September, 2012
September 1 --
Everybody sing along ...
"It's a long, long time ... from May to
December ...
... and the money grows short
... when you reach September ..."
- - - - -
If you only saw yesterday's TV coverage of Obama's speech to the
troops at Ft. Bliss, Texas, you'd think he was warmly received
because of the medium-close-up of clusters of (mostly black)
troops applauding
A wider shot would have given you the
true picture: most were silently staring at him.
- - - - -
Speaking of our self-aggrandizing president ...
The stands will be packed for his
acceptance speech in Charlotte because free tickets are being
given away and union stooges bussed in from all over the country
to fill the seats. It's an old Broadway showbiz game called
"papering the house."
- - - - -
It is obvious that Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is
utterly devoid of (A) imagination or even (B) the ability to learn
from the experience of others or even himself.
The man who has the largest voice in the
government's financial policy says, in his desperation to save
Obama's job, that the answer is ... more stimulus spending by the
Did he not notice the utter failure of
that project earlier in the Obama era, when the only thing that
was accomplished was massive debt, largely to China?
Does he not care about older folk, many
of whom depend on income from their CDs to supplement Social
Security benefits and maintain a decent standard of living?
And how can he not know that cheap money,
with interest rates as low as zero failed to bring Japan
out of a prolonged recession.
All his foolish policies are doing is to
ensure that when the inevitable inflation bursts loose, it will be
even worse. Anyone with the most elementary understanding of
economics knows -- or should know -- that if the printing of
dollars outpaces growth in the economy, that is bound to be the
We are governed, and our lives directed,
by fools.
- - - - -
Columnist/author Burt Prelutsky has an agenda to propose ...
"If Romney and Ryan win, and the GOP
manages to regain control of the Senate, the celebration will be
short-lived unless they repeal ObamaCare; institute long overdue
changes in healthcare; do away with several federal departments
and cabinet positions; undertake welfare reform, taking millions
of undeserving people off food stamps; passing a federal law
against lying about disabilities in order to fatten up pension
checks; get America out of the U.N. and the U.N. out of America;
and revoking public sector unions.
"Even as radical a left-winger as FDR knew
that the very idea of allowing civil servants to unionize was
insane. It was only after he saw how easily Robert F. Wagner, Jr.,
won re-election as New York’s mayor after allowing city employees
to unionize that John Kennedy decided that he would help assure
his own re-election by doing the same for federal employees.
"We see the result of this madness in cities
and states across America, as more and more of them go bankrupt as
a result of the sweetheart union contracts that gutless,
self-serving, politicians have cut over the past several decades."
- - - - -
Eventually, as even California Governor Jerry Brown now admits,
the chickens do come home to roost. In this case, he refers to the
bloated, out-of-control pension plans for state and local
government employees.
He doesn't mention his own major
contribution to the situation; i.e., being among the leaders in
green-lighting government employee unions, which he did for the
usual political reason: buying votes from those unionized workers
with taxpayer dollars. Jack Kennedy did it at the federal level
for the same purpose. And with the same result.
Democrats -- it's what they do. Putting
them in positions of political power is, to quote P. J. O'Rourke,
"Like giving whiskey and the car keys to a teenage boy."
- - - - -
The ever-insightful Dr. Thomas Sowell addresses the determined
ignorance of Barack Obama ...
"Obama was already doctrinaire at a very early age — and
ill-informed or misinformed on both history and economics.
"Obama did not simply
happen to encounter a lot of people on the far-left fringe during
his life. As he spells out in his book, he actively sought out
such people.
"When Obama wrote
that many people 'had been enslaved only because of the color of
their skin,' he was repeating a common piece of gross
misinformation. For thousands of years, people enslaved other
people of the same race as themselves, whether in Europe, Asia,
Africa or the Western Hemisphere.
"His statement in "Dreams from My Father"
about how white men went to Africa to 'drag away the conquered in
chains' betrays his ignorance of African history.
"During the era of the Atlantic slave
trade, most of Africa was ruled by Africans, who sold some of
their slaves to white men.
"Europeans enslaved other Europeans for
centuries before the first African was brought in bondage to the
Western Hemisphere.
"The very word ' slave' is derived from
the name of a European people once widely held in bondage, the
Slavs." -- Investors Business Daily
- - - - -
A reminder that investing in fads can be hazardous to your
financial health. Facebook stock hit the market on a wave of
juvenile enthusiasm and had a starting price of $38 per share.
It's now less than half that number.
- - - - -
Jim Eason forwards this jewel of insight ...
A woman applied for a job in a Florida
lemon grove and seemed to be far too qualified for the job.
She had a liberal arts degree from the
University of Michigan, had worked as a social worker
and a school teacher.
The foreman frowned and said,
"That's fine, but have you ever picked lemons before?"
She replied, " I've been divorced
three times, owned a Chrysler - and I voted for Obama."
- - - - -
The less said the better ... about the Ann Arbor, Michigan, man
who called the police to complain that the hooker he was
patronizing had raised her price.
That's what happens when you don't keep
up with business news.
- - - - -
Craig Ferguson --
"I can't wait to see the debate between
Ryan and Joe Biden. Biden is said to be already trying out
different strategies. So far the one that Obama likes is where
Biden pretends to have food poisoning and they cancel the debate."
September 2 --
Ponder it: The cost of living skyrockets ... incomes are down ...
millions are unemployed ... the national debt & deficit are
almost beyond comprehension ... our military is demoralized ...
our enemies are licking their chops.
And our "news" media believe the nation
is in a fever to get Barack Obama's recipe for home-brewed beer!
Oh, yes. No matter how many illiterates with
word-processors or microphones mistakenly think otherwise, "media"
IS a plural word.
- - - - -
September is young, but here's a serious contender for the title,
"Biggest Pile of Unadulterated Bull(bleep) of the Month" --
“Cooperation with Israel between our
military and intelligence communities has never been closer.” --
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney.
- - - - -
A vote of thanks to columnist Deroy Murdock for doing the digging
to uncover some facts about Democrat hypocrites and their endless
bitching about Bain Capital ...
"Bain’s private-equity executives have
enriched dozens of organizations and millions of individuals in
the Democratic base — including some who scream most loudly for
President Obama’s re-election. Government-worker pension funds are
the chief beneficiaries of Bain’s economic stewardship. New
York-based Preqin uses public documents, news accounts and Freedom
of Information requests to track private-equity holdings. Since
2000, Preqin reports, the following funds have entrusted some
$1.56 billion to Bain:
* Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund ($2.2 million)
* Indiana Public Retirement System ($39.3 million)
* Iowa Public Employees’ Retirement System ($177.1 million)
* The Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension System ($19.5 million)
* Maryland State Retirement and Pension System ($117.5 million)
* Public Employees’ Retirement System of Nevada ($20.3 million)
* State Teachers Retirement System of Ohio ($767.3 million)
* Pennsylvania State Employees’ Retirement System ($231.5 million)
* Employees’ Retirement System of Rhode Island ($25 million)
* San Diego County Employees Retirement Association ($23.5
* Teacher Retirement System of Texas ($122.5 million)
* Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System ($15 million)
Leading universities have also profited
from Bain’s expertise.
According to Infrastructure Investor, Bain Capital managed wealth
for “endowments and foundations such as Columbia, Princeton and
Yale universities.”
Bain’s other college clients have included
Cornell, Emory, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Notre
Dame and the University of Pittsburgh. The following schools have
placed at least $424.6 million with Bain Capital between 1998 and
* Purdue University ($15.9 million)
* University of California ($225.7 million)
* University of Michigan ($130 million)
* University of Virginia ($20 million)
* University of Washington ($33 million)
Bain clients have included the Charles Stewart
Mott Foundation, the Doris Duke Foundation, the Metropolitan
Museum of Art, the Ford Foundation, the Heinz Endowments and the Oprah
Winfrey Foundation.
“The scrutiny generated by a heated
election year matters less than the performance the portfolio
generates to the fund,” California State Teachers’ Retirement
System spokesman Ricardo Duran said in the Aug. 12 Boston Globe.
CalSTRS has pumped some $1.25 billion into Bain." -- NY Post
Perhaps you'd like to share this last item with any liberal
teachers you know.
- - - - -
"In his book 'The Audacity of Hope,' then-candidate Barack Obama,
when talking about his relationship with Big Labor union
officials, wrote: 'I owe those unions. When their leaders call, I
do my best to call them back right away. I don’t consider this
corrupting in any way.'
"Fours year later, it’s become clear he
did a lot more than just call them. Countless giveaways to
organized labor have ensured that Washington union bosses owe the
president and will spend more than a billion dollars to ensure
President Obama's return to the White House."
-- Mark Mix, Washington Times
- - - - -
The "Hit The Road, Barack" cover issue of the dying liberal rag
Newsweek did what was intended. It more than doubled their usual
newsstand sales even as it enraged their usual -- and shrinking --
liberal readership.
- - - - -
Where's the most expensive place to live in the U.S.? Here are the
top five:
1. Manhattan
2. Brooklyn
3. Honolulu
4. San Francisco
5. San Jose
Watching the budget? Here are the least
Harlingen, Texas, is the lowest-cost
town, followed by Memphis; McAllen, Texas; Fayetteville, Ark.;
Temple, Texas; Conway, Ark.; Pueblo, Colo.; Wichita Falls, Texas;
Springfield, Ill., and Winston-Salem, NC. Nicest of the lot:
- - - - -
It was a great opening weekend of college football with some
terrific games. The much-touted Michigan-Alabama match wasn't one
of them, though. If Nick Saban were less of a gentleman, 'bama
could've run up a much bigger score. The (twelve-team) Big Ten
still looks more like the Seven Dwarves.
- - - - -
A life in radio -- and travel ...
As has been noted here, for many years I
pursued simultaneous careers in broadcasting and the travel
industry. Because our Chicago travel operation specialized in
exotic travel, I was often in Egypt, even during the years when we
had no diplomatic relations with that country and the Soviet
presence was large. Visas had to be obtained thru the India
embassy in Washington.
Shortly after U.S.-Egyptian relations
were resumed and most Russians departed, I escorted a group of
about forty Americans to Cairo. The bus company we customarily
used to transport our groups from the airport to their hotel --
then it was usually the Nile Hilton, right next to Tahrir Square,
site of many demonstrations, often shot for TV from that
hotel -- met us with an undersize bus. They ordinarily used
a 42-passenger vehicle but this one only held about thirty.
Arrival was about 10PM and the airport
was, as usual, a madhouse. There was no way all of us could crowd
onto the bus, so I told the driver to leave me and suggested to a
couple of people in our group who'd been there before that they
simply have our folk be seated in the hotel lobby and I would
arrive shortly by taxi to take care of reservations and check-in.
Next problem. Taxi after taxi passed me,
loaded, as I stood in front of the terminal.
Then a car pulled up, occupied only by a
driver. I thought I'd glimpsed the man inside the terminal shortly
after arrival and was surprised when he lowered his car window and
asked -- in excellent English -- if I'd like a ride into the city.
In my haste, I ignored my normal caution and climbed in beside
At that time, when you pulled away from the
terminal, it was darkness all the way into the city. We're barely
beyond the end of the terminal when he stops and two men emerge
from the darkness and climb into the back seat. My immediate
thought was, "Uh-oh!"
We begin the drive on the darkened
highway, the driver and rear-seat passengers conversing in Arabic.
Then the driver suddenly turns off the highway onto a dirt road
into the desert. By this time, I'm trying to recall when my will
was last updated.
Despite my fears, the passengers got out,
bade the driver goodnight and walked off toward their dimly-lit
homes. They were airport employees, it turned out; friends of the
driver and he'd simply offered them a lift to their homes.
While I'm sweating from both heat and
relief, we resume our uneventful drive to the Nile Hilton. Fairly
bubbling with gratitude, I first offered to pay him then, when he
declined, I asked if I could at least buy him a drink. (Mostly
Muslim they may be, but many Egyptians drink. At the time, Cairo
was always a gathering spot/watering hole for wealthy Muslims from
all over the middle-east.)
He accepted my invitation and we
agreed to meet in the bar after I'd taken care of my duties with
my tour group.
We seated ourselves in the cool of
the Nile Hilton bar, ordered drinks and then I asked him the
question that lurked in the back of my mind.
"Did I see you glance at me inside the
airport -- before you picked me up?"
"Have we met before? Should I know you?"
"No, but I know you."
"Really? How?"
"Because I work for Egyptian Intelligence.
When you were coming here during the years when we had no
relations with the U.S., we wondered why; wondered if you were a
spy. So I followed you every time you were here."
Relieved, I asked, "What do you do now?"
"Oh, I'm still with Intelligence -- only
now I follow visiting Russians!"
A footnote ...
Early in my travel experience in some of
the world's more exotic places, I became accustomed to the reality
that bribery is often essential. I developed an alternative
solution to the suddenly "lost" reservations and similar
Especially on nighttime arrivals after
senior hotel executives were gone, even at quality establishments
such as the Nile Hilton, it was not unusual to be confronted with
the "lost reservation" problem at the reception desk. After an
exchange of "baksheesh" -- bribe money -- it would suddenly be
When confronted with this annoying
problem, I simply turned to my group, announced the problem, then
said loudly, "Folks, they can't find our reservations and it's too
late at night to run around to other hotels. So just take your
clothes off and make yourselves comfortable. We'll sleep here in
the lobby."
At that point, some of the men (whom I'd
already briefed on the standby plan) would begin to remove shirts
and women start taking off shoes.
The stunned -- shocked! -- reception
clerks would invariably and quickly "find" our reservations and
bellboys would be summoned to get our people quickly to their
PS-- Do NOT try this in Nairobi, Kenya. I did once and the
response was a quick gathering of hotel employees eager to see a
- - - - -
The White House, in response to Vice President Biden being
unfavorably compared to Paul Ryan in intellectual capability, has
proudly announced that, as of last week, the VP has actually
mastered the skill of tying his own shoes.
- - - - -
Jay Leno --
"A man in Florida has been arrested for wearing
a President Obama mask while robbing a McDonald's. To show you how
good this guy's disguise was, instead of a holdup note he was
reading from a teleprompter."
September 3 --
As pollster Pat Caddell reminds us, on Labor Day, 1980, Jimmy
Carter was ahead of Ronald Reagan by four points. Two months later
he got clobbered by Reagan -- by a margin of ten points.
- - - - -
Jonah Goldberg's pithy take on Democrats' hysteria over the Clint
Eastwood appearance at the Republican convention ...
"If the Democrats want to berate an
American icon for being too old, let them (just please do it loud
enough so they can hear you in South Florida). If you want to
bleat about how it was inappropriate for an actor, please ask Alec
Baldwin or George Clooney to make that case."
- - - - -
Remember when liberals joyously referred to Bill Clinton as "our
first black president?"
Some may revise that opinion when they
read this quote from liberal The New Yorker magazine:
"(The late news reporter) Tim Russert
told me that, according to his sources, Bill Clinton, in an effort
to secure an endorsement for Hillary from Ted Kennedy, said to
Kennedy, 'A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our
bags.'" Referring to Barack Obama.
This should surprise only naive Democrats
who have been blissfully unaware that Clinton and Obama despise
each other and Clinton's forthcoming convention appearance is
nothing more than an expedient political game for both.
- - - - -
Cynic that I am, I view with amusement the group-masturbation
clique collectively called "the media" and their mixture of
puzzlement and joy that the ratings for the old over-the-air
alphabet networks' (ABC, CBS, NBC) convention coverage was down
from four years ago.
Allow me, as the helpful conservative
that I am, to enlighten the media drones who suffer from a
condition I delicately call "the rectal-cranial inversion."
It's simple, boys and girls of the
printed and electronic media. Newspapers are dying, and the
so-called "heritage" (former) big-three networks have been losing
viewers for years and long ago were collectively surpassed by
cable TV. Which is why they fill their airwaves with cheap junk
programming. They no longer deliver the big audiences advertisers
demand. as is evident in the cost-cutting by NBC on both the
"Today" and "Tonight" shows, both being longtime cash-cows.
Many of us chose the C-Span convention
coverage, free of both commercials and inane commentary. Those
viewers are not counted in the ratings.
Probably more importantly where
viewership of political conventions is concerned, more and more
folk have figured out that most Big Media reporters are nothing
more than a bunch of lying whores, shilling for every left-wing,
anti-American cause or group that comes along, while telling
themselves they're crusading for a Utopian vision.
You're welcome.
- - - - -
Always eagerly awaited: Thomas Sowell's random thoughts on the
passing scene ...
Many people may have voted for Barack
Obama in 2008 because of his charisma. But anyone familiar with
the disastrous track record of charismatic political leaders
around the world in the 20th century should have run for the hills
when they encountered a politician with charisma.
The new French president, a socialist,
says frankly that he does not like rich people, that "my real
enemy is the world of finance," and apparently he has plans for
much higher tax rates on high incomes. Has he not noticed how easy
it is for the rich to move to some other country where the tax
rates are lower -- or to send their money there?
Increasing numbers of people seem to have
convinced themselves that they are entitled to a "fair share" of
what someone else has earned. Whole nations now seem to think that
they should be bailed out from the consequences of their own
reckless spending by nations that lived within their means.
Those who favor huge cuts in military
spending seem not to understand that our military exists not
simply to win wars, but to present such overwhelming superiority
to potential enemies as to prevent having to fight a war in the
first place.
Some people who are belatedly seeing what
Obama is really like are saying that he has changed. This is
probably easier to say than admitting that you were blind to the
man's whole history before, and were taken in by his rhetoric and
Did we have to wait for the Solyndra and
other government "investment" disasters to learn what economic
nonsense political "investments" are? Reckless spending to win
votes, or campaign contributions, from the recipients of
government largesse is still reckless spending, regardless of what
other words are used to try to dignify it -- whether these words
are "stimulus," "jobs," "investment" or whatever.
- - - - -
After a short period of abstinence from watching NASCAR racing,
last evening I checked in on the Atlanta race and found that ESPN
had fixed the wretched audio imbalance (noise so loud you couldn't
hear the announcers) that had driven me away.
Even more gratifying was a great
rendition of the national anthem performed by five talented
singers. A good job of singing that difficult song is such a
rarity at sports events that I usually kill the audio to avoid the
skin-crawling caterwauling by some minor recording artist who just
isn't up to it. Most simply don't have the vocal range for the
- - - - -
Britain's Prince Harry is said to be annoyed by tabloid rumors
that he cavorted with a pole dancer during his Las Vegas binge.
Why should such rumors bother him? Many
Polish women are very attractive.
- - - - -
My neighbor Archie forwards the following checklist to determine
just what is "old" ...
"OLD" IS WHEN......Your sweetie says,
"Let's go upstairs and make love," and you answer, "Honey, I can't
do both!"
"OLD" IS WHEN......Your friend
compliments you on your new alligator shoes and you're barefoot.
"OLD" IS WHEN......A sexy babe catches
your fancy and your pacemaker opens the garage door.
"OLD" IS WHEN......Going braless pulls
all the wrinkles out of your face.
"OLD" IS WHEN......When you are cautioned
to slow down by the doctor instead of by the police.
"OLD" IS WHEN......"Getting lucky" means
you find your car in the parking lot.
- - - - -
Reader Phil has phun with a pun ...
"What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive
vocabulary? A thesaurus."
- - - - -
Thank you for your attention. I shall now do something ...
September 4 --
I don't think, contrary to liberal accusations, conservatives are
Furthermore, I think they should beat hell out of anyone who says
they are!
- - - - -
Is anyone surprised that, even as the new Islamist government in
Egypt moves closer to Iran, Obama is planning to forgive a
billion dollars in debt Egypt owes us?
Does anyone really believe Obama will do
anything substantive to stop Iran's development of nuclear
weapons? Does anyone seriously believe he will respond militarily
even if Iran follows thru on its repeated threats to annihilate
When it comes to his relations with
Islamic nations, what would he do differently if he were
And on that subject, don't take my word
on the following facts; the barest minimum of research will
substantiate these points:
1. - Just as children born to a Jewish
woman are defined as Jewish ...
2. - Children of a Muslim father are also
Muslim. Further ...
3. - Unlike Judaism or most other religions, it is a basic tenet
of Islam that once a Muslim, always a Muslim. To renounce Islam
and/or convert to another religion or no religion makes one an
apostate. Under Islam, the penalty for that is death.
Obama is, under the rules of Islam, a born Muslim. His
father was Muslim. Yet ... have you heard of any Muslim
religious leader calling for him to pay the penalty for
Think about it.
- - - - -
Obamunists can ridicule "birthers" all they want, but how do they
explain his college enrollment records showing him as a "foreign
student" and publishers of both his early literary agent and the
Harvard Law Review bio showing him as having been born in Kenya?
Was he lying then to get favored treatment, or has he
been lying since to
avoid the consequences?
- - - - -
Make of this what you will ...
"'Americans for Freedom of Information'
has released copies of President Obama's college transcripts from
College. The transcripts indicate that Obama, under the
name Barry Soetoro, received financial aid as a foreign student
from Indonesia as an undergraduate.
"The transcript was released by
Occidental College in compliance with a court order in a suit
brought in the Superior Court of California. The transcript shows
that Obama (Soetoro) applied for financial aid and was awarded a
fellowship for foreign students from the Fulbright Foundation
Scholarship program. To qualify, for the scholarship, a student
must claim foreign citizenship."
Interesting also that, at different times, places and situations,
he's given his birth-date as being not only on different days but different years, varying by as
much as four years.
- - - - -
Here's the Obama scoreboard in terms even the dumbest Democrat
should understand. This comes from the government's own Census
In January, 2009, when Obama took office,
the median U.S. household income was $54,983. By June of this
year, it was down to
$50,964. That’s a loss of $4,019 per family.
Then consider the higher cost of living,
starting with gasoline prices far more than doubling, and you have
a vivid picture of a ghastly economy.
Why would any rational person even
consider re-electing either Obama or that collection of Democrat
clowns in the Senate?
Also ... If, as some Democrats say, they
dislike Mormons, why is Harry Reid, a Mormon, their Senate leader?
- - - - -
Who said it? --
"Can anyone look at the record of
this administration and say, 'Well done'? Can anyone compare the
state of our economy when [this] administration took office with
where we are today and say, 'Keep up the good work'? Can anyone
look at our reduced standing in the world today and say, 'Let's
have four more years of this'? I believe the American people are
going to answer these questions ... and their answer will be, 'No,
we've had enough!'"
Mitt Romney? No. Ronald Reagan, winner
against another Democrat disaster, Jimmy Carter.
- - - - -
James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal has the lefties' number
"The left has not moved beyond seeing
Obama as a racial symbol, and that is for two reasons. First, his
record as president doesn't have much else to recommend it, so
that crying racism is about the best they can do as an argument
for re-election. Second, it is of great psychological importance
to American left-liberals to believe that their opponents are
racist and they themselves are not. Their self-image as a moral
elite revolves around the imputation of invidious racial attitudes
to others."
- - - - -
UNsurprise of the week ...
Despite Chicago's evolution into
America's murder capital in a hail of nightly gunfire, political
hack Mayor Rahm "Tiny Dancer" Emanuel, Obama's former butt-boy,
has sent fifty of the city's police officers to Charlotte to do
"security work" at the convention.
- - - - -
I trust we're all comforted by the assertion of ABC's George
Stephanopoulos, who first became a gnat in the public eye pimping
for Bill Clinton, that there is no media bias. Of course not! Take
it from any communist -- er, sorry -- progressive.
And let's hear no more from Chrissy Matthews regarding his
masturbatory fantasies about Michelle's husband.
- - - - -
Hey, kids! Don't worry about using dope. It worked out okay for
this guy!
"I had learned not to care. Pot
(marijuana) had helped, and booze. Maybe a little blow (cocaine)
when I could afford it. Not smack (heroin), though." --
Barack Obama, "Dreams From My Father: A Story of Race and
- - - - -
The prescient Prelutsky (Burt) has this on his wish-list ...
"I only hope that when Romney moves into
the Oval Office, he will not only put his own programs into place,
but will reverse and repeal not only ObamaCare, but everything
else that Obama, Pelosi and Reid, have done. As we have seen over
the past few decades, when the GOP doesn’t undo the mischief of
left-wing administrations, the Democrats, once back in power,
merely resume where they left off.
- - - - -
"For over a hundred years now, Progressivism, a polite,
Americanized term for Marxism, has been infiltrating and taking
over the Democrat party, the national media, academia, the courts.
"Having attended Harvard College and
Harvard Law School, I saw all of this first hand. I saw all those
prep school Marxists pledging to each other life long fealty to
the worldwide socialist revolution, and going on to pose as
"liberal" reporters and commentators, "liberal" environmentalists
plotting the destruction of capitalism and its middle class
prosperity from within." -- Peter Ferrara in The American
- - - - -
Updated Democratic convention schedule:
· 4:00 PM – Opening Flag
Burning Ceremony – sponsored by CNN
· 4:05 PM – Singing of "God
Damn America " led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright
· 4:10 PM – Pledge of
Allegiance to Obama
· 4:15 PM – Ceremonial 'I
hate America' led by Michelle Obama
· 4:30 PM – Tips on “How to
keep your man trustworthy and true to you while you travel the
world” – Hillary Clinton
· 5:00 PM – “Great Vacations
I’ve Taken on the Taxpayer’s Dime Travelogue." - Michelle Obama
· 5:30 PM – Eliot Spitzer
Speaks on "Family Values" via Satellite
· 5:45 PM – Tribute to All 57
· 6:00 PM – Sen. Harry Reid -
90-minute speech expressing the Democrat’s appreciation of the
Occupy Wall Street movement, and George Soros for sparing no
expense, for all that they have accomplished to unify the country,
improve employment and to boost the economy.
· 8:30 PM – Airing of
Grievances by the Clintons
· 9:00 PM – “Bias in Media –
How we can make it work for you” Tutorial – sponsored by CBS, NBC,
ABC, and the Washington Post and the New York Times
· 9:15 PM – Tribute Film to
Brave Freedom Fighters incarcerated at GITMO – Michael Moore
· 9:45 PM – Personal Finance
Seminar - Charlie Rangle
· 10:00 PM – Denunciation of
Bitter Gun Owners and Bible readers
· 10:30 PM – Ceremonial
Waving of White Flag for IRAQ , & Afghanistan
· 11:00 PM – Obama Energy
Plan Symposium / Tire Gauge Demonstration / You too can get rich
with Green Investment bankruptcies
· 11:30 PM – Obama Accepts
Oscar, Tony and Latin Grammy Awards
· 11:45 PM – Feeding of the
Delegates with 5 Loaves and 2 Fish – Obama Presiding
· 12:00 AM – Official
Nomination of Obama by Bill Maher and Chris “He sends a thrill up
my leg” Matthews
· 12:01 AM – Obama Accepts
Nomination as Lord and Savior
· 12:05 AM – Celestial Choirs
3:00 AM – Biden Delivers
Acceptance Speech
- - - - -
"The man of hope and change is finally recognized as a delusion, a
national hallucination made up of fog, mist and swamp gas." -- A
nifty turn of phrase from Wes Pruden, editor emeritus, Washington
- - - - -
And ... for the big finish ... reader Rick offers this titillating
tale ...
A woman from New York was driving through
a remote part of Arizona when her car broke down.
An American Indian on horseback came
along and offered her a ride to a nearby town.
She climbed up behind him on the horse
and they rode off.
The ride was uneventful, except that
every few minutes the Indian would let out a Ye-e-e-e-h-a-a-a-a'
so loud that it echoed from the surrounding hills and canyon
When they arrived in town, he let her off
at the local service station, yelled one
final 'Ye-e-e-e-h-a-a-a-a!' and rode off.
"What did you do to get that Indian so
excited?" asked the service-station attendant.
"Nothing," the woman answered. "I merely
sat behind him on the horse, put my arms around his waist, and
held onto the saddle horn so I wouldn't fall off."
"Lady," said the attendant, "Indians
don't use saddles."
September 5 --
"We belong to the government!" The
Democrats' message to America. No tyrant in history ever made it
- - - - -
Heartbreaking. Democrats apparently couldn't round up enough
stooges and drunks to fill that big football stadium for Obama's
elevation to sainthood tomorrow night, so they're moving it into a
much smaller arena. Next they'll be telling us they won't be using
the faux-Greek styrofoam columns for the Hollywood production that
did four years ago in Denver. Will civilization survive?
- - - - -
When did Barack have time to read all those heart-wrenching
letters Michelle talked about when he was spending so much time on
his golf game? Enquiring minds want to know ...
We also might wonder when Sandra Fluke-flake, one of the "stars"
of the convention tonight, will elaborate on her argument that
insurance companies and/or taxpayers should be required to pay for
sex-change operations. As well as abortions and contraceptives.
- - - - -
Whatever reservations one might have about Mitt Romney, it's
evident that he is not the kind of "go along to get along"
Republican who was easy pickings for Obama four years ago. This
time the "all hat and no cattle" Democrat president who bluffed
his way with a line of bull(bleep) into the White House is facing
a candidate who actually wants to win the job, not the "Miss
Congeniality" award. With Paul Ryan riding shotgun and doing what
VP candidates are supposed to do -- attack -- the ticket clearly
has Democrats worried to the point of panic.
