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"Not true" ... "Falsehood" ... "Not factual" ... Can neither Romney nor Ryan bring themselves to utter the word "lie" in discussing Obama's whoppers? Has plain-speaking become a lost art? - - - - -
Anyone know the exact date when Comrade Obama, if re-elected, plans to have his commissars open the "Re-education" camps? - - - - -
For a lesson in how difficult it is to kill government "freebies" once they have been granted, glance at video of the ongoing riots and protests against any attempt at austerity going on in Greece, Spain, Italy ... - - - - -
Deroy Murdock of the Hoover Institution examines Obama's devotion to his job as president, beginning with his disinterest in the daily intelligence briefing ... "Obama chose to skip his daily briefings and, instead, simply read his briefing book. This is a bit like studying one's chest X-rays at home while spurning a radiologist's offer to interpret them and answer pertinent questions. In this sense, Obama quietly reviewed his national security X-rays alone during 56.2 percent of the time the institute analyzed. Obama missed 61.6 percent of these briefings in 2011. "Obama has shirked his domestic obligations, too. He reportedly has held just two Cabinet meetings this year -- on Jan. 31 and July 26. While claiming to be totally focused on reducing naggingly high unemployment, Obama has not met with his Jobs Council since January. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney explained, 'The president's obviously got a lot on his plate.' This has included a $38,000-per-plate fundraiser at the Manhattan home of actress Sarah Jessica Parker and golf, of which Obama has enjoyed some 104 rounds as president." - - - - -
The Daily Caller has uncovered this little tidbit
about the blatantly racist Eric Holder, who runs Obama's
(in)Justice Department and is up to his eyeballs in the insane
"Fast & Furious" gun-running scandal. It's now revealed as
contributing the firearms that were used in the murder of at
least fourteen Mexican teenagers ...
"As a
freshman at Columbia University in 1970, future Attorney
General Eric Holder participated in a five-day occupation of
an abandoned Naval Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC)
headquarters with a group of black students later described by
the university’s Black Students’ Organization as 'armed.'
"Holder was then among
the leaders of the Student Afro-American Society (SAAS),
which demanded that the former ROTC office be renamed the
'Malcolm X Lounge'.”
- - - - -
Columnist Burt Prelutsky with a reminder of Democrat
hypocrisy ...
" The Democrats always have a
soft spot for guys like Ted Kennedy, whose greatest claim to
fame is that he committed manslaughter and instead of winding up
in jail wound up in the Senate. So, naturally, they share
similarly warm feelings for Clinton, a horny toad who has a long
history of abusing females.
"And the Democrats have the gall
to suggest that it’s gents like Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan who
are waging a war on women!"
- - - - -
Read and absorb ...
"The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a sign of leadership failure. It is a sign that the US Government cannot pay its own bills. It is a sign that we now depend on ongoing financial assistance from foreign countries to finance our Government's reckless fiscal policies. Increasing America 's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that, "the buck stops here.' Instead, Washington is shifting the burden of bad choices today onto the backs of our children and grandchildren. America has a debt problem and a failure of leadership. Americans deserve better." ~ Senator Barack H. Obama, March 2006 - - - - -
Barack Obama has the endorsement of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Are we more ... (A) - Shocked, (B) - Stunned, or (C) - Amazed? - - - - -
Frank Gaffney, whose major interest (and career background) is our national defense, weighs in on that video almost no one has seen, its exploitation by Muslim extremists, and Obama's predictable bow to them ... "That film is but the latest pretext for Islamists to demand our adherence to what they call shariah blasphemy laws. [Such laws are but a part of the larger, brutally repressive Islamic political, military and legal doctrine that prohibits any expression that offends, or otherwise is unhelpful to, their faith.] "Unfortunately, the Obama administration has repeatedly conveyed a willingness to accommodate - or at least tolerate - this threat to one of our most fundamental constitutional liberties: freedom of speech. That willingness is part of a pattern of submissive behavior that has encouraged the Muslim Brotherhood and its allies to believe that America is in retreat and that shariah's inevitable, divinely-directed and global triumph is at hand. Their response, predictably, is to redouble efforts to make us, in the Quran's words, 'feel subdued'." Which is clearly what Obama wants, as well. - - - - -
Thomas Jefferson is regarded as a -- or the -- founder of the Democratic party. One need only consider these quotes from Jefferson to realize how far today's Democrats have wandered from their founding principles: "I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them." "My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government." "The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." "If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered." "The democracy will cease to exist when you take away from those who are willing to work and give to those who would not." Can you imagine such words coming from Obama, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, et al? - - - - -
A friend just reminded me of my last meeting with Don Ho, one of the great entertainers. He already had serious health problems. We had a long, long lunch with Don and his wife at a little family-run Chinese restaurant far off the tourist path in Honolulu. Just before we parted, I asked Don how long he intended to keep up his heavy work schedule. He smiled and said, "I never work, I just go out on a stage and have fun ... and they pay me for it." We should all be so fortunate -- and have such an attitude. - - - - -
Dan Sorkin contributes this telephone exchange ... BHO: “Hello. This is President Obama. I’d like to speak to Mr. Netanyahu, please. Israeli PM’s Office: I’m sorry sir. Mr. Netanyahu isn’t in. This is Yom Kippur. BHO: Well, Yom, would you please tell him I called. - - - - -
Are you a lexophile? A lexophile is a person who loves words and word-plays. Otherwise, these contributions from reader Sam are best called "groaners" ... When you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall. When she saw her first strands of gray hair, she thought she'd dye. The roundest knight at king Arthur's round table was Sir Cumference. He acquired his size from too much pi. Santa's helpers are subordinate clauses. No matter how much you push the envelope, it'll still be stationery. Atheism is a non-prophet organization. Don't join dangerous cults: practice safe sects. October 2 --
PREVARICATING POLLSTERS' PRACTICES ... CALIFORNIA'S ENDLESS NIGHTMARE CONTINUES Obama's efforts to bend/break the law for political advantage are endless. Fact 1 -- We are facing massive cuts in defense spending if something isn't done. Pronto. Fact 2 -- Many thousands of workers for defense contractors will lose their jobs if those cuts proceed. Fact 3 -- The law requires those employers to give sixty days' notice to those workers. Which would come just before the election. Fact 4 -- The Obama administration is haranguing employers to break the law and not tell those workers they're facing unemployment. Obama figures American workers are too dumb to know what faces them. He's the Judas goat leading dumb sheep to the slaughter. - - - - -
Before taking any poll numbers seriously, this should be considered. Pew Research, one of the largest poll-taking organizations, discloses that in their surveys they reach an adult in a household 62% of the time. Their response rate -- the calls that resulted in an actual interview -- averages NINE (9) percent. In other words, 91 out of every 100 people they call want nothing to do with the whole process. Beyond the numbers, this doesn't take into account the people who entertain themselves by going along with an opinion survey and lying to the pollster just for the hell of it. - - - - -
Make of this poll what you will. It comes from Rasmussen, whose track record of reliability is better than most ... "Forty-nine percent (49%) of Likely U.S. Voters think America as a nation is weaker now than it was in late 2008. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 29% believe the country is stronger today." In fact, just what an America-hating, crypto-Marxist Muslim sympathizer would hope to achieve. - - - - -
Does anyone doubt that if Barack Obama had been president on December 7, 1941, he would have described Japan's attack on Pearl Harbor as a "crime" to be addressed by the FBI? - - - - -
Reader Rick speculates that Obama may be given the moderators' questions in advance of the debates. Personally, given the political proclivities and utter lack of integrity among the media weasels, I'd be astonished if it didn't happen. - - - - -
Keep in mind the preceding item as you peruse these observations by Michael A. Walsh in the NY Post ... "With a little more than a month to go before a crucial national election, the wheels are coming off the Obama administration’s national-security credentials. The coordinated attacks on the US consulate in Benghazi, which killed our ambassador and three other Americans — and the worldwide explosion of assaults on our diplomatic installations elsewhere in the Muslim word — have vividly exposed the hollow core of the president’s foreign-policy 'reset'.” "So behold the wreckage: not just the consulate in Libya, but the entire Obama foreign-policy 'reset,' including his conciliatory 2009 speech to the Muslim world in Cairo." - - - - -
We expect most voters to cast their ballots with their self-interest foremost as a motive. So what can be said when millions clearly don't even recognize their own self-interest? Consider this, from Investors Business Daily: "Since 2009, the middle 20% of American households saw their average incomes drop 4%. In 2011 alone, they fell 1.7%. The poorest 20% have fared even worse under Obama, Census data show. Their incomes have dropped more than 7% since 2009, and are now lower than they've been at any time since 1985, after adjusting for inflation." -- Source: U.S. Census Bureau. What can be done for people who are too stupid to even recognize their own self-interest? - - - - -
You may have heard that Chicago is in a state of economic chaos, not unlike many other cities run for decades by a coalition of Democrat politicians and their allies, bullying labor unions. I just heard from a friend, longtime and successful businessman in Chicago. He says many neighboring businesses are closing because property taxes have increased so much -- likely in part to pay for madness like the shakedown by the teachers' union. Cigarette taxes have increased another dollar per pack with the predictable result of a booming black market. Some of his own employees drive southeast across the border into Indiana and bring back carloads of lower-taxed cigarettes to re-sell in Chicago. - - - - -
Speaking of Democrat lunacy ... Governor Jerry Brown, brought back for a second go-around by dumb California voters, now wants to raise the state income tax on households earning over $250,000 annually from 10.3% to 13.3% "for only seven years." Suuure ... When was the last time you heard of a tax for "only X-number of years" actually ending at the specified time? Last I heard, we're still paying taxes that were supposed to end after World War One. - - - - -
Steven Greenhut (Human Events) laments the sad state/status of California ... "California, blessed by magnificent and varied geography, mild weather and an 'anything’s possible' culture, suffers mainly from a political process controlled by union advocates hell-bent on protecting their power and privilege, no matter what that means for the state’s public finances and public services. "The most troubling thing I’ve seen is the delusion embraced by the state’s dominant Democrats, who really believe that California is only one massive tax increase away from being fixed." - - - - -
I read a good deal of conservative media commentary suggesting that Obama is "losing" black voters. I also strongly suspect this is largely wishful thinking. While some black voters may be less enthusiastic about him and that may be reflected in a smaller number of black voters, I expect the percentage of the black vote to be just as overwhelming as four years ago. - - - - -
Reader Mike forwards this collection of the medical professions' views of Obamacare ... The Allergists were in favor of scratching it, but the Dermatologists advised not to make any rash moves.
Gastroenterologist's had sort of a gut feeling about it, but
the Neurologists
thought the Administration had a lot of nerve.
Meanwhile, Obstetricians felt certain everyone was laboring under a misconception, while the Ophthalmologists considered the idea shortsighted.
Pathologists yelled, "Over my dead body!" while the
Pediatricians said, "Oh, grow up!" The Psychiatrists
thought the whole idea was madness and the Radiologists
could see right through it.
Surgeons decided to wash their hands of the whole thing and the Internists claimed it would indeed be a bitter pill to swallow. The Plastic Surgeons opined that this proposal would "put a whole new face on the matter" The Podiatrists thought it was a step forward, but the Urologists were PO'd by the whole idea. Footnote: Survey says (Jackson & Coker) doctors favor Romney by 19 points. - - - - -
Wes Pruden (Wash. Times) reminds us of what should be our focus going into the presidential debates ... "The economy is in the dumpster, the Middle East is ablaze with hatred for America, and the president keeps busy making it worse. He’s about to preside over the expansion of nuclear weapons into the hands of Islamic mad men. The bill of particulars is a long one and bears repeating for the big audience. The president tries to console us with reassurance from Alfred E. Neuman: 'What? Me worry?'” - - - - -
Hold your breath for this one: If Chavez loses the election in Venezuela to an increasingly popular opponent, will he relinquish power? I wouldn't bet on it. - - - - -
Another Mike takes note of the irony that, while Bible reading is encouraged in our prisons, it's forbidden in our schools. - - - - -
Gavin Newsom, former Mayor of San Francisco, now Lt. Gov. of California, seems to have overestimated his level of celebrity. He and his wife, vacationing at an expensive spa in Mexico, spent the first day shielding their faces for fear they would be recognized and mobbed by admirers. The Post's "Page Six" gossip column reports that a hotel staffer finally told him he had nothing to worry about because "nobody here knows who you are." - - - - -
Dan reminds us of a timeless truth that explains the very heard of Democrat politics ... "A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul." -- George Bernard Shaw - - - - -
A reminder of one of life's truisms ... Friends come and go; enemies accumulate. - - - - -
I trust that the shabby performance of the Dallas Cowboys last night will put a sizable dent in the ridiculous fantasy that this long-under-performing franchise is "America's Team." - - - - -
A few days ago I took note of my dog's taste for oddities like frozen broccoli and yogurt. Reader Rick offers this possibility ... "Maybe Calvin is a closet liberal. Does he chase after Priuses?" Now I am worried. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "California was discovered in 1542 by Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo. To give you an idea how long ago that was, at the time he discovered California he was the only person in the state who spoke Spanish." - - - - -
The pastor, addressing a Sunday School childrens' class: "Today is Easter and we're going to talk about the resurrection. Does anyone know what the resurrection is?" One little boy raised his hand and said in a clear loud voice, "When you get one lasting more than four hours, you gotta call a doctor!" October 3 --
NO BORDER CONTROL = DEAD BORDER PATROL ... THE TRUTH ABOUT "TAX THE RICH" The two most important words that should be in the forefront of Romney's mind in tonight's debate: Mitt ... HITT! Hard! Be too gentlemanly, like McCain four years ago, and you will assuredly suffer the same fate. Play the Casper Milquetoast role and you're dead before the second debate even begins. - - - - -
Nobody who paid any attention to the reality that Jeremiah Wright, the screaming racist Chicago preacher, was Barack Obama's pastor for twenty years, should be surprised by the videotape revealed by The Daily Caller showing the president echoing the same demagoguery in a 2007 speech. He is what he's always been -- a race-monger who's played the white-guilt game more successfully than any politician in our history while selling hatred of whites to his black audiences. Only the willingly foolish fail to recognize that this guy is Louis Farrakhan with a smile. The video is available all over the internet. Here's the face Obama doesn't show white America ... ![]()
- - - - -
I live a half-hour from the Arizona-Mexico border, west of where Mexican gangsters crossed the boundary and shot and killed one Border Patrol agent, wounded another. What do people hereabout think Obama and his stupid stooge "Homeland Security" director, Napolitano to do about it? Not a damned thing! At least, nothing of any long-term consequence. They are far more concerned with spending more of your tax money on their program persuading the Mexican government to widely publicize the food stamps and other government goodies available to Mexicans who illegally enter the United States. We truly do live in a land run by lunatics. It remains to be determined whether this latest band of border-crossing murderers were armed by Eric Holder's "Fast & Furious" gun-smuggling operation. - - - - -
CNS news uncovered this interesting statistic from the U. S. Treasury Department ... From fiscal 2008 to fiscal 2011, according to the U.S. Treasury, the federal government increased spending on foreign aid by 80 percent and, in fiscal 2011, spent 76 percent more on foreign aid than it did securing the borders of the United States. And how surprised are you? - - - - -
John Hinderaker of Powerline has a warning that most people are reluctant to even consider ... "The U.S. has dabbled in National Socialism before; elements of Roosevelt’s New Deal emulated Mussolini’s policies, and were implemented by men who made no secret of their admiration for Il Duce. But it has been a long time since anyone has seriously tried to turn the United States in a National Socialist direction. "Which is what Barack Obama seems to be doing. Consider his 983 executive orders, compared with George W. Bush’s 63. Or his extra-constitutional czars; or his illegal cramdown of bondholders in auto bankruptcies; or the explosion in warrantless wiretaps and the even greater explosion in federal regulations; or his 'green energy' scams to distort the economy and enrich political cronies; or the recent revelation that the Obama family costs U.S. taxpayers something like twenty times what the British Royal Family costs its subjects. Or, more important, consider Obamacare, a classic top-down National Socialist program. "And then there is the matter of style. The cult of personality is central to National Socialism, and Obama is part of that tradition to a degree that is, frankly, creepy." - - - - -
"Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it." -- Thomas Sowell - - - - -
The ignorant and simple-minded will never question why some -- many, actually -- rich folk support Obama because he promises to raise their taxes. A thoughtful few may wonder, but not understand. Those who really know understand this: Most of those really rich know very well that loopholes and tax-sheltered investments will still be available to them, especially those wealthy supporters who contribute to Obama's campaign. Reduced to essentials, his soak-the-rich pitch is fodder for the gullible dopes. - - - - -
Even some media liberals are recognizing that the Benghazi, Libya, attack on our ambassador and consulate was that 3AM phone call Hillary warned about in her campaign for the nomination 4 1/2 years ago. - - - - -
would not presume to give investment advice. I would, however,
refer you to the words of longtime CNBC financial reporter Maria
Bartiromo ...
"For the last three months, investors have been ignoring the weak
economic backdrop and plowing money into stocks because of the
cheap money swirling from central banks around the world.
Investors are searching for yield in an environment of rock bottom
judgment day is coming."
- - - - -
Thinking people will think about these words from Andrew McCarthy (National Review Online); Obama voters won't even understand what they mean ... "Put aside ... two fallacies — people cannot always resolve their differences peacefully; when war is necessary, because what it is fought over is worse, diplomacy is not an effective and just substitute. Where all this goes off the rails is in the notion that we live in an 'interdependent world.' We don’t. Americans live in a world where there is interaction of our own choosing. We engage the world as a volitional act, and we should do it in pursuit of our interests. "Much political bloviating is so leaden and mind-numbing, we stop thinking critically about it. It starts to sink in and distort our perception of reality. Obama hardly has the market cornered in this regard. It was equally delusional and counterproductive for President Bush to claim, in the second inaugural, that “the survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands.” That’s absurd. We can be free and can flourish even if people were and are enslaved in those very different cultures. Our liberty does not depend on their changing their ways. "If you conclude that your liberty depends on theirs, you are saying maybe we do not really need free speech anymore — after all, we’re dependent on (their) repressive sharia blasphemy standards, we need to compromise for the good of our interdependency." - - - - -
"Mr. Obama has run out of ideas. His campaign is so green it runs on recycled promises. Mr. Obama believes all he has to do is keep repeating the same phrases for the next six weeks to win. His media allies will see to that. If Mr. Obama stepped in a puddle, their headlines would read, 'Obama walks on water.'” -- James Robbins, Washington Times - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "According to a photo sent back from the Mars rover, there was once a large stream of flowing water on the surface of Mars, thousands of years ago. But now it's completely dried up. Al Gore blames it on "Martian warming." - - - - -
Conan O'Brien "Arnold Schwarzenegger was on '60 Minutes' promoting his book. He said you can't run from your mistakes. You have to confront them. Yeah, especially if they look exactly like you and keep calling you 'Dad'." October 4 --
A PITY-PARTY FOR CHRIS MATTHEWS' 'TINGLE' ... EVEN SAN FRANCISCANS SAY "MITT WON" After admitting the reality that most presidential debate viewers hear what they want to hear, today even liberal commentators are admitting it was a clear win for Romney. He was crisp, articulate and in control -- of both the facts and the debate. Obama was reduced to repeating tired press-release talking points and talking about his grandmother. Take away his teleprompter and he's lost. A few observations from the e-mail: "Obama better hope a kicked ass is covered under Obamacare" ... "Romney is treating Obama like he's a replacement referee" ... "I feel sooooooo sorry for Chris Matthews!" ... "Game, point, match, Romney. Maybe I can put away the rusty knife" ... "Romney actually found his testicles tonight." Even CNN's poll showed Romney the winner, 67% to 25%. KPIX-TV in San Francisco took a poll and found that, even in the most liberal city in America, Romney was adjudged the winner. In the words of former Republican contender Herman Cain, "A grownup has shown up." Last night the empty chair was occupied by an empty suit. - - - - -
From the liberal Washington Post's review, by Karen Tumulty: "Obama was the one who struggled for his footing, scowling on the split screens of millions of television viewers across the nation and often looking like a man who wished he were elsewhere." - - - - -
Considering how hard both candidates worked before
last night's debate to lower public expectations of their own
performances, we should be surprised that they communicated at
any level above caveman grunts. Only one participant almost sank
to that level, and it wasn't Romney.
- - - - -
Did anyone really expect "fairness" from Jim Lehrer as
moderator of the presidential debate? Connect the dots: Lehrer
is paid by PBS. Giving taxpayer money to historically liberal
PBS is on the Romney "cut" list to reduce the deficit. Perhaps
that's why Lehrer made no obvious attempt to bully Romney, lest
his partisan position be overly obvious.
- - - - -
What can debates achieve: Changing -- or clearing --
the minds of hordes of Obama fans (that is the appropriate term) who
have the mentality of a mob of Justin Bieber-crazed teenage
girls? No.
Swing independent voters? Yes. - - - - -
“We don’t need to build more highways out in the suburbs; we should be investing in minority-owned business, in our neighborhoods.” -- Barack Obama, 2007 - - - - -
Thomas Sowell blows a hole in the demagogic liberal
argument that capital gains should be taxed at the same level as
ordinary income ...
"At one time, you could have bought half interest in McDonald's for $25,000 -- and there were no takers. Anyone who would have risked $25,000 at that time would be a billionaire today. But there was no guarantee at the time that they wouldn't be just throwing 25 grand down a rat hole. "Where a capital gain can be documented -- when a builder spends ten years creating a housing development, for example -- then whatever that builder earns in the tenth year is a capital gain, not ordinary income. There is no guarantee in advance that the builder will ever recover his expenses, much less make a profit. "There are whole industries where no one can expect to make a profit the first year -- publishing a newspaper for example. Virtually every major American airline has lost money in some years, and some of the biggest and most famous airlines have ended up going bankrupt. "If a country wants investors to invest, it cannot tax their resulting capital gains the same as the incomes of people whose incomes were guaranteed in advance when they took the job. "It is not just a question of 'fairness' to investors. Ultimately, it is investors who guarantee other people's incomes in a market economy, even though the investors' own incomes are by no means guaranteed. Reducing investors' incentives to take risks is reducing the jobs their investments are likely to create." How dumb does even a brain-dead liberal have to be not to understand that? "I have never understood why it is 'greed' to want to
keep the money you've earned but not greed to want to take
somebody else's money." -- Thomas Sowell
- - - - -
Utterly predictable: Spain raised taxes on business ... and tax money coming in to the treasury decreased. Businesses folded. In the case of larger companies, they simply left the country. Liberal simpletons never learn. - - - - -
Note to Facebook users: Of course Facebook is selling
information about you to advertisers! What did you think they
were going to do with all that data? Did you really believe it
was all about facilitating your love life or providing you with
- - - - -
Not to be snide, but I wonder how Charlie Rose looked
when he was alive.
- - - - -
Peter Kirsanow (National Review) with news of a
startling discovery ...
"Celebrated historian Bertram Oxley has uncovered a memorandum from former Japanese Emperor Hirohito to Admiral Yamamoto dated December 6, 1941, showing that the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was motivated by an offensive film made by Charlie Chaplin ridiculing Japanese cuisine. "Contrary to historical accounts over the last seventy years, 'Professor Oxley said in an interview today with the BBC, 'What appeared to be a meticulously planned surprise attack was actually a spontaneous demonstration by moderate sushi connoisseurs in the Imperial Navy in response to a hateful and offensive movie. Thereafter, extremist elements within the Japanese military co-opted the spontaneous attack, transforming it into the overseas operation sometimes referred to as 'World War II.' hateful and offensive movie. Thereafter, extremist elements within the Japanese military co-opted the spontaneous attack, transforming it into the overseas contingency operation sometimes referred to as ‘World War II.’ "White House spokesman Jay Carney, asked about the memo's discovery stated, 'Of course, hindsight's 20-20. But one can only wonder how much pain and suffering could have been averted had FDR simply apologized to Hirohito at the outset.'" - - - - -
A bulletin from Argus Hamilton ...
"The Mars Curiosity Rover
beamed back video of smooth rocks in a ravine indicating a
dried-up water bed on Mars. It resulted in a sensational find.
The rover's mechanical pick dug three feet below the surface
and, sure enough, there was Jimmy Hoffa."
- - - - -
Craig Ferguson--
"Arnold Schwarzenegger's book is out. The part of the book everyone's going to skip to is the part where he talks about the maid and the love child. He says he didn't think the kid was his at first — mostly because the kid could speak English." - - - - -
An incorrigible reader relates this alarming tale... "I would like to share an experience with you about drinking and driving. As you well know, some of us have been lucky not to have had brushes with the authorities ojn our way home from our various social sessions over the years. "A couple of nights ago, I was out for a few drinks with some friends and had a few too many beers and then topped it off with a margarita. Not a good idea. Knowing full well that I was slightly over the limit, I did something that I've never done before: I took a taxi home. "Sure enough, I passed a police road block but because it was a taxi, they waved it past. I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise. I have never driven a taxi before and am not sure where I got it." JOBS NUMBERS --
WARNING TO ROMNEY: WATCH YOUR BACK! ... HILLARY, THE HUMAN HAZARD Count on two things: While Democrats will boast that
the new 7.8% unemployment rate just announced is proof of a
"recovering economy," sane people will recognize that the real
reason is that more working people have simply given up on
finding a job. Next week will likely bring the near-inevitable
"correction" showing even worse numbers.
The Democrat Socialists are effectively playing the demagogue's game of, "Who do you believe -- us, or your lying eyes?" Of course, only cynical people (like me) would suspect that government bureaucrats have been ordered to "cook the books" (i.e., doctor the numbers) on unemployment statistics. Naaaahhh ... couldn't happen ... - - - - -
Hey, California Democrats ... enjoying those gasoline prices ($4.32 per gallon and rising)?! Thank the president who doesn't want more drilling or oil-shale production, and the "environmentalist" lunatics you elected to run your state. - - - - -
Mitt Romney is on notice. Given Barack Obama's shadowy history in Chicago politics, dirty tricks and underhanded character assassination are very much part of his arsenal. Last-minute attacks, leaving no time for rebuttal before votes are cast, are possible. No ... likely. - - - - -
As it becomes increasingly evident that the slaughter
of our ambassador and other Americans at the U.S. consulate in
Benghazi, Libya, was a direct result of a failed Obama foreign
policy, shoddy State Department practices and incompetent
management by the head of that department, it is far past time
for even her fan-club to admit that Hillary Clinton is totally
From her earliest days in the
job, when her Russian counterpart ridiculed her for that silly
"reset" button thru this bloody debacle in Libya, the evidence
has grown that this woman of no real accomplishment is a classic
case of the Peter Principle. That principle being that, in some
organizations, people are promoted to a level at which their
incompetence becomes evident.
Hillary a potential
president? The very idea is laughable. Okay, okay -- how do we
explain Obama? He had no real record, and the leftist Big Media
colluded to make sure what was
known about him remained concealed so that gullible voters could
project their hopes upon a blank slate. The story of Hillary's
bungling is now written in American blood that should never have
been shed.
- - - - -
Best comedy on television since Debate #1: Watching
Obama's pet eunuchs in the media trying to cope with Wednesday
night's Obama disaster.
The stunned look on Michelle
Obama's face at the usual post-debate family gathering onstage
was also entertaining.
- - - - -
Add Wes Pruden's review to the growing ridicule of Obama's performance Wednesday night ... "When Mitt Romney confronted him with something less than a genuflection, the president was rattled for the rest of the evening. Life outside a bubble is tough, particularly for a president. Mitt Romney, to our considerable surprise, has a gift for talking to the common man. He may be one of us, after all. This is particularly important in an age when everybody wants the president to feel his pain and the first lady to come over with a green-bean casserole." - - - - -
In retrospect, Obama's sluggish debate performance reminded me of several people with whom I've worked in broadcasting who never achieved the success their talent would have suggested. Those naturally-gifted folk never really prepared for their programs. Being naturally talented, they worked on the assumption that the right words would just "come to them" when the red light in the studio came on. Often it did; sometimes it didn't. Then they were left to perform by rote. With nothing to fall back on, they were just ... dull. But many went thru entire careers wondering why they were bypassed on the career ladder by less-talented but hardworking people like ... well, me. - - - - -
Now that we're in the debate season, media folk have
engaged in conjecture about which of the four men involved might
come up with the best "zinger."
Liberals enjoy recalling 1988
Democrat vice-presidential candidate Lloyd Bentsen's shot at the
youthful Dan Quayle: "I knew Jack Kennedy ... Jack Kennedy was a
friend of mine and Senator, you're no Jack Kennedy."
What liberals prefer not to remember is that
George H.W. Bush and Quayle won the election. Bentsen and
Michael Dukakis lost. And Bentsen was lying about his close
"friendship" with Jack Kennedy. He wasn't even invited to
Kennedy's wedding.
- - - - -
The incisive Jonah Goldberg underlines some lowlights
from the (bleeped)-up mess that is Obama's "foreign policy" ...
"We're now entering the fourth week of the 'CSI: Benghazi' hostage crisis. That's how long an FBI forensic team has been trying to gain access in Libya to what the State Department still calls a crime scene -- the Obama administration's preferred term for the location of the first assassination of a U.S. ambassador since 1979 and the first successful al-Qaeda-backed attack on U.S. soil since the 9/11 strikes. (Our embassies and consulates are sovereign U.S. territory.) "The Libya follies are merely the most visible flashpoint of the larger unraveling of the Obama administration's foreign policy. The U.S.-Israel relationship has become a bad soap opera. Afghanistan is slipping away, as our troops are being killed by the men they're supposed to be training for the handover. Egypt is now run by the Muslim Brotherhood. Russia casually mocks and defies us. China is rapidly replacing us as an Asian hegemon and rattling sabers at our ally Japan." - - - - -
Connect-the-dots: John Sununu, a major Romney surrogate-spokesman, offended the sensitive leftist media shill Andrea Mitchell by pronouncing Obama "lazy." Now a video of a Barbara Walters interviewing Obama a few years ago during which she asked him his biggest fault. His response: "There's a laziness in me." - - - - -
Emperor-has-no-clothes dep't. ... "Bewildered
and lost without his teleprompter, President Obama flailed all
around the debate stage. He was stuttering, nervous and
petulant. It was like he had been called in front of the
principal after goofing around for four years and blowing off
all his homework.
since Jimmy Carter faced Ronald Reagan has the U.S. presidency
been so embarrassingly represented in public. Actually, that's
an insult to Jimmy Carter." -- Charles Hurt, Washington Times
- - - - -
Pungent comments about the debate continue to flow from readers ... "The only thing missing from the debate as Romney attacked Obama was the background music from the shower scene in "Psycho". -- Paul - - - - -
"i can't believe i'm saying this, but Obama looks like
he DOES need a teleprompter." --
Rick forwards these bumper-stickers ...
- - - - -
Jimmy Fallon -- "Health experts predict that the world will have more than a billion elderly people in the next 10 years. Or as it's also known, the opening credits for "60 Minutes." - - - - -
Dan Sorkin shares this phonecall that may have been
recorded last week ...
BHO: “Hello. This is President Obama.
I’d like to speak to Mr. Netanyahu, please."
Israeli PM’s Office: I’m sorry
sir. Mr. Netanyahu isn’t in. This is Yom Kippur."
BHO: "Well, Yom, please tell him
I called."
October 6 --
DID THE OBAMUNISTS RIG THE JOB NUMBERS? ... CALIFORNIA GASOLINE -- SKY'S THE LIMIT My guess -- and it's only a guess, no matter who's
making it -- is that the debate, will probably turn up a
one-point gain for Romney ... maybe two points ... in most of
the major national
polls. More would be a major surprise. But preliminary results
from the swing states look more promising.
