificent performance and stop the embarrassing nonsense of having the Anthem butchered by pop and country music “stylists” with no vocal range and ridiculous “interpretations.” - - - - - The farther-further dilemma is most easily resolved this way. If you're talking/writing about a distance that can be objectively measured (E.g., Alaska is FARTHER away than Nevada -- use the a-word. If the subject is not objectively measureable – E.g., more smoking will FURTHER damage your lungs -- u use u. - - - - - My friend the lovely Ms. Wong forwards from Toronto this brief essay … If a man cuts his
finger off while slicing salami at work, he blames the restaurant. - - - - -
Creative marketing department: This sign in a beauty salon window … ”DON'T WHISTLE AT THE GIRL LEAVING HERE; SHE MAY BE YOUR GRANDMOTHER.” July 6 –
Here we go again... - - - - -
Let's keep it simple. The housing crash
– and along with it, a large part of our ongoing economic crisis –
was brought about by this sort of activity: - - - - - Gratuitous advice to Mittens: Make up your damned mind whether socialized medicine Obama-style is a tax or a penalty, then shut the hell up about it.
- - - - -
Don't Hold Your Breath department ... Easiest prediction of the year: Big Media won't pursue Obama's evident use of a fake Social Security number for years. It was issued in Connecticut, which he had never even visited at the time of issue, and belonged to a person who was born in 1890. But the cover-up will continue. - - - - - I'm not surprised that the Supreme Court overthrew the law against lying about military heroism. If lying were outlawed, both the White House and Congress would be vacant lots. - - - - - Rock musician/political commentator Ted Nugent on the Justice Roberts decision ... " I was reminded of what my dad told me more than 50 years ago: Never trust a man who wears a black robe. He might be naked under there." - - - - - Further proof ofthe ancient adage that no good deed goes unpunished... A young Florida lifeguard was alerted that a swimmer was struggling and near-drowning in an unprotected part of the beach. He saved the man's life. For his trouble, he got fired. What's the cure for the muddle-headedness that led to his dismissal? No discussion. Simply fire any and all fools who came to this decision and since beating them senseless in the street is forbidden, they should be publicized and shunned by all civilized people. - - - - -
Andy Griffith died at age eighty-six at his home in North Carolina Tuesday. The thing that separates a great comedian like him is his sense of timing. Andy Griffith died right after shooting TV commercials assuring Americans that our health was in good hands under ObamaCare. – Argus Hamilton, JWR - - - - -
Always a contender for the title "Most Deceptive Advertising" ... any automobile ad that boasts about how many miles it gets on a tank of gas. Say WHAT?? That has meaning only if they tell you how many gallons the tank holds. Apparently this approach works with the mindless fool who will tell you how many miles he gets from a tankful of gasoline. Apparently the simple formula for determing miles-per-gallon, the IMPORTANT factor, eludes these people. When I hear such simple-minded nonsense in conversation, I immediately tune-out the perpetrator and look for someone else to engage, for I know I'm talking to a simpleton. - - - - - How's Obama propagandist David Gregory doing as host of NBC's “Meet the Press?” Ratings have it a 20-year low. Yet the leftist whoring continues to disgrace the once-respected NBC News reputation built by the likes of Chet Huntley and David Brinkley - - - - - All those straight women who fantasized
about CNN's Anderson
Cooper remind me of the young girls who used to share similar
fantasies about Michael Jackson. Apparently “gaydar” is something
that only works among males.
- - - - - Another tale of domestic bliss from the
Sky-guy …
A woman went to see a therapist and said, "I've got a big problem, doctor. Every time we're in bed and my husband climaxes, he lets out an outrageous yell!" "My dear," the doctor said, "That's completely natural. I don't see what the problem is." "The problem is," she complained... "he keeps waking me up!" July 7 – HARRY AND JOHN. A
you tell a Romney supporter from an Obama supporter?OBAMA'S STUNNING ECONOMIC FAILURE CONTINUES … … BUT STILL THE BENEFICIARY OF MEDIA MENDACITY Romney supporters sign their checks on the front. Obama supporters sign on the back. (A tweet making the rounds) - - - - -
THAT niiiiice! Harry Reid, the Democrat Senate leader says he's
planning a congratulatory call to Chief Justice Roberts ... says he's
very PROUD of him.
Let's hope that the suck-up Republican commentators who are trying to find a way to turn Roberts' treachery into a wonderfully devious political coup take note of this outpouring of affection from the biggest slimeball in the U. S. Senate. - - - - -
Unemployment at
8.2%? Bull(bleep)!
Anyone with functioning eyes, ears or both knows perfectly well the real rate is far, far higher. Even the government's own figures that include people without jobs who have become disheartened and quit looking – in other words, those who don't fit into that 8.2% – brings the total to almost 15%. Even the higher number doesn't include people who've already decided that freeloading on welfare is better than working, a cohort being exhorted by Obama's spending of taxpayer dollars on advertising to encourage more leeches to sign up for free food-stamps. “Make 'em dependent on you to keep the freebies coming and you're going to get their votes!” That's the whole Democrat political philosophy in a nutshell, and it's never had a more ardent practitioner than Barack Obama. - - - - -
Survey says …
Only 31% of likely voters think Obama is doing a good job of handling the economy, which IS the #1 issue, according to these same voters. Only 30% think the country is going in the right direction. Yet … Obama trails Romney by only two points in the survey by Rasmussen – and leads in several other polls. Are that many Americans so suicidal and dismissive of their own best interests? It's an astonishing disconnect. - - - - -
Whenever I point out an obvious Romney campaign blunder – the latest example being his total bungling of reaction to the Supreme Court decision on Obamacare – I hear from conservatives eager to remind me of Obama's gaffes. As if I weren't aware of them! The point is this: The supine Big Media will willfully ignore Obama's regular screw-ups, but they will headline – and mercilessly pound – any Romney blunder. That's the reality of present-day life in the political arena. Any Republican politician who isn't up to dealing with it should choose another line of work, because it is NOT going to change. - - - - -
Obama's self-obsessed egomania was on full display when the braggart said during one of his endless campaign speeches, “The bill I I I I I... passed,” referring to Obamacare. That's right: the stupid dupes masquerading as Democrat Congressmen (who didn't bother to read this legislative abortion) had nothing to do with passing it. HE did it, all by himself! - - - - -
Dan Sorkin forwards this quote from one of the founders of the nation ... "If men of wisdom and knowledge, of moderation and temperance, of patience, fortitude and perseverance, of sobriety and true republican simplicity of manners, of zeal for the honour of the Supreme Being and the welfare of the commonwealth; if men possessed of these other excellent qualities are chosen to fill the seats of government, we may expect that our affairs will rest on a solid and permanent foundation." - - Samuel Adams (1780) Now, pause for a moment and consider. Do you see those qualities in many -- or any -- of the inhabitants of the Klown Kollege in Washington, D.C.? - - - - -
Twelve people shot. That's the scoreboard for last night – yes, ONE NIGHT – in Chicago. Of course, liberals will twist themselves into pretzels trying to believe it's the fault of the guns, not the criminals who fired them; criminals who, for some reason, haven't chosen to participate in Chicago's gun “buy-back” program. And undoubtedly laugh at the suckers who do. - - - - -
Jeffrey Kuhner in the Washington Times rips the mask off the Obama era and the childish wishful thinking of some conservatives … “We now live in post-constitutional America. The rule of law has been replaced with arbitrary centralized government. The republic is dead. It has been strangled by President Obama and the Supreme Court. Upon its ruins, a socialist state is being erected. This is the real meaning of thecourt's recent decision to uphold Obamacare. The court majority, led by Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., declared the president’s signature health law valid. It is a major victory for Mr. Obama. His health care overhaul now has the high court's stamp of approval. “If he wins in November, nothing can stop its implementation. He will have succeeded in his fundamental goal: creating a permanent European-style welfare state. The middle class will be wedded to massive health care subsidies. Businesses will drop millions of employees from employer-based coverage, tossing them into government exchanges. The public will be saddled with a multitrillion-dollar entitlement. “Most importantly, the court's decision was revolutionary. The state can compel individuals to purchase any good, service or product - in this case, health insurance - against their will. The federal government can coerce citizens to engage in behavior it deems moral.” Clear enough? - - - - -
Jim Eason with an
observation on why so many Americans vote from a base of ignorance …
“I believe I have hit on part of the reason we are politically illiterate. “The 'mess' media insists on doing something really stupid in the name of "fairness." They invite a leftwinger and a rightwinger or a democrat and a republican to discuss the issue/issues. “Then the host allows all of the guests, or spokespeople, sometimes even people in the audience or on the phone...to all talk AT THE SAME TIME!!! Nobody is heard clearly, nothing can be understood. ( I've clocked thirty seconds or so of THREE people talking at once ) “The idiots involved in the show - host, producer, engineers, everyone - considers that show to have lots of ENERGY...lots of EXCITEMENT...all sides have been discussed.” Jim and I both know that one of the most insidious words in broadcasting is “energy.” Consultants and other know-it-alls hold it as the highest value. In practical terms, it means a lot of shouting. - - - - -
Pierre contributes some pertinent observations ... I thought you had to be on an Indian reservation to bet on America. With outsourcing, illegal immigrants may have to go overseas to do all the jobs Americans don’t want to do. They’re checking whether Arafat was poisoned so they can give his Nobel Peace Prize to whoever did that. Why is Obama asking if I have an offshore bank account? Will he tax me if I don’t have one? I don’t know why Obama ever thought he could be a good president. I hope whoever was his high school guidance counselor was fired. Has Obama considering solving unemployment through a not-having-a-job tax? -
- - - -
Two words with totally different meanings: FLOUT and FLAUNT. - - - - -
Dan Sorkin presents a heartwarming slice of life …
I took the wife to the disco last weekend. There was a guy on
the dance floor giving it his all...breakdancing, moonwalking, back
flips..."the works".
My wife said, "That guy proposed to me 25 years ago and I
turned him down."
I said, "Looks like he's still celebrating....!”
when the fight started.
OBAMA'S FAIRYTALE PROMISES; NO PAYOFF … A MEMORABLE VISIT WITH A LEGEND There are “tipping points” in any society in which public opinion directs events; a point beyond which an irreversible trend is established. California presently offers a useful object-lesson for the rest of the nation, which – under the guidance of a dysfunctional government – is largely following the same path. The most significant guidepost on that path is a voting majority consisting of people who have been made dependent on the government for social benefits, employment and/or favors granted to businesses, and labor unions whose leverage depends on government power as well as government employee unions themselves. The end of that road can be seen in the bankruptcy of the City of Stockton. Californians can see the future of the state in that city's unfortunate economic collapse. And the rest of the nation, in turn, can see its future in the ongoing economic disaster in California. Unless the ever-shrinking part of the population that pays the taxes to support the madness that is steadily enveloping the nation manages to stop it before their numbers are too small to halt the onslaught at the ballot box. If, that is, we haven't already passed that point. - - - - -
So Gov. Jerry brown and the wild-eyed Democrats in the California state legislature are going ahead with plans to build a high-speed railroad from nowhere to nowhere. A project California taxpayers can ill-afford in a bankrupt state. And who are the suckers who are going to buy the bonds to be issued for this exercise in utter idiocy? If such gullible folk are to be found, I have some stock in a Portugese lasagna mine available! - - - - -
Not to be forgotten ... "As a candidate, Obama promised to create five million new energy jobs alone, claimed that by the end of his first term his health care plan would 'bring down premiums by $2,500 for the typical family,' and guaranteed that his financial rescue plan would help 'stop foreclosures.' As president-elect, Obama informed us that he had asked two of his top economic advisers, Christina Romer and Jared Bernstein, to conduct a 'rigorous analysis' of his economic recovery plan. The report that he released predicted unemployment would not rise above 8 percent if the stimulus plan was passed. And in the first year of his presidency, Obama pledged to 'cut the deficit we inherited in half by the end of my first term in office, 'lift two million Americans from poverty, and jolt our economy back to life.'" -- Peter Wehner, Weekly Standard Seen any of those things happen -- or even come CLOSE to happening? - - - - -
Even the liberal-leaning New York Daily News blasts Obama in an editorial ... "President Obama and the rest of Washington ought to be treating this economic stall as the crisis it is Yet the President stuck to his out-of-touch, glass-half-full message — that any growth, no matter how feeble, is “a step in the right direction.” "As if barely treading water were a step in any direction at all. Obama also engaged in another round of fingerpointing — at the Bush administration, at Congress — that puts not a single paycheck in any worker’s pocket. "... it’s Obama’s job, as occupant of the most powerful office in the nation, to lead us out of the doldrums. And his excuses for not doing so are getting old." - - - - -
For the simple-minded who believe a heatwave and drought in part of the United States is reflective of "global warming" ... ... take note of this item from the London Express ... "BRITAIN is facing its worst ever summer with COLD WET weather ruining family holidays and blighting the Olympics. August is set to be a washout following a miserable July and the wettest June since records began – meaning summer is effectively over. "As the Environment Agency warned of a “potential danger to life” with rivers swelling to breaking point in the Midlands, Yorkshire and Wales, Government forecasters were on standby to brief the Cabinet if severe floods strike." - - - - -
Another true episode from a life in radio ... "The Last of the Red-hot Mamas" was what they called Sophie Tucker. She was one of the big stars of American show business for about half of the twentieth century. And she unwittingly almost caused the end of my modest broadcasting career on its very first day. My very first full-time job in radio was at one of the nation's truly awful radio stations, WTJS in Jackson, Tennessee, a pleasant town of about 30,000 at the time. The station was managed by two very pleasant men who were pure products of nepotism. Their family connections owned the local newspaper, which in turn owned the radio station. I was hired because I had the quality they most valued. I was cheap. What happened almost immediately is not atypical in the minor leagues of broadcasting. I was told I'd have a week of break-in time, coached by my predecessor who was leaving by his own choice. Instead, on my first night, when I'd barely begun to learn how the equipment worked (there was no engineer at the studio; it was and is called a "combo" station, a one-man operation) my "coach" told me that he was leaving immediately, joining a newly-acquired girlfriend who was a stripper with a carnival that had passed thru town. He intended to pursue a new career as a mouse-wheel operator with the carnival. (For the uninformed, a mouse-wheel was a common carnival gambling device. It consisted of a hollow round table with numbered holes in the top. A mouse would be released inside the table and players would bet on the numbered hole from which Mr. Mouse would emerge The mouse was rewarded with bread crumbs.) I controlled my panic at being suddenly left alone for the evening because we were already carrying that night's St. Louis Cardinals baseball game; I'd have time to give myself a crash-course in procedures. But then ... Cardinals' announcer Harry Caray started talking about a sudden thunderstorm in St. Louis and said, "We'll return to your local station until play resumes." That meant I was on my own. Now it IS time to panic. I raced to the music library and grabbed the first record I could get my hands on, then ran back to the control room, slapped it on a turntable, said something inane along the lines of "we'll listen to some music 'til the game starts again," and let fly with a record that came from a bin I later learned was labelled -- in very small letters -- "Never to be played on the air." Sophie Tucker began to sing one of the bawdy songs that had made her famous, about the tribulations of an older woman trying to find ... love, or something temporarily resembling it. "Coarse" would be a mild description of the lyrics, even today. Finally, the orchestra built to a crescendo, halted, and "The Last of the Red-hot Mamas" concluded with this lament about the limited assortment of males available to a woman of advancing years: " ... and you get so tired of those goddam Greeks!" (My late Greek business partner loved the song and this story.) My nerves were so wrecked I don't remember how I got thru the rest of the evening, sure I'd be fired after a one-day career. For some reason -- perhaps the co-managers, like most people, quit listening when the rains began -- the disaster was never mentioned. After that, I worked there for almost two years. Then I figured it was time to move on and up. It was an effort with several bumps in the road. I quit after three days at a horrible Oklahoma City stationm KOCY, and after one day at KOAM Radio in Pittsburg, Kansas. I did the weather on their TV station that night (what did I know about Kansas weather? Nothing) and drove away upon being informed I'd be working a six-day week for what I'd been told was a five-day job. I had $40 to my name and a full gas tank, so I was as independent as a hog on ice! Eventually I hooked up with ever-larger stations, including WDAF in Kansas City. I was doing a daily radio show, a weekly TV hour and an emcee job at a very elegant nightclub called Eddys', owned by the three Eddy brothers. I also did a twice-weekly ringside interview show on-air from the club. Eddys' brought in the big names on the nightclub circuit, I ate and drank on-the-house and shared a dressing room with the chorus girls (yes, they even had the kind of chorus line seen now only in a few Vegas shows) and life was pretty good! Now the coincidence. Sophie Tucker was making her farewell tour and did two weeks at Eddys'. Since I'd see her backstage every night, we became casual acquaintances. One night after the last show, she said, "Kid, I'm gonna have breakfast back at my hotel. Would you like to join me?" She was staying at Kansas City's landmark hotel, the Muehlebach, which had an all-night coffee shop. We settled into a booth for a memorable couple of hours. She regaled me with old-time showbiz stories about working with the legends of her day; people like Al Jolson, George Burns, Jack Benny and on and on. Finally, I told her about her role in my almost-very-brief career. She fairly bellowed with laughter. Since she already had shown a remarkable talent for both talking and smoking while eating scrambled eggs, I wasn't even surprised when her laughter splattered half-eaten scrambled eggs all over my gold lame' show-coat. It was worth far more than the cleaning bill to have spent an early, early morning with one of the legendary show business performers, "The Last of the Red-Hot Mamas." - - - - -
Heartiest congratulations to Congressman Barney Frank, 72, and James Read, 42, on their marriage. It is not clear which, if either, wore white for the nuptials. After the ceremony, Mr. Read was overheard muttering, “I feel old age creeping up on me.” No word as to who gave the bride away or, indeed, which was the bride. Rumor has it that on their wedding night, they held hands and watched the Alfred Hitchcock classic movie, “Rear Window” before retiring and consummating their love. - - - - -
Argus Hamilton of Jewish World Review notes that the Social Security Administration revealed there are eight million Americans now receiving disability. There are also fifty million on food stamps. They wanted a source of income more stable than the dividend checks they were getting for owning solar panel factories. - - - - - John e-mails thusly ...
"A television doctor said to have inner peace we should always finish things we start, & we all could use more calm in our lives.I looked around my house to find things I'd started & hadn't finished, so I finished off a bottle of Merlot, a bottle of Chardonnay, a bodle of Baileys, a butle of wum, tha mainder of Valiuminun scriptins, an a boxa chocletz. "Yu haf no idr how fablus I feel rite now. Sned this tu all who need inner piss an telum u luvum. Hop uhadu nize Phorth of Julie."