- - - - -
We have been unable to determine which Hollywood slutlet might
turn up at the Democratic Convention to play the fictional Julia
of recent Obama campaign infamy.
You remember Julia, don't you? The
parasite who depended on the government as a cradle-to-grave
protector, including giving her birth control so she could get
laid as often as possible with no unpleasant consequences. Or, if
she did forget to take her pills, buy her an abortion, courtesy of
the taxpayers.
There are endless possibilities as
candidates for the role, of course. Some of them actual women
not named George.
- - - - -
Wonder how much Democrats will talk about two interesting planks
in their campaign platform? I refer, of course, to the planks
supporting (A) gay marriage and (B) taxpayer-paid abortions. Would
they wish to elaborate on their slap in the face to Israel
regarding Jerusalem? Or perhaps give reasons for removing the very
word "God" from their platform?
Was there ever a worse speaker than that silly governor of
Maryland? In the immortal words of Bugs Bunny, "What a maroon!"
- - - - -
Bill and Hill and Barack and Michelle: Michael Goodwin (NY Post)
reflects on how The Dear Leader has dealt with Ms. Clinton ...
"(He) kept her inside the tent by making
her secretary of state and helped retire her campaign debt. Yet,
to this day, the Obamas have not had the Clintons to the White
House for a private dinner.
"All of which brings us to Charlotte, and
the unlikely scenario where Bill Clinton will nominate the
president for a second term. With Hillary choosing to be on the
other side of the world for government business, Bubba will be
alone for (tonight's) spectacle.
"Beyond the lingering personal animus,
Bill Clinton will carry a conflict of interest to the podium. He
wishes his wife were the incumbent, and he is still no fan of
Obama’s presidency.
"But this is business — the business of
protecting his legacy and giving Hillary a final shot at the White
House in 2016."
- - - - -
The timing is just ... exquisite. Democrats holding their
convention just as our national debt reaches the unheard-of level
of $16 trillion, more of which has been run-up by Obama than the
first 43U.S. presidents combined.
- - - - -
There's no question that the Democrats were first -- and more
adept -- at using the internet to achieve political goals. How
rich the irony that Obama and his fellow "progressives" are
seriously contemplating ways of taxing use of the internet. Not,
mind you, just taxing purchases made over the internet, but actual
use of it.
- - - - -
Burt Prelutsky looks over the Democratic convention list of
speakers and offers these observations ...
"I find the proposed speakers lined up by
the Democrats to address their convention bizarre, to say the
least. I mean, do they really think any sane person regards Jimmy
Carter as the grand old man of their party. He’s the guy who
pulled the rug out from under the Shah of Iran, which swung open
the door for the Ayatollah Khomeini and unleashed Islamic
terrorism on the entire world.
"As if Carter isn’t enough to besmirch any
event at which he appears, even in a video, the Democrats have
lined up a slew of women to confirm that the GOP has declared war
on their gender. Frankly, I can’t even imagine how ignorant a
woman has to be in order to convince herself that husbands and
fathers as loyal and dedicated to their families as Mitt Romney
and Paul Ryan are looking to victimize women.
"What’s particularly weird about the
lineup is that at least two of the featured speakers are lesbians.
Understand, I’m not using that word as a pejorative. But for the
longest time, we’ve heard liberal women say that where birth
control and abortion are concerned, men have no right to voice an
opinion. If they believe that, what right do lesbians have? Birth
control and abortion are certainly two issues that have even less
to do with them than with men."
- - - - -
"In 2008, Obama excited young voters with his promise of 'hope and
change.' What will the Democrats' message be this week, 'Cross
fingers, and hope for the best?''' -- Columnist Debra Saunders
- - - - -
Liberal Mike Lupica of the NY Daily News views ("Hush, Hush Sweet
...) Charlotte with alarm ...
"Most people about to get fired don’t get the
chance to talk their way out of it. President Obama tries to do
that in Charlotte on Thursday night, then all the way to November
6, trying not to become the first incumbent to lose his job since
George H.W. Bush.
“'Speeches got me here,' he said in
private one day, early in his first term. But even he has to know
it will take more than speeches to save him this time, no matter
what kind of soaring rhetoric he offers at the Democratic
- - - - -
Note to many writers: "Reign" and "rein" mean two different
things. "Reign" refers to the ruling period of a king or other
authority figure. "Rein" is term originally applied to the leather
straps used to guide a horse, generically applied to the power to
direct events.
- - - - -
Call this "Today's Chapter on Crazy Judges" ...
A man who calls himself Michelle Kosilek
is serving a life sentence in Massachusetts state prison for
murdering his wife.
He has decided he wants to be a woman. A
federal ... FEDERAL ... judge named Mark Wolf has decided the
taxpayers should pay for this murderous creep to get a sex-change
He was nominated to the federal bench by
Ronald Reagan.
I kid you not.
- - - - -
From reader Ron, a classic ...
"A penny saved is a government
- - - - -
Some fact-checkers say the revelation about Obama's foreign
student registration at Occidental College is unsubstantiated. I
don't know. Given the reality that "fact-checkers" themselves have
fallen into disrepute for their own lying on behalf of the Big
Zero, my prefacing yesterday's item with "Make of this what you
will" seems sufficient.
Since Obama has lied so much about so
many things like his fictional "composite" white girlfriend,
concealed so much of his personal history and was identified by
his literary agent and Harvard Law Review bio has having been born
in Kenya, plus admitting it on video, I'm not sure that one more
reference makes any difference.
If any Obama fans are upset, I have a
two-word response consisting of a verb and a pronoun.
- - - - -
You can readily find details on the internet, but the
long-and-short of Stanford University's extensive study of the
supposed health benefits of eating more expensive organic foods
comes down to this: you're wasting your money.
...and speaking of dietary matters ...
A study by Cornell University of last meals ordered by convicts
just before walking that last mile finds that they usually order
unhealthy and fattening meals. As if they don't care about their
- - - - -
Jimmy Fallon --
"Joe Biden is seriously considering
running for president in 2016. Yeah, 'seriously' — which is
interesting, because voters’ reaction to that was, 'Seriously??'”
September 6 --
May the Great Earth Goddess Gaia (we know how Democrats are
uncomfortable with the word "God") bless the Democratic Party for
a great day of political comedy.
First, we had the abrupt flip-flop on the
removal of references to God from their party platform, along with
their Muslim-influenced reference to Jerusalem's elimination as
the capital of Israel being restored by a voice-vote.
Although anyone with ears could tell the
vote was evenly divided, failed LA Mayor Villaraigosa, as
chairman, ruled it a two-thirds vote in favor of restoration under
the direction of the Muslim-sympathizing president who belatedly
recognized he'd stepped in a pile of camel dung.
The party-split was evident, with Muslim
delegates making up a loud part of the half shrieking "NO!"
This, of course, left hysterical Democrat
myth-makers like Sen. Dick "Head" Durbin hung out to dry after
protesting that the presence or absence of a few mere words in the
party platform meant nothing. Public reaction told Obama
Then came the parade of leftist losers
lamenting the loss of jobs at failed companies (in whose economy?)
appealing to the sympathies of a bunch of slack-jawed
mouth-breathers who think money-losing enterprises should be kept
going (likely with government subsidies) to protect them. ("Bring
back those buggy-whip manufacturers! Those jobs must be saved!
Otherwise they'll be out-sourced to Kazakhstan!")
It resembled nothing more than a gathering of
San Francisco communists.
*** Personal note: I have lost jobs, for
various reasons -- including having companies being sold -- five
times. The lesson is: adapt to changing circumstances, move on and
if necessary, move out -- to where the jobs are. I've worked from
Miami to Seattle. If you're married to one little place on earth,
you limit your options.***
Then came last night's greatest comedy of
all. Billy Jeff Clinton, the ol' hillbilly
whorehopper-cum-snake-oil salesman, doing his pitch for a
president he's well known to detest.
Why? Because he has to retain the loyalty
of Democrat lemmings in order to get his sock-puppet wife, who's
never accomplished anything on her own, nominated in
Give Bill this, however: as a speaker,
even -- and especially -- when he's telling whopping lies, he's so
smooth he makes Obama sound like a sixth-grader stumbling through
the school play. Of course, being Clinton, his speech ran on
So thank you, Democrats, for putting on
an entertaining convention show that resembles nothing so much as
an extended episode of The Three Stooges.
- - - - -
I do feel let down that Elizabeth Warren, the pretend-Indian who's
running for the Senate in Massachusetts, failed to conclude her
litany of misery with an enthusiastic war whoop.
- - - - -
That $16 trillion national debt has effectively been run up on
your credit card by other people. Each American household's share
of that bill is over $136,000. And it will be paid, either by burdening the next
generation(s) or printing more dollars, each worth less and less.
So sit back and watch your retirement nest-egg disappear, thanks
to a bunch of irresponsible liars and crooks in Washington! In a
serious country, they'd be tried for treason.
If you're an actual taxpayer and not a
parasite of the sort cultivated and multiplied by Obama, you have
every right and reason to be totally PO'd. Only idiots -- and
those who can profit from his scurrilous policies -- could
possibly support this supporating boil on the body politic.
Oh, excuse me! Was I being insensitive?
"Better off than four years ago?"
Puh-leeeze ...
- - - - -
After getting caught in a web of her own lies, the Chairwoman of
the Democratic National Committee is now ready to star in a piece
of political pornography that might be titled, "Debbie Does
I wonder if trees are being chopped-down
in Israel in the name of Debbie Wasserman Schultz. (If that
reference is too vague, ask any Jewish friend to explain.)
- - - - -
Only people as stupid as Democrats would actually believe that
there's a Republican plot to ban birth control. The only message
to the banshees wailing such nonsense is, "If you want it, buy it
for yourself; it's cheap. And by what logic do you believe it's
somebody else's responsibility to pay for you to get laid?"
Come to think of it, when can we expect
taxpayers be required to pay for horny men to visit a whorehouse?
Government-run, of course.Think that's ridiculous? Some European
socialist countries have similar "benefits" already.
- - - - -
How pathetic. Obama and his socialist campaign plotters realize
his own record in office is so lame, they're running on the
achievements (?) of Bill Clinton and dead-Ted.
Reader Phil contributes this pithy
observation in response to the Democrats' totally bogus nonsense
about a Republican "war on women" ...
"Ted Kennedy is the only politician with
a confirmed kill in the War on Women."
- - - - -
Does it occur to anyone that the Democrat mania for free abortions
and expanded homosexual acceptance could carry within it the
solution to the problem of leftists reproducing?
- - - - -
Just judging from the speeches at the convention, one feels
compelled to ask, "Does the Democratic Party contain anyone who wasn't raised in
- - - - -
Here's the latest list of the world's most economically
competitive countries:
1 -Switzerland
2 - Singapore
3 - Finland
4 - Sweden
5 - Netherlands
6 - Germany
...and where is the economic "superpower?" Ah, there it is
... ta-ta! At #7 - USA.
Note that none are the "poor" countries
blamed by some for "stealing our jobs."
- - - - -
Thomas Sowell repeats a truth that Obamunists won't admit ...
"When businesses advertise one thing and
then actually sell something else, that is called 'bait and
switch' advertising. That is exactly what President Obama is doing
with his proposed tax increases on 'millionaires and
"(Liberal Democrat) President Woodrow
Wilson himself urged Congress to reconsider whether very high tax
rates are in fact 'productive of revenue' to the government. He
said that, beyond some point, 'high rates of income and profits
taxes discourage energy, remove the incentive to new enterprise,
encourage extravagant expenditures, and produce industrial
stagnation with consequent unemployment and other attendant
evils.' That sounds a lot like where we are today.
"Those hardest hit by high tax rates that
drive jobs overseas are likely to be those who are unemployed and
need jobs here. Ironically, millionaires and billionaires may have
the least to lose from higher tax rates on "the rich." But Barack
Obama has the most to gain from class warfare rhetoric that wins
votes from gullible people."
- - - - -
Do with it what you will, but a survey finds that 50% more
tattooed voters plan to vote for Obama than Romney. Presumably,
that includes women who have the "tramp-stamp" on the lower back.
- - - - -
What's wrong with presidents, both Democrat and Republican, who
keep hiring that two-faced phony, David Gergen, as an "advisor?"
- - - - -
Ponder this: Food prices are skyrocketing -- and will get much
worse -- because of the corn shortage created by the midwestern
drought. Yet the burocratic fools in our government are still
wasting it on that noxious ethanol junk that causes air pollution
and gives poor mileage. How smart would even a Democrat politician
have to be in order to say, "Stop this insanity and get out of the
way of oil production!"?
- - - - -
Breitbart News does the fact-checking that the butt-kissing Big
Media omitted from their coverage of Michelle Obama's devious
speech ...
"Michelle Obama has benefited from vast
exaggerations of her 'working-class origins,' substituting a
humble single-room residence for what was in fact a middle-class
home, and obscuring the fact that her family shared in the spoils
from the Democratic Party's regime of (segregated) patronage in
Richard Daley's Chicago.
"If Barack Obama was an impoverished
student, for example, it would certainly have been news to his
friends, who included rich Pakistani socialites. He dabbled in
recreational drugs such as cocaine--hardly a cheap thrill--and
traveled to Indonesia and Pakistan while still at college. Barack
Obama is known to have a penchant for exaggeration, having
embellished much of his memoir; it seems that tendency is shared
by his wife as well.'
- - - - -
Your lying Big Media have been at it for a long, long time. Take
"What we still don't understand is why
you Americans stopped the bombing of Hanoi. If you had pressed us
a little harder, just for another day or two, we were ready to
surrender. It was the same at the battle of Tet. You defeated us.
We knew it and we thought you knew it. But we were elated to
notice your media was helping us. They were causing more
disruption in America than we could in the battlefields. We were
ready to surrender." -- General VoNguyen Giap, North Vietnamese
military commander during the Vietnam war, in his memoirs.
Thank you, Walter Cronkite, et al. Does
anyone dare use the "T" word?
- - - - -
If you're a fan of college football -- as I am -- you've probably
noticed the thousands of empty seats at big-power college stadia.
I submit there are two reasons. First,
the wretched Obama economy has hurt attendance at almost all
sporting events. Secondly, who wants to buy tickets to watch a
football powerhouse pummel some pitiful lads from a lower-division
It's a shameful fact of life in the big
football-factory schools and while its understandable that
administrators of small (football-wise) colleges will take the big
paycheck for sending their hopelessly overmatched young men to be
cannon fodder, it's also shameful.
Shameful that they'll risk serious,
perhaps permanent, injuries to players they know very well cannot
compete with the big guys. And shameful that big powers fatten
their records with these slaughterhouse matchups. I applaud the
athletic directors of schools like Alabama and Michigan that chose
to open their seasons against each other.
At least they did it this year.
Unlike Florida State, which massacred
poor little Murray State and is compounding the crime by next
playing Savannah State, which is coming off an 84-0 loss to big,
bad Oklahoma State.
The whole thing is sick.
- - - - -
Jay Z, the rock and rap promoter who is married to Beyonce, put on
a concert called "Made in America." It was sponsored by Budweiser.
Which is made by Anheuser Busch. Which belongs to a Belgian company.
- - - - -
Craig Ferguson --
"Former Democratic nominee John Kerry is
going to give a speech about foreign policy. It will be like Clint
Eastwood's speech except this time the empty chairs will be in the
- - - - -
Jimmy Fallon --
"There are reports that nine of the
hotels being used for politicians at the Democratic National
Convention have bedbugs. When asked what it’s like to have to deal
with thousands of ruthless bloodsuckers, the bedbugs were like,
'Eh, it’s OK.'”
September 7
It's over. Finally.
Another bunch of recycled, unfulfilled hollow promises by the
biggest charlatan ever to occupy the Oval Office. Hours of TV
shots of vacant faces ... fools enraptured by their own childish
vision of a political messiah come to save them ... middle-aged
(and older) people behaving like teenage girls at a Bieber
concert. Present at both conventions but far more abundantly in
Charlotte, where Barack Obama's speech could be summarized with,
"Who are you going to believe? Me, or your lying eyes?"
In two months we will learn whether the majority of American
voters have been released from the spasm of madness that gripped
them four years ago.
- - - - -
Here is last evening's
weather report for Charlotte, North Carolina, from the Weather
8PM 80
degrees mostly clear wind 3mph
9PM 78
degrees mostly clear wind 3mph
10PM 76 degrees mostly
clear wind 3mph
11PM 75 degrees mostly
clear wind 3mph
12AM 74 degrees mostly
clear wind 3mph
Obvious enough? Of COURSE
the Democrats were lying about bringing their closing night into
a smaller arena. It wasn't because of any threat of bad weather;
it was because they knew thousands of empty seats in that
stadium would look bad on TV.
But I'm sure Debbie Wasserman Shtupid, the most inept liar in a
hall full of them, would've been able to come up with a
plausible explanation.
- - - - -
Apparently Obama, having felt
the backlash over eliminating any reference to God in the party
platform as well as removing any mention of Jerusalem as the
capital of Israel (which had clearly been a bow to Muslims),
decided that not inviting Cardinal Dolan to deliver a
benediction was also political insanity. So the Cardinal was
there last night.
The Cardinal, who has been outspoken in opposition to any
government policy requiring church-operated institutions to
provide free birth control to employees in violation of church
doctrine, made this clear reference to freedom of religion,
which is the basis for his objection:
"We praise and thank You for the gift
of liberty. May this land of the free never lack those brave
enough to defend our basic freedoms. Renew in all our people a profound
respect for religious liberty - the first, most cherished
Then, to a convention that has
placed unlimited, taxpayer-paid abortion near the top of its
"Grant us the courage to defend it: life, without which, no
others rights are secure. We ask Your benediction on
those waiting to be born and
that they may be welcomed
and protected."
Clear enough?
- - - - -
"The real problem with
Democratic politicians isn’t that they lie, but that they do it
so badly that even the nitwits who vote for them know they’re
lying. For instance, everyone realizes that Democrats, from the
president on down, are so deep into the pockets of the teachers
union that they risk being buried in lint, never send their kids
to public schools in Washington, D.C. Whenever they pay homage
to the glory of public education, you can bet they have their
fingers crossed and their own offspring safely ensconced in
private schools.
let us not forget that the same people who whine about the
hardship that photo IDs pose for young people, blacks and
Hispanics, insisted that photo IDs be required for all the
conventioneers seeking to enter the Time Warner Cable Arena." --
- - - - -
It never stops. The
biggest ongoing, repeated lie by Obama and his acolytes is using
the word "investing" to disguise what they really mean -- spending. Spending
money the government has to borrow from China in order to buy
votes for politicians who, given the chance, would like us to
have a government strongly resembling their bankers in Beijing.
- - - - -
Having heard Wednesday night at least half the crowd of
Democrat convention delegates objecting to the party
returning to its long-held position that Jerusalem is the capital of
Israel -- booing that reflected support of the Muslim
position -- one wonders if even that reflection of
Democrat anti-Israel sentiment will be enough to break the
slavish devotion of American Jews to the Democratic Party.
Or is that destructive addiction impossible to break?
- - - - -
Michael Goodwin (NY Post) summarizes for those who wisely
avoided the Charlotte carnival ...
"The system is rigged. America is
unjust. Opportunity is dead. You didn’t build that.
"Dammit, where’s mine?
"Oh, and Republicans are the
people who rigged the system. They’re trying to take away
your rights to vote, to health care, to education, to
housing. They hate women, gays and immigrants. They don’t
pay their fair share and they’re un-American.
"Barack Obama lights candles,
Mitt Romney spreads darkness, and Osama bin Laden is dead.
"There, I saved you the time of
watching the Democratic convention."
- - - - -
It was a traumatic experience, watching former Michigan
Governor Jennifer Granholm go absolutely stark-raving nuts
onstage at the Democratic convention. No wonder Michigan's
a mess, electing lunatics like this.
- - - - -
"Even 2,800 years ago, it was understood
that envy is an evil that arises in the late stages of
great civilizations, when political life begins to
focus on how to redistribute goods rather than how to
produce more goods.
"For those who are eaten up with
envy, Mitt Romney's success at Bain Capital seems
nothing less than criminal.
"All of Obama's talk about
'fairness' is nothing but an attempt to gin up a sense
of grievance and exploit it for his own
purposes. The rich should be taxed more, he
says, not because it would bring in more revenue or
because they are not taxed enough already, but because
they need to be punished." --Jeffrey Folks in The
American Thinker
- - - - -
Also in the news ...
A Mississippi
NAACP executive is in jail after being convicted of voter fraud
for fraudulently casting absentee ballots, including for four dead
Must be a mistake.
After all, Democrats tell us illegal voting is not a problem, so
voter ID laws are unnecessary.
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton on Obama's speech, with the President arguing that
"... Americans are better off today than
they were four years ago. It's always a smart idea to start your
speech with a good joke to get the crowd on your side."
- - - - -
Sandra Fluke is so popular with abortion-obsessed Democrats, there
are rumors a university might be named for her. Their school
sweatshirts should be big sellers, emblazoned with "Fluke U"
across the front.
(Apologies. A hacker must have entered
that item.)
- - - - -
No surprise. Far, far more people watched the
Dallas Cowboys-New York Giants football game Wednesday then
watched the Democrats babbling in Charlotte. We hear, however,
that the woman obsessed with getting free birth control, Ms.
Fluke, is getting a reputation as an excellent wide-receiver and
is skillful at the end-around play.
- - - - -
Speaking of Ms. Fluke ...
Thirty years old and still a "student?"
She must be a very
slow learner.
- - - - -
A piece of political history for the ages, plus insightful comment
by Charlie Leonard in the Aspen Times of Colorado ...
"In 1950, a candidate for Congress in
Florida named George Smathers reportedly gave speeches to rural,
uneducated voters and accused his incumbent opponent, Claude
Pepper, of being 'a known extrovert' who practiced 'celibacy'
before marriage, practiced 'nepotism' with his sister-in-law,
'matriculated' with women in college and had a sister who was 'a
thespian' and brother who was 'a practicing homo sapien.'
"In the world of political campaigns, the
story is legendary. In truth, what we know today is that Smathers
crushed Pepper in that election.
"Sadly, I'm inclined to think those
cynical words, which both insulted and pandered to an electorate
at the same time, did influence the outcome of that race. And I
believe that for the simple reason that those same cynical
techniques remain in practice today.
"The president and his defenders in
Congress say, “Our opponents want to change Medicare as we know
it,” as if that were some unspeakable evil rather than what it
really is — the most courageous political act in a generation.
"How else can you explain our president
saying he's going to protect Medicare 'as we know it' when the
government's own accountants say Medicare is unfunded to the tune
of $38 trillion and will be broke sometime in the next 10 to 15
- - - - -
Survey says ...
Thirty-one percent of Americans polled by
Rasmussen still think victory is possible in Afghanistan.
Prompting the observation that 31% are
either insane or utterly ignorant of history.
- - - - -
Columnist Cindy Adams' take on the conventions' speaker lineup ...
" Every speaker — Ann Romney,
Mitt Romney, Mitt’s VP, Marco Rubio, Chris Christie,
Julian Castro, Michelle Obama — each — said exactly
the same. Their parents were poor, mother and father struggled,
the family slaved to put them through orthodontia or whatever."
Okay, so let's get a rich guy
in the Big Job and we won't have to listen to any more whining
about how far some poor Democrat had to drive his Corvette
to school.
- - - - -
Here's how a spineless American government behaves:
Fact: The government of Iraq is cozying-up to the fanatics who run
Fact: Despite a UN resolution, Iran is flying arms OVER Iraq for
delivery to the murderous dictator Assad in Syria.
Fact: The weenies in the White House have asked Iraq to demand
those Iranian flights land for inspection -- and been refused.
Got that? We ASKED Iraq's government -- and
accepted their refusal.
Excuse me, but didn't we just come off a
war in which we beat the hell out of those barbarians? And we ASK
them to obey a UN resolution and accept their refusal?
The only sane response would be, "We won ...
you lost ... and you WILL do as we insist -- with no argument.
Refuse and you will face the same fate as Saddam Hussein."
Meantime, Vladimir Putin is laughing at
the idea of easy it will be to push our White House punk around
anytime he wishes.
- - - - -
Art Modell, longtime owner of the Cleveland Browns and later the
Baltimore Ravens ... dead at 87. I worked briefly for Art. He was
a fine man and his late wife, actress Pat Breslin, was a gem.
- - - - -
Since I labored for many years in the vineyards of ABC in San
Francisco, I'm regularly asked how the two (former) giants that
have been ruined by the successive ownership of Citadel
Broadcasting (now defunct) and Cumulus are doing,
The latest ratings (for July) have KGO in
16th place with a pitiful 2.5% share of the audience. KSFO is even
worse in 22nd place with a 1.7% share. The two combined have less
than half the audience either individual station had during its
glory days.
- - - - -
Note to writers who like to use the
antique -- and pretentious -- word "methinks:" It is one word,
not two.
- - - - -
Conan O'Brien --
"If you're a donor to President Obama's
campaign, you were promised exclusive access to Joe Biden — and for an
extra $10,000 absolutely no
access to Joe Biden."
September 8
Today's most pathetic
cheerleading piece of media campaigning in support of The BigFlop in the White House
appears in the pages of the Washington Post: "Most Americans aren’t
better off than they were four years ago — but they aren’t
much worse off, either."
How's that for a rousing campaign slogan?!
- - - - -
Also from
the Washington Post and the reliably liberal Dana Milbank, these
dispirited observations ...
"The Democrats canceled the stadium event
in favor of the smaller arena — ostensibly because of 'severe
thunderstorm' concerns but more likely because they couldn’t be
sure enough people would come to fill the stadium.
"It was quite a comedown from that heady night in Denver
four years ago when Obama accepted the nomination in front of
about 80,000 at Invesco Field. The candidate, on a stage set
resembling a Greek temple, spoke about remaking the nation and the
world. The demigod turned out to be entirely human, and his
results were disappointing."
- - - - -
"The "official" unemployment rate ticks down a couple of
tenths. Big deal, because the reason is ... hundreds of thousands
more would-be workers have simply given up and quit looking for
jobs. So the real
unemployment rate is as high as 15%+. The Obama economy is still a
train-wreck and all the lying and denying by his sycophants can't
change that painful reality.
- - - - -
Jay Leno
"Bill Clinton said that President
Obama inherited a deeply damaged economy. And if he's
re-elected he'll inherit an even more deeply damaged economy."
- - - - -
Department of No Surprise ...
Guess which category of employees has the
lowest national unemployment rate.
Correct. GOVERNMENT employees.
- - - - -
Another un-surprise ...
Obama operative David Axelrod accused
of trying to intimidate the Gallup Poll organization after
survey results unfavorable to his boss were released.
"Transparency," anyone?
- - - - -
Daniel Pipes summarizes the litany of lies Obama has told about
himself ...
"To sell his autobiography in 1991, Mr.
Obama claimed that he 'was born in Kenya.' He lied about never
having been a member and candidate of the 1990s Chicago socialist
New Party. When Stanley Kurtz produced evidence to establish that
he was a member, Mr. Obama’s flacks smeared and dismissed Mr.
Kurtz. Mr. Obama’s 1995 autobiography,'“Dreams from My Father,'
contains a torrent of inaccuracies and falsehoods about his
maternal grandfather, his father, his mother, his parents’
wedding, his stepfather’s father, his high school friend, his
girlfriend, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, and the Rev. Jeremiah
Wright. As Victor Davis Hanson put it, 'If a writer will fabricate
the details about his own mother’s terminal illness and quest for
insurance, then he will probably fudge on anything.'”
People who are seduced by the Democrats' "we should all march
together, in lockstep" view of the world in general and economic
matters in particular do so -- although would never admit it --
because deep-down they're afraid they can't succeed on their own.
Democrat politicians know they can profit by appealing to this
hidden fear.
These trembling souls are besotted by the
lowest-common-denominator appeal of socialism, which amounts to
this: "We will all put the earnings from our work into one large
pot, and only take out what we need." It's the old mantra of
Belatedly, they learn from bitter
experience that the politicians who promote this philosophy -- and
those politicians' friends -- planned all along to take out a
helluva lot more than they put in.
For further enlightenment an internet
search along with lines of "Soviet Union, collapse of" will be
- - - - -
Jonah Goldberg addresses a low-light of the Democrats' convention
"On the symbolism front, in what even
leading Democrats admit was a spectacular display of
self-inflicted stupidity, they managed to scrub any mention of God
from the Democratic platform. They also removed support for
Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. When they realized how
grievously idiotic these unforced errors were, they tried to fix
them by amending the document. The result was an ugly moment where
the delegates voted three times against, in effect, God and
Jerusalem, until the chairman of the convention, L.A. Mayor
Antonio Villaraigosa simply steamrolled his own party like some
Politburo bully."
- - - - -
Another electric-car flop that should embarrass Obama and his
"greenie" acolytes -- if such a thing were possible: The Nissan
"Leaf" isn't expected to achieve even half of its modest sales
quota (per the Detroit News).