- - - - -
We are indebted to CNS News for
uncovering this bit of data about just how well Barack Obama is
handling economic matters ...
"The federal government
added $93,245,605,914.16 to its debt on Oct. 1, the first
day of fiscal 2013.
"That was more than
all the debt the federal government accumulated between July
4, 1776 when the United States declared independence from
England and sometime in October 1942, which was ten months
after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor and the United States
entered World War II."
All done in one day's work -- Monday -- by Barack
- - - - -
While I have a generally high regard for columnist/commentator Charles Krauthammer, occasionally I get the impression that he can't resist slipping into his "Washington Insider" mode; he does, after all, work at the liberal Washington Post. This is one of those occasions. He disdainfully dismisses the idea that a government bureaucracy might cook the books -- i.e., manipulate the unemployment numbers -- because of pressure from a presidential administration. I submit that is male bovine excrement and anyone who believes such nonsense is either instinctively covering-up for the establishment or utterly naive. And I don't believe Krauthammer is naive. Perhaps he could use a reminder of the Golden Rule: He who has the gold, rules. And government numbers-crunchers get their paychecks from that government. *** More: re the Bureau of Labor Statistics, which he apparently esteems. The Washington Beacon, not subject to his editors at the Post, has found that at least two economists at the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) have contributed to President Barack Obama’s campaign. Harley Frazis of Bethesda, MD, has contributed at least $2,000 to Obama and $9,000 to the Democratic National Convention over the last three election cycles. *** Not even the words of the estimable Dr. Krauthammer are always to be swallowed whole. - - - - -
It's just amazing. Crazy Joe Biden boasts that
Obama will raise taxes
by a trillion dollars ... The Biz Zero himself now says he will,
indeed, raise taxes. This is the same bumbling president who
said, just two years ago, that raising taxes was the wrong thing
to do during a recession.
Does anyone doubt that we are still in a recession? - - - - -
Stephanie Cutter is Obama's campaign spokeswoman. She's been caught in lies before, so nobody should be surprised that CNN (?!!) pinned her down and forced her to admit that the Obama lie about Romney planning to raise taxes by $5 trillion is just that...an outright lie. - - - - -
If you want statistical facts to back up Mitt Romney's
characterization of Obama's policy as "trickle-down government"
... the unemployment rate among government workers is only
- - - - -
Did Obama's Chicago thugs manipulate the
unemployment numbers? Jack Welch, longtime CEO of General
Electric and one of the icons of American business, believes it
possible. Here's the message he tweeted ...
"Unbelievable jobs
numbers..these Chicago guys will do anything..can’t debate so
change numbers."
- - - - -
Reader John offers this ...
"Being a small business owner, when I hire someone as
I did this summer (3 people) I had to turn in a DE 34 to EDD.
When they quit/went back to school I did not turn anything in to
EDD so they may be still counted as employed? Inflated
employment numbers?"
- - - - -
Now that gasoline prices
have hit $5-plus per gallon already in some parts of
California, let's evaluate ...
Obama just closed off
more Alaska acreage to oil drilling. The pipeline from
Canada is still not built. No drilling allowed on most
federal land in the lower 48. No permits issued for new
And who benefits most
from extortionate gasoline prices? Why, that would be
Obama's cherished Muslim friends in the middle-east!
- - - - -
"President Obama may have a
lot more to worry about than bombing the debate this week.
Traders are starting to get particularly bullish over gasoline
prices – and that is bad news for the average driver, who may
also be looking to vent his spleen at the voting booth.
"Reports of gas
shortages along the high-demand west and east coasts may be
fleeting – although deeply concerning – but they highlight a
problem that's expected to persist in the U.S.: our refineries
are getting old. Given that a new refinery has not been built
since 1976, commodities desks on Wall Street are bracing for
more refinery outages and fires just as the nation needs to gear
up for the busy winter heating season."
Get that note about no new refineries in 36 YEARS? That's what happens when people allow themselves to be brainwashed by "environmentalist" lunatics and elect fools to office. - - - - -
Sincere sympathy to California friends regarding gasoline prices skyrocketing toward $5 a gallon. Sympathy, that is, to those who were not foolish enough to help elect a crackpot leftist governor and the Marxist in the White House. - - - - -
See those snappy rejoinders to Romney's debating points that Obama delivered in a speech the day after? Did you take note that he was -- again -- reading them off the two transparent teleprompter screens? Take that device away and he becomes his real self -- a dogmatic Marxist dunce. - - - - -
The two Border Patrol
officers shot each other?
Without any evidence, one way or the other, this smells to
high heaven like another FBI cover-up (a la 'Fast &
Furious') to divert attention from the abject failure of the
Obama administration's total failure to secure our borders.
This Obama bunch has
lied so much about so many things, I wouldn't believe them if
they suggested the sun will rise in the east tomorrow.
- - - - -
Only delusional Democrats still even attempt to deny
it: Obama and his clique lied about the attack on the U.S.
Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that left four Americans dead.
Be clear: Embassies and
consulates in foreign countries are the legal property of the
nation whose delegation works there. Thus, this was sovereign
U.S. territory that was attacked.
Obama, Hillary, Susan Rice
and the rest of this devious bunch knew very well, almost from
the beginning, that it was a terrorist attack. They lied
repeatedly and evaded their responsibility by attacking -- and
eventually jailing -- the guy who produced a brief video about
the mad cult of Islam while apologizing to the Muslim
murderers for "offending" them.
A nation
that tolerates a crucifix being immersed in urine in the
name of "art" but apologizes to a bunch of murderers has no
leadership worthy of the name.
- - - - -
Burt Prelutsky weighs in on the Obama train-wreck at
the debate ...
"Obama, who has been treated
like the Dalai Lama for most of his life, has spent the past
five or six years being coddled by the nannies in the media. He
has become so accustomed to being treated like a living saint by
the likes of Jay Leno, Oprah Winfrey, David Letterman and the
kiss-ups on “The View,” that even when Univision’s Jorge Ramos
and Maria Elena Salinas asked him a couple of reasonable
questions regarding immigration reform and Operation Fast and
Furious, all he could do was look shocked at their unmitigated
gall and fall back, as usual, on David Axelrod’s insipid talking
"If Obama had been smart, he
would have stayed home celebrating his wedding anniversary with
Michelle and the kids, and sent Clint Eastwood’s empty chair in
his place."
- - - - -
Tim Stanley in Britain's Telegraph newspaper ...
"Evidence of liberal panic is everywhere. In the hours after the debate, the mood in the MSNBC bunker was near-suicidal. Ed Schultz was “stunned' and Rachel Maddow 'thought it might be sort of a draw (in the same way that the Titanic's encounter with an iceberg was 'sort of a draw')." - - - - -
... and Victor Davis Hanson adds this ...
"Two themes predominated this debate and will be addressed in the next two sessions: For so long Barack Obama has assumed that he will not face cross-examination from the media that he simply has little grasp of policy details, and in exasperation seems to look around for the accustomed helpful media crutch. But there is no such subsidy in a one-on-one debate, and only now it becomes clear just how the media for the last six years have enfeebled their favorite. And unlike 2008, there is now an Obama record to defend, rather than just repeating hope-and-change platitudes and vague generalities that have worked in the past." - - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
" After the debate, President
Obama got back to his Denver hotel room at precisely
nine-forty-five Mountain Time. He knew it because Mitt Romney
had just cleaned his clock."
- - - - -
Gayle King, friend of both Oprah and Ms.
Obama ...
"This wasn't a
debate so much as Mitt Romney just took Obama for a
cross-country drive strapped to the roof of his car."
- -
- - -
Since panicked Democrats, having seen their idol's
feet of clay during the debate, are now hiding behind Big Bird,
an uncomfortable revelation is in order.
True, Mitt Romney promised to
stop subsidizing PBS, including "Sesame Street," you should know
that serious studies have found that the short-short features on
the program and their rapid-fire presentation contribute to a
short attention-span in children which actually hampers their learning.
Also, we might want to
ponder the blatant hypocrisy of the incessant claim that "This
is non-commercial public television," often followed by a long
recitation about "This program is made possible by a
contribution from the Widget Corporation, which makes the
world's finest widgets, guaranteed to make you smarter and cure
constipation," etc., etc.
In short, Mr. Romney thinks
it should not be a burden upon all
taxpayers to support a TV network that, in its political
offerings, is largely a shill for the left. The "Sesame Street" operation is, by itself, an enormous and profitable business that could easily support PBS, which paid for the building of its empire with donor and taxpayer dollars. - - - -
Gee, wonder what Obama, Biden & Co. really men when they say,
"We're going to ASK certain people to CONTRIBUTE ...?"
Since when does the IRS
ask taxpayers to contribute?
- - - - -
Democrats got less than they expected in
Obama. Jonah
Goldberg (National Review) elaborates ...
Irish have a saying: “Hunger makes the best sauce.” And it’s
true. If you’re hungry enough, roadkill will make for a king’s
feast. Liberals were so hungry for someone like Obama, he seemed
like so much more than he really was.
"Senator Harry Reid
was blown away by the potential of this “light-skinned”
African-American “with no Negro dialect, unless he wanted to
have one.”
"In 2007, Joe Biden
said of his then-opponent, “I mean, you got the first mainstream
African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a
nice-looking guy.”
"While such comments could
be described as racially insensitive, they weren’t necessarily
racist. They simply reflected the fact that even cynical Democrats
understood that the Democratic party — and, to be fair, much of
the country generally — craved a mainstream black presidential
candidate. The problem for Obama was that he always believed the
most ludicrous version of Storybook Man. He once told a reporter,
'You know, I actually believe my own [bovine excrement].'” - - - - -
In legal news ...
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch
reports that Judge Barbara Peebles has been suspended and faces
possible removal from the bench. Among her infractions: her
"clerk" is a personal friend as well as being her hairdresser.
On the many occasions Judge Peebles showed up late, the "clerk,"
who has no legal training, simply decided cases -- some 350 of
them -- herself.
- - - - -
Jim Eason reminds us of an incisive
observation from George Bernard Shaw ...
substitutes selection by the incompetent many for appointment by
the corrupt few."
- - - - -
"The only thing that could have salvaged the president's (debate) performance would have been if the body of bin Laden fell from the ceiling onto the stage." October 7 --
BIG BIRD MAKES BIG BUCKS ... EXPLAINING OBAMA'S FLOP If unemployment has really lowered,
wouldn't you think payroll taxes paid in to the government
would have increased?
They haven't.
The unemployment report is
a total crock.
A further piece of fact-checking assembled by the Washington Times ... "Labor Secretary Hilda Solis said she was 'insulted' by charges that there was something fishy going on. She then betrayed her own ignorance of the facts by saying the 86,000 jobs that the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) discovered in the last two months were private-sector jobs. They were actually government hires. Private-sector employment fell last month by a net of 5,000. Manufacturing jobs were down 16,000. Mrs. Solis threw her underlings under the bus, saying 'the information that I received is given to me by our professional, civil service staff in the BLS.' Perhaps these are the same BLS economists whom the Washington Free Beacon reports have contributed thousands to the Obama campaign. "There’s good
reason to question the latest fantasy figure. The U-6
unemployment rate, which factors out low-paying, part-time
jobs, remains lodged at 14.7 percent. The percentage of
long-term unemployed is four
times what it was five years ago."
... and the Big Media continue to lie, lie, lie ... - - - - -
A footnote to the bogus controversy over Romney's plan to stop taxpayer subsidies of PBS and poor ol' Big Bird ... The whole Sesame Street operation is an enormously profitable corporation built on a foundation of those taxpayer subsidies. Big Bird products alone bring in a profit of over $50 million a year. - - - - -
Flores reports for The Daily Caller News Foundation:
"Social Security did not take in as much money as it spent last year, according to the latest report by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). The CBO estimates that over the next ten years, Social Security expenditures will continue to exceed the dedicated revenues by about10 percent as the Baby Boomers retire. "That gap will grow larger in the 2020s, and by 2030, Social Security outlays will be about 6 percent of gross domestic product and will exceed dedicated tax revenues by about 20 percent,' the CBO writes. For fiscal year 2012, Social Security spending totaled $773 billion, nearly 5 percent of GDP. The projected year of Social Security insolvency continues to be moved up, with the latest projections being 2033." If you think Social Security is bad, wait until you see Medicare. - - - - -
Both participants in last Wednesday's
presidential debate violated one fundamental principle of
effective communication: Don't talk about things most of your
audience doesn't understand unless you are willing -- and able
-- to explain them in everyday language.
Both men utterly wasted
several minutes talking about something called Dodd-Frank. Ask
the next ten people you meet if they have any idea what that
is. I'd be stunned if you found even one who can even make the
link between that piece of legislation and banking.
For the record, it's an
arcane regulatory bill sponsored by Barney Frank in the House
and Chris Dodd in the Senate. Since both are wild-eyed
liberals, the only certain consequence was/is ... a larger
federal bureaucracy to administer it.
- - - - -
The estimable Jed Babbin, whose work in the Defense Department began under the first President Bush, weighs in on our waning power ... "Obama has failed to exercise American power for American principles and interests. As in domestic affairs, Obama announces a broad policy goal and expects others to carry them out -- he "leads from behind." But this fails because leadership is more than just speech-giving.
"The result is
America's abdication as a superpower. We now lack the
influence over world events that were within our grasp only a
few years ago. Our adversaries ignore Obama.
"As Obama withdraws America from its superpower role, he
creates a geopolitical vacuum. NATO will not fill it, nor will
the U.N. The vacuum will be filled, though, and most likely by
our adversaries. There will be more wars, not fewer, than
there would be if America remained the guarantor of security
and stability for ourselves and our allies."
- - - - -
Some students at the University of Wisconsin,
A/K/A "Berkeley
East," complain it was unfair that their Marxist idol
wasn't allowed to use a teleprompter in the presidential
Since the university is a
publicly-funded institution, taxpayer dollars are spent
"educating" these lunkheads.
- -
- - -
- - - - -
Let's see ... how can we help befuddled
Democrats explain Obama's bungled debate?
Al Gore says it might
have been oxygen deprivation at Denver altitude, although it
didn't seem to handicap him four years ago when he made is
acceptance (of the nomination) speech there.
Other media shills suggest
he might've been preoccupied with serious matters of government
(perhaps how to stage a "Wag the Dog" war before the election?)."Jim Lehrer, that ultra-right-winger (!) from PBS, only gave Barack four minutes more time than Romney." Some wailing supporters bemoan that he was just being too nice to Romney. Suuure; Chicago politicians are known for that. Perhaps he and Michelle had a spat just before air-time, when she told him, "Get your lazy --- out there and kick his ---!" And sports fan suspect he may have inhaled some of that awful religious residue left behind when Tim Tebow left Denver to join the NY Jets. Any other possible causes? Helpful ideas welcome. - - - - -
More unintended Obama comedy ... He refers to the Chicago White Sox as his favorite baseball team, yet when asked, couldn't name a single player on the team. And refers to the longtime home of the Sox as "ComiNskey FIELD." It was COMISKEY PARK, named for the founder of the team. We can safely assume his sports fandom is as phony as everything else about him. - - - - -
Former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld
views the campaign in the Washington Times ...
" A few
weeks ago, Vice President Joe Biden, in his convention
acceptance speech, exclaimed, 'America is not in decline.' It
strikes me when the vice president feels he has to stand up and
say that, it’s a bit like acknowledging that America is in decline and that the
world senses it, but he doesn’t want to admit it.
"Reversing this downward
trend requires an honest accounting of where we are and how we got
here. Reversing the trends of the last four years requires
changing the leadership at the top. We have a president and an
administration who routinely dismiss the work ethic that has made
our country an exceptional nation and seek to replace respect for
personal responsibility with envy and division, making America a
place where earned success is resented rather than respected."Instead of taking a firm stance against those who attack our embassies and our diplomats, this administration reserves its harshest words of condemnation for a provocateur video maker. "The problem is not with America. It is with an intolerant, backward ideology championed by radical Islamists — an ideology that is so intolerant it belongs in the Middle Ages, not in the Middle East." - - - - -
"It is hard to imagine a more stupid or more dangerous way of making decisions than by putting those decisions in the hands of people who pay no price for being wrong." -- Thomas Sowell - - - - -
This quote tweeted by Ohio State backup
QB Cardale Jones tells you everything you need to know about
big-time college football: "Why should we have to go to class
if we came here to play football, we ain't come here to play school, classes are
He's a third-string quarterback, but obviously fantasizes about highly unlikely pro football stardom in his future. Footnote: Recommended viewing ... " Broke" on ESPN's "30-30" series. It will be re-run several times. It's a documentary about young athletes, mostly football players, who are among the rare few who do make it to the NFL with big contracts, and how they mismanage all that sudden wealth. Most are bankrupt within three years after their careers end -- and many such careers end suddenly. - - - - -
A life in radio ... and travel (cont.) ...
I have been fortunate to develop enduring friendships with many
of the people I've met in my travels. Andy was one of those
He and his family traveled often on trips arranged by the travel agency I
co-owned. He -- and they -- were always up for something new and
different. Europe, Asia, Africa ... Andy was always ready to go
and always good company with a sometimes wicked sense of humor.
On this particular occasion our group was traveling from
Florence, Italy, to Hammamet, Tunisia. Since Florence was -- and
is -- without major airline service, we were taking the train to
Rome with two hours built into the schedule to travel from the
railway station to the airport.
A half-hour into the
train trip as we were having lunch in the dining car, the train
comes to a stop in the Italian countryside. We asked the waiter
why, and were told the crew had gone on strike.
"How long will you be
on strike?"
"Two hours."
Uh-oh. There goes our
connection time to the airport for the last (5PM)
flight out to Tunisia.
When we arrived at the
Rome railway terminal, we encountered a mob scene. The European
soccer championship tournament was beginning that evening and
chartered trains were arriving from all over the continent. Now
we have a big, big problem. No hotel rooms available anywhere in
Rome, we were told. Where are forty-plus people to sleep?
As agency owners, my business partner and I and our staff had
long made it a practice to carry a directory of every contact we
had in every major city: hotel managers, airline executives,
tour bus operators, etc. We began calling and finally located a
suburban small hotel that could accommodate our people overnight
if they doubled-up.
Meantime, while all these calls are being placed, our people are
cooling their heels in the terminal. Andy noticed that the
harried fellow working behind the desk at the all-glass
information booth had simply given up on his task of advising
all those incoming Europeans regarding hotels, bus lines, etc.
Andy being ... well,
Andy ... entered the information office, put on the official
jacket and cap the clerk had left behind, and began dispensing
Andy spoke none of the
languages being hurled at him by the hordes of arriving soccer
fans, but would respond to their questions simply by pointing
outside toward one of the many Rome city buses stopped in rows
along the curb, or write a bus-number on a notepad and hand it
to them.
We could only imagine where some of those eager soccer fans
ended their journeys that evening. As for Andy and the rest of
our group, we arrived at a small but nice old hotel where the
dining room had already closed for the
Nevertheless, we were hospitably received and the staff reopened the kitchen, made tons of spaghetti, then sat with us in the dining room where we ate and joined them in drinking copious quantities of wine, cheering on their favorites in a game few of us understood.
Andy made his final journey not long ago, leaving us after
ninety years of bringing much joy to many. I will never forget
Footnote: Hammamet, Tunisia, is a lovely little beach
town reached via air service into Tunis, then a drive down the
coast. If the Muslim world ever comes to its senses (highly
doubtful) it's worth a visit. The ruins of ancient Carthage are
a short cab-ride outside Tunis. The signs identifying each
business were pictures formed of inlaid tile in the street at
what had been the entrance to each. The one picturing the local
vomitorium is particularly enchanting. That's where customers
went to purge themselves after gorging themselves at a banquet
... so they could return for more serious eating and drinking.
Those dudes were organized.
- - - - -
Leno --
"They’re saying close to 60
million people may have watched the debate. In fact, the only
person who didn’t tune in was President
"The consensus is that Mitt Romney won the presidential debate. The only people who thought Obama won were the replacement refs. October 8 --
CHAVEZ "WIN" + OBAMA POLICY = HIGH GAS PRICES ... YOUR FUTURE UNDER OBAMACARE Four weeks until decision day on the catastrophic White House career of Barack Obama. Do not be surprised if Obama launches some sort of military operation on the eve of the election with an announcement along the lines of "We can't change in the middle of a crisis." Or, more likely, some bogus "revelation" about Romney, with no time left to disprove it. He's done it before in local Chicago politics. It would hardly be unexpected if he did it again. - - - - -
Some members of Obama's
media claque now rationalize his lame debate by suggesting
that he's really tired of the job and wants to lose the
Oh, please ... Can anyone really believe that a man who so
relishes power (the very point of end-running laws and the
constitution) and the applause of his fawning admirers really
wants to give it up?
Not to mention the lavish perks of office that he and Mama
Obama so enjoy; the extravagant vacations, the hob-nobbing
with celebrities and a lifestyle that costs the taxpayers many
times over what the British pay for the upkeep of the entire
royal family.
Nooooo ... I don't think so!
- - - - -
Today's media absurdity ... From Democrat propaganda organ, the Washington Post, by Jerry Markon: "Foreign policy was once seen as an Obama strength ..." Really?! When ... and by whom?! ... and from the same paper, this stunning revelation ... "... members of Congress have pushed legislation in recent years that could benefit businesses of industries in which they or their family are involved or invested ..." We're stunned, shocked and amazed! -- aren't we? - - - - -
There is a growing body of informed opinion -- i.e., people in a position to have well-founded suspicions -- that Barack Obama intended to bring the murderous Osama bin Laden to the United States for a civilian trial if he had been captured alive instead of shot on the spot by Navy Seals. He apparently had the absurd idea that somehow the murderous Muslims of the world would be impressed by the "fair play" of giving Osama a trial under American law. Of course, it is known that Obama only OK'd the raid that ended the life and career of the terrorist after the operation had reached the point of no return, having previously rejected it. The famous photo of him with Hillary and others clustered in the operations center watching the raid, showing Obama cowering like a chastised school boy, is revealing in itself. - - - - -
Regular readers of this column will recall that I predicted immediately after the debate a one-to-two-point gain for Romney in polling. Rasmussen, the most reliable based on poll numbers versus actual election outcomes, had Romney and Obama in a tie going into the debate. Rasmussen is a three-day rolling average, so now all the post-debate surveying has been calculated. Result: Romney up 49%-47%. Gain: two points. Gallup has Romney getting a five-point bounce. - - - - -
Consider this a warning that publicly-held companies'
executives anticipate a worsening recession.
An increasing number of companies are cutting their dividends to stockholders, an action almost never taken when steady or increasing earnings are expected. - - - - -
Quick quiz: Why might a
self-obsessed incumbent president want more young people in
college for four years or longer?
Answer: Since so many of today's graduates can't find jobs, it's evident that the more young folk entering -- and staying in -- college means fewer of them show up in the unemployment numbers. - - - - -
Another measure of the Obama economy ...
The NASCAR races at the giant Talladega race track are usually
well-attended. Yesterday's race showed acres of empty seats,
with the huge upper-grandstand at turn 4 totally empty.
There were also many empty seats in Pittsburgh for the
Steelers-Eagles game. When Pittsburghers don't turn out to
watch their team in that intra-state rivalry, you know the economic squeeze
is serious.
- - - - -
How some saw the real Obama for the first time last
week in the debate ...
"He garbed the presidency in the clothing of hope and
change, but after Mitt
Romney stripped him bare in last Wednesday’s
debate, he stands as naked before his own supporters as he
has been to those who never bought into him.
"'Generations from now,' he said on the night he put Hillary
Clinton away during the Democratic primary season in 2008, 'we
will be able to tell our children that this was the moment. .
. that the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet
began to heal.'
"If that had been a sworn statement, Obama would be in jail
for perjury now, because he is a stranger to humility and does
not believe he has limitations.
"He is not nearly as eloquent, masterly, and smart as he and
his sycophants think he is, and now everybody is onto him." --
John Podhoretz, NY Post
- - - - -
Britain's Telegraph, a major -- and serious -- newspaper, reports that forty-three hospital patients starved to death last year and 111 died of thirst. The death toll will also fuel concerns about care homes, as it was disclosed that eight people starved to death and 21 people died of thirst while in care. As well as 43 people who starved to death, 287 people were recorded by doctors as being malnourished when they died in hospitals. There's
a look at your future under Obamacare.
- - - - -
Dictator Chavez "wins" in Venezuela, despite exit polls showing the exact opposite. No surprise -- in line with Stalin's dictum,"Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything." Tanks and troops are in the streets of Caracas and other cities ... exactly what you'd expect from a Communist thug who never had any intention of relinquishing power. What does this mean to you? Probably still higher gasoline prices. Venezuela is a major foreign source of oil for the U.S. and is shifting some of that oil to China. Meantime, his fellow Marxist in the White House (whom Chavez endorsed) rejects more domestic U.S. drilling and still blocks the pipeline from Canada. - - - - -
Burt Prelutsky is fed up with the lying
leftists of the media ...
"If you depend on the mainstream media -- and why would
anyone? – you would come to believe that Muslims are decent,
law-abiding people and Christian conservatives are blood-thirsty
"Instead of speaking truth to
power, they roll over for Obama and the Democrats. In
dictatorships, you expect journalists to be propagandists
because to be otherwise doesn’t mean you lose your job; it means
you lose your life.
"The Left is always talking about favoring free
speech, but it’s a lie. The only speech they ever defend is
their own.
"That brings us to Muslims. All over the world,
we’ve seen those people burning and killing, allegedly in
response to a video or a promo for a video nobody appears to
have actually seen. Now it’s bad enough that a religion that has
a billion faithful scattered all over the place is the looniest
on earth. But by this time, we in what continues to pass for the
civilized world have come to expect nothing else of those
fanatical goons. The problem is that far too many people
continue to pay lip service to these creeps simply because they
commit their evil in the name of a religion."
- - - - -
The wisdom of Jerry Seinfeld ...
“Facebook is one of the great trash receptacles of human time.
Of course when you are young and dumb you think people are great
. . . When you are 50, your first thought is the fewer people
you have anything to do with, the better."
- - - - -
Memo to those who deal in the written
word: Mentally confused folk are not restrained in a
"straight-jacket" -- it's a STRAIT-jacket.
- - - - -
Especially for Columbus Day ...
Columbus sailed the ocean blue ...
... had his problems, same as you.
He sailed thru light and sailed thru dark ...
... and couldn't find a place to park.
- - - - -
distressing report from the Sky Guy ...
"This morning I jogged with my wife for a 1/4 of a mile.
I want to tell you, it was the worst five hours of my life!" ...
and Archie contributes another bit of misogyny ...
"What dear?" she gently asked, smiling as her heart began to fill with warmth. "I'm beginning to think you're bad luck.” October
9 --
MORE."- - - - -
An odd observation from a (liberal) Washington Post political column: "Romney is promising more than he can deliver." Oh, really? When, pray tell, was there a political candidate who DIDN'T? And just how is Obama delivering on his promises; "planet healing," etc.? - - - - -
Lacking any real response to the shellacking he took in the debate, Obama has resorted to calling Romney a liar, a phony. Well, here's the real story about one of Obama's own huge whoppers, as detailed by Thomas Sowell ... "It is our Commander in Chief who is Phony in Chief. A classic example was his speech to a predominantly black audience at Hampton University on June 5, 2007. That date is important, as we shall see. "In his speech -- delivered in a
ghetto-style accent that Obama doesn't use anywhere except when
he is addressing a black audience -- he charged the federal
government with not showing the same concern for the people of
New Orleans after hurricane Katrina hit as they had shown for
the people of New York after the 9/11 attacks, or the people of
Florida after hurricane Andrew hit.
"Departing from his prepared
remarks, he mentioned the Stafford Act, which requires
communities receiving federal disaster relief to contribute 10
percent as much as the federal government does.
"Senator Obama, as he was then,
pointed out that this requirement was waived in the case of New
York and Florida because the people there were considered to be
'part of the American family.' But the people in New Orleans --
predominantly black -- 'they don't care about as much.'
"Why is the date of this speech
important? Because, less than
two weeks earlier, on May 24, 2007, the United States
Senate had in fact voted 80-14 to waive the Stafford Act
requirement for New Orleans, as it had waived that requirement
for New York and Florida. More federal money was spent
rebuilding New Orleans than was spent in New York after 9/11 and
in Florida after hurricane Andrew, combined."
Obama, congenital liar.
- - - - -
ABC News, which occupies an entire wing of the Big Media bordello, claimed on its website that it was presenting the entire transcript of last week's presidential debate.
They did not.
They cut out Romney's entire opening
statement.Only a cynic, of course, would suspect the hand of Boy George Stephanopoulos might be involved. Would a longtime Democrat party hack do such a thing? ...hard to believe ... - - - - -
Just so there's no misunderstanding ... Any suburbanite casting a vote for Obama is a self-destructive masochist. Why? Because the clear and stated policy of Obama is to (A) seize money from suburban towns to (B) "invest" in the inner cities. If suburban dwellers choose to turn over their tax dollars to the mayors of places like Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, etc., then Obama is the way to go. - - - - -
Today's significant statistic: Amount of taxpayer money spent thus far on Obama vacations since his inaugural -- Twenty million dollars ($20,000,000). Source -- "The 1.4 Billion Dollar Man: Costs of the Obama White House. - - - - -
to Al Gore, a wizard on technology; after all, he invented the
internet -- didn't he?
Anyway, reader Pete reminds me of the utter silliness of his conjecture that the altitude at Denver, the "Mile High" city, may have caused his sorry debate performance. Given the amount of time he spends on the 747 airliner that serves as Air Force One, he's accustomed to even higher altitudes because commercial airliners maintain internal cabin pressure equivalent to altitudes between 6,000 and 8,000 feet. Back to school, Al. - - - - -
light of the following, it's hardly surprising that Barack Obama
is sympathetic to the view of marauding Muslims that criticism
or ridicule of Muhammad be suppressed.This was
uncovered by The Daily Caller ...
"At the height of early-1990s conservative backlash over
political correctness and 'speech codes' on U.S. college
campuses, Barack
Obama participated in a panel event geared toward
denying that restrictions on free expression were problematic,
or happening at all. The 1991 Harvard Law School yearbook quoted
the future President of the United States virtually shrugging
his shoulders at the thought that non-liberal white students
might take offense at restrictions on speech minority students
found objectionable."
He may reluctantly pay lip-service to First Amendment rights in
order to appease the liberals that still remember we have a
constitution, but his deeply-held opinion is the opposite.
- - - - -
Ravi, a reader of this daily screed, recalls these words ... "Somehow we have to figure out how
to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe." --
Obama's Energy Secretary Steven Chu, another Berkeley wacko.