A reminder that
needs to be circulated to your friends, because the Big Media will
keep a lid on it ...THE CONFUSING CLASH OF THE GIANT POLLS … OBAMA: INCOMPETENCE OR TREACHERY? The modest increase in the cost of Medicare for 2013 will seem like good news after we get the 2014 increase of over 230%. The per person Medicare Insurance Premium will increase from the present Monthly Fee of $104.20 rising to: $120.20 in 2013 ... $247.00 in 2014. This is incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to confuse voters with the facts before the 2012 Obama re-election campaign. Then, of course, there's another factor being ignored by the media. In anticipation of having to deal with an even worse government bureaucracy, doctors are planning to quit in droves. Indeed, many are already warning their patients to find another doctor, “...because I won't be here.” - - - - -
Another canny Mark Steyn perception in National Review Online ... "Obituaries for the late Andy Griffith generally glossed over his career finale as a pitchman for Obamacare. But he was a canny choice to sell the unsellable, for is not 'health care reform' the communitarian virtues of beloved small-town Mayberry writ large? The problem is you can’t write Mayberry large. And, if you attempt it, it leads not to Mayberry but to(bankrupt) Stockton, Calif., and to a corrupt, dysfunctional swamp. A large Sweden is a contradiction in terms. It cannot be done, and the more determinedly you try to do it, the more you will preside over a ruined wasteland. The road to hell isn’t paved at all, and the street lamps went out long ago." - - - - -
The bottom-line
evaluation of Barack Obama comes to a choice based purely on 3 ½
years of actual results: He is either (A) incompetent; not up to the
Big Job,
or (B) deliberately sabotaging both the economy and values upon which
the nation was built.There's often a disparity between polls of the general public and those that include only the views of likely – based on their record – voters. But seldom is the gap as wide as this, reported by The Hill political newsletter … “Two-thirds of likely voters say President Obama has kept his 2008 campaign promise to change America — but it’s changed for the worse, according to a sizable majority. “A new poll for The Hill found 56 percent of likely voters believe Obama’s first term has transformed the nation in a negative way, compared to 35 percent who believe the country has changed for the better under his leadership.” In no way does this square with other polls showing a neck-and-neck race. With a large majority thinking Obama is wrecking the nation, half still want him re-elected? Does … not … compute. - - - - -
Meantime, the Democratic Party is edging toward an impossible dilemma in which they can no longer borrow money without raising taxes even more than voters will tolerate. The cliché, like most cliches, is true: liberal economics only works until you run out of other people's money to spend. - - - - -
Recommended reading at The American Spectator website: Jed Babbin's view of Romney, from which a few words here … “There are two big factors behind the sinking confidence in Romney. First is his unwillingness to engage on issues other than the economy. Second is the lack of Romney's ideological focus. “Romney's choice of a running mate or any replacement of key campaign staff can't overcome the reason for his basic weakness. It all comes down to him, and he has to find it in himself to connect with voters before the Republican Convention in late August. If he can't build a strong campaign momentum going into the convention it will be hard, if not impossible, to do so later.” - - - - -
It speaks – no, SCREAMS – volumes that the best reason the Obamunists can find for hating Mitt Romney is – gasp!! – he's successful! Even worse, he did it without being on the government payroll!! In the Liberal Hall of Infamy, that is a sin above all others. - - - - -
Just asking … Is it an Obama “war on women” when we learn that 780,000 fewer women are now employed than when he took office? - - - - -
A case of the screaming “me-me's” … “Speaking in Sandusky, Ohio on July 5, President Barack Obama used the first-person pronouns 'I' and 'me' a combined 117 times in a speech that lasted about 25 minutes and 32 seconds.” – CNS News -- - - - - -
Professor Walter Williams thinks we've already had overkill in the "college for everyone" crusade advocated by Obama ... "A good part of our higher education problem, explaining its spiraling cost, is that a large percentage of students currently attending college are ill-equipped and incapable of doing real college work. They shouldn't be there wasting their own resources and those of their families and taxpayers. "Syndicated columnist Robert Samuelson said recently that "the college-for-all crusade has outlived its usefulness. Time to ditch it. Like the crusade to make all Americans homeowners, it's now doing more harm than good." "Up to 45% of incoming freshmen require remedial courses in math, writing or reading. That's despite the fact that colleges have dumbed-down courses so that the students they admit can pass them. "Colleges should refuse admission to students who are unprepared to do real college work. That would not only help reveal shoddy primary and secondary education but also reduce the number of young people making unwise career choices. Sadly, that won't happen. College administrators want warm bodies to bring in money." -- Investors.com -- - - - - -
If Romney wins in November, he'd better be very, very sure that his first Supreme Court nominee isn't a turncoat like Roberts. Jay Leno -- "In the big annual congressional baseball game between the Democrats and Republicans, the Democrats won 18-5. Of course the Democrats won. Did you see who the umpire was? Chief Justice John Roberts." - - - - -
Russian bombers repeatedly crossing into U. S. airspace in Alaska clearly present a case of Putin poking Obama in the ribs and saying, “What're you gonna do about it, punk?” - - - - -
This is the nation we're going to CIVILIZE?! KABUL (Reuters) - A man Afghan officials say is a member of the Taliban shot dead a woman accused of adultery in front of a crowd near Kabul, a sign that the austere Islamist group dictates law even near the Afghan capital. In the three-minute video, a turban-clad man approaches a woman kneeling in the dirt and shoots her five times at close range with an automatic rifle, to cheers of jubilation from the 150 or so men watching in a village in Parwan province. As the shooter gets closer to the woman, a man says, "It is the order of Allah that she be executed". When the unnamed woman, most of her body tightly wrapped in a shawl, fell sideways after being shot several times in the head, the spectators chanted: "Long live the Afghan mujahideen!” And the crowd of gathered Afghan males laughed as the woman was murdered. - - - - -
Happy 100th birthday to the boom-town of Whitman, North Dakota, celebrating its Centennial. That's Whitman, North Dakota … population – 2. - - - - -
Another city out of money. Scranton, Pennsylvania, has hit the wall financially and the mayor has cut the salary of every city employee, including himself, to the minimum-wage level of $7.25 an hour. The city employee union is suing, naturally. Perhaps they've never heard of the difficulty of obtaining blood from a turnip. - - - - -
The Sky-guy contributes today's list … Things You Don't Want To Hear During Surgery ... *Oops! *Has anyone seen my watch? *That was some party last night. I can't remember when I've been that drunk. * Damn! Page 47 of the manual is missing! *Okay, now take a picture from this angle. That is truly a freak of nature. *Better save that. We'll need it for the autopsy. *Wait a minute, if this is his hip, then what's that? *Hand me that...uh...that uh...thingie. *If I can just remember how they did this on ER last week ... * Damn, there go the lights again! *I wish I hadn't forgotten my glasses. *What do you mean he wasn't in for a sex change? *I don't know what it is, but hurry up and pack it in ice! *FIRE! FIRE! Everyone get out! OBAMACARE: MORE PROMISES THAN
VP PROGNOSTICATIONS POINT TOWARD PORTMAN HE PARKS HIS MONEY? ... The vital point to remember about Obamacare: Just because the government says you have "coverage" does not automatically mean there will be a doctor available who can -- or will -- deliver actual medical care. A piece of legislation doesn't translate into assurance that there will be a doctor at your bedside. And the doctor shortage continues to grow. - - - - -
Britain, of course, has a government-run healthcare system, which Obamacare would largely resemble. Consider this item from Britain's Daily Mail newspaper as a possible preview of life -- and death -- in America ... "Hospitals may be withholding food and drink from elderly patients so they die quicker to cut costs and save on bed spaces, leading doctors have warned. "Thousands of terminally ill people are placed on a 'care pathway' every year to hasten the ends of their lives. But in a letter to the Daily Telegraph, six doctors who specialise in elderly care said hospitals across the UK could be using the controversial practice to ease the pressure on resources." - - - - -
Are there actually still Americans who haven't figured out that Obama's entire political strategy can be encapsulated in three word? They are: Expand ... government ... dependency. - - - - -
If he had an honest facet to his character, Obama might recognize that more people are offended by the millions of taxpayer dollars he's blown on his family's lavish vacations than are concerned about what Mitt Romney has done with money he's actually earned. If Mr. Romney has broken any laws or IRS regulations, charge him. Since that hasn't happened, reasonable people must conclude that Obama's obsession -- or envy -- is simply cheap political sniping. But you knew that, didn't you? - - - - -
Obama's typical leftist obsession with equality of income, regardless of ability or effort, as the highest of social values is remindful of a story from the darkest days of the old Soviet Union when peasant farmers were restricted to the state-run communal farms, with limited space or opportunity for providing food for their own families. A farmer, dedicated Communist, reported to the local commissar that his neighbor had somehow acquired a goat to produce milk for his children. The sympathetic commissar said, “What do you want me to do? Get a goat for you, as well?” “Oh, no,” said the loyal peasant. “I want you to kill my neighbor's goat!” - - - - -
Even the liberal Washington Post's “Fact Checker” says Obama's campaign is lying – well, they prefer “misleading” – about the tax rate paid by Mitt Romney. Question for Romney and his campaign strategists: Why should the public depend upon an Obama-supporting liberal newspaper to call attention to his lies? Why aren't YOU doing it? Another example of bringing a knife to a gunfight. Pathetic. Worthy of the McCain or Dole operation. - - - - -
Senator Rob Portman of Ohio seems to be shaping up as the short-odds favorite for the VP slot because ... well, because he's from the vital state of Ohio. While nothing has been found that would disqualify him, he displays little of the charismatic fire that seems needed by the starchy Romney campaign. But maybe the nation's had enough charisma (unaccompanied by ability) for awhile. Why not Rick Santorum, the runner-up for the nomination? Simple. Can you imagine how easy it would be for the Obama campaign to produce anti-Romney commercials out of nothing more than video clips of Santorum attacking Mitt during the primary campaign? - - - - -
While an accounting of states that elected Republican governors has, in every instance, shown a lowered their unemployment rate, we get a reminder of where left-wing governors place their priorities. In Massachusetts, the state legislature tried to stop the use of food stamps to purchase such things as manicures, tattoos, guns, porn, body piercings, jewelry, and bail. Arch-liberal governor Deval Patrick vetoed that legislation. - - - - -
Perhaps somebody in Sacramento will pass this information along to California Gov. Jerry Brown. CNBC reports that a net 31,000 residents left the state of Maryland between 2007 and 2010, the tenure of a "millionaire's tax" pushed through by Gov. Martin O'Malley. The tax, which expired in 2010, imposed a rate of 6.25 percent on incomes of more than $1 million a year. The study found that the tax cost Maryland $1.7 billion in LOST tax revenues. Biggest beneficiary: Florida, which has no state income tax. Got that, Jerry ... Barack? JFK figured it out a half-century ago. Higher tax RATES reduce actual tax REVENUES. - - - - -
The Breitbart news organization has a flash for the simple-minded dolts who believe the Obama-promoted nonsense about how we and the Muslims have so much in common ... "A group with ties to the United Muslim Nations International has released a 23 page booklet titled, "The Global Islamic Civilization: The Power of a Nation Revived." And in it, they put forth plans to 'wipe Christianity from the face of the earth'" "Sheik Farook al-Mohammedi, the leader of the group, has made his intentions clear: 'Christianity should be destroyed and wiped from the face of the earth [because] it is an evil, demonic and Anti-Christ system. The Revived Global Caliphate has set eyes on the West to once and for all rid the world of Christianity and there is nothing you can do about it.'" Clear enough, "diversity" fans? - - - - -
Investors Business Daily spotlights another piece of Obama treachery … “In pursuit of a world without nuclear weapons, the president finalizes plans to decimate our nuclear deterrent and reduce our warhead count beyond even treaty commitments. “President John F. Kennedy once said of those who would oppose us: 'We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed.' That was the longstanding reason for our nuclear deterrence strategy. “President Obama has decided that indeed we are going to tempt them with weakness. According to an Associated Press report on conversations with current and former administration officials, Obama is finalizing plans, perhaps to be released later this month, to cut the U.S. nuclear arsenal to between 1,000 and 1,100 warheads with the goal 'in the longer term, (of) eliminating nuclear weapons.'" Did Obama's avowed Communist mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, never explain to his eager pupil that nothing that has ever been invented has ever been UN-invented? Yet that fantasy is at the core of liberal belief that nuclear weapons can be made to disappear from the world. Or does Obama really want the nuclear deterrent to be eliminated from OUR part of the world? If you truly believe Barack Obama would defend this nation from either Muslim or Communist aggression, I envy your convictions, but I do not share them. - - - - -
The estimable Victor Davis Hanson perceives that for both opponents and proponents, the Obama thrill is gone ... "Examine any current topic — green jobs, the Chevy Volt, cash for clunkers, the stimulus, tax hikes, ObamaCare, unemployment, amnesty, the debt, the deficits, race relations — and more or less incoherence follows. Either things have gotten worse or what Obama says is either untrue or not consistent with what he earlier had asserted. The result is that when he starts one of those long teleprompted orations, with the dropped g’s and the faux-African-American preaching patois, we still are impressed how the cadences can package the rather empty content and serial half-truths. "None of the above means that Barack Obama is necessarily going to lose the election, and here is why, given the following paradoxes. There are roughly now two groups of tune-outs: the first are the 50% who are either partisan opponents or who have had it with a president who does not speak the truth and blames his own failures on others. "The second are the 50% who likewise don’t pay much attention to Obama’s rhetoric anymore, but they assume that mortgage bailouts; loan forgiveness; massive public hiring; more food stamps, unemployment insurance, and disability payments; freedom from income tax; racial and class resentments; and more still all offer, for the poorer, welcome material, and, for the richer, psychic and philosophical, recompense." - - - - -
That's Rich! A short trip down memory lane ... Mark Rich was a convicted criminal who had fled the country ... Bill Clinton pardoned him on his last day in the White House. Some suspected the pardon was a result of heavy campaign contributions funneled thru Rich's ex-wife, Denise, who was a music promoter and sometime songwriter. Denise has a lot of money. And she intends to keep it. So she's denounced her U.S. citizenship to save millions in taxes. She has Austrian citizenship and that country, like most, gives big tax breaks to citizens who spend half the year outside its borders, which she is well-prepared to do with residences all over the world and a large ocean-going yacht. It appears her new legal address may be in the Cook Islands, a tax haven that reportedly makes Swiss bankers seem like the town gossips. - - - - -
As the campaign season heats up, this dictionary/translation of political terms may prove useful … DEMOCRAT REPUBLICAN Delicate Wetlands Swamp Undocumented Worker Illegal Alien Your Fair Share Coerced Theft Non-viable Tissue Mass Unborn Baby Equal Access to Opportunity Socialism Multicultural Community High Crime Area Progressive, Change Big Government Scheme Sniper Rifle Deer Rifle with scope Investment For the Future Higher Taxes Healthcare Reform Socialized Medicine Extremist, or Hater Conservative Victim or Oppressed Criminal or Lazy Good-For-Nothing Religious Zealot Attends Church Fair Trade Coffee Overpriced Yuppie Coffee Exploiters or "The Rich " Employed or Land Owner Accepted Fact Horse-pucky WOULD YOU RATHER HAVE A U.S. DOLLAR OR
THE GALLOPING GOVERNMENT GIVEAWAYS ... IF OBAMA & ROMNEY SHOULD TIE Read and learn ... Democrats are trying to make hay of Mitt Romney having some of his money in Swiss banks. Leftist nutcake Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois suggested it might be because -- GASP!! -- Romney might " think the Swiss franc is a stronger currency than the United States dollar." Of COURSE it's stronger than the inflated U.S. dollar! Anyone with access to a computer can quickly track the value of Swiss currency versus the dollar. Here's a rough guide. In 1970 it took 4.73 Swiss francs to buy one dollar. In 1980, 1.67. In 1990, 1.39. In 2000, 1.69. As of yesterday, less than one franc exchanged for a dollar, or to put it another way, a single Swiss franc was worth $1.02. In 1970 it was worth about 22 cents. That's the pure result of an inflated dollar declining in value -- in short, printing too many bucks to give away in foolish government programs. Wouldn't any sane person agree the historical record shows that the inflation-averse Swiss have done a far better job of maintaining the integrity of their money? PS--Dick Durbin was, and remains, an idiot. - - - - -
This is what is meant by Obama's policy of encouraging government dependency via government giveaway programs. A dozen years ago, about 17 million Americans received food stamps. Today, the figure is 46 million, largely because of lowered eligibility standards and, even now, an aggressive advertising campaign costing millions of taxpayer dollars to encourage even more freeloading. What happens at election time when we reach the point where there are more takers than payers? The answer is obvious. - - - - -
Are some media liberals growing wary of possibly betting on a dead horse? Here's Michael Gerson in the liberal Washington Post ... "One would think, given so much practice, that the Obama White House would have been better prepared for last week's wretched jobs report. "Instead, we witnessed the five stages of bad public relations. Delusion: It was a 'step in the right direction.' Dismissiveness: Don't 'read too much into any one monthly report. Grudging acceptance: 'It's still tough out there.' Cliché: 'There are no quick fixes.' Self-pity: 'I suspect that most people in Cincinnati would acknowledge that I've tried real hard" "I suspect that most people in Cincinnati and elsewhere would prefer an economic strategy that consists of something more than blame shifting and the systematic lowering of expectations. "Obama is showing signs of ideological exhaustion. He seems incapable of producing an economic agenda equal to his political challenge. " ... Obama could well suffer a Carter-like collapse, circa 1980. Not because of an ideological shift but a simple, collective judgment: He did not deliver recovery." ... IN THE WASHINGTON POST! - - - - -
It is highly unlikely, but possible, that the presidential electoral vote could end in a tie. If it does? Then the House delegation for each state must decide on how to cast each state's ONE vote ... and that decides the winner. Twenty-six votes are required to win. The Senate would then select the Vice-President on the basis of one vote per senator, thus requiring 51 to win. In each instance, it is the newly-elected Congress that votes. - - - - -
From Bloomberg biznews ... "San Bernardino may become the third California city in two weeks to file for municipal bankruptcy protection, as it struggles with declining tax revenue, growing employee costs and ill-timed public-works projects." A major culprit, as usual -- government employee unions, whose demands made the city go broke. - - - - -
Unintended humor ... Yesterday Attorney General Eric Holder addressed the NAACP National Convention in Houston, Texas. In order to enter, media personnel had to produce two forms of identification. That's right. Photo ID was required in order to attend a speech by the racist Holder, who is opposed to a requirement that such identification be required in order to vote. - - - - -
Obama complains about alleged out-sourcing by companies owned for Romney's former company, Bain Capital, but consider this from the liberal, Obama-supporting Washington Post: "From 2008 to 2010 (Obama's first two years in office), U.S. trade with China alone cost about 450,000 American jobs." And where are most of those Government Motors cars being built? And who's the biggest buyer of GM cars? The federal government. And didn't the deal to "save" Chrysler make it a virtual gift to Fiat of Italy? Obama counts Ford as one of his success stories, but Ford never participated in the "stimulus" program and the government had nothing to do with Ford's survival. - - - - -
Maybe it isn't a requirement that one be a pathological liar to be part of the Obama regime, but it obviously helps. One example: Obama's Transportation Secretary, Ray LaHood, said Obama "made the hybrid car possible." It should be remembered that the Prius and other hybrids were around for years before most Americans had ever heard of Barack Obama. - - - - -
A point to ponder from Founder's Quote Daily ... "To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it." -- Thomas Jefferson, 1816. Since Jefferson is regarded as a founder of the Democratic Party, one might wonder how many of today's Democrats are familiar with that observation. - - - - -
Reader Greg observes ... "It has been found that the polar caps on the planet Mars are shrinking. Hmmm ... I guess all of those illegal aliens that (Arizona Governor) Jan Brewer shooed away back to Mexico must have moved to Mars and are building coal fired power plants there to keep warm during the harsh Martian Winters." - - - - -
... and this from Roseville Phil, who takes note of the horrendous murder rate in Chicago -- 275 already in this year -- and reflects on Mayor Rahm Emanuel's past as a ballet dancer ... "With all the murders and high crime rate, why doesn't the former ballet stud establish a 'Midnight Ballet league?'" - - - - -
Heard twice in one minute on TV ... Patina, referring to the coating that develops on metal over a period of oxidation, pronounced "Pah-TEE-nah." Most dictionaries now accept it, but "PAT-in-uh" is still preferred. - - - - -
Hoist on my own petard ... A couple of days ago I inadvertently left out the second "u" in the word Portuguese. An astute and observant reader was quick to correct my typo. Profuse apologies to all with ties to the pleasant country of Portugal. And let me recommend the charming town of Cascais to any fortunate enough to travel there. It's a little slice of heaven. The Hotel Albatroz, where Prince Rainier and Princess Grace honeymooned, is a marvel of unpretentious elegance. - - - - -
Sexism. It has its ups and downs. The mayor of a small town in Germany ordered that standard-size parking places be reserved for male drivers on the grounds that they are better at the task Sexist? Okay. But the mandate includes a provision that women get (A) wider spaces that are (B) located nearer business entrances in (C) better-lighted, therefore safer, areas. - - - - -
Jim Mullen of Jewish World Review provides his UN-bucket list; things he DOESN'T want to do before he goes toes-up ... Visit North Korea. Paint my body and go shirtless to a football game. Appear on a reality show. Unless it's about lottery winners. Visit any spring-break town during spring break. Eat disgusting food on purpose. Skydive. There has to be an easier way to get more legroom than jumping out of the plane Climb rocks. It looks like a good way to get hurt. - - - - -
Dan provides another "fight" story ... My wife sat down next to me as I was flipping channels. She asked, "What's on TV?" I said, "Dust." And then the fight started... DEBBIE ABROAD (one word) -- A
WASSERMAN (Schultz) TEST ...