- - - - -
John Hawkins ( addresses one dilemma facing
Republicans in their quest for black votes ...
"One of the great ironies of the race
debate in America is that Republicans have internalized Martin
Luther King's famous saying, 'I have a dream that my four
little children will one day live in a nation where they will
not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content
of their character,' while most black Americans have
rejected it.
- - - - -
Britain's Prince Harry, who embarrassed the Royal family (and may
or may not be in the royal bloodline; there's room for doubt,
recalling Diana's extra-marital romps) with his naked partying in
Las Vegas, has been sent back to Afghanistan to continue as a
helicopter pilot in a combat zone.
Cynical folk may wonder if the Taliban
enemies have been provided with the exact coordinates of his
sleeping quarters.
- - - - -
From reader Rocky ...
heard that Sandra Fluke is SO popular with the
abortion-obsessed Democrats, that many are naming their
unborn children after her."
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton with another item from the week's news ...
"Massachusetts was ordered by a federal
judge Wednesday to pay for the sex-change surgery demanded by a
prison inmate. It gets worse. California inmates are also suing
the state over sex change surgery because their current plan only
allows them two options."
- - - - -
Art Modell died a couple
of days ago. He was the longtime owner of the Cleveland Browns and
the Baltimore Ravens football teams.
I worked briefly for Art after he bought
Cleveland radio station WJW, which was dead in the ratings. He
brought me in to do a re-build job. He was a great guy and was a
guiding hand in the policies that made the NFL the giant it is
One story comes to mind. My first
priority in the repair of his radio station was to hire a talented
morning host, a fellow who'd worked for me in Miami. The General
Manager of Art's station was reluctant to pay the salary necessary
to hire him. In our three-way meeting, Art heard my recitation of
the man's skills and his price. The General Manager, a nice man of
limited skills, was still reluctant.
Art, who had just made a stellar college
linebacker his first-round draft choice for the Browns, said to
me, "Hire the guy you want for the radio station. I just paid more
money than that to a college kid who might break his leg on the
first day in training camp!"
I hired my chosen talent. Shortly thereafter,
the Browns' training camp began -- and the high-priced linebacker
DID break his ankle on the first day.
It worked out well, though. Linebacker Clay
Matthews went on to a long career and was a perennial all-pro. His
son, who also bears his name, is now the star linebacker for the
Green Bay Packers.
After I moved on to a station in Chicago, the
morning host I'd hired, Dale Reeves, quickly grew fed up with the
General Manager ... quit ... went to New York as the only white
guy on a predominantly black station ... and was number one in New
York in the morning-show ratings within six months.
Now he's the voice you've heard on thousands
of TV commercials and does character voices on the Cartoon
Network. He came to visit me just a few months ago. If he reads
this, it may be the first he's known about his indirect link to a
famous football family.
- - - - -
Conan O'Brien --
Democrats added the word 'God' to the official party platform.
It's in the part that reads, 'Did you see Michelle Obama's biceps.
Oh, my God!'"
September 9 --
The wretched bottom-line reality is this, and all the obfuscation
and petty distractions the Democrats can dream up doesn't change
The U.S. government's Department of Labor
just released statistics showing that the percentage of
working-age Americans who have jobs has shrunk the lowest level in
31 years. And it worsens every week.
Only masochists and fools would want to
continue with an administration so destructive. But we have those
in abundance.
- - - - -
Just as anyone with media experience knows, so-called "human
interest" stories will attract and hold an audience, but such
stories have no real impact on most people. Heart-wrenching
personal stories will have no effect on big-picture problems like
unemployment and the national debt, whether ending tragically or
happily and heroically resolved.
There's a message in this for voters. It
is easy to identify individuals prominent (for good or bad
reasons) in either major party. The important factor is ... do
those individuals have significant power or influence in the
direction of that party.
Once you get past the people at the top
of the respective parties -- the presidential nominees --
attention is due the next level of power-brokers.
That is where I draw conclusions based on
years of observation of people like Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid,
Debbie Wasserman Schultz and such unelected but powerful people as
Valerie Jarrett, David Axelrod and (still) Rahm Emanuel.
Even if I rated Obama and Romney as
being approximately equal -- and I emphatically don't -- the
policies and behavior of these people alone would be sufficient to
guide a decision.
- - - - -
Please: Let us hear no more childish nonsense about "caring" and
"likeability" in this campaign. Personally, I find Romney far more
likeable than the egomaniacal Obama, but that is -- and should be
-- irrelevant to the capability of a president.
I don't care whether the president of my
bank or insurance company or mutual fund -- or even my doctor --
is a sweetheart or not. I want him/her to do an effective,
competent job of handling my money or fixing an illness. I'm not
expecting a president to be my brother-in-law, much less my daddy.
I should have the right to expect no less
competence from the person in the White House. I don't care if he
smiles at me before he goes to the golf course and promptly
forgets I ever existed. Only emotionally needy children -- of all
ages -- believe in that "he cares about me" nonsense. They need to
fixate on two ... no, FOUR words: "GROW THE HELL UP!" We are
becoming increasingly a nation of thumb-sucking babies.
- - - - -
Gun sales are skyrocketing in anticipation of attempts to ban them
if Obama should be re-elected. CNBC quotes one gun salesman
saying, "We should put Obama's picture on the wall and name him
'Salesman of the Month.'"
The sorry state of the economy and the
millions of unemployed also have many people buying guns for home
protection and self-defense. Older folk, helpless against
criminals if unarmed, make up a large component of the market.
- - - - - has another illustration of the duplicity of Barack
Obama, the nation's First Hypocrite ...
"The administration has taken various
states to court to block voter ID laws on the grounds it will
disenfranchise voters. But it has no qualms about the
disenfranchisement of military voters overseas through its failure
to comply with and enforce the Military and Overseas Voter
Empowerment (MOVE) Act, passed by Congress in 2009 and signed into
law by ... President Barack Obama."
Gee, you think maybe he suspects that the
military vote might largely go against him? You think??
- - - - -
John Hinderaker of Powerline, the political newsletter, has a
pertinent -- and worrisome -- observation ...
"On paper, given Obama’s record, this
election should be a cakewalk for the Republicans. Why isn’t it? I
am afraid the answer may be that the country is closer to the
point of no return than most of us believed. With over 100 million
Americans receiving federal welfare benefits, millions more going
on Social Security disability, and many millions on top of that
living on entitlement programs–not to mention enormous numbers of
public employees–we may have gotten to the point where the
government economy is more important, in the short term, than the
real economy."
We may have reached that tipping-point that man of us have worried
about: the freeloaders outnumbering, and out-voting, the
- - - - -
In an uncertain world, it is reassuring to know that there are
things that are reliably unchanging.
Take Senator John Kerry, probably the
next Secretary of State when Hillary quits in the near future to
start plotting her 2016 presidential campaign.
Kerry's convention speech comfortingly
demonstrated the he's still the same pompous pr ... otuberance who
fell flat on his face in his 2004 try
for the White House.
- - - - -
The Chicago teachers' union is scheduled to go on strike tomorrow.
Given the sorry results they achieve in the classrooms of that
benighted city, turning out some of the most poorly educated
students in America, the question is: If they stayed out
indefinitely, would it make any difference?
The Chicago teachers' union, even more
than most, serves largely as a funnel thru which taxpayer dollars
are transferred to Democrat politicians. Student academic
achievement obviously has a low priority.
- - - - -
A life in radio ... and travel (cont.) ...
As previously noted here, my broadcast
career was complemented for many years by a business investment in
the travel industry. Our travel operation specialized in
organizing exotic travel for folk who'd seen the world's prominent
tourist destinations and wanted something more, or different.
Each year I took three weeks away from
microphones and/or cameras to escort a few dozen "carriage trade"
clients on a trip around the world.
Since most of them also had careers demanding their presence, we
did such tours in three weeks -- 23 days.That meant, at most, five
or six stops and some overnight flights.
I was tasked with planning a new and
different itinerary every year. And so we came to one schedule
devoted mostly to Asia.
Since no one in the group had been to
Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), it was included. Our office, as usual,
prepaid deposits for hotel rooms -- in
this case, the new Intercontinental Hotel in Colombo, whose
reservations were handled by Pan American World Airways (RIP).
After a flight from Bangkok, Thailand, we
arrive in mid-morning. The chartered bus was waiting, we boarded,
and the driver asked me where he
was to take us.
"The Intercontinental Hotel," I replied.
Whereupon he unleashed a gale of
laughter, without no explanation as to why.
I became slightly annoyed and said,
"Look. We're tired after a long trip. Just take us to the hotel."
Still giggling, he drove us on the
half-hour trip into the city and took us to the address specified.
There we saw ... a giant hole in the
ground, beside which a sign said, "ON THIS SITE WILL BE BUILT THE
Now I have a real problem. Tired
travelers ... no hotel. I told the driver to take us to the
elegant old Galle Face Hotel where I ran in and asked to see the
Sales Manager. The gentleman was very nice, but informed me that
the Southeast Asia Foreign Ministers conference was going on in
Colombo, and that there was not a hotel room to be had anywhere in
the city.
Recognizing my desperation, he named an
old hotel that just might have rooms and gave me the address. I
rushed back to the bus and gave the address to the driver who was
again amused.
A few minutes later, we arrived in front
of an ancient building that
looked like the horror house in "Psycho." Beside rickety wooden
front steps was a small sign that read, "THIS PROPERTY IS
The manager of the unoccupied structure,
a young Swiss who was in his first job out of hotel school, came
out, greeted us and said, "You mustn't even think of staying here.
I don't, myself."
My next thought was, "I have to get my
people out of this country!" I inquired as to flights leaving
Colombo that day (it was by now mid-afternoon) and he informed me
that there was only one departing flight remaining; a flight on a
small airline from India, Indian Airlines, not to be confused with
Air India. It was leaving in twenty minutes; the airport was a
half-hour away.
No chance of making it, but I shoved
money into the bus driver's hand and said, "Go as fast as this
thing will move!"
He did, and I watched departure time come
and go as we bounced along to the airport. Then ... unbelievable
luck! The ancient DC-9 was stopped midway down the runway, tilted
to one side because of a flat landing-gear tire that had failed as
they began to takeoff roll.
I sobbed out my sad story to the airline
ticket agent who got us onto the already-full airline by demanding
that young local male passengers stand in the aisle for the
hour-long flight to Madras, India.
Madras, on the southeast coast of India,
was never in our travel plans -- nor was any part of that country
scheduled for a stop. Therefore, none of us had obtained the
required visas for visits to India.
Upon arrival, the local immigration
authorities, with the officiousness common to the type everywhere,
informed us that we could not enter the country without visas and
must wait in the departure lounge of the small airport until we
could find another flight out of the country.
A kind fate intervened. The local manager
of Indian Airlines, who'd already gone home, had to come back to
his airport office for something he'd forgotten. He listened to my
tale of woe ... got us entry visas on the spot ... put us up in a
nice, small hotel for the three days we were supposed to be in
Colombo ...invited the entire group out to his home for tea the
next afternoon ... arranged (and paid for) sightseeing during our
visit ... and got us on our way to Nairobi Kenya --our next
destination -- via Bombay!
Ever after, our travel agencies always
ticketed our India-bound passengers on little Indian Airlines
whenever possible. Just last year, it was eventually merged into
Air India. The kindness of their manager in Madras (as in the
cloth of the same name) reaped for them many thousands of dollars
in revenue.
I have no expectation of ever
encountering such hospitality from any of our own domestic
- - - - -
Who's the idiot who dreamed up the new college football rule that
requires a player whose helmet comes off during a play has to
leave the field for the following play?
It's ostensibly aimed at
injury-prevention. The actual -- and predictable -- result is
this: If you want to get a key opposing player out for one play at
a critical point, you simply twist his helmet off in a pile-up. We
can only wonder how long before this leads to a broken neck.
Some injury-prevention.
- - - - -
...and more sports news ...
A golfer playing a course in Reno,
Nevada, sliced a shot thru the window of a house adjoining the
course. The indignant homeowner came out and shot him. (Aside to
my friend and golfing fanatic OV: Are you okay?)
- - - - -
The woman in Warwick, Rhode Island, kept their cockatoo when she
and her husband divorced.
Then her ex- moved in next door. With his
Now they're complaining because his
former wife has taught the cockatoo to curse them -- loudly --
each time they leave their home. The bird concludes his colorful
diatribe with, "Polly want a ---kin' cracker!"
- - - - -
Conan O'Brien --
"Scarlett Johansson, Kerry Washington,
and Eva Longoria all spoke at the Democratic convention. This
means that Obama has all but clinched the crucial 13-year-old boy
10 --
Yet another
sign of the ignorance of the sheeple at the Democratic
convention ... a retrospective:
Did you notice, while speakers were blathering endlessly about
Obama's bailout of the auto industry (at a huge loss to the
taxpayers) many delegates were holding up signs with the Ford
Motor Co. logo? The dopes apparently don't know that Ford didn't
either request -- or take -- any of Obama's "stimulus" taxpayer
money. Ford solved its own problems, just as it did when
Chrysler accepted the first government bailout in 1979.
That was during the reign of Lee Iacocca, who admitted in a
magazine article that "we shipped a lot of crap in those days."
Anybody who ever owned one of those wretched Chrysler "K" cars
would concur. The Stanley Steamer was a masterpiece of auto
engineering by comparison.
- - - - -
Even the liberal Washington Post's
business section blows the whistle on the Obama boast of "saving
General Motors" ...
"At the Democratic
National Convention, the Obama campaign has celebrated
the rebirth of the American auto industry — pointing out, as
Vice President Joe Biden has done, that 'Bin Laden is dead and
General Motors is alive.'
"What Democrats don’t mention is that bailing out the
car industry initially cost $80 billion, or roughly $30,000 per
automotive worker. Despite the sector’s resurgence, taxpayers
are still owed $25 billion from GM and its former financing
- - - - -
An update on the electric
car scam ...
GM is still losing as much as $49,000 on
each Volt it builds, according to estimates provided to
Reuters by industry analysts and manufacturing experts.
- - - -
Has B.O.
been taking lessons from Crazy Joe? At a speech in Florida, he
spoke of his wish to see three words on more products: "Made ...
in ... the ... USA."
THREE words?
But Democrats in all the 57 states in which he campaigned four
years ago are probably lapping it up.
- - - - -
Caroline. Another Kennedy
who's Catholic when it's convenient. (Re her pro-abortion speech
at the convention.)
- - - - -
Rich Lowry captures the lingering essence of the Democrats'
convention ...
"God might have been left out of
the party platform in a fit of absent-mindedness (and then
acrimoniously restored), but government would never suffer such
an indignity. It is the Alpha and Omega. The maker of dreams,
the giver of succor, the ultimate expression of community.
"For Clinton Democrats, the era of
Big Government was over. For Obama Democrats, the era of Big
Government is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen."
- - - - -
Most police
officers will reflexively tell you their departments don't have
quotas for ticket-writing. Next time you hear it, you might
recall this item from the PD of the biggest city in the country,
reported by the NY
Post ...
"A cop who was canned for ticketing dead people says he was
doing it to meet the NYPD’s supposedly non-existent monthly
"In papers filed in Manhattan Supreme Court, Paul Pizzuto says
he started issuing
bogus summonses after brass at the 120th Precinct in Staten
Island told him he had to produce more than the 125 to 150 he
was already writing."
But an actual quota? Naaah
- - - - -
When a dictionary of
euphemisms is compiled, here's a sure entry: "Woman's health"
= unlimited abortion, paid for by taxpayers.
- - - - -
Columnist Debra J.
Saunders analyzes the "struggles" of the Obamas' as Michelle
presented them in her convention speech ...
"Citing their student loan debt, the first lady told the
convention, "Barack knows what it means when a family
'struggles.' Struggles? He graduated from Columbia and then Harvard Law School.
She graduated from Princeton and then Harvard Law School. They
borrowed a lot of money; then they stood to make a lot of
money. "In fact, because the Obamas worked hard, they
earned a combined income that exceeded $200,000 in 2004, the
year when they presumably paid off their loans. In 2005, the
couple paid $1.65 million for their current home. Such was the Obamas' struggle to pay off a
mountain of debt.'"
Tugs at the
heart-strings, doesn't it?
- - - - -
Remember when gasoline
first passed the dollar-per-gallon price? Wasn't that long ago!
Wonder what it would be if Obama-the-Marxist is around four more
Take comfort that his Muslim friends in the oil-producing
middle-east would be happy.
- - - - -
There are many good
doctors who will likely prolong your life, give you proper and
considerate attention, take their fee and move on.
There are a few great
doctors who not only perform with professional skill but are
demonstrably on a genuine mission.
This is about that kind of doctor. Regard my
role as only a prop in this real-life drama.
A couple of years ago a long-term cough developed
into a critical problem. I made the ambulance trip to
University Physicians Hospital in Tucson in the evening. The
next day, after coding three times at that
hospital ("coding" being hospital-ese for "This dude's dying"), I met Dr. Laura Meinke for the first time.
I was barely coherent, answering basic questions like, "Do you
know where you are? Do you know what day it is?"
Dr. Meinke, who was by total chance on duty
that day, recognized my voice because she was a graduate of
Stanford University Medical School and had listened to me on ABC's
KGO in San Francisco as a student. Pure luck.
Following my stay at Univrsity Physician's
Hospital and a recurrence of my problem, Dr. Meinke had me enter
University Medical Center for further evaluation. Dr. Meinke was
on the faculty of the university's medical school.
She determined that my lung problem had its
origins in a vicious little bug that went back to a childhood
history of almost annual pneumonia and was so old it didn't even
have a name. She chose to pursue a course of treatment that
had only worked on eleven known cases worldwide in medical annals,
mostly in Japan.
It worked for me. She has since written
about it for medical journals.
That is only part one of the story about this
diminutive doctor, who is also a martial-arts expert and whose
hobby is target-shooting.
A few months later, when I had a cardiac
adventure that evolved into five surgeries, 5 1/2 months in two
other hospitals, much of it in a coma, this doctor made it a point
to visit me at least weekly even though she had no practicing
privileges in those hospitals and they were far out of her way.
In fact, she moderated an intervention hearing
involving my wife Susan, two psychiatrists...and me.
Because I feared that I'd be a burden, I'd
asked to be allowed to die. Dr. Laura moderated as
psychiatrists argued both sides, and decided Susan and her
advocate had made the more persuasive case, and talked me into
Today I hit the gym for a genuine sweaty
hour-long workout almost every day and am cheerfully, as the
saying goes, "On the right side of the dirt." Meaning the
I write this because Dr. Meinke represents
those doctors who are on a real mission. She
and her husband have a new and much-wanted baby boy. Today.
we visit her for a routine checkup and you'd better believe it --
we are bringing baby gifts!
- - - - -
Today's language reminder
for a few media types: "Sheer" and "shear" are different words.
- - - - -
Reader Rick passes along
a pungent -- and pertinent -- observation ...
"The reason Politicians try so hard to get re-elected is that
they would hate to have to make a living under the laws they've
- - - - -
Okay, there may be
something worse than being trapped in an airplane seat with the
crying kid behind you. You could've been seated beside the
British woman, a fearful flyer, who got juiced to the
eyeballs on a Dubai-London flight. She was stealing food off
other people's trays and kept shouting, "What the f- - - is
going on here?!"
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"Spain state TV has restored
televised bullfighting, six years after it was banned by the
defeated socialist government. The country's new prime minister
ran on a promise to restore it and he won overwhelmingly. Last
Thursday night, Democrats voted to drop God and Jerusalem from
their party platform and replace them with televised
September 11 --
It's 9-11. Never, ever forget the worst piece of murderous
treachery in American history. The price has yet to be paid in
full. There are still Muslim barbarians with the same goal --
destruction of this nation. They aren't shy about saying so. But
only a fool would expect Barack Obama to do anything about it.
- - - - -
Since the part of the Democratic convention that wasn't devoted to
the glories of unimpeded and taxpayer-paid abortions for all was
given to extolling Obama's salvation of General Motors with
taxpayer money at a loss of billions of dollars, even after
putting it thru the bankruptcy Romney had much earlier recommended
... you should know this: Forbes, the business magazine, reports
that in the 1960s, GM averaged a 48.3% share of
the U.S. car and truck market. For the first
7 months of 2012, their market share was 18.0%, down from 20.0%
for the same period in 2011.
Conclusion: GM is likely to go bankrupt again
in the foreseeable future.
As Forbes summarizes, " ...if President
Obama wins reelection, he should probably start giving some
serious thought to how he is going to justify bailing out GM, and
its unionized UAW workforce, yet again. And, during the
current campaign, Obama might want to be a little more modest
about what he actually achieved by bailing out GM the first time."
Resuscitating dinosaurs has always been an
endeavor fraught with hazard. This Obama "success" is looking more
and more like one of the most expensive failures in business
- - - - -
The sudden pro-Obama shift in several media-sponsored polls
suggests two things.
Either millions of Americans have suddenly decided that, in the
face of the endless string of disasters perpetrated by the Obama
administration, they have almost overnight endeared this Klown
Kollege to millions more Americans, or a deceitful media and
corrupt pollsters have gambled their credibility -- and in some
cases their very future -- on perpetuating the most anti-American
government the nation has ever experienced.
In short ... to use an old term most
often applied to embezzlers, somebody just might be "cooking the
books." Most common tactic: Simply include many more Democrats
than Republicans in the poll-pool. Happens all the time, so the
deception is built into the process.
A reminder: In 1980, the pollsters had Jimmy Carter far ahead of
Ronald Reagan. In 1984, the Gallup Poll had Walter Mondale far
ahead of Reagan. Let's see, now ... just how did those turn out ....
- - - - -
It is truly amazing that Democrats have such short memories. Or
perhaps they just enjoy lapping up lies.
After all, they're still exhilarated over the
convention speech delivered by Bill Clinton, the impeached
ex-president who achieved that regrettable distinction by being
caught lying to (A) Congress and (B) the American public. Or
should we all just forget those annoying facts, the better to
continue pursuing fantasies?
We note that Hillary was on the other side of the world while her
Billy was doing the full suck-up to Obama in order to keep the
nut-wing Democrats in her corner when she tries for the 2016
nomination. If she should run and win, of course, we can expect
him to be behind the curtain, pulling the strings.
- - - - -
Benny-the-boob Bernanke and Obama can't hide reality from the
public much longer. Moody's the bond-rating service, has announced
that if our government debt insanity isn't brought under control,
the government's bond-rating -- i.e., the confidence that the
government can and will repay its borrowed money without simply
creating more money out of thin air -- will be lowered. Then we will get long-overdue
higher interest rates, whether the vaudeville team of Benny &
Barack like it or not.
Obviously, dirt-cheap loan money has done
nothing to fix the train-wreck economy.
- - - - -
Today's recommended reading demands a few minutes of personal
research. If you wish to understand the Big Media mentality that
prevails today, however, it is well worth the time.
Look up the name Lincoln Steffens. Mr.
Steffens was the New York Times reporter who, as Stalin was
massacring millions of his own citizens -- and Steffens knew it --
this rectal orifice reported glowingly on the "revolution" and
proclaimed, "I have seen the future and it works!"
You will note that the general tone of
the Times and most media have little changed since then. "Lying
For The Left" should be the logo displayed on most TV "news"
output as well as on the masthead of many newspapers.
- - - - -
The more things change, etc. ...
Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Obama's
longtime henchman who emerged from the same political sewer in
that city, will not be sending his own three children to the
public schools there -- where the teachers are presently on
strike. They'll be attending an expensive private school.
It should be noted that, at an average annual salary of $76,000
PLUS benefits, Chicago has the highest-paid teachers in the nation
turning out some of the most poorly-educated student/inmates in
the nation. Students are given diplomas they can't read.
This is the fruit borne of years of
collusion between their union and the still-thriving and corrupt
Chicago Democrat political machine whose roots extend back thru
the Daley family era and beyond, now run by Obama buddy Rahm
- - - - -
Erick Erickson of Redstate takes note of the sudden media interest
in Republicans' religion ...
"Consider this — Ryan Lizza of the New
Yorker wrote a lengthy profile of Michele Bachmann’s religious
views and, in the process, got major portions of Bachmann’s
theology flat out wrong. She’s Lutheran. He painted her
to be part of a fringe cult, in the process misdefining basic
theological terms.
"Then there was Bill Keller of the New
York Times. He thinks candidates for President should
be grilled on their religion. Except, he’s only doing this now,
after Barack Obama got elected President. "NBC News has run
a special introducing Americans to Mormons.
"Not in 2010, when Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid was running for re-election, but now. Meet the Press
felt compelled to get Mitt Romney to discuss it. What’s
amazing to me is how the media pretends it thoroughly vetted
Barack Obama’s relationship with Jeremiah Wright when, in reality,
we probably know more about Sarah Palin as a Vice Presidential
nominee from 2008 than we do about Barack Obama.
"If the media wants to explore Mitt
Romney’s faith, perhaps it is time we finally explore Barack
And Mr. Erickson adds this ...
"The press is trying to get everyone to
forget that there are more men out of work than at any time in
American history and 4.2 million women out of work since Barack
Obama took office."
- - - - -
The Media Mendacity Message for today ...
Howard Fineman, ex- political columnist
for dying Newsweek and now part of MSNBC's stable of leftist
shills presented as "analysts," said on that propaganda organ that
he thought it brilliant on Obama's part to describe as
"unpatriotic" anyone who dares criticize our wretched economy.
I suspect some of the 10W-30 oil with
which ol' Howard affixes his hair has seeped into his brain.
- - - - -
Just asking ...
Is Joe Scarborough of MSNBC contending
for the title "Every Liberal's Favorite 'Republican?"
- - - - -
A good, longtime friend who's lived in the San Francisco area long
enough to have acquired the mental disorder that afflicts so many
there asked me for my impression of the Tea Party movement.
I hope it doesn't cost me a friendship
but I told him that, all considered, it's the best thing that's
happened to the Republican party in years. If only because it's
gone a long way toward breaking the hold on the party by the
wimpy, "We're just like Democrats, only a little less," Eastern
establishment that long ago became -- dare I used the word? --
- - - - -
The estimable David Harsanyi picked this up at the Democrats'
hog-rassle in Charlotte ...
"At the Democratic National Convention,
where one speaker after the next swears they love free
enterprise, delegates and attendees (maybe
some media, who knows?) were asked by Peter Schiff, posing as
an anti-corporate activist, if they would support
capping or banning corporate profit.
"Well, there seems to be plenty of
enthusiasm for the idea in Charlotte this week — and not from the
fringe. 'We deliberately avoided speaking with the occupy
protestors camping outside in tents to get a more 'mainstream'
Democratic perspective,' writes Schiff."
What?! You mean there are actual communists who label themselves
as Democrats?! We're shocked, stunned and amazed!
- - - - -
Don't place your hopes in blue-state politicians. There's no
fuschia in it.
(I'm sorry. I shall immediately
- - - - -
Reader Rick contributes ...
All eyes were on the radiant bride as her
father escorted her down the aisle. They reached the altar and the
waiting groom, the bride kissed her father and placed something in
his hand.
The guests in the front pews responded with
ripples of laughter. Even the priest smiled broadly.
As her father gave her away in marriage,
the bride had given him back his credit card.
September 12 --
Try to wrap your mind around it: A mob of crazed Muslim
barbarians attacks the U.S. embassy -- by legal definition in
international law a part of the United States -- tears down our
flag, replaces it with an Al Qaeda banner ... and our government
under B. Hussein Obama issues a statement apologizing to THEM. All
on 9/11, no less. Think the timing of the attack was coincidence,
given the Muslim predilection for observing anniversaries?
Is this or is it not near rock-bottom in
national self-respect? The entire world sees what a gutless wimp
we have masquerading as a "leader."
Now the U.S. ambassador to Libya and members of his staff have
been murdered. More fruit of the "Arab Spring" so beloved by
brain-dead American liberals.
- - - - -
Is it not an appealing thought? An American leadership that says
to these murderous cretins, "Screw around with us, and we WILL
kill you." And to the governments that harbor them, "We are going
to inflict severe pain upon you" -- and do it.
Does anyone expect the current Disgrace
in the White House to, in the street vernacular he sometimes uses,
"Grow a couple?" Of course not.
- - - - -
Obama refuses to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu over
Iran. Only idiots would be surprised.
Obama does, however, have time to shuck
and jive with one of his biggest media brown-noses, David
He also found time yesterday to do an
interview with a local Miami radio guy who calls himself "DJ Laz,
the Pimp with the Limp," who also has a record of criminal
charges. But does he have time for a crisis meeting with the Prime
Minister of Israel. Nope. Too busy!
Speaking of Barack's media suck-ups ...
notice that Oprah has been much less visible this time? Some have
concluded that her fall from the media heights began when she
became an outspoken cheerleader for the man many view as the worst
president in history.
- - - - -
Knowing now that Obama doesn't even attend half of his
intelligence briefings, what's that do for your confidence in his
foreign policy expertise and his will -- or ability -- to defend
the country and our national interests?
- - - - -
Republicans with a recently-developed case of poll jitters might
feel better over this analysis from Jennifer Rubin, one of the
handful of conservatives at the Washington Post ...