We're getting there! - - - - -
When Joe Biden almost inevitably refers to the killing of Osama bin Laden in tomorrow night's debate, remember this: Biden, himself, is on-record as having opposed the operation. - - - - -
The indispensable Mark Steyn takes up the cudgel against taxpayers subsidizing PBS ... "I loathe Sesame Street. It bears primary responsibility for what the Canadian blogger Binky calls the de-monsterization of childhood – the idea that there are no evil monsters out there at the edges of the map, just shaggy creatures who look a little funny and can sometimes be a bit grouchy about it because people prejudge them until they learn to celebrate diversity and help Cranky the Friendly Monster go recycling. That is not unrelated to the infantilization of our society. Marinate three generations of Americans in that pabulum, and it's no surprise you wind up with unprotected diplomats dragged to their deaths from their 'safe house' in Benghazi. "The Corporation of Public Broadcasting receives nearly half-a-billion dollars a year from taxpayers, which it disburses to PBS stations, who, in turn, disburse it to Big Bird and Jim Lehrer. I don't know what Big Bird gets, but, according to Sen. Jim DeMint, the President of Sesame Workshop, Gary Knell, received in 2008 a salary of $956,513. In that sense, Big Bird and Sen. Harry Reid embody the same mystifying phenomenon: they've been in 'public service' their entire lives and have somehow wound up as multimillionaires." - - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "Democrats complain bitterly about Barack Obama's performance in the Denver debate. His supporters said he looked irritated, annoyed and outmatched. They had watched every single episode of 'The West Wing' and Martin Sheen never let them down." - - - - -
"A groundbreaking new report raises serious questions as to whether President Barack Obama’s reelection campaign is knowingly, and illegally, accepting and soliciting donations from foreign nationals. "The Government
Accountability Institute (GAI), run by Stanford University
research fellow Peter Schweizer, conducted an extensive,
six-month investigation examining the potential for
fraudulent and foreign funds being funneled to U.S.
political campaigns via the Internet.
"The 'alarming'
results detailed in the report, GAI found, highlight 'a
serious and systemic threat to the integrity of the U.S.
election system' that demands a full-scale investigation by
federal authorities." -- Washington Free Beacon
So what's new? Bill Clinton received illegal
millions in campaign money from China funneled thru Charlie
Trie, a Little Rock Chinese restaurant owner. Perhaps
related to those contributions was the awarding of export
licenses for hi-tech military equipment subsequently sent to
And Mr. Trie, himself,
now lives comfortably in ... China. While millions of
Americans continue to be dopes and dupes for the lying
More: The non-partisan Government Accountability
Institute [GAI] shows the Obama campaign has potentially
violated federal election law by failing to prevent the use
of fraudulent or foreign credit card transactions on the
official Obama for America [OFA] donation webpage. --
- - - -
A lengthy
list worth pondering:You
know you live in a country run by idiots if...
government believes
that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of
debt is to spend trillions more.
The Supreme Court
of the United States can rule that lower courts cannot display
the 10 Commandments in their courtroom, while sitting in
front of a display of the 10 Commandments.
Hard work and
success are rewarded with higher taxes and government
intrusion, while slothful, lazy behavior is rewarded
with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized housing, and
free cell phones.
believe the State is responsible for providing for their
You pay
your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big
screen TV while your neighbor defaults on his mortgage (while
buying I-phones, TV's and new cars) and the government
forgives his debt and reduces his mortgage (with your tax
stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you "safe".
You have to
have your parents signature to go on a school field trip
but not to get an abortion.
Using the "N" word is considered "hate speech" but
writing and singing songs about raping women and killing
cops is considered "art".- - - - -
Reflections on Columbus Day ...
It's regarded as largely an Italian-American holiday, but
shouldn't it be at least as much a holiday for Americans whose
family roots are in Spain?
After all, while ol' Chris hailed from that sea-farin' town of
Genoa, it was that Spanish fun-couple, King Ferdinand and Queen
Isabella, who put up the money for his wild adventure.
In fact, there was no
Italy at the time; Genoa was one of many city-states that made
up that boot-shaped peninsula. Italy didn't come into existence
as a nation until 1861, almost 300 years after Ferdi and his
hottie said, "Bienvenidos, amigo," to Cristoforo Colombo, "How'd
you like to sail off the edge of the world?"
- - - -
How not to be a chick-magnet ... Timothy Paez, 22, was arrested in Boulder, Colo., based on an incident at Shooters Grill and Bar, in which, after being rejected by a woman, he later approached her and allegedly urinated on her leg. - - - - -
Dan passes along this example of British male humor ... "The cost of living has now gotten so bad that my wife is having sex with me because she can't afford batteries." October 10 --
better for our White House Marxist to keep babbling childish
nonsense about Big Bird, since very time he opens his mouth
about real and serious issues -- getting our diplomats
murdered by his Muslim friends, jobs, the economy -- he's
lying in his teeth.
Now that he and his UN parrot, Susan Rice, are
trapped in their totally phoney story about the Libya murders
being caused by some video nobody -- certainly not in the
crazed middle-east -- has even seen, it's clear that Hillary
is ready and eager to yank the rug out from under him.
Once business contributors to the campaign of Romney started to figure out that the thinly-veiled threats that such activity may not subject them to retaliation by Obama's burocrat hacks after all, the money poured in to Romney, Obama's coffers have run low.
The house of cards this pretentious poltroon has
constructed is falling apart.
- - - - -
"You have to scratch your head when the president spends the last week talking about saving Big Bird. I actually think we need to have a president who talks about saving the American people and saving good jobs." -- Mitt Romney - - - - -
The Sesame
Street Workshop, the organization that produces the
TV program, has sent word to Obama's campaign: Stop using Sesame Street characters
in your TV commercials.
The Obama campaign refuses.
- -
- - -
More Obama stupidity on parade ...
The Michigan factory that makes batteries for the misbegotten
electric car flop, the Chevy
Volt, is furloughing workers without ever having
produced a single battery.
This company got from the Obama administration
$150 million of your tax money.- - - - -
In his demagogic 2007 speech bewailing the "fact" that the Bush administration didn't care about the black folk in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina, Obama bemoaned the government's failure to waive the Stafford Act in that disaster. That's the law that requires local/state governments to put up one dollar for every ten the federal government sends in disaster aid, as it had waived the law in the aftermath of 9/11 and a previous Florida hurricane. That statement was a flat-out lie; the requirement WAS waived for New Orleans ... and furthermore, then-Senator Obama voted AGAINST the waiver. There is no limit to the man's lies. - - - - -
Judge him by his friends ...
It would be inconceivable for Barack Obama to appoint a man who had praised the Ku Klux Klan to a commission discussing race relations; what he has actually done, however, is all too predictable. Obama has appointed a man who has praised Hamas and Hizballah, and blamed Israel for 9/11, to be the United States’ representative at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s annual 10-day human rights conference. The Obama State Department is sending Salam al-Marayati, founder and executive director of the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), to the OSCE conference. -- Robert Spencer, PJ Media - - - - -
Obama supporters too dumb to realize that accusing his opponents
of racism just might be self-defeating? After all, there are
plenty of people who are inclined to think, "If I'm going to have
the name, I might as well have the game," and be more motivated to
vote against the Affirmative Action president.
- - - - -
fruits of Obamacare are appearing ...
A major restaurant group is experimenting with cutting its
employees hours in the hopes of cutting the costs of healthcare.
Darden Restaurants, which owns the Red Lobster, Olive Garden, LongHorn Steakhouse, and Yard House chains has stopped offering full-time schedules to hourly workers. The company plans to offer a maximum of 28 hours per week per employee. The test is being conducted in what the company calls "a select number" of restaurants in four markets but would not give details. The Orlando-based group said the changes were "just one of the many things we are evaluating to help us address the cost implications healthcare reform will have on our business." Under a section of President Barack Obama's Affordable Healthcare Act due to go into effect in 2014, large employers face fines of up to $3,000 per employee if they fail to provide insurance for employees who work an average of 30 or more hours per week. Darden said it offers health insurance to its 185,000 employees nationwide but many are on a limited-benefit plan which will be phased out under Obamacare. -- The Orlando Sentinel via Newsmax PS -- The CEO of this company was a big Obama supporter. - - - - -
Martha Raddatz of ABC News is the moderator of tomorrow night's vice-presidential debate. She is married to Julius Genachowski, a former classmate of Obama and who was appointed by the president to head the Federal Communications Commission. Obama was even a guest at their wedding. ABC is unhappy that inquiries were made about what some might interpret as a conflict-of-interest. No kidding ... - - - - -
More ties-that-bind ... Chuck Todd of NBC/MSNBC is married to a former staff member at the Democratic National Committee. He, himself, worked for left-wing Senator Tom Harkin. Then there's Chrissy "Tingle" Matthews who worked for Democrat Sen. Tip O'Neill and Jimmy Carter. Media bias? Naaaahhh ... - - - - -
Walter Williams, a professor of economics
who talks about that arcane specialty in plain language,
addresses the malaise of the (former) "Golden State" ...
control California's Legislature, and its governor, Jerry Brown,
is a Democrat. California is home to some of America's richest
people and companies. It would then appear that the liberals'
solution to deficit and debt would be easy. They need only to
raise taxes on California's rich to balance the budget and pay
down the debt — or, as President Barack Obama would say, make
the rich pay their fair share.
"The downside to such a tax strategy is the fact that people are
already leaving California in great numbers. According to a
Manhattan Institute study, roughly 225,000 residents leave
California each year — and have done so for the past 10 years.
They take their money with them. Using census and Internal
Revenue Service data, (the authors) estimate that California's
out-migration results in large shares of income going to other
states, mostly to Nevada ($5.67 billion), Arizona ($4.96
billion), Texas ($4.07 billion) and Oregon ($3.85 billion). "That's the problem. California politicians can fleece people in 2012, but there's no guarantee that they can do the same in 2013 and later years; people can leave. Also, keep in mind that rich people didn't become rich by being stupid." - - - - -
Political campaigns are supposed to verify the identity of contributors. The Obama campaign doesn't even try, thus opening the coffers to illegal contributions by foreigners. The editor of the Red State political newsletter (conservative, as is obvious from the name) made a totally bogus $5 contribution to Obama. Everything about it -- name, address -- in RUSSIA -- was fake except for the essential numbers and expiration date. It zipped right thru. - - - - -
Odd. Even though new polls show Romney's pulled into a near dead-heat in Pennsylvania, inside word is he's shifting some campaign advertising money from that state into Ohio. - - - - -
This should come as a surprise to exactly nobody ... The Washington, D.C., metropolitan has the richest population in America, according to the Wall Street Journal. The median annual household income in the D.C. metroplex is $86,680, compared to the national average of $50,502. Who/what is the largest employer in the area? The government, of course. And who pays these well-rewarded folk? Look in the mirror. - - - - -
Korea has announced that it now has nuclear missiles
capable of hitting the U.S. mainland. This may or may not be
true -- some of their launches have been debacles -- but it
reminds us of what may eventually turn out to be one of the
biggest presidential blunders in history.
During the Korean War, General MacArthur
wanted to finish the job and drive out the invading Chinese
forces that were aiding North Korea by whatever means
For taking that
position, while we still had nuclear supremacy, President Harry Truman
fired him.
Had he succeeded, North
Korea, if it still existed as a separate nation at all, would
be a nonentity instead of a constant irritant. And China would
not be growing into a threatening giant military power already
throwing it's weight around in Asia.
MacArthur was right.
Truman was wrong. And the bill for that mistake is coming due.
- - - - -
Grist for the gossip mill from Irish Central ... A new book by historian William Chafe, entitled “Bill and Hillary,” dissects the couple’s marriage and alleges that Bill Clinton asked Hillary for a divorce in 1990 before he embarked on his long- shot bid for the presidency. William Chafe is currently a Professor of History at Duke University and a highly regarded historian. The book, reviewed in Sunday’s New York Times, alleges that in 1990 Bill wanted to leave Hillary for an energy-company executive named Marilyn Jo Jenkins. Chafe says that Bill asked Hillary for a divorce but the future first lady refused. It seems that Clinton was still very much in love with Jenkins at the time he won the White House. What?! You mean Bill & Hill haven't always been a coosome twosome ... a pair of love birds?! The mind boggles ... - - - - -
The ridicule becomes more pungent ...
"When the
hermetic, perfect world created in 2008 came into being, the
Light-bringer at its center was protected from the moment of his
nomination in a kind of numinous cloud of cultural, media and
elite opinion protection.
"Jokes about Obama,
well...they just weren't funny. Criticism of his policies and
politics were obviously racist in nature...what other
explanation could possibly obtain? Mockery of his
pomposity, his flagrant sense of personal grandeur, his
Administration-as-personality-cult was a product of Republican
sour grapes (and, duh, racism). He was the cool kid in
the room full of conservative dorks.
"Obama's most
compelling attribute was the belief that his intellectual
prowess is unmatched by any President, perhaps any mortal.
A cornerstone of their faith in him was always that Barack Obama's
intellectual firepower could be deployed at will, and destroy
Mitt Romney at a time and place of the President's choosing.
"What they saw Wednesday
night wasn't the demigod they've protected like so many cultural
Myrmidons, but a stammering, detached, utterly outclassed man
hoisted on the petard of his own laziness and incuriousity." --
Rick Wilson, Ricochet.com- - - - -
Reader Maria suggests each black voter should ask her/himself, "If he were white, would I still vote for Obama?" - - - - -
Jim Eason finds certain parallels between today's politics and a biblical reference ... Samuel 8, 4-5 ... all the elders of Israel gathered together and went to Samuel at Ramah. They said to him, “Look, you are old, and your sons do not follow your example. Therefore, appoint a king to judge us the same as all the other nations have.” 10-18 Samuel told all the Lord’s words to the people who were asking him for a king. He said, “These are the rights of the king who will rule over you: He will take your sons and put them to his use in his chariots, on his horses, or running in front of his chariots. He can appoint them for his use as commanders of thousands or commanders of fifties, to plow his ground or reap his harvest, or to make his weapons of war or the equipment for his chariots. He can take your daughters to become perfumers, cooks, and bakers. He can take your best fields, vineyards, and olive orchards and give them to his servants. He can take a tenth of your grain and your vineyards and give them to his officials and servants. He can take your male servants, your female servants, your best young men, and your donkeys and use them for his work. He can take a tenth of your flocks, and you yourselves can become his servants. When that day comes, you will cry out because of the king you’ve chosen for yourselves, but the Lord won’t answer you on that day.” - - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "Mitt Romney enjoyed a post-debate bounce in the polls. His next task is to change America's attitude on deficit spending. It's looking more and more like planning our financial future on the Mayan Calendar wasn't the best plan." - - - - -
Policy statement: This daily electronic publication does not purport to tell you everything you need to know. Its purpose is to expose a few things everyone should know, with attribution to the source where appropriate. Plus an occasional smile. - - - - -
Dan Sorkin forwards this perceptive quote attributed to Mr. Moose. Mr. A. Nony Moose: "The difference between a Fascist/Communist and a Socialist is that the Socialist doesn't have all the guns yet." - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Democrats are accusing Mitt Romney of cheating during the debate. I don't know who he cheated off of, but I think we can rule out President Obama." October 11 --
OBAMA'S RING OF TRUTH ... REMINDER RE THE HOUSING COLLAPSE It's VP debate night tonight. The world holds its
collective breath, wondering if/when Crazy Joe will go into
full-bombast mode and say something utterly insane.
Or perhaps he'll repeat his
recent (true) statement that during the past four years, "The
middle-class has been crushed."
In any event, don't be surprised if Biden resorts to a familiar liberal tactic: just making up "facts" on the spot to support his argument. For years I engaged in regular on-air debates with a (San Francisco) Bay Area leftist who exercised that tactic regularly. When cornered, he would simply invent stories, quotes or statistics out of whole cloth and present them with convincing bombast. - - - - -
Not to be expected from Obama in the next presidential debate: "The reason I don't know much about the real world and only recite a few memorized and recycled leftist cliches from my first brilliant campaign and the reason I can't express an original thought without my teleprompter is ... it's all George Bush's fault." - - - - -
Is there an awakening
occurring in our leftist media? From the liberal "Politico"
website ...
came the nausea. Then came the anxiety.
"After months of watching Mitt Romney
twist in the media glare, a growing number of President Barack Obama’s
supporters — though confined for now to a noisy minority of
liberals — are peering into the Obama-might-actually-lose
abyss for the first time after last week’s disastrous first
- - - - -
"Say what?!" dep't. ...
"However well the Obama
campaign did in managing the post-debate spin and the
post-debate campaigning, the poll numbers clearly have now
shifted in Mitt Romney's favor." -- Rachel Maddow, MSNBC.
RACHEL MADDOW, MSNBC??!! Repent, sinners, for the end is near
- - - - -
Michael Goodwin (NY Post) with some analysis of Obama's revelation of "disdain" for Romney ... "Why does Obama hate Romney?
"Here’s my view: the president has been totally corrupted by
power. His already excessive self-regard has grown out of
control thanks to an entourage of yes men, a fawning press and
the presidential bubble. He actually believes in the messianic
cult of the “black Jesus” that surrounds him, and has a Nobel
Prize to authenticate his personal exceptionalism.
"The result is that Obama is no longer capable of dealing with
ordinary disagreement and difference. He can only demonize it
as unworthy and illegitimate. Honest disagreements are beneath
him. Thus, Romney is a 'liar.'
"We the people disappoint
him, too. His desire for 'more flexibility' reflects a desire to
be freed from our messy democracy, as did his comment that it
would be easier to be president of China."Bottom line: He's a power-mad, narcissistic egomaniac. - - - - -
WorldNet Daily uncovered this ... "As a student at Harvard Law School, then-bachelor Barack Obama’s practice of wearing a gold band on his wedding-ring finger puzzled his colleagues.
"Now, newly published photographs of Obama from the 1980s show
that the ring Obama wore on his wedding-ring finger as an
unmarried student is the same ring Michelle Robinson put on
his finger at the couple’s wedding ceremony in 1992.
"Moreover, according to Arabic-language and Islamic experts,
the ring Obama has been wearing for more than 30 years is
adorned with the first part of the Islamic declaration of
faith, the Shahada: 'There is no god except Allah.' It
expresses the beginning of the two fundamental beliefs that
make a person a Muslim: '
There is no god but Allah, and Muhammad is Allah’s prophet.'
"Sincere recitation of the Shahada is the sole requirement for
becoming a Muslim, as it expresses a person’s rejection of all
other gods."
- - - - -
Yes, some of the groundwork for the financial crisis was laid during the Bush years. The major driving force was the idiotic liberal idea that people who couldn't afford houses should be given government-guaranteed loans to buy them, anyway. They were guaranteed by Fannie Mae and Fredie Mac, the two taxpayer-financed government agencies. And who led this foolish campaign that ended in the housing collapse? Congressman Barney Frank -- Democrat, Massachusetts. Senator Christopher Dodd -- Democrat, Connecticut. - - - - -
Know who has the U.S. government contract to manufacture those cell-phones that Obama gives away to his chosen "poor" folks? Carlos Slim of Mexico, the richest man in the world. - - - - -
You may remember that widely-circulated video four years ago ... the Obama supporter proclaiming her devotion because "Obama's gonna make my house payment!" - - - - -
Another sign of the Obama economy ... Fed-Ex is a business that depends on ... business. Most of the content they transport is a reflection of other businesses' needs. And other businesses, mired in recession, are needing that service less. So ... Fed-Ex has announced plans to lay off thousands of employees within the next few months. - - - - -
Here's how well the Obama/Hillary "reset" with Russia is working. The Russians have announced that they're not renewing a treaty in effect since 1991 and renewed twice in the past ... the agreement to dispose of a large percentage of chemical and nuclear weapons. They've obviously learned that when you push this administration, it caves-in. - - - - -
Reader Dr. Lewis found some insightful quotes about confusing wishful thinking with reality. Obama's media brown-noses should take note: "The eyes rarely see what the mind does not expect." -- Albert Einstein. "It is a constant struggle to see what is in front of ones nose." -- George Orwell. "Between believing a thing and thinking you know is only a small step and quickly taken." -- Mark Twain. - - - - -
Burt Prelutsky, longtime and successful Hollywood writer-turned-columnist, holds up a mirror to his industry ... "Successful actors, directors and producers, are always attacking CEOs for making X-times as much money as their employees. What you never hear about is some actor who’s paid $25 million to make a movie taking just a million for himself and suggesting the remaining millions be divvied up among the rest of the cast and crew. Speaking of movies, I don’t recall anyone ever asking Obama to name his all-time favorite. My guess is that it might be a modern version of Frankenstein, in which the monster is created out of spare parts in the laboratory of a mad scientist named George Soros." - - - - -
Here's Chicago-style Democrat politics at work... WLS, Chicago, reports that an anonymous member of the Chicago Plumbers Union claims the union is forcing its members to back President Barack Obama. The plumber told the morning news/talk program on WLS that Plumbers Local 130 is requiring its members to attend a massive rally supporting Obama. - - - - -
Paul Pelosi, husband of Nancy, owns a pro football team in the start-up United Football League. His team is based in Sacramento. It has played two games. And he's failed to pay the players. - - - - -
advisor and author Robert Kiyosaki has filed for bankruptcy
for one of his companies after losing a lawsuit. A spokesman
says Kiyosaki is still okay financially, thanks to other
He first came to fame with his book "Rich Dad, Poor Dad." - -
- - -
"But mommm, we were horny ..." In Karlsruhe, Germany, a 14-year-old stole $3,800 worth of his mother's jewelry so he and a friend could visit a brothel. - - - - -
Jimmy Fallon -- "A woman on QVC fainted on the air, but her co-host kept talking as if nothing had happened. One person was unconscious while the other one just kept talking — kind of like last week's presidential debate." - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Can you believe it's only another month until we start arguing about whether the election was stolen or not?" October 12 --
JOE-THE-JERK'S PARADE OF LIES ... OBAMA STILL MANIPULATING JOB NUMBERS Where to begin? Arrogant, asinine, smirking, obnoxious, snide, supercilious, condescending, rude ... Joe Biden's behavior must have led many mothers to wonder, "What kind of upbringing did this jerk have?" Then, of course, there were the lies -- an endless parade of evasion and distortion, notably including the latest administration line blaming the bloody fiasco in Libya on intelligence people when it's established that the people there asked for more security and were refused ... and that Washington was told there was no "anti-video" demonstration going on while the attack was taking place. Then there was the bald-faced lie that "the world supports us" on the Iran sanctions. The laughter in Moscow and Beijing must have been near-hysterical. Ryan stuck to facts and issues while Biden continually interrupted him. Then there was the whopper from Biden about none of the "stimulus" money being wasted or funneled to cronies. Did this fool ever hear of Solyndra? And no, Obama didn't "save" GM; he bought off the auto workers' union then took the company into bankruptcy. Ryan missed a golden opportunity on those points. Biden's performance could be summarized thusly: A recitation of dead Obama talking points recycled from 2008 while he mugged like a six-year-old attempting to entertain visiting relatives. I doubt that many minds were changed; the dolts who still support this ongoing charade that is the Obama administration will continue to do so. But some undecided voters may have found Biden revolting -- especially if they're aware that he told lie after lie. It's interesting, however, that CNN's instant poll found Ryan to be the winner. CNBC's snap poll resulted in a 20-point win for Ryan. Martha Raddatz of ABC News asked some appropriate questions, but served Team Obama well by allowing Biden's constant interruptions of Ryan -- more than eighty, by one count. Perhaps Ryan should have invited her to his wedding. - - - - -
Say what?? “Barack Obama nor I support redefining from a civil side what constitutes marriage. We do not support that.” -- Joe Biden, 2008. Both now DO support it. ... also ...
In 1982, then-Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., voted for the Human Life
Federalism Amendment, which contradicted Roe vs Wade. He said at
the time that “the right to an abortion is not secured by this
Constitution.” So said the man who last night defended
unlimited abortion.
- - - - -
If you have trouble explaining to a slow-learning
liberal acquaintance why Obama persisted in lying about the
Libya murders at our consulate, insisting they were sparked by
an obscure anti-Muslim video when everyone who cared already
knew it WAS a terror attack, this is it:
It made clear that the
Democratic convention boast by Obama and his lemmings that "Al
Qaeda is defeated" was utter nonsense ... and that the terrorism
that was supposed to be ended by his new approach to relations
with the Islamic world was a childish fantasy, unworthy of a
sane adult.
- - - - -
A CNS News discovery ...
"In the months leading
up to the Sept. 11 terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in
Benghazi, the U.S. Embassy in Libya was seeking to hire two
bodyguards with “limited” English language skills at salaries of
about $13,000 per year.
"Job descriptions for
these openings that the U.S. Embassy in Libya posted online said the State
Department would give preference in filling them to qualified
U.S. citizens who were family members of U.S. government
The job descriptions
explicitly stated that this included the 'same-sex domestic partners'
of U.S. government employees."
Clear? The U.S. State Department explicitly advertised for gay employees to be hired at a diplomatic outpost in a Muslim nation in which homosexuality is punishable by death. We truly do live in a country run by raving lunatics. PS -- Have you decided on this question? "Susan Rice
(Obama's UN ambassador) is either (A) hopelessly stupid or (B) a
pathological liar."
- - - - -
First the "official" unemployment numbers take a
suspicious, unexplainable drop ... now the government tells us
that new unemployment benefit claims are lower -- except that
"one big state failed to report." That state is -- SURPRISE! --
California! (A revision in the numbers may be expected; expect
it to be another lie to boost Obama.)
How utterly naive or outright stupid would a person have to be in order to accept this transparently bull(bleep) sort of manipulation of numbers? The country is being run by a cabal of crooks and liars, abetted by corrupt media. - - - - -
Obama may be playing a dangerous game by trying to make our intelligence people the fall-guys in the Libya scandal that continues to grow as his lies are exposed. Those intel folk are in the business of finding secrets. They just may have a few that could blow the doors off the Obama campaign if they should be sufficiently annoyed and thus inclined to use them. - - - - -
Your (Obama) government in action ...
While denying extra security measures and personnel for our diplomatic mission in Libya, the State Department authorized the U.S. embassy in Vienna to buy a $108,000 electric vehicle charging station for the embassy motor pool’s new Chevrolet Volts, the flopmobile produced by Government Motors. Such are Obama's priorities. - - - - -
Little noticed but highly important: Former UN
Ambassador John Bolton is advising Mitt Romney on foreign
policy. A total plus.
- - - - -
Jay Nordlinger (National Review Online) suggests a few
statements Romney and/or Ryan should make ...
"President Obama, Vice President Biden, and their allies are always talking about fairness and compassion. There’s nothing fair or compassionate about economic collapse. We are headed for it. We’re broke. We’re $16 trillion in debt. The budget deficit is over a trillion. And they will do nothing about it. They will do absolutely nothing. They will just sit and call us a bunch of plutocrats and ogres. "You think economic collapse is fair or compassionate? Ask the Greeks. It’s brutal. It’s miserable. It’s cruel. Men in business suits are pawing through garbage, looking for something to eat. We’ve got to prevent this. "Who is willing to do this job, and not just holler about fairness and compassion?" - - - - -
Memo to Barack Obama, et al ... "To judge from the history of mankind, we shall be compelled to conclude that the fiery and destructive passions of war reign in the human breast with much more powerful sway than the mild and beneficent sentiments of peace; and that to model our political systems upon speculations of lasting tranquility would be to calculate on the weaker springs of human character." --Alexander Hamilton, 1788 - - - - -
This is what happens when a country's economy collapses. Coca-Cola Hellenic is the biggest company in Greece -- and it is leaving the country. Moving to Switzerland. Those who blithely ignore our own looming catastrophe if the wild-spending crazies aren't ousted would be well advised to take note. - - - - -
When a member of the Muslim Brotherhood became the head of the government of Egypt, our prevaricating president assured us that the Brotherhood was "moderate." Perhaps he can explain why the leader of that organization announced yesterday that Muslims must "make jihad" (i.e., war) to take Jerusalem. - - - - -
A tip worth repeating ...
If you want to see a movie
that depicts the career of Barack H. Obama, rent the Peter
Sellers movie, "Being There." It illustrates how supposedly
rational people can be deluded into believing that simplistic
nonsense is actually subtle wisdom.
- - - - -
The European Union is being awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. This is not a joke. After all, this idiotic game exhausted its laugh potential when it awarded the prize to our faux president. - - - - -
Re the University of Texas discrimination case just argued before the Supreme Court ... If "diversity" and the implication that it encourages mutually beneficial interaction between black students and their white/ Asian/Latino counterparts is so valuable, why do universities permit black-only self-segregated institutions within? - - - - -
"Obama wants to make everyone equally poor. You have to create wealth before you can redistribute it." -- Stephen Moore, author, “Who’s the Fairest of Them All?: The Truth about Opportunity, Taxes, and Wealth in America” - - - - -
The last page of Coach Jerry Sandusky's biography: From Penn State to the state pen. - - - - -
Sound advice from Dean Clancy (The American Spectator) to Joe Biden -- and, for that matter, all political candidates ... When you're kissing the ladies at campaign appearances, kisses on the cheek only; no tongue. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "The Secret Service caught a woman trying to sneak into the White House with a mysterious package. Turns out it was just Ann Romney with some carpet samples." October 13 --
BIBLICAL REVIEW OF THE DEBATE ... PORN PURVEYORS' POLITICAL PREFERENCE Try connecting these dots ... In the past few weeks we've learned that Obama can't be bothered to attend the daily intelligence briefings. Now he blames his continuous lying about the murders of our ambassador in Libya and three other Americans on faulty intelligence ... BUT ... Crazy Joe Biden tells us those same intelligence agencies will be able to tell us exactly when Iran achieves nuclear weapons capability! - - - - -
is a term Catholics use: "Chinese restaurant-menu
Catholicism," meaning "I'll take one from Column 'A',
two from Column 'B', and ignore the rest."Joe Biden gave a perfect illustration Thursday night, saying, "My religion defines my life" while supporting unlimited abortion. Huh??? It was also, of course, a blatant lie when he said no Catholic institution would have to support birth control or abortion via employee health coverage. Why would all kinds of such church-run operations be suing if that were true? "I think I probably have a much higher IQ than you." -- The modest Joe Biden to a voter, 1987 Biden continues to be Obama's best insurance policy. Can anyone seriously imagine this hysterical hyena in the Oval office? The scariest words that come to mind: "A heartbeat away from the presidency ..." - - - - -
More on Biden's manic lying in the debate ... Contrary to what he said, he voted FOR both the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. - - - - -
Michael Goodwin (NY Post) has a pungent portrayal of
our boorish VP at the debate ...
"Biden took the stage and made a fool of himself. The experience that supposedly qualifies him to be a heartbeat away is more than offset by the manic behavior he exhibited. "Following his mood
swings was like riding a roller coaster. He was over-amped in
the beginning and somber and melancholy toward the end. Did
the medication kick in, or was it wearing off?
"The indelible
images were those numerous split screen shots of Biden
laughing and shaking his head in condescension while Paul Ryan
spoke about serious matters. Iran, taxes, jobs, Medicare —
Biden snickered, sneered and giggled like he was privy to a
private joke, while Ryan doggedly tried to address the
nation’s most urgent problems."