ANOTHER PYRAMID SCHEME WITH NO WINNERS... A WORD FOR MS. RICH, EX-AMERICAN Two-faced phony leftist hypocrite department ... "Disclosure forms reveal that Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, a member of Congress from Florida, previously held funds with investments in Swiss banks, foreign drug companies, and the state bank of India. This revelation comes mere days after the Democratic chair attacked presumptive Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney for holding money in Swiss bank accounts in the past. "'Americans need to ask themselves, why does an American businessman need a Swiss bank account and secretive investments like that?" the DNC chair, a chief surrogate for President Obama's reelection team, said on Fox News Sunday this past weekend." -- The Weekly Standard -- Also in the news: Just last year, Nancy Pelosi, who's certainly in a position to know about legislation that might benefit China and other Asian countries, made millions on investments in those countries. - - - - -
How crazy are the Islamists? This crazy. Now they're pushing for the destruction of the pyramids and the other monuments that are THE attraction for tourists who visit Egypt and who make up a major part of the Egyptian economy. Think they won't do it? They've already destroyed ancient and historic shrines in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Mali. Pure evil, destructive savagery by a pseudo-religion that wants a return to the tenth century. - - - - -
"Annie Get Your Gun" -- the (non)-musical. Ann Coulter levels the charge that many of us knew, talked and wrote about all along, but the gutless Republicans have shied away from making ... "Until someone can tell us otherwise, there is only one explanation for why President Obama's Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives gave thousands of guns to Mexican drug dealers: It put guns in their hands to strengthen liberals' argument for gun control. "Precisely because this is such a jaw-dropping accusation -- criminality at the highest level of government to score a political point -- Republicans refuse to make it. "Liberals have been dying to reinstate the so-called 'assault weapons' ban, but they haven't been able to for political reasons. A typically idiotic Democratic scheme, the 'assault weapons' ban prohibited the sale of semiautomatics that are operationally indistinguishable from deer rifles, but which looked scary to liberal women. "Obama had barely unpacked at the White House when he ... started railing about how our lax gun control laws were putting guns in the hands of Mexican drug cartels. "The claim was preposterous for many reasons, including the fact that the type and quantity of armaments being used by Mexican drug cartels can be obtained only from places such as North Korea, China, Russia, Venezuela and Guatemala." -- Complete article at HumanEvents.com under "Editor's Choice" -- - - - - -
Democrat politicians are such liars -- and their stupid followers so delusional -- they continue to bellow about outsourcing of jobs by Bain Capital twenty years ago. The FACT is ... that story originated with the left-wing Washington Post and that paper's own fact-checker exposed it as a lie. But the mindless cattle who make up the bulk of the Democratic rank-and-file (a term that, in itself, indicates robotic behavior) continue to lap it up. - - - - -
Denise Rich is, well, RICH. And wants to remain so. The woman who gave very generously to Bill Clinton's campaign and presidential library -- and some have hinted that she may have given ol' Bill even more personal favors -- and is alleged to have bought a Clinton pardon for her fugitive criminal husband ... has now aroused great indignation by renouncing her U.S. citizenship to save millions of dollars in taxes. Among those most offended: Democrats who benefited from her largesse. At the risk incurring displeasure from both right and left, I would remind one and all of the oft-quoted words of Judge Learned Hand, who spoke of a taxpayer's obligations: "Anyone may arrange his affairs so that his taxes shall be as low as possible; he is not bound to choose that pattern which best pays the treasury. There is not even a patriotic duty to increase one's taxes. Over and over again the Courts have said that there is nothing sinister in so arranging affairs as to keep taxes as low as possible. Everyone does it, rich and poor alike and all do right, for nobody owes any public duty to pay more than the law demands." Ms. Rich, whatever opinion one may hold regarding her renunciation (she also has Austrian citizenship), is only doing what a growing number of wealthy Americans are doing. Faced with a growing tax burden, largely brought about by Democrat politicians buying votes from the proletariat, they are simply voting with their feet. - - - - -
Booze, drugs, women, a "mood disorder" (?!); whatever ails Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr., of Chicago, long absent from his duties in Congress with only vague and conflicting explanations from staff, family and friends, it has probably derailed any higher ambitions. One report has it that he's in a well-known celebrity rehabilitation facility for drunks and druggies in Tucson, not far from my home. It's so popular with rich celebrities, a woman who works at the airport told me some are flying in so often, they're practically on a first-name basis with them. - - - - -
From Ricochet ... David Gelernter, professor of computer science at Yale and author, most recently, of America-Lite: How Imperial Academia Dismantled Our Culture (and Ushered In the Obamacrats), interviewed by Dennis Prager and responding to the question, "If the academics ran America, what would happen?" "Look around you. You would have people graduating from high school and from college who know no American history, who have no concept of what this nation is for and what it achieved, who have no concept of what the nation stands for, why it should inspire them, why they should take care of it, why it’s any different from Denmark or Norway or Portugal. "You’d have students graduating with no grasp of literature, having barely glanced at any of the great and deep artistic and spiritual traditions of the West. You’d have students graduating in this country that emerged from the Bible, this biblical republic, who’ve never opened the Bible in their lives and who’ve been taught that it is toxic. You’d have students emerging from colleges like Yale with ideas that families as traditionally constituted are the problem and that the sooner we can do away with them the better, and that heterosexuality is one random choice on a very long and growing list. Look around you and you can see exactly what would happen. It HAS happened and it’s a tragedy." -- Thanks, Gordon -- - - - - -
How surprised would you be if a terrorist attack occurred at the London Olympic Games? I'll be pleasantly surprised if it DOESN'T happen, despite the huge -- and costly -- prevention effort by the Brits. - - - - -
Americans seem to be wising up to the lying liars who infest television news. The Gallup poll finds that only 21% of Americans express confidence that they're getting the straight scoop from the Talking Heads of TV. That's down from 27% last year and 46% when Gallup began asking people about it back in 1993. Take it from one who's worked among them for decades: Even that 21% figure is too high to be justified. It's a rare Big Media newsroom that doesn't function as a liberal propaganda mill. - - - - -
As an ABC alumnus (twenty-five years) I look with dismay upon the havoc wreaked among the formerly-successful radio stations owned by that prestigious broadcasting brand. I write of the stations owned and operated by ABC, not the affiliates which have only a contractual connection enabling them to carry the network's programs. The latest ratings show that, under Cumulus Broadcasting ownership, the ABC stations are dying. In New York, WABC is in 13th place. Ditto WLS in Chicago. WBAP, Dallas-Ft. Worth is 19th. KGO in San Francisco is mired in 13th place; KSFO is 20th. A dismal performance by two stations that, between the two, were the Bay Area giants for more than fifty years. - - - - -
Let's hear it for horniness! Pauline Potter used to weigh 643 pounds. That was when she won the title of World's Fattest Woman last fall. Now she's lost hundreds of those pounds ... says she burned beaucoup calories by having sex marathons with her ex-husband. No word as to how much weight HE lost -- or why he's the EX-husband. However, speculation is encouraged. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "With Obamacare, people will have to have health insurance. The same way every driver in California has car insurance." (Non-Californians: That's the joke. If you get hit by another car on a California highway, the chances are pretty high that the driver will be uninsured -- and maybe an illegal alien, as well.) WHY WAS OBAMA A NO-SHOW AT NAACP
PROSPERITY, LIKE MORALITY, A MATTER OF GEOGRAPHY ... POLLS VARY IN CONTENT: WHAT TO WATCH Why should black Americans be, as reported, "puzzled" by Obama's failure to show up at the NAACP's national convention? I know ... you know ... they know and above all, HE knows; Obama most assuredly CAN take their votes for granted. Complexion rather than content is the major motivation. - - - - -
Joe Biden, the blithering idiot currently disgracing the office of Vice-President, attacks Romney and Republicans as favoring those "rich folks' private schools." This particular lying hypocrite went to high school at Archmere Academy, which describes itself as a private, Catholic, college-prep high school. So did at least one of his sons. Current tuition there is $21,825 per year. Tell us some more 'bout how you identify with them po' folks, Joe! - - - - -
So the Marxist in the White House doesn't think Venezuela's raving communist dictator Chavez represents a threat to our national security. Those photos of Chavez cozying-up with Iran's Ahmadenijad mean nothing, and neither do Iran's plans for missile bases in Venezuela. After all, they're only meant to defend Chavez from powerful, evil ... Belize. Or maybe those warlike Costa Ricans. Or mighty Guatemala. - - - - -
Survey says ... 54% of American Adults consider $50,000 a year middle income, while 32% describe it as lower income. (Rasmussen Reports) Depends, of course, upon where you live. In rural Alabama and many other places, fifty grand would enable one to live quite well. In cities like New York, LA or San Francisco, you'd be looking up at the middle-class from below. ... and ... From the same poll ... only 21% of Likely U.S. Voters nationwide think it’s discriminatory to require all voters to prove their identity before being allowed to vote. Seventy-three percent (73%) disagree and say such a requirement does not discriminate against some voters. That's consistent with past polling on the topic. - - - - -
How figures lie, and liars figure ... A new Pew Research poll shows Obama leading Romney among registered voters, 50%-43%. The details, however, show that the survey included 837 Democrats to only 636 Republicans. Think that just might have something to do with the outcome? Another factor to watch for as you peruse polls. There are polls of the general population ... polls of registered voters ... and polls of LIKELY voters who have a demonstrated record of actually voting. The latter, of course, are more reliable. Fact is, if you don't vote ... you don't count. - - - - -
The gullible dopes who actually want government-run health care probably won't hear or care about this information unearthed by The Daily Caller ... "The nonpartisan Fraser Institute reported that 46,159 Canadians sought medical treatment outside of Canada in 2011, as wait times increased 104 percent — more than double — compared with statistics from 1993. "Specialist physicians surveyed across 12 specialties and 10 provinces reported an average total wait time of 19 weeks between the time a general practitioner refers a patient and the time a specialist provides elective treatment — the longest they have ever recorded." ... and that's the latest on government-run health care. Consider: Your doctor refers you to a specialist. Your wait is almost FIVE MONTHS. That's today in Canada. In the U.S., if Obamacare stands ... you ain't seen NOTHIN' yet! - - - - -
Now that the Freeh Commission report (led by the former head of the FBI) makes it clear that the late Coach Joe Paterno was eyeball-deep in the coverup of child molestation by Assistant Coach Jerry Sandusky dating back as far as 1998, I wonder when I can expect apologies from Penn State fans who have assailed me for suggesting that Paterno's elevation to sainthood might be a bit premature. I am not, however, holding my breath. Is somebody at Penn State still trying to cover up the Jerry Sandusky child-molesting scandal, as did the late Coach Paterno? The Philadelphia Inquirer reports ... "The handful of students and alumni that gathered in Penn State's student center to watch the release of the Freeh report live were stunned when the channel suddenly switched. "But, just as an anchor was ready to speak about the report, the television screens suddenly went blank. They then turned to a public access channel featuring a reporter from The Morning Call newspaper in Allentown about the state budget. "Several students went to speak with a student working at the main desk at the student center. But the student said a university employee was in charge of what is broadcast. That person, the student said, was in a meeting and could not be reached." - - - - -
Just for the record, Bain Capital has issued this statement: "Mitt Romney left Bain Capital in February 1999 to run the Olympics and has had absolutely no involvement with the management or investment activities of the firm or with any of its portfolio companies since the day of his departure. Due to the sudden nature of Mr. Romney's departure, he remained the sole stockholder for a time while formal ownership was being documented and transferred to the group of partners who took over management of the firm in 1999. Accordingly, Mr. Romney was reported in various capacities on SEC filings during this period." Further ... the story being peddled by the desperate Obamunists originated in the Washington Post, whose OWN FACT-CHECKER denounced it as a lie. But that doesn't deter the Obama crowd from using it. - - - - -
As the mystery deepens regarding Cong. Jesse Jackson, Jr., Len has an explanatory haiku ... Where's Jesse Junior? He's hiding from the gunfire. Chicago's not safe ! - - - - -
Remember all that bull-bleep when Cumulus Broadcasting, currently destroying ABC Radio, announced that their new Mike Huckabee talk-show was going to put Rush out of business? Not happening. In point of fact, the ratings show that -- as any sane broadcasting professional should've expected -- Rush is killing Huck. - - - - -
Suggestion for NASCAR from a fan (me) whose interest is diminishing ... Stop burning up laps under the caution flag. If the problem that instigated the caution requires more than three laps to repair or remove, red-flag the race and stop the cars until it's fixed. You're cheating the fans, a bad move when your attendance is already way down because of the Obama depression ( that's what Joe Biden said -- depression!). - - - - -
Stella Paul writes at The American Thinker about some of the things she misses in the Obama era ... o Going for minutes, hours, even days, without worrying about what weird insanity the government is dreaming up next. o Having a president whose background isn't more closely guarded than the formula for Coke. o Not feeling like I have to whisper, if I say something that's not completely, 100% complimentary about our president. o Separation of State and Media. o A dollar that's worth 100 cents and isn't signed by a tax cheat. o Having a president who doesn't seem needier for attention than Paris Hilton. o Strolling through the mall without worrying about racially-motivated flash mobs. o Looking at maps without trying to figure out where I can run. - - - - -
A memorable adage from an extensive broadcasting career, applicable to virtually any industry: A consultant can be anybody with a briefcase who comes from more than a hundred miles away. - - - - -
Melissa forwards this list of indicators that illustrate just how bad the economy is ... My neighbor got a pre-declined credit card in the mail. CEO's are now playing miniature golf. McDonald's is selling the 1/4 ouncer. Angelina Jolie adopted a child from America. Parents in Beverly Hills fired their nannies and learned their children's names. A truckload of Americans was caught sneaking into Mexico. A picture is now only worth 200 words. When Bill and Hillary travel together, they now have to share a room. - - - - -
The Sky-guy's contribution ... The perfect breakfast as a man sees it... You're sitting at the table and your son is on the cover of Wheaties, your mistress in on the cover of Playboy ... and your wife is on the back of the milk carton. (Change a few words and it works equally well with the genders reversed.) - - - - -
Jimmy Fallon-- "The Saints have offered quarterback Drew Brees a five-year, $100 million contract. That's even better than Katie Holmes' deal." OBAMA'S AMERICA: A CULTURE OF
OBAMA'S MONEY IN THE ... BAIN-K ... "COVERAGE" IS NOT CARE Make no mistake: Barack Obama is cultivating a parasite culture in the United States with the clear intention of ensuring that he gets the votes of society's leeches -- people who would rather freeload than earn a living for themselves. John Stossel's report on Fox was vivid. Able-bodied people walking right past shops with signs in the windows saying, "Help wanted, no experience necessary" as they lined up to sign forms to get welfare checks at a New York office. Black business owners explaining that they had all-white staffs because no blacks would apply, even in a predominantly black neighborhood. And atop all this, Obama undermining the welfare reform laws that were passed during Bill Clinton's presidency. The obvious purpose: buying the votes of leeches with taxpayer dollars. - - - - -
Another sign of Obamanomics in action: Notice the plethora of reverse-mortgage commercials on TV? Clear evidence that a lot of Americans who've worked hard in order to own their homes are now having to resort to this tactic out of necessity. - - - - -
Breitbart news peels back the layer of lies concealing Obama's own contributions from ... BAIN CAPITAL! ... "Barack Obama’s campaign has been quick to rip Mitt Romney for his association with Bain Capital, which outsourced certain jobs during restructuring of companies. There’s only one problem: many of the very executives who were running Bain Capital during the 1999-2002 period now under media scrutiny donated to Obama’s presidential campaign. And Obama was more than happy to cash the checks. "The same SEC form from February 2001 that lists Mitt Romney as “sole shareholder, sole director, Chief Executive Officer and President of Bain Capital … the controlling person of Bain Capital” also lists over a dozen other managing directors of Bain Capital, Inc. -- all of whom were undoubtedly more active than Romney was during this period. And President Obama took money from many of them. "Take Joshua Bekenstein. Bekenstein has been a managing director of Bain Capital since 1986. In 2008, he signed Barack Obama a $4,600 check. In 2004, he gave a $50,000 donation to the Democratic National Committee. That’s outsourcing money, plain and simple. And Obama was happy to take it. "Or how about Stephen Pagliuca? Last year, he cut a $35,800 check to Barack Obama’s Victory Fund. Then he cut another $30,800 check to the DNC. And another $30,800 check to the DCCC. Jonathan Lavine and Mark Nunnelly have both maxed out to Obama already, as well as to the DNC. Lavin was a bundler for Obama, and raised over $100,000 for him. Michael Krupka gave Obama $4,600 in 2008." Liar ... hypocrite ... demagogue ... In which file do we place Barack Obama? - - - - -
Let me be clear. If Obama is re-elected, any American in a position to do so should immediately begin exploring opportunities to emigrate, because a country with a majority voting population stupid enough to choose another four years of this destructiveness has NO future. - - - - -
Advocates of Obamacare apparently are incapable of distinguishing between "health coverage" and "health care." Just because you have a piece of paper that says your medical needs are "covered" doesn't necessarily mean that there's going to be a doctor who'll actually deliver the care. It also doesn't mean you're immune from the judgment of a faraway bureaucrat deciding that the recommended procedure or drugs are "inappropriate," meaning the treatment you need is too expensive ... you're not worth it, so go away and die quietly. - - - - -
Rich Lowry of National Review Online reviews the lamentable gullbility of the young and dumb ... "The cadres of college students and recent graduates who swooned and fainted for Barack Obama four years ago will long be remembered for one of the most ill-considered fliers in the annals of self-defeating enthusiasms. In the cold light of day, the youthful idealists, believers and activists of 2008 look like the lamentable saps, patsies and suckers of 2012. "(Now) half of them are unemployed or underemployed. More of them are carrying debt from college, more than 60 percent, than have full-time employment. "Crumbs from the president's giveaways -- like low-interest Stafford college loans -- can't possibly compensate for this larger picture. For all that, the president is still performing well among voters under 30. They were fooled once, and will be fooled again. They are Obama's dupes." - - - - -
Condi Rice has many admirable qualities. She also holds some views anathema to conservatives, and her long association with Bush is likely to be a turn-off for many vital independent voters. Besides, only the delusional could believe that Condi Rice as VP candidate would pry away race-based votes for Obama. Why would such a voter support a Republican #2 on the ticket when he has the choice of Obama as #1? So ... Condi for VP? No. Let's hope she eventually gets the job she really wants: NFL Commissioner. - - - - -
“If you can't beat your opponent's ideas, you distort those ideas and maybe make some up." -- Barack Obama, 2008 interview in the Chicago Sun Times. - - - - -
So Jesse Jackson, Jr., who's been absent from his seat in the House because of a "mood disorder," has been -- according to his mother -- suffering from "enormous disappointment" because he failed in his effort to buy Barack Obama's former Senate seat from imprisoned crooked former governor Rod Blagojevich, who'd put the appointment up for auction? That apple didn't fall far from the tree, did it? - - - - -
We can only wonder which -- and how many -- of the Republican politicians who were regarded as recently as a year ago as being real presidential prospects, declined, and now look at the race in which a failed president is still competitive in the polls and think, "I could've clobbered the guy by now." - - - - -
Caroline Glick with a revealing look at what passes for "foreign policy" under our Marxist-in-Chief ... "Two weeks ago, in an unofficial inauguration ceremony at Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt's new Muslim Brotherhood President Mohammed Morsi took off his mask of moderation. Before a crowd of scores of thousands, Morsi pledged to work for the release from US federal prison of Sheikh Omar al Rahman. "Rahman was the mastermind of the jihadist cell in New Jersey that perpetrated the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. His cell also murdered Rabbi Meir Kahane in New York in 1990. They plotted the assassination of then president Hosni Mubarak. They intended to bomb New York landmarks including the Lincoln and Holland tunnels and the UN headquarters. "By calling for Rahman's release, Morsi has aligned himself and his government with the US's worst enemies. And in response to Morsi's supreme act of unfriendliness, US President Barack Obama invited Morsi to visit him at the White House." - - - - -
We should reflect often upon this likelihood: If Jimmy Carter had had the cojones of your average gerbil and kicked the hell out of the Iranian Muslim crazies about 24 hours after they seized the U.S. embassy in 1979, we wouldn't be worried about the murderous SOBs today. But modern-day Democrats can't seem to learn that appeasement is a dead-end street. With a Muslim-sympathizing president today, don't expect any serious action to stop Iran's nuclear weapons program. Unless, of course, Obama decides a war would enhance his re-election chances. He does have priorities; re-election is clearly #1. - - - - -
Burt Prelutsky takes a jaundiced view of today's pop-culture headliners ... "One thing that I have become aware of is that the female icons of today are not as attractive as they used to be, and I don’t attribute that to my age, but to their lack of faces and figures. For instance, Angelina Jolie has the pencil legs of a 90-year-old and lips that are larger than her arms; Lady Gaga looks like something the cat dragged in; and Sarah Jessica Parker looks like the homely girl that pretty girls hung out with in high school so they’d look even prettier by comparison. "When you compare them to the likes of Rhonda Fleming, Rita Hayworth and Doris Day, you’d think you were comparing different species from different planets." - - - - -
Inventive ingenuity at work. A broadcast engineer of long standing devised a lifesaver for radio disc-jockeys who played records typically averaging about 2 1/2 minutes in length. Those short songs presented a real problem if the jock had to make an emergency bathroom run. The solution: He rigged up a system whereby the next recording (then on a tape cartridge) could be started remotely from the bathroom by using a redesigned garage-door opener. By such creativity did America thrive in its golden age. Of course, talk-show hosts had/have no such emergency back-up provision. Grin-and-bear-it is still their only option. - - - - -
Here's a word corruption that's worked its way into the vocabulary of many: ORIENTATED. The proper word is ORIENTED. As in, "I went through the orientation process, and am now oriented." - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "At a Democratic fundraiser in Seattle, Vice President Biden said that Romney's economic policies were 'George Bush on steroids' — as opposed to Obama's policies, which are 'Jimmy Carter on Ambien.'” - - - - -
From Sheila ... Two blonds were sipping their Starbucks when a truck went past loaded up with rolls of sod. "I'm going to do that when I win the lottery," announced Blond #1. "Do what?" asked Blond #2. "Send my lawn out to be mowed." YOUR EARNINGS ARE YOURS -- FOR 5 1/2
IMPEACH OBAMA? FORGET IT, WON'T HAPPEN ... ONE WOMAN'S WAY OF SEEING THE WORLD Oh, joy! As of today, more than halfway through the year, the average American taxpayer has worked long enough to pay his/her share of the cost of running the government at all levels: state, federal, local. The calculations of the total burden of that cost are calculated by the Americans for Tax Reform Foundation and the Cost of Government Center. This is not to be confused with Tax Freedom Day, which is the sum of this year's taxes paid or due and came on April 17. The period worked to cover the actual cost of government, including burden imposed by government regulations and programs as well as constantly-growing debt, actually didn't end until today. So congratulations, Mr. or Ms. America. For 5 1/2 whole months of the year, you will actually be earning for yourself! - - - - -
The astute John Fund articulates (The American Spectator) how and why California is turning into America's Greece ... "Chief Executive magazine has just come out with a survey of 650 corporate CEOs on the business climate in their states. They ranked local conditions on a range of issues, including regulations, tax policies, work force quality, educational resources, quality of living, and infrastructure. "It won’t surprise anyone who has followed the annual survey to learn which state finished in the back of the pack, and which finished first. California was dead last in attractiveness to business for the eighth year in a row, while Texas came in first for the eighth consecutive time." And yet Californians keep electing and re-electing the likes of Jerry Brown and the rest of the Kook Kollege infesting Sacramento. This former (and longtime) Californian is very glad to be out. - - - - -