"The media, liberal and conservative, might want to get a grip.
Maybe the Post-ABC News poll showing the race a statistical dead
heat, largely unchanged by the conventions, will help. (When they
see Mitt Romney is leading by 11 points among independents they
might calm down further. And when they notice the gender gap has
largely disappeared — with Mitt Romney leading among men by three
and President Obama leading among women by five — in a poll in
which Republicans comprised only 23 percent of the sample they
might feel a bit foolish about the outburst of anxiety — or
elation — on display on the Internet and Twitter.)"
- - - - -
... then there's this, from Commentary ...
"President Obama may be enjoying a
slight, if likely temporary, bounce in the polls this week. But
one of the surveys showing him with a lead in a tight race over
Mitt Romney also provides a breakdown of the data that confirms
predictions that he is losing up to a quarter of the Jewish votes
he got in 2008.
"The Investors Business
Daily/Christian Science Monitor/TIPP Poll gives a breakdown
of religion along with other demographic groups and shows Obama
leading among Jews by a margin of 59 to 35 percent with six
percent undecided. While that is still a majority it is a dramatic
decline from the 78 percent of the Jewish vote he got four years
It is nevertheless incredible that more than half of American Jews
still support a man who so openly detests the long-sought, and
finally achieved, Jewish homeland. Just ... astonishing.
- - - - -
It is a depressing fact that most Americans know little history
and care less. If they did, they might take note of this piece of
rich political irony.
Charles Wilson was president of General
Motors during part of that company's greatest success. He ran it
so well, President Eisenhower appointed him to be the nation's
Secretary of Defense.
He was once quoted -- actually misquoted
-- as having said, "What's good for General Motors is good for
While there was obvious truth in that
statement, since a growing economy was clearly good for both,
Democrats excoriated him because they chose to interpret it as
meaning Eisenhower had selected a man who put the interests of the
automotive giant ahead of the American public.
The irony, of course, is that now Democrats applaud Obama's
"bailout" of GM as a wonderful thing when, by any measure, the
American taxpayers, GM stockholders and bondholders, as well as
many dealers and their employees, got totally screwed in what was
really a bailout of the autoworkers union and thus a purchase of
their votes. And another GM bankruptcy likely looms ahead.
- - - - -
Remember the hilarity among Democrats when the first President
Bush was introduced to a supermarket scanner and was fascinated by
it? "Oh, he's sooo dumb!" they pronounced.
Actually, it was a newly designed
scanner that was far advanced over the models commonly in use at
the time, but the media lefties left that out of their
So now comes the risible moment in the
Obama campaign Sunday when the Dear Leader was handed an iPhone by
a campaign aide -- and didn't know how to use it.
If you wait long enough, what goes around
DOES come around.
- - - - -
James Robbins Washington Times) reflects on the sorry state of
this nation as he looks back on 9/11 ...
"There is no talk of victory in the war
on terrorism any more, or even an official definition of what it
would look like. Americans used to know what it meant to win a
war. Eleven years after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, Capt.
Mitsuo Fuchido, who personally led the 1941 raid, was on a good
will tour of the United States. He was the only Japanese officer
who had participated in that attack who had survived World War II.
Four years after Pearl Harbor, his country was in ruins, its
empire destroyed, most of its major cities burned to the ground.
By 1952, Fuchido had converted to Christianity and apologized for
his role in the 1941 attack. That’s what victory looks like.
"Now, not only is this country no longer
at war with terrorism, the Obama administration doesn’t even know
why there is a fight. The White House characterizes the conflict
as a 'struggle against violent extremism' but is happy to
accommodate Muslim extremists."
We have become predominantly a nation of weenies, led by the
affirmative-action Weenie-in-Chief. Shining some lights up into
the sky at the site of Islamic treachery and exhortations do go
forth and do good deeds in memory of 9/11 merely reveals to the
planet's population the spineless "leadership" the U.S. presents
to the world.
- - - - -
Our former UN ambassador, John Bolton, makes the vital point
regarding military strength and its contribution to peace ...
" It is central to successful U.S.
foreign policy that we achieve the overwhelming preponderance of
our key objectives diplomatically, without the use of force. But
as the Romans said, si vis pacem, para bellum: If you want peace,
prepare for war. George Washington used the maxim in his first
State of the Union address, and in our day, Ronald Reagan
characterized his policy as “peace through strength.” The point is
"Unfortunately, too many mistake resolve
for belligerence. President Obama, for example, acts as if
American strength is provocative, that we are too much in the
world, and that a lesser U.S. profile would make other nations
better disposed toward us. This is exactly backwards. It is not
our strength that is provocative, but our weakness, which simply
emboldens our adversaries to take advantage of what they see as
decline and retreat." --
- - - - -
Mull it over ...
Democrats claim there's no significant
illegal voting. This is the same party that, during it's
nationally televised convention, conducted a blatantly crooked
vote of delegates on whether or not to return mention of God and
the affirmation that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel to their
- - - - -
Mark Steyn reflects on the (abortion) priority expressed by
Democrat convention "starlet" Sandra Fluke, who seems preoccupied
with her genitalia ...
"Sexual liberty, even as every other
liberty withers, is all that matters: A middle-school girl is free
to get an abortion without parental consent, but if she puts a
lemonade stand on her lawn she’ll be fined."
- - - - -
All you need to know about news priorities at NBC ...
While 9-11 commemoration ceremonies were
going on -- and being covered by some outlets -- NBC's Today show
was instead presenting a vital feature about ... the mama of the
Kardashian vestal virgins discussing her boob-job.
By the way ... Doesn't her husband, Bruce
Jenner, look as if he hired a bad embalmer?
- - - - -
Friends just returning from a long driving trip originating in
Northern California and traversing Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico
say they've never seen so many cars pulled over in so many places
to be ticketed.
Traffic tickets have clearly become the
chosen way for many government units to raise revenue. Watch that
- - - - -
For 18-year-old Michael Smeriglio of Port St. Lucie, Florida,
"Shooting off your own (hoo-hoo)" is no longer a metaphor for
making a serious error. He did it -- or nearly so.
The bullet from THE weapon he was
cleaning passed thru his (hoo-hoo) and left testicle before
lodging in his thigh.
Police reports indicate his use of the
Evil Weed may have been a factor.
- - - - -
Craig Ferguson--
"Jeff Probst, Katie Couric, and Ricki
Lake all premiered new talk shows. Oprah Winfrey's show has been
off the air a year now. Since Oprah left, everyone's been asking
the same question. Whose couch will Tom Cruise jump on when he
signs a contract with his next 'new wife?'"
September 13 --
Four years ago, Barack Hussein Obama, in his fake-messiah
role, said that, with his selection for the Democrat/communist
presidential nomination, future generations would say that
"this was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow
and our planet began to heal …"
Remember that heap of bull-bleep?
We can now say, with far greater
certainty, that 9/11/2012
will be viewed by future generations as the day marking
the illumination to all but the willfully blind as the day the
decline of America and the spinelessness of its chosen leader
were revealed to the world. Obama is Carter, Chapter 2, only
And the mendacious whores who
constitute the majority of talkers/writers largely populating
the media focus their ire and accompanying drivel on Mitt
Romney for speaking critically of the total sell-out of
American principles by the pompous fraud in the White House.
We live in tragic times. If we don't
get a president with the backbone to face down the rising tide
of anti-Americanism among the barbaric heathen, this nation is
doomed. It may come slowly or it may come quickly, but it is
- - - - -
“How can this happen in a country we help liberate, in a city
(Benghazi) we helped save from destruction?” -- Secretary of
State Hillary Clinton, referring to the murder of our
ambassador and embassy staff members in Libya ... as perfect
an illustration of stupid liberal naivete as you're likely to
Yet there are people who want this
hapless dope to be the next president.
Entirely consistent with repeated murders of American troops
by their "allies" in Afghanistan, the Libya murders were
facilitated by Libyan "security" troops hired to protect the
U. S. consulate. Instead, they showed the attackers where to
find the victims. This is the "Libyan government" from which
Obama expects cooperation to protect our embassy and
Draw your own conclusions.
Personally, I've spent a good deal of time over many years in
Arab/Muslim lands: Tunisia, Morocco, Yemen and especially
Egypt. Beyond a small handful of friends, I have met few
Muslims or Arabs I would trust. Call it prejudice, bigotry or
whatever the hell you wish, but I am capable of
learning from experience ... and that is what I have learned.
As a rule, they are not trustworthy.
I recall the long-ago words of a
retired British colonel who lived virtually his entire life in
Egypt, before, during and after World War 2. In a lengthy chat
over beverages one evening, he said, "I've lived here for
years. Grew up here. It's home to me. But always remember: You
will find the Arab all too often in one of only two places.
Either under your heel, or at your throat."
I've learned nothing since that would
cause me to dispute his opinion.
- - - - -
Here's what longtime ABC colleague Jim Eason thinks about the
9/11/2012 attacks and butchery ...
" If the administration had no idea
this was coming...(1) our intelligence is abysmal, or (2) they
did know it was coming and either DIDN'T CARE, or WANTED IT TO
"How can that be? Our chief executive, our "president,"
has two problems in this matter: (1) He's a dedicated
Marxist - obvious!!! and (2) He is a Muslim - disguised,
covered up, but dedicated Muslim.
"Another world-wide Muslim, Marxist, revolution is
coming! They are armed, they are dedicated, and they
mean business. Our president is sympathetic to them,
actually one of them...he's a leftist; his background
predicted this.
"One final note: every time the US takes a hit from
these murderers, there is cheering and celebrating across the
Mideast. I'm tired of it.
"Final note, part two: I am
NOT an expert on the middle east, nor on Islam, but I am an
interested, thinking, citizen...AND...I spent a year and a
half in French Morocco, later just Morocco, a year and a half
except for a day and a half in Gibraltar. I've seen
these people, close up, and lived amid them and I saw their
revolution -- Berbers on horseback, invading hospitals and
killing French patients, including babies.
"The "militant muslim" revolution is
coming -- and it won't be polite, nor legal, and there will be
NO rules of war."
- - - - -
Contrarily, Michelle Obama wants us to know that "being fat is
the greatest threat to our national security."
- - - - -
For people wanting to find a suitable role model that would
help them understand what kind of president we have, I
strongly recommend they look up the name Neville
Chamberlain on the internet or in any serious history
book covering early WW II.
For those who don't have time, here's
an abbreviated look into his niche in history: He was the
British Prime Minister who butt-kissed Adolph Hitler then came
back to tell the British people that he'd achieved "peace in
our time." Hitler, of course, continued his murderous rampage
in Europe and Chamberlain's name lives in infamy in the
pantheon of fools and cowards.
- - - - -
One can feel sorrow for the slain U.S. ambassador to Libya
while retaining real perspective on what led him to his final
As a (doubtless idealistic) young man
he joined the Peace Corps, choosing to do good in the Arab
middle-east. He "loved the culture," we are told, and pursued
a career that kept him immersed in it.
As the Arab Muslim mob smothered him
(the State Department reported that as the cause of his death)
we might wonder if his last thoughts included, "Maybe I made a
mistake, hanging out with this crowd."
- - - - -
Meantime ...
B. Hussein Obama, who has no time to meet the Israeli Prime
Minister, has cleared time to meet with the head of
Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood next week.
- - - - -
And now, America ... "Back to the Kardashians ..."
- - - - -
Did you know ...
We're still giving the government
of Egypt a billion dollars a year?
- - - - -
The Financial Times reports that the median income for
Americans has dropped to the lowest level since 1995. Also ...
Millions more Americans on food
stamps. And "progressives" dare call this progress.
- - - - -
Wes Pruden explains why a majority of soldiers surveyed
believe our military is on the wrong track under a leadership,
starting in the White House, that increasingly gives priority
to political correctness ...
"Many of these soldiers, sailors and
Marines feel betrayed by the senior officers of the services,
beginning with the commander in chief. The old customs and
traditions which have held the services together through war
and peace have been scorned and trashed, replaced with the
politically correct attitudes and regulations that gag real
men. Even saying so is a sure way for an officer to ruin a
career. The men in the
ranks understand this, too."
- - - - -
The head of CBS News announces that they are not biased.
We will now take a ten-minute break and wait for the
hysterical laughter to subside.
Caught in the act by Mediaite," the media watchdog
organization: Reporters for CBS and NPR (National Public
Radio, subsidized by your tax dollars) coordinating their
attack-dog questions for Mitt Romney over his challenge of the
Obama apology TO Muslim mobs for their attacks on U.S. embassy
& consulate facilities and murder of Americans employed
Not biased? Suuure ...
- - - - -
Just so you know where your country stands, financially ...
The government's debt now excludes
the total annual value of all work done and all products
This is what happens when stupid
voters put in charge of the nation people who are either (A)
incompetent, (B) subversively destructive or (C) all three.
And what do those stupid voters do? Bitch about Reagan and
Bush, while the collapse of the nation continues apace.
When the inevitable day of reckoning
arrives, the tragedy is that people who knew -- and acted --
better and more intelligently will suffer along with the
liberal cattle.
- - - - -
Obama "fix" the economy
with government
intervention? The historical record isn't promising,
as the erudite Thomas Sowell recalls ...
"History shows that the economy
rebounded out of a worse unemployment situation in just two
years under Harding, who simply let the market revive on its
own, as it had done before, time and time again for more than
a century.
"Something similar happened under Ronald Reagan.
Unemployment peaked at 9.7 percent early in the Reagan
administration. Like Harding and earlier presidents, Reagan
did nothing, despite outraged outcries in the media.
"The economy once again revived on
its own. Three years later, unemployment was down to 7.2
percent -- and it kept on falling, as the country experienced
twenty years of economic growth with low inflation and low
"Both history and contemporary data
show that countries prosper more when there are stable and
dependable rules, under which people can make investments
without having to fear unpredictable new government
interventions before these investments can pay off."
But the government meddlers and bunglers just can't resist.
- - - - -
Juveniles (of all ages) have conditioned themselves to believe
that "change" is always for the better. Only with time and
experience do they learn that it can also be for worse. And
some never learn it.
Thus are Obama voters made.
- - - - -
Don't believe it possible, even judging by his behavior, that
Barack Obama is a Muslim, or behaves as if he were? Take time
to read Daniel Pipes' revealing five-part series in the
Washington Times ( and lift the blinders from
your eyes. Or, more likely -- being attuned to reality -- find
it useful to forward the material for less enlightened
Let us ask ourselves: Following any
mad Muslim atrocity, as in the most recent attack on the U.S.
consulate in Benghazi, Libya, and murder of the ambassador and
other Americans, why was the immediate knee-jerk response of
the Obama administration an apology to the murderers? Other
than fundamental sympathy for their "cause," what else could
explain it?
The many in our Big Media actually
applauding Obama for his Muslim suck-up is so bizarre it
defies explanation. Unless, as many reasonably suspect, they
truly do hate their own country.
- - - - -
Since he has no real accomplishments to boast, Obama is basing
his campaign on the dubious premise that he's a nicer guy than
Mitt Romney. Considering that he grew up as a dope-smoking,
cocaine-sniffing (by his own admission) punk, raised and
nurtured by communists and never held a serious job in his
life, that is a dubious proposition.
Mitt Romney, whatever else he may or
may not be, is a clean-living and devoted family man with a
record of charity and helping people that few of us could
How does any of this add up to Obama
being the more "likeable?" His only tangible appeal is, "Elect
me, and I'll take money away from those squares who actually
earned it -- and give it to you."
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"Chicago public schoolteachers went
on strike over issues of pay, benefits and teacher
evaluations. They don't know who to blame it on. There hasn't
been a Republican in Chicago since Abraham Lincoln once passed
through there on a train."
- - - - -
Wonder if they call this marketing strategy "Neatness for
Nookie?" A car-wash business was found to be running its own
customer loyalty program. Come in for nine washes and you get
a certificate for a free visit to a local house of ... well, a
We dare not ask about the reward for
a full detailing. Or something.
- - - - -
From reader Robert ...
"My sex life is like a Ferrari. I don't have a Ferrari."
September 14 --
The walking, talking embarrassment that is, heaven help us, the
President of the United States, had the abominable taste to
compare the "courage" of his campaign sycophants to the murdered
Americans in Libya. This came during his money-grabbing visit to
Las Vegas Wednesday.
What will it take to awaken even
Democrats to the sickening hubris of this excrescence?
- - - - -
Let's see ... Obama says Egypt isn't an ally ... Hillary's
State Department spokeswoman says Egypt is an ally. Face
it: these people couldn't organize a ... er ... urination ...
contest in a brewery. Having fools like this in charge of dealing
with the tinderbox that is, forever and always, the middle-east is
akin to letting children play with matches in a fireworks factory.
- - - - -
By the way ... wonder who wrote Hillary's latest near-apology to
the Muslim murderers? Could it have been her top aide and close
friend, Huma Abedin?
- - - - -
Wes Pruden, editor emeritus of the Washington Times, surveys
Obama's delusions about Iran and Israel ...
"Push is just about ready to confront
shove in the Middle East, and particularly in Iran, which has
sworn to destroy the Jewish state, and Mr. Obama apparently can’t
spare a few minutes to talk to Mr. Netanyahu about it, even after
the prime minister flew to America for the conversation. He
shouldn’t be surprised that evil men in Arabia watch, and take
note of American 'resolve.'
"He’s blinded by his infinite patience
with the endless barbarism that certain followers of Islam
continue to inflict on the rest of the world."
"We're getting a demonstration in Egypt,
Yemen and Libya of what happens when a president speaks softly and
carries an apology and a wet noodle. He eventually sounds like
Alfred E. Neuman, the famous world leader from Mad comics: 'What?
Me worry?'"
- - - - -
Ben Bernanke and the Federal Reserve honchos, a/k/a "Benmy &
The Pests," are doing yet another round of "stimulus," i.e.,
inflating the
currency. They have obviously forgotten the first Rule of Holes:
When you're in one ... stop digging.
By the way, in a rational country, anyone who doesn't understand
the meaning of "inflating the currency" shouldn't be allowed to
- - - - -
Let us be clear: For the record and judging from his actions,
Bernanke, Federal Reserve Chairman, is a lunatic who is speeding
up the American economy's pace on the road to ruin.
The U. S. dollar dropped in value
immediately. So, therefore, did the value of your savings.
No rational person -- this clearly
excludes Bat-(bleep) Benny -- would think that multiple rounds of
inflation-inducing "stimulus" would fix the
economy, or that trying to keep interest rates near-zero would
achieve positive results when Japan, once the world's
fastest-growing economic powerhouse, tried it for over ten years
with zero success. Bernanke is a mad menace. Which, by the way,
the chief executives of several of the regional Federal Reserve
Banks have also figured out.
Bernanke's motive for this idiocy is
clear: an effort to help the bungling Obama get re-elected.
- - - - -
The poisonous new euphemism being used by Berserk Bernanke:
"Qualitative easing," which is bureaucratic gibberish for, "We're
going to create more money out of thin air, making every dollar
worth less -- and ultimately, worthless."
- - - - -
“Hurting the feelings of one and a half billion Muslims cannot be
tolerated, and the people’s anger and fury for their faith is
predictable, often unstoppable.” -- Statement by the
Muslim Brotherhood, obviously intended for the Big Marshmallow in
the White House.
The appropriate response if we had a real
president: "You wanta bet?" And proceed immediately to prove the
point with the kind of military power our wussy-in-charge is
trying to dismantle.
The only policy the world's fanatics
understand is, "You kill ONE of ours, we kill a THOUSAND of
yours." It has ever been thus.
- - - - -
Obama said: "We must stand alongside those who believe in the same
core principles that have guided us through many storms ... our
support for a set of universal rights, including the freedom for
people to express themselves and choose their leaders; our support
for the governments that are ultimately responsive to the
aspirations of the people."
The Libyan mob was the equivalent of our founding fathers! (If you
overlook the part about it being a murderous Islamic mob.) -- Ann
- - - - -
Keep in mind ... we are still giving the Muslim mob that runs
Egypt more than a BILLION dollars per year.
Must be a good thing to do; after all,
Nancy Pelosi says she still supports it! And Mullah Barack says
he'll continue it.
- - - - -
Investors Business Daily editorially summarizes where Obama's
silliness has taken us ...
"If the scenes in Benghazi and Cairo seem
eerily familiar, they should. They are similar to the days before
our embassy in Tehran was seized in 1979 and held for 444 days,
the rotten fruit of a policy that deposed a loyal friend in the
name of human rights and instead brought the world a government
of, by and for fanatics in Iran bent on the nuclear annihilation
of Israel.
"Once again we have a president who
abandons friends such as Egypt's Hosni Mubarak who, like the Shah
in Iran, at least was on our side, then stands idly by as
Islamofascism fills the political void we have created in the
naive belief that if we're nice to the jihadists they'll stop
trying to kill us. The White House stubbornly refuses to believe
that when jihadists shout 'Death to America!' they actually mean
Or maybe he approves of their message. Revenge against the western
world for dear ol' dad, don'tcha know ...
- - - - -
Wonder when Hillary's going to go into a recording studio and do a
re-make of the old Brenda Lee song, "I'm Sorry" -- in Arabic, of
- - - - -
Feel free to pass this query along to any liberal acquaintances:
How do you like your precious "Arab
spring" NOW, you stupid cretins?
- - - - -
Hold the presses!*
Obama and Hillary have both uttered a few grudging words in
support of Freedom of Speech.
* -- An ancient phrase heard in
black-and-white movies in the days when newspapers actually
- - - - -
I cannot vouch for this, but I will share it with you. I have it
indirectly from an American Christian minister who has spent much
time in Israel for twenty years. He reports that, in all that
time, he has never seen so much military preparation as has been
going on in the last few days.
Christian religions and others have a
large presence in the Jewish nation. For example, the Church of
the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, one of Christendom's holiest
sites, is administered in individual parts by Roman Catholic,
Greek Orthodox and Armenian religious orders and by two Muslim
For some fascinating history, let me
recommend a visit to, the website of one of
those Muslim families.
In the near future I shall relate an extraordinary experience in
that church having to do with the recognition of my longtime
travel industry partner, who was Greek-American, by a Greek
Orthodox cleric who had never seen him before.
- - - - -
Forty-four months ago, barely into his presidency, Barack Obama
warned bank executives not to go to Las Vegas.
Yesterday he made his TENTH trip there
since that announcement. The purpose? To collect campaign money,
what else?
- - - - -
Survey says ... 46% of Americans think we should have a third
major political party (Gallup).
Perhaps they are unaware that we already
have three large parties: Republican, traditional Democrats
believing in long-held values and national defense. Then there are
the new Marxists, some even unaware of what they are, that
constitute the new Democrats-in-drag.
- - - - -
Buying votes with taxpayer dollars: it's the Democrats' way.
Thomas Sowell elucidates ...
"The theme that most seemed to rouse the
enthusiasm of delegates to the Democratic National Convention in
Charlotte was that we are all responsible for one another — and
that Republicans don't want to help the poor, the sick and the
"When an empirical study of the actual
behavior of American conservatives and liberals was published in
2006, it turned out that conservatives donated a larger amount of
money, and a higher percentage of their incomes (which were
slightly lower than liberal incomes) to philanthropic activities.
Conservatives also donated more of their time to philanthropic
activities and donated far more blood than liberals.
"Ronald Reagan donated a higher
percentage of his income to charitable activities than did either
Franklin D. Roosevelt or Ted Kennedy. Being willing to donate the
taxpayers' money is not the same as being willing to put your own
money where your mouth is.
"The time is long overdue for optimistic
Republicans to understand what FDR understood long ago, and what
Barack Obama clearly understands today. Dependency pays off in
votes — unless somebody alerts the taxpayers who get stuck with
the bill."
- - - - -
The NY Post's "Page Six" gossip column reports that Monica
Lewinsky is pitching a book she's writing to big publishers.
Gee, wonder what in the world she might
write about with any prospect of selling books?
Word is, one publisher offered her
a low-ball deal, but she blew him off.
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"Bill Clinton's popularity may agitate
Obama. It didn't help when Amazon confirmed last week that no
one's ever illegally downloaded Barack Obama's autobiography."
- - - - -
Some days, nothing turns out right. Like the guy who went into a
Miami Beach bar and ordered a drink ... then tried to pay for it
with a stolen credit card. A card that belonged to -- of all
people -- the bartender.
- - - - -
Craig Ferguson-- "The biker show, 'Sons of Anarchy,' has kicked
off its fifth season. It conflicts with my other favorite show
starring a surly, grizzled hombre. Of course I'm referring to
Nancy Grace."
September 15 --
"The day I am inaugurated, Muslim hostility (toward the U.S.) will
cease." -- Barack Hussein Obama, November 21, 2007.
That really worked out well, didn't
- - - - -
I have not seen the piece of video that Obama & Co. choose to
believe-- or say they believe -- launched all these "
spontaneous" attacks on American diplomatic facilities that Jay
Carney, Liar of Convenience, tells us had nothing to do with the
anniversary of 9/11, despite the well known fact that Muslims
obsess about anniversary dates.
I haven't seen that video ... I'd wager
YOU haven't seen it -- but we're to believe that millions of
Muslims HAVE seen it? Obama and his spokes-parrots evidently
believe the gullibility of the American public is limitless.
And they may be right. We'll know in two
- - - - -
Reader Phil suggests that if Republicans were as cynical as the
lying Democrats, they might create a poster showing the raped and
(yes, you read it right -- raped) U.S. ambassador to Libya and
caption it, "Do you think HE'S better off than he was four years
But Republicans are too nice to do such a thing, of course.
- - - - -
... and reader Chuck reminds us ...
"In 1986, when Ronald Reagan was president,
Libya killed Americans; GI's in a Berlin nightclub. Reagan then
bombed Libyan dictator Muammar Khadafy's house, Libya was quiet
for twenty-five years -- and apologized."
Khadafy also renounced any aspirations to
acquire nuclear weapons. But does anyone expect the Muslim in the
White House to learn anything from this sequence of events?
Of course not.
- - - - -
As Hillary delivers yet another speech, grovelling before Muslim
murderers, does she not remind you of the most tedious, boring
grammar-school teacher you ever had?
- - - - -
Thomas Sowell in The American Spectator addresses the bottom-line
reality about Iran, Israel, nuclear weapons -- and the devious
Barack Obama ...
"From the beginning, Barack Obama has
tried to downplay the threat of a nuclear Iran. At one time he
said dismissively that Iran was just "a small country."
"In fact, Iran is physically larger than
Japan, and its current population is slightly larger than what the
population of Japan was when the Japanese dealt a devastating blow
to the United States with its attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941.
"A nuclear Iran can do a lot more damage
to Israel than the Japanese did to the United States. Moreover, it
is well on its way to being able to produce more than the two
bombs that were enough to force Japan to surrender in 1945.
"Israel is in a desperate situation --
and there is no way that Barack Obama does not know that."
Yet, incredibly, there are still American Jews -- likely even a
majority -- who will vote for a man who would cheer (in private
with his Muslim friends) as Israel burns.
And how do the media leftists play the deadly Muslim attacks on
Americans in Egypt and Libya? Why, Romney ought to be
ashamed for criticizing their hero in the White House for -- again
-- sucking up to the Muslim savages!
- - - - -
Michelle Obama, in a campaign speech Thursday, chose to repeat her
husband's "You didn't build that" mantra.
Just what's needed: A parasitical
privileged political princess who spends millions of our tax
dollars on her endless vacations haranguing productive people who
actually accomplish something.
The woman is nothing more than a leech.
- - - - -
Speaking of leisure time, Breitbart's news organization reports
the following ...
Ambassador Chris Stevens did not have a
Marine detail in Benghazi, Libya. But White House Senior Advisor
and Obama confidante Valerie
Jarrett has a full Secret Service detail on vacation in Martha’s
Vineyard, according to Democratic pollster Pat Caddell.
- - - - -
Since Michelle Obama was said by people adept at lip-reading to
mutter to Hussein on last year's 9/11 memorial service, "All this
for a damned flag," reader Greg recommends that she send a message
to the rampaging Muslim mobs asking, "All this for a damned
- - - - -
One observer's suggestion, now that Obama's "diplomacy" is such an
obvious failure ...
"The next time some airhead BURNS OUR
FLAG, we go bonkers and get medieval on THEM. "You burn our flag,
people will die! Buildings will burn in your country and we
will give you NO rest.
"How about that? Tit for tat
(excuse me). You burn our'll pay a severe price. They
play seriously...let's play seriously.
"Or, do we have the guts?"
- - - - -
PJ Media's "Zombie" (a nom de plume) recapitulates a piece of
history to explain just where Ben Bernanke's "quantitative easing"
(printing more money backed by ... well ... nothing) can lead ...
"Travel back with me to Germany in 1923
and let’s look at what can happen when a government starts
printing money with no basis behind it.
" Germany at the time (just as the U.S. does
now) had a crushing national debt, and many other nations felt
that Germany intentionally ignited inflation of the German Mark as
a way to “inflate its way out of debt” — a strategy some have
suggested for the U.S. now, in fact.