- - - - -
A sudden recollection ... Joe Biden's debate behavior reminds me of the Maori greeting ceremony I once received in New Zealand, wherein you are met with the tribe sticking out their tongues at you and making threatening noises while they decide whether you are friend or foe. - - - - -
The madness and total sell-out by the Associated Press, once an unbiased news organization, runs amok again. This is from their review of Martha Raddatz's performance as debate moderator ... " Her performance was a clear contrast to PBS’ Jim Lehrer’s work in last week’s debate between President Obama and Mitt Romney. Lehrer let the presidential candidates talk almost freely, while Raddatz sought to be more specific and keep things under control." What?? "Keep things under control?" She let Biden behave like an out-of-control four-year-old in kindergarten. The AP has become America's equivalent of Russia's Pravda of the 1950s. - - - - -
If the average Democrat had an IQ at least equal to his shoe-size, he/she might recognize that between a trashed economy and growing threats to our security and ever-shrinking military, there might be more important matters facing us than continuing to subsidize the prosperous Big Bird empire. - - - - -
A biblical analysis of the VP debate ... "If a wise man has an argument with a fool, the fool only rages and laughs, and there is no quiet." -- Proverbs 29:9 Amen. - - - - -
A few days ago I got a sad phonecall from a man who escaped from a Communist Soviet satellite nation in Eastern Europe more than fifty years ago; escaped seeking freedom in America. He has become a renowned photographer whose work is admired by others in his profession. He is now frightened by what's happened in this nation and very, very afraid of a second Obama term because he's already seen what he perceives to be looming in the future of the U.S.A. His lament is, "I escaped from this insanity once; where can I go now?" - - - - -
Use this clue as a guideline when next you hear a left-wing politician speak ... If he/she uses the word "sustainable" be assured that you are listening to a Utopian fantasist moron. - - - - -
Jay Nordlinger raises a pertinent point ... "Obama and Biden always talk about “ending” the Iraq War and 'ending' the Afghan War. Okay. But is 'winning' definitely out? No such thing?" -- Nat'l Review Online - - - - -
Columnist Diana West clarifies how the Obama
administration got the four Americans murdered by Muslims in
Benghazi .. "Imagine, pre-9/11/12, that you were responsible for arranging the defense of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Would you have considered American interests and personnel best protected by bringing in a local security outfit called the February 17 Martyrs Brigade? The question has yet to come up in House hearings, but I think it holds the key to the Obama administration's betrayal of the American people in "Benghazi-gate." "To an American with common sense not subverted by advanced degrees, the thought of putting Islamic "martyrs" in charge of American "infidels" in Benghazi -- which, fun fact, literally means "city of holy warriors" -- would trigger the inevitable 'heck, no.' "Ansar al Sharia ("Supporters of Islamic Law"), the al-Qaida-linked militia believed to have led the consulate assault in September, is a spinoff of ... the February 17 Martyrs Brigade." American voters four years ago placed their fate -- and security -- in the hands of a man (and his chosen department heads) who make decisions like this. - - - - -
Jimmy Fallon -- "This week the Obamas’ dog, Bo, turned 4 years old. He spent the day the way he always does — digging holes, chasing squirrels, and coaching Obama for the debates." - - - - -
Wondering out-loud ...
How much is the Romney
organization paying that transparent, clumsy liar Stephanie
Cutter to infiltrate the Obama campaign as Deputy Director and
make him look more ridiculous every time she opens her mouth?
Are we clear on her view that to even mention the administration's colossal screw-up in Libya is "purely political?" - - - - -
Porn-power for Obama ... "In a survey of people in the adult-entertainment industry, 68 percent favor Mr. Obama, 13 percent favor Republican Mitt Romney 14 percent want 'someone else' and 5 percent responded 'I don’t care'." -- The Washington Times Romney obviously faces stiff opposition in that industry. Only a small minority will bend over backward to help him. He barely has a camel's toe under the tent. Iain Martin of London's Telegraph newspaper addresses the absurdity of the ridiculous Nobel Peace Prize going to the European Union ... "It is only a few years since President Obama was ludicrously awarded the Nobel peace prize for winning the 2008 election and not being George Bush. Since then Mr Obama has continued the war in Afghanistan, stepped up drone attacks and got America involved in Libya's bloody revolution. "Giving the EU a
peace prize is at best premature. We have no idea how the
experiment to create an anti-democratic federation will end.
Hopefully the answer is very peacefully, but when Greek
protesters are wearing Nazi uniforms, and Spanish youth
unemployment is running at 50 per cent, a look at history
suggests there is always the possibility of a bumpy landing."
It's official: The Nobel Peace Prize is now beyond
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "Mexican troops killed Mexico's biggest drug cartel leader in a shootout. His gang was a major importer of cocaine into California. Governor Jerry Brown announced that he was going to allow the sale of winter cocaine blends in order to prevent a shortage." - - - - -
Also in the news ... The oldest woman in the world has died. A lifelong resident of Georgia (the nation in eastern Europe, not the U.S. state), Antisa Khvichava passed away at age 132. Fortunately, the baby lived. (I made up that last part. On my mother's name, I am profoundly sorry. Profuse apologies.) - - - - -
Today's wisdom: "Don't worry about old age--it doesn't last that long." -- Thanks, Dan - - - - -
Sheila offers the groaner of the week ... Two brooms were hanging in the closet and after a while they got to know each other so well, they decided to get married. One broom was, of course, the bride broom; the other the groom broom. The bride broom looked very beautiful in her white dress. The groom broom was handsome and suave in his tuxedo. The wedding was lovely. After the wedding, at the wedding dinner, the bride-broom leaned over and said to the groom-broom, 'I think I am going to have a little whisk broom!' ' IMPOSSIBLE!" said the groom broom. 'WE HAVEN'T EVEN SWEPT TOGETHER!' October 14 --
WILL HILLARY RESPOND TO BEING BLAMED? ... ANOTHER TRILLION+ DEEPER IN DEBT I would like to hear someone explain just what Barack Obama has ever done that is praise-worthy. The high points seem to be: He freeloaded his way thru three colleges,got to be editor of the Harvard Review, but never seems to have written anything. He got nowhere in his one
attempt at life in the real world of private enterprise. Then
became a minor-league rabble-rouser -- "community organizer" --
in Chicago, where he used the chicanery typical of that city's
politics to get into the state senate where he voted neither yes
nor no on most issues.
More underhanded politics got
him into the U.S. Senate where he was again largely a nonentity.
Against a Hillary Clinton
burdened with the baggage of her husband's zipper problem, he
was able to use his admittedly skillful reading off a
teleprompter to get the Democrats' presidential nomination.
Then he had the good fortune
to run against one of the most inept candidates the Republican
Party has ever chosen ... at least since Dole.
In office, he's run an
already-weakening economy into the ditch, run up record debt,
bungled our health care system, weakened our defenses and made
us an object of contempt around the world.
Save General Motors?
Bull-(bleep)! All he did was protect the auto workers' union
from the consequences of its own greed, and do it at taxpayer
expense while leaving stockholders with worthless paper and
thousands of dealership employees out of jobs.
Kill bin Laden? He opposed
the mission until virtually forced into okaying it.
All this while spending unprecedented sums of taxpayer money on extravagant vacations for himself and his family. I repeat: WHAT HAS THIS NOTHING EVER DONE
that would earn him a second chance at further undermining the
foundations of a great nation now in decline? And don't kid
yourself -- we ARE in decline.
- - - - -
Now that Obama/Biden, Inc., is trying to dump the
blame for the Benghazi murders on Hillary's State Department, it
will be interesting to see if ol' Billy Jeff continues to
campaign for the Affirmative Action president.
If he does, I doubt that any
Hillary threat to "cut him off" would be effective.
Further ... and this is open to conjecture: What if Hillary is so incensed by Obama trying to make her the scapegoat for the lack of security at the Benghazi U.S. Consulate, she decides to resign before the election? It would be massive blow to O's campaign. Not likely, but don't rule it out. - - - - -
In the fiscal year* just ended
September 30th, the United States government again in the
Obama years spent over a trillion dollars more than it took
Is there a mentally
competent adult who actually believes this kind of
irresponsible madness can continue indefinitely without
*--"Fiscal year" can be any four quarters for which a
business or government institution chooses to plan its
budget. The U.S. government -- and many businesses -- choose
Oct. 1 thru September 30 the following year for that
- - - - -
Really? Seems to me George Washington may have faced some problems. James and Dolly Madison had to escape from the burning White House set afire by the British. Abe Lincoln had a full plate with that little scuffle called the Civil War. FDR was heir to a recession that he proceeded to turn into a full-scale depression. Harry Truman was handed World War 2, then turned the Korean War over to Eisenhower. LBJ inherited Vietnam, then passed it on to Nixon. Reagan was heir to Carter's inflation and the (first) Iran crisis. I'm sure Mr. Freeman reads the script before he commits to a movie role. He should have taken time to read and fact-check the nonsense he's mouthing in this piece of self-excusing Obama mush. - - - - -
More of Obama's "green" idiocy ... A Danish wind turbine company whose subsidiaries received over $50 million in U.S. stimulus dollars announced on Friday it has cut more than 800 jobs in the United States and Canada this year and may be forced to lay off another 800 employees in North America. This is yet another green energy company that received wasteful stimulus funds and does not even have anything to show for it. -- Breitbart - - - - -
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD), in another reflection of the Obama economy, is preparing to lay off another 20% to 30% of its employees. - - - - -
Joe Biden obviously got his law degree from a school whose curriculum includes the classic advice, "If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, pound the table." Can you image this psycho-wacko as President?? - - - - -
Rasmussen polling finds that 53% of those surveyed
have confidence in the U.S. banking system.
I have great respect for
Scott Rasmussen; I've talked with the guy many times, and I like
him. But I would submit that this is one of those polling
questions that has questionable relevance.
The obvious fact is, I don't
know how much confidence in our financial institutions is
justified and neither do you, unless you are personally at a
very high level in the banking world -- and maybe not even then.
- - - - -
Reader Todd's reflection on the VP debate ...
"Many of us were disappointed that Paul Ryan wasn’t more aggressive in the debate, but maybe, just maybe, he was right. From a list of Murphy’s Laws: 'Never argue with a fool, people might not know the difference'." - - - - -
The Obama gang is still lying to the families of the men murdered in the Al Qaeda Libya attack that took the life of our ambassador, still blaming it on the video that was actually not a factor at all. It is to be hoped that some of the Romney campaign's advertising money will be used to pound the message that the Obama thugs are (A) habitual liars who are (B) utterly lacking a conscience. And the Big Media cover-up continues. - - - - -
Ann Romney is a very admirable woman in many respects, but she displays a bit of naivete in using the word "sportsmanship" in any reference to a Democrat politician -- especially a graduate of the Chicago School of Politics. - - - - -
Michael Ledeen (PJ Media) has another dash of cold reality for the distraught and overwrought liberals ... "In the end, Carter lost to Reagan because he dithered too much, because he was just too feckless, because our enemies were running amok, and Carter was trying to make a deal with them instead of acting the way most of us thought a real American leader should act. Then, as now, the media were overwhelmingly behind the Democratic incumbent, but the real world overwhelmed them. Then, it was American hostages in Iran. Now, it is American dead in Libya. "Back then, the symbol of a failed president was a big rabbit. Now, it’s a big bird. Machiavelli says that once a leader becomes an object of contempt, he’s doomed. "I have real trouble imagining that Obama/Biden can undo this situation. If my political future hinged on Obama’s performance sans teleprompter, I’d be looking for the foodstamp counter. "Polls or no polls, Obama has been crippled, and the striking similarities with Carter evoke 1980, when lots of polls were calling for a photo finish, and Carter believed to the last minute that he could win. "You will say that Romney is no Reagan. And I will say that back in 1980 hardly anyone knew that Reagan was Reagan. But they knew that Carter was a dithering wimp and they had had enough." - - - - -
I hear regularly from outraged liberals protesting that I repeat "Republican talking points." It amuses me, because while I do receive daily e-mail from the Republican National Committee containing their pitch, I also receive the same kind of stuff from Democrats and other assorted political entities including wild-eyed crazies from extremes of the political spectrum. I never open any of them because I don't want my own independent thinking affected by axe-grinders of either or any sort. - - - - -
A Life in Radio ... I was young(er) and single. I was spending a good deal of time in Hong Kong, pre-takeover by China. It was the best city in the world. I was often staying in an apartment off Stanley Road near Repulse Bay, enjoying my daily afternoon sunset beverage on the verandah of the old (now sadly gone) Repulse Bay Hotel. I decided I should stay in Hong Kong. There were two English-language radio stations in the then-British colony. One was a government-run service, the other a much livelier commercial operation. I talked to the manager and was quickly informed that to them, English-speaking on-air personnel meant British or Australians; no Americans need apply. That chat, however, did lead to meeting a young Chinese lady who worked for ABC News in Hong Kong. Our dating history was brief but fascinating. During office hours, she was totally westernized and, like many Hong Kong Chinese folk, had taken a western name to better blend culturally. To Americans, Brits and other westerners, she was Audrey. At 5PM, she abruptly became Tse Ha Ping. On dates, she was chaperoned by her 16-year-old sister, who spoke no English, but was there to be sure there was no hanky-panky with the dashing American. Okay ... me. I have a right to a fantasy life, don't I? One of our dates led to one of the more embarrassing moments of my life. The three of us went to dinner at a large restaurant near the Lee Theater (alas, not named for me, although Lee, usually spelled Li, is a common enough Chinese name). The restaurant was patronized by a totally local clientele. I was the only non-Chinese in the place, which was full. In the center of our table was placed a bowl of shrimp, cooked in oil. At the time, I was quite adept with chopsticks, even the slick plastic ones used in upscale establishments. Nevertheless, that slick plastic applied to a slippery oil-coated shrimp presented a serious challenge. Bravely I reached to the center of the rather large round table and picked up one of the delicious creatures. Then came that moment when, halfway between bowl and mouth, you feel the slippage begin. I squeezed harder ... which, of course, only aggravated my problem. I almost made it to my mouth, conscious that about a thousand Chinese diners were looking at the gweilo (a Cantonese unflattering reference to a caucasian) about to make a fool of himself. I did not disappoint them. The increased chopstick pressure on the oily shrimp caused it to fly across to the next table where a very dignified-looking group of businessmen were dining -- and hit the man who was obviously the leader of the group right on the forehead. It seemed many of the diners recognized that dignified gentleman and there was a collective gasp across the room. For a moment I envisioned myself being prodded to death by a thousand chopsticks. But after a moment of silence, the gentleman laughed loudly, gave me a friendly nod, and the entire room erupted into gales of laughter. Fortunately, that included Tse Ha Ping and kid sister, who were amused but appropriately sympathetic. I suspect to this day, both relate the incident to friends to re-live the hilarity. The thought that I'm likely still the butt of a joke to some folk in the wondrous city of Hong Kong gives me a small piece of immortality that I enjoy. I still love moon cakes. Especially those from the little bakery in Tai Po Market. - - - - -
This is apparently circulating on the internet. A relative forwarded it to me. It deserves as much circulation as possible ... "I grew up with practical parents. A mother, God love her, who washed aluminum foil after she cooked in it, then reused it. She was the original recycle queen before they had a name for it. A father who was happier getting old shoes fixed than buying new ones. Their marriage was good, their dreams focused. "I can see them now, Dad in trousers, tee shirt and a hat and Mom in a house dress, lawn mower in one hand, and dish-towel in the other. It was the time for fixing things. A curtain rod, the kitchen radio, screen door, the oven door, the hem in a dress. Things we keep. "It was a way of life, and sometimes it made me crazy. All that re-fixing, eating, renewing, I wanted just once to be wasteful. Waste meant affluence. Throwing things away meant you knew there'd always be more. "But then my mother died, and on that clear summer's night, in the warmth of the hospital room, I was struck with the pain of learning that sometimes there isn't any more. "Sometimes, what we care about most gets all used up and goes away...never to return.. So... while we have it ..... it's best we love it.... and care for it... and fix it when it's broken...and heal it when it's sick. "This is true. for marriage...and old cars..... and children with bad report cards..... and dogs with bad hips.... and aging parents...... and grandparents. We keep them because they are worth it, because we are worth it. Some things we keep." - - - - -
I have no rooting interest in either team, but Stanford got royally screwed yesterday at Notre Dame. Anybody -- except the replay official -- could see that the overtime touchdown by Stanford WAS good. There's a term for that kind of officiating: "Home cooking." Sometimes, in order to score on the road, you have to be two yards into the end zone. - - - - -
Jimmy Kimmel -- "I think Facebook should stick to doing what they do best, which is letting you know that your friends from high school got fat and bald." October 15 --
NOT A PEEP FROM PETRAEUS ... NPR's "NON-PARTISAN" NONSENSE ... What liberals never learn: Outlaws, by definition do not obey laws. Thus the total failure of anti-gun laws to stem the tide of lawlessness among those so inclined. The clearest case-in-point on a daily basis: Chicago, which has some of the nation's toughest anti-gun laws and a firearm crime rate so outrageous the local news media there publish/announce the daily dead-and-wounded toll much like the ballgame scores. This past weekend was lighter than usual for Chi-town: Five shot dead, twenty-five wounded. And still the gun-grabbers nurse their fantasies about a world without guns -- and therefore defenseless against not only outright criminals, but tyrannical politicians of the sort Chicago nourishes. Chicago: the new Detroit! - - - - -
Could it possibly be? Cong. Jesse Jackson, Jr., of Chicago, accused of misusing campaign funds to decorate his house? And he comes from such a fine, upstanding family, too ... - - - - -
Consider it: A failed president with pronounced Marxist anti-American inclinations -- failed by any rational measure -- being given a second term to complete his "fundamental transformation of America" and unrestrained by any need to face the voters again. A nightmare scenario. - - - - -
Suggestion to those who think it wise to build ever-larger government programs that encourage dependency: Go visit the largest ongoing example of the result of such programs. Visit an Indian reservation. - - - - -
"There were no major terrorist episodes on his
(Obama's) watch." -- Liberal "journalist" Michael Kinsley, Obama
shill, overlooking attacks on U.S. embassies and consulates all
over the Muslim world last month, as well as the murder of the
U.S. ambassador to Libya and the ongoing slaughter of American
troops in Afghanistan by their "allies."
- - - - -
The oft-acclaimed General Davis Petraeus now is head of the CIA -- Central Intelligence Agency. That is one of the entities (along with Hillary and the State Department) being fed to the wolves by Obama/Biden for their alleged failures in the al Qaeda (the "defeated" al Qaeda, to hear Obama tell it) murders at our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Question: Is Petraeus going to stand up for his agency, or behave like a whipped puppy? - - - - -
Mark Steyn on the sick joke the Obama campaign has
become ...
"‘The entire reason that this has become the political topic it is is because of Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan.' "Thus, Stephanie Cutter, President Obama’s deputy campaign manager, speaking on CNN about an armed attack on the 9/11 anniversary that left a U.S. consulate a smoking ruin and killed four diplomatic staff, including the first American ambassador to be murdered in a third of a century. "To discuss this event is apparently to 'politicize' it and to distract from the real issues the American people are concerned about. For example, Obama spokesperson Jen Psaki, speaking on board Air Force One: 'There’s only one candidate in this race who is going to continue to fight for Big Bird and Elmo, and he is riding on this plane.' "She’s right! The United States is the first nation in history whose democracy has evolved to the point where its leader is provided with a wide-body transatlantic jet in order to campaign on the vital issue of public funding for sock puppets. Sure, Caligula put his horse in the (Roman) senate, but it was a real horse.” "Obviously, Miss Cutter is right: A healthy mature democracy should spend its quadrennial election on critical issues like the Republican party’s war on puppets rather than attempting to 'politicize' the debate by dragging in stuff like foreign policy, national security, the economy, and other obscure peripheral subjects." -- Full article at National Review Online - - - - -
Taken a look at the numbers on the gas pump lately? Think about it when you vote. Only fools will fail to do so. THANKS, BARACK! - - - - -
Obama claims he despises 'top down economics'.
Typical examples of 'bottom
up economics' are Castro's Cuba, Kim Jong Un's North
Korea and Brezhnev's Soviet Union during his era. I rest my
case." -- Reader Greg
- - - - -
Condescension by affirmative-action
liberals has reached a new low.
Florida State Board of Education passed has set goals for
students in math and reading based upon their race. That
board has passed a plan that says that by 2018, it
wants 90 percent of Asian students, 88 percent of white
students, 81 percent of Hispanics and 74 percent of black
students to be reading at or above grade level.
Got the message, Latinos
and black folk? It is now official that you're too dumb to
keep up with whites and Asians.
- - - - -
Unanswered questions dep't. ...
What is it about the
word "illegal" that advocates for people who cross our borders
in violation of the law fail to understand?
- - - - -
Cong. Allen West views the debacle that is Obama's "foreign policy" ...
"President Barack Obama has built a foreign policy on trying to appease and make friends with America’s enemies, rather than facing them head on with strength and clear consequences for their actions. "The president’s
approach, marked by his belief that he could transition from a
community organizer to a global organizer, has been an utter
failure. The president has diminished our nation’s
international influence and stature, and most egregiously, has
put the lives of all Americans in peril.
"Joe Biden says on the campaign trail that 'GM is alive, and Osama is dead.' Tragically, so is our Ambassador to Libya. "President Obama’s community organizer roots have given him a naïve assumption. He believes he can get everyone in one room and with time, they will all eventually get along. Anyone who studies history and understands the global threat America faces today, understands that in order for “peace, love and happiness,” not only do all parties involved need to be willing to try, but they actually have to have the same goal. "America’s enemies are emboldened. This president’s foreign policy failure has made America’s enemies ever more emboldened and our allies feeling even more abandoned." - - - - -
"I think this man (Obama) really does believe he
can change the world, and people like that are infinitely more
dangerous than mere crooked politicians." -- Thomas Sowell
- -
- - -
Argus Hamilton --
Obama in a poll carried eighty percent of the people in the
adult film industry. It's same plot. What the president's tax
proposal does to the rich is no different than what the pool boy
or the maid does to them in nine out of ten adult films."
- - - - -
National Public Radio (NPR) is subsidized by U.S. taxpayers. It purports to be unbiased. It would be interesting to hear why they used air-time on "All Things Considered" to allow Garrison Keillor to promote a fund-raiser he was conducting for the Democrat who opposes Michele Bachmann in her campaign to retain her seat in Congress. Mr. Keillor, one of the most supercilious, boring people I've ever had the misfortune to meet and interview, is a living example of the premise that one can succeed in America with absolutely no talent whatsoever. All the while, being paid with taxpayer dollars. - - - - -
Reader Jack has a reminder for those who commit
their thoughts to print ...
"Additional post scripts should be
written PPS, PPPS and so on. Not PSS."
- - - - -
Lost & found dep't. ... In Munich, Germany, a man has found his lost car with his $50,000 worth of tools still in the trunk. Seems the 33-year-old fellow had a lively evening of bar-hopping then couldn't find his car. Forgot where he'd parked it. The good news is, it's been found. Two miles from where he thought he'd parked it. And two years later. - - - - -
"Kris Jenner, matriarch of the Kardashian family, is planning to host her own talk show. If the deal goes through, Fox reportedly would give Mrs. Jenner a six-week test run of shows, which is also the Kardashian trial period for marriages." OBAMA'S MOUNTAIN OF
ANOTHER "STIMULUS" PROJECT CRASHES ... BIDEN'S HISTORY OF BLATANT LIES It is evident that millions of Americans believe they can blithely ignore the unprecedented national debt run up by the Obama administration. Reality is ... longterm, they can't. Depending upon personal life expectancy, either they or their children and grandchildren, if any, will pay, most likely indirectly via inflation that will make the dollar increasingly worthless. With the creation of more dollars out of thin air, the administration and Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve already have that process well underway. An inflated dollar that may purchase only as much as a dime buys today is as surely a tax as any revenue-raising legislation constructed by a president and congress. If you have trouble visualizing this scenario, here is a simple test, compare the price of anything you buy regularly -- from cars to carrots, tomatoes to trousers -- with the cost of the same item five, ten, twenty years ago. Project that trend-line forward, and you are looking at the future already being built around the unsustainable debt with which our "leaders" have have burdened us. It's as true today as ever: Except for those who exploit a gullible public for their own purposes, there is still no such thing as a "free" lunch. - - - - -
A company called A123, organized to make batteries for electric cars, went bankrupt yesterday, taking down with it taxpayer dollars in the amount of $249.1 million that had been given it as part of Barack Obama's idiotic "stimulus" program. - - - - -
Vital poll perspective: The national polls of voter sentiment, even if we could be certain they are truly reflective of the intentions of those surveyed, mean less than one might expect. Illustration: If the state of Washington goes for Obama by, say, a million votes, he gets their 11 electoral votes. If Romney wins Missouri by only a dozen votes, he also gets 11 electoral votes. In most cases the popular vote averages out across the fifty states (or, in Obama's world, 58 states) and is in accord with the electoral vote in selecting a president. But not always. Just ask Al Gore. Even the respected Rasmussen poll of the so-called "swing states" when reported collectively is unhelpful. A state-by-state breakdown would be much more helpful in assessing the state of the race. - - - - -
Columnist Arnold Ahlert gets to the root of the Obama lying about the murders in Benghazi, Libya ... "While many things have been said about the Benghazi fiasco, it remains undeniable that above all else it is a testament to progressive hubris and the fundamental misunderstanding of human nature that such hubris produces. To be blunt, four Americans, including ambassador Christopher Stevens, were executed because the Obama administration is inhabited by people who continue to believe--against overwhelming evidence to the contrary--that 7th-century-minded brutes yearning to impose worldwide religious totalitarianism, are as amenable to reason and intellectual prodding as the people who populate faculty lounges on Ivy League campuses." - - - - -
"The Obama administration policy with regard to Iran is doomed from its inception. We say we will not tolerate their having a bomb. They want to have a bomb and are moving full speed ahead. How do you talk your way out of those differences? What is the middle ground we can reach through talks… they get a small bomb?" -- Former U.S. ambassador to the UN John Bolton - - - - -
Len-the-haiku king
anticipates presidential debate #2 ..."Word is, the fix is in. The debate will be umpired by Candy Crowley of CNN." "Barack up to bat. He won't face blazing fastballs. Intentional walk." - - - - -
Wes Pruden (Washington
Times) lays out an agenda for Romney in this second debate ..."Mr. Obama knows he looks foolish rattling across the country in pursuit of Big Bird, Elmo and the assorted muppets of a child’s imagination. But it beats having to explain why he rattled on about an Internet video that almost nobody has seen while American interests are on fire all about him. The president and the Democrats are living in a fantasy land, and it’s up to Mitt Romney to jerk them back to the reality where the rest of us live." - - - - -
Barack Obama: “We got back every dime we used to rescue the financial system." Congressional Budget
Office, with responsibility for keeping track of expenditures:
"The government will lose about $24 billion on that
- - - - -
National Review partially summarizes the career of Joe Biden, habitual liar ... "Joe Biden’s career of intellectual dishonesty has a beginning (his law-school plagiarism) and a middle (his later campaign-trail plagiarism), but his performance in the recent debate suggests that it is without end. From misrepresenting Paul Ryan’s legislative record to telling bald-faced lies about his own, the vice president offered a master class in the art of deception. "Biden blasted Ryan for
“voting to put two wars on a credit card, to at the same time
put a prescription-drug benefit on the credit card, a
trillion-dollar tax cut for [the] very wealthy. I was there. I
voted against him.” No, he did no such thing. Biden, as the
congressional record shows, voted for the Iraq and Afghanistan
wars. He did vote against the Medicare prescription-drug
benefit, only to support a much more costly entitlement
expansion in the form of the Affordable Care Act.
"He also misstated by
a factor of five the income threshold for which the Obama
administration proposes to increase taxes: 'The middle class
will pay less and people making a million dollars or more will
begin to contribute slightly more.' In fact, the administration
proposes to raise taxes on individuals making $200,000 a year or
more, not $1 million or more."
The "campaign-trail plagiarism" reference recalls his
plagiarizing a speech by British socialist politician Neil
Kinnock, even borrowing the man's life story, for his own failed
1988 campaign seeking the Democratic presidential nomination.
By the way, Joe; Syria is NOT
ten times larger than Libya, as you said. In fact it's the
reverse -- Libya is almost ten times larger than Syria.
Lying. It's a way of life for
Joe Biden.
Not to be overlooked: The
blatant hypocrisy of Democrats continually saying that certain
people or businesses will be "asked" to "contribute." This is
just one example of their constant output of ... male bovine
- - - - -
Let this serve as the final word on Biden's debate performance, since it comes from Michael Gerson in the Washington Post(!) ... " His debate presentation ... was a collection of disturbing, disorderly appetites. He displayed scene-chewing antics and preening exhibitionism and smirking rudeness and egotistical exuberance and bullying condescension. It was the attack of the feral ham actor. It would have been embarrassing if done in front of a mirror, much less on a debate stage." - - - - -
Michael Goodwin, NY
Post, addresses the Democrats' hunger for suppression
of those who disagree ...
"The Democratic Party has lost its mind and its way. Its political philosophy of inclusion and progress has been consumed by virulent strains of anger, dishonesty and intolerance. Its leaders don’t just want to win an election; they want to silence any American who disagrees with them. "Consider the latest evidence. "The White House, on defense over the assassination of our Libyan ambassador after Washington reduced security, launched a frantic search for a scapegoat. It first blamed protests over an anti-Muslim video and, when forced to admit the protests never existed, pointed fingers at intelligence officials and managers in the State Department. Watch your back, Hillary." Now it appears Hillary is going to take the fall for Benghazi. We must wonder what pressure was applied and/or promises made to bring that about. She says she "takes responsibility." Of course, when a politician "takes responsibility" that does not mean there will be consequences. No punishment, not even a fine -- and certainly not resignation. - - - - -
A veteran offers an answer to the question posed yesterday: Will Gen. David Petraeus, now head of the CIA, resist his agency being scape-goated ("It was a failure of intelligence") over the Libya murders, or submit like a whipped puppy? JT submits the following ... "Answer: whipped puppy (submissively urinating). "Speaking as a Cold War USAF veteran, our current gaggle of flag officers is a disgrace. The generals I served under would have refused to implement all the social engineering non-sense that has been inflicted on our military over the past two decades, or resigned. Petraeus is just another one of those “Perfumed Princes” who are all really hack politicians with stars on their shoulders." - - - - -
"Speak seldom, but to
important subjects, except such as particularly relate to your
constituents, and, in the former case, make yourself perfectly
master of the subject." --George Washington (with advice Joe
Biden would do well to heed)
- - - - -
"The planet is too crowded and we need to promote death.” -- "Comedian" Bill Maher, who did not volunteer to go first. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Astronomers have discovered a planet that is twice the size of earth and made of diamonds. President Obama says the planet may be inhabited by aliens not paying their fair share." FOR OBAMA, CANDY IS
CROWLEY BACKS UP BARACK'S LIES ... DID HILLARY DEAL FOR SUPREME COURT SEAT? Debate notes ... Obama didn't sleepwalk through this one, but he's unable to overcome his fundamental problem. Four years ago it was much easier to seduce the gullible with fantasies about what he was going to do. Now that he has an actual four-year record, and a sorry one, at that, people can compare those promises with a pathetic record of actual performance. Even with Candy Crowley unsurprisingly supporting him, especially on his blatant lies about Libya, inconvenient facts kept getting in the way. He was still pushing his "alternative energy" silliness even as word had come within the previous twenty-four hours that the company given bales of taxpayer dollars to produce electric-car batteries had gone bankrupt and a big (Danish-owned) windmill company had laid off hundreds of workers because of a lack of sales. His concluding remarks included such egregious lies as a fervent claim that he was a believer in free enterprise. One of his own books states clearly that, during his one brief period of work in a private company, he "felt like he was behind enemy lines." That's his real -- and Marxist -- view of private enterprise. The bottom line was -- is -- that during his first two years in office, with Democrat control of both houses of Congress, Obama could have done just about anything he wanted. As Romney pointed out, his "to-do" list went largely unaccomplished; on many of his promises, he didn't even try. Immigration reform was only one example of promises not kept. And his claims about energy -- oil drilling, coal, etc. -- were lies, pure and simple. If gasoline prices were much lower four years ago, was it because the economy was bad, as he said? Then are we to believe they're much higher now because the economy is so strong? Even his lies are transparent nonsense. His "Sir Galahad" routine on equal pay for women impressed no one acquainted with the fact that, on his own White House staff, women are paid far less than men doing equivalent jobs. But his silly suck-ups probably don't know that, or wouldn't care even if they did. He even brought up his dear old grandmother, the woman toward whom he expressed resentment in his own books. This poseur gives hypocrisy a bad name. Any rational person can look at the fall of average incomes, the high cost of living (starting with gasoline), massive unemployment, a sick economy and a farcical foreign policy and -- even if uncertain about Romney -- conclude that with him we may have some chance of rebuilding the country; Obama's already demonstrated that, with him, we have none. Romney missed a couple of opportunities, but overall did a competent job of pointing out the enormous gap between Obama's 2008 promises and actual accomplishments, even when his party had total control of Congress. On the whole, Obama's acolytes probably lapped up his lies ... Romney solidified his support with a display of competence ... and, like Paul Ryan's encounter with Crazy Joe Biden, found it difficult to maintain civility when confronted with a litany of gigantic lies and evasions. I suspect that few voter minds were changed either way. And Candy Crowley was the biased stooge/shill everyone expected. She supported the outright falsehood by Obama that he'd characterized the Libya murders as "a terrorist attack" the morning after the event. He did NOT, and continued to peddle the lie about the "anti-video" demonstration for another two weeks before admitting the reality that it WAS a terrorist attack. He lied -- and so did Crowley. Which she later admitted -- after the debate was off the air. One wonders when Republicans are going to stop acceding to the Democrats and allowing these left-wing propagandists to be brought onboard as "moderators." If her employer, CNN had any integrity (I know -- an absurd proposition) they would caption Crowley's every appearance with these words: "Candy Crowley, liar." - - - - -
Argus Hamilton explains why Obama seemed more ... "engaged" ... "President Obama spent all weekend in Colonial Williamsburg studying for the debate with Mitt Romney. He disappeared and spent three days cramming. They were only able to get him to work by telling him the golf course was closed for a Muslim holiday." - - - - -
"I believe we need a president who believed
what Harry
Truman believed. That buck stopped in the Oval Office."