Voters are entitled to make their choice on whatever basis they wish. I do, however, find myself puzzled by ardent opponents of what Obama is doing to their nation who still vow not to vote for a Mormon for president. If a concern about religion is a priority, I wonder why they would refuse to support Romney and thus, even by abstaining from voting, assist an incumbent who is, at the least, a Muslim sympathizer -- and perhaps more than that. Romney was not my first choice for the nomination, but considering the alternative ... - - - - -
Although given the state of American education I shouldn't be surprised, I'm still somewhat taken aback by notes to me and other media outlets demanding Obama's impeachment. The writers are obviously under the mistaken impression that impeachment and removal from office are the same thing. They are not. Impeachment is an action by the House of Representatives and is effectively an INDICTMENT. CONVICTION and removal from office requires a two-thirds vote of the Senate. Bill Clinton, contrary to what many of his admirers choose to believe, WAS impeached. He was not, however, convicted in the Senate and therefore remained in office. Given the fact that the Democrats are still the majority in the U.S. Senate, can anyone be so foolish to believe that even if the House should impeach Obama, a two-thirds vote in favor of conviction could be obtained in the Senate? Given the current political environment, the incumbent president probably couldn't be convicted even if he were caught in that classic worst-case scenario: in bed with a live man ... or a dead woman. - - - - -
In case you hadn't noticed ... The people you see behind Obama at any public appearance are deliberately chosen and placed to achieve visual impact with the population segments whose votes he seeks. That process is as deliberate and calculated as the casting of any movie. - - - - -
Mark Steyn addresses the "youth vote" and starry-eyed silliness ... "Any media narrative involving young people presupposes that they are the forces of progress, wresting the world from the grasping clutches of mean, vengeful old men and making it a better place. "... young people actually believe this. Thus, in 2008, Barack Obama, being the preferred choice of America's youth, was, by definition, the candidate of progress and the future ... the massed ranks of fresh-faced youth chanting 'We are the Hopeychange!' in adoring if glassy-eyed unison behind him at every campaign rally. "Four years later, half of recent graduates can't find full-time employment; Americans' college debt is now larger than credit card debt; the number of young people with summer jobs is at a record low; and men in their late twenties and early thirties trudge upstairs every night to the same bedroom in which they slept as a kindergartner. "Yet in 2012 the rubes will still vote for Obama and be congratulated by the media for doing so. Because to be young is to vote for hope and change." - - - - -
Remove the Joe Paterno statue outside Penn State's football stadium? Of course. If they don't, they'll have to guard it day and night. Otherwise, somebody indignant that a man who covered-up for a vicious child molester for at least fourteen years should be so honored will take it down. - - - - -
"She's got a ticket to ride ..." -- A true story from a life in radio ... Broadcasting has always been a volatile, unstable career. You're only as good (and secure) as your latest ratings and a standard industry joke is, "You can tell how good he is by the size of his U-Haul trailer." Even though my own career was remarkably stable -- twenty-five years with ABC -- I was aware of the vicissitudes of life in this odd field and tried always to have a lifeboat handy. My chosen alternative was a partnership in a small chain of travel agencies in Chicago and suburbs. I never expected to get rich from the venture, but it did provide the opportunity to see the world -- eighty-plus countries, last time I counted. I'd met my business partner in a characteristically (for me) odd way. We'd been asked by a mutual friend, an executive at J. Walter Thompson, the giant advertising agency, to be judges on the panel for the Illinois "America's Junior Miss" pageant. Kraft Foods, his client, sponsored the national finals every years, and we were also involved in that project. Stamatis Tsalikis was a Greek-American with one of those "unforgettable character" backgrounds. CIA, model-agency owner, bank executive and the travel industry. He had degrees from Notre Dame and the University of Michigan and had a wide and varied array of acquaintances, from the Majarajah of Jaipur to the operating head of the Greek Orthodox church plus old colleagues in the, ahem, "company." That's a CIA insider term for the agency. Because of his Greek background, many of the clients of our travel operation were Greek-American, Chicago having the world's second-largest ethnic Greek population after Athens. And Athens was a popular stop for American tourists, usually combined with Cairo. Thus I was in both cities quite often, either escorting tours or making arrangements for future group bookings with hotels, tour-bus operators, sightseeing guides, etc. Cairo is the setting for this odd little episode. I was staying at the Nile Hilton, which we often used for tourist groups. The group I was escorting was off with a local guide to see the pyramids and Sphinx on the Giza Plateau, just outside the city. I'd been there several times, so took the occasion to visit the sales manager at the Sheraton Hotel a few blocks away across the Nile River. By the way, knowing the neighborhood, I can tell you that much of the TV coverage of Tahrir Square's endless demonstrations is shot from the roof or upper floors of the Nile Hilton (later we often used the newer Ramses Hilton). I chose to walk to the Sheraton. Crossing at an uncontrolled intersection, I waited until the traffic cleared. I thought. I didn't see the small motorcycle ridden by two Egyptian lads right behind what I thought was the last truck -- and they hit me. Immediately a policeman came running and began beating the local guys with his nightstick. I wasn't seriously hurt, and finally persuaded him to top pounding them, explaining that it was my own fault. Unhurt beyond a few scratches, but disheveled, I walked back to the Nile Hilton. In the elevator I encountered the attractive young woman whom I'd earlier noticed occupied the room directly across from my own. She surveyed my appearance and asked what happened. By the time we reached our floor she'd offered the use of a first-aid kit she always carried on her travels and insisted on ministering to my superficial wounds. She got her kit, came across to my room and swabbed my scratches with an antiseptic and bandaged me. In the course of our chat, so told me her story. I asked the usual travel question, "What brings you to Cairo?" She casually responded, "I'm f---ing my way around the world." Say what?! She elaborated. She was from Texas, had won some beauty contests and decided to pursue her dream and went to Hollywood. Like many other good-looking young women, she soon learned that her dreams of stardom would go unfulfilled. However, since a major reason she'd sought fame and fortune was for the opportunity to see the world, she'd decided to put her physical attributes to other use. She had bounced (quite literally) around Europe and had found new acquaintances and benefactors sufficiently appreciative of her talents to enable her to stay in fine hotels, dine well and see some of the world's great sights and cities. She casually mentioned to me that she had a date that very evening with a fellow I'd met on another occasion. He was an executive with TWA, then the major U.S. air carrier flying to Athens and Cairo. Sure enough, I saw her that evening with him at a very civilized social gathering in the courtyard bar of the hotel. After a short while, they discreetly disappeared together. The next morning I saw her -- alone -- having breakfast in the hotel coffee shop, stopped by her table and asked, "How was your evening?" "Very successful," she said. Then, reaching into her purse, she produced an airline ticket. To Athens. First Class. On TWA. "Very, very successful." - - - - -
From Dan Sorkin ... I was in Lake Havasu City Arizona and I saw a bumper sticker on a parked car that read "I miss Chicago!" So I broke the window, stole the radio and left a note that read, "I hope this helps!" - - - - -
Like many other things, nostalgia just ain't what it used to be. - - - - -
A contribution from reader Rick ... The classroom was full of pregnant women with their husbands. The instructor said, "Ladies, remember that exercise is good for you. Walking is especially beneficial. It strengthens the pelvic muscles and will make delivery that much easier. Just pace yourself, make plenty of stops and try to stay on a soft surface like grass." "Gentlemen, remember -- you're in this together. It wouldn't hurt you to go walking with her. In fact, that shared experience would be good for you both." The room suddenly became very quiet as the men absorbed this information. After a few moments a man, name unknown, at the back of the room, slowly raised his hand. "Yes?" said the Instructor. "I was just wondering if it would be all right if she carries a golf bag while we walk?" MOST SECRETIVE PRESIDENT IN HISTORY
STOCK MARKET INVESTORS HAVE REASON TO BE WARY ... "FAST & FURIOUS" REALLY ABOUT YOUR OWN GUN ... Consider the irony. Or absurdity. A president whose own life is a collage of evasions, cover-ups, secretiveness and outright lies has the audacity to question the background of an opponent whose own life is, by comparison, an open book. Seriously, ask yourself: Should you be more concerned about where Mitt Romney was putting his own money twenty years ago ... or where Barack Obama is putting YOUR money today? - - - - -
The Marxist in the White House, speaking in Virginia Friday: "If you’ve got a business -- you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." ... says the man who's been leeching off the taxpayers and mysterious leftist benefactors his entire life. - - - - -
No wonder Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid hates the Tea Party. They uncovered this little gem ... "When Harry Reid pushed through funding and sweetheart land deals for a huge solar power generating facility near his home town in Nevada, the solar panels were purchased from his good friend, and Chinese manufacturing billionaire, Wang Yusuo. You guessed it, the panels installed in Nevada were made in ... China! Surely it is a mere coincidence that Harry Reid's son, Rory Reid, is employed as a lobbyist for the solar venture." - - - - -
A pithy analogy from Michael Goodwin of the NY Post ... "A Former editor of The New York Times once damned his boss, publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr., with faint praise. 'I’ll say this about Arthur,' said Max Frankel, 'he’ll never make the same mistake three times.' "If only we could enjoy such modest confidence in Barack Obama. Instead, we are faced with a president determined to make the same mistake repeatedly, no matter how much pain it causes American families. "As such, Obama would seem to meet the classic definition of insanity — doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." - - - - -
Many have wondered why the stock market has retained its buoyancy in our current sick economy. The Federal Reserve banks provide the answer that should have been obvious all along. It was the Fed, itself, manipulating money policy. Without that artificial assist, the stock market would be about 50% lower. But the Fed, by keeping interest on savings at historically low levels, has pushed savers into investing elsewhere -- and the "elsewhere" has largely been the stock market, despite well-founded reservations. Some have long suspected that many investors have been buying stocks with fingers crossed, hoping they'll be among the last to get out with profits before reality catches up. - - - - -
Congressman John Campbell of California explains why Utopian silliness a la Obama is doomed to failure ... "Socialism does not work – Socialism in Europe and in this country always starts the same way – promise people free health care and free retirement and free housing and whatever free stuff wins political favor. Some claim that the "rich" will pay for it all. But, the rich do not have enough money. They may have enough to pay for the very poor, but not for everyone. So, the socialists borrow the money. "That way, they are still giving the populace free health care. But, at some point you can't borrow the money anymore because the people you are borrowing it from realize that they can never be paid back. This is the tipping point at which socialism fails. Past this point, you have to tax the people to whom you promised the "free" stuff in order to pay for their "free" stuff (those people are the middle class). The people understandably don't want to give up their free stuff or have to pay for it. But, they will have to do one or the other." -- (RealClearPolitics) -- - - - - -
It's obvious that most Americans don't get it -- or don't care -- that Eric Holder's gun-running (Obamunists prefer "walking") operation called "Fast & Furious" was really just a devious strategy to undermine gun ownership rights under the Second Amendment. Those who do understand might reflect upon this quote from one of the nation's founders: "Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve it but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." --Patrick Henry, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, 1788 -- (Thanks, Dan) -- - - - - -
I was shocked a couple of evenings ago to see Ben Stein on CNN proclaiming at what level of income people can "afford" to pay higher taxes. First -- and last -- that's a totally subjective judgment. I guarantee that the person who only earns ten grand -- or less, or living on welfare -- would likely judge that his neighbor earning $30,000 a year could "afford" to pay more in taxes. My conclusion: the charming Mr. Stein has totally sold out -- or succumbed to dementia.. - - - - -
Derek Hunter (Townhall.com) summarizes the state of the American presidency ... "Warren G. Harding was corrupt, as was Richard M. Nixon. Bill Clinton and John F. Kennedy were like blind golfers, looking for a hole, any hole, every hole. Woodrow Wilson and Franklin Roosevelt were power-mad narcissists convinced they knew best how everyone else should live. Jimmy Carter was clueless. But as we approach the 100-year anniversary of the first of these men to serve as president, all have been lapped in debasing their office by its current occupant: Barack Obama. "When his attorney general isn’t dodging subpoenas and being held in contempt by Congress, he’s calling anyone who thinks we should have to present a photo ID to vote a klansman. "The administration of Barack Obama embodies the worst characteristics of the worst Presidents in our history – the abuse of power, the incompetence, the laziness, the bigotry, the disinterest, the dishonesty, the arrogance. The reason he’s still personally popular is the same reason we know the names Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie, Perez Hilton or that TMZ exists – A large portion of our culture now celebrates what it used to shun, cheers that which used to drive people into hiding and rewards existence over accomplishment." - - - - -
Since Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal appears to be on the list of possible VP choices, it should be remembered what caused him to be discounted by many Republicans. An apparent rising star of the party, he was chosen to make the Republican response/rebuttal speech following Obama's very first State of the Union speech. His performance -- and make no mistake; a political speech IS a performance -- was ... pathetic. At that moment, his image was shattered for many. Since, he has compiled a highly creditable record as governor of a complex and difficult state. But with that first step into the national spotlight, he built for himself a very tall hill to climb. - - - - -
Wise and wily Burt Prelutsky metaphorically puts Obama on the psychiatrist's couch ... "I have occasionally taken a page out of the liberal handbook. Just as they were always trying to psychoanalyze George W. Bush, pretending that everything from invading Iraq to picking out his pajamas was pre-determined by his dysfunctional relationship with his dad, I try to return the favor by doing the same to Obama. "After all, being dumped by one’s father, stepfather and mother, all within the first decade of one’s life isn’t likely to lead to anything resembling a normal human being. If you add bi-racial parents and being left in the care of white, left-wing, grandparents, to the mix, the miracle is that his background only involves eating dogs, not people. "Recently, I got around to researching Frank Marshall Davis, who was apparently young Barack’s mentor in Hawaii. Davis, a black man, was an avowed Communist, a bi-sexual and a confessed child rapist. "From the age of 10 to 17, when Obama went off to college on the mainland, he admits spending a great deal of time with Davis, often drinking whisky and composing dirty limericks. "One can’t help wondering what, besides left-wing polemics and hatred of the white race, young impressionable Barack learned at the knee of his perverted Uncle Frank." - - - - -
Our Arizona "beach house in the desert" stands on about an acre-and-a-quarter. With much vegetation, it attracts all sorts of wildlife. The fig vines that cover the wall around the backyard pool have this year provided nesting places for at least four kinds of birds. Rabbits abound on the property. Javelinas, coyotes and deer pay regular visits. Bobcats and mountain lions drop by from time to time. Less welcome are rattlesnakes. The count this past week alone was two. Two bull snakes, the larger of which we have named Toro, are part-time residents. We like the bull snakes because they kill rattlers (the enemy of my enemy is my friend). Both species account for the welcoming plaque in the entryway of our house: "Bienvenidos al Rancho Culebra." In Spanish, "Welcome to the Snake Ranch." Rattlesnakes, by the way, are reported to the local Snake Patrol which picks them up and, before dropping them off far out in the desert, milks them of their venom for snakebite treatment. Which resurrects the old joke: "How do you milk a rattlesnake? First, get a very low stool ... " - - - - -
Anthony Weiner, the disgraced New York Congressman who had to resign after getting caught e-mailing photos of his schmeckel (See? I do know a little Yiddish!) to various females, seems to be considering running for office again. Thus prompting this headline in the New York Post: "Re-erection campaign." - - - - -
Talk about a diehard fan! Linda Chase and Charles Zigler of Jackson, Michigan, began living together ten years ago. They watched NASCAR races on TV every weekend. They continued to sit side-by-side for the races after Charles died. Eighteen months ago. She kept him dressed and cleaned, sitting in his chair, until the police came calling to investigate his whereabouts. No word as to which, if either, Busch brother he supported. - - - - -
Joyous news from India, where Punarvasu and his bride Pushala are enjoying their honeymoon after a wedding ceremony conducted by local folk in a drought-stricken village who hope the union will bring rain. Punarvasu and Pushala are ... frogs. Immediately after the wedding they hopped ... I say HOPPED ... into bed. - - - - -
Mr. Hill risks wifely retribution by offering this one ... Last week my wife and I visited the Suisun Indian reservation near were we live. We visited the main council teepee. I asked an old Indian Chief what would be my wife's name in the Suisun Indian language? He replied, "Barbara, she called Five Horses". I said, "That's an unusual name? What does 5 Horses really mean in Suisun language?" The old Indian Chef answered, "It very old Indian name for wives. It mean... NAG, NAG, NAG, NAG, NAG!" THE MAD MARXIST IN THE WHITE HOUSE
TIME FOR MITT TO TAKE OFF THE GLOVES ... OBAMA'S FRAUDULENT FAIRNESS FANTASIES Throughout the first 3 1/2 years of the ongoing debacle that IS the Obama administration, any charge that Barack Obama exhibited all the attitudes of a hard-line socialist was greeted with condescending indignation by liberals and tut-tutting by wussy eastern Republican establishment "moderates." Now that time, deeds and words -- especially the latest Obama broadside at the very idea of hard-working entrepreneurs being at the heart of the American economy -- have made it clear to all but the most deliberately delusional that he deserves to be labelled as a pure Marxist, it's time for sane people to drop the namby-pambyism and deal with him and his thugs with the clear understanding that he is the greatest internal threat this nation has ever faced. Barack Obama was born, raised and educated as a communist. It is reflected in his actions. Only fools, freeloaders and those who expect to profit from them can seriously believe otherwise. - - - - -
James Antle responds in The American Spectator to the latest stupid Obama statement ( "If you've got a business -- you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen.") ... "The tax dollars that paid for those roads, bridges, schools, and teachers didn't just come from 'someone else' or the 'rest of us.' They came from the innovators, the factory owners, and the entrepreneurs too. In 2009, the top 400 taxpayers paid almost as much in federal income taxes as the entire bottom 50 percent combined. "The jobs created and the wages paid by those business owners fueled a lot of the tax payments made by 'someone else' and the'"rest of us.' The taxes imposed on those business owners could help entice them to ship jobs overseas. "Just because government built the Hoover Dam doesn't mean we should celebrate when government blocks the Keystone Pipeline." - - - - -
Investors.com summarizes Obama's socialist views ... "So Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, the founders of Google, Facebook and Twitter, are all parasitic pretenders. Without government, there would have been no Mac computer or iPad? Michelangelo didn't paint the Sistine Chapel, you know. Credit must be given to the folks who built the scaffolding and the inventor of paint. "This condemnation of rugged individualism and the entrepreneurial spirit comes from a leader who has been dubbed the 'food stamp president' and who has done more to increase dependence on government than any other. Let us see your college transcripts, Mr. President. And who helped you on your way besides Saul Alinsky and Bill Ayers?" - - - - -
How could Mitt Romney, a smart businessman, possibly have been taken by surprise by a Marxist's class-warfare attack on his wealth? And yet his response has been so sluggish it seems never to have occurred to him that he might be targeted on those grounds. He's spent a week flailing about defensively when he should have been eviscerating Obama's pastiche of lies about his own background. The Great Pretender's own history should be a far easier target than the Swiftboat revelations that destroyed the pompous plutocrat, John Kerry. - - - - -
Conn Carroll of the Washington Examiner takes on the subject of what America would look like if there were no Republicans ... "We already know. It would look a lot like the state of California, where no non-cyborg Republican has been governor since 1996. Democrats have also enjoyed complete control of the state legislature since 1997. And they have governed exactly the way you'd expect Democrats to govern. "Spending has more than doubled, from $45.4 billion in 1996 to more than $92.5 billion today. Income, sales and car taxes have all been hiked. As a result, California has the most progressive income tax system in the nation, with seven income tax brackets, and the second-highest top marginal rate. "Even with all those tax hikes, California's 2012 budget is still $15.7 billion in the red. So what does Gov. Jerry Brown want to do? Raise taxes again, of course. "With all of this unfunded government spending, Keynesian-Democratic thinking would predict that California's economy should be booming. "It isn't. "And thanks to liberal welfare requirements, a third of all the nation's welfare recipients live in California despite the state only containing one-eighth of the national population. "The California dream is dead. Democrats killed it. Middle-class families can't escape the state fast enough." - - - - -
Since Obama babbles endlessly about productive and successful people not paying their "fair share" of taxes, it is important that we be reminded just which income group does pay ... Income Group Share of Taxes Top 1% 37% Top 5% 59% Top 10% 70% Top 25% 87% Top 50% 98% Bottom 50% 2% Now: Let's reassess. What is "fair?" - - - - -
Chicago has a horrendous murder rate, mostly by gunfire. Chicago also has some of the nation's toughest anti-gun laws. Any rational person ought to be able to figure out that (A) criminals don't obey gun laws and (B) law-abiding citizens are rendered defenseless against the wolfpacks that roam the streets by such laws. Of course, when we specify "rational" we automatically exclude liberals, whose mental illness should make them pitiable, but never powerful. - - - - -
Roger L. Simon observes the turn racism has taken ... "As someone who was a sixties civil rights worker, wrote movies for Richard Pryor (successfully) and Whoopi Goldberg (unsuccessfully), and has had the pleasure of working with many talented African Americans at PJ Media for nearly seven years now, I think I have earned the right to write what should be painfully obvious to everyone — most of the racism in America today is from blacks (aided and abetted by white liberals) toward whites. "In fact, it’s getting to be outrageously so. The rude treatment of Mitt Romney at the NAACP convention is yet another data point in what has become an all-too-predictable scenario. "Much of the reason for this stems from the extreme dependency of the Democratic Party on race politics. With union membership dwindling, the party would literally disintegrate without the overwhelming support of African Americans and Hispanic Americans. Without at least the perception of racism, the Democratic Party has only marginal support. The party is forced to encourage it for its survival." -- (Entire article at PJMedia.com) -- - - - - -
They remember, even in Egypt. As Hillary's motorcade passed, protesters shouted, "Monica! Monica!" We can only imagine how Hillary will recount that experience to Billy-Jeff when they next see each other. - - - - -
This is where Western Civilization stands. Two Australian Olympic athletes, husband and wife, will not be allowed to share a room at the Games in London. But gay couples will be given that consideration. - - - - -
Suggestion for CBS/PBS Obama butt-kisser Charlie Rose: Get a new embalmer. You look terrible. And while we're being petty and snide, a tip on hairdos for Hillary: Try corn-rows. Or anything else. - - - - -
When B.O. resorts to gangsta-rapper street-speak and asks, "What's up, dog?" is he ordering dinner? - - - - -
Making the rounds on the internet -- in case you've missed it -- "Reasons why I voted Democrat" ... I voted Democrat because I love the fact that I can now marry whatever I want. I've decided to marry my German Shepherd. I voted Democrat because I believe oil companies' profits of 4% on a gallon of gas are obscene, but the government taxing the same gallon of gas at 15% isn't. I voted Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending the money I earn than I would. I voted Democrat because Freedom of Speech is fine -- as long as nobody is offended by it. I voted Democrat because I'm way too irresponsible to own a gun, and I know that my local police are all I need to protect me from murderers and thieves. I voted Democrat because I believe that people who can't tell us if it will rain on Friday can tell us that the polar ice caps will melt away in ten years if I don't start driving a Prius. I voted Democrat because I'm not concerned about millions of babies being aborted so long as we keep all death row inmates alive. I voted Democrat because I think illegal aliens have a right to free health care, education, and Social Security benefits, and we should take away social security from those who paid into it. I voted Democrat because I believe that businesses should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. They need to break even and give the rest away to the government for redistribution as the Democrats see fit. I voted Democrat because I believe liberal judges need to rewrite the Constitution every few days to suit some fringe kooks who would never get their agendas past the voters. I voted Democrat because I think that it's better to pay billions for their oil to people who hate us, but not drill our own because it might upset some endangered beetle, gopher or fish. Forward to a liberal friend, acquaintance, relative or colleague! ROMNEY'S REVIVAL ...