"But as the citizens of Germany
discovered in 1923, once inflation starts heating up, it can
quickly reach a level of explosive combustion that even the
government can’t control. In the early ’20s, the other nations of
Europe, distrusting the stability of the German Mark, began
demanding payment in either gold or foreign denominations. So the
German government frantically began buying up other nations’
currencies. But
those other nations didn’t trust that the Marks they were getting
would keep their value, so they demanded a higher and higher
exchange rate. So Germany simply starting printing up bills to pay
the higher rates, but that only increased the doubts over the
Mark’s solvency, and exchange rates rose, and more money was
printed, and it spiraled out of control.
"In early 1923 trust in the value of the
German Mark completely collapsed, and it quickly descended toward
worthlessness. With every
passing month, week, day, hour, the Mark became worth less and
less, and the government had to print more and more bills of
higher and higher
denomination. This lasted until late November 1923, when the Mark
was discarded as a currency entirely."
Welcome to your future, America, if lunatics like Obama and
Bernanke are not restrained.
- - - - -
Investors Business Daily uncovers this revealing gem ...
The EPA has commemorated the start of
Hispanic Heritage Month with an emailed picture of Marxist thug
Che Guevara. Considering the agency's totalitarian energy
policies, it's somehow appropriate. The internal email sent by EPA
management analyst Susie Goldring was said to have been issued
without clearance from higher-ups. EPA said it was "drafted and
sent by an individual employee, and without official clearance."
But sent it was, a document with a photo of a mural with a visage
of the murderous revolutionary that was lifted without attribution
from the website,
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"Mitt Romney adjusted his promise to
repeal ObamaCare. Instead of total repeal he's agreed to keep its
most popular parts. If Mitt Romney changes positions one more
time, he's going to have his own chapter in the next edition of
the Kama Sutra."
- - - - -
Conan O'Brien --
"In Russia, a 122-year-old man has passed
away. He credited his long life to abstaining from alcohol,
tobacco, and women. His last words were, 'I've made a huge
- - - - -
From the Sky-Guy ...
An elementary school teacher sent this
note to all parents on the first day of school.
"If you promise not to believe everything
your child says happens at school, I will promise not to believe
everything your child says happens at home."
September 16 --
Let us consider the apparent contradiction. The Obama
administration, while giving a passing nod to the First Amendment,
chooses to believe that a piece of video few people ever heard of
is behind the rioting and murders of Americans by Obama's beloved
Yet ... the Obama administration has bent
over backward to assist in the production of a movie about the
killing of Osama
bin Laden, shaping it to make Obama look like the hero,
despite that he okayed the mission only reluctantly and after much
And just how might he expect wild-eyed
Muslims to react to that film?
- - - - -
Anybody surprised to hear that the New York Times submits opinion
columns to the White House to be reviewed before printing them?
Didn't think so ...
- - - - -
Mark Steyn uses just a
few lines in National
Review Online to outline B. Hussein Obama's idea of
presidential duties ...
"Oh say, does that star-spangled banner
yet wave? Actually, no. Instead, the black flag of al-Qaeda flies
over the U.S. embassy in Tunis.
"But don’t worry, when your president’s
so cool he’s doing gigs in Vegas, what happens in Tunis stays in
"As a Canadian, I’m interested to see
that America has belatedly adopted the divided responsibilities of
the Westminster system. Proceeding from the Pimp with the Limp
(radio) show to Letterman to Beyoncé and back again, Barack Obama
makes a perfectly adequate (if somewhat cheesy and downmarket)
ceremonial queen.
"But who’s he appointed as prime minister
to do the tedious business of running the government (and
attending those boring national-security meetings)?"
- - - - -
One reader suggests we take Obama's word that he's a Christian.
Given his blatant pandering obsequiousness to murdering Muslim
mobs, I've drawn my own conclusion -- and I do not concur.
- - - - -
It is one of the wimpiest, repulsive utterances ever to come from
the lips of a U.S. president, and we've heard it from both G. W.
Bush and Mullah Barack: After Americans have been slaughtered by
some heathen Muslims, we hear vows to -- here it comes -- "Bring
them to justice."
I would suggest that any Republican
running to either hold or win a seat in the U. S. House of
Representatives make this campaign promise: "If elected, I promise
to bring a motion to impeach against any U. S. president who ever
dares to speak those words in public. In the chronicles of clarion
calls to action, they stand out as the weakest."
- - - - -
Burt Prelutsky cuts to the chase on the biggest teachers' strike
in the nation ...
"Karen Lewis, the 350-pound President of
the Chicago Teachers Union, while addressing the North West
Teaching for Social Justice Conference in Seattle last year, said,
'I am the only black woman in the class of 1974 from Dartmouth
College. Woo! People are impressed. Let me tell you, I spent those
years smoking lots of weed, self-medicating.'
"No word whether Barack Obama was in the
audience or was merely being channeled by President Lewis.
"Perhaps the most telling fact of all in
the Chicago strike is that Chicago school children are among the
worst-educated in the country. Perhaps part of the reason is that
they have the shortest school day, running only five-and-a-half
hours long, thanks to previous teacher contracts.
"So, if you’re one of those people who
continue to believe that school teachers are underpaid and
overworked, I won’t try to convince you how silly you are and how
unfair it is that the people who pay their salaries make, on
average, roughly half as much as they do. I will merely point out
that, however you slice it, $76,000-a-year is a hell of a lot of
money to pay a babysitter."
- - - - -
A life in radio ...
During a broadcasting career on major
stations in Chicago, Miami, Seattle, San Francisco, etc., I have
worked with many talented people.
Dale Reeves, whom I hired in Miami, was and is the best voice
impressionist ever. He makes Rich Little -- whom I respect --
amateurish by comparison.
However, if I were asked to contribute to
the old Readers Digest feature, "My Most Unforgettable Character,"
I would have to do a thumbnail sketch of the late Bill Calder.
Bill had a rare combination of on-air
charm and humor. Unfortunately, it wasn't accompanied by a great
sense of responsibility; he had a considerable assortment of wives
(not simultaneously, I hasten to add) and several children in
various cities where he had plied his trade.
Bill performed -- usually briefly -- on
so many radio stations that it would take several cans of alphabet
soup to assemble all their call letters.
I met and worked with him at WIND,
Chicago, where he followed me on the air for more than a year -- a
loooong stretch for Billy Earl.
We became friends, and spent many
afternoons at a billiard parlor just off the Rush Street nightclub
strip. I was pretty good with a cue-stick at the time and
regularly beat him.
He eventually left to take a job at KXYZ
in Houston, where he'd worked once before.
A few weeks later, Bill called and said,
"I want you to come to Houston."
I told him I was quite happy with my
situation in Chicago, but he said, "I've arranged an interview
with the station manager ... he'll pick up the tab ... you'll say
'No thanks' to the job offer and we'll have a weekend visit."
I succumbed to the Calder charm, flew to
Houston on Friday and went thru the charade at KXYZ. Then the plot
Bill, it seems, had hosted a fairly prominent
pool-player on his program and had made plans for the evening.
So, after the KXYZ visit, Bill picked me up to drive
to his newly-acquired house. We arrive and are barely inside when
Bill tugs my arm as I'm saying hello to his then-wife, Mary.
He leads me downstairs to his billiard
And there, awaiting me at the other end of the
table, with a gleam in his eye and cue-stick in hand, was ...
legendary billiards hustler Minnesota Fats. (Jackie Gleason played
him in the movie, "The Hustler.")
It was Bill Calder's revenge for all those
beatings at Chicago's Golden Eight Ball billiard emporium.

(Above: Lee & Bill face off in a charity billiard match. Bill
facing camera)
Long after Bill embarked on other marital
adventures, Mary moved to Los Angeles, became a fiery evangelist,
then took up acting and worked in many TV shows until her death
last year. Although she was Greek, she specialized in playing the
"Italian Mama" roles.
Their son, Alexander, was for several
years the cameraman whose work you saw on those many freeway
police auto chases so common in LA. He's now part of the cast of
one of the leading morning TV news shows in Los Angeles.
- - - - -
It would be helpful if someone who teach a lot of political
speakers, starting with VP Joe Biden, the meaning of the word
- - - - -
Give an underdog football team a lead, and it's seen over and
over: The coach, who may be wise at other times, will retreat into
a "prevent" defense, give the opposing quarterback all day to find
a receiver ... and lose. Coach David Shaw of Stanford doesn't
operate that way -- at least he didn't last night. He kept
bringing the heat on USC's Matt Barkley ... and won. Kudos.
- - - - -
Tomorrow the big city of the Pacific Northwest -- "The Emerald
City," if you please, is observing “Stay Away From
Seattle Day,” discouraging visitors from visiting or, heaven
forbid, moving there.
I lived there for a year. I'm happy to
oblige for one day each year. Or, better yet, 365 days. I've lived
literally coast-to-coast and I say without fear of rational
contradiction that, lovely as it is in many ways, Seattle is the
most provincial over-sized hick-town I've ever experienced.
And no, It's not sour grapes; I was on
the biggest radio station in Seattle, KIRO, and increased the
ratings in my time-slot by over 40%. I just detest the place. It's
as nutty left-wing as my longtime hometown, San Francisco --
without the charm.
- - - - -
Jimmy Kimmel --
"Fashion Week wrapped up in New York.
Leonardo DiCaprio was there checking out the new spring line of
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"Bill Clinton said Mormon missionaries tried
to convert him when he was a teenager. He only invited them in his
house because they're blond and beautiful and he thought
missionary was a position.
September 17 --
Murders of Americans in
Libya caused by a video almost no one has seen? Nonsense. As
the president
of Libya made it clear: President Mohamed Magariaf
said that evidence "leaves us with no doubt" that the attack
was pre-planned.
Of course it was -- and it
was about the anniversary of 9/11.
Theories to the contrary are fantasies
woven by goofballs like Obama and the Hildabeast.
Everyone seems to know the attack was
premeditated; everyone except Mullah Barack, Hillary and our UN
Ambassador, a mental vacant lot named Susan Rice.
- - - - -
Every sentient creature always knew that Barack's appointment of
Hillary to his cabinet was a clear case of his adhering to the old
adage, "Keep your friends close ... and your enemies closer."
Now, in the wake of the ongoing
disaster in the middle-east and at our diplomatic missions around
the world, it's way past time to recognize two facts.
#1--Obama's "foreign policy," if it can be
dignified with such a designation, is a total farce and failure.
#2--Hillary Clinton, whose real
accomplishments add up to zero, has been a deadly disaster as
Secretary of State. It is now reliably reported that she,
personally, ordered that Marines guarding our embassies not have
loaded weapons.
Let us not forget: this woman is on
record having written, "I loathe the military."
- - - - -
Another bow to Mark Steyn for his chosen designation of the Obama
media butt-kissers as "court eunuchs."
- - - - -
Who deserves credit for the rolling disaster in the Muslim world?
Doug Giles ( has an idea ...
"Remember back in the beginning of 2011
when Obama told us about the freedom- lovers in Egypt and Libya
living under the oppression of dictators and needing our immediate
help to establish democracy in their fair lands?
"It turns out that the 'freedom lovers' Obama
coerced lots of Americans to rally behind (and whom he also pimped
out with billions of sawbucks from America’s pitiful piggy bank)
were bat crap crazy.
"Yep, these 'yearners for democracy'
turned out to be radicals of radicals who’d like nothing more than
to eradicate the U.S. and Israel and establish a global bounce
house for all things Muslim.
"Thanks to Obama’s backing, we have one
violent, jacked-up mess on our hands—one that won’t be remedied
easily … and one to which we can point to the president as someone
who built that." which columnist Jeff Carter adds
this ...
"This is a President in way over his
head. It’s a President that doesn’t understand how to lead. It’s a
President that can’t make the tough decisions. Hillary also
performed poorly. No speech that she makes will cover the fact.
She ought to be stepping down from the State Department. There is
unnecessary blood on the hands of this administration. If this
were Bush/Condi Rice, I’d say the same thing. If this were
Romney/Fill in the blank Secy of State, I’d say the same thing.
When you look at other Presidents, I can only think of one where
this might have happened in the same way, Jimmy Carter.
"But, he was the worst President we had
in the last 50 years. Until this one."
- - - - -
Here we go again. The savages among the Muslims in Afghanistan are
complaining that women and children were killed in a U.S. attack
following the murder of more GIs by "allies."
These human lice use their own
women and children as shields and hide among them, so little
regard to they have for them. Where are all the American harpies
who endlessly complain about a lack of women's rights and love our
faux president who kowtows to the culture that nurtures those
- - - - -
Gen. Mohammad
Ali Jafari, Iran's chief of the Revolutionary
Guard, says if Israel attacks their nuclear
weapons manufacturing facilities, there will be nothing left of
Israel. Which would seem to make it all the more tempting for
Israel to use the large nuclear arsenal it already has to make
sure there's damned little left of Iran when they do attack,
recalling the ancient adage, "Never leave a snake only injured."
- - - - -
Larry Kudlow, who knows a bit about economics, summarizes the
Obama/Bernanke debacle in Investors Business Daily ...
"About 30 years ago, Paul Volcker
launched a monumental monetary effort to bring down inflation. As
Fed chairman, he sold bonds, removed cash from the economy and
cared not one wit about rising interest rates. And it worked. Gold
plunged, King Dollar soared, and the drop-off in bank reserves and
money extinguished high inflation -- and actually launched a
multi-decade period of very low inflation.
"This week, current Fed chairman Ben
Bernanke embarked on an absolute reversal of Volcker's policy. He
is launching a monumental effort to buy bonds and inject new money
into the economy in order to reignite economic growth and job
creation. It's like history is repeating itself, but in reverse.
"One key political point is that
Bernanke's desperate money-pumping plan to rescue the economy is a
very blunt admission that Obamanomics has completely failed."
- - - - -
"Central bankers (i.e., the Fed) are 'counterfeit money printers'
and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke should resign for
messing up the U.S. economy so badly." -- Marc Faber, financial
analyst who predicted the stock-market crash of 1987.
- - - - -
Even Socialist Sweden has recognized the drag put on an economy by
high corporate tax rates. The government there plans to lower
corporate tax rates to 22 percent from the current level of 26.3
percent. The United States continues to have the highest corporate
tax rate in the world at 39.8%.
Draw your own conclusions about how that might impact
the economy, as you listen to the Democrats endlessly whine about
corporations "getting away with not paying enough taxes,"
despite the fact that corporate earnings are taxed twice; first at
the company level, then again when distributed to stockholders as
- - - - -
Humberto Fontova was born in Cuba and knows plenty about the
murderous hero of the American left ...
"You just knew Che Guevara would show up
as an icon of the union demonstrators in Chicago. Why? Well, let’s
consider the factors in this demonstration by union-educators who
were mostly educated by other union-educators.
"Che Guevara outlawed trade unions.
Then-- at Soviet gun-point-- he herded all recalcitrant Cuban
union-members into forced-labor camps and sent their rebellious
union-leaders to the firing squad.
"The union members clamoring for more
union privileges in Chicago while wearing t-shirts hailing this
murderous Stalinist union-buster and hailing him as a 'role model'
are mostly products of America’s public schools-- and keen to
continue the glowing tradition abundantly evident in their own
Footnote: I was in Havana when Castro came to town. Some of his
lieutenants invited me to Morro Castle to watch people being
machine-gunned. I declined, but the gunfire of the execution
squads was audible. When I finally got out of Cuba and heard the
liberal American media fawning over Castro and his "agrarian
reformers" I was sickened.
- - - - -
Since so little real history is taught in the ignorance factories
we foolishly call "schools," a pertinent piece of reality needs to
be reiterated.
The mad Muslims of Iran took 52 Americans
hostage at the U.S. embassy in Tehran when the gutless, stupid
Jimmy Carter was president.
They were held 444 days, until Carter
left office. They released them within minutes after Ronald
Reagan became president in January, 1981.
Now, why do we think they released them
at that time? Because they loved Mr. Reagan? Hardly.
They released them because they had good
reason to believe that, if they didn't, the new president would
blow the SOBs off the face of the planet.
So concludes our brief lesson in global
politics ... a lesson a Muslim suck-up like B. Hussein Obama
either never learned or doesn't wish to apply to the present
Instead, he employs as his ambassador to
the UN a woman who made it clear on TV yesterday that she'd have
no problem curtailing your First Amendment rights (freedom of
speech -- and don't assume the average American knows that) to
please Islamic fanatics.
- - - - -
Manuel Vigil is a 16-year-old student at a Colorado
high school. Like the rest of his family, he is a devout
Catholic. He wears a rosary. The morons who are in charge of his
school have twice confiscated his rosary because, in their abysmal
ignorance, they insisted the rosary was a gang signal.
With cretins like this in charge of
schools, is it any wonder we turn out more ignorant students than
many third-world countries?
- - - - -
Survey says ...
Americans tend to think public school
teachers are not paid enough -- until they find out how much they
actually are paid. Forty-five percent (45%) of American Adults,
when initially asked, say public school teachers are paid too
little. (Rasmussen)
For example, the striking Chicago
teachers already average $76,000 per year for turning out
graduates who can barely read their diplomas.
- - - - -
Some people can't
be cured of their mental disorder; others don't want to be cured.
A reader whose e-mail was lost in the
ether wrote to me about a friend who works on the annual giant
watermelon competition held annually in a small town on the
northern California coast.
The friend was complaining about new
regulations imposed by the local -- and ultra-liberal --
government that made preparations for the event more and more
When the writer suggested life would be less
complicated if the fellow moved to Texas, he recoiled in horror,
saying, "I couldn't do that! Too many Republicans there!"
- - - - -
Jimmy Fallon --
"A new survey found that 34 percent of
Americans do not have a Facebook or Twitter account. There's even
a name for those people — productive."
September 18 --
Obama's election, he promised us, would cause Muslims worldwide to
look upon America more kindly ... the Iranians would respond in a
nice way to a more accommodating president of a different
complexion, etc., etc.
Given 44 months of reality, it should be
apparent to even the dumbest Democrat that Obamunism exudes a
redolence more pungent than the Kettleman City, California, cattle
pens that cause drivers passing on I-5 to attempt a prolonged
holding of breath.
- - - - -
Wes Pruden measures the craven liars of the Obama bunch: Barry,
Hillary, and one other in particular ...
"Susan Rice, the U.S. ambassador to the
U.N., sounded even sillier when she insisted the storming of the
American consulate in Benghazi was not planned and organized as a
deliberate assault on America and its diplomats, but was a
“spontaneous” happening against the movie. In her
telling, it was probably a bunch of guys in Benghazi, loitering on
the corner talking about the what was under the chadors the girls
wore, and just happened upon a cache of automatic weapons and
rocket-propelled grenades, and when one of the good ol’ boys
suggested they attack the American consulate from three
directions, they thought, well, why not? Guys, you know, like,
will be guys.
"If the president wants to find someone
to blame, he should look at the face in his mirror. He imagined
that a few honeyed words would make the Islamic world love him
(and maybe even tolerate the rest of us) merely by making goo-goo
eyes at those who want to kill us. We’ve had three years of
goo-goo and the Muslim red-hots are still killing American
soldiers, occasional civilians and selected diplomats." --
Washington Times
- - - - -
"What is the difference in Iran having a nuclear weapon and Russia
having a nuclear weapon or China or Pakistan?" -- Knee-jerk
liberal Bob Schieffer on "Face the Nation" Sunday.
It's this simple, you senile dope! Unlike
Russia and China, Iran has a government that, in the words of its
own leaders, "loves death" and routinely uses suicide bombers
eager to achieve their own obliteration if it kills infidels as
they rush to meet their allotted 72 virgins. In short, if in
killing themselves they can also kill you, it's an admirable
policy. No Russian or Chinese leader has ever advocated suicide as
a tactic in a nuclear world.
And CBS pays this clown? Is he
related to that silly twit, Soledad O'Brien?
- - - - -
The Democrat campaign theme never changes but only increases in
intensity. Summarized, it's this: "I'm gonna give you stuff, and
make somebody else pay for it."
Romney's right: freeloaders make up a
huge part of the Obama support, and of course they want
more free stuff!
- - - - -
A hit (with liberals) Broadway show in New York called "The Book
of Mormon" makes obscene jokes about Mormons. By the standards of
Obama and his brown-nosers in the media, Mormons would have every
right to riot and burn some buildings over their religion
being mocked -- wouldn't they? Maybe kill a few government
officials? After all, the inmates of the Obama mental institution
seem inclined to forgive such behavior in the middle-east -- at at
least "understand" it.
- - - - -
You may not feel it directly, but you will certainly get stung
indirectly by the ongoing downgrading of our idiotic federal
government's credit rating.
Egan-Jones, the credit rating firm,
has cut its rating from AA to AA- and thus joined Moody's Investor
Services, which currently rates the United States Aaa, along
with Fitch rating U.S. credit as AAA, and Standard & Poor's,
which rates the country AA-plus, in lowering the U.S. rating.
All three of those ratings have a
negative outlook, meaning low expectations for relief from
unemployment and a weak economy.
Another reminder, for those intelligent
enough to take note, that letting children and fools -- like Obama
and Bernanke -- have the keys to the national cash register
carries a painful price.
- - - - -
Why did the stock market go up when Ben Bernanke announced that
the Federal Reserve was going to create out of thin air more
(legal) counterfeit money? Simple.
If you own $1,000 worth of stock in the
Widget Corporation, since all those additional dollars dilute the
value of each buck, your Widget stock now has to be valued at
$1,005 just to stay even.
In short, the "increase" in the value of
your stock is illusory. Or, to put it more bluntly, bogus.
Also, by artificially suppressing interest
rates, the Fed is trying for force people into buying stocks.
Paul Volcker, who dealt with Jimmy
Carter's inflation outbreak by letting interest rates rise until
the disease was cured, used more intelligence going to the
bathroom in the morning than this fool Bernanke exercises in an
entire day.
- - - - -
What are crazed Muslims so PO'd about? Victor Davis Hanson,
briefly ...
"The wrath of the Muslim Street can be
explained in terms something like this: Islamists have convinced
the Arab masses that their present mess is not their own fault.
"Discussions of the pernicious effects of
endemic tribalism, misogyny,statism, anti-Semitism,
fundamentalism, religious intolerance, xenophobia, and
anti-modernism are taboo. So there is never serious reflection
about self-induced pathologies that keep fostering a Saddam
Hussein, Muslim Brotherhood, and Ba’ath Party, or the
preconditions that throughout much of the 20th century made the
Arab world so susceptible to Hitlerism, then Soviet communism,
then Baathism, then Western authoritarianism, then
authoritarianism, and, then, or rather always back to, Islamic
At some point the rest of the world will realize that you cannot
reason with these fanatics. At best they can only be contained --
like dangerous animals. And the very idea propounded by liberal
fools, that "democracy" can succeed in an Islamic society, is
beyond stupid because the religion permits no dissent. Since the
religion and government are interchangeable, there can be no
differing viewpoints on serious issues. So how could there be
voting for competing philosophies?
Reader Greg makes an important point. Japan is one advanced nation
that has no Muslim problem, simply cause it has never allowed that
faith to take root there.
Mr. Kumiko Yagi, Professor of
Arab/Islamic Studies at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies:
“There is a mind frame in Japan that Islam is a very narrow
minded religion and one should stay away from it.”
- - - - -
I have long wondered about this. Since black Americans are
justifiably sensitive about the history of slavery in America
(it's happened all over the world throughout history to people of
many races, including white), why/how could they be attracted to
Even the most cursory study of history
reveals that the slave traders who bought African blacks (from
black tribal chieftains) then sold them to slave-buyers were
Muslim. Further, the slave trade goes on to this day, with Muslim
north African blacks preying on non-Muslim blacks.
- - - - -
A bit of wisdom from Burt Prelutsky ...
"It seems like only yesterday that Obama
and Hillary Clinton were telling us that Assad’s days were
numbered in Syria, but that was actually several thousand
massacred Syrians ago. It now appears that Assad’s reign will
out-last Obama’s.
"I almost feel sorry for all those people
who thought they were earning points in heaven by electing our
first black president, but the fact remains that, by any honest
evaluation, Obama has been our very worst president, usurping
Jimmy Carter’s hard-earned title.
"It wasn’t merely hyperbole when Winston
Churchill observed that 'Islam is as dangerous in a man as rabies
in a dog.' Neither was it merely politics as usual when Obama,
addressing a group of Islamists, vowed that 'I will stand with the
Muslims should the political winds shift in an ugly direction.'”
That would be the same Winston Churchill whose sculptured bust
Obama had removed from the oval office. Gee ... wonder why ...
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton ...
"Snoop Dogg announced he'll vote for
President Obama. He said he had to go with experience. President
Obama smoked pot from the time he was in high school til the day
he decided on a political career and that's what Snoop Dogg looks
for in a leader."
- - - - -
Back to basics: the Peter Ferrara perspective ...
"President Obama started his Democratic
Convention nomination acceptance speech with one overriding truth:
“But when all is said and done – when you pick up that ballot to
vote – you will face the clearest choice of any time in a
generation. It will be a choice between two different paths for
America. A choice between two fundamentally different visions for
the future.”
"Truer words were never spoken. Because
America is deciding in this election whether it wants to ditch the
economic system that made us the richest, most prosperous nation
in the history of the world, for the hope and change not for
something better, but for something supposedly fairer, like
socialism and communism is supposedly fairer than
"Churchill understood the choice
perfectly. He said, 'The inherent vice of capitalism is the
unequal sharing of blessings. The inherent virtue of socialism is
the equal sharing of misery.'” --
- - - - -
Perhaps I'm missing a gene needed for life in today's world, but I
cannot fathom -- and certainly wouldn't nurture -- anyone whose
ego, or neediness, impels them to suggest that other people waste
part of their own lives to "follow me on Twitter." As if we should
be obsessed with every move they make. Two words: Narcissistic
egomania. Which I've previously applied to Mullah Barack.
And I feel very sorry for people who own
lives are so empty, they actually DO "follow" someone on Twitter."
In the largely unlikely event someone should want to "follow" me,
here is my typical day:
Up between 4 & 5AM (old morning radio
habits are hard to break).
Catch up on news.
Write the blog and get it uploaded to the
Hit the gym and sweat (not "perspire")
for about an hour.
Check e-mail (hundreds).
Do whatever chores Susan dare assign my
incompetent hands.
Swim some laps in the pool.
Read a book.
Another news update.
Plan my next fact-finding mission.
If there's a good football game on TV,
watch it.
Play with Calvin the Wonder Dog.
Lights out.
Now: wasn't that just ... BORING?!
- - - - -
From Peter ...
"Who's better off than four years ago?
The Muslim Brotherhood!"
- - - - -
It may be a once-in-a-lifetime event, but has any group of
football players being paid to play the game ever had a worse
first quarter than that pathetic performance by Peyton and the
Broncos last night?
- - - - -
It's confirmed. Billy Jeff Clinton's onetime
inamorata, Monica Lewinsky, is shopping what's called a "top
secret" book about their two-year dalliance.
No specific information about content,
although many will presume it will have some connection to his
- - - - -
How teddibly-teddibly British. Tarbu, one of the oldest known
parrots in the UK, has gone to his reward. His last word was
reported to be an oh-so-English, "Cheerio!"
- - - - -
Katherine offers this joke for English majors ...
The Past, Present, and Future
walk into a bar. It was ... tense!
- - - - -
Conan O'Brien --
"In Russia, a 122-year-old man has passed
away. He credited his long life to abstaining from alcohol,
tobacco, and women. His last words were, 'I've made a huge
September 19 --
“The trick is, How do we structure government systems that pool
resources and hence facilitate some redistribution? —
because I actually believe in redistribution, at least at a
certain level to make to make sure everybody has got a
shot.” Commissar Obama at Loyola
University, October 1998.
Karl Marx couldn't have put it
better, trying to lure in the suckers: "Just a little communism.
You'll love it."
- - - - -
Now we learn whether Romney has the cojones to explain in
clear English what Obama meant when he said he believes in "redistribution."
"Redistribution" literally means, "I want
to take money away from people who earn it and give it to people
who didn't earn
We are a compassionate nation. We
DO take care of those who can't care for themselves. But we are
overburdened with leeches who can take care of themselves, but won't.
If Mitt Romney can't, or won't,
enunciate that message clearly he will lose -- and so will the
- - - - -
Cutting to the chase ... getting to the point ... confronting
Only dung-brained media leftists and the
able-bodied freeloaders could possibly object to Mitt Romney
pointing out the FACT that we DO have millions of these parasites
leeching off working people. And Obama is their hero because he
learned the liberal lesson long ago: Nothing is more fun that
spending other people's money.
- - - - -
Now Mother Jones, the left-wing magazine that released the video
of Mitt Romney's remarks about the 47% of Americans who pay no
income tax, admits that it was "selectively edited" and is missing
"one or two minutes."
It was ... "inadvertent."
Of course.
Doesn't really matter. The point Romney
made was 100% correct.
- - - - -
A political note ...
Pro football's Tim Tebow says that
when his playing days are over, he'd consider running for office.
Good thinking, Tim. Run ... don't throw.