-- Hillary
Clinton, candidate for the Democrat presidential
nomination, 2008. The same Hillary who just agreed to fall on
her sword for Obama and take the blame for the Benghazi, Libya,
- - - - -
Let us consider Hillary's willingness to accept "responsibility" (without consequences, of course) for the debacle in Libya. Hardly being the self-sacrificing type, what would induce her to embarrass herself? Try to visualize this scenario: "Hillary, you take the fall for Benghazi and if I'm re-elected, I will nominate you for the very next opening on the Supreme Court. Then, after you've admitted it was all your fault, I can go before the cameras and look noble by announcing my ultimate responsibility after you've already 'fessed-up." - - - - -
"The buck stops here." -- Harry Truman
"The buck stops with George Bush or
Hillary or the CIA ... etc., etc." -- Barack Obama.
- - - - -
Obama's seeming obsession with the need for "free" birth control evades the obvious reality that somebody is going to have to pay for it. Between that position and his crusade for taxpayer-paid (via Planned Parenthood) abortions, he seems consumed by the need to placate any female who says, in effect, "I want the freedom to have unlimited irresponsible sex and have other people pay for me to avoid the consequences." - - - - -
The thought recurs ...
Just what does Obama
intend to do with that "flexibility" he's promised the
Russians if he does
get re-elected?
And how many ways are there to spell
- - - - -
Vestas-American Wind Technology, Inc., is a Danish company making windmills at a plant in the U.S. hoping for a slice of the "green energy" pie. It hasn't worked out well. They've laid off 800 American workers with more cuts coming. When Obama started babbling his usual nonsense about "future energy" last night, I wonder why Romney didn't just say something like, "One word, Mr. President: Solyndra." - - - - -
Romney may have decided that Obama's lemmings are too dumb to understand that his "lower tax rate" is because most of his income is on capital gains. And why are those gains taxed at a lower rate? Because they're earnings from the gain in value of investments that work out well, but required the risk of putting one's money into projects that also risk failure and total loss of that investment. If an economy is to grow and create jobs, somebody has to risk the start-up money. That risk is rewarded by a lower tax rate if the investment is successful -- and only with such incentives would a rational person take the risk. A Marxist like Obama cannot, or would not, accept that basic logic. - - - - -
The estimable Victor Davis Hanson assesses Obama's journey from where he was ... to where he is ... "Barack Obama entered office with an approval rating of over 70 percent. John McCain’s campaign had been anemic and almost at times seemed as if it was designed to lose nobly to the nation’s first African-American presidential nominee. "And what happened? "Barack Obama chose to
ram down the nation’s throat a polarizing, statist agenda,
energized by the sort of hardball politics he had learned in
Chicago. Rather than bring the races, classes, and genders
together, he gave us an us-versus-them crusade against the '1
percenters' and the job creators who had not 'paid their fair
share,' accusations of a Republican 'war on women,' and the
worst racial polarization in modern memory.
"Statesmanship degenerated into chronic blame-gaming and 'Bush did it,' as he piled up over $5 trillion in new debt. Financial sobriety was abandoned in favor of creating new entitlement constituencies, and job creation was deemed far less important than nationalizing the health-care system. "And so here we are, three weeks before the election, with a squandered presidency and a president desperately seeking reelection not by defending his record, but by demonizing his predecessor, his opponent — and half of the country. "What, then, was
Obama’s first term?
"Jimmy Carter’s ends
justifying Richard Nixon’s means."
- - - - -
Reader Dave casts a skeptical eye upon the next generation ... "As a simple Joe Six Packer with little more than a high school diploma, it still amazes me today as to the level of ignorance so many of today's yoots have fallen to. Of course, my daddy and his granddaddy before him probably said the same thing about me and my posse when I was a kid of a boy in white Levis*. (*it's a surfer thing.) "What's amazes me even more, though it really shouldn't, is the depth of mental vacancy today's lib politicos are pandering to for votes next month in order to salvage their pampered seats. "I only hope the youth end up doing what people of that age usually do every four years or so: Hang out at Hooters and Rock the Buffalo Wings. Who knows? With any luck, by the time their alarms go off the next morning ... it'll be November 7th." - - - - -
A few of the random thoughts of the invaluable Thomas Sowell ... There hasn't been one day during the entire Obama presidency when as many Americans were working as on the day President Bush left office. How are children supposed to learn to act like adults, when so much of what they see on television shows adults acting like children? Like Barack Obama, Joe Biden has all the clever tricks of a politician and none of the wisdom of a statesman. If you truly believe in the brotherhood of man, then you must believe that blacks are just as capable of being racists as whites are. Do either Barack Obama or his followers have any idea how many countries during the 20th century set out to "spread the wealth" -- and ended up spreading poverty instead? The question to be asked of people in the media, and that they should ask themselves, should be: "Is your first loyalty to your audience or to your ideology?" The same question should be asked of educators, especially those who see themselves as "agents of social change," even though that is not the job description under which they have been hired and paid. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "The number one movie in the country is 'Taken 2.' In this sequel, Liam Neeson's ex-wife is taken hostage. Divorced guys are calling it “the feel-good film of the year.” OSAMA AND OBAMA AND OBFUSCATION ...
Yes, Osama bin Laden is dead. However, contrary to the myth that Obama continues trying to peddle, Al Qaeda is NOT dead. The Libya attack proved it. That is why Obama continued for days evading reality by repeatedly stating that the Benghazi massacre was because of the sensitivity of Muslims to a video few had even seen. Admitting the truth amounts to admitting that his whole middle-east policy of cuddling-up to a bunch of medieval murderers was a stupid -- and deadly -- failure. Appeasing people whose loudly-avowed intent is to destroy you is the very definition of suicidal insanity. Is this a quality people should want in a president? - - - - -
How totally in character for Michelle Obama to launch the rule-breaking applause after the blatantly biased Candy Crowley interrupted Mitt Romney in order to protect her husband's lying about the terrorist attack in Libya. Surely she deserves another taxpayer-paid vacation for her efforts. - - - - -
"Talk about chickens coming home to roost. Talk about the Mother of All Fiascos. It's the revenge of Osama bin Laden from the bottom of the ocean, and the message is plain: al-Qaeda is very much alive, and America is a paper tiger. "The Middle East is beginning to fall apart -- Iran just sent a spy drone over Israel's sensitive defense installations; Turkey forced down a Syrian arms plane, and al-Qaeda's Al Zawahiri openly assaulted the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi in a six-hour attack, working through al-Qaeda in the Maghreb (AQIM), while the glorious Libyan friends did nothing as our ambassador was being raped and murdered. The guards called for help, and nobody responded. A police car fled the scene. The other ten cop cars requested by the consulate never showed up. "In Afghanistan, our soldiers are being murdered by the same Afghan troops we are training to take over after we leave. They can see the weak horse and the strong horse, and they are trying to tell the strong horse what side they are on. These folks used to be on our side, but they know which way the storm is blowing.Remember: host governments are always responsible for the safety of accredited diplomats and soldiers." -- James Lewis in The American Thinker - - - - -
Why did Obama persist so long in lying about the cause of the murder of the Americans in Libya being a months-old video? Victor Davis Hanson explains ... "What the Obama administration could not concede was the truth: The lead-from-behind intervention in Libya had proved a blueprint for nothing. Libya has descended into chaos. Radical Islam had either subverted or hijacked the Arab Spring. Al-Qaeda was not dismantled by the death of bin Laden or by the stepped-up drone assassination missions in Pakistan. Egypt was becoming Islamist; Syria was a bloody mess. Iran was on the way to becoming nuclear. Obama had won America no more good will in the Middle East than had prior presidents. "In other words, the administration's entire experience in Libya -- and in most of the Middle East in general -- has been a bright and shining lie." - - - - -
My immediate thought when the young woman brought up the "Women only make 72% as much as men" argument at the Tuesday night debate was, "Here we go again." Fact: It is well-established that much of the wage discrepancy is because more women are reluctant to take jobs that involve long and uncertain hours, heavy travel or the kind of physically demanding and/or risky jobs that are rewarded with higher salaries. For example, coming from decades in broadcasting, I have yet to see a woman even apply for the well-paying job of replacing the aircraft warning lights atop thousand-foot transmitting towers. And we have yet to see a woman lured by a multi-million dollar offer to play linebacker in the NFL. My own standard work-week for many years was seventy-plus hours and no real days off, even days when I wasn't on the air. Some women can and do devote so much time to a job, but their numbers are limited. None that I ever worked with -- or for -- ever came close. Many, of course, gladly accept the responsibilities of motherhood over the demands of career success. They're not wrong to do so, but it does limit income potential. There are many factors other than gender that determine wages earned. - - - - -
Obama babbles endlessly about hiring more teachers -- thousands more -- as if we had money to pay more incompetent teachers (of which we already have millions) to turn out more generations of ill-educated young ignoramii. One genuinely good teacher in a classroom of fifty students is worth far more than four clods with only a dozen students each. The teacher/student ratio is one of the most overblown fictions in education and blaming the manifest failures of our schools on it is nonsense promoted by the ever-greedy union "leaders." Or ... is it possible (gasp!) that Obama just wants to keep dues money pouring into the teachers' union that turns right around and gives a big chunk of it to him? - - - - -
Brian Preston (PJ Media) with a pungent review of Candy Crowley's debate-rigging ... "I was initially less displeased with Crowley’s performance as moderator than than that of Martha Raddatz, the ABC reporter who moderated the vice presidential debate. Raddatz consistently changed the subject when things got too difficult for Vice President Biden, and she interrupted Paul Ryan 31 times. She was clearly biased. "Candy Crowley’s bias was more insidious. She chose the questions and the questioners. She let Obama’s towering ignorance on gas prices slip by unremarked. She corrected Mitt Romney with incorrect 'facts.' She did what she could to tilt this debate in Obama’s favor without ever acknowledging that she was doing so. She knew what she was doing. "No mainstream media figure should ever be allowed to moderate another debate. They keep stacking the deck and favoring one side over the other. It’s always the same side that they favor. They’re despicable hypocrites who keep getting worse year by year." - - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "President Obama and Mitt Romney debated to a tie Tuesday night. They say in Arkansas a tie is like kissing your sister, it's just that good." - - - - -
Question for those voters who allow their choices to be guided by ... well ... envy; envy of Romney's wealth: Do you think it really wise to let that envy lead you to support a man who has never achieved any success that wasn't dependent on "grants" or a paycheck coming from the taxpayers over someone with real experience -- and success -- in the real world of business and job creation? Mitt Romney is rich because he knows how to guide financial resources in directions that create real jobs not dependent on a government payroll. His tax rate? If you want to pay at no higher a rate on your own income, do what he does -- give millions to charity. At least you'll have a good idea how it's going to be spent, unlike the tax money that goes into that gaping maw in Washington. - - - - -
What does it say about Obama's leadership that he, who was saying in 2008 that Afghanistan was the "necessary" war, now only talks about ending it. The wording "winning" never enters the discussion of the "necessary" war. - - - - -
I, for one, am sick-sick-sick of the endless pandering to "the middle class." There is no real definition of that status, for starters. An income level that might make you the richest person in East Hogsweat, Mississippi, would be poverty-level in New York or San Francisco. Enough, already!
- - - - -
A pessimist's prediction ... The Obama campaign is planning a big election-night rally in Chicago. If Obama loses, it's not hard to imagine that Chicago will have a major riot. In a political environment rife with savages placing tweeted messages that they intend to assassinate Romney if he wins, a rally-to-riot scenario is easily foreseeable. - - - - -
Now, for today's good news, from the International Business Times ... "Colonel Muammar Gaddafi died after being stabbed with a bayonet in the anus and not in a firefight as originally claimed by Libyan authorities, according to a report on the Libyan dictator's last hours from New York-based Human Rights Watch. "'As he was being led on to the
main road, a militiaman stabbed him in his anus with what
appears to have been a bayonet,' the report said."
Couldn't happen to a more deserving guy. Admit it: You have your own secret mental list of people to whom you would like to give similar treatment. - - - - -
And what have you done lately? ... Michael Kotch, 21, of Upper Milford Township, Pa., does push-ups with one hand while he solves a Rubik’s Cube with the other. Show-off punk ... - - - - -
The Decline of Civilization, Part One ... A Swedish company is selling the perfect Valentine's Day gift. A gold-plated vibrator for lusty ladies. $15,000. The Decline of Civilization, Part Two ... Fame Daddy offers sperm from celebrity males -- athletes, actors, rock stars -- to women seeking to become pregnant. No names given; only their profession. $24,000. - - - - -
And speaking of celebrities ... Jimmy Kimmel -- "ABC has ordered a new celebrity competition show. It's similar in structure to 'Dancing With the Stars' but instead of dancing, celebrities will be diving into a pool. At first I was interested. But then I found out they're planning on putting water in the pool." MEDIA'S MINORITY
THE BOGUS "WAR ON WOMEN" CAMPAIGN ... WHO'S TAKING THE FALL FOR LIBYA -- AND WHY A little perspective, please ... The Obama suck-ups of the media talk/write incessantly about this-or-that minority subset of the electorate, especially Latino and black voters. Two bottom-line facts: 1. - Romney leads among white voters by an overwhelming majority. 2. - There are seven times more white voters than either blacks or Latinos. - - - - -
Here's all any rational person -- i.e., not a Democrat -- needs to know about the Obama economy's real-world results: Welfare spending is up 32% in the last four years. - - - - -
Notes from the battlefield of the "war on women" ... Government records show that Barack Obama pays the women on his White House staff 83 cents for every dollar paid to male members of that staff. As NRO points out, Obama takes credit "...for forcing almost all employers to cover contraceptives in their insurance plans. He claimed, nonsensically, that Romney believes employers should have a say in whether their female employees have access to contraception — in truth, Romney merely believes employers should have a say in whether they finance that access, along with coverage for abortion drugs." He also "...treats them as gullible as well. The president claimed at the debate that by defunding Planned Parenthood, Romney would reduce women’s access to mammograms. Actually, the organization does not perform mammograms." Also ... Obama and Biden are peddling the preposterous idea that Romney would ban abortion -- as if he COULD! They obviously believe that women are stupid dupes. Just as they're threatening that blacks would be returned to slavery -- which tells you what they really think of the intelligence level of black voters. - - - - -
The Detroit News with a status report on a key part of Obama's ridiculous "green energy" scam ... "The electric vehicle industry is in serious trouble, or at least far behind where its proponents had hoped it would be. "On Tuesday, one of the nation's largest electric car battery companies — A123 Systems Inc., which has 1,000 workers and contractors in Michigan — filed for bankruptcy. It has lost $900 million since 2007." More taxpayer money down the drain. - - - - -
Okay. The fall guy has been chosen. James
Clapper, the Director of National Intelligence, appointed to
that job by Obama.
Since the growing Libya
scandal revolves around intelligence in a foreign environment,
one might think the Central Intelligence Agency would be
targeted for some blame. Hasn't happened, probably because
General David
Petraeus is high-profile and more recently put in
that post.
Also, Clapper is an
idiot. After the December 2010 terrorist attack in London,
Clapper was later interviewed by Diane Sawyer on ABC -- and
knew nothing about it! A total live, on-air embarrassment. This is an intelligence
This fool was obviously
hired to be the fall guy when one was needed. If it was about
job competence, he'd have been fired after that episode.
Footnote: Now we learn that the CIA knew -- and reported to Washington -- within 24 hours that the Benghazi attack WAS an organized terrorist action and had nothing to do with the video, as claimed by Obama -- who continued to lie about it. Of course, what Obama is now trying to do is obfuscate, confuse and outright lie to the American public to get past the election -- after which, he doesn't care what comes out. - -
- - -
Quazi Mohammad Rezwanul Ahsan Nafis is a 21-year-old Muslim foreign "student" from Bangladesh. Wednesday he tried to blow up the Federal Reserve Bank of New York with a thousand-pound bomb he'd constructed. He learned how to do it from an online magazine published by Al Qaeda. Perhaps the buffoon in the White House would like to explain again how Al Qaeda has been "defeated." - - - - -
CNBC did some checking on Obama's pension prospects which came up at the debate at his instigation... "Mr. President, have you looked at your pension?" Romney challenged. "You also have investments in Chinese companies, you also have investments outside the United States," he said. On that score, Romney is likely correct. Many public pension funds have a diversified foreign investment portfolio that includes China. For instance, the California Public Employees Retirement System, or CalPERS, recently announced a $530 million investment in two real estate funds that target China. From the standpoint of a public pension, Obama is well-heeled. As president, he will receive $191,300 annually for life — win or lose in next month's election — and receives a travel allotment as well as mailing privileges. Should Obama lose, his presidential pension kicks in immediately after leaving office. Given that the president enjoys a normal life span, the pension allotment would be worth upwards of $6 million. In addition, Obama may be due a nice pension for the eight years he served in the Illinois Legislature as a state senator. Illinois is infamous for its lavish pension plan for former lawmakers. Romney only served one term as governor of the Bay State and did not take a salary, so he is eligible for nothing. -- CNBC - - - - -
Then, there's this: The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, the major paper in Wisconsin, did a Politifact check on Brack Obama's own pension funds' investments ... "An Obama
campaign ad in July 2012 claimed Romney had millions in the
Cayman Islands, among other "tax havens." We rated that true,
noting that nothing was illegal or improper about the
investments through his blind trust.
"Romney told Obama:
"You also have investments in Chinese companies. You also have
investments outside the United States. You also have investments
through a Caymans trust.""Okay, so what about Romney’s debate description of Obama’s pension investments? "The Romney campaign told us it was referring to investments made by the Illinois State Board of Investment on behalf of the state employees’ retirement system there. "Obama, you may recall, was an Illinois state senator from 1997 to 2004 before winning election to the U.S. Senate. He is a participant in the General Assembly Retirement System in Illinois, said William Atwood, executive director of the Board of Investment, who confirmed that for us. "The Romney campaign pointed us to that pension fund’s holding in an entity that is part of Advent International. Advent has described itself as "one of the world’s most global private equity firms" and has buyout offices in 16 countries. "Atwood confirmed that the pension fund has invested $30 million in one of Advent’s limited partnerships, Advent International GPE VI-A. That partnership was organized in the Cayman Islands, Atwood said. Public filings back that up. "What about Romney’s broader claims, about Obama’s foreign investments? "The Illinois pension fund also has numerous foreign investments, including in Chinese companies, as part of its diversified portfolio, Atwood said." It’s an accurate set of statements when you consider investments made by managers of the Illinois pension fund in which Obama has an account." There are two things I don't like about Obama. His face. - - - - -
Be prepared. Don't expect more of next week's presidential debate moderator than was delivered by Candy Crowley. Bob Schieffer of CBS is a lifelong lefty. He may, however, disguise it a bit better than the overtly obnoxious Crowley. Opinion: It's plain silly to have an audience present for the debates. What's needed: An unbiased moderator and a clock visible to both the candidates and the viewing audience. When the clock runs down to zero from whatever the agreed-upon limit, the microphone is automatically shut off. Easy for any broadcast technician to rig.That leaves each participant responsible for obeying the rules to which he/she agreed and removes the moderator from the time-keeping equation. Odd ... coincidence? In each of the three debates held so far, the Democrat has gotten more minutes than the challenger. - - - - -
Remember those September "improved" unemployment reports -- down to 7.8? Remember the delayed announcement that one state had failed to report its jobless numbers? Remember that state turned out to be California? Now the Daily Caller has blown the whistle: "Marty Morgenstern, the secretary of the California agency that substantially under-reported unemployment claims last week, contributed to President Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential election campaign." In short, it was as rigged as the Candy Crowley episode in the debate. Face it: Barack Obama treats the American voter like a mushroom: Keep it in the dark and feed it bull-(bleep). - - - - -
And another BS alert ... Obama says he's doubling the required gas mileage in cars. Nonsense. This is yet another example of a political demagogue/liberal fantasist proclaiming that just because he puts something on paper, engineers can and will make it happen. The real world does not so readily respond, nor physics bend, to wishful thinking. - - - - -
About those high-earners not paying "their fair
share" ..."The United States is actually more dependent on rich people to pay taxes than even many of the more socialized economies of Europe. According to the Tax Foundation, the United States gets 45 percent of its total taxes from the top 10 percent of tax filers, whereas the international average in industrialized nations is 32 percent. America’s rich carry a larger share of the tax burden than do the rich in Belgium (25 percent), Germany (31 percent), France (28 percent), and even Sweden (27 percent)." -- Stephen Moore, author, "Who's the Fairest of Them All?: The Truth about Opportunity, Taxes, and Wealth in America" - - - - -
Survey says ... 37% of Americans think the country is headed in the right direction. -- (Rasmussen) Translation: 37% of Americans think either (A) history's trash heap or (B) the toilet is the "right direction." - - - - -
As we approach what's being called the "fiscal" cliff, when every tax ever conceived by the legalized bandits in Washington will return full-force, here's a concern I share with many similarly situated parents. Democrats, seething with envy as always, call it the "inheritance tax." Republicans call it by its rightful name -- the death tax. Unless action is taken, it returns in all its greedy evil come January; The government's grasping claws reaching into the grave. Two realities govern my own attitude toward this final evil an American must endure. First, I am going to die. I don't know when, but life itself is a fatal disease. Secondly, I have a handicapped daughter who would be a significant beneficiary of my modest but hard-earned estate. She will never be self-supporting. I could not put it more emphatically: I do not want the government to which I have paid taxes while earning what I have accumulated taking still another bite of it and reducing the inheritance my daughter will need for the rest of her life. And I have a visceral hate for any politician who supports such thievery. - - - - -
Prof. Paul Kengor thinks we should get to
know Frank Marshall Davis better. Perhaps you should read the
last line first ...
"Frank Marshall Davis
was a literal,
card-carrying member of Communist Party USA
(CPUSA). His card
number was 47544. He was pro-Soviet, pro–Red China. He edited
wrote for Party-line publications such as the Chicago Star
and the Honolulu Record; contributors to the former
actually served as secret agents to Stalin’s Soviet Union.
did outrageous Soviet propaganda work in his columns, at every
juncture agitating and opposing U.S. attempts to slow Joseph Stalin
and Mao Tse-tung. He favored Yalta and Red Army takeovers of
Poland, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia, and Central and Eastern
He urged America to dump the “fascist” Chiang Kaishek in
support of
Mao’s Red forces. He wanted
Communist takeovers in Korea and Vietnam.
"Oh, and Davis also
happened to be a mentor to the current
president of the United States of America, one Barack Obama." --
The American Spectator- - - - -
Lee DeCovnick in The American Thinker gives a reason to detest our Muslim-coddling president ... "My liberal friends and family often ask what's the source of my passion to see Mitt Romney defeat Barack Obama. They never like the answer. "Pvt. Francheska Velez. "Pvt. Francheska Velez, 21, an Army bomb disposal specialist who served in Iraq was three months pregnant when Major Nidal Hasan deliberately shot her in the abdomen during the murderous rampage at Ft. Hood. Screaming in agony, her final words were "My baby, my baby." "Witnesses in the Article 32 hearing in 2010 testified that a man in an Army combat uniform stood by a front counter, shouted 'Allahu Akbar!'("God is great!") and started shooting." "It has been 153 weeks, or almost three years, since the Ft. Hood murders on November 5, 2009 and Major Hasan's court-martial has still not begun." - - - - -
Violent crime up 17% last year. Yes indeed, all that "hope and change" has really improved American society. - - - - -
Congresswoman Lois Capps, Democrat from California has been caught --again -- failing to report -- as required -- more than half-a-million dollars of income. She is a repeat offender. Yes, we ARE shocked, stunned and amazed ... - - - - -
If an alien from another planet arrived and judged by our media and politics, he would likely assume that at least half the population was gay. The percentage claimed by advocates is usually 10%. The Gallup Poll took a huge survey-sample -- 121,000 Americans -- and found that the actual segment claiming to be lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender is ... 3.4%. - - - - -
Non-surprise dep't. ... Fox News Channel had more debate viewers than CNN and MSNBC combined. - - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"The Supreme Court agreed to rule on Arizona requiring voters to show a photo ID at polls. They also have a test question. They ask you who won the Battle of the Alamo, and if you say THEY did, they hand you a ballot. If you say WE did, they call Homeland Security." - - - - -
Words to live by, from the Sky-guy ... True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country. Relationships are like fat people; most of them don't work out. October 20 --
"In a
shocking development, the 20-year-old exercise science major who
led off Tuesday’s presidential debate seeking reassurance from
the candidates about his job prospects has
apparently endorsed President Barack Obama.
"The Associated Press
reports that Adelphi University student Jeremy Epstein said
Wednesday he still clings to the “undecided” label, but would
cast his vote for Obama if the election were held today.
"Epstein told the AP
that he was dazzled when
Obama gazed into his eyes." -- The Daily Caller
We may have found the next Monica. - - - - -
Victor Davis Hanson summarizes ... "By now there is a clear pattern in the three debates: The Democratic candidates are running as if they are not incumbents and talk vaguely about what they might like to do rather than concretely about they have actually done the last four years — often as faux conservatives in touting tax cuts and more drilling. They more often speak, interrupt, and gesticulate, and the moderators are far more accommodating toward them — while Romney and Ryan have the greater recall of facts and present the more systematic argumentation in the face of guffaws, snarls, and meandering emoting." Of course the Democrats concentrate on "emoting." After all, their target market is a collection of childlike cretins who believe in the Easter Bunny. Doubt it? Then note that he's spent far more time chatting on TV comedy shows and radio disc-jockey shows than answering serious questions in either interviews or even White House press conferences. - - - - -
Jay Nordlinger (NRO) isolates the biggest
weakness/annoyance of the ridiculous "town hall" debate format
ask, in a variety of ways, “What are you going to do for me?” A
candidate never answers, “Uphold the Constitution, oppose and
defeat this country’s enemies, and help keep you free.”
Never. That
would never fly in Oprah’s America."
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"Mitt Romney
said Sesame Street can be produced by its enormous endowment
fund instead of taxpayer dollars. It's been on the air for
forty-three years. Big Bird is so old that this morning's
episode of Sesame Street was brought to you by the letters E.D."
(Think about those endless TV
commercials featuring men with graying hair.)
- - - - -
Just how long does even the most optimistic Democrat
think this can continue:
There are now more people on Medicaid and Medicare
combined (about 120 million) than there are full time
private-sector workers (about 113 million) to support those
- - - - -
Whatever one might think about our getting
involved in various wars in the first place, it fairly shrieks
the message of our foreign policy that our leaders no longer
talk of winning wars,
but about ending them.
Try to envision FDR saying such a thing in 1943.
- - - - -
Numbskull strikes again. In one of his brain-jarring
campaign speeches, Joe Biden asked, "How many here have someone
who's fought in Iraq or ... IRAN(!)?
Many of the pathetic dopes
present raised their hands ... including Sen. Harry Reid.
Republicans owe a debt of gratitude to The Mouth That Roared for
accurately pointing out recently that the middle-class has been
crushed for the last four
And that would be under
whose administration, Joe?
- - - - -
The Heritage Foundation has compiled
a useful list. Please share it with any greenies or Obama-nuts
you might know. It's a list of bankrupt and failing
"energy-of-the-future" companies and how much taxpayer money
they've taken down with them.
And Obama wants to make more such "investments!" - - - - -
Your "stimulus" tax dollars in action, as reported by WOOD-TV, Ch. 8 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Their "Target 8" news unit filed this report ... "Workers at LG Chem, a $300 million lithium-ion battery plant heavily funded by taxpayers, tell Target 8 that they have so little work to do that they spend hours playing cards and board games, reading magazines or watching movies. "They say it's been going on for months. "'There would be up to 40 of us that would just sit in there during the day,' said former LG Chem employee Nicole Merryman, who said she quit in May. "'We were given assignments to go outside and clean; if we weren't cleaning outside, we were cleaning inside. If there was nothing for us to do, we would study in the cafeteria, or we would sit and play cards, sit and read magazines,' said Merryman. 'It's really sad that all these people are sitting there and doing nothing, and it's basically on taxpayer money.'" - - - - -
Yesterday I ridiculed Obama's debate proclamation about establishing government rules requiring cars to get double today's gas mileage; I pointed out that he can't re-write the laws of physics. Nor can engineers. It takes X-amount of energy to move X-amount of weight a given distance. A friend submits a news story about an earlier instance when an Obama operative attended an auto industry event where a similar challenge to the laws of physics was under discussion. The Obamunist interrupted with the following: "These laws of physics--whose rules are those? We need to change that. We have the Congress and the administration. We can repeal that law, amend it, or use an executive order to get rid of that problem. That's why we're here, to fix this sort of issue." - - - - -
Reader Sherman offers this addition to my attack on
the forthcoming (January 1) revival of the maximum-rate death
tax ...
"Of course we know how 'fair'
the 'inheritance tax' is. Think of all those very rich who got
their money through an inheritance (e.g. Kennedy clan). If the
inheritance tax really applied, that money would mostly be
gone. The tax rate (for folk that rich) is at least 55%.
If you are rich enough, there is a way around the tax."
- - - - -
“Every decent man is ashamed of the government he lives under.”-- H. L. Mencken Thanks, Doctor! - - - - -
"What the American people have got to decide is
whether they believe people like me, who are little bit on the
outside of this, that this was the biggest economic crash since
the great depression." -- Bill Clinton, perjurer, charged in
federal court and impeached by the House of Representatives for
- - - - -
HMX, the company that owns clothing brands Hickey Freeman and Hart Schaffner Marx, is filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. President Obama wears suits
from Hart Schaffner Marx. Presumably he has enough clothes to
last thru November 6.