IRAN'S MISSILE THREAT TO U.S. ... OBAMA'S OUTSOURCING INVESTMENTS Mitt Romney's fiery and brilliant response to the idiotic Obama statement about successful people owing their accomplishments to the government (. “If you’ve got a business — you didn’t build that,”sayeth Obama) may have gotten his campaign back on track, and not a moment too soon. Perhaps it was transient, but Mitt Romney has lately been showing flashes of the political ineptitude that spelled disaster for John McCain. Getting boxed-in on his income tax returns was (A) foreseeable and (B) easily defused if he'd simply released them months ago. His wealth was obviously going to be a target by divisive class-warfare proponent Obama who has no accomplishments of his own as a basis for his campaign. Now, when Romney will almost inevitably be forced to release as many years of returns as have predecessor candidates, he'll appear to have been hammered into doing so by Obama. Unnecessary and plain dumb. - - - - -
Can any serious-minded person be surprised that Sheriff Joe Arpaio and his panel of experts have found the Obama "certificate of live birth" to be fraudulent? Everything about Obama's life and history is one gigantic fraud. - - - - -
Human Events reports on deadly serious news that the slobbering, Obama-worshipping big media have ignored ... Last week, the Pentagon declassified portions of a report to Congress that indicates Iran’s military is rapidly growing its conventional force’s lethality. That means the price of delaying military action to destroy Tehran’s nuclear weapons program, when sanctions inevitably fail, could soon become too costly. The U.S. and its partners face a stark choice: strike now to destroy Tehran’s nuclear facilities or accept the inevitable consequences of the rising nuclear armed Persian powerhouse with a credible, sophisticated conventional military. Footnote: The report also indicates Iran “may be technically capable of flight-testing an intercontinental ballistic missile by 2015” which would put America’s homeland within striking distance. Ponder THAT. If ever there was a wake-up call for the dunces in Washington ... - - - - -
Pot-calling-kettle-black dep't ... The Washington Examiner has this gem of reporting: President Obama has accused Mitt Romney of raking in profits from investing in companies that ship American jobs overseas, but according to his most recent financial disclosure, he and First Lady Michelle Obama have hundreds of thousands of dollars in a mutual fund that has large holdings in corporations that outsource jobs. In his most recent financial disclosure from 2011, Obama and his wife reported having between $200,000 and $450,000 in the Vanguard 500 Index Fund. As of Sept. 30, 2011, the fund’s biggest holding was 8,272,039 shares of Apple Inc., then valued at $3.2 billion. The New York Times reported in January: Not long ago, Apple boasted that its products were made in America. Today, few are. Almost all of the 70 million iPhones, 30 million iPads and 59 million other products Apple sold last year were manufactured overseas… The mutual fund that the Obamas have invested in also held 94,582,281 million shares of General Electric, valued at $1.4 billion, as of the SEC filing. The multinational conglomerate has a long history of outsourcing – according to a new book cited by the New York Times, in 1989, “G.E. became the first U.S. company to outsource software work to India.” - - - - -
A friend forwards a note from an Obama supporter whose plaintive plea is, "Give the President a chance." That is not an uncommon response among distraught but still hypnotized believers in the "Hope and Change" banner, however tattered it may be. It should suffice to simply ask such people the following: "If you'd been hired for a very important job, and after 3 1/2 years not only demonstrated no progress, but had actually worsened the situation you were hired to repair, would you expect to be guaranteed your job for an additional four years?" Anybody with experience in the real (i.e., working) world should know the answer to that. Of course, that standard eliminates Barack Obama, beneficiary of government largesse, affirmative action and shadowy leftist benefactors. - - - - -
Andy Kessler in the Wall Street Journal with some economic basics that Democrats and dummies never figure out ... "Did Mitt Romney and Bain Capital help office-supply retailer Staples create 88,000 jobs? 43,000? 252? Actually, Staples probably destroyed 100,000 jobs while creating millions of new ones. "Since 1986, Staples has opened 2,000 stores, eliminating the jobs of distributors and brokers who charged nasty markups for paper and office supplies. But it enabled hundreds of thousands of small (and not so small) businesses to stock themselves cheaply and conveniently and expand their operations. "It's the same story elsewhere. Apple employs just 47,000 people, and Google under 25,000. Like Staples, they have destroyed many old jobs, like making paper maps and pink "While You Were Out" notepads. But by lowering the cost of doing business they've enabled innumerable entrepreneurs to start new businesses and employ hundreds of thousands, even millions, of workers world-wide—all while capital gets redeployed more effectively. "This process happens during every business cycle and always, always creates jobs. Yet is ignored by policy mavens." The Marxist in the White House doesn't -- and won't -- get it. - - - - -
Congressman Paul Ryan of Wisconsin, a VP "possible," cuts to the chase on Obama ... “He’s deluded himself into thinking that his so-called enemies are these crazy individualists who believe in some dog-eat-dog society when what he’s really doing is basically attacking people like entrepreneurs and stacking up a list of scapegoats to blame for his failures. “As all of his big government spending programs fail to restore jobs and growth, he seems to be retreating into a statist vision of government direction and control of a free society that looks backward to the failed ideologies of the 20th century.” - - - - -
From Newsbusters, the facts about GM, their electric car and the Obama cover-up ... According to multiple GM executives there is little or no profit being made on each Volt built at a present cost of around $40,000. Furthermore, the $700 million of development that went into the car has to be recouped. Add $240 million in Energy Department grants doled out to G.M. last summer, $150 million in federal money to the Volt’s Korean battery supplier, up to $1.5 billion in tax breaks for purchasers and other consumer incentives, and some significant portion of the $14 billion loan G.M. got in 2008 for “retooling” its plants, and you’ve got some idea of how much taxpayer cash is built into every Volt. Speaking of those “tax breaks for purchasers and other consumer incentives” - as of November of last year that tally all by itself was $250,000 per Volt sold. And that excruciating pain is ongoing. Again, a Volt sold makes GM no money - but costs We the Taxpayers a $7,500 bribe - I mean “incentive.” Oh - and President Obama wants to jack that bribe to $10,000 per. Great "investment," wasn't it? - - - - -
Your "head in the sand" update ... The Hollywood Reporter ran a poll showing ninety-one percent of Americans heard of the Tom Cruise divorce but only forty percent heard of the Supreme Court health care reform ruling. And thus we get herds of ignorant cattle choosing the leaders of our country. Eventually, there is a price to be paid for such widespread public ignorance. - - - - -
Permit me the luxury of candor: Any Jew who (A) values even the existence of Israel, but (B) supports Obama ... has succumbed to madness. Frank Gaffney, head of the Center for Security Policy, elaborates ... "Just last weekend, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton became the latest member of Team Obama to consort with sworn enemies of the United States when she sat down with the newly installed president of Egypt, Mohammed Morsi, a member of the Muslim Brotherhood. "Despite official, media and academic efforts to portray Mr. Morsi — and, for that matter, the Muslim Brotherhood more generally — as the kind of people with whom the United States can safely deal in the evolving Middle East and here, the determination of these Islamists to impose their supremacist Islamic doctrine of Shariah worldwide could not be more palpable. Their hostility to America, Israel, Western civilization and other infidels goes back to the founding of the organization in 1928 and is rooted in its guiding program — Shariah — and it is absolute and unwavering. Those who say otherwise are deluding themselves or deliberately deceiving others. "Not only can you gain insights into people by the company they keep, when it comes to the Muslim Brotherhood and like-minded Islamists, it is downright dangerous to do otherwise." - - - - - Unless there is a strong willingness to occupy and alter a rogue nation's behavior by force, as we did in Japan and Germany after World War 2, the very idea of "nation building" is a foolish and expensive fantasy. Current example: Afghanistan. And by no means have we secured civilized behavior in Iraq for the long-term. - - - - -
The Breitbart news organization has compiled a neat top-ten list of Obama's crooked buddies ... 1. Former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich: Sentenced to 14 years in prison for political corruption. 2. Tony Rezko: Sentenced to 10 and a half years for corruption and kickbacks. 3. Courtney Dupree: Democratic fundraiser convicted of bank fraud. 4. Willie Shepherd: Obama bundler plead guilty to assault. 5. John Corzine: Top Obama fundraiser currently under FBI investigation. Obama's "Wall Street guy." 6. Shervin Neman: Obama bundler currently under investigation for fraud. 7. Abake Assongba: Obama bundler under investigation for fraud. 8. Alberto and Carlos Cardona: Obama bundlers with ties to a Mexican fugitive accused of attempted assassinations. 9. Solyndra: First company to receive taxpayer backed loans from Obama. Solyndra's investors are Obama bundlers. The FBI raided Solyndra last September. 10. Bill Ayers: Unrepentant domestic terrorist. Early Obama backer. Fellow board-member of the Woods Foundation. - - - - -
Jim Eason discovered this ... ".....[_____]'s advocacy of bypassing constitutional restraints and his open disregard for both the constitutional principle of separation of powers and for the precedent of an independent, non-politicized judiciary are astounding, and symptomatic of his leftist authoritarianism." Before I identify this person, please read that paragraph again, slowly..... Then think about who that description fits. It is not about Barack Obama, but it certainly fits. It's ALGER HISS, the Soviet Spy. From the new book, ALGER HISS, WHY HE CHOSE TREASON, by Christina Shelton. ***Footnote: Alger Hiss was one of the creators of that bastardized monument to tyranny, the United Nations--LR*** - - - - -
Sometimes courage goes unnoticed. Yesterday, while doing my almost-daily 45-minute workout at the gym (my cardiologist says it's vital to my staying on the top-side of the grass) I noticed a woman pedaling away on a machine beside me. She was clearly rehabbing from knee-joint replacement surgery and enduring great pain in the process. But she kept on keeping on and after I varied my own sweaty routine on several devices and prepared to leave, I could only glance admiringly as she persisted, eyes closed and grimacing, flexing that knee. I expect to see her in a few weeks, walking as well as ever. We do what we have to do. Sometimes that takes courage. - - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "President Obama signed an order letting people receive welfare payments without having to go out and look for work. This could triple daytime TV ratings. He's asked Republicans not to look at it as a welfare plan but as a bailout for Procter and Gamble." - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "There's talk that if Jennifer Lopez leaves 'American Idol' they're going to bring back Paula Abdul. Insiders say Paula was chosen over Chief Justice John Roberts, who producers felt was too unpredictable." LIBERAL MEDIA ADMIT OBAMA'S
ILLITERACY: A WEAPON FOR THE LEFT ... PUBLIC TO POLS: STOP FREELOADERS From the New York Times??!! "Declining confidence in the nation’s economic prospects appears to be the most powerful force influencing voters as the presidential election gears up, undercutting key areas of support for President Obama and helping give his Republican challenger, Mitt Romney, an advantage on the question of who would better handle the nation’s economic challenges, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News Poll. "Despite months of negative advertising from Mr. Obama and his Democratic allies seeking to further define Mr. Romney as out of touch with the middle class and representative of wealthy interests, the poll shows little evidence of any substantial nationwide shift in attitudes about Mr. Romney." In case you missed it, Romney's ahead in the latest NY Times/CBS poll. ... and ABC News reacts ... "New polls out today show that the economy, not Romney's record at Bain Capital or his tax returns, are defining this contest for voters across the country. And, that's not good for Team Obama. A fresh New York Times-CBS News poll showed that, nationally, the presidential race is a dead heat: 45 percent said they would vote for Mitt Romney if the election were held today and 43 percent said they would vote to re-elect President Obama." That sound you hear is lefties sobbing softly into their hankies: "CBS ... the Times ... bwaaaah!" - - - - -
In their endless pursuit of a reason to whine about racism, some leftists pounced upon a common, long-used political term to attack Mitt Romney after his speech to the NAACP convention. He referred to a black man in his "kitchen cabinet." In their stupid illiteracy, they assumed -- or PRETENDED to assume -- that was a way of denigrating an African-American as some sort of menial household help. I researched the use of that term in a political context and found that it goes back to at least 1832 when used to describe President Andrew Jackson's informal and unofficial advisers. It has been so used ever since. This ridiculous incident reminds us of a few years ago when some illiterate black official became irate over the use of the term "niggardly," assuming it was a racial slur. It means, of course, being a penny-pincher, as in, "He only tipped the waiter a niggardly 5%." Of course, given the overwhelming debt run up by governments at every level -- local, state, federal -- it's obvious that our leaders could use a good dose of niggardliness. - - - - -
Survey says (Rasmussen) ... Most Americans think there are too many people on welfare who should not be getting it and believe overwhelmingly that those who do receive welfare benefits should be required to work. The survey finds that 83% of American Adults favor a work requirement as a condition for receiving welfare aid. Just seven percent (7%) oppose such a requirement. "You can't find a job? Okay ... we have potholes that need filling." So an overwhelming majority of Americans believes there would be work in return for a welfare check. Logic. Common sense. So why aren't Romney and the Republicans pounding Obama with this, since he's expanding the freeloader rolls by millions? Are they waiting for the tipping-point when the leeches outnumber the workers and can thus vote to continue this abomination? - - - - -
Investors Business Daily explains why Canadians are now wealthier than Americans ... "Commentators ... have rushed to lay this success to Canada's socialism. That's nonsense. Canada was stagnant for years until it, like, say, Chile in Latin America, moved away from socialism toward free markets. "For one thing, Canada has embraced fiscal discipline. Its federal debt is around 35% of GDP (Gross Domestic Product; the value of all goods and services) compared to the U.S. at 100%. The deficit is 2% of GDP, not 10% as here. "But austerity isn't Canada's only story. Canada coupled smaller government with the idea of making the private sector bigger. In January, its slashed its corporate income tax rate to 15%, lowest in the G-7. "Canada also opened itself to the world by enacting 11 free trade deals in the last decade. It has three more in the hopper, and is negotiating or exploring deals with 16 others. "Canada also has kept government meddling to a minimum. Unlike in the U.S., there's no Community Reinvestment Act to foist mortgages on people who can't afford them. "Our northern neighbor also has leaders who recognize the global revolution in energy production and have decided to ride the wave, not fight it. Canada's total oil and natural gas output is soaring. By contrast, the Obama administration is doing all it can to halt U.S. energy production, stopping the Keystone XL pipeline from Canada, demonizing oil companies and putting much of federal lands off limits (for drilling)." - - - - -
ConanO'Brien -- "According to a new report, the average Canadian is now richer than the average American. This is bad news for Americans and worse news for those Mexicans who now have to tunnel all the way to Canada." - - - - -
Jonah Goldberg (Townhall.com) asks the pertinent questions about Romney, Obama and outsourcing ... "Is it really so shocking that that the dying companies Bain tried to turn around shed jobs? Is it fair or intellectually honest to hang a global trend of the last 40 years around Romney's neck? Do all the liberal activists tweeting on their made-in-China smartphones actually believe what they're saying about the evils of outsourcing? "Indeed, if what Bain Capital does is so evil, why are the public pension funds of California and Pennsylvania shareholders (invested) in Bain? If private equity is the enemy of the working man, why do unions -- including the Service Employees International Union -- park nearly a quarter of a trillion dollars in dues in private equity funds? "In a sense, Romney deserves more blame than Obama. He knows the truth but won't defend the industry that made him rich and gave him the career he says qualifies him to be president." - - - - -
Another view of Obama's stupidity ... "He referred wistfully to the Clinton years as a period of unbridled economic growth -- and he attributed that growth to tax increases on the 'wealthy.' He said that during those years, 'we created a lot of millionaires.' We? Created? In other words, government created a lot of millionaires; it wasn't their ingenuity, and it certainly wasn't their 'hard work.' "This is Obama's orientation. This is his mindset." --columnist David Limbaugh - - - - -
Thomas Sowell takes on the left's attack on individual success ... "There was a time, within living memory, when the achievements of others were not only admired but were often taken as an inspiration for imitation of the same qualities that had served these achievers well. "Somewhere along the way, all that changed. Today, the very concept of achievement is de-emphasized and sometimes attacked. "People who run businesses are benefiting from things paid for by others? Since when are people in business, or high-income earners in general, exempt from paying taxes like everybody else? "At a time when a small fraction of high-income taxpayers pay the vast majority of all the taxes collected, it is sheer chutzpah to depict high-income earners as somehow being subsidized by 'the rest of us.' "Since everybody else uses the roads and the schools, why should high achievers be expected to feel like free loaders who owe still more to the government, because schools and roads are among the things that facilitate their work? "Personal responsibility, whether for achievement or failure, is a threat to the whole vision of the left, and a threat the left goes all-out to combat, using rhetoric uninhibited by reality." - - - - -
Another test for Obama diehards: "Would you give control of your financial life to someone with no history in or knowledge of business ... someone with a demonstrated proclivity for spending far above income ...an admitted history of being a doper ... a clear proclivity for taking money from people who earned it in order to curry favor with freeloaders?" Would you? If you're a taxpayer, that's precisely what you're doing if you support Obama. Of course, if you DON'T pay taxes but live off the earnings of your fellow citizens ... - - - - -
Reader Albert has a fix on Obama's outburst of nonsense ... "The self-evident lunatics who defend every ridiculous pronouncement from the Bozo in the White House (can we say 'papal BULL?' Or maybe just 'bull?') have and will no doubt continue to go nuts over the very idea that people cannot build success for themselves. President Bozo's latest idiocy is about 'somebody else did that,' 'they had help,' and other government-centric inanities. "What Obozo is saying is that without government and its roads and infrastructure, wealth and prosperity cannot exist. But in reality, without wealth and prosperity, government roads and infrastructure cannot exist. OBozo has it exactly backwards. Government infrastructure is built from the taxes paid out of wealth and prosperity, not the other way around. This is self-evident. Are 43% of American voters REALLY that stupid not to see this? If they are, then the near future is not bright at all. What government is doing now has brought down great empires of the past. It is unwise to assume it cannot happen again." - - - - -
Smarminess defined: The Navy's recruiting campaign tagged "A global force for good." For candor, I prefer the informal slogan of the Marines, "We kill people and break things." - - - - -
Now he's obsessing about the feelings of disgraced (former) Congressman Anthony Weiner's wife, Huma Abedin, assistant to Hillary Clinton. Can I be the only one who thinks it far past time for the Republican Party's Mr. Goody-Two-Shoes, John "Reach Across the Aisle" McCain, to simply shut the hell up and disappear? And take his stupid brainwashed daughter with him? - - - - -
For some semi-literate journalism school grads now working in the media: "Flare" and "flair" are not synonyms. They are homonyms. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "The big news in Washington now is the disappearance of Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. Nobody can find him. He's completely disappeared. People think he's either in rehab or he might have been given his own show on CNN." AFTER COLORADO MASSACRE,
DEMOCRATS WOULD DESTROY OUR DEFENSES ... BUSINESS BACKLASH AT OBAMA BROADENS Don't think it a good idea for law-abiding citizens to be allowed to carry a gun? Ask the people who were targeted in the massacre at the Colorado theater. But naturally, the whiny left that wants people left defenseless will use this horror to push for more gun-control -- as if the perpetrators of mass-murder would obey such laws. Unless they know and deliver additional facts, such as motive, why do we need "statements" from politicians about such horrible events? Yes, it's bad and evil and tragic, etc., but what do political platitudes really add? - - - - -
The end is near. Microsoft just reported its first quarterly loss. Ever. Next, the locusts ... - - - - -
The willingness of the Democrats, from Obama down to the dumbest dunce in the Senate, Patty Murray, has made clear their intention to wreck the defense capability of the U.S. military in order to score political points over their wish to raise taxes. This should tell any rational person (which excludes Democrats) all that's needed to evaluate their socialist priorities. More government giveaways, yes. Defend the nation ... naaaah ... The word "treasonous" comes to mind. But, of course, political politeness precludes calling behavior by it's rightful name. - - - - -
Survey says ... "Sixty-two percent (62%) of Likely U.S. Voters consider encouraging economic growth as a more important role for the government than ensuring economic fairness. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 30% of voters believe it’s more important for the government to ensure economic fairness." "Fairness," of course, being the most subjective word in the political lexicon, and therefore utterly meaningless. Also from Rasmussen: Only 28% say the country is headed in the right direction, a question that should -- and often does -- predict the outcome of presidential elections. If you think the plane is going the wrong way, why should a sensible person want to keep the same captain on the job? - - - - -
The Government Accountability Institute finds that by his own estimate, the president has spent 600 hours playing golf, compared to just 412 hours in economic meetings of any kind throughout his presidency. He's your employee. Would you retain any other employee who exhibited such misplaced priorities? - - - - -
The biggest, most pervasive ongoing lie by Obama and the Democrats goes like this: "We're going to ASK the richest (whatever percent) of Americans to CONTRIBUTE more ... " Since when does the IRS ever merely ASK you to CONTRIBUTE more in tax dollars? - - - - -
Ann Coulter neatly summarizes the accomplishments of the Dear Leader ... " Obama has: — destroyed the job market; — sent billions of taxpayer dollars to Wall Street, companies overseas, his campaign contributors and public sector unions; — forced the passage of a wildly unpopular national health care law on a purely partisan vote; — come out for gay marriage; — refused to enforce laws on illegal immigration; — eliminated the work requirement for welfare." In short ... everything an America-hating left-winger could hope for. One reason for all this, as Ms. Coulter surmises; the flouting of immigration laws ... "According to the Center for Immigration Studies, 57 percent of all immigrant households in the U.S. get cash, Medicaid, housing or food benefits from the government — compared with 39 percent of native households. The highest rates are for immigrants from the Dominican Republic (82 percent), Mexico and Guatemala (tied at 75 percent). "Isn’t the idea to get immigrants with special skills? If you can’t even get a job, by definition, you do not have a special skill. Other than voting Democrat." Another factor ... "The reason the polls are tied between Obama and Romney is that single women support Obama by a 2-to-1 margin. The Democrats’ siren song to single women is: Don’t worry, the government will be your husband." -- (Entire article at Townhall.com) -- - - - - - The Fox News poll showing Condi Rice as the leading choice for VP reflects one thing: name recognition. Ain't happening ... - - - - -
Just wondering ... What kind of sub-moron Washington enviro-nut thought it a good idea to fuel our warships with "bio-fuel" at $26 a gallon ... who hired this person ... and why are not both locked up in a lunatic asylum? - - - - -
With strikes of taxi drivers and transport workers there looming and the threat of terrorism, only fools would even consider going to the London Olympics. - - - - -
Try not to die in 2013 ... especially if you've saved money in the hope of leaving it to your family. The inheritance tax (i.e., death tax) beloved by the thieves ... uh, DEMOCRATS ... rises to a top level of 60%. An apt slogan for today's Democratic Party would be, "If we can't steal your money while you're alive, we'll steal it after you're dead!" - - - - -
I have a date at the lab today; time to get blood drawn for a routine physical. I hope I get Lisa to wield the needle. She does it so painlessly, I'm sure she's guaranteed a place in heaven whatever her other sins may be -- and I'm equally sure they are minimal, or non-existent. The woman's a saint, I tell you! (See, Lisa? I told you -- don't hurt me, and I'll make you semi-famous!) - - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "Jerry Springer hosted a lunch for President Obama in Cincinnati Monday when the president campaigned in Ohio. Getting Springer's endorsement was a huge coup for Barack Obama. He has now locked up the votes of people who practice incest in trailer parks." - - - - -
The Daily Caller reports ... "The Mexican government has been working with the United States Department of Agriculture to increase participation in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), or food stamps. USDA has an agreement with Mexico to promote American food assistance programs, including food stamps, among Mexican Americans, Mexican nationals and migrant communities in America. 'USDA and the government of Mexico have entered into a partnership to help educate eligible Mexican nationals living in the United States about available nutrition assistance,' the USDA explains in a brief paragraph on their 'Reaching Low-Income Hispanics With Nutrition Assistance' web page. 'Mexico will help disseminate this information through its embassy and network of approximately 50 consular offices.'" - - - - -
Heartiest congratulations a a "well done" to Kim Jong-un on his promotion to the rank of Marshal of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the highest military rank to be achieved in that socialist workers' paradise. We are convinced, of course, that this high position was achieved totally on merit. - - - - -
Reader Pete takes note of another example of subtle bias in media reporting ... "The headline reads 'Poll finds gains for Obama rival.' I know it pains them to have do so, but couldn't it just have easily read 'Poll finds Romney gaining on Obama?'" - - - - -
Bill O'Reilly is a great showman. If only his intellect matched his ego ... - - - - -
Democrats are having their usual hissy-fit because House Republicans want to stop spending taxpayer dollars to support National Public Radio. Who should be surprised at Democrat reaction? After all, when you can force even political opponents to support one of your major propaganda outlets ... - - - - -
"What you are is God's gift to you, what you make of yourself is your gift to God." --- Jewish proverb, from Jewish World Review - - - - -
Dateline: Belleville, Illinois -- Shannon White, age 36, arrested after calling 9-1-1 six times to report that her boyfriend had refused to give her any more beer ... "That MF wouldn't give me no more Colt .45!" - - - - -
Mr. Thrill Hill forwards a bumper sticker for a new organization ... "DADDD" -- DADS AGAINST DAUGHTERS DATING DEMOCRATS" - - - - -
While shopping for vacation clothes, my husband and I passed a display of bathing suits. It had been at least ten years and twenty pounds since I had even considered buying a bathing suit, so I sought my husband's advice. "What do you think?' I asked. 'Should I get a bikini or an all-in-one?" "'Better get a bikini,' he replied. 'You'd never get it all in one." And that's when the fight started ... (Thanks, Gordon!) - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Ralph Lauren says the uniforms they make for the 2014 Winter Olympics will be made right here in the USA — using our own old-fashioned illegal immigrants. "Harry Reid and other members of Congress, they're just furious over this Olympic uniform deal. He says we should burn the uniforms, and it's an embarrassment and a disgrace. Not as embarrassing as Congress constantly borrowing money from the Chinese, but still embarrassing." ... and Argus Hamilton adds ... "Ralph Lauren calmed Congress over his U.S. Olympic outfits getting made in China. He vowed that in the next Games they'll be made in the U.S. We feel a lot better if fourteen-year-old Guatemalan girls sew them in America than we do if twelve-year-old girls sew them in China." A POLITICIAN'S POINTLESS PLATITUDES
ABC NEWS -- STUPID IRRESPONSIBILITY IN ACTION ... HAS ROMNEY FINALLY GOTTEN LEO DUROCHER'S MESSAGE? ”Even as Ramadan holds profound meaning for the world’s 1.5 billion Muslims, it is also a reminder to people of all faiths of our common humanity and the commitment to justice, equality, and compassion shared by all great faiths.” -- Barack Hussein Obama's statement on the beginning of Ramadan yesterday. Justice? Equality? Compassion? Unadulterated bull-bleep from Islam's top apologist. - - - - -
The "Slimeball of The Year, Journalism Category" award goes to Brian Ross of ABC "News" who incorrectly identified a member of the Colorado Tea Party as the perpetrator of the movie theater massacre. The man he named is still getting threats. I trust that by now the man has retained a very aggressive attorney. And the Big Media TV clowns on the old alphabet (ABC, CBS, NBC) networks wonder why their viewership is shrinking by the day! Eventually, even some of the dumbest people on the planet -- liberals -- start to figure out they're being fed a diet of lies. - - - - -
Note to pseudo-reporters who infest the media today ... Before you use either "defuse" or "diffuse" you would be well advised to look up each word. This is prompted by written news reports that police would enter the Colorado murderer's apartment to "diffuse" any booby-trap explosives. No. In this case it would be "DEFUSE," as in removing or disabling the fuse. - - - - -
The wise and wily Wes Pruden, editor emeritus of the Washington Times, applauds the newly-forceful Mr. Romney ... "Defense wins football games, but only offense wins elections. Republicans, who instinctively prefer drawing-room niceness, often have trouble getting their heads around that. "The Republican challenger is finally taking the fight to the president, taking due note of what a new campaign commercial calls 'a perverted form of crony capitalism during his first 3½ years in office — to the detriment of the American middle class.' "We’re becalmed in the midsummer doldrums, when political speech rarely impresses voters, if indeed any are listening. But fighting speech fires up the troops that Mr. Romney must count on to win. "Kenneth Cuccinelli, the attorney general of Virginia, says the change in Mr. Romney may reflect not tougher, but smarter. 'I think Gov. Romney is by nature a nicer guy than you’re used to seeing in politics.' Perhaps, but nice guys, as baseball legend Leo Durocher famously said, finish last." - - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "The Mississippi River was dredged and deepened by the Corps of Engineers so the drought-stricken river can carry traffic. It's really bad. The country is so dry the Justice Department is advertising a water-pistol buy-back program in Mexican newspapers." - - - - -