- - - - -
Jay Leno
"According to the Labor Department,
unemployment fell from 8.3 percent to 8.1 percent last month. But
that's because 368,000 Americans gave up looking for work. Today,
President Obama said that's a step in the right direction, and he
is encouraging more Americans to give up looking for work."
- - - - -
Thomas Sowell sounds the alarm for Republicans who are -- again --
making the mistake of over-estimating the knowledge and/or
intelligence of the public ...
"One of the biggest of the election year
lies is that Republicans want to sacrifice the poor in order to
have "tax cuts for the rich." That would be grossly immoral -- if
it were true. Unscrambling the confusion in that argument can
involve work. But if people on welfare can be expected to work,
surely people running for high office can put in a little work too
-- including the work of explaining in plain words what is totally
false about the "tax cuts for the rich" argument.
"But so long as Republicans don't seem to
feel any urgency about refuting the Democrats' claim that they
just want to help the rich at the expense of the poor, they are
courting defeat on election day. Why lose to a lie because you
didn't bother to explain the truth?"
- - - - -
"Instead of pointing fingers and placing blame, Barack got to work
..." -- Michelle Obama, September 17, 2012
Yes, indeed -- and he's improved his golf
game tremendously.
- - - - -
Usually I have a high regard for columnist Byron York, but when
his column is headlined, "Romney will be judged on actions, not
coverage," I suggest he is flat-out wrong.
The coverage by the so-called "news
media" is what most people will learn about Romney. And his
ability to take substantive action is limited by one reality: He
does not yet hold office.
Instead, his most potent weapon is
hard-hitting plain speaking. He's never going to win the "nice
guy" war, even though he is
and Obama is an egomaniacal, self-aggrandizing phony.
- - - - -
So Chicago teachers have voted to end
their strike and return to the classrooms. That should lower
the IQ of the average student no more than
- - - -
Here is the reality that Mitt Romney is really facing.
Michael Knox Beran (National Review Online) examines the road map
the lying leftist media are using on our road to hell ...
"Today America’s Fourth Estate (media) is
not merely predisposed, as it has been for generations, to favor a
particular political party: It is deeply engaged in the hero
worship of a particular political leader. The closeness of
mainstream journalists to President Obama has debauched their
integrity. Some of them give the White House veto authority over
their stories.
"Like the decadents of France’s ancien
régime, the liberal literati of mainstream journalism are
convinced that the party will go on forever. Islamic zealots can
be talked out of making nuclear bombs; stagnant growth and high
unemployment can be counteracted with a Caesarian policy of bread
and shows, free food and even free cell phones; a moribund economy
can be propped up with the saline drip of Ben Bernanke’s liquidity
"Having been corrupted into a semi-official
state press, America’s mainstream media is now transforming the
most important election in a generation into the political
equivalent of an episode of The Bachelor.
"This is how republics die, in thrall to
the inane, the frivolous, and the inconsequential."
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"Barack Obama will attend a
fundraiser held by actor Jonathan Goldsmith, who plays The Most
Interesting Man in the World in Dos Equis beer commercials. All
the ads have to be re-shot. Now he says he doesn't always drink,
but when he does, he drinks the Kool-Aid."
- - - - -
Melissa gets down to where the gritty is nitty ...
"Hey media people...way to go! Way to
deflect attention from the Muslims killing Americans by having
Romney's secretly-taped speech edited and taken out of context, as
your "top story." 47% may be a little high, but there ARE people
living off the government. You know it and I know it. They've done
it for generations.
"Instead of passing down integrity and
good work ethic to their children, they teach them how to have
more babies, neglect them and still get a check. They teach them
how to qualify for 'crazy checks,' get food stamps and sell them
for cash. They pass down the victim mentality and sense of
entitlement. Maybe Romney just has the balls to say what we all
have been thinking for years, but were too scared we'd be labeled
as 'racists.'"
- - - - -
The woman in York, Pa., is probably better off without the
illiterate clod who spray-painted the following on her SUV: "B I C
T H."
- - - - -
Signposts of passing time ...
"Middle-age: That time when you finally
get your head together -- then your body starts falling apart."
September 20 --
So the man who is believed to have organized the terrorist attack
on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, resulting in the murder
of the U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three other Americans, had
been imprisoned at Guantanamo Bay and released in 2007.
Under the administration of George W. Bush.
Bush ... Obama ... when, if ever, are we
going to get a president who doesn't get played for a sucker by
these murderous Muslims?! You let them out, this is what you get.
In dealing with this bloodthirsty bunch, "tolerance" and
"understanding" will get you killed.
A MAJOR DIFFERENCE: It is not only the
vow of Barack Obama but the stated, official position of the
Democratic Party to close our prison facility at Guantanamo Bay,
Cuba, implying the release of ALL terrorists held there. A cynic
might suggest that this constitutes further evidence that being a
Democrat is a mental disorder.
- - - - -
Working definition of "gaffe": When a politician accidentally
tells the truth.
- - - - -
Can somebody explain why even a sub-moron would think Obama's
"foreign policy" is a success?
The middle-east is aflame, Americans are
being murdered by "allies" in Afghanistan, the Muslim world has
gone mad, Putin is flexing his muscles, China is threatening war
with Japan, etc., etc.
If this is success, what would failure
look like?
- - - - -
Romney was right about
society's leeches -- those who could help
themselves, but would rather freeload. Michael Goodwin (NY Post)
makes the essential points ...
"A tape from a May fund-raiser is rocking the campaign
because Romney was 'caught' accurately outlining our political
"As a defining principle, almost-half the nation backing President
Obama wants government to do more. The other half backs
Romney because it knows the government already does too much. It
is a financial fight, but also a cultural one. The entitlement
mentality isn’t limited to those who earned or desperately need
their country’s help.
"We’re sinking because too many politicians like Obama think
their job is to 'level the playing field' by confiscating wealth
from some Americans and giving it to others. First, they take a
big cut for themselves and their friends."
- - - - -
More Muslim madness ...
The Organization
of Islamic Cooperation wants an international law against
insulting a religion. This comes from adherents of a faith that
calls for anyone NOT a member of THEIR religion to be forced to
either (A) convert, (B) submit to their law and pay a special tax
or (C) be killed.
- - - - -
The problem with defining "hate speech" (or TV, videos, books,
articles or movies) is that some people define it as simply
telling the truth about them (E.g., you say you're a
"progressive;" I say you're a communist, knowingly or not). This
presents an insurmountable problem when a nation or jurisdiction
tries to simultaneously retain but limit freedom of speech.
- - - - -
The burning questions about current political polls: Are they, as
many suspect, being churned out by the media to generate public
opinion that Obama's a sure winner and thus discourage Romney
voters? If so, could that backfire by causing some Obama voters to
think, "My guy's won, so I don't need to vote?"
One thing we DO know: Most are wildly
over-sampling Democrats, which in itself is guaranteed to corrupt
the results.
- - - - -
While Obama and the Democrats demagogue for the dumb masses,
Thomas Sowell recalls more intelligent Democrat presidents ...
"Democratic presidents Woodrow Wilson and
John F. Kennedy spoke plainly about the fact that higher tax rates
on individuals and businesses did not automatically translate into
higher tax revenues for the government. Beyond some point, high
tax rates on those with high incomes simply led to those incomes
being invested in tax-free bonds, with the revenue from those
bonds being completely lost to the government — and the
investments lost to the economy."
In other words, investments that would
create jobs.
But don't expect Obama, Pelosi, Reid, et
al, to discuss this with the ignorant oxen that make up their
- - - - -
In yesterday's screed, I wrote, "Redistribution" literally means,
"I want to take money away from people who earn it and give it to
people who didn't earn it."
Scott suggests an alternative ...
“I want to take money away from people who won’t vote for me
and give it to people who will vote for me.”
- - - - - -
Followup to reports of heightened military activity in Israel:
Britain's daily Telegraph newspaper reports a "snap" (i.e.,
sudden) military exercise in Israel as tension builds not only
over the Iran nuclear program but heightened concern about
next-door Syria.
- - - - -
The estimable Burt Prelutsky with a timeless quote and a brief
agenda ...
"William F. Buckley proved he could be
both Solomon-like and pithy in his comments about those who infest
the Left. One of my favorites was his observation that 'Liberals
claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are
shocked and offended to discover that there ARE other views.'
"We conservatives should never forget how
absolutely worthless the GOP was from 2001-2007, when the
Republicans controlled the White House and both houses of
Congress. Aside from waging a war in Iraq, their only notable
accomplishments were raising the national debt by several trillion
dollars and kowtowing to the likes of Ted Kennedy and Russ
"Among the many things they did nothing about
was improving health care. If all they had done was to pass
legislation that enabled people to purchase their insurance across
state borders and deny insurance companies the right to drop
customers who took sick and actually needed health insurance, they
could have spared us the agony of ObamaCare."
- - - - -
Yes, a cynic might say this election, like most, is about
identifying the evil of two lessers.
- - - - -
Words worth remembering ...
“By all accounts, he (Obama)
too is a good husband and a good father and — thanks to lots of
practice — a good golfer. Our problem is not that he’s a bad
person. Our problem is that he’s a bad president." -- Senator
Marco Rubio
- - - - -
Mona Charen ( with a capsule take on why Obama is the
bungling, inept president he is -- especially faced with today's
crises in the middle-east ...
"He believes in a more modest United
States -- remember those bows -- because he comes from an
intellectual tradition that is hostile to American power. His
pastor and mentor, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, expressed a common
leftist view when he said after 9/11 that the attacks represented
'America's chickens coming home to roost.'
"Mr. Obama's one-time green jobs czar,
Van Jones, was of the same school, showing up at a radical leftist
rally on September 12, 2001 and, amid the drum circles and curses,
heaped on the nation that had just suffered an attack of
unprecedented savagery and joined in the denunciations of the
victim. 'It's the bombs that the government has been dropping
around the world that are now blowing up inside the U.S. borders.'
"As if the U.S. were in the habit of
bombing nations just to throw its weight around, or for the sheer
joy of dominating and hurting others. In fact, of the last six
wars in which the United States was involved (Kuwait, Bosnia,
Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya), four were undertaken to
rescue Muslims and the other two (Afghanistan and Iraq) had the
side benefit of liberating Muslims -- to what end remains an open
- - - - -
Eric Holder's Justice Department investigates itself over the
"Fast and Furious" gun-running debacle and finds that the boss --
Holder -- had nothing to do with it. We're shocked, stunned AND
amazed ...
- - - - -
Now that it's open news that MediaMatters, the George Soros-funded
ultra-left propaganda mill, collaborates with Eric Holder's
(In)Justice Department to promote racist and leftist policies,
longtime listeners to me on ABC-San Francisco may recall that, at
the end of my twenty-five years with ABC, I was under relentless,
lying attack from the MediaMatters scumbags. And the station
ownership caved in to them and asked me to apologize for totally
true accusations I made about MediaMatters and their Mr.
Moneybags, Soros. I refused, but management did issue a totally
bogus apology, voiced by a company stooge. I knew right away that
my days with the then-owners of ABC Radio were numbered, but stuck
it out to a court fight -- and won.
It was a classic case of media
- - - - -
Today's GOOD news comes from a northern province of Iran where
Hojatoleslam Ali Beheshti, one of those crazed Muslim fanatic
preachers, accosted a woman who wasn't completely covered enough
for his tastes. He began to lecture her ... and she beat the hell
out of him. Put him in the hospital for three days.
- - - - -
Jay Leno --
"All over the world people are chanting,
"Death to America." Except in China, where they're chanting, "Not
until we get our
money back."
September 21 --
The slaughter of an American ambassador and other U.S. citizens
working at a consulate in Libya plus attacks on our embassies in
other insane Muslim countries prompts this question: Why do we need embassies and
consulates in all these hostile nations? Other than as bases for
intelligence-gathering operations, what practical purpose do they
serve? Based on evident results, they don't even function very
well in the pursuit of intelligence.
What vital business could not be as well
done via the multiple communications links available in today's
world? Why do we need the aggravation, expense -- and yes,
exposure to danger -- of planting a handful of Americans in
expensive real estate in an endlessly hostile environment? Given
serious thought, the whole concept seems a relic of some
19th-century hidebound tradition. "You burn 'em, we fix 'em."
Instead of sacrificing our own interests,
money and people in order to "engage" with people who hate us,
perhaps we might do well to remember this piece of timeless
wisdom: "Good fences make good neighbors."
- - - - -
Notice how the Libyan riot and murders were front page news in
liberal rags and the lead story on TV when Obama & Co. were
blaming them on some video nobody's ever seen that supposedly
insults Mohammed ... but the story got quickly minimized when it
became clear that it was all an organized 9/11 anniversary
terrorist plot and there was
no riot? Yes, bin Laden's dead -- but Muslim terrorism sure as
hell isn't.
Re the media reaction: As Jack Paar once said to a
newspaper columnist who'd insulted him in print and later
apologized when they chanced to meet in a restaurant rest-room,
"Okay, but next time insult me in the men's room and apologize on
the front page."
- - - - -
Wes Pruden (Washington Times) on where we stand vis a vis Obama's
beloved Muslims ...
"The American embassy in Pakistan battens
down under siege. The prime minister of Iraq, thought to be an
American ally, beats the dead horse on which the infamous video
rides. Protests and demonstrations shut down a U.S. consulate in
Indonesia. Crowds in Afghanistan chant death for America (when
they aren’t killing American soldiers.) But serenity is the rule
in Washington.
"The president prefers life in his
bubble, where he can survey the world as he imagines it is, eager
to hear another speech, rather than the world as it really is,
full of bad people on their way to the mosque and keen to kill,
maim and dismember Americans to please Allah. If only Israel would
behave and the First Amendment disappear. Peace and love would
envelop us all.
- - - - -
Consider it. With the threat of war looming ever larger in the
middle-east, your president has time to peddle lies via David
Letterman's suck-up TV show and even time to BS with a local Miami
disc-jockey who calls himself "The Pimp with the Limp," but can't
find an hour to meet with the Israeli Prime Minister who faces a
ticking clock in the form of Iran's nuclear program. A Prime
Minister who may be forced to respond to repeated threats of
extermination of his nation by launching a pre-emptive attack that
could quickly escalate into nuclear war.
Of course, Obama has other priorities.
Like keeping up with the purchase of his Hawaii retirement mansion
by rich donors who have profited enormously from his presidency.
After all, he wouldn't want to retire to the political sewer that
spawned him, Chicago, where you can only play golf seven months a
- - - - -
Reality check: The last of the additional "surge" troops Obama
ordered into Afghanistan almost three years ago have now left,
with 68,000 American troops remaining. This is the war Obama said
was "necessary" and more important than Iraq.
It is far past time to face the fact: We
lost. We got more (over 2,000) American troops killed and achieved
what? Nothing. Zip. Zilch. Zero. No matter how much
window-dressing is applied, we lost. Again (a la Vietnam).
There was never either the public or
political will to win. All that's left is broken-hearted families
grieving for their lost loved-ones without even the consolation
that, unlike those who gave their lives in World War 2, these
soldiers accomplished ... in the end ... nothing. They paid for
the stupidity of incompetent politicians. More accurately, an incompetent
"Necessary?" Oh, really?
- - - - -
Here's how loaded polls are calculated to deceive ...
A new Pew Research poll has Obama up by 8
percent. In the fine print: Their surveyed sample consisted of
37.1% Democrats ... 30.6% Republicans ... 32.3% independents.
What result would you expect?
- - - - -
Was this intended as comedy? Barack Obama spent his first two
years in office in a cozy relationship with both houses of
Congress controlled by his own party, and he says he learned that
Washington "can't be changed from the inside?!"
Then does he want to be back OUTside??
Let's hope ...
- - - - -
So now Kato Kaelin, a key
witness in the O. J. Simpson murder trial, says O.J. did
kill his ex-wife. Anybody surprised?
I vividly recall the
day the verdict was announced. At ABC in San Francisco, all who
could break away from their duties for a few minutes gathered in a
large conference room to hear the verdict.
Before it was announced, the station
president asked for a show of hands.
"How many think he'll be found
guilty?" All but one person raised a hand.
"How many think he won't be found
guilty?" One hand rose. Mine. There were gasps. Many voices asked,
"You don't think he's guilty?!"
"Of course I do," I responded, "But look
at him ... then look at the jury. That black jury will never
convict him."
I was right, of course. For the same
reason, I don't expect all the logic in the world to dissuade
90%-plus of black voters from voting for Barack Obama.
That isn't racism talking. It's common
sense, supported by history. Actor Samuel L. Jackson was being
candid when he, a black man, plainly stated, "I'll vote for him
because he's black."
And all the political correctness the
liberal goo-goos can muster won't change that reality. And sadly,
Dr. Martin Luther King's dictum that people should be judged by
the content of their character rather than the color of their skin
is in the dead-letter office.
- - - - -
Today's recommended reading ... AMERICANTHINKER.COM website and
the article by Frank Lipkes. Prepare yourself.
- - - - -
Two news stories ...
Polls say Obama leads in the key state of
Ohio ...
Median household income in Ohio lowest in
25 years, poverty highest in 30 years.
How do those two items add up? Are that
many Ohioans just plain nuts?
- - - - -
Seven of the ten richest counties in the nation are in the
Washington, D.C., area. The answer to one question explains why:
Who is the largest employer in that area?
That was too easy, wasn't it? So's question
#2: Who's getting screwed-over, taxpayers, or government
Class dismissed.
- - - - -
Victor Davis Hanson, correct as usual ...
"As a candidate and as president, Obama
assumed that his own multicultural politics, his familiarity with
Islam, his novel transracial personal story and his repudiation of
George W. Bush would all combine to win over the Middle East.
Supposedly, Middle Eastern dislike of America had little to do
with longstanding existential differences that did not start with
Bush and won't end with Obama.
"That myth-making is now discredited. But
it still makes it hard for the administration to admit that hatred
in Egypt is deep-seated and irrational -- and has very little to
do with a silly video. Those in the Arab street hate the West and
America because they are told daily that our supposed godlessness
and decadence should not make us so rich and powerful --
especially when such pious believers as themselves are so poor and
- - - - -
Something to ponder at bedtime. The finances of this nation and
your personal financial future are largely in the hands of Ben
Bernanke, Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Based on the ample
evidence of his actions and announced plans, the man is either a
fool or a gambler willing to risk the value of the dollar, our
national economy and your economic future in what amounts to a
crap-game. And he is betting on a scheme he's already used twice
-- "stimulus," meaning printing more increasingly worthless money
-- and it failed.
try to sleep.
- - - - -
Words to read and heed ...
"We are at war. We are at war with
an enemy as savage, as voracious, as heartless as the Nazis but
one wouldn’t know it from our behavior. During WWII we didn’t
refer to storm troopers as freedom fighters. We didn’t call
the Gestapo, militants. We did not justify the Nazis rise to
power as our fault. We did not grovel before the Nazis,
confessing to abusing and mistreating and humiliating the German
"Evil – ultimate, irreconcilable, evil
threatened us and Roosevelt and Churchill had moral clarity and an
exquisite understanding of what was at stake.
"In WWII we won because we got it.
We understood who the enemy was and we knew that the end had
to be unconditional and absolute. We did not stumble around
worrying about offending the Nazis. We did not measure every
word so as not to upset our foe. We built planes and tanks
and battleships and went to war to win….. to rid the world of
malevolence." -- Rabbi Schlomo Lewis, Atlanta
- - - - -
Pollster Scott Rasmussen is correct in opining that, if Romney
manages to lose an election that should be a walkover win against
an utter failure in the White House, the Republican
"establishment" might as well pack it in.
The Tea Party will become the de facto
Republican Party. No wussies need apply.
- - - - -
Reader Rick contributes some sterling examples of
politically-incorrect British humor from various publications
there ...
Police in London have found a bomb
outside a mosque.They've told the public not to panic as they've
managed to push it inside.
I was reading in the paper today
about this dwarf that got pick-pocketed. How could anyone stoop so
During last night's high winds an African
family were killed by a falling tree. A spokesman for the
Birmingham City council said "We didn't even know they were living
up there".
Rick, go to your room!
September 22 --
Did you ever hear of such
lunacy?! Barack Obama is spending your
tax dollars buying TV commercials in Pakistan apologizing for
some obscure anti-Muslim video that nobody ever heard of until
Al Qaeda decided it would make a good vehicle for arousing a
bunch of heathen hyenas to kill Americans! He is, in effect,
apologizing for our First Amendment freedom of speech rights.
Meantime, the government of Pakistan
declared a holiday from work so their loonies could go out and
indulge in anti-American riots yesterday, which resulted in at
least 21 deaths. Gee, that apology really worked well, didn't
If we had a Congress
with the balls of a bantam rooster, this farce alone would get The
Manchurian Candidate impeached.
- - - - -
Burt Prelusky on Obama's farcical "foreign policy" ...
"Even Obama must be embarrassed by the
obvious failure of his Middle East policy, which consisted of
feeding the Muslims a load of bull hockey about their alleged
contributions to America and the world. Judging by the firestorm
of anti-Americanism that is streaking across the Muslim world,
stretching from Egypt to Indonesia, one can easily see that soft
words have no effect on them. Perhaps because even they realize
how backward and vicious they really are, they assume that anyone
who is praising them is only doing so out of cowardice and fear.
And for once, they’d be right.
"As with a mad dog, you can avoid it by
staying indoors. Or you can shoot it on sight. But you are never
going to turn it into a house pet with a lot of soft soap."
- - - - -
Note to any Democrat whiners who want to get their tax rate down
to 14%, as Mitt Romney did:
All you have to do is give more than $4
million -- 30% of his income -- to charity ... also as Mitt Romney
If you're feeling guilty, you could also
do what he did -- pay more than legally required. Wonder when
Harry Reid last did that ...
- - - - -
A timely suggestion from Jim Eason ...
"Now that Romney has revealed his 2011 tax returns...will the
Honorable Senator from Nevada, "Dirty Harry," (1) apologize, or
(2) identify his anonymous source...
"Nah, I didn't think so."
- - - - -
A pertinent observation by Jonah Goldberg ...
"In Pakistan, Egypt and the Palestinian
territories, Christians are being harassed, brutalized and even
murdered, often with state support, or at least state indulgence.
And let's not even talk about the warm reception Jews receive in
much of the Muslim world.
"And yet, it seems you can't turn on
National Public Radio or open a newspaper or a highbrow magazine
without finding some oh-so-thoughtful meditation on how
anti-Islamic speech should be considered the equivalent of
shouting 'fire in a movie theater. It's an interesting comparison.
First, the prohibition on yelling "fire" in a theater only applies
to instances where there is no fire. A person who yells 'fire'
when there is, in fact, a fire is quite likely a hero.
"If free speech in America causes a
comparative handful of zealots to want to murder Americans, the
correct response is to protect Americans from those zealots
(something the Obama administration abjectly failed to do in
Libya) and relentlessly seek the punishment of anyone who
- - - - -
Reader Margie contributes this invaluable quote ...
"To sit back hoping that someday, some
way, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the
crocodile, hoping he will eat you last. But eat you he will." -- Ronald
- - - - -
Best news of the week: poll numbers showing that 60% of Americans
trust the media little -- or not at all. Having spent an entire
working lifetime doing much radio, a good bit of TV and even some
newspaper work, I can assure you that distrust is entirely
justified, especially the slanted political "reporting."
- - - - -
If you aren't following the series in the Washington Examiner
called "The Obama You Don't Know," you should. Here's an excerpt
"President Obama's controversial
relationships with radical figures like Columbia University
professor Rashid Khalidi have been well-publicized in recent
"Prior to his academic career in the
United States, Khalidi worked for Yasser Arafat's Palestine
Liberation Organization when it was classified by the State
Department as a terrorist group.
"Less well-known is a cluster of Chicago
businessmen who formed an Arab-American network at the heart of
Obama's political apparatus.
"Chief among them was Obama mentor Tony
Rezko. Born in Aleppo, Syria, home of strongman Bashar al-Assad,
Rezko migrated to the U.S. in the late 1970s and built a political
and financial empire in Chicago and Springfield, the Illinois
"Rezko is now serving a 10-year federal prison
sentence following his convictions on federal fraud and bribery
charges related to disgraced Gov. Rod Blagojevich and state
There's more. Much, much more. And an ignorant American public,
kept that way by the obsequious media, badly needs to know more
about the fraud they put in the White House.
- - - - -
Pass this along to any Democrat dope you might be trying to rescue
from the clutches of ignorance and gullibility ...
"Joe Biden has a bumper-sticker phrase to
justify reelecting the president: 'Bin Laden is dead, and GM is
alive.' Some, such as former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm,
doubled down on the demagoguery during the Democratic
National Convention, declaring that Barack Obama
saved not just General Motors, but the auto industry itself. But
is it really true that were it not for the president, there would
be no American auto industry?
"Obama didn’t 'save the car companies
from bankruptcy,' let alone 'save the auto industry' — he simply
saved the UAW, the administration’s political ally, from a
bankruptcy judge. Judge Gerber’s ruling in July of 2009 was simply
a rubber stamp of a corrupt government restructuring by fiat. --
Rand Simberg, PJ Media
- - - - -
Culpa, mea culpa ...
Knew better, but didn't do better.
Yesterday I misspelled the name of a TV legend, Jack PAAR. Used
two R's instead of two A's. It was later corrected, but my
gigantic staff of 500+ will be savagely beaten and put on
starvation rations.
- - - - -
An (almost) necessary evil: the post-game show. Especially on
radio. As a broadcaster of long-standing -- sometimes long-sitting
-- I well understand the economics of sports on radio and TV.
Broadcast rights are expensive, and those pre- and post-game shows
bring in more advertising revenue to pay for those deals.
Pre-game shows serve at least to whet the
appetite of the fan for the upcoming event. Post-game shows ...
well, I've done 'em, and even as a participant I always felt,
"This is a waste of time."
The best ending to a baseball broadcast
I've ever heard came years ago on a visit to San Francisco, long
before I lived there. The Giants were on KSFO with Russ Hodges and
Lon Simmons doing the game. It ended. One or the other said,
within seconds of the last out, "That's it. Giants beat the Cubs,
3 to 2!" And a hit song immediately begins as KSFO got on with its
regular entertainment programming. As I recall, Jim Lange was on
the air at the time.
I said to my companions at the time, "Perfect.
That's the way to do it! When the game is over, it's OVER."
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton with distressing news ...
"Colombia's Queen of Cocaine Griselda Blanco
was assassinated by a motorcyclist on the streets of Colombia
Tuesday. Thirty years ago she pioneered the distribution of
cocaine on a national scale. She was succeeded by her
second-in-command, Lindsay Lohan.
- - - - -
A longtime friend who's taken up the unfortunate habit of counting
his birthdays forwards these philosophical gems ...
Now that I'm "older" (but refuse to grow
up), here's what I've discovered:
I started out with nothing, and I still have most of it.
My wild oats have turned into prunes and All Bran.
I finally got my head together; now my body is falling
Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.
Funny, I don't remember being absent-minded.
If all is not lost, where is it?
It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser.
Some days you're the dog; some days you're the hydrant.
Kids in the back seat cause accidents.
Accidents in the back seat cause kids.
It's hard to make a comeback when you haven't been anywhere.
If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would have put them on
my knees.
These days, I spend a lot of time thinking about the
hereafter. I go somewhere to get something and then wonder what
I'm here after.
Funny, I don't remember being ... absent-minded.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional.
September 23 --
A high-ranking government minister in Pakistan has offered a
$100,000 reward for the killing of the man who produced the video
that has Muslims throwing a murderous hissy-fit, even though a
tiny few have ever seen it. This is an open murder-for-hire offer
to kill a man in the United States over a piece of video, the only
relevance of which is as a vehicle for Islamic fanatics to arouse
an ignorant mob.
Be aware that Pakistan is a wretched
country we have given, and are still giving, billions of dollars
in U.S. taxpayer money, even as its government declares a holiday
(called, incredibly, "Day of Love") for the purpose of rioting and
burning U.S. flags -- and killing more than twenty people -- their
OWN people, while burning their own cars, etc. The place
is and always has been a madhouse run by crazies. Yet we continue
to pour money into it; money we have to borrow from China.
We live in a country run by lunatics.
- - - - -
Reduced to basics, here's why Obama and his spokesparrots kept
lying and denying that the murders of our Libyan ambassador and
three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya, was a terrorist attack
for days after everyone on the planet (who cared) knew it was
precisely that:
He lied because Muslim terrorism exposes
his entire foreign policy as a fraud and a delusion. After all,
putting him in the White House was supposed to end Muslim
hostility toward America.
Now they're burning him in effigy all
over the Islamic world. He's a fool and a failure, and only the
willfully blind and hopelessly stupid refuse to see it.
- - - - -
The erudite Thomas Sowell has a message for Romney ...
"One of the biggest of the election year
lies is that Republicans want to sacrifice the poor in order to
have "tax cuts for the rich." That would be grossly immoral — if
it were true.
"But so long as Republicans don't seem to
feel any urgency about refuting the Democrats' claim that they
just want to help the rich at the expense of the poor, they are
courting defeat on election day. Why lose to a lie because you
didn't bother to explain the truth?