- - - - -
Of all the ridiculous "facts" assembled by zealots still trying to convince themselves that John McCain didn't lose the 2008 election, the single silliest entry is the one claiming McCain won voters from "more acres of land." People who traffic in such nonsense are deeply in need of therapy. - - - - -
Wolf-in-sheep's clothing dep't. ... David Brooks is the "conservative" columnist for the New York Times. I use the quotation remarks because it's obviously absurd to use the very word conservative in the same paragraph with New York Times. This phony's latest contribution to conservatism is to go on (taxpayer-supported) National Public Radio and proclaim that Romney shouldn't "nitpick" the Barack bungling in Benghazi. The incompetence that ignored repeated requests for more security from the murdered ambassador for more than forty days, including the day he died, plus the ongoing lying and coverup by the self-obsessed egomaniac in the White House is, by any standard, reason enough to rid the nation of this Obama plague. And David Brooks is both a phony and fool ... so the NYT is the perfect place for him. - - - - -
If you haven't already encountered this "Only in America" list circulating on the internet, it IS worth perusing ... Only in America, could politicians talk about the greed of the rich at a $35,000.00 a plate campaign fund-raising event. Only in America, could people claim that the government still discriminates against black Americans when they have a black President, a black Attorney General, and roughly 18% of the federal workforce is black while only 12% of the population is black. Only in America, could they have had the two people most responsible for our tax code, Timothy Geithner, the head of the Treasury Department and Charles Rangel who once ran the Ways and Means Committee, BOTH turn out to be tax cheats who are in favor ofhigher taxes. Only in America, can they have terrorists kill people in the name of Allah and have the media primarily react by fretting that Muslims might be harmed by the backlash. Only in America, would they make people who want to legally become American citizens wait for years in their home countries and pay tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege while we discuss letting anyone who sneaks into the country illegally just 'magically' become American citizens. Only in America, could the people who believe in balancing the budget and sticking by the country's Constitution be thought of as "extremists." Only in America, could you need to present a driver's license to cash a check or buy alcohol, but not to vote. Only in America, could people demand the government investigate whether oil companies are gouging the public because the price of gas went up when the return on equity invested in a major U.S. oil company (Marathon Oil) is less than half of a company making tennis shoes (Nike). Only in America, could the government collect more tax dollars from the people than any nation in recorded history, still spend a Trillion dollars more than it has per year - for total spending of $7-Million PER MINUTE, and complain that it doesn't have nearly enough money. Only in America, could the rich people - who pay 86% of all income taxes - be accused of not paying their "fair share" by people who don't pay any income taxes at all. - - - - -
Eric is a hauku contributor ...
(Haiki us the Japanese
form of poetry. Rules are: three lines -- five syllables in
the first, seven in the second, five again in the third --
expressing a coherent thought. Rhyming is not a factor)
Rancorous debate
Romney and Obama clash
Candy Crowley trounced! - - - - -
Kevin is our friend. He is also evil. He
will pay for his sins,
someday, somehow.
He is a shadowy operative in the Showbiz Capital of the World, Branson, Missouri. He dropped in for a
brief visit and polite villain that he is, brought a gift for
the host and hostess.
Two boxes of Moon Pies.
The ultimate treat of my childhood.
They are laden with
sugar, calories and all things doctors say are bad.
Fortunately, I
have strong enough willpower to overcome my character.
I ate them.
They were
I shall repent later.
Note to future guests: In La Casa Rodgers, you
can't go wrong with Moon Pies.
- - - - -
Somewhere in Colorado there may be a reformed thief. That would be the guy who stole a van that had been parked in front of a school by a visiting wildlife educator. We're waiting to learn at what point the thief realized he had a passenger right behind him. A thirteen-foot python. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "A farmer in Oregon was eaten by his pigs. The pigs ate the farmer. But in the overall race, humans are still way ahead." October 21 -- WHO GETS
ANOTHER LIST OF OBAMA "FIRSTS" Democrats scoff at the idea that "death panels" may
ultimately decide whether you live or die.
Take it from someone with first-hand experience: that foot is already in the doorway and it is only common sense to expect that the entire body will enter if Obamacare is allowed to come to total fruition. Two years ago this month, after complications following a quadruple bypass resulted in four more surgeries and 5 1/2 months of hospitalization, a half-dozen doctors told my wife my condition was hopeless. At the time, while I had good private medical insurance, I had reached the age at which Medicare Part A was in effect -- mandatory. That's the part that pays only for hospitalization. Medicare bureaucrats -- the "death panel" already in existence, insisted that I be sent to hospice care. That means, "You'll be medicated into insensibility and you will die there." Only because Susan was a determined fighter and was assisted by some doctors unwilling to condemn me to death was that course of "care" prevented. Two years later I go to the gym at least five times per week for a one-hour sweat session that begins with lifting 70-pound weights 300 times non-stop and progresses to even more strenuous work, like pedaling an electronic bike uphill for five miles. (My cardio rehab trainer last year advised that the number of repetitions rather than total weight is the way to go, so I take my near-daily 21,000 pounds of lifting in 70-pound bites.) I drive, I travel, I write, I swim, I enjoy friends; life goes on very pleasantly. If you think it doesn't matter that a group of anonymous bureaucrats decide whether you will live or die, get back to me when you or a loved one are the subject of their will. - - - - -
Since Britain's National
Health Service is the model for Obamacare, here's more you
should know about how that system from Britain's Daily Mail
newspaper ...
"Nearly 3,000 doctors have promised to draw up a list of patients they believe are likely to die within a year, Department of Health figures show. "Although more than 7,000 patients nationwide have already been put on the list, there appears to be no obligation for doctors to inform them. Some medical professionals went public with their worries following the Daily Mail's disclosure of the NHS request to doctors to put one in every 100 of their patients on death lists." - - - - -
Here's why Democrats hate Ann Coulter. She rubs their
noses in hard truths like this, beginning with Obama's own words
in the latest debate ...
"Obama ... announced: 'I’m all for pipelines. I’m all for oil production.' But he vetoed the Keystone pipeline. "He explained that the price of gasoline was $1.80 when he took office because the economy was in the toilet. Apparently, prices have spiked to more than $4 a gallon because all Americans are back at work now and making big bucks! "Obama said the 'most important thing we can do is to make sure that we are creating jobs in this country.' "So now he’s going to create jobs? Because, nearly four years into his presidency, 23 million Americans are out of work and more than half of recent college graduates can’t find a job. "He claimed to believe that we should reward 'self-reliance,' 'individual initiative' and 'risk-takers.' And yet, a few months ago, he ridiculed these self-reliant risk-takers for thinking they were 'just so smart,' sneering 'if you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen." - - - - -
In a small exercise in candor, let me put
it clearly: I long ago tired of some deadbeat, freeloading
SOBs -- and the political leeches who exploit them -- tell me
I'm not paying my "fair share" of taxes. If you don't pay
taxes, my view is, "Shut the hell up -- and in a sane country,
you wouldn't even be allowed to vote!"
Gee ... wonder if I'm being insensitive
- - - - -
Circulating on the web: A list of Obama "firsts" ... First President to apply for college aid as a foreign student, then deny he was a foreigner.
First President to have a social security number from a state
he has never lived in.
First President to preside over a cut to the
credit-rating of the United States
First President to spend
a trillion dollars on 'shovel-ready' jobs, then admit there was
no such thing as 'shovel-ready' jobs.
First President to abrogate bankruptcy law to
turn over control of companies (GM) to his union supporters.
First President to cancel
the National Day of Prayer and to say thatAmerica
is no longer a Christian nation.
First President to actively try to bankrupt an American industry (coal).
First President to hide his medical, educational and travel
First President to have
22 personal servants (taxpayer funded) for his wife.
First President to tell the military men and women that they
should pay for their own private insurance because they
“volunteered to go to war and knew the consequences”.
And how is this hope and change
working out for you?
- - - - -
A life in radio (cont.) ...
Early in my career, barely out of my teens, I worked at KTHS and KTHV-TV in Little Rock for a year or so. I became acquainted with a few people who worked at other stations, as is common among broadcasters. Tom worked down the street at KARK-TV. Among his duties was being announcer/handyman on a noontime show directed to housewives. The hostess/star was a charming southern lady who prepared recipes, gave homemaking tips and such. During that midday period only a skeleton crew was on duty; a couple of cameramen, a floor director, with a director and a couple of technicians in the control room. On this particular occasion the hostess announced early in the program that the day's recipe feature would be ways of making the best of cheap, tough cuts of meat by using a hammer-like utensil with spikes on it to tenderize the meat. Meantime, the floor director (also playing stagehand) is up on a ten-foot ladder readjusting a klieg light. She displays the meat, then discusses an elaborate dessert recipe she intends to prepare. After explaining those elements of the program, she smiles sweetly into the camera, hands Tom the tenderizing hammer and announces, "I'm going to start work on my dessert, while Tom beats his meat." The two cameramen and the floor director spontaneously burst into gales of laughter ... the cameramen bent at the waist, which forced the control arm down ... which tilted the lenses upward ... and rewarded viewers with a shot of the wildly flailing floor director who'd kicked the ladder out from under himself and was desperately clinging to the giant-- and hot -- housing of the klieg light. The control room people "went to black," killing the cameras. Some minutes later, programming resumed with an old Heckle and Jeckle cartoon. Footnote: At KTHV we had a similar midday show conducted by a sophisticated lady who also included interviews with local civic leaders, visiting celebrities, etc. On one occasion she was interviewing the Marine Corps recruiter newly assigned to the local recruiting office. Beginning with the basics, she first asked the gruff, tough Marine, "What is your job in the Marine Corps?" He looked at her as if she were insane before responding in his best barracks growl, "We kill people." It was one of the shortest interviews in the history of TV. - - - - -
Stupidest movie casting of the decade ... Pint-sized, wimpy-voiced Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher, the large (6'5") and ferocious hero of several highly popular novels. "I know Jack Reacher. Jack Reacher is a friend of mine. And Little Tommy, you're no Jack Reacher." Nothing against folk of smaller stature, but this makes as much sense as casting John Goodman as a jockey. Read the books ... skip the movie. Real Reacher fans will be revolted. - - - - -
Jim Eason contributes this domestic drama, complete in
one act ...
Rrriiiiinnnnggg, rrriiiinnnngg .....
'Hello?' 'Hi honey. This is Daddy. Is Mommy near the phone?' 'No, Daddy. She's upstairs in the bedroom with Uncle Paul.' After a brief pause, Daddy says,'But honey, you haven't got an Uncle Paul.' 'Oh yes I do, and he's upstairs in the room with Mommy, right now..' Brief pause. 'Uh, okay then, this is what I want you to do. Put the phone down on the table, run upstairs and knock on the bedroom door and shout to Mommy that Daddy's car just pulled into the driveway.' A few minutes later the little girl comes back to the phone. 'I did it, Daddy.' 'And what happened, honey?' 'Well, Mommy got scared, jumped out of bed with no clothes and ran around screaming. Then she tripped over the rug, hit her head on the dresser and now she isn't moving at all!' 'Oh my God!!! What about your Uncle Paul?' 'He jumped out of the bed with no clothes on, too. He was all scared and he jumped out of the back window and into the swimming pool. But I guess he didn't know that you took out the water last week to clean it. He hit the bottom of the pool and I think he's dead.' Long pause. Longer pause Then Daddy says, 'Swimming pool? Is this 486-5731?' - - - - -
I feel the first nibbles of the flu. Took the shot, but I recognize that feeling. Don't be surprised if I'm AWOL tomorrow! October 22 --
"UNFAIR!" ...
Since tonight's debate is to focus on foreign policy ... A short message to the demagogue Democrats who complain about Romney "politicizing" the Libya atrocities: Are you really so stupid you don't think Obama's idiotic foreign policy -- if it can be dignified by being so designated -- that has virtually invited terrorism is a legitimate topic for debate before an election to replace an incompetent dolt? Lemmings.
- - - - -
Ben Shapiro of the Breitbart news organization has this interesting tidbit about the Obama inner circle ... "Everybody realizes at this point that one of President Barack Obama’s debate coaches is 2004 losing presidential candidate Sen. John Kerry (D-MA). But it’s been largely overlooked that another one of his debate coaches is Anita Dunn. "You may remember Anita Dunn. She’s the former White House staffer who said this to a group of high schoolers in June 2009: '... two of my favorite political philosophers, Mao Zedong and Mother Teresa. "Yes, she said that Mao Zedong – Chinese communist dictator, murderer of 45 million of his own people during the Great Leap Forward and at least 65 million people overall, the man behind the creation of the giant gulag that is North Korea, the evil monster behind the wipeout of his nation’s intelligentsia, the disgusting creature who passed 50 million Chinese through Soviet-style gulags – is one of her two '“favorite political philosophers.'" - - - - -
Politicians keep forgetting that the vast majority of voters are not nearly as obsessed with the minutiae of government as they. When a politician discusses "Dodd-Frank" and "Ledbetter law" -- as did both Romney and Obama in their two debates -- unless they can give a very brief explanation of what it's about, their audience just mentally tuned them out and they have wasted precious debate time. - - - - -
Columnist Burt Prelutsky is puzzled ...
"The greatest mystery of all is why so many people seem
to still be infatuated with Obama. How does any American relate
to the guy? It’s not that he’s black and has an odd name,
either. It’s that he throws a baseball like a little girl and
that he once bowled a game, which means sending 20 balls down
the alley, and he only knocked down 39 pins.
"Furthermore, in a nation that
likes muscle-cars more than hot dogs, he keeps trying to get
everyone to drive little kiddy toys that might as well be
propelled by foot power. He hates oil and coal the way most of
us hate Islamic jihadists and Madonna.
"He says nicer things about the
religion of our enemies than he has ever said about the one he
claims to follow.
"His friends, mentors and
advisors, people such as Frank Marshall Davis, Bill Ayers,
Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, David Axelrod, Rahm Emanuel and
Valerie Jarrett, are all people that most of us wouldn’t have in
our homes. Then, to further show his contempt for us, he selects
as his second-in-command, Joe Biden, a world-class goofus we
wouldn’t trust to pick out our socks."
- - - - -
Today's dose of irony blended with hypocrisy comes from Bill Clinton, who claims that Obama's problem is that too many Americans "haven't recognized that the economy is mending." This is the man who defeated Bush Sr. running on "it's the economy, stupid," when that much-milder recession was by every statistical measure REALLY ending, unlike the ongoing Obama debacle. Of course, ol' Billy Jeff also had a nut-case named Ross Perot to drain votes from Bush while complaining that Vietnamese terrorists were planning to disrupt his daughter's wedding. Footnote: Democrats just hate it when I point out that Bill Clinton was elected president by a smaller percentage of the popular vote than put Adolf Hitler's party in power in Germany. True. Look it up. - - - - -
Jeffrey Lord (The American Spectator)
thinks an overzealous Candy Crowley, in her effort to save
Obama from himself, may have elected Mitt Romney ...
"She got
it wrong. She interfered. She took a side.
"Candy Crowley may
finally have done something else as well: so
visibly tipping the scales of media bias that the end result
Mitt Romney the next president.Taken all together, CNN's Candy
Crowley, in her zeal to intrude
on the presidential debate and save President Obama from
may just have provided the televised moment that finally sparks
revolt against the four years of fawning coverage of President
"Tuesday night Candy
Crowley became the latest -- and perhaps the
most important -- example of what Fox's Bernard Goldberg called in
his book title A
Slobbering Love Affair: The True (And Pathetic) Story
of the
Torrid Romance Between Barack
Obama and the Mainstream
Media."The idea that the liberal media is deliberately trying to fix the 2012 election for Obama is now rampant, spreading across America faster than the flu in February. And sitting at that debate moderator's desk in such a highly visible moment in American history, Candy Crowley's action in putting her thumb on the scale with the lights and cameras on and running in front of millions -- may finally have been something wildly unintended." - - - - -
Professor Walter Williams with some facts
about poverty
in America ...
"In 1776,
the U.S. was among the world's poorest nations. In less than two
centuries, we became the world's richest nation.
"Eighty percent of
poor households have air conditioning. Nearly three-fourths have
a car or truck, and 31 percent have two or more. Two-thirds have
cable or satellite TV. Half have one or more computers.
Forty-two percent own their homes. The average poor American has
more living space than the typical non-poor person in Sweden,
France or the U.K.
"The statement that
"our society creates poverty" is just plain nonsense.What about
the assertion that "people weren't poor because they made bad
"The poverty rate
among blacks is 36 percent. Most black poverty is found in
female-headed households, but the poverty rate among black
married couples has been in single digits since 1994 and stands
today at 7 percent.
"Today's black illegitimacy
rate is 72 percent, but in the 1940s, it hovered around 14
percent. Less than 50 percent of black students graduate from
high school, and most of those who do graduate have a level of
academic proficiency far below that of their white counterparts.
Black men make up almost 40 percent of the prison population.
"Here are my several
two-part questions: Is having babies without the benefit of
marriage a bad decision, and is doing so likely to affect
income? Are dropping out of school and participating in criminal
activity bad decisions, and are they likely to have an effect on
income? Finally, do people have free will and the capacity to
make decisions, or is their behavior a result of instincts over
which they have no control?"
Professor Williams is black.
- - - - -
It's an ongoing measure of the failure of
American education: the numbers of people who use "there" and
"their" as if they were interchangeable.
And ... "tilting at
windmills" dep't. ...
No matter how often it
is misused by people who should know better, "media" is a plural word. TV is a
medium ... a newspaper is a medium ... a magazine is a medium
... radio is a medium. Collectively they are ... ARE, not "is"
... media.
The lonely battle
continues ...
- - - - -
Remember when Britney Spears shaved her head? A lawyer for Britney's former manager who is suing her said in court that the reason for that shaving was because she was afraid a judge might order the testing of her hair for drug use. Just one disillusionment after another ... Next they'll tell us she's no longer a virgin. - - - - -
John Hawkins (Townhall.com) has compiled a list of "Things Barack Obama hates." Here's a sample ... When he has to talk to Sasha and Malia about getting in trouble at school and his teleprompter is broken. Chris Matthews for not being biased enough in his favor. Women who have concerns that go beyond government-funded abortion and birth control, gay Americans who vote on issues other than gay marriage, Hispanic Americans who think illegal immigration isn't that big of an issue, and black Americans who choose which candidate to support based on something other than phony claims of racism. People who get their news from sources other than Media Matters, MSNBC, and The New York Times. Having to take time away from golf, basketball, vacations, and fund raisers to go in to work. Israel. People who believe Presidents should be judged on their actual performance instead of on their promises. October 23 --
IRAN SNEERS AT SANCTIONS ... REMEMBER SANDRA FLUKE? Mitt Romney chose to play the equivalent of football's "prevent defense" last night. Rather than engage in a brawl over the Libya debacle, he took every opportunity to shift the battle to the domestic economy. Probably a wise choice, since that's the primary issue and his strong point. In football, the "prevent defense" refers to the team with the leader dropping more players back to protect against a long pass that might turn the game around, leaving fewer to rush the quarterback. Sometimes it works, sometimes it fails. We'll all be wiser in two weeks. - - - - -
This may be the REAL "October surprise." Human Events has learned that Obama has made a secret deal with Iran approving of their nuclear program; made it thru the Swiss ambassador to Iran. The Swiss diplomat quotes Obama saying in his message to Tehran, “I didn’t want to impose sanctions on your central bank but I had no options but to approve it since a Congress majority had approved the decision.” In other words, had it not been for the Republican majority, it would have already been a done deal. One must wonder ... at what point does the "T" word come into play? Obama last night continued to insist that the "world community" joined in our "sanctions" vs. Iran. A blatant lie. China and Russia refused, for starters. - - - - -
Related ... The Wall Street Journal carries a letter from a person qualified to dispose of a Joe Biden fantasy ... "I'm writing to clear up the nuclear misinformation spouted by Vice President Joe Biden which was not rebutted during the Oct. 11 debate. Iran's nuclear program is going critical. "Mr. Biden said, in effect: Don't worry. Even if Iran gets fissile material, it needs something to put it in. "But the facts are quite different. Once any nuclear wannabe gets 160 pounds of uranium enriched to 80% U-235 (the enrichment level of the Hiroshima bomb and of South Africa's Melba) he has a weapon. 'Little Boy,' the bomb dropped on Hiroshima, did not need to be tested; we knew it would work. The design is now in the open literature: It is 1940s technology, easy to build. "Iran's first nuke will not be fired at a target, any more than was India's, Pakistan's or North Korea's. A confirmed Iranian nuclear detonation within a mountain or in the desert will let the world know the game has changed. "The Hiroshima design can be carried by air, of course. Even easier, it can be delivered by boat, truck or train." Thomas C. Reed Healdsburg, Calif. Mr. Reed, a former secretary of the Air Force, designed thermonuclear devices while at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. - - - - -
Also possibly related ... Is the Obama administration in bed with Muslim terrorist groups? Check this report from The Daily Caller and decide for yourself ...
"White House
visitor records show that administration officials have
hosted numerous White House meetings with a series of
U.S.-based Muslim political groups that have close ties
to jihadi groups and push to reduce anti-terrorism
investigations. The visits were discovered by the
Investigative Project on Terrorism, which compared the
Obama White House’s visitor records with its database of
Islamist advocacy groups. For example, the records show
that officials from the Council on American Islamic
Relations have visited the White House 20 times,
according to the organization’s report. Members of CAIR
were invited to the White House, even though an April
2009 FBI statement said the bureau 'does not view CAIR
as an appropriate liaison partner' because of its ties
to the Hamas jihadi group."
- - - - -
Are we to believe White House denials of the report by former San Francisco (Democrat) mayor Willie Brown that Pres. Obama held a conference call with his longtime pastor, the screaming racist Jeremiah Wright to urge black ministers to get out the vote? As the former mayor writes in the SF Chronicle, “If Obama looks as if he's going black, he could turn off white people. So he's largely been lying low on the race issues - visibly pushing for the Latino vote, the gay vote, the women's vote, but not the black vote." Make the pitch from the pulpit? What ever happened to the liberal obsession with separation of church and state? - - - - -
Burt Prelutsky summarizes the pre-election
build-up ...
" ... there is probably no truth to the rumor
that between now and Election Day Joe Biden will feign a
heart attack and be replaced on the ticket by Obama’s
new best friend, Big Bird. On the other hand, Vegas
bookmakers are offering 2-1 odds that Mr. Bird will be
our next secretary of state, replacing Hillary Clinton,
who will require months of recuperation after being
accidentally run over eight or nine times by Obama’s
- - - - -
Boy George Stephanopoulos, Democrat huckster-playing-newsman on ABC, says Obama has been "relatively transparent" on the Libya debacle. Relatively? Relative to, say, granite? - - - - -
Did I hear that right? NBC's left-leaning Political Director, Chuck Todd, said on MSNBC that seven-out-of-ten challengers in Romney's position (poll-wise) win the election. - - - - -
The astute Victor Davis Hanson, as usual, asks the pertinent question ... "The Obama administration, trumping what George Bush did in four years, cares not a whit about how its $5 trillion in new debt will be paid back, other than a vague notion that those “who don’t pay their fair share” will come up with the revenue, or some clever clerk can offer a plan to inflate our way out of what we have borrowed from others. Each time Obama talks of a new student loan program, a new jobs training program, a new entitlement, I wonder whether any other Americans ask, “How can we borrow more when we cannot payback what we’ve already borrowed?'” - - - - -
A touch of reality ... “I'm not sure that I would've been President Obama's nominee if I weren't a woman.” -- Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan, speaking to a University of Tennessee audience. “And to tell you the truth, there were also things that I got because I was a woman. I mean, I'm not sure I'd be sitting here.” - - - - -
Remember how Sandra Fluke's pitiful begging for taxpayers to support her birth control needs? Remember how Rush Limbaugh's contemptuous treatment of that absurdity caused liberals to fantasize it would be the end of his career? Update: Limbaugh is still the most-listened-to radio personality in America. Ms. Fluke, campaigning for Obama, drew a crowd of ten (10) people to hear her speak in Reno. No report on how many times she had sex relations while in Reno. - - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "The FBI employed a double agent to thwart a Bangladeshi student who tried to blow up New York's Federal Reserve Bank. The terrorist tried to use a truck bomb. President Obama blamed the attack on the fiftieth anniversary release of Lawrence of Arabia on DVD." AMERICA:
Good morning! Your family's share of the nation's debt to foreign countries has now passed $47,500. Will that be cash or check? - - - - -
First a warning -- and this should be no surprise: Some major websites may be under attack by pro-Obama hackers. I've already had problems accessing stories on Lucianne.com, Townhall, Drudge and a couple of others. The ongoing reports on Obama's continued lying about the Libya murders long after he knew the truth, his close ties to Turkey's Islamist-leaning Prime Minister plus rumors of revelations that the Obamas at one point prepared divorce papers have sparked paranoia on the left. Don't be surprised if your screen does odd things when you click on certain stories today. - - - - -
Many of us have known people who seemed to get masochistic enjoyment from being openly deceived by people with whom they were romantically besotted. Similarly, many liberals seem to revel in Obama's lies about the Libya terrorist attacks and the glaring inconsistency between his debate declaration that he would "stand with Israel" -- an interesting choice of words since in one of his books he promised immigrant Muslims that "should the political winds shift in an ugly direction, I will stand with the Muslims." The evidence is now overwhelming that Obama and White House personnel knew virtually from the beginning that the Benghazi attack had NOTHING to do with an anti-Muslim video, it was planned terrorism. However, to this hour, admitting it is an admission that Obama's claim that Al Qaeda was defeated is an outright lie and that his whole "outreach to Islam" foreign policy is an utter failure. - - - - -
To illustrate that point ...
According to Pew Research,
the worldwide polling firm, the Obama suck-up-athon hasn't made
much of an impression on the Muslim world.
"Positive views of the U.S. in several Muslim nations slipped from 22 percent in 2008 to 19 percent in 2012. Support in both Pakistan and Jordan fell from 19 percent to 12 percent." -- The Daily Caller - - - - -
Say WHAT??! Obama's out with an advertising campaign in closely-contested Ohio that uses this tag-line to describe Romney: "He's not one of us." Just who the hell is "US?" And what would the Obamunists say if any opposing candidate ever targeted him with that label? - - - - -
Now Crazy Chrissy Matthews says Obama's losing because of "racial hatred." You mean those millions of white voters who put him in office four years ago didn't know he wasn't 100% Caucasian? - - - - -
The clueless clowns of the left
guffawed when Obama unleashed his prepared quip about the
military no longer needing bayonets or horses (gee, what
are those pointy things on the front of all those rifles?)
and totally ignored the far more pertinent fact that his
own Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, said the forthcoming
military cuts would be ... devastating.
What kind of masochist wants this fool in charge of our defense? - - - - -
Conspicuously absent from all three presidential debates: Any nonsensical blather about "climate change" A/K/A "global warming." As some of us said all along, that BS would stop when people had something real to worry about -- like making a living. - - - - -
Not likely, but possible: The election ends in a tie ... 269 electoral votes each for Obama and Romney. What happens? The House elects the president ... the senate chooses the vice-president. Conceivably we could have President Romney ... and VP Biden. - - - - -
Much of yesterday's column got lost, thanks to my internet server. Among the losses, my observation that (A) the beginning of the presidential debate was so tedious that much of the audience probably mentally tuned-out the first twenty minutes and (B) both candidates engaged in sophomoric nonsense about how we would change the course of medieval Islam by "working with the people." It's pap and crap and I'm quite sure thinking people know so. But such babble enabled Romney to evade the "war-monger" label Obama was trying to hang on him. With millions of Americans worried about a paycheck, I doubt that many really care about Syria or any other middle-eastern hell-hole, as long as no more American blood is shed trying to save a failed culture. - - - - -
Crooks just can't help themselves ... Chris Walker, a British citizen who lives outside London, told The Post he was able to make two $5 donations to President Obama’s campaign this month through its Web site while a similar attempt to give Mitt Romneycash was rejected. It is illegal to knowingly solicit or accept money from foreign citizens. Walker said he used his actual street address in England but entered Arkansas as his state with the Schenectady, NY, ZIP code of 12345. “When I did Romney’s, the payment got rejected on the grounds that the address on the card did not match the address that I entered,” he said. “Romney’s Web site wanted the code from the back of card. Barack Obama’s didn’t.” -- NY Post - - - - -
Rich Lowry of National Review summarizes the growing problem for Obama ... "All of his life he has been around people prepared to be impressed by him. President Obama once told a journalist that he believes his own bull***t. It has been his privilege to be surrounded by people who want to believe it, too. Outside this cocoon, he has shown no great ability to persuade skeptical audiences. "His make-or-break speeches on policy issues during his first term usually fizzled. He has failed to convince recalcitrant congressmen to come around on difficult legislation, or to forge relationships with them so that they'll do him favors when the chips are down. He's a glittering object to be admired from afar. "In recent weeks, his rhetoric has been less about persuading swing voters than about mocking Mitt Romney for the amusement of his easily amused crowds. They love it when he talks of Romney hunting down Big Bird, and eat up his lame coinage of 'Romnesia,' a line that could have been borrowed from a Bill Maher monologue. While he shines in front of audiences drunk on their love for him, Obama is persistently at around 47 percent in national polls -- in other words, at about the floor of what any Democrat could expect to get. So far, he failed to convince anyone to support him who wasn't already convinced." - - - - -
Are you SURE you want Obamacare? Since it's based on Britain's National Health Service, you may find this report from London's Daily Mail newspaper enlightening ... "Patients having major surgery in NHS hospitals face a much higher risk of dying than those in America, research has revealed. Doctors found that people who have treatment here are four times more likely to die than US citizens undergoing similar operations. "The most seriously ill NHS patients were seven times more likely to die than their American counterparts. Experts blame the British fatality figures on a shortage of specialists and lack of intensive care beds for post-operative recovery. They also suggest that long waiting lists mean diseases are more advanced before they are treated. "Researchers from University College London and Columbia University, in New York, studied 1,000 surgery patients at the Mount Sinai Hospital, Manhattan, and compared them to nearly 1,100 people who had similar operations at the Queen Alexandra Hospital, in Portsmouth. The results showed that just under ten per cent of British patients died in hospital afterwards compared to 2.5 per cent in America. Among the most seriously ill cases there was a seven-fold difference in the death rates." - - - - -
Thomas Sowell addresses Obama's "heroism" in the whacking of Osama bin Laden ... "Nobody tried to depict President Franklin D. Roosevelt as some kind of hero for having simply authorized the killing of Yamamoto. In that case, the only hero who was publicized was the man who shot down the plane that Yamamoto was in. Yet the killing of Osama bin Laden has been depicted as some kind of act of courage by President Obama. After bin Laden was located, why would any President not give the go-ahead to get him? "That took no courage at all. It would have been far more dangerous politically for Obama not to have given the go-ahead. Moreover, Obama hedged his bets by authorizing the admiral in charge of the operation to proceed only under various conditions. "This meant that success would be credited to Obama and failure could be blamed on the admiral -- who would join George W. Bush, Hillary Clinton and other scapegoats for Obama's failures." - - - - -
Hillary says she and Billy-Jeff "fell in love with Haiti" when they were there on their honeymoon 37 years ago (they just made a quickie trip). Now stories of corruption within their foundation to help Haitians are emerging. I've been to Haiti a couple of times, myself. Yes, if you enjoy a close-up view of endless human misery and wall-to-wall begging children (and adults), it's just wonderful. - - - - - Argus Hamilton -- "USA Today said the Dry Hollow Ranch in Texas is doing big business offering women a 'Bullets and Botox Weekend.' "Women who go there learn
handgun shooting while they get their wrinkles filled. The
Republicans may have stumbled onto a way to win California."