Thomas Sowell cuts through the Obama BS barrage ... "All the high-flown talk about how people who are successful in business should 'give back' to the community that created the things that facilitated their success is, again, something that sounds plausible to people who do not stop and think through what is being said. After years of dumbed-down education, that apparently includes a lot of people. "What about the workers that businesses hire, whose education is usually created in government-financed schools? The government doesn't have any wealth of its own, except what it takes from taxpayers, whether individuals or businesses. "When businesses hire highly educated people, such as chemists or engineers, competition in the labor market forces them to pay higher salaries for people with longer years of valuable education. (Ed.note -- And those higher salaries result in more tax revenue for the government.) "One of the tricks of professional magicians is to distract the audience's attention from what they are doing while they are creating an illusion of magic. Pious talk about 'giving back' distracts our attention from the cold fact that politicians are taking away more and more of our money and our freedom." - - - - -
One fact, one solid prediction ... The fact is ... New York City's unemployment rate in the Obama economy is now in double figures. The solid prediction is ... the fools who live there will vote overwhelmingly for the man and the policies that brought them to this sorry state of affairs. - - - - -
The two-legged cattle chanting "four more years" at Obama rallies resemble a rape victim who turns over and says, "Now, do it again." - - - - -
Cal Thomas enumerates "Seven Habits of Highly Ineffective Government" ... 1. High taxes which rob the productive and discourage innovation. 2. Too many regulations. Over-regulation inhibits private industry from performing up to its potential. 3. Overspending. When an individual is in debt, he or she aims to spend less until the family budget is in balance.Politicians won't tell anyone "no," so government keeps spending. 4. Foreign adventures. We cannot afford to go everywhere in hopes of promoting liberty. We should only send troops where our interests are clearly defined and an achievable outcome is likely. 5. Bureaucracy. There are too many people working for government. 6. Health care. Government can't make you healthy. Obamacare will not only cost more, but will reduce the quality and availability of good health care. 7. Ignoring the Constitution. - - - - -
While the rest of the world runs away from the U.S. in educating young people for success in a growth economy, it occurred to me to examine the list of degree programs offered by the University of California. Without comment, I offer this partial list: Art History African American Studies Buddhist Studies Celtic Studies Chicano Studies Comparative Literature Dutch Studies Folklore Gender and Women's Studies Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies Native American Studies Peace and Conflict Studies Without rendering judgment on the intrinsic value of any of these randomly-selected programs, I would simply pose this question to the taxpayers who support U.C. and similar institutions: Do you think you're getting your money's worth? Do you expect any or all of these to improve the nation's economy? - - - - -
A survey by CareerBuilder came up with these applications from job-seekers likely to remain unemployed ... Candidate called himself a genius and invited the hiring manager to interview him at his apartment. Candidate’s cover letter talked about her family being in the mob. Candidate applying for a management job listed “gator hunting” as a skill. Candidate specified that her resume was set up to be sung to the tune of “The Brady Bunch.” Candidate claimed to be able to speak “Antarctican” when applying for a job to work in Antarctica. Candidate listed “to make dough” as the objective on the resume. Candidate applying for an accounting job said he was “dEEtail-oriented” and spelled the company’s name incorrectly. - - - - -
Craig Ferguson-- "Mitt Romney is close to announcing his running mate. Apparently Romney wants a female with a strong stage presence and the free time to campaign. So I'm guessing Steven Tyler." - - - - -
Jimmy Kimmel -- "At the Beijing Olympics in 2008, they handed out 100,000 condoms. This year it's 150,000. That's 100,000 for the U.S. basketball team and 50,000 for everyone else." THUMB-SUCKING LIBERALS TEED-OFF AT
WHO SHOULD BE THE REAL FIRST RESPONDER? YOU ... REWARDING THE SLOTHFUL IS OUR PUBLIC POLICY Timeless wisdom ... Don't make it a practice to tell everyone your troubles. Half aren't interested ... the other half are glad you got what you deserve. - - - - -
It speaks volumes that Tea Party folk who believe the U.S. Constitution to be the backbone of a system of government that has served this country well for over two centuries should be protected and observed, while unscrupulous liberals attack them for trying to do so. No wonder they choose to believe people like the despicable "reporter" Brian Ross who, abetted by Boy George Stephanopoulos, just couldn't wait to try and find a link between the Colorado massacre and the Tea Party. And who's surprised that the lying cretins of the left even try to blame Rush Limbaugh? They are utterly without conscience or common sense and are a very real threat to the nation. - - - - -
It might be useful to dwell for a moment on the term "first responders," the term for those invaluable folk -- police, firefighters, EMTs -- who show up after a bloody slaughter. The operative word is "after." The first responder who could have done something to minimize the horrendous massacre in Colorado would have been an armed citizen who was already there and ready to shoot the SOB. This, of course, is something dung-head liberals refuse to acknowledge or even comprehend. "Ooooo, a gun! Ooooo, I'm SKEERED!" - - - - -
The steadily worsening inability -- or unwillingness -- of our irresponsible federal government to contain the insane waste of taxpayer money and even advertising in Mexico the ease of getting U.S. food stamps (!) prompts many to say that only those who pay taxes should be allowed to vote and thus end the self-perpetuating practice of buying votes with other peoples' (i.e., taxpayer) money. Unlikely. Because we're already at the point where half of all U.S. citizens DON'T pay any income tax. That horse has already left the barn. - - - - -
A case study of society's leeches, reported by KOCO-TV in Oklahoma City ... A man arrested on suspicion of panhandling in Oklahoma City told officers there was no point in getting a job, because he made $60,000 last year. According to the police report, an officer spotted Shane Warren Speegle, 45, panhandling near Interstate 40 and Macarthur Boulevard earlier this month. When the officer approached Speegle and told him it was illegal to panhandle without a permit, Speegle asked if he could get a permit that day and implied the $200 fee was not a bad price. According to the report, the officer asked Speegle why he didn't just get a job and Speegle replied, "I'm lazy, and I made $60,000 doing this last year. Why would I go get a job?" Want to bet on whether he paid income taxes on his sixty-grand haul? - - - - -
Proving once again that there is no antidote for stupidity, motivational speaker Tony Robbins, who was once consulted by the Clintons, staged an event in San Jose, California, during which he invited people to walk barefoot across red-hot coals. At least 21 idiots had to be treated for burns on their feet. - - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "President Obama told a crowd that if you've been successful it's because somebody else gave you some help. This is personal with him. He would still be dogged each day by questions about his birth certificate were it not for the good people at Kinko's." - - - - -
Reader Wes poses a good question, to which I have not yet obtained an answer. The question is ... how many private enterprise workers (taxpayers) does it take to support each government employee? Several years ago, the ratio was 6-to-1. Today it might be more difficult to calculate. For instance, would we also have to include the number of workers in China required to produce the revenue for their government to loan our parasites in Washington? - - - - -
Burt Prelutsky dares to think the unthinkable ... "In the wake of the Supreme Court’s split-decision regarding Arizona’s immigration law, the term, 'racial profiling,' is being tossed around like an old beach ball at a Dodgers game.You would think the term was synonymous with whippings and lynchings the way liberals carry on. The only thing it’s synonymous with is commonsense. To suggest otherwise is just plain silly. "For instance, if your car breaks down in the middle of the night and you spot a group of young urban blacks standing nearby, are you seriously going to tell me that you don’t feel threatened? "In this era of political correctness, people are supposed to ignore the fact that illegal immigrants are a terrible drain on America’s limited resources. "Even though it’s mainly Hispanics who are here illegally, nobody’s supposed to racially profile them. But ask anyone what an illegal alien looks like, and, unless he’s prepared to lie, he’s going to say the guy looks an awful lot like a Mexican or a Guatemalan. " It’s also Muslims. Even though nearly every terrorist act over the past few decades can be traced to young Muslim males, we are supposed to pretend it’s just….what?....a coincidence?" - - - - -
Victor Davis Hanson elucidates on a reality that addled liberals simply can't absorb ... "Forgotten in the latest hype about illegal immigration is the cycle of lawlessness that follows illegal entry into the United States. The simple fact is that once someone chooses to enter the U.S. illegally and remain here illegally, breaking the law, either deliberately or through indifference, becomes easier and habitual: obtaining false IDs, avoiding normal bureaucratic requirements, violating zoning laws, etc. And when the host, whether federal, state, or local government, sends a message that the issue is now entirely political rather than legal, often the illegal immigrant senses that he is (and should be) generally exempt from the mundane laws that others must follow." In short, if they get away with breaking that first --and big -- law, there's no reason for them to obey others. - - - - -
Some lament the fact that Obama spends so much time campaigning that he has little left to perform his job as president. I say we should count our blessings, however small. The less time he has to subvert the constitution, the law and common sense, the better. - - - - -
Reader Allen offers this in response to the standard liberal anti-gun clamor ... "Of course the gun control crowd will exploit the latest tragedy by claiming stricter gun controls would have prevented the incident. The better solution is to outlaw violence in movies thus eliminating the role models for crazies to imitate. Hollywood should be the focus of the blame, not guns. "If guns are to be outlawed lets start by outlawing them in movies." It might also be pointed out that most of the movie moguls who produce the blood-drenched epics are also big supporters of B. H. Obama and his fellow gun-grabbers. - - - - -
Seen those street-riots in Athens and Madrid? Get used to it, America; you're looking at your own future if government control isn't taken out of the hands of the economy-wrecking scoundrels now in charge. - - - - -
Steven Greenhut (Reason magazine) addresses the fruits of liberal madness ... "First Vallejo, then Stockton, then Mammoth Lakes, and now San Bernardino and soon possibly Compton. As Orange County Supervisor John Moorlach told Bloomberg News, the bankruptcy dominoes are starting to fall. One California city after another—following a decade-long spree of ramping up public-employee pay and pension benefits, as well as redevelopment debt—are becoming insolvent. "Not that the state’s legislators have anything constructive to offer. California’s Democratic leaders are not only unwilling to rein in the costs of benefits for their patrons, the public-sector unions, but they have been erecting roadblocks to those localities that want to fix the problem on their own. Yet all the political blockades in the world cannot fix the basic problem of insolvency. "Only when the money runs out will cities find the necessary solutions. That’s perhaps the saddest commentary on the situation in California cities these days." - - - - -
Re Huma Abedin, aide to Hillary with family ties to the Muslim Brotherhood ... The same thing I wrote about one of her defenders, John "Across the Aisle" McCain also applies to House Speaker (and weenie) John Boehner. Shut the (bleep) up, dope, and waddle back to the tanning parlor! - - - - -
A life in radio (and TV) ... He was the coolest broadcaster I ever met. My early years in broadcasting were typical. Considerable movement from job to job, part of the process of learning one's trade and progressing up the ladder in a fiercely competitive industry. What I lacked in talent was countered by ambition and a willingness to work wherever a better job was available. Thus I was fortunate in my nascent career to meet George Moore. George was Program Director at KTHS Radio in Little Rock, a powerhouse clear-channel station at 1090 on the dial with a roaring signal that, in winter, boomed all the way over the North Pole to Scandinavia. I did an afternoon show that regularly brought mail from Sweden, Norway, etc. George was the product of a privileged upbringing and loved tennis; he'd taken lessons in his boyhood from the legendary Bill Tilden. Since I was able to compete but seldom beat him, he valued me as a practice partner. When the boss says, "Let's play tennis Saturday," you play tennis Saturday. George also did the evening news on our sister TV station, KTHV, where I sometimes did the mundane job of reciting station breaks from a small announcer's booth ("KTHV, Channel Eleven, Little Rock") and as a fill-in doing the sports report on George's 10pm newscast. It was on such an evening that the major international news story was the reopening of the Suez Canal after Egypt had blocked it for months in one of their incessant wars with Israel. Picture it: The evening news set was in a large studio which also served as the location for a midday talk-show with a live audience, accommodating a couple of hundred people in folding chairs which, the rest of the day, were stacked against an adjacent wall. Lights up ... cameras on ... opening music plays ... George opens the news, delivering the story about the reopening of the vital Canal. A few yards away, Nick the weatherman was readying himself to deliver a short weather preview a few minutes later, wearing a microphone clipped to his lapel with the wire connection under his jacket and trailing behind him. As he strolled to the far side of his weather set, the microphone cable brought him to an abrupt halt. It was snagged on the floor at one corner of a stack of the folding chairs. Which Nick did not notice. Just as George reached the conclusion of the day's big story, Nick reaches behind him and gives the microphone cable a hearty yank ... and down comes the stack of folding chairs, with a horrendous clatter. The imperturbable George, without so much as a flinch, looks coolly into the camera and says, "Ladies and gentlemen, Channel Eleven has just brought you -- exclusively -- the sound of the first ship through the Suez Canal ... dropping anchor." - - - - -
My e-mail is regularly laden with messages urging me to join Facebook or other "social media." No chance. Never. Have the people who participate in this sabotaging of their own privacy never heard about how much of their personal information is being harvested not only for commercial use but by thieves, as well? The desperately lonely are especially easy targets. It is foolish to collaborate in one's own victimization. - - - - -
Memo to the Travel Channel: The Tower Bridge in London is not THE London Bridge. The latter was sold to Robert McCulloch in 1968, taken apart and reassembled as the centerpiece of his development of Lake Havasu City, Arizona. The Tower Bridge is the impressive span across the Thames River anchored at each end by two tall towers. Nearby is the historic Tower of London, where various notables have been imprisoned and sometimes separated from their heads. It also houses the Queen's jewels, which belong not to the person, but to the monarch's position. No cubic zirconia to be seen. - - - - -
Every pilot will appreciate this ... Gene sends along a photo of a small placard placed on the instrument panel, passenger's side of a Beechcraft Bonanza. It says: CO-PILOT CHECKLIST 1. Don't touch anything 2. Keep your mouth shut - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Russia is now planning to finally bury former Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin. His body has been on display since 1924, which breaks the old record held by Cher." UNIVERSITY OFFICIALS' FUTURE: PENN
OR THE STATE PEN? ... OBAMA'S "IT'S GEORGE'S FAULT" LOSING ITS EFFECTIVENESS ... AN EXPERT'S GRIM ECONOMIC FORECAST Fearless prediction: Penn State will not win the national college football championship this year. Or next ... or the next ... or the next ... Penn State's administration belatedly did what every rational person knew had to be done: Take down the statue of Joe Paterno. Now the NCAA has spoken, and the penalty is heavy. Big fine ... loss of scholarships ... forfeiture of wins ... no bowl games for four years ... much of Paterno's winning record erased ... and more. It's not the fault of athletes that this disgraceful mess occurred, so current players can transfer to other schools if they choose to do so, without sitting out for a year as is usually required. Contrary to what some Penn State alumni and admirers choose to believe, Saint Joe DIDN'T just report the activities of the cretin Sandusky to University authorities; he persuaded and participated in the cover-up. And we will hear no more about Joe Paterno and Penn State being the model for how a college football program should be run. - - - - -
"Insensitive" dep't. ... I don't care if, how or why a mass murderer is adjudged by some to be mentally incompetent. The idea of rehabilitating such a beast is absurd. Better to turn out his lights and get it over. - - - - -
Blaming George isn't working anymore. A new poll commissioned by The Hill, the political newsletter, found that 66 percent believe paltry job growth and slow economic recovery is the result of bad policy. Thirty-four percent say Obama is the most to blame, followed by 23 percent who say Congress is the culprit. Twenty percent point the finger at Wall Street, and just 18 percent cite former President George W. Bush. Perhaps the awakening to the obvious has finally begun with recognition that Obama's handling of economic issues reflects either ignorance or deliberate sabotage. I know; only a cynic would suggest such a thing. - - - - -
"If fairness in paying taxes means the amount you pay is based on the amount you make, then the only group in America paying at least a "fair share" is the top 20%—people who make more than $74,000. For everyone else, the tax code is a bargain. "There's also another way of looking at fairness, and that's the tax burden. Here, consider the top 20% of income earners (over $74,000). They make 50% of the nation's income but pay nearly 70% of all federal taxes." -- Wall Street Journal - - - - -
Oh, the irony! The very rich, high-living Pritzker family has been a major source of funding for Obama's political campaigns. Their business empire includes Hyatt Hotels ... which are now being targeted for boycott by organized labor for being non-union employers. Words to live by: Go to bed with snakes and eventually you'll get bitten. - - - - -
From CNBC ... A robust and self-sustaining U.S. recovery is not on the cards, and we should now expect below trend growth for many years to come, according to Nouriel Roubini, the economist famed for his bearish views. Roubini, best-known for calling the 2008 economic crisis, outlined five reasons the bulls have been wrong and argued that an American economic cold will lead the rest of the world to catch pneumonia in a post on the Project Syndicate website. It may come down to this for many voters: With Romney in the White House, recovery will be difficult. With Obama ... impossible. - - - - -
Michael Goodwin in the NY Post on the craven "reporting" by ABC ... "It was inevitable that a left-leaning news organization would be the first to inject politics into the Colorado massacre story. ABC News performed down to type by reporting shortly after 8 a.m. Friday that the shooter was a registered member of the Tea Party. "The scoop alert soon was followed by a backtrack, then a full apology for smearing the wrong man. So it goes in hyper-politicized America, where every piece of cultural flotsam and jetsam is autopsied for its affiliations, as if politics explains everything." ... and on the economy ... "With 23 million Americans out of work or underemployed, and with disability becoming the new welfare, the jobs crisis is changing the character of the country for the worst. Deficits, debt and run-away entitlement costs are sapping our economic might, yet a kind of magical thinking prevails, as if we are exempt from the forces bringing Europe to its knees." - - - - -
Mexican President Felipe Calderon urges stricter gun control laws in the U.S. Yes, that's worked so well in peaceful Mexico, hasn't it? - - - - -
Survey says ... Rasmussen Reports polling finds that 59% of Likely U.S. Voters who have served in the military favor the Republican challenger, while 35% support the president. More ... The winner could very well be determined by the eight percent (8%) to 10% of voters who routinely refuse to commit to either of the major party candidates. Which makes this Ramussen headline particularly relevant: Among Uncommitted Voters, Obama Job Approval Is At 29%. - - - - -
Reason Magazine's Tim Cavanaugh addresses the dilemma facing Obamaphiles ... "What do you do when everybody's claiming your president said something, and you just know he didn't really say it, but all the video and all the audio and all the transcripts show that he did say it? "This is the dilemma faced by supporters of President Obama in the long wake of last week's "You didn't build that" speech. "The president's opponents are making a big fuss over comments that are on their face contemptuous of individual merit and out of step with American popular opinion. "The president has boldly presented his view on how an economy works. His supporters should give him the respect of taking his words seriously." - - - - -
If the government insists on using drones for intrusive spying on law-abiding citizens, how long before some of those citizens start shooting them down? They're small and fragile, so it seems likely that a .12-gauge shotgun would suffice. Not advocating ... just an observation. - - - - -
Craig Ferguson with TV news ... "There's a much tighter budget on Oprah's show. Last week her studio audience looked under their seats and just found gum. And Tom Cruise was jumping up and down on a fold-out chair." - - - - -
Your local newspaper probably won't carry this handy civics guide, but it's making the rounds on the internet ... If a Republican doesn't like guns, he doesn't buy one. If a Democrat doesn't like guns, he wants all guns outlawed. If a Republican is a vegetarian, he doesn't eat meat. If a Democrat is a vegetarian, he wants all meat products banned for everyone. If a Republican is homosexual, he quietly leads his life. If a Democrat is homosexual, he demands legislated respect. If a Republican doesn't like a talk show host, he switches channels. Democrats demand that those they don't like be shut down. If a Republican is a non-believer, he doesn't go to church. A Democrat non-believer wants any mention of God and religion silenced. If a Republican decides he needs health care, he goes about shopping for it, or may choose a job that provides it. A Democrat demands that the rest of us pay for his. - - - - -
Mike brings us this small slice of life ... My neighbor - She's single and a good looking woman - lives right across the street. I can see her house from my living room. I watched as she got home from work this evening. I was surprised when she walked across the street and up my driveway. She knocked on my door... I rushed to open it. She looks at me, and says, "I just got home, and I am so horny! I have this strong urge to have a good time, get drunk, and make love all night long! Are you busy tonight?" I immediately replied, "Nope, I'm free... I have no plans at all!" Then she said, "Good! In that case, could you watch my dog?" LIBERALS PREFER DEFENSELESS VICTIMS
OBAMA CONTRADICTS HIMSELF ... B.O. CAN'T DODGE BLAME Many have asked how/why a crowded theater in Aurora, Colorado, wouldn't have a single armed civilian in the house when the murderer began firing. Because the ownership of the movie house had a "no firearms" rule. That worked out well, didn't it? - - - - -
Another sign of a crazy, out-of-control government ... As of this month, 8,753,935 Americans are getting federal disability payments. That is a number larger than the entire population of 39 individual states. And everyone knows many such (granted) claims are fraudulent. - - - - -
"The last thing you want to do is to raise taxes in the middle of a recession, because that would just suck up, take more demand out of the economy and put businesses in a further hole." -- Barack Obama, 2009 So said the man who now intends to raise taxes on virtually every taxpayer. - - - - -
Jed Babbin (The American Spectator) reflects on the lesson of the Aurora massacre ... "If the only thing you have in your hand is a bag of popcorn and a killer begins shooting the crowd you -- and your spouse and children and friends -- will probably die. Every American who is lawfully entitled to carry a weapon has a duty to do so. Part of that duty is to get the training and to continue to practice with the weapon so that you can shoot, quickly and accurately, under the worst stress you can imagine. "The liberals now are saying that 'sensible' or 'moderate' new gun control laws are the answer, reserving the definition of those terms to themselves. But no gun control law will stop the killers. Chicago has some of the most stringent gun control laws in the nation and it's now the murder capital of the country." Only the deranged can't figure out the correct answer to this question: You are in a public place. A gunman appears and begins firing. Do you ... (A) Carry a legal weapon and shoot the SOB, or ... (B) Wait for the police to arrive? - - - - - Columnist Mona Charen is weary of hearing these mass murders described as "tragedies" ... "The proper response to such an atrocity is rage. It wouldn't be out of place for the president and the man who hopes to replace him to refer to the shooter as a 'monster.' We don't do that. Instead, we focus on 'healing.' We've become excellently behaved victims." - - - - -
Survey says ... Seventy-two percent (72%) of Likely U.S. Voters believe that people who start small businesses are primarily responsible for their success or failure. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 13% disagree. Contrast these numbers with Obama's open attack on business success ("You didn't do that!") and calculate how that could translate into votes for him. Meantime, the failed Affirmative Action president is feverishly claiming that he didn't say what he DID say. - - - - -
Judd Gregg, former governor and three-term senator from New Hampshire who served as chairman and ranking member of the Senate Budget Committee and as ranking member of the Senate Appropriations subcommittee on Foreign Operations, with a clear warning in The Hill ... "President Obama has simply abdicated his role as the nation’s leader and moved on to something he can actually do, which is campaign. "(September is when) reality sets in. "If investors see big problems in the economy or in world affairs, they take matters into their own hands rather than hoping they will be fixed by some outside force such as government. Usually, they act defensively. Unfortunately, this year, September may be a decisive month for the world and our nation’s economy. " Iran continues its march to obtain nuclear weapons — and the means to deliver them — and one wonders how much longer Israel will cede her potential survival to Obama and the United Nations. "Not long, one suspects. September. " America is not doing a good job of managing its own responsibility — being a force for responsible government and a source of economic growth. "Americans who generate economic activity are beginning to get worn down amid the incessant attacks of the Obama administration. "The Obama administration is expanding government to a point where it rivals European social welfare states in size. "These things provide a type of clarity that tends to lead to investment decisions that in turn lead to economic contraction." - - - - -
Is Brian Ross still working at ABC News? If so, should they henceforth identify him as "Lyin' Brian?" To further compound the disgraceful performance by ABC News, Arlene Holmes, mother of the murderer, says they totally mischaracterized her first conversation with an ABC producer when she was called in the middle of the night and reportedly said, "You've got the right person." Her statement: "He asked if I was Arlene Holmes and if my son was James Holmes who lives in Aurora, Colorado. I answered yes, you have the right person. I was referring to myself." At the time, she knew nothing about the massacre. Of course, so long as ABC keeps up the pretense that longtime Democrat party operative George Stephanopoulos is still a credible news reporter, the whole news operation is a transparent charade. - - - - -
Media prediction: TV ratings will be drastically altered. In Japan. Many Japanese TV stations have carried Seattle Mariners baseball games for years, for one reason. Ichiro Suzuki, a national hero, played for the Mariners. Now he's suddenly a New York Yankee. - - - - -
Also in sports ... The NCAA's handling of the Penn State situation is debatable. What is NOT debatable is the nonsense that pervades sports media about this being the harshest penalty ever imposed on a member institution. It is not. Southern Methodist University (SMU) was for many years a major football power. It got the "death penalty" from the NCAA. No football at all for two years and has never recovered its former status. - - - - -
Memories from Arlys (and others) ... When I was young my intention was to go to medical school. The entrance exam included several questions that would determine eligibility. One of the questions was "Rearrange the letters P N E S I to spell out an important part of the human body that is more useful when erect." Those who spelled "SPINE" became Doctors. The rest ended up in Congress. - - - - -
Dan Sorkin forwards the following new golf rules to be imposed effective September 1. Washington, D.C. July 24 -- President BHO has recently appointed a Golf Czar and major rule changes in the game of golf will become effective September 1, 2012 . This is only a preview as the complete rule book (expect 2000 pages) is being rewritten at present. Here are a few of the changes. Golfers with handicaps: - below 10 will have their green fees increased by 35% . - between 11 and 18 will see no increase in green fees . - above 18 will get a $20 check each time they play . The term "gimmie" will be changed to "entitlement" and will be used as follows: - handicaps below 10, no entitlements . - handicaps from 11 to 17, entitlements for putter length putts . - handicaps above 18, if your ball is on green, no need to putt, just pick it up . These entitlements are intended to bring about fairness and, most importantly, equality in scoring. In addition, a Player will be limited to a maximum of one birdie or six pars in any given 18-hole round. Any excess must be given to those fellow players who have not yet scored a birdie or par. Only after all players have received a birdie or par from the player actually making the birdie or par, can that player begin to count his pars and birdies again. The current USGA handicap system will be used for the above purposes, but the term "net score" will be available only for scoring those players with handicaps of 18 and above . This is intended to "re-distribute" the success of winning by making sure that in every competition, the above 18 handicap players will post only "net score" against every other player's "gross score". These new Rules are intended to CHANGE the game of golf. Golf must be about Fairness. It should have nothing to do with ability, hard work, practice, and responsibility. This is the "Right thing to do." DI-FI GROWS IN STATURE, THEN
MURDOCH AND NBC NEWS -- STRANGE BEDFELLOWS ... WASTING BADLY NEEDED CORN ON ETHANOL When even liberal Senator Diane Feinstein of California, Chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, is alarmed that Obama and his flunkies are endangering national security with their endless blabbing, who's to doubt it? Of course, in typical Obama fashion, she was whipped back into line and forced to weasel-backtrack on her comments within hours. Way to stand up to him, Di-Fi! After all, we mustn't let the lives of Americans and real allies get in the way of re-electing the biggest fraud ever to disgrace the White House. - - - - -
We might wonder how this next piece of news will affect support for New Jersey Governor Chris Christie among Republicans who want him as their VP candidate. Last night he hosted a Ramadan dinner for prominent Muslims. - - - - -
What the hell is the Wall Street Journal (owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, proprietor of Fox News) doing co-sponsoring polls with the left-wing propagandists at NBC?! Their latest piece of rigged propaganda has Obama leading their jointly-sponsored poll by six points. Hidden in the fine print: they surveyed ELEVEN percent more Democrats than Republicans! In short, if they'd surveyed proportionately, Romney's well ahead. The steady shift in Fox News, noticeable to the truly attentive, is a clue that Murdoch figures he has the conservative audience locked-up and can slide toward the "moderates." You know; just like any sleazy politician. - - - - -
Winner, "Delusional Nutjob of the Week--media category" -- ABC News
President Ben Sherwood, who held a conference call of staff members
yesterday and told them that ABC's coverage of the Colorado
massacre, which included identifying the wrong man as the killer,
was just topnotch! Dennis Prager (Townhall.com) views
the mangling of the Aurora massacre by the liberal media,
starting with ABC and so-called "reporter" Brian Ross ...