"Some of the time that was spent at the
Republican convention trying to 'humanize' Mitt Romney could have
been better spent debunking the Democrats' talking points. After
all, we are not going to be voting for a Buddy-in-Chief in the
White House, but for someone with some clear ideas about what this
country needs — and who is willing to share those ideas with us in
plain English."
- - - - -
Not all the heads of the twelve regional Federal Reserve banks
agree with Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke's policy of putting more
(inflated) currency into circulation. RealClearPolitics carries
these recent quotes ...
"It will come as no surprise to those who
know me that I did not argue in favor of additional monetary
accommodation during our meetings last week. I have repeatedly
made it clear, in internal deliberations and in public speeches,
that I believe that with each program we undertake to venture
further in that direction, we are sailing deeper into uncharted
... and, directed to Sen. Chuck
Schumer, Democrat from New York ...
"... you and your colleagues, Democrat
and Republican alike, have encumbered our nation with debt, sold
our children down the river and sorely failed our nation. Sober
up. Get your act together. Illegitimum non carborundum; get on
with it. Sacrifice your political ambition for the good of our
country—for the good of our children and grandchildren. For unless
you do so, all the monetary policy accommodation the Federal
Reserve can muster will be for naught.”
Will Bernanke's cheap money policy fix the sick economy? A Duke
University survey of almost 900 CEO's found that an overwhelming
majority said ... no.
- - - - -
From CNS News, what the White House Marxist has done to our
economy ...
The United States has slipped to
18th in the world when it comes to economic freedom,
according to an annual ranking of nations issued by the Fraser
The U.S. has moved down 10 places over
the last decade, the top Canadian think-tank said in its
annual report on economic freedom around the globe.
From 1980 to 2000, the U.S. was generally
rated the third freest economy in the world, ranking behind only
Hong Kong and Singapore.
The rankings are based on size of
government, legal system and property rights, sound money, freedom
to trade internationally and regulation. This year’s index shows
that Hong Kong retains the highest rating for economic freedom,
8.90 out of 10. The other top 10 nations are: Singapore (8.69);
New Zealand (8.36); Switzerland (8.24); Australia (7.97); Canada
(7.97); Bahrain (7.94); Mauritius (7.90); Finland (7.88) and
Chile (7.84).
- - - - -
"The difference between Obama and Romney or between Obama and any
normal American is that he lies so shamelessly. For instance, at a
recent campaign stop, he started a sentence by saying, 'When I
travel around the country and meet with Republicans…'
"I want to know exactly where these
meetings took place. The only time you see him meeting with anyone
is when he’s bloviating to a crowd of worshipers." -- Burt
- - - - -
A life in radio ... and travel (cont.) ...
Some days ago, in a piece about the
Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem and the fact that its
keepers are representatives of several different religions, I
mentioned a remarkable event to which I was witness there.
My longtime travel business co-owner and
I were there escorting a large tour group. He was Greek-American,
an interesting man with a background in the clergy, international
intelligence, catering, owner of a talent agency, banking and
finally the travel industry.
We entered the church, which is
awe-inspiring, whatever your religion or even if you profess none.
There is a large star on the stone floor where the cross of Jesus'
crucifixion is believed to have stood. That particular part of the
church is administered by the Greek Orthodox Church, whose clerics
were present in abundance.
It is important to note that my colleague
bore no great resemblance to his late father, James (Americanized
name) Tsalikis, who had immigrated to America with nothing and
built a sizable poultry empire before giving most of his
considerable wealth to his children and returning to Athens to
live out his days.
Picture it: We have entered the Church of
the Holy Sepulchre, the burial place of Christ. It is jammed with
visitors. From across the room, looking over the heads of hundreds
of people, one elderly priest points directly at my colleague and
thunders, "You are the son of James Tsalikis!"
True. Stamatis Tsalikis, my colleague, was in
fact the son. He and this priest had never before seen or even
heard of each other, to the best of their knowledge.
Thus, there was no explanation for that
flash of recognition in a crowd of hundreds. Nevertheless, another
priest quickly came to us and escorted us down to the actual tomb
of Jesus Christ, a tiny enclosure with room for only two visitors
at a time.
Travel tip.
If you are ever fortunate enough to enter
that actual small sepulchre, be aware that the entryway is very
low. When you turn to leave, duck your head first. I didn't ...
bumped my head ... and may have made an unseemly but reflexive
remark. Perhaps. Who would know, other than my late colleague? And
- - - - -
If the NFL is really concerned about the fill-in game officials
letting things get out of hand (like the brawls between players)
there's a simple solution. Order the refs to throw out players
(and coaches) who start or encourage this behavior. And promise --
in writing -- that the expulsion will be backed-up by the league
with fines and suspensions (suspension means no game-checks; NFL
players are paid per-game). Then watch the nonsense stop.
Also ... Argus Hamilton suggests players must be penalized more
than five yards if they make fun of the Prophet Mohammed.
Argus also observes that, thanks to Britain's Princess Kate, Obama
and Romney aren't the only two boobs in the news every day.
- - - - -
Dakoda Garren of Vancouver is both a criminal and stupid. Really,
really stupid. Hired by a woman to do some work at her house, he
stole her coin collection and spent it all on a pizza and a movie.
They were rare coins ... worth $100,000.
- - - - -
Conan O'Brien --
"New Jersey is banning smiling in
driver's license photos. So now instead of telling drivers to say
'cheese, the DMV photographer will just say, 'You live in New
24 --
World leaders
are holding meetings today at the UN in New York; meetings about
serious matters. Barack Obama will be in New York, but not
talking with serious people about serious issues. Instead, he'll
be taping "The View" chat-fest with Barbara Walters, Whoopi
Goldberg and that cluster of silly sycophants -- excepting
Elizabeth Hasselbeck. I hope Ms. Hasselbeck is getting well paid
for subjecting herself daily to the ravings of that pack of
- - - - -
Now Egypt's
new president from the Muslim Brotherhood is telling us what we
HAVE to do. Can you imagine some tinhorn crackpot Muslim nutcake
telling Ronald Reagan what America has to do?
A moment's recollection of him ordering the bombing of the very
house Muammar Khadafy lived in should suffice for an answer.
- - - - -
Len, the
haiku master, summarizes Obama's "foreign policy" in the classic
form of Japanese poetry: three lines, with five syllables each
in the first and third lines, seven in the second ... rhyming
not a factor:
Foreign Policy.
The stern message sent abroad.
It's "Please don't hurt us !"
- - - - -
If Democrats
were capable of being embarrassed to the point of humiliation,
they would surely feel shame that their Dear Leader is so
contemptuous of them he is confident he can lie to them,
obviously and repeatedly, and still depend upon their
boot-licking, butt-kissing adoration. As a group, evolution
obviously passed them by.
- - - - -
One certain
effect of Ben "The Boob" Bernanke's "quantitative easing" --
double-talk for "create more money out of thin air to try to
help Obama's wretched economy" -- is this:
You will pay more for gasoline than you would
otherwise. Oil producers around the world know very well that
more legal-counterfeit dollars makes each of those bucks worth
less. So ... they'll demand more of them for each barrel of oil
than the market would otherwise dictate.
is about REAL inflation, which is not a rise in prices per se,
but an increased supply of dollars, making each worth less. And
that is why inflation is called "the hidden tax" and why it is
so beloved by demagogic politicians. It's a wonderful way to rip
off the suckers who just don't get it.
- - - - -
Bernanke or Mullah Barack can explain to us how they expect the
economy to recover, since the economy depends so heavily on the
energy which is the target of this idiotic administration, as
witness coal-fired electric power plants being shut down in
Obama's the accurately-described "war on coal."
A lot of life-long Democrats whose livelihoods
depend on coal-mining are getting a painful lesson in where
their silly and slavish devotion has taken them.
- - - - -
Mark Steyn's
measure of our Dear Leader ...
“I’m a believer in elites, and I’m a believer in achievement,
but the idea that a guy has a million bucks worth of education
at Occidental, Columbia, Harvard Law, and he becomes a community
He becomes a constitutional scholar who doesn’t actually teach anything.
He has this charmed life. He’s just wafted upwards until a
combination of circumstances gives him the ultimate waft in
2008, and becomes president. And he’s someone who, to use an old
Rumsfeld line, doesn’t know what he doesn’t know.”
"“He has this kind of invincible ignorance, so that when
something happens, he goes off and he flies in to Cairo and
gives his usual
speech, and
he thinks OK, that’s it, that’s the Muslim world taken care of, next.
“And then when it all explodes and blows up in his face, he’s
not even interested enough to try and find out what’s going on here.
And I think it’s that perfect pampered, cosseted, invincible
ignorance. And if you’ve ever been on an American college campus and just
tried to plant a new thought in this sort of indestructible
faculty-lounge group think, you’ll be very familiar with the way Obama
approaches these things.”
- - - - -
coaches, like baseball managers, seem to be committed to old
tactics, even if they make no sense. Practices like the "prevent
defense," which so often only prevents winning.
Then there's "icing the kicker," i.e., calling a time-out just
before a placekicker attempts a field goal, the objective being
to rattle his nerves. It may sometimes work in high school or
college, but it simply doesn't work in the pros.
Yesterday provided a perfect example. On a day when the
(under)dogs were barking loudly, the Miami Dolphins blew their
chance to topple the New York Jets and their coach won the "NFL
Idiot of the Week" award.
The game was tied in overtime. The Jets kicker came on to
attempt a game-winning field goal. At the last second, the Miami
coach called a time-out to "ice the kicker." The play was
already in motion -- and the Dolphins blocked the kick. But the
officials granted the Miami time-out ... after which the Jets
kicker got a second try -- and nailed it.
Earlier, broadcasters working a different game had pointed out
that while NFL kickers overall hit 70% of field-goal attempts,
after the "icing" tactics have been used against them, they
average 73%.
Unless the Dolphins' owner is a forgiving soul, both the stupid
coach and the Miami kicker, who missed two chances at winning
field goals, are both on Greyhound this morning.
- - - - -
Ever heard of
a jaguarundi? It's not a new model of a British sports car. It's
an animal, also known as a Mexican jaguar. Much to the surprise
of the folk at the Arizona Fish & Game Department, one has
been spotted in our neighborhood.
We live in southeast Arizona, which is part of the Sonoran
Desert than extends southward into Mexico. Lest the term
"desert" conjure pictures of endless sand dunes, the terrain is
largely mountainous -- there's a 9500-footer filling my windows;
but aridity defines a desert, and rainfall hereabout is largely
limited to a couple of months in summer.
I mention this because it turns out the jaguarundi, about two
feet tall and four feet long, normally is seen only in the
tropical jungle areas of Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula and other
parts of Central and South America.
Fish & Game says if one is seen, there's
probably a mate nearby. Domestic pets in the area may find life
more hazardous. That animal muttering heard beyond the cacti may
have been a jaguarundi couple saying grace: "Let us ... prey."
- - - - -
Hamilton --
"The State Department aired TV ads in Pakistan that show Hillary
Clinton apologizing for the anti-Muslim video on YouTube.
She's well-respected in the Muslim world.
They believe she's the only woman in America whose husband is allowed to
have multiple wives."
September 25 --
It was bound to happen. After three weeks of utterly incompetent
officiating in the NFL, a referee (not just a game official, but
THE referee) made such a blatantly mistaken call last night on the
last play of the Seattle-Green Bay game that it directly changed
the outcome.
The NFL is now officially a joke and
Roger Goodell, the commissioner, is a fool who should be fired by
the owners for allowing this absurd situation to develop and
fester. Can any football fan imagine such an insane mess happening
under the late Pete Rozelle?
- - - - -
Just so you know ...
The Democrat-controlled U.S. Senate has
voted by an overwhelming margin to continue giving your tax
dollars in foreign aid to Pakistan, Libya and Egypt where mobs
encouraged by the government -- in Egypt and Pakistan -- burn
American flags and scream "Death to America."
Pakistan, of course, tortured and
continues to imprison the Pakistani doctor who helped U.S. forces
find Osama bin Laden.
The vote was held Saturday when it would
be given little media attention.
- - - - -
Cliff May (National Review Online) clarifies the root-cause of
Muslim rage ...
"Islamists are inspired by Hassan
al-Banna, the Egyptian intellectual who in 1928 founded the Muslim
Brotherhood, and who declared, simply and plainly, that “it is the
nature of Islam to dominate, not to BE dominated, to impose its
laws on all nations and to extend its power to the entire planet.
"Among those laws as the Islamists
interpret them: Insulting Islam, its scriptures, or its Prophet is
forbidden to everyone everywhere. Infidels may not offend Muslims.
Those who violate these laws are to be punished."
What is not clear
- - - - -
Victor Davis Hanson summarizes the latest adventures of Barack the
Bungler ...
"If Obama were a conservative Republican,
a George W. Bush for example, the media narrative of Libyagate
would be one of an asleep, incompetent president, lieutenants who
were brazenly mendacious, an incompetent secretary of state, and
an administration conspiracy of silence — juxtaposed with a wider
story of a disastrous retreat from Afghanistan, an abandonment of
any influence in Iraq, a refusal to recognize the situation in
Syria and Egypt — and impotence as a war looms between Iran and
- - - - -
Between GM and Toyota, which would you say has been better at
evaluating an auto market over the past decade or two? Okay, the
question answers itself. Which is why Toyota has decided to
abandon the development of an all-electric car (they'll continue
the hybrid Prius) while Government Motors lurches along with the
ridiculous Chevy Volt and its pathetic sales only inflated by huge
discounts and enormous taxpayer subsidies for each piece of junk
- - - - -
How does one explain the wild variations in political polls this
far ahead of an election? Jay Cost offers this in the NY Post ...
"It’s only September.
"For political junkies, this statement makes little sense. They’ve
been paying close attention to the campaign for months now, and
are giddy over the fact that Election Day is quickly approaching.
But political junkies don’t swing elections. In fact, something
like 25 percent of voters make their voting decisions after
September, and anywhere from 10 percent to 20 percent will make
their final choice in the last week.
"This is why the polls have often swung
wildly in the final weeks of a campaign. It’s how a toss-up race
between Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan finished with a GOP blowout
in 1980. It’s how Bill Clinton went from being up 9 in
mid-September, 1992 to a tie with George H.W. Bush by the end of
" It’s how George W. Bush went from being 10
points down in September 2000 to the 43rd president in January
2001. And it’s how the very same Bush “blew” the 11-point lead he
enjoyed in late September 2004, defeating John Kerry by just 2
- - - - -
A real-world reminder from reader Deborah
"Appeasement is defined as
defeat on the installment plan."
A lesson Mullah Barack never
learned. Or did he?
- - - - -
Marilyn Monroe once sang, "After You Get What You Want, You Don't
Want It." That seems to be what's going on with the French, who
elected a Socialist president in May. His promise of huge tax
increases on income taxes for the successful prompted a sudden
mass exodus of those folk; they took their money and left the
Now, the latest public-approval poll
shows Monsieur Hollande suffering the steepest drop in many years
of any president's popularity, down from 54% in August to 43% in
- - - - -
The big no-no that's seldom discussed about malfunctioning Muslim
societies is the fact, and it is
a fact, that marriage between cousins is common and an accepted
Nicolai Sennels is a Danish psychologist who
has done extensive research into a little-known problem in the
Muslim world: the disastrous results of Muslim inbreeding brought
about by the marriage of first-cousins.
This practice, which has been prohibited in the Judeo-Christian
tradition since the days of Moses, was sanctioned by Muhammad
and has been going on now for 50 generations (1,400 years) in
the Muslim world.
According to Sennels, close
to half of all Muslims in the world are inbred. In Pakistan, the
numbers approach 70%. Even in England, more than half of Pakistani
immigrants are married to their first cousins.The numbers are
equally devastating in other important Muslim countries.
According to the BBC, this Pakistani,
Muslim-inspired inbreeding is thought to explain the probability
that a British Pakistani family is more than 13 times as likely to
have children with recessive genetic disorders. While Pakistanis
are responsible for three percent of the births in the UK , they
account for 33% of children with genetic birth defects.
Learning ability is severely affected as
well. Studies indicated that 64% of school children with Arabic
parents are still illiterate after 10 years in the Danish school
system. The immigrant drop-out rate in Danish high schools is
twice that of the native-born.
- - - - -
Mark Steyn's take on the Barack/Hillary condemnation of a video
virtually no on has seen ...
"What other entertainments have senior
U.S. officials reviewed lately? Last year Hillary Clinton went to
see the Broadway musical "Book of Mormon." "We reject all efforts
to denigrate the religious beliefs of others"? The Book of
Mormon's big showstopper is "Hasa Diga Eebowai," which apparently
translates as 'F*** You, God.' The U.S. Secretary of State stood
and cheered.
"Why does Secretary Clinton regard 'F***
You, God' as a fun toe-tapper for all the family but 'F***, You
Allah' as 'disgusting and
reprehensible'? The obvious answer is that, if you sing the
latter, you'll find a far more motivated crowd waiting for you at
the stage
"In the Middle East, Islam had always
been beyond criticism. It was only natural that, as their numbers
grew in Europe, North America and Australia, observant Muslims
would seek the same protections in their new lands. But they could
not have foreseen how eager Western leaders would be to serve as
their enablers.
... As the more cynical Islamic imperialists occasionally
reflected, how quickly the supposed defenders of liberal,
pluralist, Western values came to sound as if they were competing
to be Islam's lead prison bitch."
- - - -
Catch this Wall Street Journal item by Nick Schulz?
"At a recent dinner in Washington, D.C.,
with representatives from major American manufacturing companies,
I listened as the talk turned to how hard it is to find qualified
applicants for jobs.
"'What exactly are the skills you can't
find?' I asked, imagining that openings for high-tech positions
went begging because, as we hear so often, the training of the
U.S. workforce doesn't match up well with current corporate needs.
"One of the representatives looked
sheepishly around the room and responded: 'To be perfectly honest
. . . we have a hard time finding people who can pass the drug
- - - - -
Somebody please pass this to David Brooks of the NY Times and Joe
Scarborough of MSNBC:
You guys ... conservative?! Who the
(bleep) do you think you're kidding?!
- - - - -
"Friends, Romans, countrymen ..." -- Houston Texans' quarterback
Matt Schaub. (For details, see the sports section of your local
And so concludes my most obscure attempt
at lame humor for the entire month ...
- - - - -
Candor in advertising ...
A New Jersey homeowner put a "For Sale"
sign on his lawn that was extraordinarily revealing. It says,
"House for sale by owner because my neighbor's an a--hole."
- - - - -
Steven Wright --
"I'm writing a book about reverse
psychology. Please don't buy it."
September 26 --
The sellout to Islam continues ...
In Sacramento and San Francisco,
Armstrong & Getty, hosts of the morning show on KSTE
& KKSF have been suspended for suggesting that
listeners might want to post internet items ridiculing
Islam so its adherents can learn to either laugh at
themselves or at least learn to tolerate it in others.
In short, Muslims can rant about
killing Americans ... "artists" can display a crucifix
immersed in urine ... Broadway can ridicule Mormons -- but
it's a no-no to disparage Islam.
Thus have we become a nation of
- - - - -
Stein has also noticed the sellout of Big Media (MSM-"Mainstream Media")
to Islam ...
always call him, without quotation marks, The Prophet
Mohammed, as
if everyone with any sense understands that of course Mohammed is
The One True Prophet and that it's just understood
that Mohammed is
The Prophet.
"Now, if Muslims want
to believe that Mohammed is The Prophet,
God bless them. Fine and dandy. If anyone wants to
believe that,
good luck to him or her. But why does our
media here in the USA, an overwhelmingly Christian
refer to Islam's prophet as 'The Prophet'?
"Can you imagine the
New York Times running a
story about a crucifix resting in urine at an "art
gallery" as an
offense against 'The Lord Jesus, Son of God'? Can you
imagine any
large newspaper in this country running a story about
the Pope and
referring to him as 'The Holy Father, The Bridge Between
Heaven and
Earth'? Or about Mary, as 'Holy Mary, Mother of God'? It
never happen.
"When the American media turns its back on
our own religions of tolerance and adores a religion
intolerance, times are upside down. The MSM says it's
all fine,
trust The Prince of Grant Park, Chicago. But I have
preferred the admonition, "Put not your trust in
Something is wrong." -- The American Spectator
- - - - -
Andrew McCarthy,
who prosecuted the blind sheikh who planned the first
attack (by truck bomb) on the World Trade Center is the
author of Spring
Fever: The Illusion of Islamic Democracy. He gets to
the bottom line on Obama's delusions ...
"Obama’s 'outreach policy is
based on a thoroughgoing fiction that imagines a sharp
divide between 'violent extremists' and '“Islamists' — the
former supposedly kill irrationally and wantonly; the
latter are “moderates” committed to pursuing their agenda
through regular politics. In reality, they are all Islamic
supremacists. Terrorists — violent jihadists — kill very
rationally. Their goal is exactly the same as that of
other Islamists: They want sharia implemented because it
is the necessary precondition to Islamizing a society. The
'non-violent,' 'moderate' Islamists are a figment of our
bipartisan foreign-policy clerisy’s imagination." --
National Review Online
- - - - -
Andrew Klavan asks fellow Jews to
consider what they're doing if they vote for Obama ...
policy of apology and appeasement to Islamists is
giving strength and incentive to a world-wide movement
of jihad that has the destruction of Jews as one
of its primary goals. As a recent example: After
terrorists murdered our ambassador and military men in
Libya, Obama’s people refused to call terrorism
terrorism and instead blamed the pre-arranged 9/11
assault on a silly YouTube video. Encouraged by this
sort of puling weakness, Islamist protests have spread from
Libya to more than a dozen countries worldwide.
"Despite his
narcissistic belief that
his personal life experience would help him reach out to
the Muslim world, tension between
Islam and civilization is on the rise. Even Obama’s
strutting pride at having personally killed Osama bin
Laden with his bare hands is indicative of the fact that
he misunderstands that the Islamist chant is
true: 'Listen, Obama, we’re all Osama.' Terrorism isn’t
crime; it’s warfare.
"Jews don’t
always have to vote for what’s 'good for the Jews' But
Jews who vote for policies that encourage their own
annihilation are dumb Jews."
- - - - -
Reader Gregory offers this ...
Big labor's definition of
"collective bargaining":
"Gimme what I
want and if you can't afford it, TOO BAD!
- - - -
we really didn't need to know ... from Cindy Adams' NY
Post gossip column:
fruit and veggie dealer named Alam. His stand
contains the sign: "Wendy Williams gets her
bananas here.”
Don't ask.
- - - - -
NFL players are now talking about a strike over
incompetent officiating. Some have also suggested that in
this weekend's games, they just go out and "take a knee,"
the last-play(s) give-up gesture from a team that's
already locked up the win.
Commissioner Roger Goodell,
blamed for much of this debacle, works for the franchise
owners; don't be surprised if he's made the fall guy. Most
players detest him.
- - - - -
new career for the referee of Monday night's
Green Bay-Seattle game: Obama's press secretary.
I hope for his sake
he doesn't run into any of the bettors who lost hundreds
of millions of dollars on the game. I also hope I'm
wrong in even wondering if he made that stupid decision
out of fear of 70,000+ rabid Seattle fans charging
toward him out of the grandstand.
- - - -
Conan O'Brien --
"At the New England Patriots game,
coach Bill Belichick was so mad about a call by the
replacement referees that he grabbed a ref's arm.
Fortunately, Belichick was quickly stopped by the
referee's seeing-eye dog."
Human knowledge continues to
expand. Medical science has learned that eunuchs
outlive other men by as much as almost twenty years.
It's those naughty male hormones that give males a
shorter life expectancy than women, on average.
Despite this
payoff for castration, it should be remembered that
men who volunteer for it may not feel entirely
comfortable at the Black & White, Harvest Moon and
other ... balls.
- - - -
Today's (slightly out-of-season) missive
from Mike ...
The pastor of this Baptist church
had called all of the little children to the front of
the church, dressed in their cute Easter outfits and had
them sit around him.
said "Today is Easter and you all look so handsome
and beautiful. Today we're going to talk about the
resurrection. Does anyone know what the resurrection
One little boy raised his
hand, and the pastor said "Please tell us what the
resurrection is". The boy, proud that he knew the
answer, said in a clear loud voice "When you get one
lasting more than four hours, you gotta call a
September 27 --
Is anyone else getting sick of the constant media use of
"going forward"?
It's become as tiresome as the outdated "at that point
in time."
- - - -
Now it's totally out in the open: Obama was lying in his
teeth for over a week when he was insisting that the
Libya murders were incited by some silly video when he
knew all along it was pure terrorism -- and still lied
about it this week in his groveling UN speech. He'd do
anything to keep up the pretense that Muslims don't hate
America anymore since millions of morons put him in the
White House.
- - - - -
One of the biggest, yet most persistent and
widely-believed lies of Obama's campaigns, both four
years ago and today, is that his Obamacare will lower
the health-care cost for a family by $2,500. By every
rational accounting, it will in fact RAISE it by about
that amount and probably more.
- - - - -
Elizabeth Warren is the Democrat running for
the U.S. Senate in Massachusetts. She seems to be a
graduate of the Barack Obama College of Deception and
Dissembling. She's the Harvard law professor who
first claimed to be part American Indian ... apparently
used that minority status to get ahead at Hahvuhd -- and
it was a lie. Now it turns out she's been practicing law
without a license; she isn't even a licensed lawyer,
either. And Democrats as a breed are so stupid and
corrupt, she's still competitive in the race!
- - - - -
Survey says ...
Rasmussen finds 36% of
Americans think this country has the best economy in the
world. This is possibly explained by the likelihood that
many of the 36% have never been anywhere else. Returning
from places like Singapore or Switzerland is, in some
ways, like returning to a third-world country. Many
technologies that are new here are old stuff in several
countries, and often far cheaper. One example: internet
service in Japan costs a small fraction of the price we
Also from Rasmussen: "A plurality of likely voters — or
45 percent — believe that U.S. relations with the
Islamic world are worse under President Barack Obama
than they were under President George W. Bush. A
mere 18 percent believe that U.S.-Muslim relations are
Wait! Wasn't electing our
affirmative-action president supposed to solve all
- - - - -
Share this with any delusional acquaintance who might
actually believe that the White House Marxist is really
going to "fix" the economy ...
A survey of small business
owners and manufacturers -- the people who create most
American jobs -- finds that 55% say they wouldn't even
try to start a business in the government environment
Obama has created. Further, two thirds say there's too
much uncertainty about the constant flow of new
regulations, taxes and health-care costs to expand or
hire more workers. Doesn't bode well for prospects in a
second Obama term, does it?
Clearly, they think Obama's a
- - - - -
Newt Gingrich wields the subtle stiletto in his
description of Obama ...
" ... a guy who is a
brilliant performer as an orator who may well get
reelected at the present date. And who, frankly,
happens to be a partial,
part-time president. I mean he really
is a lot like the substitute referees in the sense that
he’s not a real president.”
- - - - -
George P. Shultz, Michael J. Boskin, John F. Cogan,
Allan H. Meltzer and John B. Taylor of the Hoover
Institution st Stanford University ask you to consider
some realities ...
"Did you know that annual spending
by the federal government now exceeds the 2007 level by
about $1 trillion? The four-year increase in borrowing
amounts to $55,000 per U.S. household.
"The government has to get the
money to finance its spending by taxing or borrowing.
While it might be tempting to conclude that we can just
tax upper-income people, did you know that the U.S.
income tax system is already very progressive? The top
1% pay 37% of all income taxes and 50% pay none.
"The problems are close to being
unmanageable now. If we stay on the current path, they
will wind up being completely unmanageable, culminating
in an unwelcome explosion and crisis.
"The fixes are blindingly obvious.
Economic theory, empirical studies and historical
experience teach that the solutions are the lowest
possible tax rates on the broadest base, sufficient to
fund the necessary functions of government on balance
over the business cycle; sound monetary policy; trade
liberalization; spending control and entitlement reform;
and regulatory, litigation and education reform. The
need is clear. Why wait for disaster? The future is
- - - - -
CNS News ran the stopwatch on Obama's latest gasbag
exercise before the UN. Result: He spent five minutes
apologizing for the video about Islam almost no one has
actually seen ... and 1 minute, 32 seconds on Iran's
nuclear weapons program.
In that ridiculous speech, he
averred that this is "a season of progress" in the
Islamic world. Enquiring minds want to know: Is he still
smoking grass?
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"This week it was discovered
that the Secret Service is using NFL replacement
referees to guard Mitt Romney."
- - - - -
Taxpayers spent $1.4 billion dollars on
everything from staffing, housing, flying and
entertaining President Obama and his family
last year, according to the author of a new book on
taxpayer-funded presidential perks. In comparison,
British taxpayers spent just $57.8 million on the royal
family. -- Robert Keith Gray, "Presidential Perks
Gone Royal"/Daily Caller
- - - - -
The Boston Herald
poses the question du jour: "Is Kennedy matriarch Ethel Kennedy
really winning any votes for her grandson,
congressman-wannabe Joe Kennedy III, by slapping his
bumper sticker on her Audi and then parking in a
handicapped spot with no handicapped plate? And what
about the Florida license plate? Word is that Grammy,
who winters in Palm Beach and summers in Hyannisport,
has become a resident of the Sunshine State. Which
means she can skip out on Massachusetts income tax and
local excise taxes on her sweet ride!“
Ethel enjoys not only the Florida sunshine but its
favorable tax policies.”