- - - - - And in sports ... A Greek amateur soccer team has been warned: wear those jerseys advertising your new sponsors and you'll be banned from the field. The shirts are bright pink and bear the names “Villa Erotica’’ and “Soula’s House of History.’’ Two brothels. Wonder how long before similar ads show up on Nascar racers -- especially when they run at the Las Vegas track? Or when we get advertising credits like: "The Bunny Ranch -- the Official Whorehouse of the NFL." Or the Olympics. After all, some of the committees votes -- not to say virtue -- are rumored to have been for sale for years. - - - - -
recovery from the flu (yes, I had the shot -- several weeks ago)
continues. Slowly. Medical wisdom tells me that if I get plenty
of rest and drink lots of liquids, I should be over it in about
seven days. Otherwise, it might take as long as a week.
I am reminded of the wisdom
of the irascible old coot -- perhaps my grandfather -- who was
told by a doctor that "whiskey can't cure a cold," to which he
responded, "Neither can doctors."
- - - - -
Bob submits this collection of pithy observations ...
-If God wanted us to vote, he would have given us candidates. ~Jay Leno - If we got one-tenth of what was promised to us in these State of the Union speeches, there wouldn't be any inducement to go to heaven. ~Will Rogers -Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber. ~Plato - Politicians are the same all over. They promise to build a bridge even where there is no river. ~Nikita Khrushchev - When I was a boy I was told that anybody could become President; I'm beginning to believe it. ~Clarence Darrow - Politicians are people who, when they see light at the end of the tunnel, go out and buy some more tunnel. ~John Quinton - Politics is the gentle art of getting votes from the poor and campaign funds from the rich, by promising to protect each from the other. ~Oscar Ameringer - A politician is a fellow who will lay down your life for his country.~ Texas Guinan - There ought to be one day -- just one -- when there is open season on senators. ~Will Rogers - - - - -
Jay Leno --
"So far for
Halloween, sales of Obama masks are 30% higher than sales of Mitt
Romney masks. That makes sense. I mean, what's scarier than four
more years of this economy?"
October 25 --
CBS KNEW THE TRUTH -- AND SAT ON IT ... BIG BIRD'S BIG BUX MAKING MONEY -- OFFSHORE It can't be a surprise to anyone who's
paid attention to the bloody debacle at our consulate in
Libya that Obama has been lying repeatedly since day one.
What makes it doubly depressing is that he and Hillary and
Jay Carney and Susan Rice and the whole damned crazy,
corrupt bunch are so BAD at it!
This crowd is too
stupid to even coordinate their stories so they were telling
the SAME lie.
Now CBS finally
releases the segment of an Obama interview they did the day after the attack
in which he says he already knew it to be terrorism
unrelated to some video; knew it within a few hours.
So what does that say
about CBS as a credible news source?
We know the answer to
that, don't we? They, like most other big media, colluded in
a lying cover-up to try to save this joke president's butt!
CBS has been bending the truth since the days of that
avuncular old leftist, Cronkite, right thru the Rather years
-- and obviously hasn't stopped.
- - - - -
The long-distance view of our corrupt
media ...
"Here's one thing
we can be sure of about the Benghazi affair: almost
everything we've been told since by the mainstream media is
a lie, invariably one designed to shore up the creaky and
desperate Obama administration.
"Consider how
quickly the story was spun by Obama's amen corner in the
liberal MSM. It should, according to any objective news
sense, have been a shocking tale of how a woefully
unprotected ambassador was murdered in cold blood by Al
Qaeda affiliates. Instead, it almost immediately became – of
all things – an excuse to demonstrate why Mitt Romney was
unfit to be president." -- James Delingpole, Britain's
Telegraph newspaper
Romney, of course, was correct -- and Obama was
lying in his teeth and continued to do so. As a liar, Obama
makes Nixon or Clinton look like a young George Washington.
And he's so inept at it; as a used-car salesman, he'd
- - - - -
Interesting. Carl Woodward, media icon of liberals, says Obama is lying ... er, "MISTAKEN" ... about the sequestering of funds to be cut from the military budget as of January 1. He says the military didn't request the money, but his own Defense Secretary, Leon Panetta, says it would be a disaster. - - - - -
Poor, POOR Big Bird! That mean Mr. Womney gonna STARVE you! Well, not hardly. The Washington Times did a bit of digging
and found the following:
to its 2010 tax returns, the nonprofit Sesame Workshop had
so much untaxed earnings from royalties, video sales and
merchandising that it had $110 million in investments,
including the hedge fund
and private equity
fund. Big Bird also has some offshore nest eggs. At
least some of the income from Sesame Workshop's hedge-fund
investments which would have been taxable if derived from
domestic funds goes untaxed because it was generated by offshore affiliates of
such funds."
"The plot is thickening."
"Yeth, ithn't it!"
- - - - -
The primary remaining advantage Obama has in his desperate drive to hang onto the keys to Air Force One -- and it's a big advantage -- is the utter ignorance of so many Americans. People who have no real understanding of what is going on in their country, much less the larger world. They are products of one of the most embarrassingly awful education systems in the industrialized world and, in their ignorance, easily manipulated by demagogues. - - - - -
London Dave, a longtime contributor to this
space, has found how easy it is to make illegal foreign
contributions to Obama's campaign -- which is taking them
in untold numbers. He sends me this ...
"I donated $1 on the Obama website.
British citizen. British Visa Debit card. British address.
British Bank.
"It was accepted immediately. I have no doubt I could have donated $10,000 and it would have gone through. How much SAUDI money do you think Obama got online? "Tried the same (four years ago) with McCain -- it was REJECTED. "As punishment, for the past 4 years I've received BEGGING EMAILS from Plouffe and the Gang! They're like herpes. Once infected you can't get rid of them." It's literally criminal -- expect
nothing to be done about it.
- - - -
The one TV political commercial worth watching: On Youtube ... under politics ... enter, "We Bow to Nobody." - - - - -
From Barack Obama's debate performance Monday night: "[T]he 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because, you know, the Cold War's been over for 20 years. But, Governor, when it comes to our foreign policy, you seem to want to import the foreign policies of the 1980s, just like the social policies of the 1950s and the economic policies of the 1920s." -- Barack Obama
"So he's Reagan, Eisenhower and Coolidge
all rolled into one? Sounds way too good to be true, but
one can only hope." --James Taranto, Wall Street Journal
- - - - -
I'm stocking up on Tums,
knowing that the next time I hear some mealy-mouth politician
referring to the proper way to deal with terrorists is to
"bring them to justice" I'll be prepared.
I would stand and cheer for any pol with the cojones to say,
"We'll kill the SOBs on the spot!" Perhaps adding, "After we
make 'em hurt real
As a Canadian broadcaster said, "Red is positive, black is negative -- and make sure his (testicles) are wet." - - - - -
When we learn at whose desk the repeated requests from our now-dead ambassador to Libya for more security stalled, is there a case for charging that person as an accessory to murder? No. But there should be. - - - - -
More on the
language of politicians: Ask the next ten people you
meet what the word "sequestration" means. The response will
prove to you that pols spend much of their speaking time
babbling in what, to normal people, might as well be a foreign
- - - - -
Add to words that should spring open the trap-door
over the alligator pit: "Peace process."
- - - - -
"Note to President Obama: Stop pretending you’re a
military genius. 'Commander in chief' is simply a title, not a
skill set." -- Washington Times, also pointing out that our
military does, in fact, use horses in Afghanistan terrain
inaccessible by military vehicles.
Footnote: They're also used
in military-organized processions like, for example, the funeral
of John F. Kennedy.
- - - - -
Yes, Romney erred in saying that Syria was Iran's
"opening to the sea"; the Persian/Arabian gulf is their southern
shore. I'm sure Obama will exploit that remark as he campaigns
in his 57 states. Protected, if necessary, by the U.S. Marine corpse.
- - - - -
Some Republicans seem determined to pee away a
possible Senate majority by running fools like the dope in
Missouri who has killed what appeared to be a sure Republican
win with his stupid remark about "real rape."
Now we have this idiot in
Indiana babbling about pregnancy resulting from a rape as "God's
will." Where do they GET these psychos?
If the Republican Party fails
to regain control of the Senate, the blame lies squarely upon
the morons who chose candidates like these. And at the moment,
it appears that failure to achieve that goal is near-certain.
These men should be reminded that,
especially in politics, the ancient wisdom prevails: "Better to
remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and
remove all doubt."
Personally, I am deeply suspicious
of people who claim, with ironclad certainty, to know "God's
will." It's what I'd expect to hear in a mosque.
- - - - -
Obama freakazoids are enraged that Mitt Romney
accurately described Obama's first foray abroad after taking
office as an "apology tour." Sane people need only glance at the
photos of Obama bowing and kowtowing to a parade of Muslim
tyrants to know the truth.
- - - - -
Since, in their desperation, Obama supporters are
introducing the race case as the cause for his declining
popularity, Dr. Jack Wheeler strikes back ...
"No résumé, no accomplishments, no
experience, no original ideas, no understanding of how the
economy works, no understanding of how the world works, no
balls, nothing but abstract empty rhetoric devoid of real
"He has no real identity. He is half-white, which he rejects. The rest of him is mostly Arab, which he hides but is disclosed by his non-African Arabic surname and his Arabic first and middle names as a way to triply proclaim his Arabic parentage to people in Kenya. Only a small part of him is African Black from his Luo grandmother, which he pretends he is exclusively. "What he isn't, not a genetic drop of, is 'African-American,' the descendant of enslaved Africans brought to America chained in slave ships. He hasn't a single ancestor who was a slave. Instead, his Arab ancestors were slave owners. Slave-trading was the main Arab business in East Africa for centuries until the British ended it. "Let that sink in: Obambi is not the descendant of slaves, he is the descendant of slave owners. Thus he makes the perfect Liberal Messiah." - - - - -
An inquiry from reader Phil ... "Is it my
understanding that after the last debate our foreign policy under
a second Obama
Administration will be to attack our enemies by
hiring more teachers to ride horses and attack with them
- - - - -
My friend Burt Prelutsky, longtime and highly
successful writer of hit TV shows, unloads on the two-faced
syndrome ...
"We all know that when it comes
to hypocrisy, the Left holds the copyright. Take Hollywood. If
there are two things that those in the entertainment industry
are always ready to promote, it’s public education and the
sanctity of unions. In truth, however, none of them have their
kids in public school. If they even thought about it, their
friends and colleagues in the industry would accuse them of
child abuse.
"I found it fascinating that in a
recent poll, 93% of Chicago’s public school teachers rated
themselves superior or excellent. This is in spite of 45% of
students dropping out of high school. I bet Chicago’s kids wish
the teachers graded them as generously as they grade themselves
"As for unions, why do you think
so many movies and TV shows are shot thousands of miles away
from Hollywood and Vine? The obvious answer is that they pack
their bags in order to keep the costs down by shooting in Canada
and in right-to-work states. But, then, even Michael Moore, who
passes himself off as a proud member of the proletariat, avoids
hiring union members to work on his movies, thus saving more for
"Pinheads like Juan Williams,
a/k/a Barack
Obama’s bitch, took umbrage when Newt Gingrich
suggested that food stamps provide Democrats with a convenient
way to buy black votes. Liberals inevitably point out that more
white people than black ones dine on the taxpayers’ dime.
However, the 800-pound gorilla they choose to ignore is that
while 78% of the population is white and only 12% is black, the
number of whites receiving the stamps is only twice as many. In
other words, if the percentage of whites was equal to the
percentage of blacks, instead of 46 million people dining on the
taxpayers’ dime, there would be close to 80 million freeloaders
at the trough."
- - - - -
A bottom-line
reality: If Obama, in a second term, gets the opportunity to
choose a judge to replace one of the five -- well, 4 1/2,
counting Anthony Kennedy -- conservatives (or what about Roberts?) on the
Supreme Court, shortly U.S. law will be unrecognizable, and will
never be repaired.
- - - - -
The wisdom of reader Kal Kahuna recalling historic words ... "We should seek by all means in our power to avoid war, by analysing possible causes, by trying to remove them, by discussion in a spirit of collaboration and good will." -- Neville Chamberlain, British Prime Minister/Hitler appeaser "Yeah," says Kal... "Let's just sit down with Al Queda, Taliban, Iraq et al and 'rap with them' and see what we did to piss them off so we can rectify it for them so they'll like us and we'll have peace in our time!" - - - - -
Biggest earner among dead celebrities last year: Elizabeth Taylor, who made $210 million from estate sales, perfume, movie residuals, etc. Gee, I know living people who didn't make that much! - - - - -
Eva Longoria and Jets quarterback Mark Sanchez are splitsville. I'm sure we're all stunned, shocked and amazed, since we expected them to settle down, raise a family and grow old together. Didn't we??? I take to my bed and grieve ... - - - - -
Incivility in the
news ...
The ongoing feud between two Warwick, R.I., households has
intensified, according to an August complaint. Kathy Melker and
Craig Fontaine charged that not only has neighbor Lynne Taylor
been harassing them with verbal insults and threats, but that
Taylor has now taught her cockatoo to call Ms. Melker, on sight,
a nasty two-word epithet (which rhymes with "clucking bore"). --
Jewish World Review
26 --
HOMELESSNESS UNDER OBAMA & THE MEDIA ... BIDEN & OBAMA BOTH WEAK IN GEOGRAPHY "To increase demand and lift the economy, the federal government's most useful role is not to rush into a program of excessive increases in public expenditures, but to expand the initiatives and opportunities for private expenditures." -- John F. Kennedy, Dec. 14, 1962 - - - - -
It's another first for Obama! He is now
the first presidential candidate ever to publicly use the
literal term for male bovine excrement. (Harry Truman's wife
Bess complained that it was a major task to get her husband
upgraded to "manure" -- in private).
We shouldn't be
surprised, since Obama's on-record as having told a reporter
that sometimes "I believe my own bull(bleep)."
- - - - -
Just when you think the walking obscenity in the White House has hit bottom, he finds a new low. Now he's running a tasteless commercial suggesting to women that they "do it for the first time" with ... Obama. Vote, that is, the ad belatedly announces. This is the kind of scum the Democratic Party has given the nation. - - - - -
Obama, by repeatedly -- and falsely --
emphasizing an obscure anti-Muslim video that few had seen and
which had nothing to do with the murders in Libya, undoubtedly
caused it to receive far more notice in the Islamic world than
would otherwise have been the case. Thus it's reasonable to
assume that all he achieved was to generate even more
anti-American rage among Muslim masses.
And this passes for
- - - - -
A career chronology ...
Jay Carney.
TIME magazine reporter.
Presidential Press Secretary.
Exposed serial liar. (I know. It goes with the job.)
Makes a helluva epitaph, doesn't it?
- - - - -
You may recall the incessant clamor from liberals and their media allies during the Reagan administration about the homeless. Prof. Paul Kengor, with whom I've talked many times, calls our attention to a report by the National Alliance to End Homelessness, titled "State of Homelessness in America 2012." That report provided data through the end of 2011, heading into Obama's fourth year. It listed 636,017 homeless in 2011, which is double the number of homeless under Reagan. Heard a word on the subject from the Big Media? Of course not. - - - - -
of the day from Anonymous ...
that his job is hanging by a thread, Obama's suddenly
pretending to be cozy with Israel. Take note of this item in
the Jerusalem Post ...
the US refused to walk out of Iranian President Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad’s obscene address to the UN General
Assembly last month, US Ambassador Susan Rice chose to absent
herself entirely from Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s
address before the body.“
- - - - -
How frustrating it must be for Obama and his campaign
operatives, who have built their careers on scurrilous personal
attacks undermining opponents, to be up against an adversary
who, by all accounts, has led a squeaky-clean life.
How they must have hoped for,
say, Newt Gingrich. Newt is a brilliant debater, best of the
bunch. But his personal life would have provided a banquet for
Obama and his sleaze-merchants.
- - - - -
They're losing it. First it was Biden telling an Ohio
audience about "here in Iowa" ...then Obama telling a Colorado
crowd he wanted windmills made "here in China."
- - - - -
Politicians who are perceived to be guided by polls
are often viewed with contempt.
But wouldn't Obama be much better off today if he HAD
followed the polls? Like, for example, the endless parade of
polls declare Obamacare to be highly unpopular.
- - - - -
It's snide, but I can't help it. I increasingly see
Obama as a candidate for class president who craves the
adulation of the cheerleaders who only date football players.
- - - - -
Worth considering: John Ransom's Four Reasons to Vote
Romney if you're a liberal ...
1) Romney
has successful executive experience that Obama lacks. One of
the most legitimate complaints regarding Obama is that he
doesn't know how to make decisions or even how to best utilize
the people around him.
2) Romney understands the
risks in our banking system and Obama does not. One could
take the position that Romney is a Wall Street fat cat, but
Obama's administration is filled with guys from Goldman
Sachs, etc.
3) We
cannot sustain the level of spending that has
characterized the last three decades. We can tax every
millionaire at 100% and it won't cover our spending
4) I know that many
people are worried about healthcare, and
affordability. I can assure you that ACA (Obamacare)
doesn't do anything to secure quality healthcare for us.
-- Townhall.com --
- - - - -
Colin Powell endorses Obama. Again. OOooooo! Big surprise!
Wonder if it was
the content of Obama's character that persuaded him?
- - - -
The United Nations Human Rights
council, the biggest collection of tyrants, thugs,
demagogues and all-around crazies in human history is
demanding a worldwide boycott of U.S. industries that do
business with/in Israel.
One wonders again
when Washington will have an administration with the
backbone to empty that vertical sewer on the East River in
New York, tell the parasites who infest it to get the hell
out of this country and turn the building into either luxury
condos or government housing. Either will be an improved use
of real estate.
- - - - -
More news from the lunatic fringe. Lefty crackpot groups in the U.S. invited UN observers (from some of the world's most tyrannical nations) to come "observe" our November elections to ensure that people who have no legal right do vote are allowed to do so, anyway. Texas has properly responded: "If they show up at any of our polling places, they get arrested." -
- - - -
New boss, same as old boss ...
Kim Jong-un, North Korean
dictator, son of the previous dictator who was son of the
previous dictator, is conducting the usual purge. He was
annoyed at Kim Chol, vice-minister of the army. He ordered the
man to be obliterated, with no trace of him left behind.
So they stood him in the
middle of a target and blew him to pieces with a mortar round.
- - - - -
Hamilton --
"Barack Obama's college friend claimed the president
sold cocaine back when he was in college. The story was
obviously planted by Democrats. The attacks on Mitt Romney
didn't work so now Barack Obama is trying to portray himself as
a successful businessman."
- - - - -
Early in my 25-year career at ABC San Francisco
(KGO/KSFO) I was delighted to learn that a devoted listener was
Doris Day, retired from a career that had made her the biggest
movie star in the world several years running. She listened at
her home in Carmel.
When I moved into the key 5-9AM slot on KSFO, the pre-sunrise directional pattern limited the signal in her direction and she had to have her radio right next to her in order to hear above the interference. She told me about the problem during a visit at her house. I solved her problem by sending her a radio from the C. Crane company, which specializes in high-quality radio equipment. She was delighted. It solved her problem. This comes to mind because I heard from Bob Crane, the company CEO, a few days ago. He'd been an advertiser on my program for years and expanded into more radio as his business grew. While I've always had cordial relations with most sponsors, business is business, and few of those relationships extended beyond the term of their advertising contracts. Bob is different. Since I left radio after a long career, he's kept in touch. It's very gratifying to know that some business relationships are more than "just business." - - - - -
Crime news ...
In Syracuse, New York, bank
robber Arthur Brundage approached a teller and demanded $20,000.
She gave him a handful of bills and he left. Then he counted the
money and discovered he'd been shortchanged. So, annoyed, he
returned to demand the rest.
Cops were waiting.
- - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Do you know why the president is here tonight? Do you know the real reason? To talk to NBC about canceling 'The Apprentice.' "Experts say the entire 2012 election could come down to just eight states. The states are: confusion, dismay, depression, apathy, shock, disbelief, despair, and anxiety. Those are the eight states." - - - - -
Jimmy Kimmel -- "The first lady will be a guest on our show tomorrow. I'm excited to get a chance to interview the first lady and excited about partying with her Secret Service agents after the show." - - - - -
the animal kingdom ...
writing in the journal Animal Behaviour in July hypothesized why
male pandas have sometimes been seen performing handstands near
trees. They are urinating, the scientists observed, and doing
handstands streams the urine higher on the tree, presumably
signaling their mating superiority." -- JWR
If I'd only known during my dating days
- - - - -
Dan Sorkin reminds us of the kind of rejoinder most of us remember far too late ...
A senior student said to a pretty girl reading in the university
library: "Do you mind if I sit beside you?”
The girl replied with a loud voice: "I DON'T WANT
The students in the library stared at the couple;
he was truly embarrassed. He walked away blushing.
A few minutes later, the girl
walked quietly to the senior student’s table and said: "I study
psychology and I know what a man is thinking. I guess you felt
embarrassed, right?”
The visibly angry young man
responded with a loud voice shouting: “$500 FOR ONE NIGHT?
The people in the library
looked at the girl in shock. The now smug fellow whispered
in her ear: "I study law and I know how to make someone feel
October 27 --
may be that Americans have lost -- and some never developed --
an aptitude for recognizing the putrid odor of even the most
blatant demagoguery.
The Obama campaign and fund-raising have hit previously
unexplored lows. Asking people to send (the cash equivalent of)
wedding gifts, birthday gifts, proceeds from yard sales, etc.
And now this shameless horde is asking young women voting for the first time to perform the political equivalent of giving their virginity to Barack Obama. Is their no end to the gutter politics the American public will tolerate? - - - - -
Yet another example of behavior that should have earned a punch in the mouth: Joe Biden's always had class -- all of it low. Latest example ... speaking to the father of one of the Navy Seals murdered in Benghazi, he tastefully inquired, "Did your son always have balls the size of cue balls?" Why is this creep allowed to run around loose?! - - - - -
This is a Secretary of Defense? Leon Panetta expressing his refusal to send help to our people in the Benghazi consulate who were being murdered on grounds that he wasn't sure what they could expect? Think for a moment: If our military leaders in World War 2, the last major war won decisively by the U.S., had felt the need to be certain of what troops would confront once they entered combat, would they have ever invaded any of dozens of Japanese-occupied islands, much less Anzio or D-Day or ... ? Obama's Defense Secretary chose literally to watch -- video from a drone overhead -- as Americans were murdered. Panetta is pathetic. If, as many suspect, that decision came from the White House, if Panetta had the cojones of a mouse, he'd blow the whistle. - - - - -
Is anybody else getting sick of Obama's smarmy use of "folks?" - - - - -
on medicine, money and government: Bill Cassidy is a doctor and
a Congressman from Lousiana ...
"As a practicing doctor serving in Congress, I am glad Mitt Romney and President Obama are debating Medicaid. For 20 years, I have taught and treated patients in a safety-net hospital. For 20 years, I have seen well-meaning politicians harm patient care. I see this now with Mr. Obama’s expansion of Medicaid. "Medicaid is bankrupting states and contributing to the federal debt and is associated with poor-quality care. As a doctor, I know firsthand that poor care is a particular concern. Mr. Romney’s plan to allow states to redesign their Medicaid programs with a set contribution from the federal government could set us on the right path to solving our health care problems. Mr. Obama is wrong to attack Mr. Romney for this plan. "Medicaid... rewards a state if it spends or appears to spend more, regardless of how efficient or necessary the spending is. This offers little motivation to provide more efficient and better quality care or to root out waste, fraud and abuse. "For example, New York spends about 60 percent more per Medicaid enrollee than the national average but has average to poorer overall health care outcomes. New York ranks dead last in avoidable hospital admissions. This state, with 7 percent of our country’s population, accounts for 14 percent of national Medicaid spending. This proves that more money does not necessarily increase quality." - - - - -
Obama keeps repeating the lie that Planned Parenthood does mammograms. They don't. We have to assume that he figures supporters are too dumb to know it. He's doubtless right. - - - - -
People in the Pentagon, fed up with the spineless weakling in the White House, are now saying that had forces within striking distance of Benghazi who were ready to go in and attack the jihadist murderers -- and the White House said "no." Worse: Even after all the bloodshed and turmoil in the area, Defense Secretary says our military people there "weren't prepared." WHAT?! What the hell has this collection of Muslim suck-up wimps Obama has assembled been doing??!! - - - - -
Given their disgraceful performance in assisting Obama's cover-up of the Obama debacle in Libya -- along with hundreds of other examples -- one wonders why even a person with only a cursory interest in actual events would waste time watching ABC, CBS or NBC. Anyone who does is -- and remains -- an ignoramus. - - - - -
One of Obama's bragging points is how he also "saved" Chrysler -- which now belongs to Fiat of Italy. One of Obama's strongholds in Ohio is Toledo, where Jeeps, a Chrysler product, are built. Wonder how people there took the news that Chrysler is considering moving production of Jeeps to China? - - - - -
Longtime foreign correspondent (including work for the
NY Times) Cliff May says it's time to confront reality ...
"Here are a few conclusions that should, by now, be apparent: (1) Iran's rulers collaborate with al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization with which the Obama administration says we are at war. (2) Iran's rulers, the world's leading sponsors of terrorism, do not hesitate to plot terrorism on American soil — confident they will pay no price. (3) Iran's rulers are pursuing nuclear-weapons capability and, if they achieve that goal, they will become much bolder and more dangerous. "It's time we grasped this, too: Swatting mosquitoes and shooting the occasional crocodile takes you only so far. At some point it becomes necessary to devise a strategy to drain the swamp." -- Townhall.com - - - - -
Of course
you've noticed it; how the crowds providing the background
for a candidate are as carefully staged as any movie
set. And of course
you've noticed that Obama's background crowd are almost
invariably made up totally of women and minorities.
- - - - -
high by .. er, ON ... the hog ...
"President Obama has spent far more lavishly on White House state dinners than previous chief executives, including nearly $1 million on a 2010 dinner for Mexico's president. "The Obama extravaganza two years ago for Mexican President Felipe Calderon, which included a performance by pop star Beyonce, cost $969,793, or more than $4,700 per attendee, documents show. "The Calderon dinner was held on the South Lawn in a massive tent adorned with decorated walls, hanging chandeliers, carpeting and a stage for Beyonce's performance. Guests rode private trolley cars from the White House to the tent. "The dinner for the prime minister of India -- which was famously crashed by Virginia couple Michaele and Tareq Salahi -- cost nearly half a million dollars. Dinners for Chinese Premier Hu Jintao and British Prime Minister David Cameron were of the same level of extravagance." -- Washington Examiner - - - - -
Every Republican candidate for political office at any level should be required to take this vow: "I will never mention the word 'rape' in any context other than (A) compassion for the victim and/or (B) condemnation of the perpetrator." Forgetting that basic rule will cost the party at least one and possibly two Senate seats and likely kill the chances of control of that body, in which case blame will be appropriately placed on the two bungling fools in Missouri and Indiana. - - - - -
The astute David Harsanyi assesses Obama's expressed
enthusiasm for private enterprise ...
"If you believed the free enterprise system is the mechanism of great prosperity, your crowning achievement might not be legislation that constricts competition in health care, layers it generously with regulations, institutes effective price controls, coerces participation and sets up a government board to mete out advice on rationing." - - - - -
Al Gore's cheesy little cable TV operation that was going to revolutionize journalism is for sale. It is rumored to have been watched by more than a dozen people during its existence. Of course, its advocacy has solved that golbal warming nuisance -- hasn't it? And whatever DID happen to Keith Olberman, anyway? - - - - -
been battling the flu this week. As I began to feel better,
the guilt feeling began. The guilt over missing several days
of workouts at the gym. If you're in a regular workout
regimen, you know what I mean.
my doctor, the Goddess of Pulmonology, Dr. Laura Meinke,
advised that I not rush back into my daily perspiration
production project; I should take it easy for a few more days.
I must
next ask her if I should begin drinking heavily to assuage my
- - - - -
of extinct words ...
How long
since you've read or heard the word "doxy?"
I plan to
revive it.
- - - - -
Len the haiku master with a dispatch from the rock music world ... Rolling Stones on tour. Girls aren't throwing their panties. They're throwing Depends. - - - - -
John Hawkins (Townhall.com) has compiles a list of "Things Barack Obama hates." Here's a sample ... When he has to talk to Sasha and Malia about getting in trouble at school and his teleprompter is broken. Chris Matthews for not being biased enough in his favor. Women who have concerns that go beyond government-funded abortion and birth control, gay Americans who vote on issues other than gay marriage, Hispanic Americans who think illegal immigration isn't that big of an issue, and black Americans who choose which candidate to support based on something other than phony claims of racism. People who get their news from sources other than Media Matters, MSNBC, and The New York Times. Having to take time away from golf, basketball, vacations, and fund raisers to go in to work. Israel. People who believe Presidents should be judged on their actual performance instead of on their promises. - - - - -
Hamilton --
"The White House e-mails on September 11th were leaked, identifying the al-Qaeda attack on the U.S. consulate as it happened. It had nothing to do with a mob reaction to a video as claimed by the White House. If Barack Obama had been president seventy years ago he would have blamed the attack on Pearl Harbor on an anti-Japanese newsreel. "Barack
Obama and Mitt Romney's third debate on foreign policy was even
shown on the Arab world's TV network Al Jazeera. It preempted
the network's top-rated sitcom, 'How I Met Your Camel.'"
- - - - -
Gameday! Reader Peter provides us with football insults
for just about any hated opponent ...
Ohio State's Urban Meyer on one of his players: "He doesn't know the meaning of the word fear. In fact, I just saw his grades and he doesn't know the meaning of a lot of words." Why do Tennessee fans wear orange? So they can dress that way for the game on Saturday, go hunting on Sunday, and pick up trash on Monday. What does the average Alabama player get on his SATs? Drool. How many Michigan freshmen football players does it take to change a light bulb? None. That's a sophomore course. How did the Georgia football player die from drinking milk? The cow fell on him. A Texas player had a near-tragic horseback-riding accident. He fell from a horse and was nearly trampled to death. Luckily, the manager of the Wal-Mart came out and unplugged the horse. What do you say to a University of Miami Hurricane football player dressed in a three-piece suit?" "Will the defendant please rise." If three Florida State football players are in the same car, who is driving? The police officer. How can you tell if an Auburn football player has a girlfriend? There's tobacco juice on both sides of the pickup truck. What do you get when you put 32 Arkansas cheerleaders in one room? A full set of teeth. University of Michigan Coach Brady Hoke is only going to dress half of his players for the game this week; the other half will have to dress themselves. Why did the Nebraska linebacker steal a police car? He saw "911" on the side and thought it was a Porsche. How do you get a former Missouri football player off your porch? Pay him for the pizza. - - - - -
"Today Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama for president. This news surprised many elderly Americans who thought they were the same person. October
28 --
excuses for non-action by our military on the night of the
murderous attack on our consulate in Benghazi have prominently
included "it was night and we were afraid of hitting
Another lie. Because it is now known that Navy Seal Tyrone Woods, one of the victims, was using a laser to pinpoint the targets for laser-guided munitions that could have been fired by American aircraft. But Obama chose to do nothing -- and let the Americans die. He said -- after Hillary first "took responsibility" -- that, as President he was ultimately responsible. It was an empty gesture, of course; if he were sincere he'd have the decency to resign. But the words "decency" and "Obama" don't even belong in the same book, much less the same sentence. He is what he's always been. A sly political opportunist. - - - - -
A convert from Obama to Romney explains why ... "Obama fooled me once, but not twice. I’m voting for Mitt Romney Nov. 6th. "Obama’s soaring rhetoric enticed me at first, and I agreed that a restoration of the Clinton presidency would be a bad idea. Still, I got a jolt of Messiah Alert when he said his rise marked the moment “when the planet began to heal.” "Where he totally
fooled me was his claim to be a pragmatist, not an ideologue.
He spoke of uniting the country and I believed he was capable
and sincere.