"When Brian Ross linked the Aurora mass murdere"r to the Tea Party, in his mind, he was doing the right thing. Is there one person in America who believes that if Ross had discovered a James Holmes in Aurora active in the ACLU, he would have reported it? "There is an additional explanation. "In general, the left believes the right is evil. Not wrong, evil. And to Brian Ross and most of his colleagues at ABC News, the Tea Party is the current apotheosis of American evil." - - - - -
- - - - -
Connect the dots on this ... The drought in the Midwest is expected to lead to the smallest corn harvest in years. That will raise the price of food; the animals that provide meat, plus the fuel to carry all food to the stores. Yet we continue the whole energy-inefficient process of turning corn into ethanol for cars and trucks (uses more energy than it creates) ...while Obama's EPA "czars" prohibit drilling for more oil that would render smog-producing ethanol unnecessary and simultaneously block the pipeline that would bring more oil from Canada. It is astonishing that there are Democrats so stupid as to believe this kind of nonsense is "leadership." - - - - -
Lying by Democrats is as common as mosquitoes in a swamp. It is disturbing, however, to see conservatives participating in the current internet campaign to spread photos of an airplane with the Obama logo on the tail with accompanying copy shrieking about Obama using Air Force One as a campaign vehicle. It is totally bogus, and its distribution only serves to make Obama opponents look ignorant -- and ridiculous. I don't know if the picture is the result of using the photo-shop computer program or actually exists, perhaps from his 2008 campaign, in which case it would have been chartered by the candidate's fund. But anyone who knows anything about airplanes knows it is NOT AF-1., Air Force One is a huge Boeing 747 with FOUR engines, The aircraft in the photo is a much-smaller 757 with only TWO engines. There are plenty of reasons to detest Obama. There's no need to make up a patently bogus piece of nonsense like the one circulating on the internet. It only makes the distributors look like fools. - - - - -
Thoughtful people hoping for a president who can actually accomplish something in a leadership role should be considering the respective backgrounds of the candidates. Mitt Romney built, from the ground up, a hugely successful business enterprise that created thousands of jobs. What has Barack Obama ever actually DONE? Besides and before bedazzling those enchanted by either his complexion or white guilt ... what? - - - - -
Liberals regularly lament the disparity in punishment between small-time criminals and white-collar types. I halfway agree. Their preferred solution is lesser punishment for the former. Mine is much harsher punishment for the latter, especially those who defraud the taxpayers and doubly-especially those in government employment. Instead of a short time in a country-club prison, I'd be much happier to see them subjected to lengthy and seriously painful punishment. Betraying the public trust should bring sure and agonizing retribution. I also advocate a sort of punishment for terrorists, both international and domestic, that involves a heaping helping of HURT. Real and repeated PAIN. Like, say, 12-hour days of turning big rocks into little rocks. Endlessly. I know; I lack ... er, what's that wimp-word? Oh, yes ... sensitivity. - - - - -
A political observation in the Washington Post re Romney's wealth: "... releasing tax returns might confirm for some he's just not like them." That may be a correct evaluation of the thinking of some (many?) voters, who should ask themselves, "Do I really WANT a president who's just like me?" Most of us who would subject ourselves to a strong dose of personal insight might well decide, "No, I don't. I want someone better and wiser." Of course, the briefest look at history might lead us to conclude that we seldom GET such a person. Case in point -- the present occupant, probably the most patently unqualified president in history. Somewhere, Jimmy Carter is smiling at the very thought. - - - - -
Victor Davis Hanson responds to the Obama nagging about Romney tax returns ... "We are in a transparency mania, but a rather selective sort of one. Bill Clinton, who chose not to tell the truth while under oath and as president, says he is “perplexed” that Mitt Romney did not offer more candor by providing more than a single year’s tax returns. Yet neither Jimmy Carter nor Ronald Reagan released more than one year’s returns. The reformist John McCain released just two. "True, the 2004 Democratic candidate, John Kerry, offered some 20 years of returns; but that gesture meant almost nothing because his billionaire wife, Teresa, supplied the vast majority of the funds that fueled Kerry’s opulent recreational lifestyle — and she kept largely quiet about where her money was banked and invested. Few in the press praised George W. Bush for releasing nine years of tax returns." As if we needed more evidence that the Big Media are populated by lying demagogues prostituting themselves for leftist politics. - - - - -
Are we clear on this? When Barack the Magnificent talks about "investments" in this-or-that government program, what he really means is, "I want more of your money to buy votes for ME." It's a total suck-up to the teachers' unions and other government employee unions. Everything else he babbles about is pure bull ... feathers. - - - - -
Has there ever been, anytime, anywhere, a big-city mayor as stupidly irresponsible as Bloomberg of NYC? This pompous buffoon actually suggests the city's police go on strike until all the guns have been taken from civilians. Just how this idiot proposes to accomplish that remains unstated. Hint, dope -- YOU CAN'T DO IT! What is the definition of a criminal? SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT OBEY LAWS! My long-held low opinion of New Yorkers as a group grows with every day they allow this fool to remain in office. Perhaps they have a masochistic streak that enjoys having this walking rectal orifice even tell them what to eat and drink. - - - - -
"If you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." -- Barack Obama. Why did he say it? Columnist Arnold Ahlert has an explanation ... "Understand one thing above all else: despite all the analysis from both sides, it was no mistake. Barack Obama meant every word of it, and more importantly, he meant every word of it in the context of trying to get himself re-elected. Thus, there is only one logical conclusion: Mr. Obama believes that more than half the electorate is now on board with his promise to fundamentally transform this nation from the greatest wealth-producing engine in the world, to a government-centric society where bureaucrats pick winners and losers. "Barack Obama, in all his narcissistic arrogance, has pulled down his mask. There will be no moving to the middle, no embracing Americans as a whole, no back-tracking. He's all in, betting the takers outnumber the makers. That's why he said what he said. And the reason so many otherwise intelligent people have failed to see it, is because they can't believe any president would openly espouse a Marxist future for our nation unless, it was a mistake. "It wasn't." - - - - -
How to summarize ... so many lies. Jack Kelly makes a dent in a few in Jewish World Review ... " Mr. Obama attacks Mitt Romney for outsourcing jobs. Mr. Obama invests through mutual funds in firms that outsource jobs; accepts contributions from outsourcers and hired an executive who had worked for Mr. Romney's firm as his budget director. An Obama supporter was in charge at that firm when the layoffs the president decries took place, according to Gateway Pundit. Even The Washington Post has criticized Mr. Obama's Bain attacks on Mr. Romney. "When he was marketing Obamacare, Mr. Obama suggested frequently and falsely that his mother died because her insurance company wouldn't pay for a cancer treatment. Hers isn't the only health care horror story he made up to promote Obamacare. Among them: "Obamacare will "bring down (health insurance) premiums by $2,500 for the typical family," the president said. MIT economist Jonathan Gruber, who helped draft the law, says now Obamacare will increase premiums by 19 percent to 30 percent. "... perhaps he'll be pleased to be remembered for more than being the president who attended the most fund-raisers and played the most golf. He may be the biggest liar ever to reside at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue." - - - - -
A test worth repeating. If you wonder whether your wife or your dog loves you more, try this: Lock each -- separately -- in the trunk of your car for an hour. Then see which greets your more joyfully when released. OBAMA: DROWNING IN HIS OWN LIES ...
WHY IS McCAIN SO SURE HUMA'S BEYOND DOUBT? ... ROMNEY'S PICKED WINNERS, OBAMA'S PICKED LOSERS “You didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.” Obama's ridiculing remark about people who have worked and succeeded in building a business. Those are Barack Obama's exact words. They were NOT "taken out of context." In fact, read in TOTAL context they are even more self-incriminating. Belatedly, he realized that he had screwed-up big time by expressing his real -- Marxist -- feelings about the foundation of American success. His cheesy commercial attempting to deny that he said what he DID say brands him as the most blatant liar in the history of the presidency. - - - - -
Andrew McCarthy (National Review Online) dares to consider the unspeakable ... "Despite mounting evidence of close ties between the Muslim Brotherhood and Huma Abedin, Secretary of State Clinton’s close aide, Republican congressional leaders — particularly Senator John McCain and House Speaker John Boehner — continue to target their ire not at the State Department but at Representative Michele Bachmann. "Representative Bachmann is one of five House conservatives who have raised concerns about Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of our government. Any chance Speaker Boehner might take just a couple of minutes out of his busy jihad against Bachmann to focus on how the State Department — during Ms. Abedin’s tenure — has cozied up to Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi, the Muslim Brotherhood’s chief sharia jurist? "Sheikh Qaradawi is a promoter of jihadist terror. His fatwas endorse terrorist attacks against American personnel in Iraq as well as suicide bombing — by both men and women — against Israel. "Hypothetically, if Huma Abedin did have a bias in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, and if she were actually acting on that bias to try to tilt American policy in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood, what exactly would the State Department be doing differently?" - - - - -
Look for a repeat of the old, old story. The government announces the unemployed numbers late in the week, then quietly corrects them -- invariably upward -- the following Monday. We live under a presidency that lies as naturally as breathing. - - - - -
James Robbins of the Washington Times wonders where Obama has been finding all these "admirers" he boasts about ... "At the Veterans of Foreign Wars convention, President Obama heaped praise on his foreign policy record. 'Because we’re leading around the world, people have a new attitude toward America,' he said. 'There’s more confidence in our leadership. We see it everywhere we go.' This raises the question: Where exactly has he been going? "Since Mr. Obama took office, the opinion of the United States generally has declined in every country surveyed by the Pew Global Attitudes Project, according to a report released in June. Despite the vaunted White House effort to reach out to Muslim-majority countries, U.S. favorability ratings in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Pakistan are below where they were in 2008, when George W. Bush was at the helm. The study notes that 'opinion is generally against Obama in most of the predominantly Muslim countries surveyed, with about half or more in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Pakistan saying Obama should not be elected again.' "Russian President Vladimir Putin regards Mr. Obama with open contempt. All of the administration’s diplomatic frameworks, whether in North Korea, South Asia, Iran, Israel or the Middle East generally, have failed. Mr. Obama has shown no leadership regarding the continuing chaos in the Arab world, unless it has been leading from behind. The U.S. relationship with Israel has frayed significantly since 2009." If this is success, we must tremble as we wonder what failure would look like. - - - - -
Here's the track record. Barack Obama put your Mitt Romney put investors' tax dollars into money including union and "investments" pension funds - - like these: in businesses like these: Burger King Solyndra--bankrupt Burlington Coat Factory Ener 1--bankrupt Dominos Pizza Beacon Power--bankrupt Dunkin' Donuts Abound Solar--bankrupt Staples Spectra Watt--bankrupt Toys R Us ... all projects run by contributors ... all job-producers. to Obama's campaigns. - - - - -
Headline from the Rasmussen Report poll ... "46% Say Romney Should Release More Tax Returns, 46% Disagree" Allow me to interpret that. Democrats want anything that the Obama/Biden Liars Club tells them might cause trouble for the opponent. Republicans know the demand has no point other than to distract attention from Obama's manifest failures. We now return to our regular program, already in progress. - - - - -
I believe this poll tells us all we need to know about the voting population and political culture of the residents of Washington D.C. A poll by the Washington Post finds that former Mayor Marion Barry, central figure in scandal after scandal, doper ("The bitch set me up" -- remember?) and tax evader, is by far the most popular local elected official in the nation's capital. Let us be grateful these crazies aren't allowed to vote in national elections. - - - - -
I'm with Ann Coulter on this one ... "I feel awful about what happened in Colorado, but can we stop the hugging and the teddy bears? This accomplishes nothing. If you want to do something, please write a check to a good charity, a family financially harmed by the shooting, or send flowers to a specific person. "It is also not helpful to have politicians and television personalities pledging not to discuss the alleged shooter. Unlike most news, that information serves an actual purpose, such has helping us recognize warning signs in other potential mass murderers in the future. "Only people who are themselves obsessed with being famous could imagine that any kind of fame -- even infamy -- is some kind of a reward. Thus, President Barack Obama and MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell, among others, have vowed to punish the suspect by not mentioning his name. "If only we had thought of that with Adolf Hitler!" - - - - -
For all the sportscasters' trumpeting that the Penn State penalties imposed by the NCAA were the harshest ever, the university's trustees instead agree with the point made here a couple of days ago; i.e., the "death penalty" once imposed on SMU would have been worse, worshippers at the shrine of St. Joe notwithstanding. - - - - -
The Olympics are back! Some events are already underway, but the official opening is Saturday. I tingle with excitement in anticipation of the Rhythmic Gymnastics competition. Now, if only they'd add curling to the summer games ... - - - - -
Obamacare must be here already. Yesterday I consulted my doctor about a minor ear blockage. His suggestion: "Get an ear-trumpet." I think he was joking ... I think ... - - - - -
For the pickers of nits ... yes, I am well aware that whatever airplane the president is on is designated Air Force One, just as the helicopter used for the local short-hops is designated Marine One. The bottom-line fact is this: the President does NOT fly on a smaller twin-engine 757 as shown in the bogus photographs referenced here yesterday. He travels on the much bigger four-engine 747. That was the focus of the story. - - - - -
From Founder's Quote Daily ... "A consensus means that everyone agrees to say collectively what no one believes individually. -- Abba Eban - - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "The average Canadian is now richer than the average American. We've done it. Four years ago we were the World's Only Superpower and today we are Canada's Mexicans." July 27 -- ***
Delayed because of technical difficulties ***
NAPOLITANO NUTTINESS ON DISPLAY ... THOSE LONG-LOST IRAQI WMDs We have -- again -- an illustration of the propensity among liberals to demand that everyone must agree with them, or else. Although I understand it's a good product, I have never partaken of a Chick-Fil-A sandwich, or however they serve it. It is a cliche, of course, that if conservatives disagree with a business owner, they may simply not purchase his product or service ... while, conversely, liberals find that insufficient and demand that no one else be allowed to engage in such commerce, either. Thus, because the president of Chick-Fil-A expressed support for traditional marriage, the (largely self-appointed) gay leadership had the usual hissy fit, and quickly go the support of Democrat mayors in Boston, Chicago and elsewhere who told Chick-Fil-A they were no longer welcome to operate there. (“Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values.” -- Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago.) I lived for many years in Chi-town ... have a lot of friends there ... and suspect I know a bit about "Chicago Values. On that basis, I say the Tiny Dancer is the same punk he was when he was Obama's butt-boy. But the same thug-machine that was created by the Daleys still buys and/or intimidates enough votes in Chicago to get a jerk like Emanuel elected. Now he's recruiting Louis Farrakhan's Black Muslims to try to do something about the shootings that have elevated (?!) Chicago to the title, "Murder City USA." You read correctly: the Jewish mayor is enlisting aid from an avowedly Jew-hating Muslim. Chick-Fil-A had already made it clear they had no intention of refusing service to gays, but were targeted for abolition anyway. So there it is again: the natural instinct of "liberals" for tyranny. "Disagree with me and I will CRUSH you!" And some says aren't satisfied with tolerance from others. They demand approval and admiration, as well. A shrink could probably have a field day with such glaring neediness. The rest of us are largely satisfied with, "You don't like me? Fine. You go your way, I go mine. I have no reason to care whether you like me or not." If you're a person who can't master that attitude, trust me -- you have no future in talk radio! - - -
- -
"Historically" stupid ... CNS News reports that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told lawmakers that, historically, her department has chosen not to vet U.S. citizens against the no-fly list before they take flight lessons at American flight-training schools because the law that deals with screening such people is unclear. Is this piece of information "historically" understandable? The terrorists who flew hijacked airliners on 9/11 were trained in flight schools in the United States. How far does one go on the stupidity scale before (A) figuring that training people to kill thousands of Americans is not a great idea and (B) putting a stop to it? - - -
- -
The Open Society Foundation is one of the front groups George Soros uses as a vehicle to bring the joys of Marxism to America. They are upset that not enough of the world's “sex workers,” whose presumed rights they support, didn't show up for an AIDS conference they sponsored. Without reference to other elements of this chat-fest, let me lodge one vote in favor of abolishing the term "sex worker." In the interest of clarity, can't we just admit that "a whore is a whore is a whore?" - - -
- -
I was one of the (relative) handful of media folk who thought one of the biggest mistakes ever made by the Bush administration was letting one false charge against them regarding the Iraq war go unchallenged. Since it was widely known that Saddam Hussein had used weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) against Iraqi Kurdish citizens, killing thousands of them with poison gas -- by definition a WMD -- and known by those paying attention that Saddam hustled those weapons out of Syria as the U.S. was attacking, why did the Bush bunch not fire back? Now it appears those weapons have resurfaced in the neighboring country of Syria, as the redoubtable Victor Davis Hanson explains ... "Amid all the stories about the ongoing violence in Syria, the most disturbing is the possibility that Syrian President Bashar Assad could either deploy the arsenal of chemical and biological weapons that his government claims it has, or provide it to terrorists. "There are suggestions that at least some of Assad's supposed stockpile may have come from Saddam Hussein's frantic, 11th-hour efforts in 2002 to hide his own weapons of mass destruction arsenals in nearby Syria. Various retired Iraqi military officers have alleged as much. Although the story was met with general neglect or scorn from the U.S. media, the present director of national intelligence, James Clapper, long ago asserted his belief in such a weapons transfer. . "By 2006, 'Bush lied; thousands died' was the serial charge of the antiwar left. But before long, such depots may finally turn up in Syria." It is still a puzzle why Bush, with the evidence of thousands of dead Kurds readily available, never counter-attacked the left for the lie that still lingers. Maybe he thought the charge too absurd to be believed. If so, he made a terrible mistake. Someone should have reminded him of the Joseph Goebbels dictum as Hitler's chief of propaganda: "“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." True then, true today. As Barack Obama regularly demonstrates. - - -
- -
It is heartening to observe that Investors Business Daily now echoes a point made here a couple of days ago ... "As drought destroys the U.S. corn crop and drives prices skyward, the U.S. now buys corn from Brazil and faces the end of its prized role as the world's top food supplier. It's time to scrap the ethanol mandate. "There's a whiff of foreboding about an already-economically enfeebled U.S. now losing its crown as the nation whose corn harvest could feed the world. "Today, 40% of our corn is consumed by ethanol making — the filling of gas tanks instead of stomachs. The ethanol mandate comes under the dubious belief that ethanol is somehow "greener" — an idea easily discredited by the fact that it takes more energy to produce ethanol than that fuel supposedly saves. "Today, the U.S. seems oblivious to the importance of exports. Instead, the ethanol mandate is its priority. "When will this government stop trying to pick winners and losers? Sadly, with this ethanol mandate, the U.S. has become the biggest loser of all." - - -
- -
Survey says ... The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 50% trust Romney more to handle the economy, while 42% trust the president more. More from Rasmussen ... ... the daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Mitt Romney attracting 48% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. I'm often asked by I refer more frequently to Rasmussen than any other poll. Simple. Because, in recent elections, Rasmussen has the best overall average of accuracy. As I've told Scott Rasmussen on-air more than once, kidding-on-the-square, "The moment your track record drops, I'll drop you like a bad habit." - - -
- -
A life in radio ...
My two weeks of fame -- in
As mentioned here before, for
many years my secondary business -- after broadcasting -- was
as co-owner of a chain of travel agencies.
We had the good fortune to be
well connected with the U. S. Winter Olympics organization and
therefore handled many of the travel arrangements for people
connected with the Games. Which is how I came to be in
Sapporo, Japan, for the games held there in the seventies.
The operation was so complex,
we had several of our agency employees there assisting. We
were so busy, I saw only a few Olympic events and had no
tickets for the most in-demand event, the women's
figure-skating finals. The U. S. representative was Janet
On the evening of the finals,
the head of the U.S.delegation, Phil Krum (later president of
the U. S. Olympic Committee) was preparing to leave our
headquarters hotel. the Sapporo Park, with his wife Dorothy.
On the way out he encountered me and a colleague and asked if
we had tickets.
Upon being told that we had
none, Phil said, "Come with us. We'll get you in." So we hop
into the chauffeured Rolls Royce thoughtfully provided by our
Japanese hosts and ride to the arena.
Since we were with the head of
the U. S. contingent, we entered unquestioned, but there
remained the problem of seating. Mr. and Mrs. Krum had
center VIP seats about ten rows up. Directly in front of them,
center-ice, were several empty seats, so Phil says, "Go ahead
... sit there."
We did, wondering why such
prized seats were empty. We watched Janet take a fall and a
far inferior skater from Austria won the gold medal.
When we returned to the hotel,
the crowded lobby was abuzz with excitement at our entry. Even
hotel staff stopped to point and wave. We quickly learned that
my colleague and I had been on Japanese TV all evening, with
cameras seeking our reaction to every moment of the skating
competition. Then we learned why.
It seems that, although he
never attends, at such a prestigious event the best seats are
reserved for the Emperor, his wife, and their entourage ...
and that was why those seats were empty.
Later Mr. Krum was quietly
advised that no Americans -- or anybody else -- was to sit in
those seats. But for the rest of the two-week Olympics,
wherever I went in Sapporo, people who assumed I must really
be an important person smiled, waved and requested autographs.