What?! A liberal icon trying to get
lower taxes?! We are surely stunned, shocked and amazed!
- - - - -
A few words worth spreading to friends, relatives,
acquaintances and brainwashed liberals ...
"President Obama lives in a world of
words. His presidency is marked by his worship of his
own rhetoric; he's said repeatedly that his worst
mistake as president is a failure to communicate with
the American people, as though his actions are secondary
to his mellifluous statements. Obama believes that words
drove Muslims to murder our ambassador in Libya, storm
our embassy in Tunisia and burn American flags in Cairo.
He thinks that words and actions can be equated. ... He
believes in a restricted vision of free speech, a
politically correct vision. That's not free speech at
all. It's tyranny." -- Ben Shapiro, columnist
- - - - -
Sports news ...
A cynical person to whom I am related
by marriage suggests that the regular NFL officials
should send part of the fruits of their new deal in the
form of a lavish gift to that pathetic stumblebum
referee who blew the call on the final play of the
Seattle-Green Bay game.
You can bet that every one of those
regular officials working tonight's game will be
fervently hoping that he doesn't screw up a call.
Conan O'Brien --
"Green Bay Packers fans are furious
after a controversial call in last night's game robbed
the Packers of a victory. Some are calling it the
worst call in NFL history, or at least since the Black
Eyed Peas were invited to play the Super Bowl."
Craig Ferguson --
"If you're a Packers fan, did you see the
game? To be honest, I wasn't watching the game live,
but then again, neither were the referees."
Golden Tate of the Seattle Seahawks
didn't catch that pass vs. the Packers; someone else
made that happen.
... also ...
Mr. Eason is spreading the
rumor that Matt Schaub is planning a lunch with Evander
Holyfield. (If you're not a sports fan, just skip it.)
- - - - -
Distressing news from Turkey, where residents were
shocked at the sight of the body of a woman floating in
the Black Sea .Brave rescuers swam out to save her, only
to find that she was a life-size inflatable doll,
manufactured to comfort deprived -- and kinky --
men. She had apparently been just ... used ...
then cast aside.
More proof that few
relationships are perfect ... and that men are just ...
- - - - -
Dan Sorkin provides ... Great Orators of the Democrat
Party PAST:
"One man with courage makes a
majority." - Andrew Jackson
"The only thing we have to fear
is fear itself." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Ask not what your country can
do for you; ask what you can do for your country." -
John F. Kennedy (plagiarized from Warren G. Harding)
And, Great Orators of the Democrat party TODAY:
"It depends what your
definition of 'Sex' is?''- Bill Clinton
"That Obama ... I would like to
cut his nuts off." - Jesse Jackson
"Those rumors are false ... I
believe in the sanctity of marriage." - John Edwards
"The next Person that tells me
I'm not religious, I'm going to shove my rosary beads up
their ass." - Joe Biden
"America is is no longer, uh,
what it, uh, could be, uh, what it was once was - uh,
and I say to myself, uh, I don't want that future, uh,
for my children.." - Barack Obama
"I have campaigned in all 57
states." - Barack Obama, 2008
"You don't need God anymore,
you have us Democrats." - Nancy Pelosi, 2006
"Paying taxes is voluntary." -
Sen. Harry Reid
"Bill is the greatest husband
and father I know. No one is more faithful, true, and
honest than he." - Hillary Clinton,
September 28 --
In the face of a disastrous economy and endless bungling
of foreign policy, a rational person might ask, "What
keeps Obama's chances of re-election alive?"
Most likely explanation: There's
so much fear of the future -- especially employment
prospects and the overall economic outlook -- that many
frightened folk look to Obama to protect them against
depending on your level of tolerance for the worst
president in history (by any realistic measure).
It's the tactic used by every
demagogue politician in history: "I will protect you from
the disastrous outcome of my policies!"
In the 20th century it worked for
the Big Four of evil ... Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini and
Mao. It's Page One in The Demagogue's Playbook.
- - - - -
Who said that?
First, re the "inflammatory"
anti-Muslim video few have seen: "What took place was
ugly; offending the Holy Prophet is quite ugly."
Then ... "The future must not belong
to those who slander the prophet of Islam."
#1-Mahmoud Ahmadinjad of Iran at the UN.
#2-Barack Obama at the UN.
"Step right up and getcha
program, folks! You can't tell the players without a
- - - - -
George Neumayr (The American Spectator)
on Obama's fatuous speech to the UN ...
"He emphasized
that the terrorists represent only a minor 'strain' in
Islam. This is a lie, and not even a particularly
flattering or useful one, as it invites the question:
Is the U.S. really so weak that a tiny fringe can kill
its diplomats and storm its embassies? For some reason
Obama thinks the humiliation is lessened by arguing
that the culprit was not a giant but a pipsqueak."
- - -
- -
Once again, just as in Al Gore's
2000 campaign in Florida, Democrats have been caught
trying to block voting by our military. This time it's
in closely-contested Ohio.
Let us hope
that folk in the Pentagon
are quietly taking note of this and filing it away for
future reference.
- - -
- -
Getting to the bottom line ...
The long-term
survival of America as we know it, as opposed to Obama's
promised "fundamentally transformed" nation, may very
well come down to the makeup of the U.S. Supreme Court.
There is a strong likelihood that Obama in a second term
would have the opportunity to turn the balance of the
court far to the left with the result that the
constitution would become meaningless. A "living
document" as liberals like to define it, meaning
"subject to the whim of the moment."
All of which
means that, if Romney loses, Republican control of the
Senate would be the last-ditch defense. That means not
only a majority labelled "R"; it means Republicans with
backbone instead of the "go along to get along"
attitude. It's a quality often absent in
Eastern-establishment types, especially. And sell-outs
like John McCain.
- - -
- -
Survey says ...
43% expect the economy to get
better if Romney wins, while only 34% expect improvement
under another Obama term. -- (Rasmussen)
I leave it to you to figure out
if -- or how -- that is in accord with polls showing
Obama ahead, some indicating him to be considerably ahead.
- - -
- -
I suspect that many Romney supporters have
unrealistic expectations about the positive impact Obama's
bungling of the Libya debacle on the campaign. I believe
it to be a dismaying fact that most Americans care
next-to-nothing about overseas events until an exploding
crisis somehow affects them in ways that cannot be
Most folk in this nation are, after
all, products of one of the sorriest education systems in
the advanced world, directed by people who are largely
hostile to American values or interests. The radical '60's
generation did
win control of American education, and the results are
evident in the election of a Barack Obama.
- - - - -
By now, anyone paying attention
should be accustomed to the routine. Bad economic news
is released by the Obama administration at the end of
the week when less notice is likely to be taken. Then,
the following week, the bad news is superseded by
revised numbers that are even worse.
Thus we now
get word that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), which
refers to the value of all goods and services created by
the nation's economy, is doing even worse than
previously announced. This largest measure of the
country's economic health has quietly been revised
downward from the previously announced growth rate of
1.7% to a pathetic 1.3%.
- - -
- -
Must-see video ... on YouTube ... just enter "Obama
voter free phone."
A perfect example of Obama/liberal politics in action --
with your tax money.
- - -
- -
Wes Pruden (Wash. Times) on the release of Mitt Romney's
tax returns ...
"Mr. Romney had actually paid more
than his fair share of taxes and that he gave away nearly
30 percent of his earnings to charity.
"This compares to President Obama's 21 percent for
charity -- and only 1.5 percent from Joe Biden, the
miserly old uncle in the attic. Joe's talent for
squeezing every penny until Abe squeals recalls Bill
Clinton's taking deductions for old underwear he gave to
charity. (To be fair, Bubba's skivvies were little worn,
since most of the time they were around his ankles.)"
- - - - -
Jim Eason's observation ...
"Americans got
furious, fast, about the NFL replacement officials' bad
call, and got action within three days.
"The ragheads
destroyed our embassy, killed several Americans -
including the person who represented our country
in their desolate land - and who's furious? And,
not when, but will there be any
- - - - -
From the Thomas Sowell series of articles on
"Obama vs. Obama," vital reading and easily found on the
internet ...
"Obama himself
is well aware of the nature and importance of his image.
In his own words, 'I serve as a blank screen on which
people of vastly different political stripes project their
own views.' An 18th century philosopher put the matter
bluntly: 'When I speak, I put on a mask. When I act, I am
forced to take it off.'
"Many of Barack
Obama's actions as President of the United States reflect
neither political expediency nor an attempt to promote the
best interests of the American people.
"The role of a
confidence man is not to convince skeptics, but to help
the gullible believe what they want to believe. Most of
what Barack Obama says sounds very persuasive if you don't
know the facts -- and often sounds like sheer nonsense if
you do. But he is not trying to convince skeptics, nor
worried about looking ridiculous to informed people who
won't vote for him anyway."
- - - - -
Democrat liars dep't. ...
Joltin' Joe Biden, court
jester of the Obama menagerie, told an Ohio crowd he'd
been a football player for the University of Delaware. A
Blue Hen (that's their sports nickname. Rich Gannon, who
quarterbacked the Raiders in their last Super Bowl was a
Blue Hen.)
IT ... IS ... another ... LIE.
- - - - -
Democrat politics in action: The Service Employees
International Union (SEIU) hired demonstrators to protest
at a Romney rally in Ohio, chanting "Romney Go Home." The
pay -- $11 per hour. To carry signs and howl like hyenas.
- - - - -
Obama's schedule for yesterday had him arriving back at
the White House at 2:10PM, with nothing on the agenda for
the rest of the day.
And he still had no time to meet with
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu over the boiling cauldron
in the middle-east.
Thus went the day for our sick joke of
a president, who fears offending his Muslim friends. After
all, what's the murder of a U.S. ambassador among friends?
- - - - -
The luster is off Gen. David Petraeus, now head of the
CIA. Members of Congress who were in the room during his
closed-door briefing on the Al Qaeda attack in Libya in
which our ambassador was killed say the evidence was clear
that it was a
planned action. So what did Petraeus do? Went out and lied
to the public to help the Obama administration push the
bogus story that it was a "protest" against that video
that just "got out of hand."
Sounds as if Obama got himself
another tame, politicized general.
- - - - -
From Breitbart News ...
"Army Lt. General (ret.) William
Boykin claims that individuals with connections to the
Muslim Brotherhood hold security clearances in both the
Pentagon and Department of Defense.
"Boykin says politicians on both
sides of the aisle are scared to pursue the truth on this,
for fear of being branded 'intolerant,' and the result of
their inaction is continued infiltration by the radical
Islamic organization.
"He claims
that people with ties to the Muslim Brotherhood hold
important positions 'in every major federal agency.'
"Boykin was
one of the original members of the Army's Delta Force,
served in clandestine operations for the CIA, and was
formerly a Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for
Serious food for thought ...
people will tamely surrender their liberties, nor can
any be easily subdued, when knowledge is diffused and
virtue is preserved. On the contrary, when people are
universally ignorant, and debauched in their manners,
they will sink under their own weight without the aid of
foreign invaders." --Samuel Adams, letter to James
Warren, 1775 -- From Founder's Quote Daily via Dan
- - - - -
Count one more believer in the
fundamentalist drivers' belief that, "If you can't drive
a stick-shift, you can't drive." That would be the thief
in Newark, N. J., who's now in jail because after
stealing a Porsche Turbo 911, he couldn't drive it away
because he'd never driven anything but an automatic.
Similarly, we
pilots who learned the basics still look down on any
airplane driver who can't handle a back-course ADF
instrument approach, even though in most of the world
it's obsolete. We know how ... and you don't ... so
- - - -
Madonna promises to strip naked in public if Obama wins. Or
is that more like a threat?
- - - -
Conan O'Brien --
"TLC has ordered more episodes of 'Here
Comes Honey Boo Boo' - just as the Mayans predicted."
September 29--
If you weren't already convinced your government is run by a
bunch of radical crazies, chew on this: The New York Times,
headquarters of the Obama Fan Club, reports that their Dear
Leader is planning to hand over $450 million in aid to ...
EGYPT! The country whose Muslim Brotherhood-member president
just openly stated that we are not allies.
Are we clear on this? We borrow money
from China ... to give to EGYPT! And unlike the idiots in
Washington, China does
expect to get repaid.
- - - - -
Are presidential debates game-changers? Pollster Scott
Rasmussen, who has the best record in that arcane science, says
"Heading into the debates, the conventional
wisdom suggests that Romney has fallen way behind and has to
dramatically change the course of the race in these head-to-head
events. Some even suggest that the debates are Romney's only
chance to bring about a change in the race.
"If that's true, Romney's in trouble.
The last time a presidential debate changed the race was in
1980, when Ronald Reagan outperformed Jimmy Carter. More recent
history shows the debates having only a modest impact."
- - - - -
The poll taken by the American Jewish Committee finding Obama
beating Romney 65%-24% just might, one suspects, lead a
Muslim-sympathizing Barack Obama to conclude, "If American Jews
don't care what happens to Israel, why should I?"
Meantime ...
The same Muslim Egyptian president who
demands tolerance -- or better yet, submission -- from
non-Muslims has nothing to say about Christian residents of the
town of Rafah, Egypt, fleeing for their lives from Muslims there
who threaten to kill all of them.
- - - - -
Let us not forget ...
The apologist for Islam in the White
House ... the one who still can't bring himself to utter the
word "terrorism" ... called the mass murder perpetrated at Ft.
Hood, Texas, by a Muslim officer in the U.S. Army ... "workplace
- - - - -
Susan Rice, the walking joke who is our ambassador to
that whorehouse on the East River in New York called "The United
Nations," is either stupid, a liar or a willing stooge for
Obama. Try to imagine the jokes being told about her by the
other delegates at that den of corruption.
- - - - -
The message to even the most simple-minded "undecided"
voter: Look at the numbers on the gasoline pump, idiot!
- - - - -
Ponder it: "The future must not belong to those who slander the
prophet of Islam." -- Barack Obama, speaking this week to the
Does or does not this suggest that
respect for Muhammad takes priority over First Amendment free
speech rights in the view of the President of the United States?
This president has made it
clear he wants to reduce America's standing in the world. He's
doing it. And wreaking economic havoc for millions of Americans
in the process. Yet those hurt worst still are enchanted by his
snake-oil salesman "charisma."
- - - - -
What kind of U.S. President would accede to the taxing of
Americans by the U.N.?
Let me check the crystal ball.
Ah, yes ... the letters are becoming clearer.
... O ... B ... A ...
Count on it. The effort to do
precisely that IS coming.
- - - - -
Democrats may have made a mistake by deriding criticism of the
47% of Americans who pay no income taxes. A new poll shows that
four-out-of-five people believe everyone should pay some income tax.
- - - - -
Another Thomas Sowell observation from his series of invaluable
articles, "Obama vs. Obama," easily found under his name on the
internet ...
"The vision in which Obama has been steeped
is one in which white Western nations have oppressed and
exploited non-white, non-Western nations, becoming rich and
arrogant at other people's expense. It is a vision that calls
out, not for justice, but for payback.
"When Jeremiah Wright said, "white
folks' greed runs a world in need" — and Obama, by his own
account, was moved to tears — this captured in a few
melodramatic words what a whole series of Obama's mentors and
allies had been saying for decades. No wonder it resonated with
"Despite hopes that Barack Obama's
election as President of the United States would mark the
beginning of a post-racial era in America, no hope was ever so
completely doomed from the outset. Anyone who looks beyond
Obama's soothing words about race to his record, from his
joining self-segregated black students in college to his
appointing Al Sharpton as a White House adviser, can see the
contrast between rhetoric and reality."
- - - - -
Notice how the old, dying alphabet networks -- ABC, CBS, NBC --
have virtually ignored the revelations that Obama's UN
ambassador Susan Rice was lying outrageously when she went on
all three, plus a couple of cable networks, to peddle the
fairytale about the anti-Muslim video causing the Muslim riots?
"Corrupt" doesn't even being to describe these so-called "news"
operations. They're populated by hacks whose top priority is to
get invited to White House dinners.
- - - - -
David Horowitz, who was a leader of the radical left in the
'60's before coming to his senses, recognizes what Obama is up
to ...
"An American compound in Libya is invaded by
al Qaeda terrorists and an American ambassador is purportedly
tortured before being killed. Muslim mobs attack American
embassies in 27 countries chanting,'Death to America.' The White
House response? A statement blaming the outrages on a filmmaker
in the United States, along with apologies to the Muslim world.
"The American economy languishes with
millions unemployed in the worst times since the Great
Depression. Yet the president spends his first years in the
White House focusing on a plan to create a trillion-dollar
socialized health care system opposed by a majority of
"What’s going on here?
"The answer lies in a famous statement
the president made on the eve of his election, when he told a
crowd of cheering supporters: 'We are five days away from
fundamentally transforming the United States of America.'
Transforming nations is what radicals aspire to do.
"Like all other radical ideas, Mr.
Obama’s foreign policy schemes were based on wishful thinking
rather than a realistic appraisal of what the country faces and
what its real enemies intend. That is why his policies have
failed and a weaker America faces a more dangerous world."
-- Full article in the Washington Times.
- - - - -
Boston talk-show host Howie Carr has coined a new name for the
Democrat Senate candidate in Massachusetts, Elizabeth Warren,
who's conjured up a phony American Indian background:
- - - - -
Drum-roll, please ...
"NewsBusters' parent company the Media
Research Center proudly announces that perky Katie Couric
is the “winner” of the DisHonor of the Worst Reporter in the
History of Man for her outrageously pathetic bias as chronicled
by the MRC over the past quarter century.
The competition was
fierce, but Couric was selected from a competitive field of
finalists that included Bryant Gumbel, Brian Williams, and Dan
Rather." -- NewsBusters
- - - - -
It's odd how media people are fixated on the past. How
often do you hear about TV cameras "rolling," for example? Your
home video recorder may "roll" tape -- TV cameras don't "roll"
and never did.
In sports, both reporters and
participants talk about the hours coaches and players spending
"watching film." Film was replaced by video recording years ago.
Old habits are hard to break.
- - - - -
Reader Andrew offers this pithy observation combining medicine and
"France has proposed a 75% income tax.
They are also now proposing the use of coumadin and plavix as
treatment for severed arteries."
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"Spain's news agency reported a Spanish college
is offering a course in prostitution to help ease all the
unemployment in Spain. Classes include suspending morality,
taking cash for favors and sleazy positions. At graduation
you receive a degree in Political Science."
- - - - -
Cecil Chao Sze-tung is a very rich Hong Kong business
tycoon. He wants his beautiful and successful daughter Gigi
to have a husband. In face, he's willing to pay $65 million
to any decent man who can lure her into marriage.
If you think you're the man for the job, you
should be aware of a serious challenge. Gigi is an open,
confirmed lesbian.
- - - -
Jay Leno --
"A new survey out today shows how much time we
waste every day in our lives. For example, we waste seven
minutes inline every time we go to get coffee, 28 minutes getting
through airport security, four years waiting for Obama to do
something about the economy."
- - - - -
Reader Sam forwards this collection of "News from the
year 2059"
Ozone created by electric cars now killing
millions in the seventh largest country in the world, Mexifornia,
formerly known as California.
White minorities still trying to have English
recognized as Mexifornia's third language.
Couple petitions court to reinstate
heterosexual marriage.
Iran still closed off; physicists estimate it
will take at least 10 more years before radioactivity decreases to
safe levels.
France pleads for global help after being taken
over by Jamaica. No other country comes forward to help the
beleaguered nation!
Castro finally dies; Cuban cigars can now be
imported legally, but President Chelsea Clinton has banned all
George Z. Bush says he will run for President
in 2060.
Postal Service raises price of first class
stamp to $17.89 and reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.
Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.
Global cooling blamed for citrus crop failure
for third consecutive year in Mexifornia and Floruba.
Abortion clinics now available in every High
School in United States.
Senate still blocking drilling in ANWR even
though gas is selling for 4532 Pesos per liter and gas stations
are only open on Tuesdays and Fridays.
Massachusetts executes last remaining
Supreme Court rules punishment of criminals
violates their civil rights.
Average height of NBA players is now nine feet
seven inches with only three illegitimate children.
IRS sets lowest tax rate at 75 percent.
September 30 --
The question liberals/socialists
(synonyms) can never honestly answer:
"If the government is going to give me all of
life's necessities -- food, shelter, medical care --
and some of the luxuries, like cell-phone service ... what is
my incentive to work for a living? After all, some poor
taxpaying sucker is going to pick up the tab for all of it!"
- - - - -
This may be a case of belaboring the obvious,
but the woman on the video who shouts her support for El
Presidente because he "gave me a free phone" should have it
pounded into her (possibly impenetrably thick) head that Obama
didn't give her anything. Her "free" phone was paid for by
people who (A) work and (B) pay taxes.
She is a symptom of
everything wrong with America today.
(If you haven't seen
the video, go to YouTube and enter "Obama voter free phone."
And restrain yourself from throwing something at the screen.
Then forward it to every Democrat you know.)
- -
- - -
How could even a creature like a Democrat even pretend
to be so obtuse as to not understand Mitt Romney's concern about
the 47%? It was poorly stated by a man who should know the media
would pretend not to comprehend, but the reference was to his
concern for the (shrinking) percentage of the population that
pays for the benefits that the 47% receives.
Perhaps we all need a reminder that
even that most treasured of social programs, Social Security, does
not pay us back what
we've paid in. That money was spent long ago on earlier SS
beneficiaries. Today's benefits are paid by today's taxpayers.
Neither you nor I have, or ever had, a SS "account." If a poor
economy means those who are paying in cannot keep up with the
outgo, the time between today and a bankrupt Social Security
will continue to shrink.
If you're up to a challenging task, try
to explain this to any Utopian-minded liberal.
Romney also should have known that his "I like to fire people"
remark would have been taken out of context by Obama's media
puppets. He was referring, of course, to the bloated government
payroll. Starting, perhaps, with the Obamas' huge personal White
House staff.
Economics Professor Walter Williams with a commonsense
reminder to those simple-minded souls who regularly choose to
blame high gasoline prices on those evil "speculators"...
"White House and congressional attacks on oil
speculation do not alter the oil market's fundamental
demand-and-supply reality. What would lower the long-term
price of oil is for Obama and Congress to permit exploration for
the estimated billions upon billions of barrels of oil off our
Atlantic and Pacific shores, the Gulf of Mexico, and Alaska --
not to mention the estimated billions, possibly trillions, of
barrels of shale oil in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah and North Dakota
-- but doing that would offend the sensitivities of
environmental extremists who have the ears of Congress and the
White House."
- - - - -
vision in which Obama has been steeped is one in which white
Western nations have oppressed and exploited non-white,
non-Western nations, becoming rich and arrogant at other
people's expense. It is a vision that calls out, not for
justice, but for payback." -- Thomas Sowell
- -
- - -
"Unified nation?" Ha! ...
"President Obama made
a plea for unity at a campaign stop in Ohio on Wednesday. “I
still believe that we are not as divided as our politics
suggest,” he said. “I still believe that we have more in common
than the pundits tell us.” He is wrong. The divisions in
American society are deep and growing deeper.
"Rank-and-file Democrats
are increasingly liberal, and Republicans are more conservative.
What they have in common is an abiding distrust and distaste for
the other side.The divide goes beyond politics. Sophisticated
microdata analyses reveal clear divisions in taste regarding
what television shows both sides watch, what beers they drink
and what cars they buy. (For Democrats, the Honda
Civic Hybrid is No. 1; for Republicans, it’s the Ford
Mustang convertible).
"Ideologically driven,
party-line ballots now account for over 90 percent of roll-call
votes. The degree of polarization in Congress
now is greater than it was in the late 19th century in the wake
of the Civil War when Union and Confederate veterans sparred
in Congress
with the same doggedness they had on the battlefield." -- James
Robbins, Washington Times
- - - - -
Mark Steyn evaluates not only Obama's "vision" but his media
lapdogs ...
"The future will belong to nations that
invest in education because the children are our future, but the
future will not belong to nations that do not invest in green
energy projects because solar-powered prompters are our future,
and most of all the future will belong to people who look back at
the Obama era and marvel that there was a courageous far-sighted
man willing to take on the tough task of slowing the rise of the
oceans because the future will belong to people on viable land
"This futuristic
shtick is a cheap'n'cheesy rhetorical device, but it seems to
play well with the impressionable press corps Obammysoxers.
"If I understand
correctly the cumulative vision of the (UN) speech, the future
will belong to gay feminist ecumenical Muslims
"Obama is not President of the
Future. He's president right now, and one sometimes wishes the
great visionary would take his eye off the far distant
horizon, where educated women and fire-breathing Imams frolic
side by side around their Chevy Volts, to focus on the humdrum
present where the rest of us have the misfortune to live."--
Investors Business Daily
- - - - -
Two true travel adventures with a warning ...
If you've ever taken a
tour on a bus and been assured by the guide that, "It's safe
to leave your belongings on the bus. The driver will be here
to keep them safe," does it make you a little ... tense?
It should. Two recent
incidents involving neighbors of mine. The first happened on
an extensive South America tour by bus. Expensive tour, top
hotels, etc. At a sightseeing stop, they got that standard
assurance. When they came back, all their belongings -- and
the driver -- gone. Response from expensive tour company:
"Gee, too bad."
Second incident in Italy.
Same situation, tour purchased from one of the biggest tour
operators in the world. Same result. Cameras, hand-luggage,
major luggage all gone. And so was the driver.
- - - - -
Does your doctor really know what he/she
is doing? Alarming information from John Hopkins
surgeon Dr. Marty Makary, in the Wall Street Journal
"As doctors, we swear to do
no harm. But on the job we soon absorb another unspoken rule: to
overlook the mistakes of our colleagues. The problem is vast. U.S.
surgeons operate on the wrong body part as often as 40 times a
week. Roughly a quarter of all hospitalized patients will be
harmed by a medical error of some kind. If medical errors were a
disease, they would be the sixth leading cause of death in
America—just behind accidents and ahead of Alzheimer's. The human
toll aside, medical errors cost the U.S. health-care system tens
of billions a year. Some 20% to 30% of all medications, tests and
procedures are unnecessary, according to research done by medical
specialists, surveying their own fields."
Footnote: Two years ago, six doctors -- specialists all -- told my
wife I was going to die, and soon. In fact, some thought I
wouldn't make it through the night. Fortunately, she found a
Most doctors deserve respect; none are
- - - - -
Is there anyone who, by now, doesn't see the AARP for what it is?
A giant insurance sales operation with sidelines in travel
marketing and other ventures ... that also functions as a
campaign organization for Mullah Barack.
- - - - -
A life in radio ... and travel (cont.) ...
I'm a (pretty) good husband. Just
ask anyone currently married to me. Yet there was, in the
1970's, about a two-month period when that reputation could have
been temporarily tarnished.
The occasion was the first time the
King Tut exhibit from Egypt toured the United States. One of the
stops was in Chicago, where Susan and I lived at the time.
Actually, in a Chicago suburb, roughly forty minutes from
She wanted badly to see the exhibit
with the famous gold mask, etc. I turned aside her suggestion
with a grumpy-husbandly, "Too much trouble to drive downtown an
extra day," etc. She was displeased, but concealed it well.
A couple of months later I was able
to reveal my sneaky little secret. I had already arranged for us
to join one of our frequent travel-agency tour groups visiting
Greece and ... Egypt. By that time, the King Tut exhibit would
be back at the Cairo museum where she would be able to view the
entire tableau.
It was a great trip. She enjoyed
the King Tut exhibit immensely. Perhaps even more than the
amusing attentions of a young Egyptian guide whose services we
often used and who was unaware that Susan was my lawfully wedded
spouse. When she finally let him down he apologized and
gracefully withdrew, suggesting that "Perhaps we shall meet
again in another life."
I have often since found it to be a
useful line for my own purposes.

A footnote: I recall that, at the
time of the exhibit tour, young ladies frequenting the watering
holes on Chicago's North Rush Street flaunted their charms in
tee-shirts with two strategically-placed representations of that
famous gold King Tut mask and the cautionary caption, "Keep Your
Hands Off My Tuts!"
- - - - -
Is this weird, or what? Seriously: I'm
My boy
Calvin-the-Best-Dog-in-the-World either has odd tastes in food
or is a four-legged gourmet. He likes (A) frozen -- not thawed
-- broccoli and (B) yogurt.
Okay, you tell me.
- - - - -
There she was ... Maria Pestrikoff
... strolling along in Alaska ... having a pleasant walk. She
was smoking and texting, so preoccupied she walked off a
60-foot cliff. She survived the fall, amazingly, but is
reconsidering her multi-tasking habit.
- - - -
You've heard the line ... "I'm so old I never buy
green bananas."
Try this one ... "I'm so old I never walk toward a bright
light." -- Jim Eason