"He failed as
president because he is incompetent, dishonest and not
interested in the actual work of governing. His statist
policies helped consign millions of Americans to a lower
standard of living and his odious class warfare further
divided the nation. He had no intention of uniting the country
— it was his Big Lie.
"I don’t hate him.
But I sure as hell don’t trust him.
"As for the
desperate charge that opposition to Obama makes me a racist,
let me note that he was black when I voted for him." --
Michael Goodwin, NY Post
- - - - -
The commentator who chooses to
contribute to PJ
Media under the nom de plume, "Bookworm" has the
candidates comparison down cold; it's right out of "Leave it
to Beaver" ...
"From the moment Mitt Romney became
the presumptive Republican candidate, this election took on
the trappings of a contest between Ward Cleaver (played
by Mitt Romney) and Eddie
Haskell (played by Barack Obama). The
comparison was easy at a superficial level: Romney bears
an almost uncanny resemblance to Ward Cleaver, complete with
commanding height, combed-back black hair, square jaw, and
fatherly meme. Obama, too, is Eddie Haskell’s double since he
shares the youthful face, lanky body, and manipulative,
hustler’s demeanor.
"The character,
played in the original series by Ken Osmond, has become a
cultural reference, recognized as an archetype for insincere
sycophants. Eddie was known for his neat grooming — hiding his
shallow and sneaky character. Typically, Eddie would greet his
friends’ parents with overdone good manners and often a
compliment such as, 'That’s a lovely dress you’re wearing,
Mrs. Cleaver'” However, when no parents were around, Eddie was
always up to no good."
- - - - -
cautionary note to everyone fed up with Obama:
Do not assume that less-involved friends and neighbors are aware of the madness of this presidency. They likely get most of their "news" from the ABC-CBS-NBC axis, all of which habitually edit the news to applaud Obama and suppress unfavorable news about him. For example, witness the disgraceful "coverage" of the gross mishandling of Libya and the murders of Americans there. Or the earlier earth-shaking news of the lawsuits against Obamacare by the Catholic Church and organizations associated with it (Notre Dame University, for example) totally ignored by ABC and NBC while being given nineteen seconds on the CBS Evening News. Most of the huge, old-line (and slowly dying) newspapers exhibit the same bias. The answer to this media conspiracy is ... USE THE INTERNET! Take a few minutes each day to forward to those information-deprived folk current real information about Obama's questionable personal history and his unquestioned race toward an ultra-left, anti-American political future. The country you save may be your own. Some may be
annoyed. A small price, considering the stakes. If they do object, you're probably
better off without their insidious company, anyway.
- - - -
to be forgotten ...
We have a
prison facility within our naval base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.
It is used to house some of the worst of the worst terrorists.
Some of them were (stupidly) released and went right back to
the middle-east to continue killing Americans.
We can be
grateful that one idiotic pledge has not been fulfilled.
Despite his vow, he has not closed that facility at Gitmo.
However, plans are still afoot to do so.
The pledge
-- and the (so far) outcome -- serves two purposes. It
disappoints the leftist loonies that he didn't get it closed,
and the fact that he even suggested such a ridiculous thing
should ring loud alarm-bells to sane people.
- - - - -
Not likely, but possible: The election
ends in a tie ... 269 electoral votes each for Obama and
Romney. What happens?
The House elects the
president ... the senate chooses the vice-president.
Conceivably we could have President Romney ... and VP Biden.
- - - - -
Sign on a New York Baptist church: "Don’t
give up. Moses was once a basket case.” -- Cindy Adams, NY Post
- - - - -
life in radio ... (cont) ...
Cuba, was in turmoil. Castro had just ousted Batista. I was a
young broadcaster barely out of my teens doing both radio and
TV in Kansas City. I was young, naive and curious. I had also
overdosed on Hemingway.
I went. Flew to New Orleans ... connected with National Airlines to Miami. I was one of three passengers on the DC-7; a preview of that airlines future extinction. Stewardesses (not yet 'flight attendants') moved me up to First Class and we played cards all the way. I took a
night-flight to Havana on Cubana Airlines. It was a small
British Viscount propjet airliner; small by today's standards.
A good plane, pure and strong ... (Sorry. Wandered into some
Hemingway there ...)
Stayed at the
Havana Hilton, soon -- while I was there -- to become the
Hotel Revolucion. I was one of a handful of guests in that
beautiful hotel on the Malecon, the waterfront boulevard. The
others were mostly rich Venezuelans who came to gamble in the
still-open casino.
Castro's young lieutenants, mostly about my age, who were
doubtless staying gratis. Some were eager to talk to me and
share a beer or three, for which nobody ever paid. They
invited me to attend the daily executions of political
opponents across the harbor at Morro Castle. I declined.
suggested I could meet and interview Castro, but somehow the
meeting never materialized. Most civilians I met, whatever
they thought of the revolution, were close-mouthed about it.
For good reason -- the future was uncertain.
One day I
hired a taxi driver to take me around to all the old Hemingway
hangouts and invited him to join me for a beverage in each. He
knew his history and could tell a story. He became
increasingly congenial and slyly suggested a visit to the
still-open "women of all nations" Club Mambo on the Rancho
Boyeros highway to the airport.
I had no
interest in the commercial ladies but was curious after his
description of the lavish facilities. It was early evening.
The place was an enormous nightclub with an orchestra,
singers, lavish dinner service -- and virtually no customers.
The ladies sat in a row at the bar, varied and beautiful as
Behind the
restaurant and showroom were small cottages where customers
were entertained. A discreet sign announced that a doctor was
always in attendance and misbehavior was not condoned. We
left, to the disappointment of the ladies who were obviously
desperate for business. In earlier times, I doubt the driver
would have been allowed to enter the place.
The driver
suspected the establishment would soon close, either from lack
of customers or government decree. Shortly it did.
I had
planned to stay for only two weeks. Time passed. Each day I
was sorrowfully informed that I would not be allowed to leave
on my planned departure day. Flights were cancelled ... there
were "complications," etc. Delivered smilingly but firmly.
another ten days or so, I was informed that I would be leaving
that night. No reason why I could leave nor reason for the
delay given. I was taken to the airport -- past the now-dark
Club Mambo -- and boarded the Cubana propjet.
The plane
was packed with Cuban families eager to leave the country.
Then came a moment of unforgettable cruelty.
The plane
had taxied to the runway and was running up the engines,
preparing for takeoff, when two jeeps with soldiers aboard
raced onto the runway and stopped directly in front of the
engines shut down, the cabin door was opened and a half-dozen
armed soldiers boarded. Cuban passengers, suspecting what was
about to happen, began to scream. Women and children cried. I
was tense. Very. After being prevented from leaving for some
time, I had good reason.
soldiers bypassed me and began pulling people from their
seats, separating husbands from wives, couples from children
and forced them to the exit. The screaming was heartbreaking
and unceasing.
when the plane was about two-thirds empty, it was allowed to
depart. The weeping continued.
Like many young people on their
first trip abroad, I saved a few souvenirs I'd picked up in
Havana. When I look at them today, the memories they evoke are
a vivid reminder of how a brief stay in a newly-communist
dictatorship taught me everything I ever needed to know about
tyranny. And I will never forget the faces of a man separated
from his family and forced off the plane ... a mother's agony
at being torn away from her children ... and even children
kept behind as parents were forced to stay on the plane and
leave their children behind in the new "workers' paradise."
All of it
done in this manner for no other purpose than the sheer
cruelty of allowing people to think they were free to depart
-- then slamming the door at the last minutes, breaking up
families in the process.
Every time
I see a crazed left-wing protest -- and I saw plenty during 25
years in San Francisco -- I burn with a wish that these naive
fools could have been on Cubana Airlines that rainy night in
- - - - -
Remember Obama's "cash for clunkers" program? My friend Dick Green passes along these calculations for your consideration ... The person who developed this information is a professor at the University of West Virginia; has been for the last forty some years. He did the math. A clunker that travels 12,000 miles a year at 15 mpg uses 800 gallons of gas a year. A new vehicle that travels 12,000 miles a year at 25 mpg uses 480 gallons of gas a year. So, the average Cash for Clunkers transaction reduced gasoline consumption by 320 gallons per year. The government claims 700,000 clunkers were replaced so that is 224 million gallons saved per year. That equates to a bit over 5 million barrels of oil. 5 million barrels is about 5 hours worth of US consumption. More importantly, 5 million barrels of oil at $70 per barrel costs about $350 million dollars. So, the government paid $3 billion of our tax dollars to save $350 million. They spent $8.57 for every $1.00 they saved. I'm pretty sure they will do a much better job with our health care. Note: The $70/barrel is a distant memory; $100 is more like it these days. You can easily increase these figures by about 40% so it is more like spending $10 of your hard earned tax dollars for each $1.00 saved. Obama's green economics at work! - - - - -
Some of us make our mark in the world, be it large or modest. And then there are folk like the man in Lille, France, who was found dead in his bed. Dead for a long time. Fifteen years. And nobody had missed him. - - - - -
Argus Hamilton --
"The Rolling Stones will play London and New York to mark their fiftieth anniversary next month. They've lost none of their sex appeal. Following the announcement they had a party for Mick Jagger where friends say he was alert, he smiled and even had a little cake." - - - - -
"While he was at a diner this week in Ohio, a man told Joe Biden that he’s a good guy but a bad vice president. Which gets even worse when you hear that was the only thing President Obama said the entire lunch." October
29 --
PANETTA'S PUTRID PREVARICATIONS ... THE "M" WORD THAT NONE DARE SAY You may recall that when there was a
threat that a hurricane might hit Tampa during the
Republican convention there, some crazed Democrats deviated
from their atheism to proclaim it was God's judgment on
their enemies.
Now that it appears a
hurricane may wreak havoc on the Democrat-infested upper
East Coast, they have remarkably little to say on the
- - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "Hurricane Sandy approached the U.S. mainland carrying the possibility of making landfall along the Eastern Seaboard. They're ready for it. Thanks to the president's economic policy, many of the businesses are already boarded up." - - - - -
Leon Panetta, like many others in the Obama
Klown Kollege, is either stupid or lying. Or both. Jonah
Goldberg of National Review elucidates ...
"The secretary of
defense in his best grown-up voice says: '(The) basic
principle is that you don’t deploy forces into harm’s way
without knowing what’s going on; without having some real-time
information about what’s taking place.'
"It seems obvious
that Panetta is trying to protect Obama from responsibility
for the administration’s Benghazi response.
"There are two
problems bigger problems with the Panetta doctrine. First,
Panetta says they didn’t have real-time information. Uh, if
having a live video feed and real-time reports from assets on
the ground for hours doesn’t count as real-time
information, what does? And if, as rumors suggest, the drones
monitoring the situation were armed, the idea that the
administration was trying to avoid some kind of 'black hawk
down' situation seems incomprehensible. (Ed. note: drones are,
by definition, unmanned.)
"Which brings us to the second, I think bigger, problem with the
Panetta doctrine. If the circumstances in Libya didn’t meet the
'enough information' threshold for a rescue attempt or some
other form of intervention, then what does?"- - - - -
the election comes down to this: We don't know if Mitt Romney can or
will be able to carry thru his plans to repair our wretched
We do know that Obama
has had four years, the first two with Democrat control of
both houses of Congress, and only made matters worse.
foreign policy bungling and outrageous lying aside, the
economic considerations alone makes this a slam-dunk election
for rational people. Of course, specifying "rational" doesn't
guarantee a win.
- - - - -
Nonie Darwish is President of Former Muslims United. She lived in the middle-east (Egypt) and she knows the culture. This is an excerpt from her contribution to The American Thinker. I recommend you read the entire article on their website ... "Both Sharia and socialism are united in their envy of Western society and need to change it. That is why Obama has become the savior of both Islam and socialism. He embodies both ideologies. The claim that Obama is a Christian was a silly joke, but a necessary lie for the greater cause of changing America to fit the goals of both creeds. "To do that, Obama had to deny who he really was, which explains why his actions and words have never added up. At the recent Alfred E. Smith Catholic Charity dinner speech, Obama did not seem to be just kidding when he said that Romney uses his middle name Mitt and "I wish I could use my middle name." Obama was referring, of course, to his Islamic middle name of Hussein. In Obama's mind, he was not ashamed for having deceived America -- he blamed America for putting him in the position of having to deny his true pride in his middle name. "That brings us to an important discovery ...close-up photos of a ring still worn by Obama today in the White House, one that he has worn since his visit to Pakistan as a young man. The ring, which later also became his wedding ring, has very tiny and discrete Arabic calligraphy that means nothing to Americans, but to Arabic-speaking people like myself and Dr. Mark Gabriel, means quite a lot. Such Islamic calligraphy is commonly found throughout the gold markets of the Muslim world. I can clearly see on the ring the word 'La Ilaha IllaAllah. ('There is no god but god). "The only explanation for Obama's exciting ring secret is that he is a closet Muslim and feels that he can serve Islam best if he denies his being a Muslim for the purpose of a higher aspiration to serve the Muslim world from the White House, in Islamic terms the 'higher jihad.' "Obama has no problem whatsoever in lying for the sake of 'Hope and Change' since lying about being a Muslim in a majority non-Muslim country is allowed under Islam." I have talked with Ms. Darwish for extended periods on several occasions. I believe her to be entirely credible. - - - - -
yet another generation learning the painful lesson that
"change" isn't always for the better; that it is possible to jump out of
the frying pan and into the fire?
- - - - -
Jay Leno's great idea for an inexpensive Halloween party costume ... Wear a "Re-elect Obama" button and go as a journalist. - - - - -
Whatever the outcome of the election, won't it be nice to go days at a time with not a word uttered about Ohio? -- Except, of course, when the Ohio State football team plays. - - - - -
screenwriter Burt Prelutsky takes on Obama's lame attempt to
make Big Bird an object of pity ...
Obama and his liberal enablers refuse to explain is why an
outfit as rich as PBS requires a federal subsidy, financed with
money borrowed from China. To suggest that PBS is any more
educational than the Discovery channel or the History channel or
Turner Classic Movies, for that matter, is absurd.
"If PBS is so absolutely essential to American culture, I say let the same goofballs who are donating hundreds of millions of dollars to Obama’s re-election campaign send their checks to Big Bird, c/o Sesame Street. He can then further feather his extremely plush nest, proving once again that fowls and their money will soon be parted." - - - - -
"I'm a big Tom Kaine fan!" -- Joe Biden, speaking on behalf of the Democrat candidate for the U.S. Senate in Virginia. The man's name is TIM Kaine. And Joe Biden is a raving lunatic. - - - - -
Peter offers this suggestion re Obama spokesparrot/liar Jay Carney ... "He and his idiot predecessor deserve to share the Joseph Goebbels award for journalistic integrity." - - - - -
In the most meaningless poll yet published the (British taxpayer-supported) BBC in Britain is out with a survey purporting to show that people in many foreign countries support Obama over Romney, about whom virtually none know anything. Nevertheless, when his panicky nerves act up, it must be comforting for Obama to know he has overwhelming support in places like Indonesia, Kenya, Nigeria, etc. Perhaps he has a political future in one of those oases. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "According to the latest poll, 80 percent of the people polled are sick and tired of hearing about the latest polls." - - - - -
anybody truly surprise to learn that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.,
freeloaded over a million dollars worth of stuff and services
in the renovating of the house he owned with his late wife who
committed suicide ... and now plans to sell at a huge profit?
After all, he's a
Kennedy ... and Kennedy's don't actually pay for things.
- - - - -
marches on, as the New York Times reports ...
least two teams of Swiss researchers are developing tools that
can improve farmers' efficiency and reduce the need for
shepherds. The research group Kora has begun outfitting sheep
with heart rate monitors that, when predators approach, register
blood-pressure spikes that are texted to the shepherd, summoning
him to the scene.
inefficiency is cow farmers' frequent needs to locate and
examine cows that might be in heat, but professors at a Bern
technical college are testing placing thermometers in cows'
genitals, with text messages alerting the farmer that a specific
cow is ready for mating. (Since most insemination is done
artificially, farmers can reduce the supply of refrigerated bull
semen they need to keep in inventory.)"
And how much do you keep in your refrigerator? Better
check ...
- - - - -
to Charlie
Rose: Call your embalmer. You're entitled to a
- - - - -
In honor of the Strolling Bones' 50th anniversary tour, Len the haiku master offers this ... Rolling Stones on tour. Girls aren't throwing their panties. They're throwing Depends. - - - - -
Stockton, California, high school teacher Heidi Kaeslin of Lincoln HS says she shouldn't be fired; says she broke no laws by appearing on soft-core websites Teachertitties.com and Mysluttyteachers.com. Ms. Kaeslin is 36. Years. October
30 --
good at it, I'd be spending my days at the racetrack betting on
horses. But I'll venture two -- actually, one and one-half.
The one-half is
this: If Romney
wins, it'll probably be by a landslide in the electoral vote. In
other words, he'll win big, or not at all.
The full-size
prediction is this: Republicans won't regain control of the
Senate and Romney's fellow Mormon Harry Reid will do everything
in his considerable power to stymie him at every turn out of
sheer spite. It'll be ugly.
Don't bet your
house on either of these attempts at soothsaying, but if they
come about, remember: you heard it here. Conversely, if neither
happens, have the decency never to mention it again.
- - - - -
Is it only coincidence that Obama
relieved a top Army general and Navy admiral of their
commands during the Benghazi crisis? What's behind
(multiple) reports the general was fired because he was
prepared to rush help to the Americans under attack at the
U.S. Consulate and was ordered not to do so?
Congress had damned
well better get to the bottom of this, because it smells
suspiciously like a purge of top military commanders and a
rush to replace them with politicized officers. A
potentially very ominous
situation, as the most cursory look at history will
- - - - -
The line was first used in a snide
Democrat attack-ad aimed at General David Petraeus
when he commanded U.S. forces in Afghanistan. Given the
murky cloud created by the Obama administration regarding
the Benghazi murders and the disparities between his public
statements and those he gave to Congress, maybe it's time
again to ask the question of the general in his present role
as head of the CIA, appointed by Obama: Did Petraeus ...
betray us?
- - - - -
Thomas Sowell's view of the
media-assisted Obama coverup of the bungling in Benghazi ...
only did the Obama administration keep repeating the false
story about an anti-Islamic video being the cause of a riot
that turned violent, the man who produced that video was
tracked down and arrested, creating a media distraction. All
this kept the video story front and center, with the actions
and inactions of the Obama administration kept in the
"From the time it took
office, the Obama administration has sought to suppress the very
concept of a "war on terror" or the terrorists' war on us. "The
painful farce of calling the Fort Hood murders 'workplace
violence,' instead of a terrorist attack in our midst, shows how
far the Obama administration would go to downplay the dangers of
Islamic extremist terrorism." -- Investors Business Daily"Much of the social history of the western world
over the past three decades has been a history of replacing
what worked with what sounded good." -- Thomas Sowell
- - - - -
Bolton, former U.S. ambassador to the UN ...
"Misjudging Obama’s future by giving him the Peace
Prize has proven embarrassing to the Nobel committee. Obama’s
failures, tragically exemplified by the murderous September 11
terrorist attack in Benghazi, will be his presidency’s real
foreign-policy legacy.
"Withdrawing American strength from global hot spots, slashing
defense budgets and debilitating reductions in US military
capabilities, and Obama’s unwillingness to defend American
interests and values, will not leave a more peaceful world but a
more insecure one.
"That’s why Obama and the Nobel Committee are wrong. Both
believe that American strength is provocative and unsettling to
international peace and security, but in fact the exact opposite
is true. American weakness is provocative and unsettling, and we
have a very weak president indeed." -- NY Post
- - - - -
Timeless wisdom from the timeless Burt
Prelutsky ...
"One of the problems with Democrats is that they still believe, as they did during the frostiest days of the Cold War, that a unilaterally disarmed America sets an example that will be copied by our enemies. It was idiotic when our enemy was the Soviet Union, an evil empire that had already gobbled up all of Eastern Europe, and it is no less idiotic when we have to deal with enemies in North Korea, the Islamic world and a Russia governed by a neo-Stalinist like Vladimir Putin, who learned everything he knows about diplomacy while heading up the KGB." - - - - -
- - - - -
Welch of Reason magazine is blunt ...
"Do you vote for presidents who repeatedly lie to you?
I don’t.
"President Obama lied
in his 2010 State of the Union Address when he said his
administration had 'excluded lobbyists from policymaking jobs'
(in fact, he had 40 ex-lobbyists then, and 54 now).
"He lied that year when he said “We are on the path to cutting
our deficits in half,” and he’s lying this year when he says his
new plan would cut the deficit by $4.3 trillion (more like $2
"Obama lied when
he said his signature health-care plan represented a triumph of
the little man over special interests (it was precisely the
opposite). He lied when he said the Congressional Budget Office
concluded that ObamaCare would reduce the deficit by $1 trillion
(it’s complicated, but no), and he, uh, forecast incorrectly
when he insisted that the typical family’s insurance premiums
would go down $2,500 a year (they have instead gone up).
"The administration’s reaction to the deadly Sept. 11 attack in
Benghazi — lie, lie, lie and lie." -- NY Post
- - - - -
Irony bites. Even as the leftist propaganda organ New York Times was telling it's readers that the economy was improving, they had to tell investors that their earnings for the last quarter were down by 85%. Apparently their own reporters and columnists missed that story. - - - - -
by the ratings, die by the ratings." Everyone in broadcasting
(and cable-casting, which is not broadcasting
because it doesn't go out over the air) knows that's the way
the business works.
Anderson Cooper,
whose talk-show was supposed to be the wave of the future, has
had it cancelled. There'll be no third season.
- - - - -
Argus Hamilton -- "A Brazilian college co-ed sold her virginity to the highest bidder in an online auction for seven hundred and eighty thousand dollars. She's currently in her third year in college. If she's not majoring in Political Science, this girl is missing her true calling." - - - - -
Was there really a World Series? It went by so fast, I barely noticed. I hear the Giants beat the Detroit Tabby-kittens. Our
local college football team, the University of Arizona
Wildcats, have even relative newcomers like me (eleven years)
fired up. The local lads (okay, many are from Texas and
California, but wisely chose Tucson to as a venue to display
their skills) ate USC's lunch Saturday.
Had it not
been for utterly stupid coaching in the last four minutes of
the overtime loss to Stanford (Rich Rodriguez tried to run out
the clock too early, then made the standard mistake of playing
"prevent" defense) they'd have six wins, including one over
powerful Oklahoma State and be in line for a major bowl bid.
If I were a university athletic director, I'd have it written
into a coach's contract: "If you ever use the ill-named
"prevent" defense in any situation other than a totally
locked-up win , clean out your desk and leave. YOU ... ARE ...
FIRED!"Then there are the Arizona Cardinals, whose clock was -- as expected -- cleaned last night by the 49'ers. All the Cardinals need to become a contender are (A) a coach, (B) a quarterback and (C) two offensive tackles. None of which they have. Larry Fitzgerald is the best receiver in football, but he's all the offense they have or are likely to have, so long as the accursed Bidwill family owns the team. They got lucky once with Kurt Warner; another miracle is highly improbable. - - - - -
Also in sports ... Mark Sanchez of the Jets is like many high-draft-choice quarterbacks before him from powerhouse programs like USC, Notre Dame, Texas, Florida, et al. Their college teams were so overpowering they made the glamour boys look better than they really were. The tough-guy pros unmasked them. And yes, I do remember a Notre Dame QB named Joe Montana. He was so lightly regarded by the scouts that he wasn't drafted until late in the third round ... the 82nd player chosen. Tom Brady was chosen very late in the draft. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "Here is something scary. They found 42 dead bats. You know where? The Detroit Tigers dugout." - - - - -
Gene contributes this touching little tale ...
Teacher asks the kids in class: "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Lil' Johnny: "I wanna be a billionaire, going to the most expensive clubs, take out the best bitch, give her a Ferrari worth over a million bucks, an apartment in Copacabana, a mansion in Paris, a jet to travel through Europe, an Infinite Visa Card and to make love to her three times a day". The teacher, shocked, and not knowing what to do with the bad behavior of the child, decides not to give importance to what he said and continues the lesson: "And you, Tanya, what do you want to be?" "I wanna be Lil' Johnny's bitch."
now Gen. Carter Ham, the general who was in charge of U.S.
forces in the region encompassing Libya and who was reportedly
relieved of command when he prepared to send help to the
Americans under attack at the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi how
now suddenly ... retired?
Now we can
wonder if an inactive Gen. Ham will have more to tell us about
the events of 9/11 than we've heard from the Obama Liars Club.
Of course,
it would only occur to a cynic to even consider the
possibility that the General's retirement benefits might be
threatened if he spoke out.
- - - - -
It never fails. After every natural disaster, some mush-brained liberal pronounces that the necessary rebuilding will be "good for the economy." Follow that "logic" to its inevitable conclusion and one can only assume that if we really want an economic boom, we should destroy the whole country. - - - - -
I used to live in hurricane country.
Miami. I don't know a lot of things, but I do know this: When
the weather dudes and dudesses -- the real ones, not the
refugees from Hooters -- tell you to get out ... GET OUT!
And why in the
name of Poseidon did the captain of that "Bounty" replica decide
to sail into a hurricane?!
- - - - -
back. In his 2008 campaign, Obama clearly stated that his goal
was to "fundamentally change" the United States. If a
militarily weakened, bankrupt nation sliding toward socialism
with an overdeveloped tolerance for the madness of Islam isn't
"fundamental change," then what is?
It must be
admitted: He kept his promise.
- - - - -
They may
be a manifestation of paranoia, they may be substantive, but
there are rumors that Obama's working on a secret deal with Iran
in which they'd make a bogus announcement that they've suspended
or shut-down their nuclear weapons program in exchange for a
reduction of sanctions against them. The purpose being to get
Obama re-elected, whereupon Iran would go right back to
business-as-usual; i.e., building nuclear weapons.
- - - - -
How painful it must be for National
Public Radio, the taxpayer-funded campaign arm of the Democratic
Party, to report that their own polling now finds Romney ahead
of their idol.
- - - - -
Richard Cohen, columnist for the liberal
Washington Post and a liberal's liberal himself, expresses the
angst many Democrats are feeling about their affirmative-action
president ...
" ... somewhere
between the campaign and the White House itself, Obama got lost.
It turned out he had no cause at all. Expanding health insurance
was Hillary Clinton’s longtime goal, and even after Obama
adopted it, he never argued for it with any fervor. In an
unfairly mocked campaign speech, he promised to slow the rise of
the oceans and begin to heal the planet. But when he took
office, climate change was abandoned — too much trouble, too
much opposition. His eloquence, it turned out, was reserved for
campaigning. Obama never espoused a cause bigger than his own
political survival."
- - - - -
There is an endless parade of fools
willing to believe that socialism is the great leveler, a
guarantee of equality for all and assorted other bits of
juvenile nonsense. One can only wonder what these naive children
think when the left-wing New York Times finds that Wen Jiabao,
honcho of the workers' paradise, the People's Republic of China,
has put together a personal stash of $2.7 billion dollars.
- - - - -
Several days ago, North Korea's new
dictator, Kim
Jong Un, had one of his nation's top military
leaders executed by blowing him up with a mortar shell.
Now, rumors abound
that Kim, himself, hasn't been seen lately. Curious folk may
wonder if the other generals have had an awakening of their
own survival instincts awakened and possibly the new Dear
Leader has been "terminated with extreme prejudice." (I
appreciate the opportunity to use that old CIA Cold War
- - - - -
Ledeen (PJ
Media) addresses the continuing decline of
civilization, American style, under the Obama rabble ...
"Rude, insulting language about Romney (“bullsh****r)
from the president. Vulgar sexual innuendo, aimed at
seducing young women to vote for him. The vice president
asking a bereaved parent about the size of his murdered son’s
testicles. It’s quite a spectacle. We’re a fractious
people, and our politics have always been full of colorful
language, but I can’t recall the current depth of vulgarity.
"First, it bespeaks a coarsening of public language. No
surprise there (Romney’s gentlemanlyness is more surprising, in
fact); for a long time our movies and television have
abandoned the rules that banned certain words and phrases.
Still, until recently, our political leaders have avoided such
vulgarities, at least in their public rhetoric. No more,
at least at the highest level of the current Democrat Party.
"Second, it shows the shrinking vocabulary of our
political life. There are plenty of usable and powerful
synonyms of “buls*****r,” but a graduate of Harvard Law School
didn’t have any of them on the tip of his tongue. Or
perhaps he just preferred the vulgarity."- - - - -
The comedy never stops ... Now Jesse Jackson is campaigning for Obama. Only a few of us party-poopers will recall that four-plus years ago he was overheard -- and recorded -- while awaiting a TV interview saying to a seatmate -- and speaking of the nominee-to-be -- that he'd like to "cut his nuts off." - - - - -
Goldberg may be prescient with his comment about a couple of
boobs who could cost their party control of the Senate and leave
it in the hands of Harry Reid ...
"I'm not a fan of our president and am hoping Mitt Romney wins
the election in a few days. But more than a few times
— actually a lot more than a few times — I'm embarrassed by how
dumb some of the anti-Obama conservatives can be. They give
liberals ammo to say we're all that way.
"Remember that idiotic comment by Republican Todd Akin who is running for the U.S. Senate from Missouri — the comment about 'legitimate rape.' Thanks to that doofus the Democrats will almost certainly hang on to their seat in Missouri, possibly depriving Republicans of a majority in the Senate. "Then came another religious right genius — Republican Richard Murdock who's running for the Senate from Indiana. The other day he said, 'I think even when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that it is something that God intended to happen.' "I know what he means about human life being sacred and the fetus being innocent and all that. But, sorry, the comment comes off as really, really dopey. It didn't help that he's the only Senate candidate Romney made a commercial for." - - - - -
The DC Caller has this startling news ...
percent of Americans inexplicably think that President Barack
Obama is Jewish, according to a new poll. A survey commissioned
by the Associated Press and conducted by GfK asked respondents
to identify Obama’s religion from a list of possibilities.
Thirty five percent said Obama had no religion, 28 percent
correctly identified Obama as a protestant Christian, another 28
percent declined to answer, 18 percent said he was Jewish, 10
percent said he was Muslim and five percent said he was
Some of these people
undoubtedly vote.
Tremble in fear
for the nation.
- - - - -
Survey says ...
percent (76%) of Americans think their fellow citizens are
becoming ruder and less civilized." -- (Rasmussen)
For one example,
consider the behavior of people on airlines, where certain
standards of dress and civility were long observed.
No more. Slobs
abound, even in First Class where jackets and ties were once
required of male passengers and grown-up dress by women and
It's hard to
decide which came first; boorish behavior by passengers or
treatment of this customers like cattle on the part of airline
- - - - -
Hamilton --
state voters may legalize and tax marijuana in the upcoming
November election. Tons of pot are grown in federal park lands
in the Pacific Northwest. The feds noticed the problem when
large groups of bears began following the Dave Matthews band."
- - - - -
He's just
hopelessly romantic. That would be the Jacksonville, Florida,
guy who was busted by the cops for stealing flowers off a grave.
Said he planned to give them to his girlfriend.
- - - - -
In Yacuiba, Bolivia, three men burst into a radio studio where the talk-show host was doing a program, splashed gasoline around and set the place on fire. The host has second-degree burns, but will recover. I did a talk-show for many years from the World Capital of Crazies, San Francisco, but that tops anything I ever experienced. Of course, we did have security. My personal record for death-threats was eight in one three-hour program. - - - - -
Jay Leno -- "The Giants swept the Tigers four straight to win the World Series. The last time a Tiger took a beating this bad, he had a nine-iron through the back window of his Escalade." |
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radiorodgers1@yahoo.com |