I was tempted to stay on
permanently in Sapporo. After all, I was a bigger star there
than I'd ever be in the U.S.
- - - - -
This advice on voting over-simplifies ... but not by much. If you have neither abundant time nor a serious inclination to pay much attention to political news in an election year, do the following. Force yourself to pay at least cursory heed to what the old-line national TV networks have to say (ABC, CBS, NBC) ... glance at the New York Times and Washington Post, either on paper or the internet. Give yourself enough exposure to absorb the general tone of their coverage and the opinion pieces they carry.. Then, if you want to do what's more likely to be in the best long-term interest of your country and yourself, vote in exactly the opposite direction their overall tone suggests. - - -
- -
Word has it that since the Olympics are being held during Ramadan, Muslim athletes had to decide whether to fast from sunrise to sunset in observance of the occasion. Then they heard about British food and decided fasting wouldn't be a problem. July 29 -- ***
Delayed because of technical difficulties ***
NAPOLITANO NUTTINESS ON DISPLAY ... THOSE LONG-LOST IRAQI WMDs We have -- again -- an illustration of the propensity among liberals to demand that everyone must agree with them, or else. Although I understand it's a good product, I have never partaken of a Chick-Fil-A sandwich, or however they serve it. It is a cliche, of course, that if conservatives disagree with a business owner, they may simply not purchase his product or service ... while, conversely, liberals find that insufficient and demand that no one else be allowed to engage in such commerce, either. Thus, because the president of Chick-Fil-A expressed support for traditional marriage, the (largely self-appointed) gay leadership had the usual hissy fit, and quickly go the support of Democrat mayors in Boston, Chicago and elsewhere who told Chick-Fil-A they were no longer welcome to operate there. (“Chick-fil-A values are not Chicago values.” -- Mayor Rahm Emanuel of Chicago.) I lived for many years in Chi-town ... have a lot of friends there ... and suspect I know a bit about "Chicago Values. On that basis, I say the Tiny Dancer is the same punk he was when he was Obama's butt-boy. But the same thug-machine that was created by the Daleys still buys and/or intimidates enough votes in Chicago to get a jerk like Emanuel elected. Now he's recruiting Louis Farrakhan's Black Muslims to try to do something about the shootings that have elevated (?!) Chicago to the title, "Murder City USA." You read correctly: the Jewish mayor is enlisting aid from an avowedly Jew-hating Muslim. Chick-Fil-A had already made it clear they had no intention of refusing service to gays, but were targeted for abolition anyway. So there it is again: the natural instinct of "liberals" for tyranny. "Disagree with me and I will CRUSH you!" And some says aren't satisfied with tolerance from others. They demand approval and admiration, as well. A shrink could probably have a field day with such glaring neediness. The rest of us are largely satisfied with, "You don't like me? Fine. You go your way, I go mine. I have no reason to care whether you like me or not." If you're a person who can't master that attitude, trust me -- you have no future in talk radio! - - -
- -
"Historically" stupid ... CNS News reports that Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told lawmakers that, historically, her department has chosen not to vet U.S. citizens against the no-fly list before they take flight lessons at American flight-training schools because the law that deals with screening such people is unclear. Is this piece of information "historically" understandable? The terrorists who flew hijacked airliners on 9/11 were trained in flight schools in the United States. How far does one go on the stupidity scale before (A) figuring that training people to kill thousands of Americans is not a great idea and (B) putting a stop to it? - - -
- -
The Open Society Foundation is one of the front groups George Soros uses as a vehicle to bring the joys of Marxism to America. They are upset that not enough of the world's “sex workers,” whose presumed rights they support, didn't show up for an AIDS conference they sponsored. Without reference to other elements of this chat-fest, let me lodge one vote in favor of abolishing the term "sex worker." In the interest of clarity, can't we just admit that "a whore is a whore is a whore?" - - -
- -
I was one of the (relative) handful of media folk who thought one of the biggest mistakes ever made by the Bush administration was letting one false charge against them regarding the Iraq war go unchallenged. Since it was widely known that Saddam Hussein had used weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) against Iraqi Kurdish citizens, killing thousands of them with poison gas -- by definition a WMD -- and known by those paying attention that Saddam hustled those weapons out of Syria as the U.S. was attacking, why did the Bush bunch not fire back? Now it appears those weapons have resurfaced in the neighboring country of Syria, as the redoubtable Victor Davis Hanson explains ... "Amid all the stories about the ongoing violence in Syria, the most disturbing is the possibility that Syrian President Bashar Assad could either deploy the arsenal of chemical and biological weapons that his government claims it has, or provide it to terrorists. "There are suggestions that at least some of Assad's supposed stockpile may have come from Saddam Hussein's frantic, 11th-hour efforts in 2002 to hide his own weapons of mass destruction arsenals in nearby Syria. Various retired Iraqi military officers have alleged as much. Although the story was met with general neglect or scorn from the U.S. media, the present director of national intelligence, James Clapper, long ago asserted his belief in such a weapons transfer. . "By 2006, 'Bush lied; thousands died' was the serial charge of the antiwar left. But before long, such depots may finally turn up in Syria." It is still a puzzle why Bush, with the evidence of thousands of dead Kurds readily available, never counter-attacked the left for the lie that still lingers. Maybe he thought the charge too absurd to be believed. If so, he made a terrible mistake. Someone should have reminded him of the Joseph Goebbels dictum as Hitler's chief of propaganda: "“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it." True then, true today. As Barack Obama regularly demonstrates. - - -
- -
It is heartening to observe that Investors Business Daily now echoes a point made here a couple of days ago ... "As drought destroys the U.S. corn crop and drives prices skyward, the U.S. now buys corn from Brazil and faces the end of its prized role as the world's top food supplier. It's time to scrap the ethanol mandate. "There's a whiff of foreboding about an already-economically enfeebled U.S. now losing its crown as the nation whose corn harvest could feed the world. "Today, 40% of our corn is consumed by ethanol making — the filling of gas tanks instead of stomachs. The ethanol mandate comes under the dubious belief that ethanol is somehow "greener" — an idea easily discredited by the fact that it takes more energy to produce ethanol than that fuel supposedly saves. "Today, the U.S. seems oblivious to the importance of exports. Instead, the ethanol mandate is its priority. "When will this government stop trying to pick winners and losers? Sadly, with this ethanol mandate, the U.S. has become the biggest loser of all." - - -
- -
Survey says ... The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey of Likely Voters shows that 50% trust Romney more to handle the economy, while 42% trust the president more. More from Rasmussen ... ... the daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Thursday shows Mitt Romney attracting 48% of the vote, while President Obama earns support from 44%. I'm often asked by I refer more frequently to Rasmussen than any other poll. Simple. Because, in recent elections, Rasmussen has the best overall average of accuracy. As I've told Scott Rasmussen on-air more than once, kidding-on-the-square, "The moment your track record drops, I'll drop you like a bad habit." - - -
- -
A life in radio ...
My two weeks of fame -- in
As mentioned here before, for
many years my secondary business -- after broadcasting -- was
as co-owner of a chain of travel agencies.
We had the good fortune to be
well connected with the U. S. Winter Olympics organization and
therefore handled many of the travel arrangements for people
connected with the Games. Which is how I came to be in
Sapporo, Japan, for the games held there in the seventies.
The operation was so complex,
we had several of our agency employees there assisting. We
were so busy, I saw only a few Olympic events and had no
tickets for the most in-demand event, the women's
figure-skating finals. The U. S. representative was Janet
On the evening of the finals,
the head of the U.S.delegation, Phil Krum (later president of
the U. S. Olympic Committee) was preparing to leave our
headquarters hotel. the Sapporo Park, with his wife Dorothy.
On the way out he encountered me and a colleague and asked if
we had tickets.
Upon being told that we had
none, Phil said, "Come with us. We'll get you in." So we hop
into the chauffeured Rolls Royce thoughtfully provided by our
Japanese hosts and ride to the arena.
Since we were with the head of
the U. S. contingent, we entered unquestioned, but there
remained the problem of seating. Mr. and Mrs. Krum had
center VIP seats about ten rows up. Directly in front of them,
center-ice, were several empty seats, so Phil says, "Go ahead
... sit there."
We did, wondering why such
prized seats were empty. We watched Janet take a fall and a
far inferior skater from Austria won the gold medal.
When we returned to the hotel,
the crowded lobby was abuzz with excitement at our entry. Even
hotel staff stopped to point and wave. We quickly learned that
my colleague and I had been on Japanese TV all evening, with
cameras seeking our reaction to every moment of the skating
competition. Then we learned why.
It seems that, although he
never attends, at such a prestigious event the best seats are
reserved for the Emperor, his wife, and their entourage ...
and that was why those seats were empty.
Later Mr. Krum was quietly
advised that no Americans -- or anybody else -- was to sit in
those seats. But for the rest of the two-week Olympics,
wherever I went in Sapporo, people who assumed I must really
be an important person smiled, waved and requested autographs.
I was tempted to stay on
permanently in Sapporo. After all, I was a bigger star there
than I'd ever be in the U.S.
- - - - -
This advice on voting over-simplifies ... but not by much. If you have neither abundant time nor a serious inclination to pay much attention to political news in an election year, do the following. Force yourself to pay at least cursory heed to what the old-line national TV networks have to say (ABC, CBS, NBC) ... glance at the New York Times and Washington Post, either on paper or the internet. Give yourself enough exposure to absorb the general tone of their coverage and the opinion pieces they carry.. Then, if you want to do what's more likely to be in the best long-term interest of your country and yourself, vote in exactly the opposite direction their overall tone suggests. - - -
- -
Word has it that since the Olympics are being held during Ramadan, Muslim athletes had to decide whether to fast from sunrise to sunset in observance of the occasion. Then they heard about British food and decided fasting wouldn't be a problem. July 30 --
After due deliberation, let me state without fear of rational
contradiction ...
The opening ceremonies of these London
Olympics are the worst I've ever seen.
I've been to the Games a couple of
times and seen many more on TV. I watched the opening for an hour,
hoping the show would improve. When they started wheeling out
hospital beds glorifying Britain's hideous socialized medical
system, I gave up.
The whole stupid debacle looked like a
1930's Communist Party propaganda movie. If this is what is
presented as an opening show, I strongly recommend that the
International Olympic Committee give serious consideration for
holding the next games in, say, Karachi.
Thousands of empty seats at events ... parents of athletes -- with tickets -- being refused admission to see their children compete ... transportation chaos. Romney was right. The London Olympic organizers are having "challenges." But the lying leftist media on both sides of the Atlantic consider his remarks a "gaffe." That's apparently the new word for "telling the truth." - - - - -
We have a truly delusional president. He actually BOASTS
of what he's done to the economy and proudly proclaims, "It
worked!" Unbelievable.
- - - - -
Breitbart gets the lowdown on one of the biggest low-down
frauds ever perpetrated ...
Those wondering why the
Department of Justice has refused to go after Jon Corzine for the
vaporization of $1.6 billion in MF Global client funds need look
no further than the documents
uncovered by the Government Accountability Institute that reveal that
the now-defunct MF Global was a client of Attorney General Eric
Holder and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer’s former law
firm, Covington & Burling.
Let us try to contain our surprise. - - - - -
From The Daily Caller, the story of how -- and why -- Obama declined the raid to get Osama three times before finally -- and reluctantly -- agreeing to go ahead with it ... "In 'Leading From Behind: The Reluctant President and the Advisors Who Decide for Him' (out next month), Richard Miniter writes that Obama canceled the 'kill' mission in January 2011, again in February, and a third time in March." Why? Because his closest adviser, ultra-leftist Valerie Jarrett opposed the attack. - - - - -
... but the important thing is, Michelle looked just FABULOUS in her $6,800 jacket at the Buckingham Palace reception. Please, First Lady, tell us again how much you and Barry identify with those po' folks. - - - - -
Survey says ...
Hope for the future
generation has reached an all-time low. Just 14% of Americans
expect today’s children to be better off than their parents. --
Oh, Barry! Tell us again about that
"hope" stuff ...
- - - - -
FYI ... John Brennan is President Barack Obama's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism. A few days ago, on a visit to Israel, he referred to Jerusalem, Israel's capital city, as "al Quds," the name preferred by terror organization Hezbollah and Iran. - - - - -
Even if you have no interest in NASCAR racing, as such,
it is a very telling economic barometer. And what it told
yesterday was a sorry tale, indeed.
After Daytona, the most
prestigious race on the entire schedule is at the legendary
Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the Brickyard 400. As an
indicator of the state of the economy, it's more important
because it's held in heartland America. Unlike the Daytona 500, which
is held in winter when vacationers are abundant in Florida,
the crowd at Indy is more representative of what's going on in
the American reality.
This tells us all we need to
know about the state of Obama's economy. This race, which
earlier in its history drew enormous crowds, yesterday capped
a dwindling trend with tens of thousands of empty seats.
- - - - -
Mark Steyn tackles "Chicago values," Mayor Rahm Emanuel and the loudmouth Chicago alderman who wants to block Chick-fil-A from opening a shop in Murder City ... "The city's mayor, Rahm Emanuel, agrees with the Alderman: Chick-fil-A does not represent 'Chicago values' – which is true if by 'Chicago values' you mean machine politics, AIDS-conspiracy-peddling pastors and industrial-scale black youth homicide rates. But, before he was mayor, Rahm Emanuel was President Obama's chief of staff. Until the president's recent "evolution," the Obama administration held the same position on gay marriage as Chick-fil-A. Would Alderman Moreno have denied Barack Obama the right to open a chicken restaurant in the First Ward? Did Rahm Emanuel quit the Obama administration on principle? Don't be ridiculous. Mayor Emanuel is a former ballet dancer, and when it's politically necessary he can twirl on a dime." - - -
- -
Perspective on the wealthy ...
While it's entirely human to either
envy or resent those rich folk who flaunt it, it should be
remembered that in their extravagance they are helping those not
so blessed.
This came to mind yesterday as I was
heaving weights at the gym. A nice fellow wearing a tee-shirt with
a picture of California's legendary Hearst Castle was telling
me about his visit there, ruefully noting how all the money
spent on that monument to William Randolph Hearst could have been
used to help others.
It seems not to have occurred to him
that building that enormous place employed hundreds -- and
indirectly, thousands -- of men and woman for many years.
We might well recall
Democrat-sponsored legislation in the form of a "luxury tax" on
yachts that put thousands of workers in America's boat-building
industry out of work. Result: no increase in tax revenue, because
yacht-buyers simply purchased their toys overseas. But liberals
never learn ... otherwise they wouldn't be liberals.
- - - - -
This column was conspicuous by its absence for a couple of
days. To oversimplify ... computer and network problems. Prompting
me to state again that, if automobiles were as unreliable as
computers and their accoutrements, we'd all still be riding
- - - - -
Yesterday was my birthday.
This is not a belated plea for gifts, but a recognition that I am at risk of becoming a philosopher. If such becomes the case, I will expect one and all to address me as "Venerable One." As the odometer turns over another mile of life's highway, I become increasingly aware of my surprise at knowing as much as I do, albeit much of it is useless information. Also, I have an ever-growing recognition of how much I don't know, and how much more that I don't even know I don't know. And an awareness that I will never, no matter what miracles of medicine may keep me alive far longer than I expect, know the great many things I should have learned but haven't. And won't. But I will keep trying. I take note, as I do daily, that this is another birthday I
would not have had were it not for the fact that Susan fought a
near-endless battle against medical opinion that I was as good as
dead in September of 2010. Overall, I'm probably healthier today
than at any time in at least ten years. (I know: "Famous last
- - - - -
Having spent my childhood on a (very poor) farm, I know about
the ravages of drought and sympathize with those food-producers
who are enduring one now. Here in southern Arizona, the always
eagerly-awaited monsoon season has arrived, bringing almost daily
rainfall, along with spectacular lightning shows on the
- - - - -
Fund-raising ideas rejected (hard to imagine why) by the Obama
campaign ...
1. Going to church this Sunday? When they
pass the hat, reach in, take the money out, and send it to
President Obama.
2. Did your rich uncle recently pass
away? Please consider donating a portion of your inheritance in his name to the Obama campaign.
3. Do you yourself have a terminal
illness? Make sure your will reflects your commitment to
President Obama.
4. Are you one of the few people who
shorted Facebook? Don’t forget the Obama campaign. And pick up
some Nicorette for him.
5. Planning on robbing a 7-11 this week?
Please remember to share a portion of the loot with President
6. Counting cards in Las Vegas? Don’t
forget to share some of the winnings with your president.
7. Running a pyramid scheme for your
financial clients? Please send the Obama campaign a portion of
the “investments” before the scheme collapses.
8. You know your children don’t keep
track of the money in their checking accounts. Remove half of
it and send it to President Obama.
9. Planning to kill someone for the
insurance money? Assuming you get away with it, please donate
a share of the proceeds to Obama 2012.
10. Tired of being criticized for being
in the “one percent”? Take a moment to donate enough to the
Obama campaign so that you can boast that you are merely a
member of the “two percent.”
- - - - -
Today's spelling lesson forwarded by Rick ...
Remember "I" before "E," except in Budweiser. --Professor Irwin
- - - - -
Blonde jokes ... always with us ...
An Italian tourist asks a blonde: "Why do
Scuba divers always fall backwards off their boats?"
To which the blonde replies: "If they fell
forward, they'd still be in the boat." (Thanks, Dan!) July 31 --
media -- or our own -- ready to apologize to Mitt over his
concerns that the city wasn't ready to handle the
Latest thing is ... the dopes lost the expensive, elaborate,
hi-tech laser keys to Wembley Stadium, the primary
Olympic venue. One screw-up after another.
To quote Bugs Bunny, "What a bunch of maroons!"
- - - - -
You can hear -- and read -- the fear permeating the leftist U.S. Big Media; fear that their hero's feet of clay are becoming evident even to the dummies. It's reflected in their relentless attacks on Romney during his overseas trip. What they're producing isn't journalism, it's prevaricating partisanship disguised as "reporting." - - - - -
Has anyone yet told that
idiot Nancy Pelosi that Obama has NOT been to Israel "over and
over?" Or at all, unless he crept in with Muslim buddies
before becoming president.
The recurrent question arises: Is this woman a habitual liar,
or just stupid? Or both? I fear all that botox has gotten into
whatever she uses for a brain.
- - - - -
How humiliating for Obama. This is how bad it's gotten for the
biggest flop in the history of the U. S. presidency.
B.H.O. is calling on the image of Bill Clinton in a desperate
effort to salvage a second term from the wreckage of his first.
Yep, ol' Billy Jeff is going to be the star-attraction with the
centerpiece role at the Democratic convention in the effort to try
to distract attention from the wretched record of the Affirmative
Action president. And you have to know that the former president
smiles himself to sleep every night at the very thought.
While Obama tries to hitch a ride on whatever's left of Billy Jeff's momentum, he simultaneously sabotages the welfare reform of the Clinton era. - - - - -
Desperate Democrats, confronted by their idol's blatant
failures, tried to somehow equate Mitt Romney's legitimate
concerns about problems for the London Olympics with Obama's
calculated insult to Britain when he had the bust of the
greatest man of the 20th century, Winston Churchill, removed
from the Oval Office.
The heathen hypocrites of the
left have no boundaries.
- - - - -
News headline: "Romney comments at Fundraiser
outrage Palestinians"
And when aren't Palestinians
outraged about something?
If you can stand it, recall for a moment the lowlight of the
hideous Olympic Opening Ceremonies, the paean to Britain's awful
NHS (National Health Service, grandmother of Obamacare) then
absorb this latest report on its latest of many manifest failures.
From the London Daily Mail ...- - - - -
"Up to a fifth of GPs are failing to send enough patients for life-saving scans to diagnose cancer, researchers warn. While some doctors are missing symptoms, others are being actively discouraged from referring patients by cost-cutting NHS managers." If the Affirmative Action president isn't defeated in November, consider this a preview of your own medical care. - - - - -
Thomas Sowell addresses a fabrication by the Obamunists, slavishly repeated by their media stooges ... "Perhaps the biggest lie of this election year, and the one likely to be repeated the most often, is that the income of 'the rich' is going up, while other people's incomes are going down. If you listen to Barack Obama, you are bound to hear this lie repeatedly. "But the government's own Congressional Budget Office has just published a report whose statistics flatly contradict this claim. The CBO report shows that, while the average household income fell 12 percent between 2007 and 2009, the average for the lower four-fifths fell by 5 percent or less, while the average income for households in the top fifth fell 18 percent. For households in the 'top one percent' that seems to fascinate so many people, income fell by 36 percent in those same years." - - - - -
Who are the enemies of the United States in Congress? A
report from the Washington Free Beacon might help ...
Harry Reid (D., Nev.), Tim Johnson (D., S.D.), and others have
quietly lobbied to weaken the revamped sanctions language and water down a new Iran sanctions bill that would
penalize any company that underwrites Iranian affiliates.
The legislation, which is currently working its way through
the House, would tighten existing Iran sanctions by punishing any
insurance company that underwrites activities that bolster the
Iranian oil industry. Insurance providers could be sanctioned for
underwriting shipping companies, cargo carriers, or airlines that
have been subject to sanctions.
Senator Harry Reid, Democratic majority leader, protector of Iran. Remember it. - - - -
The Daily Caller with a reminder about the hypocrites
opposing voter
ID laws ... "While
NAACP President Benjamin Jealous lashed out at new state laws
requiring photo ID for voting, an NAACP executive sits in
prison, sentenced for carrying out a massive voter fraud scheme.
In a story ignored by the national media, in April a Tunica
County, Miss., jury convicted NAACP official Lessadolla Sowers
on 10 counts of fraudulently casting absentee ballots."
- - - - -
Burt Prelutsky vs. the race-baiters ...
"One wonders if people like Al Sharpton, Louis Farrakhan
and Jesse Jackson, actually believe the racist, anti-American,
swill they endlessly spew, why, like Marcus Garvey and Moses, they
don’t lead their followers to the promised land. It needn’t be
Africa. It could be closer to home; say, Canada or Mexico.
Understand, I’m not saying they should. I’m just saying that if I
honestly believed that America was as evil as they’ve claimed for
the past four decades, I’d sure as heck be packing my bags, just
as my various grandparents did when they ran, respectively, from
Czar Nicholas and Joseph Stalin, and just as millions of others
have fled from the cesspools of Hitler’s Germany, Mao’s China and
Castro’s Cuba.
"Along those lines, this being an
election year, you will see Obama and a great many other
Democrats, who spend three years out of four bloviating about
separation of church and state, bribing black pastors to give up
their pulpits for campaign speeches and photo ops."
- - - - -
Recently I've watched parts of Bill O'Reilly's show -- I
use the term "show" advisedly -- on Fox News Channel.
I can't help but wonder ...
unless you're one of his house-pets (and it's obvious who they
are), why would anyone go on only to be shouted down and
- - - - -
Travel tip ...
I'm advised that there's a new, upscale restaurant in
Bangkok that won't allow you to enter without a ...Thai.
- - - - -
Dan Sorkin passes along this latest edition of The World's Shortest Books... "My Black Girlfriends" by Tiger Woods "Our White Boyfriends: by The Kardashians "Things We Love About Our Country" By Jane Fonda & Cindy Sheehan Illustrated by Michael Moore Foreword by George Soros "Things I Cannot Afford" by Bill Gates "Things We Know To Be True" by Al Gore and John Kerry "To All the Men We've Loved Before" by Ellen de Generes & Rosie ODonnell "The Amish Phone Directory" "My Complete Knowledge of Military Strategy" by Nancy Pelosi ...and the shortest book of all... "Things I Did to Deserve The Nobel Peace Prize" by Barack Obama |
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radiorodgers1@yahoo.com |